shota vore >Drow priestess sitting down for dinner >A rare delicacy was captured by the slavers, and of course she'll be the one to enjoy it, just as she deserves >A pair of you male drow eye candy bring her meal in >Tied up on a silver platter in spidersilk is the young elf prince the raiders managed to catch >She eyes the naked shota prince up as she dismisses her servants >Licking her lips she pulls the prince up to her, drinking in his nervousness and fear at her touch she embraces him, pulling him into a deep and forceful kiss, his first and last one as she samples his flavor >Confusion and arousal fills the shota as he tries to understand what's going on >As she works a bit of magic on herself it quickly turns to horror when her jaw begins to pop out of place and engulph his head >Whimpering, the prince vainly struggles in his bonds as the priestess slowly swallows him, taking her time as her tongue runs across his tear stained face before pulling him into her hot, slick, and eager throat >Lifting him up over her, she lets gravity and his weight aid her as, gulp by gulp, she pulls more of him in >Slowly but surely he disappears down her throat, the priestess pausing only when she reaches his crotch, she begins running her tongue along his dick shota vore How to use it? shota vore >Bringing one hand down between her legs she thoroughly enjoys his moans as she taunts and teases him with her slick throat and skillful tongue before swallowing once more when she tastes the newest addition to his flavor >With a final gulp she seals him in and her strong, fit stomach before it begins squeezing and kneading him within her dark, hot, and suffocating depths >Lying back, the priestess rubs her taught belly, smiling as she calls in one of her daughters to help her finish enjoying the prince's struggles shota vore