reaper pinger title ReaperPinger By @a7v2 @echo off & cls echo TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT lllllll echo T:::::::::::::::::::::T l:::::l echo T:::::::::::::::::::::T l:::::l echo T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T l:::::l echo TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTrrrrr rrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyy yyyyyyyl::::l xxxxxxx xxxxxxx echo T:::::T r::::rrr:::::::::r ee::::::::::::ee y:::::y y:::::y l::::l x:::::x x:::::x echo T:::::T r:::::::::::::::::r e::::::eeeee:::::eey:::::y y:::::y l::::l x:::::x x:::::x echo T:::::T rr::::::rrrrr::::::re::::::e e:::::e y:::::y y:::::y l::::l x:::::xx:::::x echo T:::::T r:::::r r:::::re:::::::eeeee::::::e y:::::y y:::::y l::::l x::::::::::x reaper pinger How to dowload it? reaper pinger echo T:::::T r:::::r rrrrrrre:::::::::::::::::e y:::::y y:::::y l::::l x::::::::x echo T:::::T r:::::r e::::::eeeeeeeeeee y:::::y:::::y l::::l x::::::::x echo T:::::T r:::::r e:::::::e y:::::::::y l::::l x::::::::::x echo TT:::::::TT r:::::r e::::::::e y:::::::y l::::::l x:::::xx:::::x echo T:::::::::T r:::::r e::::::::eeeeeeee y:::::y l::::::l x:::::x x:::::x echo T:::::::::T r:::::r ee:::::::::::::e y:::::y l::::::l x:::::x x:::::x echo TTTTTTTTTTT rrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeeeee y:::::y llllllllxxxxxxx xxxxxxx echo y:::::y echo y:::::y echo y:::::y reaper pinger PasteShr reaper pinger echo y:::::y echo yyyyyyy echo {Please Login} set /p login=Username : if %login% == Trey goto password if not %login% == Treylx goto password :password echo. echo. reaper pinger How to use it? reaper pinger set /p pass=Password : if %pass% == trey goto success if not %pass% == trey goto incorrect :incorrect echo. echo Something incorrect ! echo login again ? {yes or no} echo. set /p htjyj= reaper pinger How to use it? reaper pinger if %htjyj== yes goto menu if %htjyj== no goto exit :exit exit :success echo. echo echo. reaper pinger How to get it? reaper pinger :Ping echo off & cls color 05 echo ========================================================================================================== echo ;::::; echo ;::::; :; echo ;:::::' :; echo ;:::::; ;. echo ,:::::' ; OOO\ echo ::::::; ; OOOOO\ reaper pinger How to get it? reaper pinger echo ;:::::; ; OOOOOOOO echo ,;::::::; ;' / OOOOOOO echo ;:::::::::`. ,,,;. / / DOOOOOO echo .';:::::::::::::::::;, / / DOOOO echo ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;, / / DOOO echo ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/ / DOOO echo :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::# / DOOO echo ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# / DOO echo `:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/ DOO echo :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::## OO reaper pinger How to dowload it? reaper pinger echo ::::`:::::::`;::::::::;:::# OO echo ` :::::`::::::::::::;'`:;::# O echo ` :::::`::::::::;' / / `:# echo : :::::`:::::;' / / `# echo ========================================================================================================== echo = ReaperPinger Custom Pinger = echo = To Stop Pinging Press "CTRL + C" = echo ========================================================================================================== set /p IP= Who Talkin Shit: :top reaper pinger How to use it? reaper pinger PING -n 1 %IP% | FIND "TTL=" title ::Pinging the Skid:: ~Pinging:%IP%~ IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Your Router Is Getting Nulled By @a7v2 ) color 8 ping -t 1 0 10 >nul GoTo top echo( reaper pinger How to get it? reaper pinger exit /b :c setlocal enableDelayedExpansion ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :colorPrint Color Str [/n] setlocal set "s=%~2" call :colorPrintVar %1 s %3 reaper pinger How to get it for free? reaper pinger exit /b :colorPrintVar Color StrVar [/n] if not defined DEL call :initColorPrint setlocal enableDelayedExpansion pushd . ': cd \ set "s=!%~2!" :: The single blank line within the following IN() clause is critical - DO NOT REMOVE reaper pinger PasteShr reaper pinger for %%n in (^"^ ^") do ( set "s=!s:\=%%~n\%%~n!" set "s=!s:/=%%~n/%%~n!" set "s=!s::=%%~n:%%~n!" ) for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%s in ("!s!") do ( if "!" equ "" setlocal disableDelayedExpansion if %%s==\ ( reaper pinger How to get it? reaper pinger findstr /a:%~1 "." "\'" nul colorPrint.txt (echo %%s\..\') findstr /a:%~1 /f:colorPrint.txt "." "%temp%\'" set /p "=." subst ': "%temp%" >nul reaper pinger How to get it for free? reaper pinger exit /b :cleanupColorPrint 2>nul del "%temp%\'" 2>nul del "%temp%\colorPrint.txt" >nul subst ': /d exit /b reaper pinger