oziris v4 this guide assumes that you use alts and immoral. also assumes that you have at least 1bil gp on a main account at the outset and have the physical/mental wherewithal to play multiple clients at once use every book and lamp on anything you want but cooking saves the most time as you will burn the least number of sardines don't use authenticator or 2 step because it slows down your logins when doing phone crabs/phone NMZ. delete your PIN number as soon as u exit tutorial island don't create a female character because by the time you do recruitment drive you will have 1bil+ GP plus its advantageous in certain circumstances to look like a generic bot account with the default character after exiting tutorial island bank all your stuff and equip the bronze sword and shield. the first order of business is reaching level 14 hitpoints so that you have a 0% chance of dying on the queen wave in barbarian assault. after you reach this level by killing chickens, minigame teleport to barbarian assault to leech high gambles. you will leech high gambles until you accumulate 815 dragon bones from the loot. this is enough dragon bones to reach level 57 prayer and 5,300,000 gp in coins and sellable items which you need to boost theatre of blood and unlock the edgeville respawn. you will also get an extremely significant number of food, law runes, limpwurt runes, unicorn horns, prayer potion herbs, and planks from the high gambles. go to edgeville and unlock the edgeville respawn and then use dragon bones on the wilderness altar, hugging the west boundary of the wilderness as you run north. when you die you will respawn at edgeville instead of lumbridge, greatly expediting this process. furthermore the edgeville respawn will be needed for a variety of content later. oziris v4 PasteShr oziris v4 once finished with your dragon bones, home teleport and go to al kharid and purchase every tier of scimitar and every tier of platelegs, as well as one of every item in the crafting shop. go north to varrock and buy out 1 of everything from horvik's armor store, the general store and the clothes shop in varrock square. go west to barbarian village and buy 1 of every helmet and keep going west to falador and buy 1 of every chainbody and shield. then home teleport again to lumbridge and kill chickens until approximately base 15 melee stats. you are now ready to do sandcrabs. go to zeah take the 10,000 gp boat to the island you will now be afking at sand crabs until approximately base 60 melee stats. start with 1 crab spots so you don't die then move up to 2 and 3 crab spots as your defense and hitpoints levels allows. during this AFK sand crabs period you should be making GP on several alts. the only currently viable alt method is doing skilling/PVM services for other players which should allow you to profit around anywhere from 16m to 25m per hour assuming 4 or 5 clients at once. however if you are not well connected enough to perform skilling services for other players then team theatre of blood is also viable for approximately 7-8m per hour. during this time you should also be networking with players you know to gain access to skilling services for GP in the future. this is critical for boosting theatre of blood. after reaching base melee stats of around 60-70, do the lost city quest for access to the dragon dagger and dragon longsword. go to the stronghold of security and kill minotaurs until you get 50 rune essence/pure essence then go north and collect the monk's robe top and bottom from the monastery. do the priest in peril quest and take the boat to theatre of blood. you will now be leeching theatre of blood until completion using the dragon longsword and dragon dagger. first you will need to leech some staminas and prayer potions as you are level 1 agility and herblore. until your hitpoints level improves you might die at verzik but if you don't die in any other room you still have a decent chance of a unique and will still receive good standard loot. the widely accepted fee for theatre of blood leeching is 5mil per person per raid meaning 15mil per raid in a 4 man team or 20mil per raid in a 5 man team. it is essential that you do skilling services for GP while boosting theatre of blood to keep up with these payments. remember that you will still be receiving splits from items dropped for teammates during these raids, which somewhat aids with the cost of boosting. if you are running low on funds, return to afk sand crabs while making money on alts/performing skilling or PVM services. if you are able to reach a total of 130 attack and strength levels you should go to the warrior guild during downtime and get defenders. conservative estimate of loot from 1,000 theatre of blood KC (17bil in leeching fees) Unique completion (hilt, rapier, sanguinesti, justiciar, scythe) oziris v4 How to use it? oziris v4 Vial of blood x 1,700 Death rune x 17,000 Blood rune x 17,000 Swamp tar x 17,000 Coal x 17,000 Gold ore x 10,200 Molten glass x 6,800 Adamantite ore x 4,420 Runite ore x 2,040 Wine of zamorak x 1,700 oziris v4 How to dowload it? oziris v4 Potato cactus x 1,700 Cadantine x 1,700 Avantoe x 1,360 Toadflax x 1,258 Kwuarm x 1,224 Irit x 1,156 Ranarr x 1,020 Snapdragon x 928 Lantadyme x 884 Dwarf weed x 816 oziris v4 How to dowload it? oziris v4 Torstol x 578 Battlestaff x 510 Mahogany seed x 340 Rune battleaxe x 136 Rune platebody x 136 Rune chainbody x 136 Palm seed x 102 Yew seed x 102 Magic seed x 102 oziris v4 How to get it for free? oziris v4 Upon completion of tob leech you will also be around level 65 magic from dawnbringer special attacks which gives access to the basic teleport spells as well as high alchemy. the fastest way to obtain a glassblowing pipe is to minigame teleport to pest control and buy a glassblowing pipe from the charter ship traders. craft all your glass except 1 piece of molten glass. blowing all the glass from theatre of blood will get you approximately level 63 crafting, which allows you to craft the dragonstone ring. at an approximate drop rate of 1/8300 each, you should have obtained at least one loop and one tooth half of key from melee training at sand crabs. if not, skip creating the dragonstone ring until after starting revenants. assuming you obtained around base 83 melee stats from leeching theatre of blood, you will be around total level 500. complete the druidic ritual quest and purchase a pestle and mortar and 5000 eyes of newt and vials of water after completing the quest. kill chaos druids in edgeville dungeon with ghrazi rapier until you have a few hundred guam leaves, marrentills tarromins and harrallanders. create attack potions and anti poison potions using the unicorn horns gained from leeching barbarian assault gambles, and harralander tar with the swamp tar gained from leeching theatre of blood. then you should cast