treasure hunt simulator script repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() -- Making sure the game is Treasure Hunt Simulator if game.PlaceId ~= 1345139196 then game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("This script only works on Treasure Hunt Simulator!") end if getgenv().thunt_gui_executed then game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("GUI executed twice!") end -- Services treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local VirtualUser = game:GetService("VirtualUser") local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") -- Global Environment Variables treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().thunt_gui_executed = true getgenv().cheat_settings = {} getgenv().cheat_settings.autochest = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autosell = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuyshovels = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuybackpacks = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuypets = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autorebirth = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuycrates = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autoopencrates = false treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().cheat_settings.freegamepass = false getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide = true getgenv().cheat_settings.autoinvisible = false getgenv().cheat_settings.walkspeed = false getgenv().cheat_settings.jumppower = false getgenv().cheat_settings.autoserverhop = false getgenv().cheat_settings.antiafk = true getgenv().cheat_settings.savesettings = false -- Predefining needed game data treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().thunt_data = {} getgenv().thunt_data.chests = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Chests") getgenv().thunt_data.crates = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Crates") getgenv().thunt_data.shovels = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Shovels") getgenv().thunt_data.backpacks = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Backpacks") getgenv().thunt_data.pets = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Pets") getgenv().thunt_data.gamepasses = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Gamepasses") getgenv().thunt_data.buy_item = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("Checkout") getgenv().thunt_data.buy_crate = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("BuyCrate") getgenv().thunt_data.open_crate = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("SendOpenCrate") treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().thunt_data.rebirth = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("Rebirth") getgenv().thunt_data.check_if_owned = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("CheckIfOwned") function thunt_data.getChestNames(with_health) local ret_val = {} for ind, val in pairs(getgenv().thunt_data.chests:GetChildren()) do if with_health then ret_val[ind] = val.Name.." ("..val:WaitForChild("Health").Value..")" else ret_val[ind] = val.Name treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script end end return ret_val end function thunt_data.getCrateNames() local ret_val = {} for ind, val in pairs(getgenv().thunt_data.crates:GetChildren()) do ret_val[ind] = val.Name end treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script return ret_val end -- Predefining player data getgenv().player_data = {} -- Cheat needed variables getgenv().cheat_vars = {} getgenv().cheat_vars.walkspeed = 16 getgenv().cheat_vars.jumppower = 50 treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().cheat_vars.servermin = 6 getgenv().cheat_vars.servermax= 14 getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autobuycrate = {} getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autoopencrates = {} local crates_arr = getgenv().thunt_data.getCrateNames() for i,v in pairs(crates_arr) do getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autobuycrate[v] = false getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autoopencrates[v] = false treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script end getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autofarm = {} local chests_arr = getgenv().thunt_data.getChestNames(true) for i,v in pairs(chests_arr) do getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autofarm[v] = false end sandblocks = workspace:WaitForChild("SandBlocks") treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script -- Utility functions -- Data related functions local function saveData() if getgenv().player_data["player"] == nil then return false end local table = { cheat_var = getgenv().cheat_vars, treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script cheat_setting = getgenv().cheat_settings } local json = HttpService:JSONEncode(table) makefolder("THUNT_GUI") writefile("THUNT_GUI\\data_"..getgenv().player_data["player"].Name.."v1.txt", json) return true end local function loadData() if getgenv().player_data["player"] == nil then treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script return false end if(not isfile("THUNT_GUI\\data_"..getgenv().player_data["player"].Name.."v1.txt")) then return nil end local file_content = readfile("THUNT_GUI\\data_"..getgenv().player_data["player"].Name.."v1.txt") local table = HttpService:JSONDecode(file_content) if table.cheat_setting.savesettings == true then getgenv().cheat_vars = table.cheat_var getgenv().cheat_settings = table.cheat_setting treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script end return true end local function removeData() if getgenv().player_data["player"] == nil then return false end if isfile("THUNT_GUI\\data_"..getgenv().player_data["player"].Name.."v1.txt") then delfile("THUNT_GUI\\data_"..getgenv().player_data["player"].Name.."v1.txt") treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script end end -- Other functions local function spawnThread(task, ...) local cor = coroutine.create(task) local