pastebin computercraft -- -- Getting started with PlowmanPlow's CC programs: -- -- Copy and paste the line below in a CC computer command line: -- -- pastebin run CrS25w1J -- local scripts = {} scripts[1] = {id = "ejGGiwuT", name = "Base Status Monitor and Autocraft", file = "status.lua", startup = true} pastebin computercraft How to get it for free? pastebin computercraft scripts[2] = {id = "cFSeSq42", name = "ME Network Status", file = "mestatus.lua", startup = true} scripts[3] = {id = "HW53E7TB", name = "BigReactor Monitor and Aux Control", file = "bigreactor.lua", startup = true} scripts[4] = {id = "GsrRcMZ5", name = "BigReactor Monitor", file = "bigreactor.lua", startup = true} scripts[5] = {id = "rKyaFNyZ", name = "Induction Matrix Monitor", file = "indmatrix.lua", startup = true} scripts[6] = {id = "zM6d7AAg", name = "Thermal Expansion Tank Monitor", file = "tetank.lua", startup = true} scripts[7] = {id = "RvbSNFBZ", name = "Draconic Reactor RF Storage", file = "draconicrf.lua", startup = true} scripts[8] = {id = "Lnuj6KAq", name = "Peripheral Method Enumeration", file = "methods.lua", startup = false} scripts[9] = {id = "jW8ka31Q", name = "Peripheral Method Documentation", file = "docs.lua", startup = false} scripts[10] = {id = "HWZsusLq", name = "Security System", file = "secsystem.lua", startup = true} pastebin computercraft PasteShr pastebin computercraft if not http then printError("PlowmanPlow Bootstrapper requires HTTP API") return end local function get(script) print("") print("Downloading: " .. local response = http.get("" .. textutils.urlEncode( if response then pastebin computercraft How to dowload it? pastebin computercraft local contents = response.readAll() response.close() local file =, "w") file.write(contents) file.close() print("Saved script: " .. script.file) if ( script.startup == true ) then local startup = '"' .. script.file .. '")' local file ="startup", "w") file.write(startup) pastebin computercraft PasteShr pastebin computercraft file.close() print("Created startup script") print("Run 'startup' or reboot this computer") end print("") else printError("Pastebin retrieval failed.") end end pastebin computercraft How to dowload it? pastebin computercraft print("") print("PlowmanPlow's CC Program Bootstrapper") print("") print("Select a program from the list below") print("Press 'q' to exit/cancel") print("") for index, script in pairs(scripts) do print(index .. ". " .. end pastebin computercraft How to dowload it? pastebin computercraft while true do local event, p1, p2, p3, p4 = os.pullEvent() if event == "key" then if p1 == keys.q then print("") return else local sId = tonumber(p1) - 1 if sId <= #scripts then get(scripts[sId]) pastebin computercraft How to get it? pastebin computercraft return else print("Please select a number from the list above") end end end end pastebin computercraft