high alchemy (on rune items from theatre of blood as well as blood runes) while collecting snape grass in Zeah banking using the evil grape vine bank chest until you have enough snape grass to make prayer potions from all the ranarr weeds gained from leeching theatre of blood and barbarian assault. you will now be level 54 herblore. make super attack potions with the irits gained from leeching theatre of blood. you will now be level 61 herblore. make super strength potion with the kwuarms gained from leeching theatre of blood and the limpwurt roots gained from leeching barbarian assault. you will now be level 66 herblore. collect red spider eggs in edgeville dungeon while casting high alchemy on blood runes until you have enough red spider eggs to use with all the snapdragons you gained from leeching theatre of blood and barbarian assault. you will now be level 69 herblore. you should now purchase every item from the archery store in varrock as well as thousands of every arrow type and train ranged to 40 at sand crabs. then train ranged at chaos druids, while casting alchemy on blood runes in between attacks, until you have enough herbs to achieve 71 herblore. minigame teleport to castle wars and run to the bar in yanille where you will buy lots of greenmans ales. you can now create ranging potions from the dwarf weeds and zamorak wines from theatre of blood. you will now be level 72 herblore, around level 70 ranged and 75 magic, and have thousands of prayer restoring and stat boosting potions available. this puts you at around 650 total level. you will now be training both construction and farming using bagged plants purchased from falador. however first you need to teleport to camelot and enter the ranging guild and world hop buying as many arrow shafts as you can, then teleport to rimmington house and buy as many feather packs from gerrant as you can. this is a lot of running around but 1000 theatre of blood leeches should leave you with 8000 stamina doses which will last you through early game ironman teleport to falador and buy a house from the estate agent and world hop buying 17 bagged plant 1s, 26 bagged plant 2s, and 201 bagged oak trees. make headless arrows all throughout this process while running back and forth to the bank. note these bagged plants and house teleport to rimmington where you can build and deconstruct them and unnote more bagged plants using phials nearby. you will now be level 32 construction and 32 farming and can begin farming the ranarr seeds gained from leeching barbarian assault gambles as a periodic task. you will also be at least 15 fletching and can now purchase arrowtips from the ranging guild to continue fletching training. world hop at the ranging guild buying out all the arrowtips, then minigame teleport to barbarian assault and fletch arrows while running towards the gnome agility course. fletch arrows while running this course until level 10 agility, then teleport to rimmington house portal and fletch arrows while running the draynor village rooftop course until level 20 agility, then teleport to lumbridge and fletch arrows while running the al kharid rooftop course until 30 agility, and so on until reaching 60 agility. you should now be at around 850-860 total level. oziris v4 How to get it? oziris v4 you should now use the arrows you fletched to obtain a fire cape which will be easy with the ranging potions, super restores and spare brews leeched from theatre of blood. you should then sell 15,000 of the death runes obtained from leeching theatre of blood to the rune store which gives you 270,000 tokkul. you should now world hop at the mor ul rek gem and ore store purchasing tin and copper ores and superheating them until 15 smithing, then superheating iron ores until 20 smithing, then silver ores until 40 smithing, dropping all the bars you make along the way. after 40 smithing, buy several inventories of sapphires, emeralds and rubies with the remaining tokkul, and superheat 10 bars of steel using iron and coal purchased from the store. train mining to 40 by mining tin, copper and iron then complete the family crest quest and obtain the goldsmithing gauntlets. then begin training agility at seers village using stamina potions leeched from theatre of blood and superheating gold ores leeched from theatre of blood. by the time you are finished superheating all the gold ore from theatre of blood you will be level 68 smithing, approximately 80 magic and 980 total level. now get 100 kudos by cleaning finds, answering the quiz giving level 9 hunter and 9 slayer, and doing the quests rune mysteries, shield of arrav, demon slayer and hazeel cult. while doing rune mysteries, hire the cook butler from ardougne. these quests are heavily expedited by the availability of teleports and stamina potions. do the bone voyage quest and make digsite pendants with the rubies purchased from tzhaar and gold bars superheated during seers agility. build a crafting table 2 in your house using the molten glass you saved from theatre of blood and make a clockwork with one of the steel bars. world hop at draynor seed seller until you have a lot of hop seeds then birdhouse runs can now be added to your periodic tasks. you should now run from zeah to chambers of xeric bank while scouting chambers of xeric on an alternate account until you find a rotation where the thieving puzzle is first. then kill scavengers with ur ghrazi rapier until you get a lockpick drop. spam the thieving room chests until you are 35 thieving. teleport to the rimmington house portal and trade gerrant for raw sardines and cook them with your alt making fires for you until level 30 cooking. you should now be around 1050 total level. the next step in your account will be to get 1250 total by gaining 200 total levels in various stats, whichever are the most AFK or most tolerable/least boring. as of the time of this writing the 1250 total level worlds revenants are controlled by cc "Ayuda PK" and affording their fee can be done by playing one or two alternate accounts concurrently with your ironman. you should now make the dragonstone ring, enchant it, and go to the fountain of rune via edgeville lever to charge it for a level 30 wilderness teleport. kill revenants with melee until your first magic logs drop, teleport out, then craft a magic shortbow and begin using ranged. then continue killing revenants until your first uncut dragonstone drop, teleport out, then craft and charge more rings of wealth. craft sets of black dragonhide armor with the black dragonhide drops from revenants. you are now set up for a self sustaining cycle of killing revenants and enough blood runes/gold to train all other skills and to charge sanguinesti/scythe for use at raids, barrows, god wars dungeon, and zulrah. congratulations on finishing the early game of ironman mode. oziris v4