roblox kick script pastebin local Settings = { ["Name"] = "transIate", ["Local"] = true, ["Context"] = true } local GetPlayer = function() if Settings.Context or Settings.Local then return Game.Players.LocalPlayer else return Game.Players:FindFirstChild(Settings.Name) or nil roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin end end local CurrentPlayer = GetPlayer() --[[ We need someway to do this without substrings, right? ]]-- Explode = function(String) local List = {} for Item in string.gmatch(String, "%S+") do roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin table.insert(List, Item) end return List end --[[ In all of my days of scripting, I feel like this is the worst recurse function I've made... ]]-- Recurse = function(Location, Type, Objects) if not Objects or type(Objects) ~= "table" then Objects = {} end roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin for Index, Child in pairs(Location:GetChildren()) do if Child:IsA(Type) then table.insert(Objects, Child) end Recurse(Child, Type, Objects) end return Objects end --[[ But this is a pretty good players-getter ]]-- roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin local GetPlayers = function(String) local List = Explode(String) local Players = {} for Index, Value in pairs(List) do for Index, Player in pairs(Game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Value:lower() == "all" then table.insert(Players, Player) elseif Value:lower() == "others" then if Player ~= CurrentPlayer then table.insert(Players, Player) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin end elseif Value:lower() == "me" then table.insert(Players, CurrentPlayer) break elseif Value:lower() == "guests" then if Player.Name:sub(1, 6) == "Guest " then table.insert(Players, Player) end elseif Value:lower() == "nonguests" then if Player.Name:sub(1, 6) ~= "Guest " then roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin table.insert(Players, Player) end elseif Value:lower() == "nonbc" then if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.None then table.insert(Players, Player) end elseif Value:lower() == "bc" then if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub then table.insert(Players, Player) end roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin elseif Value:lower() == "tbc" then if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then table.insert(Players, Player) end elseif Value:lower() == "obc" then if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then table.insert(Players, Player) end else if Player.Name:lower():sub(1, #Value) == Value:lower() then roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin table.insert(Players, Player) end end end end return Players end --[[ Commands' Functions, 1 argument only! (The textbox text) ]]-- local Commands = { roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin {"Kill", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character:BreakJoints() end) end end}, {"Heal", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Health = v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth end) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin end end}, {"Godmode", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge end) end end}, {"Ungodmode", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100 end) end end}, {"FastSpeed", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 50 end) end end}, roblox kick script pastebin How to use it? roblox kick script pastebin {"NormalSpeed", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 end) end end}, {'DoD',function(String) local PlayerList=GetPlayers(String) for i,v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin _f=function(_obj) for x,_ in next,_obj:children''do if(_:IsA'BasePart')then v.Anchored=false;'Institutional white';'BodyVelocity'; bv.Parent=v;,100000000,100000000); end; _f(v)end end _f(workspace) roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin end) end end}, {'paper',function(String) local PlayerList=GetPlayers(String) for i,v in pairs(PlayerList)do pcall(function() for i,v in next,v.Character:children''do if(v:IsA'BasePart')then local'SpecialMesh',v); roblox kick script pastebin How to use it? roblox kick script pastebin b.MeshType=Enum.MeshType.Brick;,1,.00001); elseif(v:IsA'Hat')then,1,.005); elseif(v:IsA'CharacterMesh')then v:destroy''end end end)end end}, {'dance',function(String) PlayerList=GetPlayers(String); for i,v in pairs,(PlayerList) do pcall(function() local welds={}; char=v.Character; c=function(v) roblox kick script pastebin How to use it? roblox kick script pastebin local r={}; for _,d in next,v:children''do table.insert(r,d); for _,o in next,c(d)do table.insert(r,o); end; end; return r; end; for _,v in next,c(char)do roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin if(v.className:find'Weld'or v.className:find'Motor6D')then table.insert(welds,v); end; end; while wait''do coroutine.wrap(function() for _,v in next,welds do local args={0,0,0}; local toUse=math.random(1,3); local done={}; roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin for i=1,toUse do local asdf=math.random(1,3); repeat asdf=math.random(1,3); until done[asdf]==nil; done[asdf]=true; args[asdf]=.075; end; v.C0=v.C0*CFrame.Angles(unpack(args)); end; roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin end)(); end;end)end end}, {'look',function(String) local PlayerList=GetPlayers(String) for i,v in pairs,(PlayerList) do pcall(function() local player=v local mouse=player:getMouse''; local char=player.Character; local head=char.Head; roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin local torso=char.Torso; local neck=torso.Neck; mouse.Move:connect(function(),1,0); local headCF=torso.CFrame*,0.5,0); local,mouse.Hit.p); neck.C1=newCF:inverse''*torso.CFrame; end);end)end end}, {"SlowSpeed", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 5 end) end end}, {"Mute",function(String) local PlayerList=GetPlayers(String) for i,v in pairs,(PlayerList)do v.