success, message = coroutine.resume(cor, ...) return cor, success, message end treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script local function updatePlayerData() getgenv().player_data["player"] = Players.LocalPlayer getgenv().player_data["character"] = getgenv().player_data["player"].Character or getgenv().player_data["player"].CharacterAdded:Wait() getgenv().player_data["humanoid"] = getgenv().player_data["character"]:WaitForChild("Humanoid") getgenv().player_data["root"] = getgenv().player_data["character"]:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") getgenv().player_data["tool"] = nil for ind, val in pairs(getgenv().player_data["player"]:WaitForChild("Backpack"):GetChildren()) do if val:IsA("Tool") then getgenv().player_data["tool"] = val break treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script end end if getgenv().player_data["tool"] == nil then for ind, val in pairs(getgenv().player_data["character"]:GetChildren()) do if val:IsA("Tool") then getgenv().player_data["tool"] = val break end end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script end getgenv().player_data["coins"] = getgenv().player_data["player"]:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Coins") end local function createInstance(inst, args) local instance = -- Instance properties for key, value in pairs(args) do instance[key] = value end treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script return instance end local function strToVec2(str, char) local temp = string.split(str, char) return {temp[1], temp[2]} end -- Cheat functions updatePlayerData() treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script local function goInvisible() local clone = getgenv().player_data["character"]:WaitForChild("LowerTorso"):WaitForChild("Root"):Clone() local before_tp = getgenv().player_data["root"].CFrame getgenv().player_data["root"].Anchored = true getgenv().player_data["root"].CFrame =, 10, -416) getgenv().player_data["root"].Anchored = false local part = createInstance("Part", treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script { Anchored = true, CFrame =, 10, -416), Size =, 5, 5), CanTouch = true, CanCollide = false, Parent = workspace }) part.Touched:Connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.LowerTorso.Root:Destroy() treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = before_tp part:Destroy() end) end local function serverHop(min_players, max_players) local servers = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("""/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100")) local teleported = false local cursor = "" while not teleported do treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script if servers.nextPageCursor ~= nil then for i,v in pairs( do if v.playing < min_players then continue end if v.playing > max_players then continue end teleported = true TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId, treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script break end if not teleported then cursor = servers.nextPageCursor servers = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("""/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor="..cursor)) end else wait(10) servers = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("""/servers/Public?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor="..cursor)) end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script wait(1) end end local function teleportTo(cframe) getgenv().player_data["root"].CFrame = cframe end local function setWalkSpeed(number) getgenv().player_data["humanoid"].WalkSpeed = number treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script end local function setJumpPower(number) getgenv().player_data["humanoid"].JumpPower = number end local function platformStand() local args = { Anchored = true, treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script Parent = workspace, CFrame = getgenv().player_data["root"].CFrame -, 3.6, 0) } local part = createInstance("Part", args) -- Removing part part.TouchEnded:Connect(function(tpart) if tpart.Parent == getgenv().player_data["character"] then part:Destroy() treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script end end) end local function findChest(filters) for ind1, part1 in pairs(sandblocks:GetChildren()) do if part1:FindFirstChild("Chest") then local chest_type = part1:FindFirstChild("Mat") if chest_type == nil then continue treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script end for i,v in pairs(filters) do if v == chest_type.Value or v:match(chest_type.Value) then return part1 end end end end return nil end treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script local function getFirstBlock() local children = sandblocks:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(children) do if v:FindFirstChild("Rock") == nil and v:FindFirstChild("Chest") == nil then return v end end return nil end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script local function digBlock(block) while getgenv().player_data["tool"] == nil do updatePlayerData() wait() end while(getgenv().player_data["tool"].Parent ~= getgenv().player_data["character"] and getgenv().player_data["tool"].Parent ~= getgenv().player_data["player"]:WaitForChild("Backpack")) do updatePlayerData() wait() end treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().player_data["humanoid"]:EquipTool(getgenv().player_data["tool"]) getgenv().player_data["tool"]:FindFirstChild("RemoteClick"):FireServer(block) end local function checkMaxBackpack() local amount = getgenv().player_data["player"]:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("Gui"):WaitForChild("Buttons"):WaitForChild("Sand"):WaitForChild("Amount") local backpack_status = strToVec2(amount.Text, " / ") return backpack_status[1] == backpack_status[2] treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script end local function sell() while checkMaxBackpack() do teleportTo(, 9.94674683, -254.006104)) wait() end end local function sellReturn() treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script