why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth https://quizlet.com/153187408/ga-ccgps-english-language-arts-9-a-cr-quizes-for-unit-test-1-flash-cards/ (d)Read the paragraph from Sora�s narrative essay. That day after practice, I was frustrated and stomped home. In fact, I�m embarrassed to say I sulked for the rest of the day. Then my stubborn streak kicked in, and I decided that failure wasn�t an option. I practiced regularly until the day came when I was able to consistently hit the ball. Which sentence from the paragraph best supports the conclusion that this paragraph belongs in the middle of Sora�s essay? (b)Read the sentence. Returning home from the trip, we peeled off our sodden coats, dropped all of our suitcases on the floor, and headed for the kitchen in the back. Which part of the sentence uses description to hold the reader�s interest? (a)When planning a narrative essay, the writer should order events so that the is developed in the middle of the essay. (c)When planning his narrative essay, should Noam include a section about how his experience affected him? (b)Read the paraphrase of the story Henrique wrote. The soldiers walked through the rain as they approached the canyon. They�d been traveling for days to reach the dragon�s lair. Finally they arrived. Then the dragon approached, and it roared. Yet, the soldiers faced off with the dragon, despite the noise. Which is the best critique explaining why Henrique should revise the paraphrase? (b)Read the paragraph from Viktoria�s narrative essay. As I read the rules, I became even more nervous. Fifty artists had been accepted to the competition. Each artist would have just three hours to create a painting. The topic of the painting would be revealed right before the artists would be allowed to start, so there was no chance I could brainstorm ideas ahead of time. Why would Viktoria most likely include this paragraph in the middle of her essay? (b)Read the passage that Gabriel wrote for his narrative essay. Once we arrived at the local pool, I looked around to see who else was there. Normally, I would have found the kids frolicking and splashing in the water hilarious, but not today. They were cute, but the fact that they were half my age and swimming around like so many ducks just made me feel worse. �You nervous?� my mom asked. I swallowed the lump in my throat. �Not really,� I mumbled, trying to hide my shaking hands in my pockets. I don�t think I fooled my mom, but she didn�t comment on the fact that I looked a little green. Instead, she tried to encourage me, saying, �Well, I think it�s really impressive that you�re going to confront your fear of water and learn to swim.� What is the most likely reason Gabriel chose to write his essay with this point of view? (c)Read the passage. Maya stared in dismay at the table strewn with textbooks and notes, and sighed. �Well, what�s the verdict? Do you know what you want to do?� �I think I know what I want, and I�m pretty sure I know what your preference is,� Rin said to Maya. She turned to look at me. �Bianca, what topic do you want to cover?� I looked over at Nina, who just shrugged. �At this point, our group just needs to pick something or we�re never going to finish the project on time,� I pleaded. Whose point of view does the passage reflect? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth PasteShr why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)During the revision process, which type of wording should a writer delete in a narrative essay? (a)Read Fatima�s paragraph. Having moved up north just last year, I experienced my first snowstorm this past winter. At first, the snow twirled gently, lightly dusting the street, cars, and trees with snowy frosting. Then, the snow became a curtain, blinding my view so that I felt cocooned from the outside world. When the snow stopped, ice coated the trees and branches clacked like chattering teeth. Which sentence will Fatima�s teacher most likely ask her to revise? (d)The part of the sentence that tells �who� or �what� the sentence is about is the . (b)Read the sentence. The pirate who sailed his ship in the Atlantic Ocean pilfering from British naval ships and irritating the British navy. What is the best evaluation of the sentence? (d)Choose the verb with the correct verb tense to complete the sentence. The hotel lobby with fans hoping for an autograph as soon as word spreads that the movie star is staying in the penthouse. (c)Read the list of verbs. foretold, overtook, will inflict, will petition A writer would most likely use these verbs in an essay that includes (c)Read the paragraph. (1) Last week, our English class watched a hilarious movie based on a novel. (2) In it, a couple of incompetent thieves bungle their way through a heist. (3) After several escapades, a priceless painting is stolen by the thieves. (4) But then, the thieves make an impressive blunder and accidentally return it. Which sentence in the paragraph is in the passive voice? (d)Read the sentence. Unfazed by the morning frenzy before school, dad gave us our lunches before we left. Which best describes the sentence? (b)Read the sentence. During the scenic tour of the national park, the cascading waterfall was photographed repeatedly. This sentence is in the (a)Read the sentence. During these seemingly endless winter days, as we�re bombarded with frigid winds, I ________ for the arrival of balmy spring days. Which verb or verb phrase is in the correct tense to complete the sentence? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Read the sentence. The forgery ________ so exquisite that it hung in the museum for the past two decades without discovery. Which verb or verb phrase is in the correct tense to complete the sentence? (b)The predicate of a sentence is (d)Words with the word root �dorm� will have a meaning related to (b)To find a word�s meaning, the reader can study the surrounding words, which are called the (a)Read the sentence. Juanita used her affinity for numbers to help her design a computer program that relied on college-level math formulas, even though she was only in middle school. Based on the context clues in the sentence, what is the best meaning of �affinity�? (a,c,f)Which words contain a root that means �rule�? Check all that apply. (b)What part of the word �geology� is the word root? (suffix)A reader can tell that the meaning of �obnoxious� will include �having the quality of something� because of the . (a,g)Which affixes mean �without�? Check all that apply. (c)The best way to locate a suffix is to look for a word part that why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to dowload it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Read the sentence. The look on the villain�s face seemed to be bursting with evil, and gave the moviegoers the chills. Based on its structure, which word most likely has the closest meaning to the underlined phrase? (a)Which word contains a word root that means �believe�? (d)Which line from �Cruel Tribute� best supports the idea that Ariadne�s actions help advance the plot? (a)Read the passage from �Cruel Tribute.� "He is coming!" cried Theseus, and he ran forward to meet the beast. The seven maidens shrieked, but tried to stand up bravely and face their fate; and the six young men stood together with firm-set teeth and clinched fists, ready to fight to the last. The author builds suspense most by (d)The story �Cruel Tribute� is broken into four parts: I. The Treaty II. The Tribute III. The Princess IV. The Labyrinth How does ordering the events this way affect the level of suspense in the story? (b)The contemporary novel The Hunger Games features a lottery where children are selected to fight to the death in combat. The section of �Cruel Tribute� that best features a similar mythological element is (a)Read the passage from �Cruel Tribute.� Then the youths and maidens ran to Theseus and kissed his hands and feet, and thanked him for his great deed; and, as it was already growing dark, Theseus bade them follow him while he wound up the silken thread which was to lead them out of the Labyrinth. Through a thousand rooms and courts and winding ways they went, and at midnight they came to the outer door and saw the city lying in the moonlight before them; and, only a little way off, was the seashore where the black ship was moored which had brought them to Crete. The door was wide open, and beside it stood Ariadne waiting for them. "The wind is fair, the sea is smooth, and the sailors are ready," she whispered; and she took the arm of Theseus, and all went together through the silent streets to the ship. In this excerpt, the sequence of events creates suspense by (a,b,d)In the plot of �Cruel Tribute,� which events are a result of King Minos�s actions? Check all that apply. (influence)To explore the _______ , or effect of mythical literature on contemporary literature, a reader should identify key characters, settings, and plots. (c)Read the passage from �Cruel Tribute.� Years passed by. Every spring when the roses began to bloom seven youths and seven maidens were put on board of a black-sailed ship and sent to Crete to pay the tribute which King Minos required. In every house in Athens there was sorrow and dread, and the people lifted up their hands to Athena on the hilltop and cried out, "How long, O Queen of the Air, how long shall this thing be?" In the meanwhile the little child at Troezen on the other side of the sea had grown to be a man. His name, Theseus, was in everybody's mouth, for he had done great deeds of daring; and at last he had come to Athens to find his father, King Aegeus, who had never heard whether he was alive or dead; and when the youth had made himself known, the king had welcomed him to his home and all the people were glad because so noble a prince had come to dwell among them and, in time, to rule over their city. In this excerpt, the sequence of events creates suspense by why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to dowload it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (a)Read the excerpt from a summary of the contemporary novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer�s Stone. To help save the day, Harry must get past a scary three-headed guard dog. In order to do this, he gets help from his friends Hermione and Ron. They all have become close friends during the course of the school year. After they solve this challenge, they move on to the next part of their plan. Which line from the summary best justifies the conclusion that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer�s Stone was influenced by Ancient Greek mythological literature? (a)Read the passage from �Cruel Tribute.� On the third day all the youths and maidens of the city were brought together in the market place, so that lots might be cast for those who were to be taken. Then two vessels of brass were brought and set before King Aegeus and the herald who had come from Crete. Into one vessel they placed as many balls as there were noble youths in the city, and into the other as many as there were maidens; and all the balls were white save only seven in each vessel, and those were black as ebony. Then every maiden, without looking, reached her hand into one of the vessels and drew forth a ball, and those who took the black balls were borne away to the black ship, which lay in waiting by the shore. The young men also drew lots in like manner, but when six black balls had been drawn Theseus came quickly forward and said: "Hold! Let no more balls be drawn. I will be the seventh youth to pay this tribute. Now let us go aboard the black ship and be off." What effect does the author create with the sequence of events in this passage? (c)In part one of �Cruel Tribute,� how do King Aegeus�s actions affect the advancement of the plot? (c)Read the passage from �Cruel Tribute.� "Now then," said Minos, "you shall hear my decree. Athens has robbed me of my dearest treasure, a treasure that can never be restored to me; so, in return, I require from Athens, as tribute, that possession which is the dearest and most precious to her people; and it shall be destroyed cruelly as my son was destroyed." "The condition is hard," said the elders, "but it is just. What is the tribute which you require?" "Has the king a son?" asked Minos. The face of King Aegeus lost all its color and he trembled as he thought of a little child then with its mother at Troezen, on the other side of the Saronic Sea. But the elders knew nothing about that child, and they answered: "Alas, no! he has no son; but he has fifty nephews who are eating up his substance and longing for the time to come when one of them shall be king; and, as we have said, it was they who slew the young prince, Androgeos." By placing this passage at the beginning of the story, the author builds suspense for the arrival of (d)Which line from �Cruel Tribute� best supports the idea that the elders help to advance the plot? (a,b,e)Which elements of Ancient Greek mythical literature are often reflected in contemporary literature? Check all that apply. (b)The contemporary novel The Hunger Games features a lottery where children are selected to fight to the death in combat. The section of �Cruel Tribute� that best features a similar mythological element is (d)Writers can use to build suspense. (sequence of events) (c)Based solely on their titles, which contemporary novel most likely contains a mythological element that is also found in �Cruel Tribute?� (a)What is one way that �The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand� contrasts with �The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida�? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth PasteShr why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Based on the conclusion of "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,� the reader can infer that the Haida (a)In �The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,� which evidence best helps the reader infer that the Haida might find it acceptable behavior to play tricks on one another? (b)Both �The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand� and �The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida� feature (a,c,e,f)To understand the values expressed in a myth, what are the best elements in the story for a reader to consider? Check all that apply. (a)Evidence in the myths �The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand� and �The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida� shows that the Maori and Haida cultures are more (d)Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida.� Once away from the Sky Chief, Raven released the Sun from its confinement. Light shone across the entire earth, illuminating mountains, rivers, and oceans. Raven no longer had to fly through the dark. But in Raven�s travels, he saw that there was no one to take care of the earth. He landed on a beach and stopped to think about how to solve this problem. Read the passage from "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand.� In a rage, T� opened his mouth and ate his brothers to punish them for their cowardice. T��s descendants became the M�ori, the humans who are able to master anything that they decide to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the earth. Only Tawhiri escapes T��s wrath, and still today the M�ori battle against the hurricanes he sends from above. What similarity between the two myths do these passages illustrate? (a)Read the passage from "The Maori: Genealogies and Origins in New Zealand.� In his anger, T� chopped down the forests to find T�ne and threw him into a basket. Next, T� searched out Haumia and Rongo by digging into the soft earth, putting them into the basket as well. At last, T� made nets to capture Tangora�s fish, and lured Tangora into the basket. In a rage, T� opened his mouth and ate his brothers to punish them for their cowardice. T��s descendants became the M�ori, the humans who are able to master anything that they decide to conquer: the forest, the sea, the food, and the earth. What can be inferred about how the Maori feel about the land they live on? (inferences)Conclusions made on the basis of unstated or stated evidence are called . (d)From reading �The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,� the reader can tell that the Haida people value family due to the actions of (myth)A traditional story that explains a belief system, a natural phenomenon, or a world view of a group of people is called a . why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to use it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth Which information from this passage about Enkai is most important to include in a summary of the overall story? (a. The tribe's relationship with Enkai is crucial to them.)-->�Read the passage from �The Beginnings of the Maasai.� Our relationship with Enkai is essential to the tribe. Enkai is neither male nor female. The sky god is powerful, but can change from nurturing to vengeful depending on our behavior. Sometimes Enkai is Enkai Narok, the Black God, happy with us and blanketing the sky with dark clouds that pour out rain to nourish the plains. When angry, though, Enkai becomes Enkai Nonyokie�the Red God. In these times, the sun grows incredibly hot until the earth dries up and becomes barren. Because of this, we work to keep Enkai happy. Which information from this passage about Enkai is most important to include in a summary of the overall story? (b. a people's culture)-->�Read the passage from �The Beginnings of the Maasai.� Neiterkob was confused at first. It was one thing for an eruption to send cows flying up into the sky, but it was another problem entirely to get them down to earth again. The wise god knew how to solve the problem. Enkai grew a giant fig tree out on the plains. The tree grew rapidly, and its branches grew so high that they reached up into the heavens. One by one, Enkai sent the cattle walking down branches of the fig tree, all the way down to the roots at the ground. My father and our people accepted the cattle and began to herd them with the sticks that Enkai had given us. Now, the rest of the tribe calls my father the �Beginner of the Earth� because he mediates between Enkai and our tribe, just as he did when the cattle returned from the sky. What does the passage explain? (middle)-->Read the passage from �The Beginnings of the Maasai.� Our relationship with Enkai is essential to the tribe. Enkai is neither male nor female. The sky god is powerful, but can change from nurturing to vengeful depending on our behavior. Sometimes Enkai is Enkai Narok, the Black God, happy with us and blanketing the sky with dark clouds that pour out rain to nourish the plains. When angry, though, Enkai becomes Enkai Nonyokie�the Red God. In these times, the sun grows incredibly hot until the earth dries up and becomes barren. Because of this, we work to keep Enkai happy. Which information from this passage about Enkai is most important to include in a summary of the overall story? (a,b,d,f)Which are features of myths? Check all that apply. (d. It features a reference to a supernatural being.)-->Read the passage from �The Beginnings of the Maasai.� Our relationship with Enkai is essential to the tribe. Enkai is neither male nor female. The sky god is powerful, but can change from nurturing to vengeful depending on our behavior. Sometimes Enkai is Enkai Narok, the Black God, happy with us and blanketing the sky with dark clouds that pour out rain to nourish the plains. When angry, though, Enkai becomes Enkai Nonyokie�the Red God. In these times, the sun grows incredibly hot until the earth dries up and becomes barren. Because of this, we work to keep Enkai happy. Why is this excerpt a good example of a feature often found in a myth? (c. to explain why the culture honors cattle)-->Read the passage from �The Beginnings of the Maasai.� These cattle are sacred, because they are actually a divine gift from the sky god, Enkai. Our tribe makes a living by caring for the cattle, feeding them, and protecting them. What is the purpose of this passage? (d. their God)-->Read the passage from �The Beginnings of the Maasai.� Now Enkai lives at the top of Mount Kenya, and we Maasai still live below, herding cattle down in the plains. It�s not a bad life, especially when Enkai is the Black God, providing for us. And when the cattle or other children cause problems, I just warn them that they never know when I might suddenly develop my godly powers. The main purpose of the passage is to illustrate the relationship between the Maasai and (c. The summary lacks transitions that connect ideas.)-->Read the summary of the section of "The Beginnings of the Maasai,� where the volcanic eruption and its results are described. As a result of a volcanic eruption, Enkai and the cattle were thrown into the sky. Enkai wanted to save his cattle. He grew a tree that bridged the sky and the earth. The cattle walked down the tree to Neiterkob. Neiterkob and the Maasai tribe took over caring for the cattle. Why does the summary need to be revised? (b. Sometimes Enkai is Enkai Narok, the Black God, happy with us and blanketing the sky with dark clouds that pour out rain to nourish the plains.) -->�Read the conclusion about �The Beginnings of the Maasai,� and then answer the question. One purpose of �The Beginnings of the Maasai� is to explain the weather. Which excerpt best justifies this conclusion? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. This was an army, trained to fight on horseback or, where the ground required, on foot. They came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring. So doom appeared to us, dark word of Zeus for us, our evil days. My men stood up and made a fight of it- backed on the ships, with lances kept in play, from bright morning through the blaze of noon so holding our beach, although so far outnumbered; but when the sun passed toward unyoking time, then the Achaeans, one by one, gave way. Which stage of the hero’s journey is represented in this passage? (c)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. ‘Out to sea again!' My men were mutinous, fools, on stores of wine. Sheep after sheep they butchered by the surf, and shambling cattle, feasting,-while fugitives went inland, running to call to arms the main force of Cicones. This was an army, trained to fight on horseback or, where the ground required, on foot. They came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring. So doom appeared to us, dark word of Zeus for us, our evil days. Which central idea should be included in a paraphrase of this excerpt? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. I shall not see on earth a place more dear, though I have been detained long by Calypso, loveliest among goddesses, who held me in her smooth caves, to be her heart's delight, as Circe of Aeaea, the enchantress, desired me, and detained me in her hall. But in my heart I never gave consent. Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his own home and his parents? In far lands he shall not, though he find a house of gold. What characteristics of Odysseus, the story’s epic hero, are most shown in this excerpt? (d)Which excerpt from The Odyssey best shows that the ancient Greeks greatly valued the idea of home? (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. My men stood up and made a fight of it- backed on the ships, with lances kept in play, from bright morning through the blaze of noon so holding our beach, although so far outnumbered; but when the sun passed toward unyoking time, then the Achaeans, one by one, gave way. Which values of the ancient Greeks are most emphasized in this excerpt? (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Then I sent out two picked men and a runner to learn what race of men that land sustained. They fell in, soon enough, with Lotus-Eaters, who showed no will to do us harm, only offering the sweet Lotus to our friends- but those who ate this honeyed plant, the Lotus, never cared to report, nor to return: they longed to stay forever, browsing on that native bloom, forgetful of their homeland. Which central idea should be included in a paraphrase of this excerpt? (c)Which event from The Odyssey best highlights the idea that the ancient Greeks greatly disliked greediness? (d,e)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Six benches were left empty in every ship that evening when we pulled away from death. And this new grief we bore with us to sea: our precious lives we had, but not our friends. No ship made sail next day until some shipmate had raised a cry, three times, for each poor ghost unfleshed by the Cicones on that field. Which key details should be included in a paraphrase of this passage? Check all that apply. (c)Which elements are best known for helping performers memorize an epic poem? (b)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. He saw the townlands and learned the minds of many distant men, and weathered many bitter nights and days in his deep heart at sea, while he fought only to save his life, to bring his shipmates home. Which is the most effective paraphrase of this excerpt? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to use it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)What does Odysseus do on the island of Cicones that best shows the trait of leadership? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. In a smithy one sees a white-hot axehead or an adze plunged and wrung in a cold tub, screeching steam- the way they make soft iron hale and hard-: just so that eyeball hissed around the spike. The use of the epic simile in this excerpt helps the reader understand (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. 'We are from Troy, Achaeans, blown off course by shifting gales on the Great South Sea; homeward bound, but taking routes and ways uncommon; so the will of Zeus would have it. We served under Agamemnon, son of Atreus- the whole world knows what city he laid waste, what armies he destroyed. It was our luck to come here; here we stand, beholden for your help, or any gifts you give-as custom is to honor strangers. We would entreat you, great Sir, have a care for the gods' courtesy; Zeus will avenge the unoffending guest.' He answered this from his brute chest, unmoved: 'You are a ninny, or else you come from the other end of nowhere, telling me, mind the gods! We Cyclopes care not a whistle for your thundering Zeus or all the gods in bliss; we have more force by far. I would not let you go for fear of Zeus- you or your friends-unless I had a whim to. What can be inferred about the Cyclops? (b)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Neither reply nor pity came from him, but in one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies to beat their brains out, spattering the floor. Then he dismembered them and made his meal, gaping and crunching like a mountain lion- everything: innards, flesh, and marrow bones. What can be inferred about the Cyclops? (c)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. 