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled('All',false); end end}, {"unMute",function(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin local PlayerList=GetPlayers(String) for i,v in pairs,(PlayerList)do v.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled('All',true); end end}, {"Stand", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = false v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false end) end end}, roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin {"Sit", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true end) end end}, {"Lie", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true end) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin end end}, {"Jump", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true end) end end}, {"Respawn", function(String) --[[ Not using LoadCharacter in-case it's a local script. ]]-- local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to use it? roblox kick script pastebin for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do local FakeChar ="Model", Game.Workspace)"Part", FakeChar).Name = "Torso""Humanoid", FakeChar) pcall(function() v.Character = FakeChar end) end end}, {"ForceField", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin pcall(function()"ForceField", v.Character) end) end end}, {"UnForceField", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() while v.Character:FindFirstChild("ForceField") do v.Character.ForceField:Destroy() end end) end end}, {"Sparkles", function(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function()"Sparkles", v.Character.Torso) end) end end}, {"Unsparkles", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() while v.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Sparkles") do v.Character.Torso.Sparkles:Destroy() end end) end roblox kick script pastebin How to use it? roblox kick script pastebin end}, {"Fire", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function()"Fire", v.Character.Torso) end) end end}, {"Unfire", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin pcall(function() while v.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Fire") do v.Character.Torso.Fire:Destroy() end end) end end}, {"Smoke", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function()"Smoke", v.Character.Torso) end) end end}, {"Unsmoke", function(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() while v.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Smoke") do v.Character.Torso.Smoke:Destroy() end end) end end}, {"Visible", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() local Objects = Recurse(v.Character, "BasePart") for i, v in pairs(Objects) do v.Transparency = 0 end end) end roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin end}, {"Invisible", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() local Objects = Recurse(v.Character, "BasePart") for i, v in pairs(Objects) do v.Transparency = 1 end end) end end}, {"Explode", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin pcall(function()"Explosion", Workspace).Position = v.Character.Torso.Position end) end end}, {"RemoveCharacter", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character:Destroy() end) end end}, {"TeleTo", function(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) PlayerList = PlayerList[1] pcall(function() CurrentPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = PlayerList.Character.Torso.CFrame end) end}, {"TeleHere", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Character.Torso.CFrame = CurrentPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame end) end end}, roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin {"Kick", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v:Destroy() end) end end}, {"Disconnect", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.Parent = nil v.Parent = Game.Players end) roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin end end}, {"Gear", function(String) local Item = Game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(tonumber(String)) if Item then for Index, Child in pairs(Item:children()) do if Child:IsA("Tool") or Child:IsA("HopperBin") then pcall(function() Child.Parent = Game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack end) end end roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin Item:Destroy() end end}, {"ColorMap", function() local Objects = Recurse(Game.Workspace, "BasePart") for i, v in pairs(Objects) do math.randomseed(tick()) v.Transparency = math.random() v.Reflectance = math.random() v.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random() roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin end end}, {"RobloxLock", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.RobloxLocked = true v.Character.RobloxLocked = true end) end end}, {"UnRobloxLock", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers(String) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() v.RobloxLocked = false v.Character.RobloxLocked = false end) end end}, {"Announce", function(String) local PlayerList = GetPlayers("all") for i, v in pairs(PlayerList) do pcall(function() Game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(v.Character, String) end) end end}, roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin {"Spam", function(String) ypcall(function() for i = 1, 100 do Game.Players:Chat(String) Wait(0.1) end end) end}, } local CommandAt = 1 --[[ Keywords (start with "$") All - All players. roblox kick script pastebin How to use it? roblox kick script pastebin Others - All players excluding you. Me - Only you. Guests - All guests. NonGuests - All non-guests. NonBC - All players without any form of BC. BC/TBC/OBC - All players with BC/TBC/OBC. Notes If the keyword doesn't exist, it will find player(s) that name start with string. When selecting players, you can use spaces to add more to the list. ]]-- roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin --[[ The easy part, getting the command. ]]-- function GetRunnable(Text) for Index, Value in pairs(Commands) do if Value[1] == Text then return Value[2] end end end roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin --[[ The harder part... ]]-- local DefaultTextBox ="TextBox") DefaultTextBox.