xtramath cheat //DEOBFUSCATED CODE FROM XPEPPERMINTX2000 (i also added some stuff) //DEOBFUSCATED MOSTLY BY HAND, SOME ASSISTANCE FROM REGEX AND STUFF //MOST OF CREDIT GOES TO XPEPPERMINTX ALTHOUGH I MADE THE CHEAT A LOT BETTER /*I made it get 100% of answers right (xpepper wasn't that good at it obv, bc i made it way better in like 10 mins to where it gets none wrong)*/ var loaded; var buttonelem; var currentAnswer; function getAns() { var op1 = getNonEmpty(document.getElementsByClassName("operand1")); var num1 = parseInt(op1); var op2 = getNonEmpty(document.getElementsByClassName("operand2")); xtramath cheat How to use it? xtramath cheat var num2 = parseInt(op2); var op = getNonEmpty(document.getElementsByClassName("operator")); return solveEquation(num1, num2, op).toString(); } function solveEquation(iY, iZ, j0) { if (j0 === "+") { return iY + iZ; } else if (j0 === "-") { return iY - iZ; } else if (j0 === "*" || j0 === "×") { xtramath cheat How to dowload it? xtramath cheat return iY * iZ; } else if (j0 === "/" || j0 === "÷") { return iY / iZ; } } function getNonEmpty(jO) { for (var i = 0; i < jO.length; i++) { if (jO[i].innerHTML !== "") { return jO[i].innerHTML; } xtramath cheat How to get it for free? xtramath cheat } } function loadCheat() { if (loaded) { return; } document.querySelectorAll("div.key").forEach(elem => { elem.setAttribute("data-value", getAns().charAt(typedLen())); }); function typedLen(){return document.querySelector(".user_answer").innerText.length;} xtramath cheat How to dowload it? xtramath cheat document.querySelectorAll("div.key").forEach(elem => { elem.addEventListener("click", () => { document.querySelectorAll("div.key").forEach(elem => { elem.setAttribute("data-value", getAns().charAt(typedLen())); }); }); }); loaded = true; document.getElementById("1weUFndUhy").remove(); } xtramath cheat PasteShr xtramath cheat function startCheat() { var cheatDiv = document.createElement("div"); cheatDiv.id = "1weUFndUhy"; cheatDiv.style.position = "fixed"; cheatDiv.style.height = "auto"; cheatDiv.style.width = "280px"; cheatDiv.style.marginLeft = "-140px"; cheatDiv.style.top = "0"; cheatDiv.style.left = "50%"; cheatDiv.style.padding = "5px 10px"; xtramath cheat PasteShr xtramath cheat cheatDiv.style.zIndex = 2001; cheatDiv.style.fontSize = "12px"; cheatDiv.style.color = "#222"; cheatDiv.style.backgroundColor = "#f99"; cheatDiv.innerHTML = `

xPepperMintx2000 Xtramath cheat v4.0 loaded!


Open the keypad and click the activate button below. Then click on any of the keypad buttons. It will enter the correct answer. Please be slow when clicking on the buttons the cheat takes time to run. Do not click the bookmark again. It will break the cheat.


If the cheat doesn't work, click here to check for an update.

`; buttonelem = document.createElement("button"); buttonelem.addEventListener("click", () => { loadCheat(); }); buttonelem.innerHTML = "Activate!"; xtramath cheat How to get it for free? xtramath cheat document.body.appendChild(cheatDiv); cheatDiv.appendChild(buttonelem); } if(window.location.href.startsWith("https://xtramath.org/#")){startCheat();} xtramath cheat