pokemon insurgence tms TMS AND HMS - unofficial moves have their descriptions with them: TM01 - Hone Claws TM02 - Dragon Claw TM03 - Bulldoze TM04 - Calm Mind TM05 - Roar TM06 - Toxic TM07 - Hail TM08 - Bulk Up TM09 - Dragon Pulse TM10 - Hidden Power pokemon insurgence tms PasteShr pokemon insurgence tms TM11 - Sunny Day TM12 - Taunt TM13 - Ice Beam TM14 - Blizzard TM15 - Hyper Beam TM16 - Light Screen TM17 - Protect TM18 - Rain Dance TM19 - Snatch TM20 - Safeguard pokemon insurgence tms How to get it for free? pokemon insurgence tms TM21 - Frustration TM22 - Solar Beam TM23 - Iron Tail TM24 - Thunderbolt TM25 - Thunder TM26 - Earthquake TM27 - Return TM28 - Dig TM29 - Psychic TM30 - Shadow Ball pokemon insurgence tms How to get it for free? pokemon insurgence tms TM31 - Brick Break TM32 - Double Team TM33 - Reflect TM34 - Sludge Wave TM35 - Flamethrower TM36 - Sludge Bomb TM37 - Sandstorm TM38 - Fire Blast TM39 - Rock Tomb TM40 - Aerial Ace pokemon insurgence tms How to use it? pokemon insurgence tms TM41 - Torment TM42 - Facade TM43 - Flame Charge TM44 - Rest TM45 - Attract TM46 - Thief TM47 - Low Sweep TM48 - Scald TM49 - Recycle TM50 - Overheat pokemon insurgence tms How to dowload it? pokemon insurgence tms TM51 - Roost TM52 - Focus Blast TM53 - Energy Ball TM54 - False Swipe TM55 - Brine TM56 - Fling TM57 - Charge Beam TM58 - Psyshock TM59 - Skill Swap TM60 - Dragon Tail pokemon insurgence tms How to get it? pokemon insurgence tms TM61 - Will-o-Wisp TM62 - New Moon ("The sky darkens to night, increasing the power of Dark- and Ghost-type moves.") TM63 - Embargo TM64 - Explosion TM65 - Shadowclaw TM66 - Payback TM67 - Retaliate TM68 - Giga Impact TM69 - Rock Polish TM70 - Jet Stream ("The user creates a stream of air that makes all moves go first next turn.") pokemon insurgence tms PasteShr pokemon insurgence tms TM71 - Stone Edge TM72 - Psych Up TM73 - Thunder Wave TM74 - Gyro Ball TM75 - Swords Dance TM76 - Venoshock TM77 - Wild Charge TM78 - Drain Punch TM79 - Volt Switch TM80 - Rock Slide pokemon insurgence tms How to get it? pokemon insurgence tms TM81 - X-Scissor TM82 - Livewire TM83 - Shock Wave TM84 - Poison Jab TM85 - Dream Eater TM86 - Grass Knot TM87 - Swagger TM88 - Power-Up Punch TM89 - U-Turn TM90 - Substitute pokemon insurgence tms How to get it for free? pokemon insurgence tms TM91 - Flash Cannon TM92 - Trick Room TM93 - Draco Jet ("The user uses a skill long-forgotten by the dragons to always strike first.") TM94 - Smack Down TM95 - Sleep Talk TM96 - Steel Wing TM97 - Frost Breath TM98 - Acrobatics TM99 - Dark Pulse TM100 - Dazzling Gleem pokemon insurgence tms PasteShr pokemon insurgence tms TM102 - Achille's Heel ("The user strikes with a powerful blow if there is a Pokemon of the same line as the foe in their party.") TM103 - Avalanche TM104 - Silver Wind TM105 - Lunar Cannon ("The user absorbs darkness on the first turn, then strikes with a powerful attack on the second.") TM106 - Incinerate TM107 - Sky Drop TM108 - Ally Switch TM109 - Echoed Voice TM110 - Round TM111 - Captivate pokemon insurgence tms How to get it? pokemon insurgence tms TM112 - Permafrost ("The ground freezes the foes feet, giving a chance to freeze any foe who switches in.") TM113 - Snarl*** TM114 - Corrode ("The user shoots a gush of acid at the foe, which is strong against Steel-types.") TM115 - Confide TM116 - Pluck TM117 - Dragonify ("Dragon blood corrupts the foe and turns it into the Dragon type.") TM118 - Quash TM119 - Wildfire ("While its primary cause is to burn the opponent, if a foe is Grass-type it will burn all Pokemon in their team weak to fire.") TM120 - Dark Matter ("It calls forth the unknown parts of the universe into one attack. The user must recharge.") TM121 - Cloud Force ("One of the planet Series. This move calls down the wrath of Uranus on the foe.") pokemon insurgence tms How to dowload it? pokemon insurgence tms TM122 - Pluto Force ("One of the planet Series. This move calls down the wrath of Pluto on the foe.") TM123 - Luna Force ("One of the planet Series. This move calls down the wrath of the Moon on the foe.") TM124 - Gravi Force ("One of the planet Series. This move calls down the wrath of raw gravity on the foe.") TM125 - Rock Climb TM126 - Spikes TM127 - Toxic TM128 - Wormhole ("The user opens a wormhole and alway [sic] moves first.") TM?? - Dark Epitath ("An [sic] dark looking TM with the letters OHKO painted on it.") TM?? - Razor Storm ("A TM with the letters OHKO on it. A feather is stuck in one of the edges.") pokemon insurgence tms How to get it? pokemon insurgence tms HM01 - Cut HM02 - Fly HM03 - Surf HM04 - Strength HM05 - Waterfall HM06 - Dive HMXX - Tesseract pokemon insurgence tms