roblox bedwars bow --// Credits \\-- --[[ egg salad - __namecall hook ]]-- --[[ Ezpi#0474 - Creator of this script ]]-- --[[ CW Crew - Emotional support ]]-- --// Settings \\-- FOV = 250 --// Service \\-- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Players = game:GetService("Players") roblox bedwars bow How to use it? roblox bedwars bow local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") --// Variables \\-- local Camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local Net = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("rbxts_include"):WaitForChild("node_modules"):WaitForChild("net"):WaitForChild("out"):WaitForChild("_NetManaged") --// Prevent Normal Shooting \\-- local old; roblox bedwars bow How to use it? roblox bedwars bow old = hookfunction(getrawmetatable(game).__namecall,function(...) local args = {...} if getnamecallmethod() == "InvokeServer" and not checkcaller() and (args[1].Name == "ProjectileHit" or args[1].Name == "ProjectileFire") and tostring(args[2]) ~= "telepearl" then return end return old(...) end) --// Get Closest Enemy \\-- function GetClosestPlayer() roblox bedwars bow How to use it? roblox bedwars bow local Closest = false local Distance = FOV local MousePos =, Mouse.Y) for _, A_1 in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if A_1.Team ~= Player.Team and A_1.Character and A_1.Character.PrimaryPart and A_1.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and A_1.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local vector, onScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(A_1.Character.PrimaryPart.Position) if onScreen then local NewDistance = (MousePos -, vector.Y)).Magnitude if NewDistance < Distance then Distance = NewDistance roblox bedwars bow How to use it? roblox bedwars bow Closest = A_1.Character.PrimaryPart end end end end warn(Distance) return Closest end --// Mouse Connector \\-- roblox bedwars bow How to get it? roblox bedwars bow local Debounce = false Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function() --// Debounce Check \\-- if Debounce then return else Debounce = true end --// Get Closest Enemy \\-- roblox bedwars bow PasteShr roblox bedwars bow local Target = GetClosestPlayer() if not Target then Debounce = false return end --// Get Correct Inventory \\-- local Inventory = false for _, A_1 in next, ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Inventories"):GetChildren() do if A_1.Name == Player.Name and (A_1:FindFirstChild("wood_bow") or A_1:FindFirstChild("wood_crossbow")) then roblox bedwars bow PasteShr roblox bedwars bow Inventory = A_1 break end end if not Inventory then Debounce = false return end --// Type \\-- roblox bedwars bow How to get it for free? roblox bedwars bow local Bow = Inventory:FindFirstChild("wood_bow") or Inventory:FindFirstChild("wood_crossbow") --// Shoot Attempt \\-- local Arrow = Net:WaitForChild("ProjectileFire"):InvokeServer(Bow) --// Hit Attempt \\-- if typeof(Arrow) == "Instance" then local Content = { part = Target, velocity =, roblox bedwars bow How to dowload it? roblox bedwars bow hitCFrame = Target.CFrame +, 1, 0), percentPullStrength = 1 } Net:WaitForChild("ProjectileHit"):InvokeServer(Bow.Name == "wood_bow" and "arrow" or "crossbow_arrow", Arrow, Content) end -- Debounce Debounce = false end) roblox bedwars bow