null client krunker // ==UserScript== // @name Krunker SkidFest // @description A full featured Mod menu for game! // @version 1.97 // @author SkidLamer - From The Gaming Gurus // @supportURL // @homepage // @icon64 // @match ** // @exclude ** // @run-at document-start null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker // @grant none // @noframes // @namespace // ==/UserScript== const isProxy = Symbol("isProxy"); const original_Proxy = window.Proxy; const original_Reflect= window.Reflect; const original_fetch = window.fetch; const original_Object = window.Object; null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker const original_Promise = window.Promise; const original_Function = window.Function; const original_MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver; const original_decode = window.TextDecoder.prototype.decode; const original_clearRect = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect; const original_save =; const original_scale = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.scale; const original_beginPath = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.beginPath; const original_moveTo = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.moveTo; const original_lineTo = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.lineTo; null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker const original_stroke = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.stroke; const original_fillRect = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillRect; const original_fillText = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText; const original_strokeText = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.strokeText; const original_restore = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.restore; const key = { frame: 0, delta:1,xdir:2,ydir:3,moveDir:4,shoot:5,scope:6,jump:7,reload:8,crouch:9,weaponScroll:10,weaponSwap:11, moveLock:12} //original_Object.assign(console, { log:_=>{}, dir:_=>{}, groupCollapsed:_=>{}, groupEnd:_=>{} }); /* eslint-env es6 */ /* eslint-disable no-caller, no-undef */ null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker class Utilities { constructor(script) { this.script = script; this.downKeys = new Set(); this.settings = null; this.vars = {}; this.inputFrame = 0; this.renderFrame = 0; this.fps = 0; this.lists = { null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker renderESP: { off: "Off", walls: "Walls", twoD: "2d", full: "Full" }, renderChams: { off: "Off", white: "White", blue: "Blue", null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker teal: "Teal", purple: "Purple", green: "Green", yellow: "Yellow", red: "Red", }, autoBhop: { off: "Off", autoJump: "Auto Jump", keyJump: "Key Jump", null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker autoSlide: "Auto Slide", keySlide: "Key Slide" }, autoAim: { off: "Off", correction: "Aim Correction", assist: "Legit Aim Assist", easyassist: "Easy Aim Assist", silent: "Silent Aim", trigger: "Trigger Bot", null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker quickScope: "Quick Scope" }, audioStreams: { off: 'Off', _2000s: 'General German/English', _HipHopRNB: 'Hip Hop / RNB', _Oldskool: 'Hip Hop Oldskool', _Country: 'Country', _Pop: 'Pop', _Dance: 'Dance', null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker _Dubstep: 'DubStep', _Lowfi: 'LoFi HipHop', _Jazz: 'Jazz', _Oldies: 'Golden Oldies', _Club: 'Club', _Folk: 'Folk', _ClassicRock: 'Classic Rock', _Metal: 'Heavy Metal', _DeathMetal: 'Death Metal', _Classical: 'Classical', null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker _Alternative: 'Alternative', }, } this.consts = { twoPI: Math.PI * 2, halfPI: Math.PI / 2, playerHeight: 11, cameraHeight: 1.5, headScale: 2, armScale: 1.3, null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker armInset: 0.1, chestWidth: 2.6, hitBoxPad: 1, crouchDst: 3, recoilMlt: 0.3, nameOffset: 0.6, nameOffsetHat: 0.8, }; this.css = { noTextShadows: `*, .button.small, .bigShadowT { text-shadow: none !important; }`, null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker hideAdverts: `#aMerger, #endAMerger { display: none !important }`, hideSocials: `.headerBarRight > .verticalSeparator, .imageButton { display: none }`, cookieButton: `#onetrust-consent-sdk { display: none !important }`, newsHolder: `#newsHolder { display: none !important }`, }; this.spinTimer = 1800; this.skinConfig = {}; let wait = setInterval(_ => { this.head = document.head||document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] if (this.head) { null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker clearInterval(wait); original_Object.entries(this.css).forEach(entry => { this.css[entry[0]] = this.createElement("style", entry[1]) }) this.onLoad(); } }, 100); } canStore() { return this.isDefined(Storage); null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker } saveVal(name, val) { if (this.canStore()) localStorage.setItem("kro_utilities_"+name, val); } deleteVal(name) { if (this.canStore()) localStorage.removeItem("kro_utilities_"+name); } null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker getSavedVal(name) { if (this.canStore()) return localStorage.getItem("kro_utilities_"+name); return null; } isType(item, type) { return typeof item === type; } isDefined(object) { null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker return !this.isType(object, "undefined") && object !== null; } isNative(fn) { return (/^function\s*[a-z0-9_\$]*\s*\([^)]*\)\s*\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/i).test('' + fn) } getStatic(s, d) { return this.isDefined(s) ? s : d } null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker crossDomain(url) { return "" + url; } async waitFor(test, timeout_ms = 20000, doWhile = null) { let sleep = (ms) => new original_Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); return new original_Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (typeof timeout_ms != "number") reject("Timeout argument not a number in waitFor(selector, timeout_ms)"); let result, freq = 100; null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker while (result === undefined || result === false || result === null || result.length === 0) { if (doWhile && doWhile instanceof original_Function) doWhile(); if (timeout_ms % 1000 < freq) console.log("waiting for: ", test); if ((timeout_ms -= freq) < 0) { console.log( "Timeout : ", test ); resolve(false); return; } await sleep(freq); result = typeof test === "string" ? original_Function(test)() : test(); null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker } console.log("Passed : ", test); resolve(result); }); }; createSettings() { this.settings = { hideAdverts: { pre: "
