kaa x mowgli lemon "Wow... Am I beat..." moaned Mowgli, a young boy, as he trudged into the bedroom of the home his earnings had bought him. He unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop to the floor. He then lifted his white under shirt over his head, noticing that it had gotten sweaty and stank pretty bad. Next Mowgli undid his jeans and let them drop, stepping out of them. "I should really shower..." he mumbled, but instead walked over to his unmade bed and hopped into it. "But I'm just too tired..." Outside the young man's window lurked Kaa, the lusty python. He watched as the handsome boy stripped down till he was in only a pair of tightie whities and socks. "Perfect... Just how I like them," Kaa grinned and waited for the boy to shut his eyes. The snake then snuck in through an open window and slithered over to the boy. Kaa slithered over to the bottom of the bed and raised his head up, peaking up at the boy. "Delectable," the snake commented, though he had no plans to eat the boy. Rather he wanted the young boys body for sinister, lustful purposes. Kaa took a moment and plunged his snout into Mowgli's feet, both of which rested right next to each other. As he sniffed the boy's stink, Mowgli giggled in his sleep and his feet wiggled a bit. "How very stinky, man cub, and you seem to be ticklish" he smiled. The python then crawled up to the head of the bed, lifting himself up over the boy. "Hello there, my delectable, man cub," Kaa cooed with his oh so seductive voice. "Huh, wha-?" Mowgli mumbled, the voice waking him from his not so deep sleep. He opened his eyes, blinking the blurriness away and found himself staring up at a snake. "Oh my go-" he gasped, but was silenced when the snake's tail pressed against his lips, much like a hushing finger. "No need for talking... Just listening and staring," Kaa grinned as his eyes flashed his famous, colorful spirals. "Trussst in me... Jussssst in meee... Close your mind... And lusssst with meee..." Kaa sang as he sway his head side to side. kaa x mowgli lemon How to dowload it? kaa x mowgli lemon The young boy was unprepared and in his groggy state his mind was weak. Caught by surprise, his eyes widened, and his mouth opened wide. His eyes quickly began changing hues, matching the spirals in Kaa's eyes. His head weaved back and forth, following Kaa's movements until finally a funny *ping* went off in the back of Mowgli's head. Mowgli's drooping mouth snapped shut and his lips curled into a silly grin. His whole expression took on a look of happy, dumb wonderment as his irises continued to shift shades. "Tell me, man cub, what is your name?" "Mowgli..." the boy replied, his voice dumb and slightly robotic. "Do you trust me? And just me?" Kaa asked, giggling. "Yes... Trust you... Just you..." kaa x mowgli lemon How to dowload it? kaa x mowgli lemon "And now... Do you lusssst for me?" the snake said, his voice having a sinister, seductive tone. "Yes... Lust for you..." Mowgli nodded, his cock growing hard in his tightie whities. "Perfect," Kaa purred and began wrapping coils around Mowgli's neck. One... Two... Three... Three coils fit snugly around Mowgli's throat, holding his head in place, stretching his neck away from his shoulder's just a bit. Kaa's tail, which had been busy playing with Mowgli's feet, slid up to Mowgli's nose, the tip tickling his nostrils. "St-stinks..." Mowgli mumbled, his cock twitching in his briefs. "Hmhmhm... You like the stink, don't you, Mowgli," Kaa laughed and kept wiping Mowgli's foot odor over his face. kaa x mowgli lemon PasteShr kaa x mowgli lemon "Yeah..." "It makes you feel good... you love the stink. You'd do anything to feel the stink. It makes you feel so horny." Kaa sang to the entranced boy, as his tail stroked his cheeks, the back of his ears, and moved back to his nose. "Yes... so good... so horny, master." as his cock bulged in his underpants. The musky, overwhelming stench was driving him insane. Finished teasing the young man with his own stench, Kaa's tail moved back down the boy's body, sliding over his chest and down over his briefs. The tip slid down one of Mowgli's thighs, eliciting a pleasured sigh from the boy. The tail then slid up and into the left leg hole of the tightie whities. It found Mowgli's cock and wrapped