succubus prison house of lewd demons Final Walkthrough. This walkthrough is for the game Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~. It is accompanied by these guides: Overall timeline: Other notes: This walkthrough is only concerned with getting through the game. It has no interest in scenes. Successful Escape timeline: succubus prison house of lewd demons How to get it for free? succubus prison house of lewd demons 09:25 am - Immediately eat some food and save the game. Leaving before eating food will run into Nemea. Interact with trash can a few times until you get the notes. Turn on ALL of the hall lights, the bathroom lights, and the dining room/living room hall lights. Do NOT break toilet. This route requires two scenes that cause lust status, and you will need to use the toilet to cure it. If you use the timeline, you should be able to avoid any run-ins at all. Open cellar for easy access later. 3984; found by recording the kitchen around 5:20 pm. succubus prison house of lewd demons PasteShr succubus prison house of lewd demons Grab the rubber gloves in the bathroom. Interact with front door to become aware of seal. Return to confinement room. Wait until Nemea leaves at 10:06pm. 10:06 am - Wait until the coast is clear. Enter into Vinum's room. Ask to be let go and be persuasive. Agree to the plan. succubus prison house of lewd demons How to get it for free? succubus prison house of lewd demons Sneak into Nemea's room. Read the bookshelf on the far left to find out about the Bewitching Salve. Wait until the time is EXACTLY on 10:15 am, or another multiple of 15. Use the PC. Order a pizza and time for it to be exactly at 12:00 pm. Being off by a few minutes can easily result in a game over. Immediately take a nap. This will avoid a scene with Myusca at 10:50pm where she attempts to intimidate you. 11:16 am - Continue waiting until 12:00 pm. Sit through some delicious pizza. Receive Drawer Key. succubus prison house of lewd demons PasteShr succubus prison house of lewd demons Immediately take another nap to avoid another scene with Myusca. Heal, eat, wait until 2:03 pm. 02:03 pm - Enter Mysuca's room. Grab hair. Head downstairs. Enter Vinum's room. Examine all of the books. This will allow you to use the summoning circle in the basement, as well as gather summoning ingredients. Open the drawer and receive the Strange Jewel. This should eat up your time until 2:45 pm. succubus prison house of lewd demons How to get it for free? succubus prison house of lewd demons 02:45 pm - Enter bath while Nemea is in there and finish minigame to obtain Nemea's Hair. After running back to your room, move to bathroom and cure the lust syndrome. Eat, rest, then wait until about around 5:17 pm 05:17 pm - Enter the bathroom and obtain Myusca's panties succubus prison house of lewd demons How to get it? succubus prison house of lewd demons Enter library and encounter Vinum. Answer that it was Myusca's fault and you were looking for a book. Vinum starts a game with you. Take a screen shot of the book she shows you. Find the book within the house and bring it back to obtain the house key. There is a book in the living room, the kitchen, and 3 in Vinum's room. Head into the basement and summon a Gremlin using Myusca's panties and milk. Use Holy Water during the fight to obtain the Demonic Ash. Head back to confinement room and wait until 6:16 pm and rest to avoid a potential other scene where Myusca enters the room. succubus prison house of lewd demons How to get it? succubus prison house of lewd demons 07:16 pm - Enter bath with Vinum and complete the scene to obtain Vinum's hair. 07:35 pm Cure lust syndrome. Go into kitchen and search rice cooker area for Honey and take it. succubus prison house of lewd demons How to use it? succubus prison house of lewd demons Use Strange Jewel to absorb all three girls' hair. Head to front door and interact with it until MC uses the Demonic Ash on the Glove to open the door along with turning the key. Escape. NOTES: If MC has died, you can skip the pizza boy scene by finding a gun in the cellar. It's in the wall north of the puddle. You can use this to shoot open Vinum's drawer. succubus prison house of lewd demons PasteShr succubus prison house of lewd demons If MC has not died yet, he will not use the Gun on the drawer to get the item as he fears death too much at this point. succubus prison house of lewd demons