", null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker name: "Hide Advertisments", val: true, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideAdverts", this), set: (value, init) => { if (value) this.head.appendChild(this.css.hideAdverts) else if (!init) this.css.hideAdverts.remove() } }, hideStreams: { name: "Hide Streams", null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideStreams", this), set: (value) => { = value ? "none" : "inherit" } }, hideMerch: { name: "Hide Merch", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideMerch", this), set: value => { = value ? "none" : "inherit" } }, null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker hideNewsConsole: { name: "Hide News Console", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideNewsConsole", this), set: value => { = value ? "none" : "inherit" } }, hideCookieButton: { name: "Hide Security Manage Button", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "hideCookieButton", this), null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker set: value => { window['onetrust-consent-sdk'].style.display = value ? "none" : "inherit" } }, noTextShadows: { name: "Remove Text Shadows", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "noTextShadows", this), set: (value, init) => { if (value) this.head.appendChild(this.css.noTextShadows) else if (!init) this.css.noTextShadows.remove() } null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker }, customCSS: { name: "Custom CSS", val: "", html: () => this.generateSetting("url", "customCSS", "URL to CSS file"), resources: { css: document.createElement("link") }, set: (value, init) => { if (value.startsWith("http")&&value.endsWith(".css")) { //let proxy = ''; this.settings.customCSS.resources.css.href = value null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker } if (init) { this.settings.customCSS.resources.css.rel = "stylesheet" try { this.head.appendChild(this.settings.customCSS.resources.css) } catch(e) { alert(e) this.settings.customCSS.resources.css = null } } null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker } }, renderESP: { name: "Player ESP Type", val: "off", html: () => this.generateSetting("select", "renderESP", this.lists.renderESP), }, renderTracers: { name: "Player Tracers", null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "renderTracers"), }, rainbowColor: { name: "Rainbow ESP", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "rainbowColor"), }, renderChams: { name: "Player Chams", null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker val: "off", html: () => this.generateSetting( "select", "renderChams", this.lists.renderChams ), }, renderWireFrame: { name: "Player Wireframe", null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "renderWireFrame"), }, customBillboard: { name: "Custom Billboard Text", val: "", html: () => this.generateSetting( "text", "customBillboard", null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker "Custom Billboard Text" ), }, autoReload: { pre: "
", name: "Auto Reload", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoReload"), }, autoAim: { null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker name: "Auto Aim Type", val: "off", html: () => this.generateSetting("select", "autoAim", this.lists.autoAim), }, frustrumCheck: { name: "Line of Sight Check", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "frustrumCheck"), }, null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker wallPenetrate: { name: "Aim through Penetratables", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "wallPenetrate"), }, weaponZoom: { name: "Weapon Zoom", val: 1.0, min: 0, max: 50.0, null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker step: 0.01, html: () => this.generateSetting("slider", "weaponZoom"), set: (value) => { if (this.renderer) this.renderer.adsFovMlt = value;} }, weaponTrails: { name: "Weapon Trails", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "weaponTrails"), set: (value) => { if ( = value;} }, null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker autoBhop: { pre: "
", name: "Auto Bhop Type", val: "off", html: () => this.generateSetting("select", "autoBhop", this.lists.autoBhop), }, thirdPerson: { name: "Third Person", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "thirdPerson"), null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker set: (value, init) => { if (value) this.thirdPerson = 1; else if (!init) this.thirdPerson = undefined; } }, skinUnlock: { name: "Unlock Skins", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "skinUnlock", this), }, null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker disableWpnSnd: { pre: "
", name: "Disable Players Weapon Sounds", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "disableWpnSnd", this), }, autoActivateNuke: { name: "Auto Activate Nuke", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoActivateNuke", this), null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker }, autoFindNew: { name: "New Lobby Finder", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoFindNew", this), }, autoClick: { name: "Auto Start Game", val: false, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoClick", this), null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker }, inActivity: { name: "No InActivity Kick", val: true, html: () => this.generateSetting("checkbox", "autoClick", this), }, playStream: { pre: "
Radio Stream Player
", name: "Stream Select", val: "off", null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker html: () => this.generateSetting("select", "playStream", this.lists.audioStreams), set: (value) => { if (value == "off") { if ( ) {; = 0; = null; } return; } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker let url = this.settings.playStream.urls[value]; if (! { = new Audio(url); = this.settings.audioVolume.val||0.5 } else { = url; };; }, null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker urls: { _2000s: '', _HipHopRNB: '', _Country: '', _Dance: '', _Pop: '', _Jazz: '', _Oldies: '', _Club: '', _Folk: '', null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker _ClassicRock: '', _Metal: '', _DeathMetal: '', _Classical: '', _Alternative: '', _Dubstep: '', _Lowfi: '', _Oldskool: '', }, audio: null, null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker }, audioVolume: { name: "Radio Volume", val: 0.5, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, html: () => this.generateSetting("slider", "audioVolume"), set: (value) => { if ( = value;} }, null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker /* Alternate Howler Sound playSound: { name: "Sound Player", val: "", html: () => `
` + this.generateSetting("url", "playSound", "URL to Sound file"), sound: null, set: (value, init) => { //if ( value && value.startsWith("http") && (value.endsWith(".webm") || value.endsWith(".mp3") || value.endsWith(".wav")) ) { null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker //this.settings.playSound.sound = new window.Howl({src: value, autoplay: true, loop: true, volume: 1.0, rate: 1.0}) // // if (init) { // if ( value.startsWith("http") && (value.endsWith(".webm") || value.endsWith(".mp3") || value.endsWith(".wav")) ) { // let proxy = ''; // let url = proxy + value; // try { // this.settings.playSound.sound = new window.Howl({src: value, autoplay: true, loop: true, volume: 1.0, rate: 1.0}) // } catch(e) { // console.error(e) null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker // this.settings.playSound.sound = null // } } else if (value) { alert("Sound file MUST be a .MP3, .webm or .wav !!") value = ""; } // } } },*/ }; null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker // Inject Html let waitForWindows = setInterval(_ => { if ( { const menu =[11]; menu.header = "Settings"; menu.gen = _ => { var tmpHTML = `