'My ship? Poseidon Lord, who sets the earth a-tremble, broke it up on the rocks at your land's end. A wind from seaward served him, drove us there. We are survivors, these good men and I.' What motivates Odysseus to tell a lie to the Cyclops? (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. but Cyclops went on filling up his belly with manflesh and great gulps of whey, then lay down like a mast among his sheep. What two unlike elements are being compared in this simile? (b,c)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. ‘Why not take these cheeses, get them stowed, come back, throw open all the pens, and make a run for it? We'll drive the kids and lambs aboard. We say put out again on good salt water!' Ah, how sound that was! Yet I refused. I wished to see the caveman, what he had to offer- no pretty sight, it turned out, for my friends. Based on this excerpt, what inference can be made about Odysseus? Check all that apply. (b)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Then, his chores being all dispatched, he caught another brace of men to make his breakfast, and whisked away his great door slab to let his sheep go through-but he, behind, reset the stone as one would cap a quiver. What two things are being compared in this epic simile? (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. At this he gave a mighty sob and rumbled: 'Now comes the weird upon me, spoken of old. A wizard, grand and wondrous, lived here-Telemus, a son of Euryinus; great length of days he had in wizardry among the Cyclopes, and these things he foretold for time to come: my great eye lost, and at Odysseus' hands. Always I had in mind some giant, armed in giant force, would come against me here. But this, but you-small, pitiful and twiggy- you put me down with wine, you blinded me. Come back, Odysseus, and I'll treat you well, praying the god of earthquake to befriend you- his son I am, for he by his avowal fathered me, and if he will, he may heal me of this black wound-he and no other of all the happy gods or mortal men.’ Why does the Cyclops invite Odysseus back to the island? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. `Nohbdy, Nohbdy's tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me!' To this rough shout they made a sage reply: 'Ah well, if nobody has played you foul there in your lonely bed, we are no use in pain given by great Zeus. Let it be your father, Poseidon Lord, to whom you pray.' So saying they trailed away. And I was filled with laughter to see how like a charm the name deceived them. In the excerpt, the word “charm” is being compared with . why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to use it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Why not take these cheeses, get them stowed, come back, throw open all the pens, and make a run for it? We'll drive the kids and lambs aboard. We say put out again on good salt water!' Ah, how sound that was! Yet I refused. I wished to see the caveman, what he had to offer- no pretty sight, it turned out, for my friends. Odysseus ignores his men’s pleas to return to the ship. As a result, they face terrible consequences. How does Odysseus’s decision defy ancient Greek attitudes and values? (d)Read the excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey by Homer. We would entreat you, great Sir, have a care for the gods' courtesy; Zeus will avenge the unoffending guest.' He answered this from his brute chest, unmoved 'You are a ninny, or else you come from the other end of nowhere, telling me, mind the gods! We Cyclopes care not a whistle for your thundering Zeus or all the gods in bliss; we have more force by far. How does this excerpt prove that Odysseus causes his crew’s demise? (a,c,d)Read the paragraph. When Allison saw the advertisement for a free basketball clinic at the community center, she knew she would attend. Tryouts for her school team were still a month away, and her jump shot needed work if she wanted to be selected this year. Hours of work with her brother had improved her technique, and her layups were consistent. She could hold her own in neighborhood games of three-on-three, but her outside shots rarely made it through the hoop. Allison hoped that the instruction at the clinic would address this weakness. She marked her calendar for the event and headed out to the driveway. What can readers conclude about Allison? Check all that apply. (a,c,d)Read this paragraph. Biology 101 with Professor Ramirez is the most challenging course I have ever taken. Though every inspiring class session includes exhaustive note taking and time-consuming lab work, I enjoy the material. The entertaining lectures are instructive, and all the students remain engaged throughout the hour. Which words from the paragraph support the conclusion that Professor Ramirez is a demanding teacher? Check all that apply. (b)Read this excerpt from Part 1 of The Odyssey by Homer. My men were mutinous, fools, on stores of wine. Sheep after sheep they butchered by the surf, and shambling cattle, feasting,-while fugitives went inland, running to call to arms the main force of Cicones. This was an army, trained to fight on horseback or, where the ground required, on foot. They came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring. So doom appeared to us According to the excerpt, Odysseus believes his men were (a)Read the excerpt from Part 1 of The Odyssey by Homer. but on the spot I told them: 'Back, and quickly! Out to sea again!' My men were mutinous, fools, on stores of wine. Sheep after sheep they butchered by the surf, and shambling cattle, feasting,-while fugitives went inland, running to call to arms the main force of Cicones. How does this excerpt prove that Odysseus’s men caused their own problems? (b)Which in-text citation is formatted correctly in MLA style? (a)Which excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey is cited properly in MLA style? (a)Read the excerpt from Part 3 of The Odyssey by Homer. so let me tell [Circe’s] forecast: then we die with our eyes open, if we are going to die, or know what death we baffle if we can. Sirens weaving a haunting song over the sea we are to shun, she said, and their green shore all sweet with clover; yet she urged that I alone should listen to their song. Therefore you are to tie me up, tight as a splint, erect along the mast, lashed to the mast, and if I shout and beg to be untied, take more turns of the rope to muffle me.’ What conclusion about Odysseus (the speaker) is best supported by the excerpt? (d)Which excerpt from Part 3 of The Odyssey is cited properly in MLA style? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Read the excerpt from Part 3 of The Odyssey by Homer. I made straight for the ship, roused up the men to get aboard and cast off at the stern. They scrambled to their places by the rowlocks and all in line dipped oars in the gray sea. Based on the excerpt, readers can conclude that Odysseus’s men (b)Read the excerpt from Part 1 of The Odyssey. And this new grief we bore with us to sea: our precious lives we had, but not our friends. No ship made sail next day until some shipmate had raised a cry, three times, for each poor ghost unfleshed by the Cicones on that field. What theme is best revealed by this conflict? (d)Read the excerpt from Part 1 of The Odyssey. Now Zeus the lord of cloud roused in the north A storm against the ships, and driving veils of squall moved down like night on land and sea. The bows went plunging at the gust; sails cracked and lashed out strips in the big wind. We saw death in that fury, dropped the yards, unshipped the oars, and pulled for the nearest lee: then two long days and nights we lay offshore. What theme is best revealed by this conflict? (d)Read the excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey. We cried aloud, lifting our hands to Zeus, powerless, looking on at this, appalled; but Cyclops went on filling up his belly with manflesh and great gulps of whey, then lay down like a mast among his sheep. Which statement best explains the simile in this excerpt? (b)Read the excerpt from Part 4 of The Odyssey. There, as the whirlpool drank the tide, a billow tossed me, and I sprang for the great fig tree, catching on like a bat under a bough. Nowhere had I to stand, no way of climbing, the root and bole being far below, and far above my head the branches and their leaves, massed, overshadowing Charybdis pool. In this excerpt, Odysseus is compared to a (c)Read this paragraph. Darius was convinced that Kennedy High could improve its morning routine. The student parking lot was a jumble of squealing tires, honking horns, and near-misses with pedestrians. Two hundred students always seemed to arrive moments before the tardy bell, and the result was a recipe for disaster. Still, every time Darius mentioned it to his friends, they laughed it off. He wanted to propose a few early-arriver incentives, such as gym privileges or reduced-cost breakfasts, but nobody seemed concerned. What is the conflict in the excerpt? (c)Read the excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey. his chores being all dispatched, he caught another brace of men to make his breakfast, and whisked away his great door slab to let his sheep go through-but he, behind, reset the stone as one would cap a quiver. Which statement best explains the simile in this excerpt? (b)Read the excerpt from Part 4 of The Odyssey. we saw the funnel of the maelstrom, heard the rock bellowing all around, and dark sand raged on the bottom far below. My men all blanched against the gloom, our eyes were fixed upon that yawning mouth in fear of being devoured. Which statement best explains the metaphor in this excerpt? (b)What theme is Homer presenting when Odysseus’s men forget about going home after eating the lotus in Part 1 of The Odyssey? (d)Read the excerpt from Part 1 of The Odyssey. My men were mutinous, fools, on stores of wine. Sheep after sheep they butchered by the surf, and shambling cattle, feasting,-while fugitives went inland, running to call to arms the main force of Cicones. This was an army, trained to fight on horseback or, where the ground required, on foot. They came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring. What theme is supported by the excerpt? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)Read the excerpt from Part 4 of The Odyssey. I happened to glance aft at ship and oarsmen and caught sight of their arms and legs, dangling high overhead. Voices came down to me in anguish, calling my name for the last time. A man surfcasting on a point of rock for bass or mackerel, whipping his long rod to drop the sinker and the bait far out, will hook a fish and rip it from the surface to dangle wriggling through the air: so these were borne aloft in spasms toward the cliff. Which statement best explains the simile in this excerpt? (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. "My friend, here is the beautiful place-who could mistake it? Here is Odysseus' hall: no hall like this See how one chamber grows out of another; see how the court is tight with wall and coping; no man at arms could break this gateway down!” This excerpt is an example of which value important to ancient Greek society? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Treated as rubbish now, he lay at last upon a mass of dung before the gates- manure of mules and cows, piled there until fieldhands could spread it on the king's estate. Abandoned there, and half destroyed with flies, old Argus lay. What functions as a symbol in this excerpt? (b,c,d,f)Which Greek values are found in The Odyssey? Check all that apply. (a)Which excerpt from The Odyssey demonstrate the importance of hospitality in Greek society? (b)When making a prediction about reading, students should make a(n) about what is likely to happen next. (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Reaching the gate, Odysseus and the forester halted and stood outside, for harp notes came around them rippling on the air as Phemios picked out a song. Odysseus caught his companion's arm and said: "My friend, here is the beautiful place-who could mistake it?” In this excerpt, the harp’s music is a symbol of Odysseus’s (b)Which is a step in making and checking predictions while reading? (a)Rachel is making predictions about The Odyssey as she reads this excerpt. So she described it, sitting in her chamber among her maids-while her true lord was eating. Then she called in the forester and said: “Go to that man on my behalf, Eumaeus, and send him here, so I can greet and question him. Abroad in the great world, he may have heard rumors about Odysseus-may have known him!” Rachel makes the prediction that Penelope will discover the stranger’s true identity. Which detail best supports her prediction? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. The noble and enduring man replied: “No god. Why take me for a god? No, no. I am that father whom your boyhood lacked and suffered pain for lack of. I am he.” Held back too long, the tears ran down his cheeks as he embraced his son. Based on this excerpt, what is the best prediction about the future relationship between Telemachus and Odysseus? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to use it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. “Stranger, you are no longer what you were just now! Your cloak is new; even your skin! You are one of the gods who rule the sweep of heaven! Be kind to us, we’ll make you fair oblation and gifts of hammered gold. Have mercy on us!” What is the symbolism of the new cloak in this excerpt? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Few men can keep alive through a big surf to crawl, clotted with brine, on kindly beaches in joy, in joy, knowing the abyss behind: and so she too rejoiced, her gaze upon her husband, her white arms round him pressed as though forever. From which part of Odysseus’s epic journey is this excerpt taken? (b)A theme is the conveyed in the text. (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. But when he knew he heard Odysseus' voice nearby, he did his best to wag his tail, nose down, with flattened ears, having no strength to move nearer his master. And the man looked away, wiping a salt tear from his cheek: but he hid this from Eumaeus. Which theme do these lines support? (c,d,g)Which themes are found in The Odyssey? Check all that apply. (a)One theme found throughout The Odyssey is that help often comes when least expected. Which lines from the text best support this theme? (b)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. He dropped his eyes and nodded, and the prince Telemachus, true son of King Odysseus, belted his sword on, clapped hand to his spear, and with a clink and glitter of keen bronze stood by his chair, in the forefront near his father. Which theme do these lines support? (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. But the man skilled in all ways of contending, satisfied by the great bow's look and heft, like a musician, like a harper, when with quiet hand upon his instrument he draws between his thumb and forefinger a sweet new string upon a peg: so effortlessly Odysseus in one motion strung the bow. According to this excerpt, how has Odysseus changed over the course of his adventure? (d)Odysseus is an example of a dynamic character because (b)Fighting the suitors with his son Telemachus is which part of Odysseus’s epic journey? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)Being reunited with Penelope is which part of Odysseus’s epic journey? (b)Use the thesaurus entry for abstract to answer the question. abstract noun Definition: a summary of points in brief form Synonyms: summary, brief, digest, synopsis verb Definition: to make a summary of Synonyms: summarize, outline adjective Definition: expressing a quality apart from an object, without a direct representation Synonyms: theoretical, conceptual, nonrepresentational, ideal Which is a possible synonym for the word abstract as it is used in this sentence? The medical students were asked to abstract the information in the related case studies. (c)Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone? c.I think you left your biology notebook on the bleachers yesterday. (a,b,c)Use the thesaurus entry for labyrinth to answer the question. labyrinth noun Definition: a place that has many confusing paths and passages; something that is extremely difficult to understand Synonyms: entanglement, puzzle, web Which sentences contain possible synonyms for the word labyrinth? Check all that apply. (d)Use the thesaurus entry for interpret to answer the question. interpret verb Definition: to explain something Synonym: clarify, clear up, demystify Antonyms: confuse, obscure verb Definition: to understand something Synonym: construe, decipher, grasp Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand verb Definition: to perform in a way that shows thought and feeling Synonyms: adapt, depict, enact, represent Use the thesaurus entry and context clues to choose the best synonym for interpret as it is used in the sentence below. I decided to use my art to show how I interpret the tragedy of the Vietnam War (a)Use the dictionary entry for lore to answer the question. lore lore [‘lor] noun from Old English leornian 1. something that is taught 2. something that is learned 3. a body of tradition 4. the space between the eye and the bill in a bird 5. the space between the eye and the mouth in a reptile or fish Use context clues to choose the sentence that best uses the third definition of the word lore. (a)Use the dictionary entry for crude to answer the question. crude crude [‘krüd] adj from Latin crudus 1. the quality of being unchanged from the original state 2. the quality of being primitive or uncultured 3. the quality of being obvious 4. the quality of being rough in execution Which definition of crude is the most common? (a)Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone? a. They’re still not finished with the project that was due yesterday. (b)Use the dictionary entry for crude to answer the question. crude crude [‘krüd] adj from Latin crudus 1. the quality of being unchanged from the original state 2. the quality of being primitive or uncultured 3. the quality of being obvious 4. the quality of being rough in execution Use context clues to choose the sentence that best uses the fourth definition of the word crude. (b)Use the dictionary entry for crude to answer the question. crude crude [‘krüd] adj from Latin crudus 1. the quality of being unchanged from the original state 2. the quality of being primitive or uncultured 3. the quality of being obvious 4. the quality of being rough in execution Which word best defines the word crude? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (a)Use the thesaurus entry for assess to answer the question. assess verb Definition: to make a judgment about something Synonyms: appraise, judge, test, value Antonyms: guess, ignore, neglect Which word is another possible synonym for the word assess? (a)Which statement should be revised for a more formal tone? (c)Spencer needs to revise his essay to use a more formal tone. One cool fact I found studying Greek mythology is the connection to modern names. For instance, my hometown, East Sparta, Ohio, is named after the home of the awesome Greek warriors! Which revision of Spencer's essay best uses a formal tone? (c)Plagiarism can be avoided by (b)A formal tone is most appropriate to use in . (c - Dr. W. Wharton)Which is an example of a direct quotation? (c)Which would most likely be found in informal writing? (c)Which statement should be revised for a more formal tone? (c)Read this student essay written about Greek mythology. 1. Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, was responsible for healing in ancient mythology. 2. His daughter, Hygieia, was the goddess of health and cleanliness. 3. Tradition states that Asclepius angered Hades, god of the underworld, by saving others from death. 4. Hades asked Zeus to use his mighty lightning bolt to stop Asclepius. Where should the quotation below be placed to further develop the paragraph? A noted expert has written, “Health and hygiene are still represented today by the rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff” (Atkin 286). (b,e,f,g)What should an effective research question be? Check all that apply. why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to use it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Elizabeth receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about the Greek hero, Theseus. Summarize his victory over the Minotaur, and identify his heroic characteristics. Elizabeth’s first research question is “How did Theseus overcome the Minotaur?” What should her second research question be, and what would be the most credible source for research? (c)Jacob receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about an event in Greek mythology. Summarize the plot, and explain how the myth has influenced modern culture. He decides to write about an event involving Odysseus. Which are effective research questions to best develop his topic? (b)Read this student essay written about Greek mythology. 1. Greek mythology, though ancient, has a long-reaching influence upon modern life. 2. The US space program, for instance, is called Apollo, after the god who never missed a target and who ruled light. 3. Titanium, an elemental metal, is named after the Titans, who were locked far under the ground. 4. Even video games include characters such as Icarus and Kratos. Where should the quotation below be placed to further develop the paragraph? One Greek scholar states, “The influence of the Olympians on everyday culture is equal to that of Shakespeare and the Bible” (Thomas 87). (b)Lucas is given the paragraph below to read and paraphrase. Achilles, a powerful Greek warrior, was thought to be immortal because he had been submerged in the River Styx during infancy. However, because his mother dipped him into the water while holding his heel, he was left vulnerable in that small spot. Today “Achilles’ heel” refers to a weakness that can lead to downfall. Which is the best paraphrase of the paragraph? (c)Sammy will paraphrase an article for his class. To paraphrase correctly, Sammy must (d)Which is an effective research question in developing an essay topic? (b)Read the paragraph. The homeroom class buzzed with whispered discussions about the candidates. Liam had assumed he would be the student council representative again. He had always been involved in planning school events, such as fundraisers and dances, and he had expressed an interest in student council on the first day of school. His friends told him he was the only man for the job. But there was a last-minute change. Josh had thrown his name in the hat, too. People thought he was kidding until he gave an earnest speech about his desire to make changes at the school. Now Liam had a competitor for the leadership role. The conflict in the paragraph is character versus (c)A literary symbol is an object that takes one or more meanings beyond its literal meaning. (d)Read this student essay written about Greek mythology. 1.The Greek god of sheep and shepherds was Pan. 2. Pan had the body of a man, with the horns, legs, and tail of a goat. 3. He played the pan flute, which he made of hollow reeds. 4. Pan became a popular character in art and literature over the years. Where should the quotation below be placed to further develop the paragraph? In fact, Pan was “one of the great inspirations behind the childhood classic, Peter Pan” (Graham 79). (a)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Few words I shouted in reply to him: ‘If I could take your life I would and take your time away, and hurl you down to hell! The god of earthquake could not heal you there!' At this he stretched his hands out in his darkness toward the sky of stars, and prayed to Poseidon: ‘O hear me, lord, blue girdler of the islands, if I am thine indeed, and thou art father: grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, never see his home: Laertes' son, I mean, who kept his hail on Ithaca. Based on his response to the Cyclops, what can be inferred about Odysseus? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)What should be written in a formal style? (c)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Then we unloaded all the Cyclops' flock to make division, share and share alike, only my fighters voted that my ram, the prize of all, should go to me. I slew him by the sea side and burnt his long thighbones to Zeus beyond the stormcloud, Cronus’ son, who rules the world. But Zeus disdained my offering; destruction for my ships he had in store and death for those who sailed them, my companions. What can be inferred about Odysseus? (b)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. “Count up the suitors for me, let me know what men at arms are there, how many men. I must put all my mind to it, to see if we two by ourselves can take them on or if we should look round for help.” Based on this excerpt, what is the best prediction about what will happen next in the story? (d)Read the paragraph. The kids had been out on the pond all morning. There were not enough hockey sticks to go around, so a game of broom hockey had evolved. Discarded ski caps served as goal markers, and the kids skated back and forth on the backyard “rink.” The impromptu game stretched to fill the entire morning of the canceled school day. Marco was the last to leave the ice, gathering neglected gear and a forgotten puck. As he glided toward the bank, he heard a creak and a pop. A crack began to snake its way across the surface, and when Marco was inches from the edge, one skate went through the ice. Luckily, the other skate glided to a stop in the bank’s frozen mud, giving Marco just enough leverage to pull his frosty skate out of the melting mess. The conflict in the paragraph is character versus (c)Read this excerpt from The Odyssey. "Oh, Nan, they are a bad lot; they intend ruin for all of us; but Antinous appears a blacker-hearted hound than any. Here is a poor man come, a wanderer, driven by want to beg his bread, and everyone in hall gave bits, to cram his bag-only Antinous threw a stool, and banged his shoulder!" Based on previous knowledge of Greek values, what prediction can best be made about Antinous’s future? (c)Grant receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about the Greek hero, Jason. Summarize his unhappy youth and explain how he overcame obstacles to become great. Grant’s first research question is “What happened in Jason’s early life?” What should his second research question be, and what would be the most credible source for research? (c)Read the excerpt from Part 2 of The Odyssey. Out of the cave the mammoth Polyphemus roared in answer: ‘Nohbdy, Nohbdy's tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me!’ To this rough shout they made a sage reply: ‘Ah well, if nobody has played you foul there in your lonely bed, we are no use in pain given by great Zeus. Let it be your father, Poseidon Lord, to whom you pray.' What theme is best revealed by this conflict? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Their secret! as she heard it told, her knees grew tremulous and weak, her heart failed her. With eyes brimming tears she ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck, and kissed him Which theme do these lines support? (d)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. 