local cframe = getgenv().player_data["root"].CFrame sell() getgenv().player_data["root"].CFrame = cframe end local function checkIfItemOwned(item_name) getgenv().thunt_data.check_if_owned:InvokeServer(item_name) end local function buyItem(item_name) treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script local args = { [1] = item_name } getgenv().thunt_data.buy_item:FireServer(unpack(args)) end local function buyCrate(crate_name, target_name,quantity) local args = { treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script [1] = getgenv().thunt_data.crates[crate_name], [2] = target_name, [3] = quantity } getgenv().thunt_data.buy_crate:FireServer(unpack(args)) end local function openCrate(crate_name) local args = treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script { [1] = getgenv().thunt_data.crates[crate_name] } getgenv().thunt_data.open_crate:FireServer(unpack(args)) end local function rebirth() getgenv().thunt_data.rebirth:FireServer() end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script local function getCurrentItem(item_type) if string.lower(item_type) == "shovels" then return getgenv().player_data["tool"].Name elseif string.lower(item_type) == "backpacks" then local backpack for i,v in pairs(getgenv().player_data["character"]:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Model") then return v.Name end treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script end elseif string.lower(item_type) == "pets" then local pet_holder = getgenv().player_data["character"]:WaitForChild("PetHolder") local children = pet_holder:GetChildren() if #children == 0 then return "None" end return children[1].Name end end treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script local function getNextBestItem(item_type, max_price) local current_item_name = getCurrentItem(item_type) if current_item_name == nil then return nil end local current_item local min_price if current_item_name ~= "None" then current_item = getgenv().thunt_data[item_type][current_item_name] treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script if current_item == nil then return nil end min_price = current_item:WaitForChild("Price").Value else min_price = 0 end local next_best_item for i, item in pairs(getgenv().thunt_data[item_type]:GetChildren()) do treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script if item_type == "shovels" then local item_tool = item:WaitForChild(item.Name) local item_configuration = item_tool:WaitForChild("Configurations") local item_type = item_configuration:WaitForChild("ToolType") if item_type.Value == "Bomb" then continue end end treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script local item_price = item:WaitForChild("Price").Value if item_price <= min_price then continue elseif item_price > max_price then continue end next_best_item = item min_price = item_price treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script end return next_best_item end local function buyNextBestItem(item_type) local item = getNextBestItem(item_type, getgenv().player_data["coins"].Value) if item == nil then return end buyItem(item.Name) treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script end local function buyEverything() if getgenv().cheat_settings.autorebirth then rebirth() end if getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuyshovels then buyNextBestItem("shovels") end treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script if getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuybackpacks then buyNextBestItem("backpacks") end if getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuypets then buyNextBestItem("pets") end updatePlayerData() treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script end -- Free gamepasses local oldFunction oldFunction = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", newcclosure(function(Self, ...) if not checkcaller() then if Self == MarketplaceService then local method = getnamecallmethod() if method == "UserOwnsGamePassAsync" then if getgenv().cheat_settings.freegamepass then treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script return true else return oldFunction(Self, ...) end end end end return oldFunction(Self, ...) end)) treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script -- Autochest local function autoChest(chests) local block = findChest(chests) or getFirstBlock() if block == nil then return end local hp = block.Health.Value local retries = 0 while getgenv().cheat_settings.autochest and block ~= nil do if block.Parent ~= sandblocks then treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script break end if getgenv().cheat_settings.autosell then if checkMaxBackpack() then sellReturn() buyEverything() end end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide = false teleportTo(block.CFrame +, block.Size.Y, 0)) digBlock(block) wait(getgenv().player_data["tool"]:WaitForChild("Configurations"):WaitForChild("AttackLength").Value) if block.Health.Value >= hp then retries = retries + 1 else retries = 0 treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script end if retries >= 3 then block.Parent = nil break end hp = block.Health.Value end end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script -- Cheat event functions -- Auto character update getgenv().player_data["player"].CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char) updatePlayerData() if getgenv().cheat_settings.autoinvisible then goInvisible() end end) treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script -- Anti afk getgenv().player_data["player"].Idled:Connect(function() if getgenv().cheat_settings.antiafk == true then VirtualUser:Button2Down(,0), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) wait(1) VirtualUser:Button2Up(,0), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) end end) -- Noclip treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() getgenv().player_data["character"].HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].Head.