rapid desperation Rapid desperation 1. You will need some lead time for this strategy to be effective. Going into scientific mode for a second, this technique involves the level of something called vasporassin in your system, and basically what that is, it’s a chemical that regulates how fast your kidneys work. Less vasporassin, faster kidneys. This chemical is triggered by how much water is in your system, and so naturally to get the levels down you have to drink water. The good thing is, you don’t have to chug water until your stomach feels as if it’ll burst. Knowing that, what you actually do is this; once every hour, drink a 12 oz. cup of water, about 320mL. That’s it. You can of course drink more if you feel like you can handle it, but the idea is to continue this drinking over a period of some hours, so starting with a smaller amount prevents you from getting full. This phase can go on as long as you like - as little as 2 hours or for the entire day until your scheduled desperation play in the evening. Pee as much as you like - you’ll know you’re ready when you pee mostly clear urine. Indeed, before the scheduled holding hour, you should try not to hold too much. Empty your bladder and drink once every hour. Basically, what we’re doing here is sort of establishing ‘momentum’ for your kidneys, so they become accustomed to working at full capacity, and when you start holding it’s like trying to hit the brakes on a freight train; it will take your kidneys some time to slow back down again, and all the while you’re trying to keep up with their output. 2. Now, you have to establish a ‘holding time’ ahead of time, because an hour before that time we change the rules a bit. Say, for example, you’re going to hold at 5pm. Starting at 4pm, the hour before your hold, you will now drink one 12 oz/350mL cup of water every 15 minutes. You can of course keep peeing during this time, but make sure that you keep up with the drinking. One cup every fifteen minutes. 3. When the hold begins, you must continue drinking said cups of water every 15 minutes until you become full or pee your pants. I've been lurking for a while and enjoying everyone's stories so I figured it was time to post one of my own. rapid desperation How to use it? rapid desperation I love the excitement of needing to pee but I very rarely take it to the point of actually wetting. But I am going to wet myself tonight. I'm excited just thinking about it. I've thought about trying the 'rapid desperation' method a few times but somehow never got around to it. For those unfamiliar, the way it works is to drink a set amount of water (10 - 12 oz (300 - 350ml or so) every fifteen minutes for one hour during which you pee normally - no holding. Then when the hour is up, you pee one last time and keep drinking the same amount every fifteen minutes - no more bathroom - until you lose control. The idea is that you get your body producing pee much faster than usual and end up getting desperate really fast. 6:50pm Right now I'm in prep mode. I started at 6:00pm and drank my last 10 oz before the hold five minutes ago. I can already see that this method works well. My first pee after drinking was just before 6:30pm but I peed again just before drinking the third glass only fifteen minutes later. 6:54pm I can already feel my bladder filling even though I peed 10 minutes ago. I'm going to wait until 7pm so I can start the hold with a nice empty bladder. 7:03pm That last pee felt really good. I drank the first 10oz glass for this hold, put on my yoga pants (don't want anything pressing on my bladder but I want something form fitting) and now I'm setting in to watch some tv. rapid desperation How to dowload it? rapid desperation I'm really curious about how long I can hold on. I am resolved to not let go - I'll release when my bladder makes the decision for me. My goal is to make it a full hour. 7:09pm This isn't going to take long. I peed ten minutes ago and I'm already feeling full. Not bursting and I can easily hold it. But I'd definitely be looking for a bathroom under normal circumstances. 7:19pm I drank my second 10 oz glass at 7:15pm and I really need to pee now. My bladder is approaching the bursting point. I can resist it - no danger of wetting yet - but I'm squirming and crossing my legs. 7:32 I just finished my third glass and I honestly doubt I'll make it another fifteen minutes. I'm getting strong urges to pee and pressing on my pussy very often. I'm really, really trying not to leak. I had to stop typing as I was going because I had to pee so badly I couldn't concentrate on anything. At 7:40pm I dashed into the shower because I could feel myself starting to leak. By 7:43pm I was spurting completely uncontrollably. I was wetting myself completely a minute or two after that. I have no idea how anyone makes it to 50 minutes in one of these or beyond that. rapid desperation PasteShr rapid desperation I managed to grab my phone with the hand I wasn't desperately holding my crotch with and take a photo towards the end of the wetting. It was a great experience - really recommend it for anyone who hasn't tried it. rapid desperation