seeds of chaos gallery # Copyright 2004-2019 Tom Rothamel # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery init -1500 python: class __GalleryAllPriorCondition(object): def check(self, all_prior): return all_prior class __GalleryArbitraryCondition(object): def __init__(self, condition): seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery self.condition = condition def check(self, all_prior): return eval(self.condition) class __GalleryUnlockCondition(object): def __init__(self, images): self.images = images seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery def check(self, all_prior): for i in self.images: print(i, renpy.seen_image(i)) if not renpy.seen_image(i): return True return True seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery class __GalleryImage(object): def __init__(self, gallery, displayables): # The gallery object we belong to. = gallery # A list of conditions for this image to be displayed. self.conditions = [ ] seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery # A list of displayables to show. self.displayables = displayables # A list of transforms to apply to those displayables, or None # to not apply a transform. self.transforms = [ None ] * len(displayables) def check_unlock(self, all_prior): """ seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery Returns True if the image is unlocked. """ for i in self.conditions: if not i.check(all_prior): return False return True def show(self, locked, index, count): seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery """ Shows this image when it's unlocked. """ renpy.transition( ui.saybehavior() displayables = [ ] for d, transform in zip(self.displayables, self.transforms): seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery if transform is not None: d = transform(d) else: d = config.default_transform(d) d = renpy.display.layout.AdjustTimes(d, None, None) displayables.append(d) seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery renpy.show_screen("_gallery", locked=locked, index=index + 1, count=count, displayables=displayables, return ui.interact() class __GalleryButton(object): def __init__(self, gallery, index): = gallery self.images = [ ] self.conditions = [ ] seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery self.index = index def check_unlock(self): for i in self.conditions: if not i.check(True): return False for i in self.images: if i.check_unlock(False): return True seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery return False @renpy.pure class __GalleryToggleSlideshow(Action, FieldEquality): identity_fields = [ "gallery" ] def __init__(self, gallery): seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery = gallery def __call__(self): = not renpy.restart_interaction() def get_selected(self): return @renpy.pure seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery class __GalleryAction(Action, FieldEquality): identity_fields = [ "gallery" ] equality_fields = [ "index" ] def __init__(self, gallery, index): = gallery self.index = index def __call__(self): seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery renpy.invoke_in_new_context(, self.index) class Gallery(object): """ :doc: gallery class This class supports the creation of an image gallery by handling the locking of images, providing an action that can show one or more images, and a providing method that creates buttons that use that action. seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery .. attribute:: transition The transition that is used when changing images. .. attribute:: locked_button The default displayable used by make_button for a locked button. .. attribute:: hover_border seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery The default hover border used by make_button. .. attribute:: idle_border The default idle border used by make_button. .. attribute:: unlocked_advance If true, the gallery will only advance through unlocked images. seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery .. attribute:: navigation If true, the gallery will display navigation and slideshow buttons on top of the images. To customize the look of the navigation, you may override the gallery_navigation screen. The default screen is defined in common/00gallery.rpy .. attribute:: span_buttons seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery If true, the gallery will advance between buttons. .. attribute:: slideshow_delay The time it will take for the gallery to advance between images in slideshow mode. """ transition = None seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery hover_border = None idle_border = None locked_button = None def __init__(self): # A map from button name (or image) to __GalleryButton object. self.buttons = { } seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery # A list of buttons. self.button_list = [ ] self.button_ = None self.image_ = None self.unlockable = None self.unlocked_advance = False seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery self.navigation = False self.span_buttons = False self.slideshow_delay = 5 self.slideshow = False def button(self, name): seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery """ :doc: gallery method Creates a new button, named `name`. `name` The name of the button being created. """ button = __GalleryButton(self, len(self.button_list)) seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery self.unlockable = button self.buttons[name] = button self.button_list.append(button) self.button_ = button def image(self, *displayables): """ :doc: gallery method seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery Adds a new image to the current button, where an image consists of one or more displayables. """ self.image_ = __GalleryImage(self, displayables) self.button_.images.append(self.image_) self.unlockable = self.image_ display = image seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery def transform(self, *transforms): """ :doc: gallery method Applies transforms to the last image registered. This should be called with the same number of transforms as the image has displayables. The transforms are applied to the corresponding displayables. If a transform is None, the default transform is used. seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery """ self.image_.transforms = transforms def unlock(self, *images): """ :doc: gallery method A condition that takes one or more image names as argument, and is satisfied when all the named images have been seen by the seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery player. The image names should be given as strings. """ self.unlockable.conditions.append(__GalleryUnlockCondition(images)) def condition(self, expression): """ :doc: gallery method A condition that is satisfied when an expression evaluates to true. seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery `expression` A string giving a Python expression. """ if not isinstance(expression, basestring): raise Exception("Gallery condition must be a string containing an expression.") self.unlockable.conditions.append(__GalleryArbitraryCondition(expression)) seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery def allprior(self): """ :doc: gallery method A condition that is true if all prior images associated with the current button have been unlocked. """ self.unlockable.conditions.append(__GalleryAllPriorCondition()) seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery def unlock_image(self, *images): """ :doc: gallery method A convenience method that is equivalent to calling image and unlock with the same parameters. This will cause an image to be displayed if it has been seen before. The images should be specified as strings giving image names. """ seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery self.image(*images) self.unlock(*images) def Action(self, name): """ :doc: gallery method An action that displays the images associated with the given button name. seeds of chaos gallery How to get it? seeds of chaos gallery """ if name not in self.buttons: raise Exception("{0!r} is not a button defined in this gallery.".format(name)) b = self.buttons[name] if b.check_unlock(): return __GalleryAction(self, b.index) else: seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery return None def make_button(self, name, unlocked, locked=None, hover_border=None, idle_border=None, style=None, **properties): """ :doc: gallery method This creates a button that displays the images associated with the given button name. `name` seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery The name of the button that will be created. `unlocked` A displayable that is displayed for this button when it is unlocked. `locked` A displayable that is displayed for this button when it is locked. If None, the locked_button field of the gallery object is used instead. seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery `hover_border` A displayable that is used to overlay this button when it is unlocked and has focus. If None, the hover_border field of the gallery object is used. `idle_border` A displayable that is used to overlay this button when it is unlocked but unfocused. If None, the idle_border field of the gallery object is used. seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery `style` The style the button inherits from. When None, defaults to the "empty" style, so as not to inherit borders and so on. Additional keyword arguments become style properties of the created button object. """ seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery action = self.Action(name) if locked is None: locked = self.locked_button if hover_border is None: hover_border = self.hover_border if idle_border is None: idle_border = self.idle_border seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery if style is None: if (config.script_version is not None) and (config.script_version <= (7, 0, 0)): style = "button" else: style = "empty" return Button(action=action, child=unlocked, insensitive_child=locked, hover_foreground=hover_border, idle_foreground=idle_border, style=style, **properties) seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery def get_fraction(self, name, format="{seen}/{total}"): """ :doc: gallery method Returns a text string giving the number of unlocked images and total number of images in the button named `name`. `format` A Python format string that's used to format the numbers. This has three values that can be substituted in: seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery {seen} The number of images that have been seen. {total} The total number of images in the button. {locked} The number of images that are still locked. """ seen = 0 seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery total = 0 all_prior = True for i in self.buttons[name].images: total += 1 if i.check_unlock(all_prior): seen += 1 else: all_prior = False seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery return format.format(seen=seen, total=total, locked=total - seen) def show(self, button=0, image=0): """ Starts showing gallery images. `button` The index of the button to start showing. """ seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery # A list of (button, image) index pairs for all of the images we know # about. all_images = [ ] # A list of (button, image) index pairs for all of the unlocked # images. unlocked_images = [ ] for bi, b in enumerate(self.button_list): seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery all_unlocked = True for ii, i in enumerate(b.images): all_images.append((bi, ii)) unlocked = i.check_unlock(all_unlocked) if unlocked: seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery unlocked_images.append((bi, ii)) else: all_unlocked = False if self.unlocked_advance and (button == bi) and (image == ii): image += 1 self.slideshow = False # Loop, displaying the images. seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery while True: if button >= len(self.button_list): break b = self.button_list[button] if image >= len(b.images): break seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery i = b.images[image] result =, image) not in unlocked_images, image, len(b.images)) # Default action for click. if result is True: result = "next" if result == 'return': seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery break # At this point, result is either 'next', "next_unlocked", "previous", or "previous_unlocked" # Go through the common advance code. if self.unlocked_advance: images = unlocked_images else: images = all_images seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery if (button, image) in images: index = images.index((button, image)) else: index = -1 if result.startswith('previous'): index -= 1 else: index += 1 seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery if index < 0 or index >= len(images): break new_button, new_image = images[index] if not self.span_buttons: if new_button != button: break button = new_button seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery image = new_image renpy.transition(self.transition) def Return(self): """ :doc: gallery method Stops displaying gallery images. """ seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery return ui.returns("return") def Next(self, unlocked=False): """ :doc: gallery method Advances to the next image in the gallery. `unlocked` seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery If true, only considers unlocked images. """ if unlocked: return ui.returns("next_unlocked") else: return ui.returns("next") def Previous(self, unlocked=False): """ seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery :doc: gallery method Goes to the previous image in the gallery. `unlocked` If true, only considers unlocked images. """ if unlocked: return ui.returns("previous_unlocked") seeds of chaos gallery How to dowload it? seeds of chaos gallery else: return ui.returns("previous") def ToggleSlideshow(self): """ :doc: gallery method Toggles slideshow mode. """ return __GalleryToggleSlideshow(self) seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery init -1500: # Displays a set of images in the gallery, or indicates that the images # are locked. This is given the following arguments: # # locked # True if the image is locked. # displayables # A list of transformed displayables that should be shown to the user. seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery # index # A 1-based index of the image being shown. # count # The number of images attached to the current button. # gallery # The image gallery object. screen _gallery: if locked: add "#000" seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery text _("Image [index] of [count] locked.") align (0.5, 0.5) else: for d in displayables: add d if gallery.slideshow: timer gallery.slideshow_delay action Return("next") repeat True key "game_menu" action gallery.Return() seeds of chaos gallery How to get it for free? seeds of chaos gallery if gallery.navigation: use gallery_navigation screen gallery_navigation: hbox: spacing 20 style_group "gallery" align (.98, .98) seeds of chaos gallery How to use it? seeds of chaos gallery textbutton _("prev") action gallery.Previous(unlocked=gallery.unlocked_advance) textbutton _("next") action gallery.Next(unlocked=gallery.unlocked_advance) textbutton _("slideshow") action gallery.ToggleSlideshow() textbutton _("return") action gallery.Return() python: = Style(style.default) style.gallery_button.background = None style.gallery_button_text.color = "#666" style.gallery_button_text.hover_color = "#fff" seeds of chaos gallery PasteShr seeds of chaos gallery style.gallery_button_text.selected_color = "#fff" style.gallery_button_text.size = 16 seeds of chaos gallery