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].UpperTorso.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].LowerTorso.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].LeftUpperArm.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].LeftLowerArm.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].LeftHand.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].RightUpperArm.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide getgenv().player_data["character"].RightLowerArm.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().player_data["character"].RightHand.CanCollide = getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide end) -- Jumpspeed and walkspeed RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() if getgenv().cheat_settings.walkspeed then setWalkSpeed(getgenv().cheat_vars["walkspeed"]) end if getgenv().cheat_settings.jumppower then setJumpPower(getgenv().cheat_vars["jumppower"]) treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script end end) while loadData() == false do wait(1) end -- GUI local KavoLibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script local window = KavoLibrary.CreateLib("Treasure Hunt", "Midnight") -- Main tab local main_tab = window:NewTab("Main") local autofarm_section = main_tab:NewSection("Main") autofarm_section:NewLabel("Autofarm Chests") autofarm_section:NewToggle("On/Off", "Teleports around the map collecting chests", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autochest = state end) treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script local text = "Chests: " for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autofarm) do if v == true then text = text..k..", " end end local label = autofarm_section:NewLabel(text) autofarm_section:NewDropdown("Chests", "Which chests to autofarm", chests_arr, function(currentOption) getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autofarm[currentOption] = not(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autofarm[currentOption]) treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script local new_text = "Chests: " for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autofarm) do if v == true then new_text = new_text..k..", " end end label:UpdateLabel(new_text) end) autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto rebirth", "Automatically rebirths when possible.", function(state) treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().cheat_settings.autorebirth = state end) autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto sell", "Automatically sells when your backpack is full", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autosell = state end) autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto buy shovels", "Buys the best available shovel when you get enough money.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuyshovels = state end) treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto buy backpacks", "Buys the best available backpack when you get enough money.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuybackpacks = state end) autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto buy pets", "Buys the best available pet when you get enough money.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuypets = state end) autofarm_section:NewLabel("Auto server hop") treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto server hop", "Will server hop if there's too many or too few players.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autoserverhop = state end) autofarm_section:NewSlider("Minimum Players: ", "", 14, 1, function(val) getgenv().cheat_vars.servermin = val - 1 end) autofarm_section:NewSlider("Maximum Players: ", "", 14, 1, function(val) treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().cheat_vars.servermax = val + 1 end) autofarm_section:NewLabel("Auto buy crates") local crate_text = "Crates: " for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autobuycrate) do if v == true then crate_text = crate_text..k..", " end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script end local autocrates_label = autofarm_section:NewLabel(crate_text) autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto buy crates", "Buys the chosen crates pet you have enough money.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuycrates = state end) autofarm_section:NewDropdown("Choose crates", "Which crates to buy", crates_arr, function(current_option) getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autobuycrate[current_option] = not(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autobuycrate[current_option]) treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script local new_text = "Crates: " for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autobuycrate) do if v == true then new_text = new_text..k..", " end end autocrates_label:UpdateLabel(new_text) end) autofarm_section:NewLabel("Auto open crates") treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script local autocrate_text = "Crates: " for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autoopencrates) do if v == true then autocrate_text = autocrate_text..k..", " end end local autocrates_label = autofarm_section:NewLabel(crate_text) treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script autofarm_section:NewToggle("Auto open crates", "Opens selected crates.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autoopencrates = state end) autofarm_section:NewDropdown("Choose crates", "Which crates to open", crates_arr, function(current_option) getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autoopencrates[current_option] = not(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autoopencrates[current_option]) local new_text = "Crates: " for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autoopencrates) do if v == true then new_text = new_text..k..", " treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script end end autocrates_label:UpdateLabel(new_text) end) -- Misc tab local misc_tab = window:NewTab("Misc") local gamepass_section = misc_tab:NewSection("Free gamepasses | NOT WORKING") gamepass_section:NewToggle("On/Off", "Unlocks all the gamepasses that are possible to unlock.