randomizer aimbot script pastebin --[[a script that randomizes the map, made for roblox]] --[[levels: 1 = color 2 = color, material 3 = color, material, size, 4 = color, material, size, position 5 = color, material, size, position, orientation 6 = color, material, size, position, orientation, velocity 7 = color, material, size, position^2, orientation, velocity (extras) 5.1 = color, material, size, position^2, orientation randomizer aimbot script pastebin How to get it? randomizer aimbot script pastebin 5.2 = color, material, size, position, orientation, transparency ]] local levelofrandomization = 3 local zoneofpositionpowertwo = 2048 --[[ the zone for position^2, used for randomization level 7]] local maxsize = 128 --[[max size for randomization, used for randomization level 3+]] local maxoffset = 128 -- [[max offset for randomization, used for randomization level 4+, 6-]] local maxdegree = 180 -- [[max angle for randomization, used for randomization level 5+]] local maxvelocity = 128 -- [[max velocity for randomization, used for randomization level 6+]] local offsetposition = false -- [[offset increase depends on size also, used for randomization level 4+, 6-]] local offsetsize = false -- [[offset of size adds/removes, instead of sets, used for randomization level 3+]] randomizer aimbot script pastebin PasteShr randomizer aimbot script pastebin local offsetangle = false --[[offset of orientation adds/removes, instead of sets, used for randomization level 5+]] local offsetvelocity = false --[[offset of velocity adds/removes, instead of sets, used for randomization level 6+]] local lesslag = false --[[ use if theres like alot of parts in the map]] local old = false -- [[the old variation of this script, only checks for parts, and uses GetChildren instead]] local childaddedrandomize = false -- [[randomized the part when it gets added aswell]] function randomizepart(obj) if levelofrandomization >= 1 then obj.Color = Color3.new(math.random(),math.random(),math.random()) if obj:IsA("UnionOperation") then randomizer aimbot script pastebin How to get it for free? randomizer aimbot script pastebin obj.UsePartColor = true end end if levelofrandomization >= 2 then obj.Material = Enum.Material:GetEnumItems()[math.random(1,#Enum.Material:GetEnumItems())] end if levelofrandomization >= 3 then if offsetsize then obj.Size = Vector3.new(obj.Size.X+math.random(-(obj.Size.X-1),maxsize),obj.Size.Y+math.random(-(obj.Size.Y-1),maxsize),obj.Size.Z+math.random(-(obj.Size.Z-1),maxsize)) else randomizer aimbot script pastebin How to use it? randomizer aimbot script pastebin obj.Size = Vector3.new(math.random(0.05,maxsize),math.random(0.05,maxsize),math.random(0.05,maxsize)) end end if levelofrandomization >= 4 then if levelofrandomization ~= 7 then if offsetposition then obj.Position = Vector3.new(obj.Position.X+obj.Position.X+math.random(-maxoffset,maxoffset),obj.Position.Y+obj.Position.Y+math.random(-maxoffset,maxoffset),obj.Position.Z+obj.Position.Z+math.random(-maxoffset,maxoffset)) else obj.Position = Vector3.new(obj.Position.X+math.random(-maxoffset,maxoffset),obj.Position.Y+math.random(-maxoffset,maxoffset),obj.Position.Z+math.random(-maxoffset,maxoffset)) end randomizer aimbot script pastebin PasteShr randomizer aimbot script pastebin else obj.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(-zoneofpositionpowertwo,zoneofpositionpowertwo),math.random(-zoneofpositionpowertwo,zoneofpositionpowertwo),math.random(-zoneofpositionpowertwo,zoneofpositionpowertwo)) end end if levelofrandomization >= 5 then if offsetangle then obj.Orientation = Vector3.new(obj.Orientation.X+math.random(-maxdegree,maxdegree),obj.Orientation.Y+math.random(-maxdegree,maxdegree),obj.Orientation.Z+math.random(-maxdegree,maxdegree)) else obj.Orientation = Vector3.new(math.random(-maxdegree,maxdegree),math.random(-maxdegree,maxdegree),math.random(-maxdegree,maxdegree)) end randomizer aimbot script pastebin PasteShr randomizer aimbot script pastebin end if levelofrandomization >= 6 then if offsetvelocity then obj.Velocity = Vector3.new(obj.Velocity.X+math.random(-maxvelocity,maxvelocity),obj.Velocity.Y+math.random(-maxvelocity,maxvelocity),obj.Velocity.Z+math.random(-maxvelocity,maxvelocity)) else obj.Velocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-maxvelocity,maxvelocity),math.random(-maxvelocity,maxvelocity),math.random(-maxvelocity,maxvelocity)) end end if levelofrandomization == 5.1 then obj.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(-zoneofpositionpowertwo,zoneofpositionpowertwo),math.random(-zoneofpositionpowertwo,zoneofpositionpowertwo),math.random(-zoneofpositionpowertwo,zoneofpositionpowertwo)) randomizer aimbot script pastebin How to get it? randomizer aimbot script pastebin end if levelofrandomization == 5.2 then obj.Transparency = math.random(0.0,0.9) end end if old then for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") then randomizepart(v) randomizer aimbot script pastebin How to get it for free? randomizer aimbot script pastebin end if lesslag then game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() end end else for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then randomizepart(v) end randomizer aimbot script pastebin PasteShr randomizer aimbot script pastebin if lesslag then game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() end end end if childaddedrandomize then workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(obj) randomizepart(obj) end) randomizer aimbot script pastebin PasteShr randomizer aimbot script pastebin end randomizer aimbot script pastebin