around it, forming a mini cocoon. "Oooooh, yeah... Touch me there... More..." Mowgli moaned, his mind clouded with the lust Kaa had hypnotically implanted in him. "With pleasure, man cub," Kaa laughed and the little cocoon began to twist and stroke Mowgli's cock. It vibrated and pumped, squeezed and released. The young boy writhed on the bed, his arms and legs twitching with rapture, his body writhing with a new ecstasy he'd never experience. kaa x mowgli lemon PasteShr kaa x mowgli lemon For the next ten minutes Kaa happily pleasured Mowgli, his tail working the impressive sized dick. A wet spot had formed on Mowgli's white briefs, precum leaking from his pulsing rod. Soon the boy's movements grew stronger, his moaning louder, and his skin was covered with a thin layer of sweat. "Oh, oh god!" Mowgli cried out as he finally achieved orgasm. His back arched up off the bed, his rigid body twitching. His white briefs darkened as they were filled with his sticky seed, adding a new scent to his musk. "Hmhmhm... Rest now," Kaa grinned, his tail retracting from Mowgli's cock and briefs as the boy relaxed back onto the bed. "Yes... master.", the boy responded with his cloudy, glazed stare. As Kaa licked the boy's cum from his tail, Mowgli's eyes slowly closed and soon he was asleep again. Kaa slithered over to the boy's closet and hid in it, waiting for his next chance to play with the boy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After signing the contract he was taken to 'meet' the snake he'd be working with. It was a giant rock python, captured from the Indian jungle. He was told that with trainers around he wouldn't be harmed. He took their word for it and even braved petting the snake before heading home to his flat in Los Angeles. kaa x mowgli lemon How to get it? kaa x mowgli lemon Meanwhile, the snake that Mowgli would be modeling with was no ordinary python. His name was Kaa and was a legendary snake in India. Known for seducing men and having his way with them. He was intelligent, cunning, and sneaky. Kaa wouldn't stay a prisoner. He easily escaped the glass cage he was kept in after everyone had left the agency and then found his way out of the building. "Now, my succulent man cub... Where are you?" Kaa grinned, slithering through the alleys of LA. He was searching for Mowgli. When the boy had pet him he left his scent on Kaa and now the snake was hunting him. After about an hour of searching, Kaa had found the delicious scent, now sitting outside Mowgli's window. He had climbed up a fire escape. He quietly opened the window and slithered into the bedroom. Deciding to hide for the moment, he crawled under the bed and kept quite. As luck would have it a few minutes later Mowgli walked into his bedroom, glistening with sweat, clad in only a white beater, socks, and rather short gym shorts. He'd just finished his daily, evening workout and was going to soak in the tub for a bit. He sat down on the edge of his bed to undress, removing his socks first, tossing them below him. He then stood up and walked over to his colored clothing hamper, removing the rest of his clothing and throwing them in it. He looked back to his bed, remembering his socks, but they weren't there. "Hmmm..." he wondered aloud and walked over to the bed. "Maybe underneath?" Kneeling down he looked under the bed but saw nothing in the darkness, at least at first. Suddenly the young man's eyes caught site of two golden, glowing orbs. But before he could really question what he was seeing the golden orbs blossomed with spiraling rings, moving out from the center. Greens, Blues, Aquas, and Yellows, all spinning, seeming to be spiraling right into his own eyes. Suddenly the glowing orbs began moving towards Mowgli, the boy instinctively backing away, watching as a giant snake rose out from under the bed, gazing down at him "What the-?" he gasped, but his mind couldn't think of much else, too focused on the spiraling colors, now realizing they were the snake's eyes. kaa x mowgli lemon How to dowload it? kaa x mowgli lemon "No need to speak, man cub... Instead..." Kaa said, his voice turning into singing as he lowered closer to the bewildered boy. "Pleassse go to sleeeeep... Please go to sleeep..." he sang while spinning his head above the boy. Mowgli's head