SkidFest Settings
`; for (const key in this.settings) { if (this.settings[key].pre) tmpHTML += this.settings[key].pre; null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker tmpHTML += "
" + this.settings[key].name + " " + this.settings[key].html() + "
"; } tmpHTML += `

Reset Settings | Save GameScript` /// tmpHTML += `` return tmpHTML; }; clearInterval(waitForWindows); } }, 100); null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker // setupSettings for (const key in this.settings) { this.settings[key].def = this.settings[key].val; if (!this.settings[key].disabled) { let tmpVal = this.getSavedVal(`kro_utilities_${key}`); this.settings[key].val = tmpVal !== null ? tmpVal : this.settings[key].val; if (this.settings[key].val == "false") this.settings[key].val = false; if (this.settings[key].val == "true") this.settings[key].val = true; if (this.settings[key].val == "undefined") this.settings[key].val = this.settings[key].def; null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker if (this.settings[key].set) this.settings[key].set(this.settings[key].val, true); } } } generateSetting(type, name, extra) { switch (type) { case 'checkbox': return ``; case 'slider': null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker return `${this.settings[name].val}
` case 'select': { let temp = `'; return temp; } default: null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker return ``; } } resetSettings() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to reset all your settings? This will also refresh the page")) { original_Object.keys(localStorage).filter(x => x.includes("kro_utilities_")).forEach(x => localStorage.removeItem(x)); location.reload(); } } null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker setSetting(t, e) { this.settings[t].val = e; this.saveVal(`kro_utilities_${t}`, e); if (document.getElementById(`slid_utilities_${t}`)) document.getElementById(`slid_utilities_${t}`).innerHTML = e; if (this.settings[t].set) this.settings[t].set(e); } createObserver(elm, check, callback, onshow = true) { return new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => { if (check == 'src' || onshow && mutationsList[0] == 'block' || !onshow) { null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker callback(mutationsList[0].target); } }).observe(elm, check == 'childList' ? {childList: true} : {attributes: true, attributeFilter: [check]}); } createListener(elm, type, callback = null) { if (!this.isDefined(elm)) { alert("Failed creating " + type + "listener"); return } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker elm.addEventListener(type, event => callback(event)); } createElement(type, html, id) { let newElement = document.createElement(type) if (id) = id newElement.innerHTML = html return newElement } null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker objectEntries(object, callback) { let descriptors = original_Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(object); original_Object.entries(descriptors).forEach(([key, { value, get, set, configurable, enumerable, writable }]) => callback([object, key, value, get, set, configurable, enumerable, writable])); } getVersion() { const elems = document.getElementsByClassName('terms'); const version = elems[elems.length - 1].innerText; return version; } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker saveAs(name, data) { let blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain'}); let el = window.document.createElement("a"); el.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = name; window.document.body.appendChild(el);; window.document.body.removeChild(el); } null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker saveScript() { this.saveAs("game_" + this.getVersion() + ".js", this.script) } isKeyDown(key) { return this.downKeys.has(key); } simulateKey(keyCode) { null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker var oEvent = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent'); // Chromium Hack Object.defineProperty(oEvent, 'keyCode', { get : function() { return this.keyCodeVal; } }); Object.defineProperty(oEvent, 'which', { get : function() { return this.keyCodeVal; null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker } }); if (oEvent.initKeyboardEvent) { oEvent.initKeyboardEvent("keypress", true, true, document.defaultView, keyCode, keyCode, "", "", false, ""); } else { oEvent.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, document.defaultView, false, false, false, false, keyCode, 0); } oEvent.keyCodeVal = keyCode; null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker if (oEvent.keyCode !== keyCode) { alert("keyCode mismatch " + oEvent.keyCode + "(" + oEvent.which + ")"); } document.body.dispatchEvent(oEvent); } toggleMenu() { let lock = document.pointerLockElement || document.mozPointerLockElement; null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker if (lock) document.exitPointerLock(); window.showWindow(12); if (this.isDefined(window.SOUND))`tick_0`,0.1) } onLoad() { this.createSettings(); this.deObfuscate(); this.createObserver(window.instructionsUpdate, 'style', (target) => { if (this.settings.autoFindNew.val) { null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker console.log(target) if (['Kicked', 'Banned', 'Disconnected', 'Error', 'Game is full'].some(text => target && target.innerHTML.includes(text))) { location = document.location.origin; } } }); this.createListener(document, "keyup", event => { if (this.downKeys.has(event.code)) this.downKeys.delete(event.code) }) null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker this.createListener(document, "keydown", event => { if (event.code == "F1") { event.preventDefault(); this.toggleMenu(); } if ('INPUT' == document.activeElement.tagName || !window.endUI && return; switch (event.code) { case 'NumpadSubtract': document.exitPointerLock(); null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker //console.log(document.exitPointerLock) console.dirxml(this) break; default: if (!this.downKeys.has(event.code)) this.downKeys.add(event.code); break; } }) this.createListener(document, "mouseup", event => { null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker switch (event.button) { case 1: event.preventDefault(); this.toggleMenu(); break; default: break; } }) null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker this.waitFor(_=>this.exports).then(exports => { if (!exports) return alert("Exports not Found"); const found = new Set(); const array = new Map([ ["utility", ["commaFormatNum", "decompressKeys"]], ["config", ["followURLS", "groundDecel", "idleAnimS"]], ["overlay", ["render", "canvas"]], ["three", ["ACESFilmicToneMapping", "TextureLoader", "ObjectLoader"]], //["colors", ["challLvl", "getChallCol"]], //["ui", ["showEndScreen", "toggleControlUI", "toggleEndScreen", "updatePlayInstructions"]], null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker ["ws", ["socketReady", "ingressPacketCount", "ingressPacketCount", "egressDataSize"]], //["events", ["actions", "events"]], ]) return this.waitFor(_ => found.size === array.size, 20000, () => { array.forEach((arr, name, map) => { this.objectEntries(exports, ([rootObject, rootKey, rootValue, rootGet, rootSet, rootConfigurable, rootEnumerable, rootWritable]) => { this.objectEntries(rootValue.exports, ([object, key, value, get, set, configurable, enumerable, writable]) => { if (!found.has(name) && arr.includes(key)) { found.add(name); console.log("Found Export ", name); null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker this[name] = rootValue.exports; } }) }) }) }) }) // Skins const orig_skins = Symbol("orig_skins"); null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker original_Object.defineProperty(original_Object.prototype, "skins", { get() { let hacked = window.utilities.settings.skinUnlock.val && this.stats; if (hacked) { let hack_skins = []; for(let i = 0; i < 5000; i++) hack_skins.push({ind: i, cnt: 0x1}); return hack_skins; } else return this[orig_skins]; }, set(val) { this[orig_skins] = val; null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker }, enumerable: false }); this.waitFor(_=> === true, 40000).then(_=> { =; =; = new original_Proxy(, { apply(target, that, args) { try { null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker var original_fn = Function.prototype.apply.apply(target, [that, args]); } catch (e) { e.stack = e.stack = e.stack.replace(/\n.*Object\.apply.*/, ''); throw e; } if (args[0] === "ah1") { args[0] = "p"; args[1] = null; } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker if (args[0] === "en") { window.utilities.skinConfig = { main: args[1][2][0], secondary: args[1][2][1], hat: args[1][3], body: args[1][4], knife: args[1][9], dye: args[1][14], waist: args[1][17], null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker } } return original_fn; // return target.apply(that, msg); } }) = new original_Proxy(, { apply(target, that, [type, msg]) { //console.log(type, msg) null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker if (type =="init") { if(msg[9].bill && window.utilities.settings.customBillboard.val.length > 1) { msg[9].bill.txt = window.utilities.settings.customBillboard.val; } } if (window.utilities.settings.skinUnlock.val && window.utilities.skinConfig && type === "0") { let playersInfo = msg[0]; let perPlayerSize = 38; while (playersInfo.length % perPlayerSize !== 0) perPlayerSize++; for(let i = 0; i < playersInfo.length; i += perPlayerSize) { null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker if (playersInfo[i] ===||0) { playersInfo[i + 12] = [window.utilities.skinConfig.main, window.utilities.skinConfig.secondary]; playersInfo[i + 13] = window.utilities.skinConfig.hat; playersInfo[i + 14] = window.utilities.skinConfig.body; playersInfo[i + 19] = window.utilities.skinConfig.knife; playersInfo[i + 25] = window.utilities.skinConfig.dye; playersInfo[i + 33] = window.utilities.skinConfig.waist; } } } null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker return target.apply(that, arguments[2]); } }) }) if (this.isDefined(window.SOUND)) { = new original_Proxy(, { apply: function(target, that, [src, vol, loop, rate]) { if ( src.startsWith("fart_") ) return; return target.apply(that, [src, vol, loop, rate]); null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker } }) } //tmpSound = this.sounds[tmpIndx]; // if (!tmpSound) { // tmpSound = new Howl({ // src: ".././sound/" + (window.activeHacker? // "fart_0":id) + ".mp3" // }); null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker // this.sounds[tmpIndx] = tmpSound; // } //if (this.isDefined(SOUND)) { // const play =; // = function() { // if (arguments[0].startsWith("weapon_")) return; // return play.apply(this, arguments) // } //console.dir(window) null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker // chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, MessageSender, sendResponse)=>{ // console.log(message) //}) //} // create audio context //var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; //var audioCtx = new AudioContext(); //AudioParam.prototype.setTargetAtTime = new original_Proxy(AudioParam.prototype.setTargetAtTime, { null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker // apply: function(target, that, [audioTarget, startTime, timeConstant]) { // let flt = target.apply(that, [audioTarget, startTime, timeConstant]); // return isFinite(flt) ? flt : 0.0; // } // }) // AudioParam.prototype.setValueAtTime = new original_Proxy(AudioParam.prototype.setValueAtTime, { // apply: function(target, that, [value, startTime]) { // return target.apply(that, [value / 100, startTime+1]); // } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker // }) AudioParam.prototype.setValueAtTime = new Proxy(AudioParam.prototype.setValueAtTime, { apply: function(target, that, [value, startTime]) { return target.apply(that, [value, 0]); } }) } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker patchScript() { const patches = new Map() .set("exports", [/(function\(\w,\w,(\w)\){)'use strict';(\(function\((\w)\){)\//, `$1$3 window.utilities.exports=$2.c; window.utilities.modules=$2.m;/`]) //.set("exports", [/(function\(\w+,\w+,(\w+)\){\(function\(\w+\){)(\w+\['exports'])/,`$1window.utilities.exports=$2.c; window.utilities.modules=$2.m;$3`]) //.set("inView", [/if\((!\w+\['\w+'])\)continue;/, "if($1&&void 0 !== window.utilities.nameTags)continue;"]) //.set("inView", [/(\w+\['\w+']\){if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['position']\['clone']\(\))/, "(void 0 == window.utilities.nameTags)||$1"]) .set("inView", [/&&(\w+\['\w+'])\){(if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\['\w+'])/, "){if(!$1&&void 0 !== window.utilities.nameTags)continue;$2"]) .set("inputs", [/(\w+\['\w+']\[\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\?'\w+':'push']\()(\w+)\),/, `$1window.utilities.onInput($2)),`]) //.set("procInputs", [/(this\['\w+']\()(this\['inputs']\[\w+])(,\w+,!0x1,!\w+|\|\w+\['moveLock']\))/, `$1window.utilities.onInput($2)$3`]) null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker //.set("procInputs", [/this\['meleeAnim']\['armS']=0x0;},this\['\w+']=function\((\w+),\w+,\w+,\w+\){/, `$&window.cheat.onInput($1);`]) //.set("wallBangs", [/!(\w+)\['transparent']/, "$&& (!cheat.settings.wallbangs || !$1.penetrable )"]) .set("thirdPerson", [/(\w+)\[\'config\'\]\[\'thirdPerson\'\]/g, `void 0 !== window.utilities.thirdPerson`]) //.set("onRender", [/\w+\['render']=function\((\w+,\w+,\w+,\w+,\w+,\w+,\w+,\w+)\){/, `$&window.cheat.onRender($1);`]) .set("isHacker", [/(window\['\w+']=)!0x0\)/, `$1!0x1)`]) //.set("Damage", [/\['send']\('vtw',(\w+)\)/, `['send']('kpd',$1)`]) .set("fixHowler", [/(Howler\['orientation'](.