snowman simulator script local gamePlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local ballSize = game:GetService("Players") local ballCount = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.localData.snowballs local sackStorage = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.localData.sackStorage local children = game:GetService("Workspace").snowmanBases:GetChildren() local bossStep = game:GetService("Workspace").steps local getMinions = game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants() local pvpList = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() local gameVector =, y, math.random(5000)) local autoSnow snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script local rebirthAuto local autoCandy local noOptions local autoYetiMoney local autoYeti local autoSell local sBoss local customWait local doKill local murderKid snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script local candyCount = {} local waitCount = 0 local killPlayer = "pvpHit" local eventKill = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.snowballProjectile loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() -- KINDA USELESS NGL snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script local config = { ["HeaderWidth"] = 240, ["AccentColor"] =,0,0) } local gui = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))():Init(config,game.CoreGui) --gui:CreateCategory("Clean Up"):CreateButton("Click",function() gui:CleanUp() end) local main = gui:CreateCategory("Snowman Simulator GUI") local autofarms = main:CreateSection('Auto Farms') snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script autofarms:CreateButton('Snowbase', function() local snowbase = gui:CreateCategory('Automatic Snowbase Farm') local start_base = snowbase:CreateSwitch('Start', function(bool) autoSnow = bool end) local options = snowbase:CreateSection('Options') local rebirth = options:CreateSwitch('Rebirth', function(bool) rebirthAuto = bool end) --local maxBalls = options:CreateSwitch('No Max Size', function(bool) maxBall = bool end) options:Collapse() end) snowman simulator script How to get it? snowman simulator script autofarms:CreateButton("Boss", function() local bossfarms = gui:CreateCategory("Automatic Boss Farm") local yeti = bossfarms:CreateSection('Yeti Giant') local start_yeti = yeti:CreateSwitch('Start', function(bool) autoYeti = bool sBoss = 'Yeti Giant' end) local yeti_options = yeti:CreateSection('Options') local yeti_teleport = yeti_options:CreateButton('Teleport', function() teleportBoss('Yeti Giant') end) local yeti_money = yeti_options:CreateButton('Manual Boss Reward', function() end) local yeti_moneyauto = yeti_options:CreateSwitch('Auto Boss Reward', function(bool) autoYetiMoney = bool sBoss = 'Yeti Giant' end) local yeti_slider = yeti_options:CreateSlider("Custom Kill Wait", function(value) customWait = value end,0,100,0.1,false,1) local ginger = bossfarms:CreateSection('Bad Batch Gingey') snowman simulator script How to get it? snowman simulator script local start_ginger = ginger:CreateSwitch('Start', function(bool) autoYeti = bool sBoss = 'Bad Batch Gingey' end) local ginger_options = ginger:CreateSection('Options') local ginger_teleport = ginger_options:CreateButton('Teleport', function() teleportBoss('Bad Batch Gingey') end) local ginger_money = ginger_options:CreateButton('Manual Boss Reward', function() end) local ginger_moneyauto = ginger_options:CreateSwitch('Auto Boss Reward', function(bool) autoYetiMoney = bool sBoss = 'Bad Batch Gingey' end) local ginger_slider = ginger_options:CreateSlider("Custom Kill Wait", function(value) customWait = value end,0,100,0.1,false,1) local teddy = bossfarms:CreateSection('Terrible Teddy Bear') local start_teddy = teddy:CreateSwitch('Start', function(bool) autoYeti = bool sBoss = 'Terrible Teddy Bear' end) local teddy_options = teddy:CreateSection('Options') local teddy_teleport = teddy_options:CreateButton('Teleport', function() teleportBoss('Terrible Teddy Bear') end) snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script local teddy_money = teddy_options:CreateButton('Manual Boss Reward', function() end) local teddy_moneyauto = teddy_options:CreateSwitch('Auto Boss Reward', function(bool) autoYetiMoney = bool sBoss = 'Terrible Teddy Bear' end) local teddy_slider = teddy_options:CreateSlider("Custom Kill Wait", function(value) customWait = value end,0,100,0.1,false,1) local gumdrop = bossfarms:CreateSection('Gumdrop King') local start_gumdrop = gumdrop:CreateSwitch('Start', function(bool) autoYeti = bool sBoss = 'Gumdrop King' end) local gumdrop_options = gumdrop:CreateSection('Options') local gumdrop_teleport = gumdrop_options:CreateButton('Teleport', function() teleportBoss('Gumdrop King') end) local gumdrop_money = gumdrop_options:CreateButton('Manual Boss Reward', function() end) local gumdrop_moneyauto = gumdrop_options:CreateSwitch('Auto Boss Reward', function(bool) autoYetiMoney = bool sBoss = 'Gumdrop King' end) local gumdrop_slider = gumdrop_options:CreateSlider("Custom Kill Wait", function(value) customWait = value end,0,100,0.1,false,1) snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script yeti:Collapse() ginger:Collapse() teddy:Collapse() gumdrop:Collapse() yeti_options:Collapse() teddy_options:Collapse() ginger_options:Collapse() gumdrop_options:Collapse() end) snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script autofarms:CreateButton("Candy", function() local candies = gui:CreateCategory("Automatic Candy Farm") local start = candies:CreateSwitch('Start', function(bool) autoCandy = bool end) local options = candies:CreateSection('Options') local slider = options:CreateSlider("Amount to Wait", function(value) if waitCheck() == true then noOptions = false end waitCount = value end,0,25,1) local sell = options:CreateSwitch('AutoSell', function(value) autoSell = value end) options:Collapse() snowman simulator script How to get it? snowman simulator script end) autofarms:CreateButton("Minions", function() local minions_start = gui:CreateCategory("Minion Farm") local start = minions_start:CreateSwitch('Start', function(bool) doKill = bool end) local options_min = minions_start:CreateSection('Options') local god = options_min:CreateButton('Minion God Mode', function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() end) end) snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script autofarms:CreateButton('Players', function() local player_cat = gui:CreateCategory('Player Fun') local selector = player_cat:CreateSelector('Player: ', function() return; end, function() local pvpEnabled = {} for i, player in pairs(pvpList) do if player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then table.remove(pvpList, i) end end snowman simulator script How to get it? snowman simulator script for _, v in pairs(pvpList) do if v.localData.playerSettings.pvp.value == true then table.insert(pvpEnabled,v) end end return pvpEnabled end, 'none') local Manual = player_cat:CreateButton('Teleport Kill', function() Players = game:GetService("Players") for i, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do snowman simulator script How to use it? snowman simulator script if player == selector:GetValue() then --attackPlayer = --playerHealth = gamePlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,0,8) repeat for i = 1, 2 do eventKill:FireServer(killPlayer, player, gameVector) wait(0.30) end until player.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0 snowman simulator script How to use it? snowman simulator script end end end) local pvpKillAll = player_cat:CreateButton('PVP-Enabled Kill All', function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() end) end) autofarms:Collapse() snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script main:CreateButton("Exit GUI",function() gui:CleanUp() end) main:CreateTextLabel('Created by DohmBoyOG#0313 \n Version: 1.0') ------- END GUI STUFF ------- function waitCheck() if waitCount > 0 then return true; snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script else return false; end end function maxSize() return 8 + 12 * math.clamp(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.localData.collecting.Value / 200, 0, 1) end snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script function auto_snowbase() --if maxBall == true then -- op = ballSize.Value <= maxSize() --else -- op = ballSize.Value >= maxSize() -- end game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.snowballControllerFunc:InvokeServer("startRoll") repeat for i = 1, 100 do snowman simulator script PasteShr snowman simulator script game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.collectSnow:FireServer() game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end until ballSize.Value >= maxSize() warn('[Snowball Size]: '..ballSize.Value..'/'..maxSize()) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.snowballControllerFunc:InvokeServer("stopRoll") if ballCount.Value == sackStorage.Value then print("Stop Collecting") game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.snowballController:FireServer("addToSnowman") snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script print("Adding Collection to snowman") end while rebirthAuto == true and getBool() == true do wait() print("Congrats, its a boy!") provideRebirth() wait() end end snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script function getBool() for _, gamePlots in pairs(children) do if gamePlots.player.Value == gamePlayer then return gamePlots.rebirthActive.Value end end end function provideRebirth() ---[ Code block Taken and put into a function from user 'umbtw' on v3rmillion forums]--- for _, value in pairs(children) do snowman simulator script How to use it? snowman simulator script if value.player.value == gamePlayer then if value.player.value == gamePlayer then LandPlot = value end end end local A_1 = "acceptRebirth" local A_2 = LandPlot local A_3 = true snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.snowmanEvent Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2, A_3) end ---[ End of taken code, i CBA to do it myself even though i know how] --- function countCandy() local candyCanes = game:GetService("Workspace").gameCandyCanes:GetChildren() local count = #candyCanes return count snowman simulator script How to use it? snowman simulator script end function startCollection() for _ , candyCanes in next, game:GetService("Workspace").gameCandyCanes:GetChildren() do local cane = candyCanes:FindFirstChild("cane") if cane then gamePlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = candyCanes.cane.CFrame *,4,0) wait(0.40) end end snowman simulator script PasteShr snowman simulator script end function sellCandy() print(autoSell) if autoSell == true then for count = 1, 3 do local A_1 = "sellCandycanes" local A_2 = count local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.candycaneSell Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2) snowman simulator script PasteShr snowman simulator script end end end function forceReward() local bossPosition = searchBoss(sBoss) if bossPosition:FindFirstChild('Boss') and bossPosition.Boss:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then snowman simulator script How to get it? snowman simulator script local A_1 = "hit" local A_2 = sBoss local A_3 = game:GetService("Workspace").steps.bossLedge.Boss.Boss.Humanoid local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.bossReward for i= 1, 80 do Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2, A_3) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end print('doing') end snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script end function searchBoss(b) for _, findLedge in next, bossStep:GetChildren() do if findLedge.Name == 'bossLedge' then for _, findBoss in next, findLedge:GetChildren() do if findBoss:IsA('Folder') and findBoss.Name == 'Boss' then if findBoss.bossName.Value == b then snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script return findBoss end end end end end end function autoKill() local bossPosition = searchBoss(sBoss) snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script if bossPosition:FindFirstChild('Boss') and bossPosition.Boss:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then local A_1 = "explodeLauncher" local A_2 = bossPosition.Boss.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p; local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.snowballProjectile wait(customWait) for i=1, 20 do Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end end snowman simulator script How to get it? snowman simulator script end function notImplemented() wait(0.2) game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", { Title = "Not Implemented"; -- the title Text = "This Function is not implemented yet, please be patient this is a WIP"; -- what the text says Duration = 5; -- how long the notification should in secounds }) end snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script function killMinions() for _, value in pairs(getMinions) do if value:IsA('Folder') and == 'minionHolder' then for _, m in pairs(value:GetChildren()) do for i = 1, 20 do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ThisGame.Calls.minionHelper:FireServer("minionHit", m) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end end snowman simulator script PasteShr snowman simulator script end end end function teleportBoss(boss) for _, bossLedge in pairs(bossStep:GetChildren()) do if == 'bossLedge' then local whatBoss = bossLedge.bossName.value local isBoss = boss if whatBoss == isBoss then snowman simulator script PasteShr snowman simulator script gamePlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = bossLedge.portal.teleportSpot.CFrame else print('No boss named '..isBoss..' Found!') end end end end function murderChild() snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script local pvpEnabled = {} for i, player in pairs(pvpList) do if player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then table.remove(pvpList, i) end end for _, v in pairs(pvpList) do if v.localData.playerSettings.pvp.value == true then snowman simulator script How to get it for free? snowman simulator script table.insert(pvpEnabled,v) end end return pvpEnabled end while wait() do if autoSnow == true then snowman simulator script How to dowload it? snowman simulator script auto_snowbase() end if autoCandy == true and noOptions == true then startCollection() elseif autoCandy == true and waitCheck() == true then --print('[Waiting for] '..'['..waitCount..']'..' Candy Canes') if countCandy() >= waitCount then --print('Found Candy!') startCollection() sellCandy() snowman simulator script How to use it? snowman simulator script end end if autoYetiMoney == true then print('enabled') forceReward() end if autoYeti == true then snowman simulator script How to use it? snowman simulator script autoKill() end if doKill == true then killMinions() end end snowman simulator script PasteShr snowman simulator script snowman simulator script