sols rng script pastebin local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local useItem = replicatedStorage.Modules.Inventory.UseItem local function usePotion(potion, amt) local itemName = potion; local itemAmt = amt; UseItem:FireServer(itemName, itemAmt); end sols rng script pastebin How to get it for free? sols rng script pastebin ------------------ --[[ UI Setup ]]-- ------------------ local uiLibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))() local mainWindow = uiLibrary:CreateWindow({ Name = "Sol's RNG"; LoadingTitle = "Loading script..."; sols rng script pastebin How to use it? sols rng script pastebin loadingSubtitle = "Have fun!"; ConfigurationSaving = { Enabled = true; FolderName = "Sol's_RNG_Data"; FileName = "Sol's_RNG"; }; Discord = { Enabled = false; Invite = "No Discord Server!"; RememberJoins = false; sols rng script pastebin How to dowload it? sols rng script pastebin }; KeySystem = false; KeySettings = { Title = "Sol's RNG"; Subtitle = "Key System"; Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided"; FileName = "Sol's_RNG_Key"; SaveKey = true; GrabKeyFromSite = false; Key = {"abb3abbas73bcabd63bad"}; sols rng script pastebin PasteShr sols rng script pastebin }; }); local farmTab = mainWindow:CreateTab("Autofarm", nil); local boostsTab = mainWindow:CreateTab("Boosts", nil); local settingsTab = mainWindow:CreateTab("Settings", nil); uiLibrary:Notify({ Title = "Script loaded Successfully!"; Content = "Enjoy the script, and good luck!\nYou can toggle the UI by pressing Left Control."; sols rng script pastebin How to use it? sols rng script pastebin Duration = 5.0; Image = nil; Actions = { Ignore = { Name = "Thanks!"; Callback = function() print("The user closed the Tab!"); end }; }; sols rng script pastebin How to get it? sols rng script pastebin }); -------------------- --[[ farmTab UI ]]-- -------------------- local autoItems = farmTab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Auto Walk to Items"; CurrentValue = false; Flag = "autoItems"; sols rng script pastebin How to get it for free? sols rng script pastebin Callback = function(state) print("autoItems: " .. state); end }); -------------------- --[[ boostsTab UI ]]-- -------------------- local potionsSection = boostsTab:CreateSection("Potions"); sols rng script pastebin How to get it? sols rng script pastebin local autoLuck = boostsTab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Auto Use Luck Potion"; CurrentValue = false; Flag = "autoLuck"; Callback = function(state) print("autoLuck: " .. state); end }); sols rng script pastebin How to use it? sols rng script pastebin local autoSpeed = boostsTab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Auto Use Speed Potion"; CurrentValue = false; Flag = "autoSpeed"; Callback = function(state) print("autoSpeed: " .. state); end }); local luckAmtToUse = 1 sols rng script pastebin How to dowload it? sols rng script pastebin local useLuck = boostsTab:CreateButton({ Name = ("Use %s Luck Potion", luckAmtToUse); Callback = function(state) if state then task.spawn(function() while state and task.wait(0.1) do usePotion("Luck Potion", luckAmtToUse); end end) end sols rng script pastebin How to get it for free? sols rng script pastebin end }); local luckAmt = boostsTab:CreateInput({ Name = "Amount to Use"; PlaceholderText = "1"; RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false; Callback = function(text) luckAmtToUse = tonumber(text); end; sols rng script pastebin How to get it for free? sols rng script pastebin }); local speedAmtToUse = 1 local useSpeed = boostsTab:CreateButton({ Name = ("Use %s Speed Potion", speedAmtToUse); Callback = function(state) if state then task.spawn(function() while state and task.wait(0.1) do usePotion("Speed Potion", speedAmtToUse); sols rng script pastebin How to get it? sols rng script pastebin end end) end end }); local speedAmt = boostsTab:CreateInput({ Name = "Amount to Use"; PlaceholderText = "1"; RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false; sols rng script pastebin How to use it? sols rng script pastebin Callback = function(text) speedAmtToUse = tonumber(text); end; }); local obbySection = boostsTab:CreateSection("Obby"); local autoObby = boostsTab:CreateToggle({ Name = "Auto Complete Obby"; CurrentValue = false; sols rng script pastebin How to use it? sols rng script pastebin Flag = "autoObby"; Callback = function(state) print("autoObby: " .. state); end }); -------------------- --[[ settingsTab UI ]]-- -------------------- sols rng script pastebin