+?)\)\),)/, ``]) .set("respawnT", [/'\w+':0x3e8\*/g, `'respawnT':0x0*`]) .set("anticheat", [/windows\['length'\]>\d+.*?0x25/, `0x25`]) //.set("FPS", [/(window\['mozRequestAnimationFrame']\|\|function\(\w+\){window\['setTimeout'])\(\w+,0x3e8\/0x3c\);/, "$1()"]) null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker //.set("Update", [/(\w+=window\['setTimeout']\(function\(\){\w+)\((\w+)\+(\w+)\)/, "$1($2=$3=0)"]) // .set("weaponZoom", [/(,'zoom':)(\d.+?),/g, "$1window.utilities.settings.weaponZoom.val||$2"]) console.groupCollapsed("PATCHING"); let string = this.script; for (let [name, arr] of patches) { let found = arr[0].exec(string); if (found) { console.groupCollapsed(name); for (let i = 0; i < found.length; ++i) { null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker if (i == 0) { console.log("Regex ", arr[0]); console.log("Found ", found[i]); console.log("Index ", found.index); } else console.log("$", i, " ", found[i]); } console.log("Replace " + arr[1]); const patched = string.substr(0, found.index) + string.substr(found.index, string.length), arr[0], arr[1] ); if (string === patched) { alert(`Failed to patch ${name}`); null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker continue; } else { string = patched; console.log("patched"); } console.groupEnd(); } else { alert("Failed to find " + name); } } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker console.groupEnd(); /*Lemons1337*/string = string.replace(/\[(0x[a-zA-Z0-9]+,?)+]\['map']\(\w+=>String\['fromCharCode']\(\w+\)\)\['join']\(''\)/g, a => "'" + w.eval(a) + "'"); const spoonter = `console.log("ahoy thar Skidney",'💩');` return spoonter + string; } deObfuscate() { const obfu = { //\]\)continue;if\(!\w+\['(.+?)\']\)continue; inView: { regex: /(\w+\['(\w+)']\){if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['position']\['clone']\(\))/, pos: 2 }, null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker //inView: { regex: /\]\)continue;if\(!\w+\['(.+?)\']\)continue;/, pos: 1 }, //canSee: { regex: /\w+\['(\w+)']\(\w+,\w+\['x'],\w+\['y'],\w+\['z']\)\)&&/, pos: 1 }, //procInputs: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=function\((\w+),(\w+),\w+,\w+\){(this)\['recon']/, pos: 1 }, aimVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']-=0x1\/\(this\['weapon']\['\w+']\/\w+\)/, pos: 1 }, pchObjc: { regex: /0x0,this\['(\w+)']=new \w+\['Object3D']\(\),this/, pos: 1 }, didShoot: { regex: /--,\w+\['(\w+)']=!0x0/, pos: 1 }, nAuto: { regex: /'Single\\x20Fire','varN':'(\w+)'/, pos: 1 }, crouchVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']\+=\w\['\w+']\*\w+,0x1<=this\['\w+']/, pos: 1 }, recoilAnimY: { regex: /\+\(-Math\['PI']\/0x4\*\w+\+\w+\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['\w+']\)\+/, pos: 1 }, null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker //recoilAnimY: { regex: /this\['recoilAnim']=0x0,this\[(.*?\(''\))]/, pos: 1 }, ammos: { regex: /\['length'];for\(\w+=0x0;\w+<\w+\['(\w+)']\['length']/, pos: 1 }, weaponIndex: { regex: /\['weaponConfig']\[\w+]\['secondary']&&\(\w+\['(\w+)']==\w+/, pos: 1 }, isYou: { regex: /0x0,this\['(\w+)']=\w+,this\['\w+']=!0x0,this\['inputs']/, pos: 1 }, objInstances: { regex: /\w+\['\w+']\(0x0,0x0,0x0\);if\(\w+\['(\w+)']=\w+\['\w+']/, pos: 1 }, getWorldPosition: { regex: /{\w+=\w+\['camera']\['(\w+)']\(\);/, pos: 1 }, //mouseDownL: { regex: /this\['\w+'\]=function\(\){this\['(\w+)'\]=\w*0,this\['(\w+)'\]=\w*0,this\['\w+'\]={}/, pos: 1 }, mouseDownR: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=0x0,this\['keys']=/, pos: 1 }, //reloadTimer: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']&&\(\w+\['\w+']\(this\),\w+\['\w+']\(this\)/, pos: 1 }, maxHealth: { regex: /this\['health']\/this\['(\w+)']\?/, pos: 1 }, null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker xDire: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=Math\['lerpAngle']\(this\['xDir2']/, pos: 1 }, yDire: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=Math\['lerpAngle']\(this\['yDir2']/, pos: 1 }, //xVel: { regex: /this\['x']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedX']/, pos: 1 }, yVel: { regex: /this\['y']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedY']/, pos: 1 }, //zVel: { regex: /this\['z']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedZ']/, pos: 1 }, }; console.groupCollapsed("DEOBFUSCATE"); for (let key in obfu) { let result = obfu[key].regex.exec(this.script); if (result) { null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker window.utilities.vars[key] = result[obfu[key].pos]; console.log("found: ", key, " at ", result.index, " value: ", window.utilities.vars[key]); } else { const str = "Failed to find " + key; console.error(str); alert(str); window.utilities.vars[key] = null; } } console.groupEnd(); null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker } onRender() { /* hrt / ttap - */ this.renderFrame ++; if (this.renderFrame >= 100000) this.renderFrame = 0; let scaledWidth = this.ctx.canvas.width / this.scale; let scaledHeight = this.ctx.canvas.height / this.scale; let playerScale = (2 * this.consts.armScale + this.consts.chestWidth + this.consts.armInset) / 2 let worldPosition =[this.vars.getWorldPosition](); let espVal = this.settings.renderESP.val; null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker if (espVal ==="walls"||espVal ==="twoD") this.nameTags = undefined; else this.nameTags = true; if (this.isNative(this.renderer.frustum.containsPoint)) { this.renderer.frustum.containsPoint = function (point) { let planes = this.planes; for (let i = 0; i < 6; i ++) { if (planes[i].distanceToPoint(point) < 0) { return false; } } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker return true; } } if (this.settings.autoActivateNuke.val && && Object.keys( { /*chonker*/"k", 0); } if (espVal !== "off") { this.overlay.healthColE = this.settings.rainbowColor.val ? this.overlay.rainbow.col : "#eb5656"; null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker } for (let iter = 0, length =; iter < length; iter++) { let player =[iter]; if (player[this.vars.isYou] || ! || !this.isDefined(player[this.vars.objInstances]) || this.getIsFriendly(player)) { continue; } // the below variables correspond to the 2d box esps corners let xmin = Infinity; null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker let xmax = -Infinity; let ymin = Infinity; let ymax = -Infinity; let position = null; let br = false; for (let j = -1; !br && j < 2; j+=2) { for (let k = -1; !br && k < 2; k+=2) { for (let l = 0; !br && l < 2; l++) { if (position = player[this.vars.objInstances].position.clone()) { position.x += j * playerScale; null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker position.z += k * playerScale; position.y += l * (player.height - player[this.vars.crouchVal] * this.consts.crouchDst); if (!this.renderer.frustum.containsPoint(position)) { br = true; break; } position.project(; xmin = Math.min(xmin, position.x); xmax = Math.max(xmax, position.x); ymin = Math.min(ymin, position.y); null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker ymax = Math.max(ymax, position.y); } } } } if (br) { continue; } null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker xmin = (xmin + 1) / 2; ymin = (ymin + 1) / 2; xmax = (xmax + 1) / 2; ymax = (ymax + 1) / 2; // save and restore these variables later so they got nothing on us const original_strokeStyle = this.ctx.strokeStyle; const original_lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth; const original_font = this.ctx.font; const original_fillStyle = this.ctx.fillStyle; null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker //Tracers if (this.settings.renderTracers.val) { original_save.apply(this.ctx, []); let screenPos = this.world2Screen(player[this.vars.objInstances].position); this.ctx.lineWidth = 4.5; this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.moveTo(this.ctx.canvas.width/2, this.ctx.canvas.height - (this.ctx.canvas.height - scaledHeight)); this.ctx.lineTo(screenPos.x, screenPos.y); this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"; null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.lineWidth = 2.5; this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.settings.rainbowColor.val ? this.overlay.rainbow.col : "#eb5656" this.ctx.stroke(); original_restore.apply(this.ctx, []); } original_save.apply(this.ctx, []); if (espVal == "twoD" || espVal == "full") { // perfect box esp null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker this.ctx.lineWidth = 5; this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.settings.rainbowColor.val ? this.overlay.rainbow.col : "#eb5656" let distanceScale = Math.max(.3, 1 - this.getD3D(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.y, worldPosition.z, player.x, player.y, player.z) / 600); original_scale.apply(this.ctx, [distanceScale, distanceScale]); let xScale = scaledWidth / distanceScale; let yScale = scaledHeight / distanceScale; original_beginPath.apply(this.ctx, []); ymin = yScale * (1 - ymin); ymax = yScale * (1 - ymax); xmin = xScale * xmin; null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker xmax = xScale * xmax; original_moveTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmin, ymin]); original_lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmin, ymax]); original_lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmax, ymax]); original_lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmax, ymin]); original_lineTo.apply(this.ctx, [xmin, ymin]); original_stroke.apply(this.ctx, []); if (espVal == "full") { // health bar null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker this.ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; let barMaxHeight = ymax - ymin; original_fillRect.apply(this.ctx, [xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight]); this.ctx.fillStyle = > 75 ? "green" : > 40 ? "orange" : "red"; original_fillRect.apply(this.ctx, [xmin - 7, ymin, -10, barMaxHeight * ( / player[this.vars.maxHealth])]); // info this.ctx.font = "48px Sans-serif"; this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"; this.ctx.strokeStyle='black'; this.ctx.lineWidth = 1; null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker let x = xmax + 7; let y = ymax; original_fillText.apply(this.ctx, [||player.alias, x, y]); original_strokeText.apply(this.ctx, [||player.alias, x, y]); this.ctx.font = "30px Sans-serif"; y += 35; original_fillText.apply(this.ctx, [, x, y]); original_strokeText.apply(this.ctx, [, x, y]); y += 35; original_fillText.apply(this.ctx, [ + ' HP', x, y]); null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker original_strokeText.apply(this.ctx, [ + ' HP', x, y]); } } original_restore.apply(this.ctx, []); this.ctx.strokeStyle = original_strokeStyle; this.ctx.lineWidth = original_lineWidth; this.ctx.font = original_font; this.ctx.fillStyle = original_fillStyle; null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker // skelly chams if (this.isDefined(player[this.vars.objInstances])) { let obj = player[this.vars.objInstances]; if (!obj.visible) { original_Object.defineProperty(player[this.vars.objInstances], 'visible', { value: true, writable: false }); } obj.traverse((child) => { null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker let chamColor = this.settings.renderChams.val; let chamsEnabled = chamColor !== "off"; if (child && child.type == "Mesh" && child.material) { child.material.depthTest = chamsEnabled ? false : true; if (this.isDefined(child.material.fog)) child.material.fog = chamsEnabled ? false : true; if (child.material.emissive) { child.material.emissive.r = chamColor == 'off' || chamColor == 'teal' || chamColor == 'green' || chamColor == 'blue' ? 0 : 0.55; child.material.emissive.g = chamColor == 'off' || chamColor == 'purple' || chamColor == 'blue' || chamColor == 'red' ? 0 : 0.55; child.material.emissive.b = chamColor == 'off' || chamColor == 'yellow' || chamColor == 'green' || chamColor == 'red' ? 0 : 0.55; } null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker child.material.wireframe = this.settings.renderWireFrame.val ? true : false } }) } } } spinTick(input) { //; //, angle); null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker const angle = this.getAngleDst(input[2],[this.vars.xDire]); this.spins = this.getStatic(this.spins, new Array()); this.spinTimer = this.getStatic(this.spinTimer, this.config.spinTimer); this.serverTickRate = this.getStatic(this.serverTickRate, this.config.serverTickRate); (this.spins.unshift(angle), this.spins.length > this.spinTimer / this.serverTickRate && (this.spins.length = Math.round(this.spinTimer / this.serverTickRate))) for (var e = 0, i = 0; i < this.spins.length; ++i) e += this.spins[i]; return Math.abs(e * (180 / Math.PI)); } raidBot(input) { null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker let target = => { return undefined !== enemy.mesh && enemy.mesh && enemy.mesh.children[0] && enemy.canBSeen && > 0 }).sort((p1, p2) => this.getD3D(,, p1.x, p1.z) - this.getD3D(,, p2.x, p2.z)).shift(); if (target) { let canSee = this.renderer.frustum.containsPoint(target.mesh.position) let yDire = (this.getDir(,, target.z, target.x) || 0) let xDire = ((this.getXDire(,,, target.x, target.y + target.mesh.children[0].scale.y * 0.85, target.z) || 0) - this.consts.recoilMlt *[this.vars.recoilAnimY]) if ([this.vars.nAuto] &&[this.vars.didShoot]) { input[key.shoot] = 0; input[key.scope] = 0; = false; = 0; } else { if (! && canSee) { null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker input[key.scope] = 1; if (![this.vars.aimVal]) { input[key.shoot] = 1; input[key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3 input[key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3 this.lookDir(xDire, yDire); } } } } else { null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker this.resetLookAt(); } return input; } onInput(input) { if (this.isDefined(this.config) && this.config.aimAnimMlt) this.config.aimAnimMlt = 1; if (this.isDefined(this.controls) && this.isDefined(this.config) && this.settings.inActivity.val) { this.controls.idleTimer = 0; this.config.kickTimer = Infinity null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker } if ( { this.inputFrame ++; if (this.inputFrame >= 100000) this.inputFrame = 0; /* if (![isProxy]) { = new original_Proxy(, { apply: function(target, that, args) { if (args[0] == return; return target.apply(that, args); null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker }, get: function(target, key) { return key === isProxy ? true : Reflect.get(target, key); }, }) } if (![isProxy]) { = new original_Proxy(, { apply: function(target, that, args) { if (args[0] !