zombs.io user scripts // ==UserScript== // @name |TC|Auto Upgrage + Auto Sell + Auto Harvester + MORE !!! // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description go to scripts its the best // @author Kurt // @match http://zombs.io/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== window.addEventListener("load", function(e) { zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts var menu = document.getElementsByClassName("hud-menu-scripts")[0]; var AHRC_html = `

Enable AHRC!

`; var SELLALL_html = `

Enable Sell All!

`; var UPGRADEALL_html = `
zombs.io user scripts How to get it? zombs.io user scripts

Enable Upgrade All!

`; menu.innerHTML += AHRC_html; menu.innerHTML += SELLALL_html; menu.innerHTML += UPGRADEALL_html; var css = ` `; function REFUEL() { var entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities; for(var uid in entities) { if(!entities.hasOwnProperty(uid)) continue; var obj = entities[uid]; zombs.io user scripts PasteShr zombs.io user scripts if(obj.fromTick.model == "Harvester") { let e = Game.currentGame.world.getEntityByUid(obj.fromTick.uid).getTargetTick(); let i = Math.floor(e.depositMax); Game.currentGame.network.sendRpc({ name: "AddDepositToHarvester", uid: obj.fromTick.uid, deposit: i }); } } zombs.io user scripts PasteShr zombs.io user scripts } function COLLECT() { var entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities; for(var uid in entities) { if(!entities.hasOwnProperty(uid)) continue; var obj = entities[uid]; if(obj.fromTick.model == "Harvester") { Game.currentGame.network.sendRpc({ name: "CollectHarvester", zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts uid: obj.fromTick.uid }); } } } function SELLALL() { var entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities; for(var uid in entities) { if(!entities.hasOwnProperty(uid)) continue; zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts var obj = entities[uid]; if(obj.fromTick.model !== "GoldStash") { Game.currentGame.network.sendRpc({ name: "DeleteBuilding", uid: obj.fromTick.uid }); } } } zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts function UPGRADEALL() { var entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities; for(var uid in entities) { if(!entities.hasOwnProperty(uid)) continue; var obj = entities[uid]; if(obj.fromTick.model !== "GoldStash") { Game.currentGame.network.sendRpc({ name: "UpgradeBuilding", uid: obj.fromTick.uid }); zombs.io user scripts PasteShr zombs.io user scripts } } } function UPGRADESTASH() { var entities = Game.currentGame.world.entities; for(var uid in entities) { if(!entities.hasOwnProperty(uid)) continue; var obj = entities[uid]; if(obj.fromTick.model == "GoldStash") { zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts Game.currentGame.network.sendRpc({ name: "UpgradeBuilding", uid: obj.fromTick.uid }); } } } var enableAHRC = document.getElementsByClassName("AHRCbtn")[0]; var enableAHRCTxt = document.getElementsByClassName("AHRCtxt")[0]; zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts var id = null; enableAHRC.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if(enableAHRCTxt.innerText == "Enable AHRC!") { id = setInterval(function() { COLLECT(); REFUEL(); }, 1000); enableAHRCTxt.innerText = "Disable AHRC!"; } else { enableAHRCTxt.innerText = "Enable AHRC!"; zombs.io user scripts How to get it for free? zombs.io user scripts clearInterval(id); id = null; } }); document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", css); enableAHRC.classList.add("bttn-dark"); var enableSELLALL = document.getElementsByClassName("SELLALLbtn")[0]; var enableSELLALLTxt = document.getElementsByClassName("SELLALLtxt")[0]; zombs.io user scripts How to get it for free? zombs.io user scripts enableSELLALL.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if(enableSELLALLTxt.innerText == "Enable Sell All!") { id = setInterval(function() { SELLALL(); }, 1); enableSELLALLTxt.innerText = "Disable Sell All!"; } else { enableSELLALLTxt.innerText = "Enable Sell All!"; clearInterval(id); id = null; zombs.io user scripts PasteShr zombs.io user scripts } }); document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", css); enableSELLALL.classList.add("bttn-dark"); var enableUPGRADEALL = document.getElementsByClassName("UPGRADEALLbtn")[0]; var enableUPGRADEALLTxt = document.getElementsByClassName("UPGRADEALLtxt")[0]; enableUPGRADEALL.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if(enableUPGRADEALLTxt.innerText == "Enable Upgrade All!") { zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts id = setInterval(function() { UPGRADEALL(); UPGRADESTASH(); }, 1); enableUPGRADEALLTxt.innerText = "Disable Upgrade All!"; } else { enableUPGRADEALLTxt.innerText = "Enable Upgrade All!"; clearInterval(id); id = null; } zombs.io user scripts How to get it for free? zombs.io user scripts }); document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", css); enableUPGRADEALL.classList.add("bttn-dark"); }); (function() { let styles = document.createTextNode(` .hud-menu-scripts { display: none; position: fixed; zombs.io user scripts How to dowload it? zombs.io user scripts top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 920px; height: 580px; margin: -350px 0 0 -460px; padding: 20px 340px 20px 20px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); color: #eee; border-radius: 4px; z-index: 15; zombs.io user scripts How to get it for free? zombs.io user scripts } .hud-menu-icons .hud-menu-icon[data-type=Scripts]::before { background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/Igqp5Pc.png'); `); let css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; css.appendChild(styles); document.body.appendChild(css); let menu_html = "
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`; this.appendChild(theTooltip) theTooltip.style.top = "-10px"; theTooltip.style.bottom = 0 zombs.io user scripts How to get it? zombs.io user scripts theTooltip.style.left = "-96.4px"; theTooltip.style.right = 0; theTooltip.style.width = "78.5px"; theTooltip.style.fontSize = "16.7px"; theTooltip.style.fontWeight = "bold"; theTooltip.style.position = "relative"; theTooltip.style.textIndent = 0; } function onMenuItemLeave() { zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts this.removeChild(document.getElementById("hud-tooltip")); } document.getElementsByClassName('hud-menu-icon')[3].addEventListener("click", function(e) { if(menu_scripts.style.display == "none") { menu_scripts.style.display = "block"; for(var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { menus[i].style.display = "none"; } } else { zombs.io user scripts How to use it? zombs.io user scripts menu_scripts.style.display = "none"; } }); let icons = document.getElementsByClassName("hud-menu-icon"); let menu_icons = [ icons[0], icons[1], icons[2] ] menu_icons.forEach(function(elem) { zombs.io user scripts PasteShr zombs.io user scripts elem.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if(menu_scripts.style.display == "block") { menu_scripts.style.display = "none"; } }) }) window.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) { if(event.target !== menu_scripts && event.target.parentNode !== menu_scripts) { menu_scripts.style.display = 'none'; } zombs.io user scripts How to get it? zombs.io user scripts }) })(); zombs.io user scripts