began to rotate in time with Kaa's, his mouth dropping open, his eyes widening and glazing over. His pupils constricted into pinpricks and then suddenly his light blue irises were filled with spiraling colors that matched Kaa's. "Sleep little man cub... Resssst in peaccccce..." the snake hissed his seductive lullaby, beckoning for the boy to stand up. Mowgli did stand for the snake, continuing to stare into his eyes. The boy's eyes were now filled completely, the spirals spilling over from his irises and into the whites of his eyes. Kaa smiled, knowing the boy was almost his. Mowgli's eye lids began to feel rather heavy, closing half way, his body beginning to droop forward, getting more and more relaxed, his arms limp at his side. "Sleeeeeeep... Sleeeeeeeeeeeep..." Kaa finished his song, his eyes moving in only inches from Mowgli's. "He-help..." Mowgli squeaked out, gulping in fear. But before Mowgli could say anymore, Kaa's tail shoved one of the boy's smelly socks, which he'd pulled under the bed, into his mouth, effectively shutting him up. As he was gagged by his own sock a strange *ping* sounded in the back of the model's mind. Suddenly his body went rigid as a board, eyes wide open, spiraling like mad, and his lips curled into a goofy grin around the sock. "Hmhmhm... Yes man cub... Suck on your stinky sock... Don't make a sound... Just sleeeeeep..." Kaa said, watching as Mowgli's eyes fell shut, the boy's body relaxing once again. The teen was now in a deep sleep, sucking on his sock like a baby, inhaling the his own rank odor. Kaa took a moment to inspect the room and saw the two hampers of clothing placed in the corner. One was full of Mowgli's colored clothing, his shirts and pants. The other was filled with his whites, all of which were stinky. His socks, his underwear. kaa x mowgli lemon PasteShr kaa x mowgli lemon "Now take off your briefs, mancub." said Kaa. "Yes... master." Mowgli replied with a smile on his face, the stench of his own socks driving him into the lust and power of the snake. Now he was naked in front of the snake, his erect cock poking out. "I obey." he droned. Getting a wicked idea, Kaa wrapped a few coils around Mowgli and lifted him into the air. Kaa slithered over to the hampers, smiling mischievously. With his coils around Mowgli, he spun the boy till he was upside down and then shoved him into the hamper filled with his stinky, sweaty whites. Buried in the dirty laundry, only his ass and legs were viewable, his legs spread apart, revealing his erect penis. "Such a firm cock you have, man cub..." Kaa grinned, his tail coming down and rubbing quickly over his thighs and across his penis. Kaa heard Mowgli moan, seeing the boy's cock twitch. "You enjoyed that?" he laughed and rubbed him again, watching Mowgli's cock grow hard. He continued to smack and stroke the boy's rump. His tail then slid down and wrapped around Mowgli's cock, squeezing and pumping it. Mowgli was writhing inside the hamper, never having felt such amazing ecstasy before. He'd never really experienced anything sexual other than with his hand. But even more than the stimulation to his cock, he found the smells around him arousing him. His body was beginning to sweat once again, already damp from the work out, and stinky from being covered in all his sweaty whites. As he inhaled all the stench around him his lust seemed to grow. For what seemed like ages, Kaa worked his impressively sized cock. Mowgli was in utter ecstacy. Then: "Oh, oh god!" Mowgli cried out as he finally achieved orgasm. His back arched up off the bed, his rigid body twitching. His white briefs darkened as they were filled with his sticky seed, adding a new scent to his musk. Kaa removed his tail from Mowgli, his coils sliding off the teen's spent cock. "Sleep now, man cub... We shall play in the morning..." Kaa snickered. "Yes... my master..." Mowgli said as his body relaxed into the hamper, soon hearing soft snoring. Kaa himself slithered over to the bed and crawled under the blankets. He fell asleep soon after, his final view was that of Mowgli's cock sticking out of the basket. kaa x mowgli lemon How to get it? kaa x mowgli lemon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mowgli had decided to take a walk through a nearby forest . High up in the tree