== return; null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker return target.apply(that, args); }, get: function(target, key) { return key === isProxy ? true : Reflect.get(target, key); }, }) }*/ if (![isProxy]) { = new original_Proxy(, { null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker apply: function(target, that, args) { if (window.utilities.settings.disableWpnSnd.val && args[0] && typeof args[0] == "string" && args[0].startsWith("weapon_")) return; return target.apply(that, args); }, get: function(target, key) { return key === isProxy ? true : Reflect.get(target, key); }, }) } null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker let isMelee = this.isDefined(||this.isDefined(; // autoReload if (this.settings.autoReload.val) { let ammoLeft =[this.vars.ammos][[this.vars.weaponIndex]]; let capacity =; //if (ammoLeft < capacity) if (isMelee) { if (! { //; null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker } } else if (!ammoLeft) {; input[key.reload] = 1; //[this.vars.reloadTimer] = 1; //; } } //Auto Bhop null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker let autoBhop = this.settings.autoBhop.val; if (autoBhop !== "off") { if (this.isKeyDown("Space") || autoBhop == "autoJump" || autoBhop == "autoSlide") { this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jumpKey.val] ^= 1; if (this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jumpKey.val]) { this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.jumpKey.val] = 1; } if (this.isKeyDown("Space") || autoBhop == "autoSlide") { if ([this.vars.yVel] < -0.03 && { setTimeout(() => { null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouchKey.val] = 0; },||325); this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouchKey.val] = 1; this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.crouchKey.val] = 1; } } } } //Autoaim null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker if (this.settings.autoAim.val !== "off") { let target = => { return undefined !== enemy[this.vars.objInstances] && enemy[this.vars.objInstances] && !enemy[this.vars.isYou] && !this.getIsFriendly(enemy) && > 0 && this.getInView(enemy) }).sort((p1, p2) => this.getD3D(,, p1.x, p1.z) - this.getD3D(,, p2.x, p2.z)).shift(); if (target) { //let count = this.spinTick(input); //if (count < 360) { // input[2] =[this.vars.xDire] + Math.PI; //} else console.log("spins ", count); //target.jumpBobY * this.config.jumpVel null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker let canSee = this.renderer.frustum.containsPoint(target[this.vars.objInstances].position); let yDire = (this.getDir(,, target.z, target.x) || 0) let xDire = ((this.getXDire(,,, target.x, target.y - target[this.vars.crouchVal] * this.consts.crouchDst +[this.vars.crouchVal] * this.consts.crouchDst, target.z) || 0) - this.consts.recoilMlt *[this.vars.recoilAnimY]) if ([this.vars.nAuto] &&[this.vars.didShoot]) { input[key.shoot] = 0; input[key.scope] = 0; = false; = 0; } else if (!canSee && this.settings.frustrumCheck.val) this.resetLookAt(); null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker else { input[key.scope] = this.settings.autoAim.val === "assist"||this.settings.autoAim.val === "correction" ? this.controls[this.vars.mouseDownR] : this.settings.autoAim.val === "trigger" ? canSee ? 1 : 0 : 1; switch (this.settings.autoAim.val) { case "quickScope": input[key.scope] = 1; if (![this.vars.aimVal]) { if (!||!isMelee) input[key.shoot] = 1; input[key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3 input[key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3 this.lookDir(xDire, yDire); null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker } break; case "assist": case "easyassist": if (input[key.scope] || this.settings.autoAim.val === "easyassist") { if (! && canSee || this.settings.autoAim.val === "easyassist") { input[key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3 input[key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3 this.lookDir(xDire, yDire); } } null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker break; case "silent": if (![this.vars.aimVal]) { if (!||!isMelee) input[key.shoot] = 1; } else input[key.scope] = 1; input[key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3 input[key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3 break; case "trigger": if (! { null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker if (![this.vars.aimVal] && > 180) { if (! input[key.shoot] = 1; input[key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3 input[key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3 } } break; case "correction": if (input[key.shoot] == 1) { input[key.ydir] = yDire * 1e3 null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker input[key.xdir] = xDire * 1e3 } break; default: this.resetLookAt(); break; } } } else { this.resetLookAt(); null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker //input = this.raidBot(input); } } } //else if (this.settings.autoClick.val && !this.ui.hasEndScreen) { //this.config.deathDelay = 0; //this.controls.toggle(true); //} null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker // = 1 return input; } getAngleDst(a, b) { return Math.atan2(Math.sin(b - a), Math.cos(a - b)); }; getD3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { let dx = x1 - x2; null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker let dy = y1 - y2; let dz = z1 - z2; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); } getAngleDst(a, b) { return Math.atan2(Math.sin(b - a), Math.cos(a - b)); } getXDire(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker let h = Math.abs(y1 - y2); let dst = this.getD3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); return (Math.asin(h / dst) * ((y1 > y2)?-1:1)); } getDir(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2); } getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker return Math.sqrt((x2 -= x1) * x2 + (y2 -= y1) * y2); } getCanSee(from, toX, toY, toZ, boxSize) { if (!from) return 0; boxSize = boxSize||0; for (let obj, dist = this.getD3D(from.x, from.y, from.z, toX, toY, toZ), xDr = this.getDir(from.z, from.x, toZ, toX), yDr = this.getDir(this.getDistance(from.x, from.z, toX, toZ), toY, 0, from.y), dx = 1 / (dist * Math.sin(xDr - Math.PI) * Math.cos(yDr)), dz = 1 / (dist * Math.cos(xDr - Math.PI) * Math.cos(yDr)), dy = 1 / (dist * Math.sin(yDr)), yOffset = from.y + (from.height || 0) - this.consts.cameraHeight, aa = 0; aa <; ++aa) { if (!