roundscape adorevia corruption remember NO value follow the formula val*2+1 so use the values as they are remember to backup the files before changing them programs used notepad++ with jstool plugin (download from plugin menu if notepad), and mvSaveFile that you can download here -affection/corruption and exp open the save with mvSaveFile and edit it with notepad after using jstool/format to better dispaly the text search affection corruption like this affValue, corrValue example: with aff=2 and corruption=-2 search 2, -2 and replace with 100, -100 roundscape adorevia corruption How to use it? roundscape adorevia corruption notes: there is a space after the comma, corruption can be negative(put a -). Search exp and replace it with the desired value. -stats in www/data folder the table that contain the relations between level and the value of a stat is in Classes.json it's based on the class and in Actors.json there is the class id of every character to know what class choose. to change a value simply search for the index (with jstool plugin you can use the viewer to read more easily the arrays) and change the value. note: the values in the game may not be equal to the ones in the file but it work if the index correspond to the right level also i only tested hp since changing skill power and exp is easier. roundscape adorevia corruption How to use it? roundscape adorevia corruption -skill power in Skill.json change the formula field example: formula":"a.mat * 2 - b.mdf" --> formula":"a.mat * 200 - b.mdf" this increase the damage of the skill a hundred times (change one aoe to kill anything in one hit) . roundscape adorevia corruption