the young man had chosen to relax in was a giant rock python. It wasn't just any snake though, it was the legendary Kaa. The great snake had made his way to Northern America through a strange series of events, too confusing to even explain. Kaa had caught the scent of a young human but had never expected the boy to climb into his tree. Kaa decided the boy would be fun to play with and slowly lowered himself down to him. "What do we have here? It's a man cub! A beautiful, man cub," Kaa chuckled and moved his head close to Mowgli, his golden eyes undressing the actor. "Oh go away and leave me-" Mowgli started to say, just thinking someone was trying to disturb his relaxation. He then looked up and saw the snake right in front of him. "You're... You're... A snake?" "Yes, and you're a man cub. Now that we've got that out of the way, my name is Kaa," the snake smiled and lowered his tail into Mowgli's hand. It wrapped around the boy's hand and shook it gently. kaa x mowgli lemon How to get it for free? kaa x mowgli lemon "I... I'm Mowgli... Uh... Mowgli," the boy muttered in response, a bit surprised that the snake, Kaa, knew how to shake hands, or was it tails. "I'm sorry if my music was disturbing you, I was just trying to relax a bit. Maybe take a nap eventually." "A nap? As in sleeeep?" Kaa asked as a wonderful plan formed in his mind. "Um... Yeah... Sleep..?" the boy replied, a bit confused by the strange way Kaa asked what he meant. "Yesssss... Sleeep, man cub... Please go to sleeep... Please go to sleeeep," Kaa began singing his seductive lullaby. He moved directly in front of Mowgli and his golden eyes began to glow with swirling colors. "Wha-?" Mowgli gasped as his eyes instantly locked onto the snake's beautiful eyes. He watched the spinning blues and greens and purples and could feel his mind getting hazy. Unknown to him, his eyes began to shrink until they were only the size of pinpricks. Slowly his eyes began to reflect the same colors as he leaned a bit closer to get more of the colors. The young man's mouth hung open as he began to fall for Kaa's trap. kaa x mowgli lemon How to use it? kaa x mowgli lemon "Sleep man cub... Ressst in peace..." Kaa's song continued as he began to weave his head in a circular motion. Mowgli could only follow Kaa's movements as his arms fell to his sides. Kaa's tail came up behind Mowgli and began wrapping over his waist, brushing against his groin, and then continuing around behind him. Mowgli's head continued spinning around and around as Kaa's tail wound up his stomach, pinning his arms to his side. "Sleeeep... Ssssleep," Kaa's song softened as he moved his eyes right in front of Mowgli's. The spiraling colors were all the boy could see now. Mowgli's own spiraling eyes began to close as he felt himself growing dizzy and tired. He tried his hardest to keep them open though, some part of his mind knowing he was in danger. As Kaa's tail wound further and further up his chest he tried to call out for help, his first attempt a mere yawn. He closed his eyes, nearly falling into sleep, then opened them one last time, ready to call for help. "He.. . He-ELP!" the boy tried to call out before Kaa's tail wrapped around his throat and pulled tight. Mowgli gulped down his cry and his eyes bulged wide as his eyes now matched the speed of Kaa's spinning colors. A moment later a PING sounded in the depths of Mowgli's mind and he slipped completely into Kaa's power. His lips curled into a big dopey grin as he smiled stupidly at Kaa. "There we go... Now you're mine," Kaa smiled and lifted Mowgli from the branch. He swiftly climbed his way higher in the tree so no one would see them. Once up in his nest he wrapped up Mowgli's legs as well, only the young one's head, dopey smile and wide eyes, and his shoes were visible. "Now... Sssssleeeep, man cub." Almost immediately Mowgli's eyes fell shut . His coils began to massage Mowgli, kneading any tension from his soft muscles and back making the boy moan. Kaa's massage then moved lower on the young man aiming for just one thing, his crotch. Mowgli moaned louder now, the sounds now full of lust and desire. In moments his cock grew to life inside his pants as Kaa's coils rubbed against it. kaa x mowgli lemon How to get it? kaa x mowgli lemon "Oh, man cub... Your body