(obj =[aa]).noShoot && && !obj.transparent && (!this.settings.wallPenetrate.val || (!obj.penetrable || ! { let tmpDst = this.lineInRect(from.x, from.z, yOffset, dx, dz, dy, obj.x - Math.max(0, obj.width - boxSize), obj.z - Math.max(0, obj.length - boxSize), obj.y - Math.max(0, obj.height - boxSize), obj.x + Math.max(0, obj.width - boxSize), obj.z + Math.max(0, obj.length - boxSize), obj.y + Math.max(0, obj.height - boxSize)); if (tmpDst && 1 > tmpDst) return tmpDst; null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker } } /* let terrain =; if (terrain) { let terrainRaycast = terrain.raycast(from.x, -from.z, yOffset, 1 / dx, -1 / dz, 1 / dy); if (terrainRaycast) return this.getD3D(from.x, from.y, from.z, terrainRaycast.x, terrainRaycast.z, -terrainRaycast.y); } */ return null; null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker } lineInRect(lx1, lz1, ly1, dx, dz, dy, x1, z1, y1, x2, z2, y2) { let t1 = (x1 - lx1) * dx; let t2 = (x2 - lx1) * dx; let t3 = (y1 - ly1) * dy; let t4 = (y2 - ly1) * dy; let t5 = (z1 - lz1) * dz; let t6 = (z2 - lz1) * dz; let tmin = Math.max(Math.max(Math.min(t1, t2), Math.min(t3, t4)), Math.min(t5, t6)); null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker let tmax = Math.min(Math.min(Math.max(t1, t2), Math.max(t3, t4)), Math.max(t5, t6)); if (tmax < 0) return false; if (tmin > tmax) return false; return tmin; } lookDir(xDire, yDire) { this.controls.object.rotation.y = yDire this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x = xDire; this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x = Math.max(-this.consts.halfPI, Math.min(this.consts.halfPI, this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x)); null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker this.controls.yDr = (this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x % Math.PI).round(3); this.controls.xDr = (this.controls.object.rotation.y % Math.PI).round(3);; this.renderer.updateFrustum(); } resetLookAt() { this.controls.yDr = this.controls[this.vars.pchObjc].rotation.x; this.controls.xDr = this.controls.object.rotation.y;; null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker this.renderer.updateFrustum(); } world2Screen (position) { let pos = position.clone(); let scaledWidth = this.ctx.canvas.width / this.scale; let scaledHeight = this.ctx.canvas.height / this.scale; pos.project(; pos.x = (pos.x + 1) / 2; pos.y = (-pos.y + 1) / 2; null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker pos.x *= scaledWidth; pos.y *= scaledHeight; return pos; } getInView(entity) { return null == this.getCanSee(, entity.x, entity.y, entity.z); } getIsFriendly(entity) { null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker return ( && ? : ? 0x1 : 0x0) == } } (function() { //'use strict'; let initialize = function() { window._debugTimeStart =; fetch(location.origin+"/pkg/maindemo.wasm", { cache: "no-store" null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker }).then(res=>res.arrayBuffer()).then(buff=>{ window.mod.wasmBinary = buff; fetch(location.origin+"/pkg/maindemo.js", { cache: "no-store" }).then(res=>res.text()).then(body=>{ body = body.replace(/(function UTF8ToString\((\w+),\w+\)){return \w+\?(.+?)\}/, `$1{let str=$2?$3;if (str.includes("CLEAN_WINDOW") || str.includes("Array.prototype.filter = undefined")) return "";return str;}`); body = body.replace(/(_emscripten_run_script\(\w+\){)eval\((\w+\(\w+\))\)}/, `$1 let str=$2; console.log(str);}`); //body = body.replace(/return (UTF8Decoder\.decode\(heap.subarray\(idx,endPtr\)\))/, `let outStr = $1; if (outStr.startsWith("var vrtInit"))outStr = window.mod.patchScript(outStr);else console.log(outStr); return outStr`); //body = body.replace(/return (stringToUTF8Array\(str,HEAPU8,outPtr,maxBytesToWrite\))/, `if(str.length>4e6)str = window.mod.patchScript(str);else console.log(str); return $1`); //body = body.replace(/(function UTF8ToString\((\w+),\w+\)){return \w+\?(.+?)\}/, `$1{let str=$2?$3;if (str.includes("CLEAN_WINDOW") || str.includes("Array.prototype.filter = undefined")) return "";else if (str.startsWith("var vrtInit")) str = window.mod.patchScript(str);return str;}`); null client krunker How to dowload it? null client krunker new Function(body)(); window.initWASM(window.mod); window.mod.onRuntimeInitialized = async function(){ "undefined" != typeof TextEncoder && "undefined" != typeof TextDecoder ? await this.initialize(this) : this.errorMsg("Your browser is not supported.") } }) }); window.Function = new Proxy(Function, { construct(target, args) { null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker const that = new target(...args); if (args.length) { let string = args[args.length - 1]; if (string.length > 38e5) { window.utilities = new Utilities(string); string = window.utilities.patchScript(); } // If changed return with spoofed toString(); null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker if (args[args.length - 1] !== string) { args[args.length - 1] = string; let patched = new target(...args); patched.toString = () => that.toString(); return patched; } } return that; } }) null client krunker PasteShr null client krunker CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = function(x, y, width, height) { original_clearRect.apply(this, [x, y, width, height]); if (void 0 !== window.utilities) window.utilities.ctx = this; (function() { const caller = arguments.callee.caller.caller; if (caller) { const renderArgs = caller.arguments; if (renderArgs && void 0 !== window.utilities && window.utilities) { ["scale", "game", "controls", "renderer", "me"].forEach((item, index)=>{ null client krunker How to get it for free? null client krunker window.utilities[item] = renderArgs[index]; }); if (renderArgs[4]) { window.utilities.onRender(); //, renderArgs.callee.caller.bind(this)); } if(window.utilities.settings && window.utilities.settings.autoClick.val && == "none" && == "none") { renderArgs[2].toggle(true); } } null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker } })(); } } let observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (let mutation of mutations) { for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT' && node.type === "text/javascript" && node.innerHTML.startsWith("*!", 1)) { node.innerHTML = `!function(e){var t={};function r(n){if(t[n])return t[n].exports;var o=t[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,r),o.l=!0,o.exports}r.m=e,r.c=t,r.d=function(e,t,n){r.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return r.d(t,"a",t),t},r.o=function(e,t){return,t)},r.p="",r(r.s=0)}([function(e,t){window.mod={errorMsg:function(i){"block",instructions.innerHTML="
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","all"}};}]);` initialize(); null client krunker How to get it? null client krunker observer.disconnect(); } } } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); })(); null client krunker How to use it? null client krunker null client krunker