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.freegamepass = state treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script end) local crates_section = misc_tab:NewSection("Crates") local chosen_crate = "Tier1" local chosen_player = getgenv().player_data["player"].Name local chosen_quantity = 1 crates_section:NewDropdown("Choose crate", "Which crate to buy", crates_arr, function(current_option) chosen_crate = current_option end) treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script local player_list = Players:GetPlayers() for i,v in pairs(player_list) do player_list[i] = v.Name end local player_dropdown = crates_section:NewDropdown(chosen_player, "Choose player", player_list, function(current_option) chosen_player = current_option end) treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script crates_section:NewButton("Refresh", "Refresh player list", function() player_list = Players:GetPlayers() for i,v in pairs(player_list) do player_list[i] = v.Name end player_dropdown:Refresh(player_list) end) crates_section:NewSlider("Quantity", "", 100, 1, function(val) chosen_quantity = val treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script end) crates_section:NewButton("Buy", "Buy Crates", function() buyCrate(chosen_crate, chosen_player, chosen_quantity) end) -- Local Player Tab local localplayer_tab = window:NewTab("Local Player") local walkspeed_section = localplayer_tab:NewSection("Walk speed") walkspeed_section:NewToggle("On/Off", "Walk speed cheat.", function(state) treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().cheat_settings.walkspeed = state end) walkspeed_section:NewSlider("Walk speed", "", 500, 16, function(val) getgenv().cheat_vars.walkspeed = val end) local jumppower_section = localplayer_tab:NewSection("Jump power") jumppower_section:NewToggle("On/Off", "Jump power cheat.", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.jumppower = state treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script end) jumppower_section:NewSlider("Jump Power", "", 500, 16, function(val) getgenv().cheat_vars.jumppower = val end) local other_section = localplayer_tab:NewSection("Other") other_section:NewButton("Kill player", "Kills the player", function() getgenv().player_data["humanoid"].Health = 0 end) treasure hunt simulator script How to use it? treasure hunt simulator script other_section:NewToggle("Auto Invisible", "Makes you automatically go invisible", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.autoinvisible = state if getgenv().cheat_settings.autoinvisible then pcall(function() goInvisible() end) end end) other_section:NewToggle("Noclip", "Noclip", function(state) treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script getgenv().cheat_settings.gcollide = not state end) local antiafk antiafk = other_section:NewButton("Anti afk (on)", "Anti afk", function() getgenv().cheat_settings.antiafk = not getgenv().cheat_settings.antiafk if getgenv().cheat_settings.antiafk then antiafk:UpdateButton("Anti afk (on)") else antiafk:UpdateButton("Anti afk (off)") end treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script end) other_section:NewToggle("Save settings", "Save settings", function(state) getgenv().cheat_settings.savesettings = state saveData() end) -- Cheat logic -- Saving data treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script spawnThread(function() while wait(15) do if getgenv().cheat_settings.savesettings then saveData() end end end) -- Auto chest spawnThread(function() treasure hunt simulator script PasteShr treasure hunt simulator script while wait() do while getgenv().cheat_settings.autochest do if getgenv().player_data["character"] == nil or getgenv().player_data["tool"] == nil then updatePlayerData() end local arr = {} for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autofarm) do if v == true then treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script table.insert(arr, k) end end autoChest(arr) buyEverything() wait() end end treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script end) -- Auto rebirth spawnThread(function() while wait() do while getgenv().cheat_settings.autorebirth do rebirth() wait(5) end end treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script end) -- Auto buy crates spawnThread(function() while wait() do while getgenv().cheat_settings.autobuycrates do for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autobuycrate) do if v == true then buyCrate(k, getgenv().player_data["player"].Name, 1) end treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script end wait(0.5) end end end) -- Auto open crates spawnThread(function() while wait() do while getgenv().cheat_settings.autoopencrates do treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script for k,v in pairs(getgenv().cheat_vars.chosen_autoopencrates) do if v == true then openCrate(k) end end wait() end end end) treasure hunt simulator script How to get it? treasure hunt simulator script -- Auto server hop local can_teleport = true spawnThread(function() while wait() do while getgenv().cheat_settings.autoserverhop do if can_teleport == true then if #Players:GetPlayers() < getgenv().cheat_vars.servermin then serverHop(getgenv().cheat_vars.servermin, getgenv().cheat_vars.servermax) end if #Players:GetPlayers() > getgenv().cheat_vars.servermax then treasure hunt simulator script How to get it for free? treasure hunt simulator script serverHop(getgenv().cheat_vars.servermin, getgenv().cheat_vars.servermax) end end wait(15) end end end) getgenv().player_data["player"].OnTeleport:Connect(function(state) if state == Enum.TeleportState.Started then treasure hunt simulator script How to dowload it? treasure hunt simulator script syn.queue_on_teleport(game:HttpGet("")) can_teleport = false end if state == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then can_teleport = true end end) treasure hunt simulator script