is so warm and nice in my coils... I'm so glad you're giving me this privilege," Kaa smiled and increased his efforts on Mowgli's privates. Mowgli's moans grew louder and soon the tail popped out of his mouth. "Ka-Kaa! Oh... Oooh..." he moaned and panted, whimpered and cooed. He sounded so pathetic and so juvenile as Kaa worked him over. He had no dignity as he was under Kaa's power so he held back nothing. "Ah... Damn... So... Good..." he grunted. Inside his boxers, Mowgli was beginning to leak a copious amount of precum as his cock twitched with each movement of Kaa's coils. Kaa knew that the boy couldn't hold out much longer. He could tell from how much Mowgli was moaning he hadn't had release in quite some time. Also Kaa's hypnosis increases sexual stimulation which would make the experience even better for the boy. As Kaa tightened the coils over Mowgli's large endowment, bringing the massaging closer, he could feel the boy's cock pulsing. "Don't hold back, Mowgli... Let it out, man cub... Let it all out..." Mowgli's breathing increased, his breaths short and fast. He could feel his cock filling with semen, a load bigger than he'd ever had. Something about the snake was making him feel better than ever before. His eyes were half open now, the spirals still flowing fast, as his orgasm approached. "Kaa... Kaa... KAA!!!" he finally screamed, eyes shooting wide open, and let loose a torrent of his seed. His boxer's and pants were filled with cum as his cock continued to shoot off jet after jet of warm semen. "Oh Kaa... I... I can't stop..." he moaned as his balls released every last bit of semen inside them. "Oh you'll stop eventually, Mowgli... Once you let it all out," Kaa chuckled. His command had been to let it all out and under the hypnosis Mowgli's body had obeyed. After a few minutes the young man's body finally stopped convulsing, the jets of cum finally subsiding. Mowgli then fell into true slumber as the most fantastic afterglow washed over him. kaa x mowgli lemon PasteShr kaa x mowgli lemon "Yes, man cub... Just rest now... Soon you will wake and won't recall our little game... You'll think you just had a nice peaceful nap... However when the night falls you will come back here... You will be drawn here... And then we shall meet again..." Kaa whispered softly into Mowgli's ear. All the while his coils were unwinding themselves from the boy's body as he was slowly lowered back to the branch where he had been relaxing before. "Good bye for now, Mowgli." An hour or two passed and eventually Mowgli woke up. He shifted a bit and found himself feeling much better than he'd expect to when resting in a tree. His body felt as if he'd received a first class massage. He looked around and saw his guitar hanging from a lower branch. He wasn't sure how it had gotten there but decided it wasn't too important. He climbed down, grabbing the instrument on the way, and began heading back to the set. As he made his way he felt an odd stickiness filling his pants and running down his legs. He reached down into them and his hand was instantly covered in something gooey and slight crusty. Mowgli pulled his hand back out and examined it instantly knowing what his hand was covered in. ............... "Hmhmhm... I certainly hope my man cub gets here soon. I'm quite bored," Kaa sighed as he hung around a branch looking for Mowgli. Lucky for the snake a few moments later he saw the boy's outline in the distance. "Oh, finally... Now for the fun," Kaa smiled and allowed his hypnotic spirals to flow in his eyes. In the dark the colors glowed brightly. kaa x mowgli lemon How to dowload it? kaa x mowgli lemon Mowgli was now nearing wherever it was he felt he needed to be going. In the distance he could see two small orbs of glowing color. Spiraling colors actually, blue and purple and green, dancing in the air. Something felt oddly and alluringly familiar about the dancing colors so the boy began heading for them, not knowing that was where he had been heading all along. As Mowgli walked closer to the colors they seemed to be all he could think about. Unknown to the young man he was once again falling into Kaa's hypnotic spell. The snake chuckled softly as the boy was walking toward him. He could see that Mowgli's eyes were beginning to spiral and