'Cyclops, try some wine. Here's liquor to wash down your scraps of men. Taste it, and see the kind of drink we carried under our planks. I meant it for an offering if you would help us home. But you are mad, unbearable, a bloody monster! After this, will any other traveler come to see you?' What best describes why Odysseus gave his wine to the Cyclops? (b,d,e)Which are examples of symbols? Choose all that apply. why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (a,b,c)Read the excerpt from The Odyssey. Now Zeus the lord of cloud roused in the north a storm against the ships, and driving veils of squall moved down like night on land and sea. The bows went plunging at the gust; sails cracked and lashed out strips in the big wind. We saw death in that fury, dropped the yards, unshipped the oars, and pulled for the nearest lee: then two long days and nights we lay offshore worn out and sick at heart, tasting our grief, until a third Dawn came with ringlets shining. Which key details should be included in a paraphrase of this passage? Check all that apply. (b)How do the events in "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” most influence Maya Angelou’s later poem, "The Caged Bird”? (b)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Mrs. Bertha Flowers was the aristocrat of Black Stamps. She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her. She was thin without the taut look of wiry people, and her printed voile dresses and flowered hats were as right for her as denim overalls for a farmer. She was our side's answer to the richest white woman in town. Based on the passage, the reader can infer that Marguerite values (d)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Mrs. Flowers didn't belong to our church, nor was she Momma's familiar. Why on earth did she insist on calling her Sister Flowers? Shame made me want to hide my face. Mrs. Flowers deserved better than to be called Sister. Then, Momma left out the verb. Why not ask, "How are you, Mrs. Flowers?" With the unbalanced passion of the young, I hated her for showing her ignorance to Mrs. Flowers. It didn't occur to me for many years that they were as alike as sisters, separated only by formal education. Which line from the passage shows Maya Angelou’s adult viewpoint? (a,d,e)What should the reader study to make inferences about the personality traits of people in a text? Check all that apply. (b)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” I have tried often to search behind the sophistication of years for the enchantment I so easily found in those gifts. The essence escapes but its aura remains. To be allowed, no, invited, into the private lives of strangers, and to share their joys and fears, was a chance to exchange the Southern bitter wormwood for a cup of mead with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with Oliver Twist. When I said aloud, "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done . . .” tears of love filled my eyes at my selflessness. What is the most likely reason author Maya Angelou included this passage? (viewpoint)In I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, author Maya Angelou’s purpose is to tell about her childhood, while her viewpoint shows how she thinks and feels about her childhood. (d)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” She smiled that slow dragging smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Henderson. I'd prefer Marguerite, though." My name was beautiful when she said it. "I've been meaning to talk to her, anyway." They gave each other age-group looks. How does the author’s decision to include the underlined action impact the reader’s understanding? (a)Which phrases representing the idea of freedom connect the poem to the autobiography? (a)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” "That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should he proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite." "No ma'am. Pride is a sin. And 'cording to the Good Book, it goeth before a fall." "That's right. So the Bible says. It's a good thing to keep in mind." What is the best analysis of this passage? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to dowload it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (a)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Momma said, “Sister, I know you acted like a little lady. That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all. I’m trying my best, the Lord knows, but these days . . .” Her voice trailed off. “Go on in and change your dress.” From Momma’s words, what can the reader infer about the type of parent she was? (c)Read the passage from “Initiation.” For tonight was the grand finale, the trial by fire. There really was no doubt now that she would get in. She could not think of anyone who had ever been invited into the high school sorority and failed to get through initiation time. But even so, her case would be quite different. She would see to that. The author includes this excerpt in the falling action to (c)Which excerpt from “Initiation” is the best example of an internal conflict? (c)An internal conflict features character vs. . (a)Which situation from “Initiation” is an example of internal conflict? (c)Read the passage from Initiation. Millicent brushed back a strand of hair. It was stiff and sticky from the egg that they had broken on her head as she knelt blindfolded at the sorority altar a short while before. There had been a silence, a slight crunching sound, and then she had felt the cold, slimy egg-white flattening and spreading on her head and sliding down her neck. She had heard someone smothering a laugh. It was all part of the ceremony. What technique does the author use most to describe Millicent? (d)Read the passage from “Initiation.” Millicent and Bev took a bus ahead of the rest of the girls; they had to stand up on the way to Lewiston Square. Bev seemed very cross about something. Finally she said, "You were talking with Herb Dalton at lunch today." "No," Millicent said honestly. "Well, I saw you smile at him. That's practically as bad as talking. Remember not to do it again." Which conclusion is best supported by the passage? (a)Read the sentence from “Initiation.” It would be an hour before they came to get her, but then Rat Court would be all over and she would say what she had to say and go home. The author includes the sentence in the exposition to (resolution)In the plot of a story, most of the events result from a central conflict that leads to the resolution , or conclusion. (b)One way an author uses direct characterization is by telling the reader about the character through why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)Read the passage from “Initiation.” It would be rather fun for a change, Millicent mused, getting her books out of her locker in the hall, rather exciting to be part of a closely knit group, the exclusive set at Lansing High. Of course, it wasn't a school organization. In fact, the principal, Mr. Cranton, wanted to do away with initiation week altogether, because he thought it was undemocratic and disturbed the routine of school work. But there wasn't really anything he could do about it. Sure, the girls had to come to school for five days without any lipstick on and without curling their hair, and of course everybody noticed them, but what could the teachers do? The author most likely included the information about the principal’s and teachers’ reactions in order to (b)How do the events in "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” most influence Maya Angelou’s later poem, "The Caged Bird”? (b)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Mrs. Bertha Flowers was the aristocrat of Black Stamps. She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her. She was thin without the taut look of wiry people, and her printed voile dresses and flowered hats were as right for her as denim overalls for a farmer. She was our side's answer to the richest white woman in town. Based on the passage, the reader can infer that Marguerite values (d)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Mrs. Flowers didn't belong to our church, nor was she Momma's familiar. Why on earth did she insist on calling her Sister Flowers? Shame made me want to hide my face. Mrs. Flowers deserved better than to be called Sister. Then, Momma left out the verb. Why not ask, "How are you, Mrs. Flowers?" With the unbalanced passion of the young, I hated her for showing her ignorance to Mrs. Flowers. It didn't occur to me for many years that they were as alike as sisters, separated only by formal education. Which line from the passage shows Maya Angelou’s adult viewpoint? (a,d,e)What should the reader study to make inferences about the personality traits of people in a text? Check all that apply. (b)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” I have tried often to search behind the sophistication of years for the enchantment I so easily found in those gifts. The essence escapes but its aura remains. To be allowed, no, invited, into the private lives of strangers, and to share their joys and fears, was a chance to exchange the Southern bitter wormwood for a cup of mead with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with Oliver Twist. When I said aloud, "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done . . .” tears of love filled my eyes at my selflessness. What is the most likely reason author Maya Angelou included this passage? (viewpoint)In I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, author Maya Angelou’s purpose is to tell about her childhood, while her viewpoint shows how she thinks and feels about her childhood. (d)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” She smiled that slow dragging smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Henderson. I'd prefer Marguerite, though." My name was beautiful when she said it. "I've been meaning to talk to her, anyway." They gave each other age-group looks. How does the author’s decision to include the underlined action impact the reader’s understanding? (a)Which phrases representing the idea of freedom connect the poem to the autobiography? (a)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” "That is a very good job, Mrs. Henderson. You should he proud. You can put your dress back on, Marguerite." "No ma'am. Pride is a sin. And 'cording to the Good Book, it goeth before a fall." "That's right. So the Bible says. It's a good thing to keep in mind." What is the best analysis of this passage? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (a)Read the passage from “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Momma said, “Sister, I know you acted like a little lady. That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all. I’m trying my best, the Lord knows, but these days . . .” Her voice trailed off. “Go on in and change your dress.” From Momma’s words, what can the reader infer about the type of parent she was? (c)Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". "Ay, Cuquita." That was her communal pet name for whoever was in her favor. "Cuquita, when I make a million, buy you your very own typewriter." (Yoyo had been nagging her mother for one just like the one her father had bought to do his order forms at home.) "Gravy on the turkey" was what she called it when someone was buttering her up. She buttered and poured. "I'll hire you your very own typist." Based on this excerpt, what can be concluded about Laura (a)Which excerpt from "Daughter of Invention" contains language that best reveals that Carlos is still tied to his Dominican origin? (c)Which of Laura’s misquoted idioms from "Daughter of Invention" is intended to mean that it makes no difference to her? (b)Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". Yoyo didn't need much encouragement. She put her nose to the fire, as her mother would have said, and read from start to finish without looking up. When she concluded, she was a little embarrassed at the pride she took in her own words. She pretended to quibble with a phrase or two, then looked questioningly to her mother. Laura's face was radiant. Yoyo turned to share her pride with her father. What does the underlined idiom tell the reader about Yoyo? (a)Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". "Maybe not. Maybe, just maybe, there's something they've missed that's important. With patience and calm, even a burro can climb a palm." This last was one of her many Dominican sayings she had imported into her scrambled English. What is the meaning of the idiom underlined in the excerpt? (d)Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". "What ees wrrrong with her eh-speech?" Carlos wagged his head at her. His anger was always more frightening in his broken English. As if he had mutilated the language in his fury-and now there was nothing to stand between them and his raw, dumb anger. "What is wrong? I will tell you what is wrong. It show no gratitude. It is boastful. I celebrate myself? The best student learns to destroy the teacher?" He mocked Yoyo's plagiarized words. "That is insubordinate. It is improper. It is disrespecting of her teachers-" In his anger he had forgotten his fear of lurking spies: each wrong he voiced was a decibel higher than the last outrage. Finally, he shouted at Yoyo, "As your father, I forbid you to make that eh-speech!" What does Carlos’ language reveal about his character? (b)Which excerpt from "Daughter of Invention" reveals Laura’s Dominican origin through unique pronunciation? (d)Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". "Sticks and stones don't break bones," she chanted. Yoyo could tell, though, by the look on her face, it was as if one of those stones the kids had aimed at her daughters had hit her. But she always pretended they were at fault. "What did you do to provoke them? It takes two to tangle, you know." In this excerpt, the uniqueness of Laura’s speech is revealed by her . (c)Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". But now, Carlos was truly furious. It was bad enough that his daughter was rebelling, but here was his own wife joining forces with her. Soon he would be surrounded by a houseful of independent American women. He too leapt from the bed, throwing off his covers. The Spanish newspapers flew across the room. He snatched the speech out of Yoyo's hands, held it before the girl's wide eyes, a vengeful, mad look in his own, and then once, twice, three, four, countless times, he tore the speech into shreds. In this excerpt, Carlos is mostly in conflict with . why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth PasteShr why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Which excerpt from "Daughter of Invention" contains language that best represents the preservation of Dominican values? (c)Read this excerpt from "The Bells” by Edgar Allan Poe. In the startled ear of night How they scream out their affright! Too much horrified to speak, They can only shriek, shriek, Out of tune, Which statement best describes how Poe creates mood in the excerpt? (d)Read this excerpt from "The Bells” by Edgar Allan Poe. For every sound that floats From the rust within their throats Is a groan. Which statement best describes how Poe creates mood in the excerpt? (b)Read the poem excerpt. A backyard reality is rearranged. Hopscotch lines cower and hide, The toys in the yard . . . lost until spring. Which statement best describes the meter? (c)Read this excerpt from “Sea Fever” by John Masefield. And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking, And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking, Which statement best describes how Masefield creates a hopeful mood in the excerpt? (c)Read the poem. The lights dim and quiet descends, Hushed whispers are barely heard As silence surrounds Until the movie ends. Which words create alliteration in the poem? (d)Read this excerpt from “Sea Fever” by John Masefield. I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; Which statement best describes how Masefield creates an urgent mood in the excerpt? (b)Read the poem. Throat is dry; weather’s hot. I buy a can and pop the top. I lift the can to trembling lips, And find relief With one cool sip. How many stanzas does the poem contain? (b,d,e)Which lines from “The Bells” by Edgar Allan Poe contain onomatopoeia? Check all that apply. (b)Read the poem. School looms large, and I feel small I pause until the door swings wide I hoist my pack, step inside Adjust my cuffs, smooth my hair And wonder what I’m doing here. Which lines rhyme? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Which phrase from the "The Bells” best conveys the mood of lines 70-94? (c)Read the excerpt from The Hot Zone. Gene Johnson, the Ajax of this biological war, paced back and forth across the loading dock among a pile of camouflaged military trunks-his stockpile of gear from Kitum Cave. The trunks contained field space suits, battery packs, rubber gloves, surgical scrub suits, syringes, needles, drugs, dissection tools, flashlights, one or two human surgery packs, blunt scissors, sample bags, plastic bottles, pickling preservatives, biohazard bags marked with red flowers, and hand-pumped garden sprayers for spraying bleach on space suits and objects that needed to be decontaminated. The main purpose of the jargon in this excerpt is to (a,d,e)Which questions would most help a reader identify the author’s purpose for writing? Check all that apply. (d)Read the excerpt from The Hot Zone. There she met Lieutenant Colonel Trotter, a stocky, dark-haired man whom Nancy had worked with for many years. They put on their inner gloves and taped their cuffs. Nancy put a pair of hearing protectors over her ears. She had started wearing them a while back, when people had begun to suspect that the roar of air in your suit might be loud enough to damage your hearing. They hauled on their space suits and sealed the Ziploc zippers. They edged around each other as they fiddled with their suits. People wearing biohazard space suits tend to step around one another like two wrestlers at the beginning of a match, watching the other person's every move, especially watching the hands to make sure they don't hold a sharp object. This cringing becomes instinctive. Which details from this excerpt best show that the author’s purpose in including this paragraph is to illustrate how hazardous the scientists’ work is? (a)Read the excerpt from The Hot Zone. She took up a scalpel and slit the monkey's abdomen, making a slow and gentle cut, keeping the blade well away from her gloved fingers. The spleen was puffed up and tough, leathery, like a globe of smoked salami. She did not see any bloody lesions inside this monkey. She had expected that the monkey's interior would be a lake of blood, but no, this monkey looked all right, it had not bled into itself. Which strategy would be most helpful in determining the meaning of the word “scalpel”? (c)Read the sentence from a summary about The Hot Zone. The text brilliantly illustrates the risks involved in dealing with a Level 4 agent and describes in fascinating detail the painstaking process of preparing to enter “the hot zone.” What best describes the sentence? (a)Richard Preston’s primary purpose in writing The Hot Zone was to readers. (a,d)Read the paragraph from The Hot Zone and the summary that follows it. Once the cells in a biological machine stop working, it can never be started again. It goes into a cascade of decay, falling toward disorder and randomness. Except in the case of viruses. They can turn off and go dead. Then, if they come in contact with a living system, they switch on and multiply. The only thing that "lived" inside this monkey was the unknown agent, and it was dead, for the time being. It was not multiplying or doing anything, since the monkey's cells were dead. But if the agent touched living cells, Nancy's cells, it would come alive and begin to amplify itself. In theory, it could amplify itself around the world in the human species. Summary of central idea: It is petrifying that even if viruses are dead, they have the potential to “come alive.” Which changes should be made to improve this summary of the paragraph’s central idea? Check all that apply. (a)Read the sentence from a summary about The Hot Zone. Richard Preston’s book The Hot Zone details the steps soldiers and scientists took to identify the deadly Ebola virus found in monkeys near Washington, D.C. What best describes this sentence taken from a summary of this book? (c)Read the excerpt from The Hot Zone. Jerry was terribly keyed up. In the past he had lectured Nancy on the dangers of working with Ebola in a space suit, and now he was leading a team into an Ebola hell. At the moment, he didn't care what happened to himself, personally. He was expendable, and he knew it. Based on context clues, what is the best definition of the word "expendable”? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to dowload it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Read the excerpt from The Hot Zone. There she met Lieutenant Colonel Trotter, a stocky, dark-haired man whom Nancy had worked with for many years. They put on their inner gloves and taped their cuffs. Nancy put a pair of hearing protectors over her ears. She had started wearing them a while back, when people had begun to suspect that the roar of air in your suit might be loud enough to damage your hearing. They hauled on their space suits and sealed the Ziploc zippers. They edged around each other as they fiddled with their suits. People wearing biohazard space suits tend to step around one another like two wrestlers at the beginning of a match, watching the other person's every move, especially watching the hands to make sure they don't hold a sharp object. This cringing becomes instinctive. Which best states the central idea of this excerpt? (c)Which excerpt from Silent Spring best appeals to readers’ pathos? (c) is a type of appeal that tries to make readers feel something. (b)Read the excerpt from Silent Spring. On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The farmers complained that they were unable to raise any pigs-the litters were small and the young survived only a few days. The apple trees were coming into bloom but no bees droned among the blossoms, so there was no pollination and there would be no fruit. What kind of tone do the underlined words create? (c)Read the excerpt from Silent Spring. It was a spring without voices. On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins, catbirds, doves, jays, wrens, and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound; only silence lay over the fields and woods and marsh. In this excerpt, which phrase carries the most positive tone? (a)In Silent Spring Rachel Carson makes up a fictional story about what life in the United States will be like if we don’t save the environment, whereas in “Save the Redwoods” John Muir . (b)Passage 1Passage 2 Read this excerpt from "Save the Redwoods". This righteous and lively indignation on the part of Californians after the long period of deathlike apathy, in which they have witnessed the destruction of other groves unmoved, seems strange until the rapid growth that right public opinion has made during the last few years is considered and the peculiar interest that attaches to the Calaveras giants. Which word best describes the tone used in both excerpts? (a)Which best describes one main difference between Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and John Muir’s "Save the Redwoods"? (a)Read the excerpt from Silent Spring. In the gutters under the eaves and between the shingles of the roofs, a white granular powder still showed a few patches; some weeks before it had fallen like snow upon the roofs and the lawns, the fields and streams. Which best explains how the phrase “white granular powder” supports the author’s purpose of calling attention to the environment? (b)Read the excerpt from Silent Spring. On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The farmers complained that they were unable to raise any pigs-the litters were small and the young survived only a few days. The apple trees were coming into bloom but no bees droned among the blossoms, so there was no pollination and there would be no fruit. The repetition of the word “no” in this excerpt helps create a tone of why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to use it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Read the excerpt from "Save the Redwoods." Another, one of the finest in the grove, more than three hundred feet high, was skinned alive to a height of one hundred and sixteen feet from the ground and the bark sent to London to show how fine and big that Calaveras tree was-as sensible a scheme as skinning our great men would be to prove their greatness. Which best describes how the excerpt appeals to readers’ emotions? (a)Which version of the sentence uses the preposition to show location? (d)Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word. Once the judge nodded , a wave of relief swept the courtroom. (b)Which sentence uses two prepositional phrases? (a)Which sentence contains an adverbial phrase? (b,c,e,f)Read the sentence. First, the lonely horse moved quite slowly toward the new herd, but eventually was really overjoyed to join them. Which words in the sentence are adverbs? Check all that apply. (a,c,d)How do prepositions function in a sentence? Check all that apply. (c)Read the sentence. The exquisite old painting hanging slightly crooked over the mantelpiece commanded our attention. Which part of the sentence is a prepositional phrase? (c)Read the sentence from Alexander’s paper. When asked if she was loyal enough to become a secret agent, Keysha answered in the affirmative. In which revised sentence did Alexander change the underlined word to use it as an noun? (verb)Read the sentence. The famous physicist who discovered the element received much acclaim and many prestigious awards. The underlined phrase is a(n) why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence. To facilitate a quick getaway, the cunning thief parked the car perpendicular the building. (b)Read the sentence. We voted. Which revision of the sentence has added an adverbial phrase? (a)Read the sentence. Much to the delight of the students, the faculty decided to enrich the curriculum by adding art to Tuesday mornings and music to Thursday afternoons. Which part of the sentence contains an infinitive? (d)Which sentence uses a prepositional phrase? (a)Read the sentence. During that epidemic, early warnings circulated widely. Which correctly analyzes each word’s part of speech in the sentence? (a)Micah would like to include a video clip in a blog post persuading readers to volunteer at the school spring carnival. Which clip would most enhance his post? (c)Megan’s blog claims that dance can be used to understand a variety of cultures and people. Which evidence is best for developing her claim? (b - elblow lake)Which blog statement is an example of a claim? (b,d,f)How is the writing in a blog is different from academic writing? Check all that apply. (a,d,e)Which multimedia choices could improve a blog post persuading readers to vote for a political candidate? Check all that apply. why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)Hannah created a blog to help readers find and purchase her new album. The main purpose of her blog is to (b)Leah’s blog claims that teenagers can be successful entrepreneurs. Which evidence is best for developing her claim? (c)Which best connects a multimedia element to a blog’s purpose? (c)Jared created a blog to describe his traveling adventures. The main purpose of his blog is most likely to (a)Read the excerpt from Liam’s blog. If it’s spring cleaning time at your house, please consider giving me a call! My friends and I started washing windows three years ago. We supply all of our own equipment and leave your house sparkling clean. Our service is guaranteed! The purpose of Liam’s blog is to (b)Read the excerpt from Ally’s blog. My first driving lesson was a disaster. The only thing I knew about driving was how to turn on the radio! My instructor, Ms. Shelley, was really patient. Still, after two missed turns, a scary moment on the highway, and a close call in the parking lot, I could tell she was happy to finally get back behind the wheel! The purpose of Ally’s blog is to (a)Spencer’s blog claims that national parks are the best vacation destinations. Which evidence is best for developing his claim? (b)The best way for a blogger to respond to readers’ counter arguments is to . (d)Which multimedia choice would be most effective in persuading blog readers to plant a vegetable garden? (a)Cheyenne created a blog to motivate readers to try mountain biking. The main purpose of her blog is to why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to use it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines How many iambs are found in this line from “Sonnet 18”? (b)Which best defines a couplet? (c)Analyze the rhyme scheme in these lines from “Sonnet 18.” But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. Which is the correct rhyme scheme? (a)Ms. Jameson is using "Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare to teach her students how to analyze a rhyme scheme. So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. Which is the correct rhyme scheme for these lines within the poem as a whole? (c)Erin is writing about the history of sonnets. Which is a fact Erin can include in her history? (b)Which best defines a quatrain? (a)Read these lines from “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare. And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course untrimm'd The purpose of these lines is to (d)According to the lesson, what part of speech is often stressed in iambic pentameter? (d)Owen is writing about the central ideas in "Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare. But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. What is the central idea of these lines? (b)Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May How many iambs are found in this line from “Sonnet 18”? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to dowload it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)Read this excerpt from the prologue of Shakespeare’s play Henry V, in which King Henry is referred to as Harry. A kingdom for a stage, princes to act And monarchs to behold the swelling scene! Then should the warlike Harry, like himself, Assume the port of Mars; and at his heels, Leash'd in like hounds, should famine, sword and fire Crouch for employment. Which best describes the purpose of this excerpt of the prologue? (c)Read the last line of the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. Which best restates the meaning of this line? (c)Read this excerpt from a play. JUNE and SYLVIO speak to MR. TELLER in the driveway of their farmhouse. It is raining hard, and they all carry umbrellas. A dog sits on the steps of the house. JUNE: We didn’t think you’d be coming back for the puppy. MR. TELLER: I said I would when I dropped the puppy off. SYLVIO: Yes, but that was months ago. We thought you’d be back for the puppy in a couple days. Now she’s a full-grown dog. We have raised her ourselves, we built her her own doghouse, and we love her. MR. TELLER: But she’s my dog. I only dropped her off at your house for safekeeping since I had to go out of town on business. Now I’m back and I want my dog back. SYLVIO: I don’t know, Mr. Teller. We love Lucy like our own. We want to keep her. What is the conflict of the play? (d)Which line from the prologue of Romeo and Juliet reveals the ending of the play? (c)Based on the prologue, what is the main conflict in Romeo and Juliet? (d)Read this excerpt from the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. The fearful passage of their death-mark’d love, 10 And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours’ traffick of our stage; Which best states the purpose of this excerpt? (b)Read these lines from the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. And the continuance of their parents’ rage, Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, What is the best paraphrasing of these lines? (b)Read this excerpt from the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. In addition to introducing two families in the play, this excerpt helps (d)Read this line from Hamlet discussed in Francisco: Nay, answer me. Stand, and unfold yourself. What is the best way to rewrite "unfold yourself”? (b)Read this excerpt from a play. JUNE and SYLVIO speak to MR. TELLER in the driveway of their farmhouse. It is raining hard, and they all carry umbrellas. A dog sits on the steps of the house. JUNE: We didn’t think you’d be coming back for the puppy. MR. TELLER: I said I would when I dropped the puppy off. SYLVIO: Yes, but that was months ago. We thought you’d be back for the puppy in a couple days. Now she’s a full-grown dog. We have raised her ourselves, we built her her own doghouse, and we love her. MR. TELLER: But she’s my dog. I only dropped her off at your house for safekeeping since I had to go out of town on business. Now I’m back and I want my dog back. What is the setting of this play? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (a)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: Here were the servants of your adversary And yours close fighting ere I did approach: I drew to part them; in the instant came The fiery Tybalt, with his sword prepar’d, 95 Which, as he breath’d defiance to my ears, He swung about his head, and cut the winds, Who, nothing hurt withal hiss’d him in scorn. According to Benvolio, who caused the fight? (c)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet. Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, 75 By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, Have thrice disturb’d the quiet of our streets, And made Verona’s ancient citizens Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans, in hands as old, 80 Canker’d with peace, to part your canker’d hate. Which best paraphrases why the prince is angry with Capulet and Montague? (d)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: I do but keep the peace: put up thy sword, 50 Or manage it to part these men with me. Which is the best paraphrase of Benvolio’s lines? (c,d,e)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: Alas! that love, whose view is muffled still, Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will. 160 Where shall we dine? O me! What fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. Here’s much to do with hate, but more with love: Why then, O brawling love! O loving hate! O any thing! of nothing first create. 165 O heavy lightness! serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I, that feel no love in this. Dost thou not laugh? Which lines from the excerpt support the inference that Romeo is emotionally conflicted? Check all that apply. (d)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. So early walking did I see your son: Towards him I made; but he was ware of me, 110 And stole into the covert of the wood: I, measuring his affections by my own, That most are busied when they’re most alone, Pursu’d my humour not pursuing his, And gladly shunn’d who gladly fled from me. What stops Benvolio from approaching Romeo? (a)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Montague: Many a morning hath he there been seen, With tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew, Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs: But all so soon as the all-cheering sun Should in the furthest east begin to draw 120 The shady curtains from Aurora’s bed, Away from light steals home my heavy son, And private in his chamber pens himself, Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, And makes himself an artificial night. According to this excerpt, what is causing Montague’s concerns about Romeo? (d)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet: But saying o’er what I have said before: My child is yet a stranger in the world, 10 She hath not seen the change of fourteen years; Let two more summers wither in their pride Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride. Which is the best paraphrase of Capulet’s lines? (b)An inference is a conclusion that adds what you know to the in the text. (d)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet. Servant: God gi’ good den. I pray, sir, can you read? 55 Romeo: Ay, mine own fortune in my misery. Servant: Perhaps you have learn’d it without book: but, I pray, can you read any thing you see? Romeo: Ay, if I know the letters and the language. Servant: Ye say honestly; rest you merry! [Offering to go.] Romeo: Stay, fellow; I can read. What causes the servant to ask for Romeo’s help? (a)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Montague: Many a morning hath he there been seen, With tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew, Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs: But all so soon as the all-cheering sun Should in the furthest east begin to draw 120 The shady curtains from Aurora’s bed, Away from light steals home my heavy son, And private in his chamber pens himself, Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, And makes himself an artificial night. 125 Black and portentous must this humour prove Unless good counsel may the cause remove. What inference can be made about Montague from this dialogue? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet: What noise is this? Give me my long sword, ho! Lady Capulet: A crutch, a crutch! Why call you for a sword? 60 Capulet: My sword, I say! Old Montague is come, And flourishes his blade in spite of me. Enter MONTAGUE and LADY MONTAGUE. Montague: Thou villain Capulet! Hold me not; let me go. Lady Montague: Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe. 65 What inference can be made about Lady Capulet and Lady Montague from this dialogue? (d)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: Groan! why, no; But sadly tell me who. Romeo: Bid a sick man in sadness make his will; Ah! word ill urg’d to one that is so ill. 195 In sadness, cousin, I do love a woman. What is the cause of Romeo’s despair? (c)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. And hear the sentence of your moved prince. Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, 75 By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, Have thrice disturb’d the quiet of our streets, And made Verona’s ancient citizens Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans, in hands as old, 80 Canker’d with peace, to part your canker’d hate. If ever you disturb our streets again Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. What will happen if the Capulets and Montagues disturb the peace again? (a)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: Tut! you saw her fair, none else being by, Herself pois’d with herself in either eye; But in that crystal scales let there be weigh’d Your lady’s love against some other maid 85 That I will show you shining at this feast, And she shall scant show well that now shows best. Romeo: I’ll go along, no such sight to be shown, But to rejoice in splendour of mine own. Romeo decides to attend the Capulets’ party because he wants to . (b)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt: What! art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death. Benvolio: I do but keep the peace: put up thy sword, 50 Or manage it to part these men with me. Tybalt: What! drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward! [They fight.] What inference can be made about Benvolio and Tybalt from this dialogue? (a)Shakespeare most often used sonnets to express which emotion between characters? (b)When Romeo and Juliet first meet in Act I, scene v, a sonnet structure is used because (d)Which of Juliet’s lines best shows her respect for her mother? (d)Shakespearean sonnets are organized in (d)Read the lines from Act I, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? Juliet: Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. Romeo: O! then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. Shakespeare uses the structure of these lines to develop why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)Which of Juliet’s lines best shows that she understands Romeo’s identity? (a)Read the dialogue between Romeo and Mercutio found in Act I, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: Give me a torch: I am not for this ambling; Being but heavy, I will bear the light. Mercutio: Nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance. Romeo: Not I, believe me: you have dancing shoes With nimble soles; I have a soul of lead So stakes me to the ground I cannot move. Based on these lines, which statement is true? (d)A poem with fourteen lines and a mixed rhyme scheme is a . (b)Read these lines spoken by Nurse and Lady Capulet in Act I, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Nurse: Faith, I can tell her age unto an hour. Lady Capulet: She’s not fourteen. Nurse: I’ll lay fourteen of my teeth- And yet to my teen be it spoken I have but four- She is not fourteen. These lines allow the reader to see Nurse’s (a)Which pair of characters have a relationship based on caregiving? (c)A joke that is a play on words is a (d)Read the dialogue found in Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you? Mercutio: The slip, sir, the slip; can you not conceive? Romeo: Pardon, good Mercutio, my business was great; and in such a case as mine a man may strain courtesy. Mercutio: That’s as much as to say, such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams. Romeo: Meaning-to curtsy. Mercutio: Thou hast most kindly hit it. Romeo: A most courteous exposition. Mercutio: Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy. How does the wordplay in these lines affect the mood? (a,c,e)Which are examples of puns? Check all that apply. (b,d)Review Friar Laurence’s soliloquy in Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Which statements about Friar Laurence’s soliloquy are true? Check all that apply. (c)Which lines best set a romantic mood in Act II, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (d)Mood is the ________created by a text. (d)A soliloquy is used in drama to (b)Read the lines from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Enter Nurse and PETER. Mercutio: A sail, a sail! Benvolio: Two, two; a shirt and a smock. Nurse: Peter! Peter: Anon! Nurse: My fan, Peter. Mercutio: Good Peter, to hide her face; for her fan’s the fairer face. Which is true about the scene? (b)Shakespeare includes speeches by both Romeo and Juliet in Act II, Scene ii to (c)Read the lines from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio: Well said; follow me this jest now till thou hast worn out the pump, that, when the single sole of it is worn, the jest may remain after the wearing sole singular. Romeo: O single-soled jest! solely singular for the singleness. Which word is used as a pun in these lines? (b)Read the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite: Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. The purpose of the oxymoron and paradox used in this excerpt is to (a)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio: No, ’tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door; but ’tis enough, ’twill serve: ask for me to-morrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am peppered, I warrant, for this world. A plague o’ both your houses! ’Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat, to scratch a man to death! a braggart, a rogue, a villain, that fights by the book of arithmetic! Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under your arm. What is foreshadowed by Mercutio’s statement that tomorrow "you shall find me a grave man”? (d)Read the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite: Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. What mood is created by the oxymoron and paradox in this excerpt? (c)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire: The day is hot, the Capulets abroad, And, if we meet, we shall not ’scape a brawl; For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. Mercutio: Thou art like one of those fellows that when he enters the confines of a tavern claps me his sword upon the table and says, ‘God send me no need of thee!’ and by the operation of the second cup draws him on the drawer, when, indeed, there is no need. Benvolio: Am I like such a fellow? Mercutio: Come, come, thou art as hot a Jack in thy mood as any in Italy; and as soon moved to be moody, and as soon moody to be moved. Which detail from the excerpt most foreshadows that Benvolio and Mercutio will fight the Capulets? (b)Read the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite: Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. Which is an example of a paradox within the excerpt why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to get it for free? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Read the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite: Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. What do the oxymoron and paradox in this excerpt illustrate about love? (d)Read the excerpt from Act II, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss consume: the sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness And in the taste confounds the appetite: 15 Therefore love moderately; long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. Friar Laurence is motivated to offer this warning becaus (a)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio: Help me into some house, Benvolio, Or I shall faint. A plague o’ both your houses! They have made worms’ meat of me: I have it, And soundly too:-your houses! [Exeunt MERCUTIO and BENVOLIO.] Which emotion most motivates Mercutio to speak these words? (oxymoron)What literary device consists of a pair of contradictory words or ideas? a(n) oxymoron (d)Read Romeo’s comment after killing Tybalt in Act III, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: O! I am Fortune’s fool. Romeo’s statement foreshadows the fact that (b)Most complications unfold during a plot’s . (c)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: Hence from Verona art thou banished. Be patient, for the world is broad and wide. 20 Romeo: There is no world without Verona walls, But purgatory, torture, hell itself. Hence banished is banish’d from the world, And world’s exile is death; then ‘banished,’ Is death mis-term’d. Calling death ‘banished,’ 25 Thou cutt’st my head off with a golden axe, 40 And smil’st upon the stroke that murders me. Which statement best describes Romeo’s reaction to the news that he will be banished from Verona? (a,c,d,e)Which statements about literary motifs are true? Check all that apply. (a)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east: 10 Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops: I must be gone and live, or stay and die. How does Shakespeare use the motif of morning? (b)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet: Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-brow’d night, Give me my Romeo: and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine 25 That all the world will be in love with night, And pay no worship to the garish sun. In this excerpt, Shakespeare presents the motif of night as a why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth PasteShr why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (c)Read the paragraph. Lara hesitated at the door. She confirmed the room number, comparing it to the schedule in her sweaty hands. With downcast eyes, she shuffled toward the teacher’s desk. Greeting the teacher, she timidly asked, "Spanish Two, Señora Garcia?” The underlined words reveal Lara’s (b)Read the paragraph. As Gregor stood and joined the line of kids, he exhaled deeply. While the rest of the team was selected, his posture relaxed. Gradually, his heartbeat steadied, and he high-fived each new member that joined the team. The underlined words reveal Gregor’s (d)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene v of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet: Then, window, let day in, and let life out. Romeo: Farewell, farewell! one kiss, and I’ll descend. [Descends.] 45 Juliet: Art thou gone so? my lord, my love, my friend! I must hear from thee every day in the hour, For in a minute there are many days: O! by this count I shall be much in years Ere I again behold my Romeo. 50 What conclusion can be drawn about Juliet based on her reaction to Romeo’s departure ? (a)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: The law that threaten’d death becomes thy friend, And turns it to exile; there art thou happy: A pack of blessings light upon thy back; Happiness courts thee in her best array; 150 But, like a misbehav’d and sullen wench, Thou pout’st upon thy fortune and thy love. Take heed, take heed, for such die miserable. Go, get thee to thy love, as was decreed, Ascend her chamber, hence and comfort her; 155 But look thou stay not till the watch be set, For then thou canst not pass to Mantua; Where thou shalt live, till we can find a time To blaze your marriage, reconcile your friends, Beg pardon of the prince, and call thee back 160 With twenty hundred thousand times more joy Than thou went’st forth in lamentation. Which statement best describes Friar Laurence’s reaction to Romeo’s banishment? (b)Read this excerpt from Act III, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence: Too familiar 10 Is my dear son with such sour company: I bring thee tidings of the prince’s doom. Romeo: What less than doomsday is the prince’s doom? Friar Laurence: A gentler judgment vanish’d from his lips, Not body’s death, but body’s banishment. How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play? (b)Read the excerpt from Act IV, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. First Musician: Faith, we may put up our pipes, and be gone. 105 Nurse: Honest good fellows, ah! put up, put up, for, well you know, this is a pitiful case. [Exit.] First Musician: Ay, by my troth, the case may be amended. [Enter PETER.] Peter: Musicians! O! musicians, ‘Heart’s ease, Heart’s ease:’ O! an ye will have me live, play ‘Heart’s ease.’ First Musician: Why ‘Heart’s ease?’ Peter: O! musicians, because my heart itself plays ‘My heart is full of woe;’ O! play me some merry dump, to comfort me. 110 Second Musician: Not a dump we; ’tis no time to play now. Peter: You will not then? Musicians: No. Peter: I will then give it you soundly. First Musician: What will you give us? 115 Peter: No money, on my faith! but the gleek: I will give you the minstrel. How does this excerpt offer comic relief? (b)In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt is an antagonist because he is a (c)Read the excerpt from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: We met we woo'd and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us to-day. Friar Laurence: Holy Saint Francis! what a change is here; Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear, 70 So soon forsaken? Young men's love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. Jesu Maria! what a deal of brine Hath wash'd thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline; How much salt water thrown away in waste, 75 To season love, that of it doth not taste! How does Friar Laurence support the archetype of mentor in the excerpt? (c)In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Capulet is an antagonist because he (c)Read the excerpt from Act III, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt: Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries 40 That thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw Romeo: I do protest I never injur'd thee, But love thee better than thou canst devise, Till thou shalt know the reason of my love: And so, good Capulet, which name I tender 45 As dearly as my own, be satisfied. Why is this an example of dramatic irony? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to dowload it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (a,b,d)In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, how do Romeo and Juliet fit the literary archetype of star-crossed lovers? Check all that apply. (d)Read the excerpt from Act IV, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet: Good faith! ’tis day: The county will be here with music straight, For so he said he would. [Music within.] I hear him near. Nurse! Wife! what, ho! What, nurse, I say! 30 Re-enter Nurse. Go waken Juliet, go and trim her up; I’ll go and chat with Paris. Hie, make haste, Make haste; the bridegroom he is come already: Make haste, I say. [Exeunt.] 35 This scene is an example of dramatic irony used to create suspense since the audience knows that (c)Read the excerpt from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: Here comes Romeo, here comes Romeo. 20 Mercutio: Without his roe, like a dried herring. O flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! Now is he for the numbers that Petrarch flowed in: Laura to his lady was but a kitchen-wench; marry, she had a better love to be-rime her; Dido a dowdy; Cleopatra a gipsy; Helen and Hero hildings and harlots; Thisbe, a grey eye or so, but not to the purpose. Signior Romeo, bon jour! there’s a French salutation to your French slop. You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night. Romeo: Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you? Mercutio: The slip, sir, the slip; can you not conceive? How does Mercutio offer comic relief in this excerpt? (c)Read the excerpt from Act I, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Nurse: Faith, I can tell her age unto an hour. Lady Capulet: She’s not fourteen. Nurse: I’ll lay fourteen of my teeth- And yet to my teen be it spoken I have but four- She is not fourteen. How long is it now 20 To Lammas-tide? Lady Capulet: A fortnight and odd days. Nurse: Even or odd, of all days in the year, Come Lammas-eve at night shall she be fourteen. The nurse can be viewed as a comic figure in the excerpt because of her (d)Read the excerpt from Romeo and Juliet, Act I, Scene v. Romeo: O! then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. Juliet: Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake. 105 Romeo: Then move not, while my prayers’ effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purg’d. [Kissing her.] Juliet: Then have my lips the sin that they have took. Romeo: Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urg’d! Give me my sin again. This is an example of dramatic irony because (d)Read the excerpt from Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Montague: Alas! my liege, my wife is dead to-night; Grief of my son’s exile hath stopp’d her breath. Which theme of Romeo and Juliet is reflected in this excerpt? (d)In Act V, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet, what role does Friar John play in the catastrophe? (a)In Act V, scene i of Romeo and Juliet, what role does Balthasar play in the catastrophe? (b)Romeo and Juliet’s final fate in Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet represents which element of Shakespearean tragedy? (d)Read the excerpt from Act V, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: Is it even so? then I defy you, stars! Thou know’st my lodging: get me ink and paper, And hire post-horses; I will hence to-night. Balthasar: I do beseech you, sir, have patience: Your looks are pale and wild, and do import Some misadventure. Which of Romeo’s tragic flaws is best reflected in this dialogue? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth How to dowload it? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth (b)In Act V, scene i of Romeo and Juliet, what role does the Apothecary play in the catastrophe? (a,c,d)Which elements cause the catastrophe in Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet? Check all that apply. (c,d,e,f)Which are elements of a Shakespearean tragedy? Check all that apply. (c)Read the excerpt from Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet: As rich shall Romeo by his lady lie; Poor sacrifices of our enmity! Which theme of Romeo and Juliet is reflected in this excerpt? (a)How do the Montague and Capulet families contribute to the catastrophe in Romeo and Juliet? why does neiterkob daughter tell the myth