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) DefaultTextBox.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1) DefaultTextBox.ClearTextOnFocus = true DefaultTextBox.Font = 2 DefaultTextBox.FontSize = 4 DefaultTextBox.TextStrokeColor3 =, 1, 1) DefaultTextBox.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 DefaultTextBox.TextXAlignment = 0 roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin DefaultTextBox.TextYAlignment = 0 local DefaultTextButton ="TextButton") DefaultTextButton.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) DefaultTextButton.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1) DefaultTextButton.Font = 2 DefaultTextButton.FontSize = 4 DefaultTextButton.TextStrokeColor3 =, 1, 1) DefaultTextButton.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 DefaultTextButton.TextXAlignment = 2 roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin DefaultTextButton.TextYAlignment = 1 local DefaultTextLabel ="TextLabel") DefaultTextLabel.Font = 2 DefaultTextLabel.FontSize = 5 DefaultTextLabel.TextStrokeColor3 =, 1, 1) DefaultTextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 DefaultTextLabel.TextXAlignment = 2 DefaultTextLabel.TextYAlignment = 1 roblox kick script pastebin How to use it? roblox kick script pastebin local MainGUI ="ScreenGui") local MainFrame ="Frame", MainGUI) MainFrame.Style = 3 MainFrame.Visible = false MainFrame.Size =, 500, 0, 250) MainFrame.Position =, -250, 0.5, -125) local ToggleButton = DefaultTextButton:Clone() ToggleButton.Size =, 100, 0, 25) ToggleButton.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0) roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin ToggleButton.Text = "Toggle CKM SC" ToggleButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() MainFrame.Visible = not MainFrame.Visible end) ToggleButton.Parent = MainGUI local QuickKickTextBox = DefaultTextBox:Clone() QuickKickTextBox.Size =, 150, 0, 25) QuickKickTextBox.Position =, 0, 0.5, 50) QuickKickTextBox.Text = "Quick Kick" roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin QuickKickTextBox.FocusLost:connect(function(Enter) if Enter then local Func = GetRunnable("Kick") coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() ypcall(function() Func(QuickKickTextBox.Text) end) end)) end end) QuickKickTextBox.Parent = MainGUI local Title = DefaultTextLabel:Clone() Title.Position =, 0, 0, 5) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin Title.Text = "Dreemz Server Control V1.1" Title.Parent = MainFrame local Keywords = DefaultTextLabel:Clone() Keywords.Position =, 0, 0, 30) Keywords.FontSize = 4 Keywords.Text = "Keywords: all, others, me, guests, nonguests, nonbc, bc, tbc, obc" Keywords.Parent = MainFrame local ScriptBox = DefaultTextBox:Clone() roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin ScriptBox.Size =, 0, 0, 100) ScriptBox.Position =, 0, 0, 50) ScriptBox.Text = "Click ENTER to execute." ScriptBox.FocusLost:connect(function(Enter) if Enter then local Success, Error = ypcall(loadstring(ScriptBox.Text)) if Success then ScriptBox.Text = "Executed Successfully" else ScriptBox.Text = Error roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin end end end) ScriptBox.Parent = MainFrame local PlayerLabel = DefaultTextLabel:Clone() PlayerLabel.Position =, 25, 0, 210) PlayerLabel.FontSize = 4 PlayerLabel.Text = "Players" PlayerLabel.Parent = MainFrame roblox kick script pastebin How to get it? roblox kick script pastebin local PlayerBox = DefaultTextBox:Clone() PlayerBox.Size =, 0, 0, 15) PlayerBox.Position =, 60, 0, 205) PlayerBox.Text = "Argument (Players or String [Depending on Command])." PlayerBox.Parent = MainFrame local CurrentCommand = DefaultTextButton:Clone() CurrentCommand.Size =, 0, 0, 15) CurrentCommand.Position =, 0, 0, 175) roblox kick script pastebin PasteShr roblox kick script pastebin CurrentCommand.FontSize = 4 CurrentCommand.Text = Commands[CommandAt][1] CurrentCommand.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() local Func = GetRunnable(CurrentCommand.Text) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() ypcall(function() Func(PlayerBox.Text) end) end)) end) CurrentCommand.Parent = MainFrame local PreviousCommand = DefaultTextButton:Clone() PreviousCommand.Size =, 0, 0, 15) roblox kick script pastebin How to get it for free? roblox kick script pastebin PreviousCommand.Position =, 0, 0, 175) PreviousCommand.Text = "<<" PreviousCommand.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if CommandAt - 1 >= 1 then CommandAt = CommandAt - 1 else CommandAt = #Commands end CurrentCommand.Text = Commands[CommandAt][1] end) roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin PreviousCommand.Parent = MainFrame local NextCommand = DefaultTextButton:Clone() NextCommand.Size =, 0, 0, 15) NextCommand.Position =, 0, 0, 175) NextCommand.Text = ">>" NextCommand.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if CommandAt + 1 <= #Commands then CommandAt = CommandAt + 1 else roblox kick script pastebin How to dowload it? roblox kick script pastebin CommandAt = 1 end CurrentCommand.Text = Commands[CommandAt][1] end) NextCommand.Parent = MainFrame MainGUI.Parent = Settings.Context and Game.CoreGui or CurrentPlayer.PlayerGui roblox kick script pastebin