glow softly now. Kaa now began to weave side to side as his prey neared him, increasing the strength of his hypnosis. The boy's head was now swaying softly back and forth as the colors moved in front of him. Mowgli was completely oblivious to the fact that his mind was slowly falling into nothingness. It was peaceful and relaxing, he liked the colors. As he became more and more entranced, more and more of him began to sway with the colors until his whole body was swaying. The young man now hobbled from side to side getting ever closer to the beautiful colors. "Yessss... Jusssst a little more, man cub," Kaa said lustfully. He stopped swaying now that Mowgli was almost to him and nearing full entrancement. As the boy came to stand directly in front of Kaa the familiar PING went off in his head. His eyes now glowed as bright and spun as fast as Kaa's. His lips once again curled into the stupefied grin that looked especially goofy. "This was by far one of my easiest inductions ever," Kaa chuckled. He hadn't really done anything other than allow his eyes to glow in the dark. His eyes returned to their normal golden shade as he looked over his stupefied catch, his stupefied catch. "If you wouldn't mind, Mowgli, please slip out of these silly extra skins," the snake said and pointed at the boy's beater and boxers. Kaa liked how the shirt fit against his chest, but knew he'd like it more once Mowgli was naked. kaa x mowgli lemon PasteShr kaa x mowgli lemon "Yes... Kaaaa..." Mowgli droned out. He first dropped the blue checkered boxers and stepped out of them. His member was already growing erect, the hypnosis having a somewhat arousing effect on the boy. He then grabbed his beater and lifted it over his head, dropping it on the ground. The young man now stood before his seducer stark naked. "Beautiful," was the only word Kaa could use to describe the sight before him. His tail moving to wrap around Mowgli's waist down through his legs and back up. Mowgli's cock now grew to full mast with the scaly body between his legs. Once the makeshift harness was secure, Kaa lifted the young man into his tree, ready to have some fun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well i don't see anything so beautiful about your eyes. They are as black as obsidian." said Mowgli but had a feeling that there was something odd about his doll like eyes. Mowgli's eyes though marveled the anaconda and he got closer to watch as its eyes danced from green, to gold, to amber, to dark eclipsing emerald. "so beautiful eyes...." the boy said, as the snake cooed and flicked his tongue to Mowgli's tasty slime covered nose and giggled by the snake's probing tongue kaa x mowgli lemon How to use it? kaa x mowgli lemon The anaconda liked the way his boy teased him, "My name is Kaa....my little human." Mowgli like 'Kaa' it had a ring to it and a fitting connection, "My name is Mowgli..... "Well Mowgli, you are very brave and don't have a slight inch of insecurity, SO..... why don't I coil you up.... It's getting very cold for me and must be for you?" Mowgli nodded and grabbed Kaa' coils to cuddle his face and smell the the musk....but gradually he licked the layer of slime that was over the anaconda and gave a pleasure to his rising cock. "By any chance can I call you 'man-cub'?" Kaa said closely to Mowgli's left ear and probing the inner ear to give another key motive that Mowgli gasped and sighed with ease. "Sure you can friend. But can i call you 'Kaa' or 'master' ....since you did win me after all!" said Mowgli very gingerly to his new master. "Oh.....man-cub.....you can call me Kaa all the time but when you feel the most aroused you call me 'Master'". Mowgli agreed to his master's will, and he began to clean his master's coils....adoring his snake scales and delicious slime over his pink thick tongue. ..................................... Mowgli hung his master over his shoulder like a scarf and found a peaceful dry area where Mowgli liked to draw and get ideas for his writings. "Is this fine here, Kaa?" Mowgli looked to his left shoulder to see his master licking his neck to return the favor from his man-cub's cleaning, "yes it is man-cub. but don't you ever clean behind the ears?" Mowgli got embarrassed and shooed his master's tongue. Mowgli was tired from the