ken omega scripts -- Not Mine Just Did The Linkvertise. -- Globals _G.ScriptEnabled = true; _G.Farming = false; -- Needed Locals local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local Char = Player.Character; local board_radius = 10; local job_radius = 15; ken omega scripts How to get it? ken omega scripts local Mission = Player.PlayerGui.Mission.Frame; local Dirt = game:GetService("Workspace").Dirt; local Posters = game:GetService("Workspace").Posters; local Delivery = game:GetService("Workspace").Delivery; local jobboard = game:getService("Workspace").Corkboard.Board["Color this to paint the board"] -- Clicky support [Sentinel already supports fireclickdetector] if click_detector then -- Proto getgenv().fireclickdetector = function (...) click_detector(..., 0) end -- switch the function around end ken omega scripts How to dowload it? ken omega scripts -- Anti Chair Technology for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do -- WE OUT TO FIND EM! if v.Name == "Model" then for i,z in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do -- SEARCH FOR EM CHAIRS! REEEEEE if z:IsA("Seat") then -- GET OUTTA HERE! z:Destroy(); -- MUAHAHAHAH end end end ken omega scripts How to dowload it? ken omega scripts end -- Teleport Bypass (Via Tween) function TP(Object) -- Object = part teleporting to. local tweenService, tweenInfo = game:GetService("TweenService"),, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad) -- change the number to a higher number if you get kicked for TP. local tween = tweenService:Create(game:GetService("Players")["LocalPlayer"].Character.HumanoidRootPart, tweenInfo, {CFrame = +,5,0))}) tween:Play() end -- Name Hide (Credits to Rziln on V3RM) ken omega scripts How to get it for free? ken omega scripts function Hide_Name() pcall(function() local ign = Player.PlayerGui.HUD.Naming.Text for i,v in pairs(Char:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Accessory") or v:IsA("Pants") or v:IsA("Shirt") then print(v) v:Destroy() end end ken omega scripts How to get it? ken omega scripts for i,v in pairs(Char:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") then warn(v) v.Color =, 0, 0) end end Char[ign]:Destroy() end) end ken omega scripts How to dowload it? ken omega scripts -- Auto Farm function Farm() pcall(function() -- Avoid breaking the script _G.Farming = true; -- Started TP(jobboard); -- Teleport us to Board repeat wait() until (Char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - jobboard.Position).magnitude < board_radius -- If Player is around board.. wait(2) -- Wait for the teleport tween to stop fireclickdetector(jobboard.ClickDetector); -- If we fire too soon we get kicked. ken omega scripts How to dowload it? ken omega scripts wait(1); -- Just incase.. lel local Job = nil; -- Current Job -- Check if we got the job and what we're doing. if Mission.Visible == true then local JobDesc = Mission.Desc.Text ken omega scripts How to dowload it? ken omega scripts -- FACKIN DISCUSTANG (google it) if string.match(JobDesc, "groceries") then Job = "Delivery"; elseif string.match(JobDesc, "dirt") then Job = "Dirt"; elseif string.match(JobDesc, "posters") then Job = "Posters" end print("Current Job: "..Job); ken omega scripts How to use it? ken omega scripts -- Dirt Job if Job == "Dirt" then local dirtchildren = Dirt:GetChildren() local dirtneeded = 1337; repeat for i, dirtchild in ipairs(dirtchildren) do if Mission.Visible == true then -- Still jobing! if dirtchild.Decal.Transparency == 0 then -- Not taken Char.Humanoid.Jump = true; ken omega scripts How to use it? ken omega scripts TP(dirtchild); repeat wait() until (Char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - dirtchild.Position).magnitude < job_radius -- Rub hands and wait for us to get close enough fireclickdetector(dirtchild.ClickDetector); wait(0.5) dirtneeded = tonumber(string.match(Mission.Desc.Text, "%d+")); end else _G.Farming = false; end end ken omega scripts How to get it for free? ken omega scripts wait(); until dirtneeded <= 0 or Mission.Visible == false _G.Farming = false; end -- Posters Job if Job == "Posters" then local postchildren = Posters:GetChildren() local postneeded = 1337; repeat ken omega scripts How to get it? ken omega scripts for i, postchild in ipairs(postchildren) do if Mission.Visible == true then -- Still jobing! if postchild.Decal.Transparency == 1 then -- Not taken Char.Humanoid.Jump = true; TP(postchild); repeat wait() until (Char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - postchild.Position).magnitude < job_radius -- Rub hands and wait for us to get close enough fireclickdetector(postchild.ClickDetector); wait(0.5) postneeded = tonumber(string.match(Mission.Desc.Text, "%d+")); end ken omega scripts How to dowload it? ken omega scripts else _G.Farming = false; end end wait(); until postneeded <= 0 or Mission.Visible == false _G.Farming = false; end -- Delivery Job ken omega scripts PasteShr ken omega scripts if Job == "Delivery" then local deliverychildren = Delivery:GetChildren() for i, delivechild in ipairs(deliverychildren) do if delivechild.Name == "Part" then wait(1); Char.Humanoid.Jump = true; TP(delivechild); repeat wait() until (Char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - delivechild.Position).magnitude < job_radius or Mission.Visible == false end end ken omega scripts How to get it for free? ken omega scripts wait(1); _G.Farming = false; end _G.Farming = false; end _G.Farming = false; end) end ken omega scripts How to get it for free? ken omega scripts Char.Humanoid.Changed:Connect(function() if Char.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then -- ded pcall(function() _G.ScriptEnabled = false; -- Stop it from calling the Farm Function; _G.Farming = false; -- Stop it from calling the Farm Function; wait(10); -- Wait for respawn and ect. Hide_Name(); -- Rehide our name Char.Humanoid:Move(, 0, -5), true) -- Move a bit to avoid getting kicked. -- If there isn't a humanoid then rip. ken omega scripts How to get it for free? ken omega scripts _G.ScriptEnabled = true; end) end end) -- Call Hide_Name first execution. Hide_Name(); while _G.ScriptEnabled do wait(1); -- No need to cause un-needed lag.. ken omega scripts How to dowload it? ken omega scripts if not _G.Farming and not Mission.Visible then Farm(); end end ken omega scripts