long stride he made but all was not vain for his master's gift at the end. "Master....can we begin?" Kaa heard his man-cub's demand and heard his want for more attention. "Don't whine Mowgli....it distracts my thoughts." kaa x mowgli lemon How to get it? kaa x mowgli lemon Mowgli was very childish also from time to time and crashed to the ground after he put his master on the patch of moss. "But I want it now...Master!" Mowgli was growing very noisy and distracting and so, Kaa rubbed his tail with some slime and stroked the mancub's face with it. "Shhhh...... my sweet little boy." Mowgli though didn't want to be quiet so crossed his arms and legs. And by accident dropping the snake's tail on his half aroused shaft. Kaa's coiling tail got playful and wrapped in a instant about Mowgli's cock and with powerful strokes he pumped Mowgli's pleasure zone and with a 'groan' and pursing his mouth. Mowgli became fickle to his Master. "I guess you want some of this attention..... right man-cub," Mowgli left out a groan again, "ye-yes....Master." Kaa knew what a man-cub's most desires were and so he gave them away with the ultimate price though at the end. "Slow and firm....or hard and invasive.....my tasty man-cub?" Mowgli didn't know what to choose so he moaned in an outcry for "slow invasive.... Master." Kaa got up to his slaves eyes and saw them clinched with ecstasy, "man-cub....can you open your eyes for Master he really wants to see them again." Mowgli opened his eyes without a second thought and saw a tiny flicker of white. kaa x mowgli lemon PasteShr kaa x mowgli lemon "Master your eyes ah-ah-r...." Kaa chuckled and nodded and saw Mowgli follow his flashing eyes, "Are my eyes dancing like shooting stars....man-cub? Please.....look deeper in the dark blackness of my soul and crave for that tiny light that dances." All the while Mowgli was staring and being engulfed, his cock was being slowly pumped for the desired milk...that Kaa craved for in a long......long.......long time. 'Yes Master, I will jump into your darkness and swim for your light....but can you help me? I can't find it anymore." Kaa heard his man-cub's plea, and probed his white into Mowgli's gorgeous hazel-green eyes. "Is that better...man-cub?" Kaa made his eyes flash in five different patterns; diamond, circle, square, triangle, and last and most favored the star. "Master I-I-I.....really like the sta-" Mowgli blanked out from all existence to frankly assume he was in a deep trance of Kaa's darkness. Kaa knew his catch was dreaming of shapes and patterns. Though the anaconda gave out a pattern Mowgli's eyes gave out a black as Tartars. kaa x mowgli lemon How to get it for free? kaa x mowgli lemon "Man-cub are you awake?" Kaa said in a funny way and gently kissed his lips as a farewell to his gorgeous green eyes since Mowglis' will never see the light again. Mowgli left out a 'moan' to answer his Master. "I guess you can feel my pumping and playful tail.....why don't I do an more extensive job over your happy cock?" Mowgli shook over the action his Master gave and quickly grew a tiny smile. "Mah...ster....'moan'....what arr....'moan' yooou doing?" losing his ability to speak and motor functions from the pleasure and soothing that constantly went through Mowgli's poor pelvis. "I'm getting your sweet essence my young.....delectable man-cub. Just lay still and feel my ever loyal adventurer gain his prize." Mowgli moaned in a silent 'O' appearance. kaa x mowgli lemon How to get it for free? kaa x mowgli lemon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “P-please… Don’t… Don’t do this… Kaa!” Mowgli tried to beg. His voice cracked when he felt the tail coiling around his neck. He wanted to reach up but was still scared stiff. “Don’t do what, man cub?” Kaa asked, still playing the innocent snake. His tail was now coiling down around Mowgli’s shoulder. “I don’t think you should be sssso sssscared, Mowgli,” Kaa hissed seductively as he finally decided to hypnotize the boy. His eyes slowly began to spiral their rainbow of blue, green, yellow, purple. In seconds, Kaa’s eyes spun at full speed, drilling into Mowgli’s mind. “You have no reasssson to be afraid.” As soon as Kaa’s eyes began to spiral Mowgli could feel his mind beginning to slip away. Due to his current state of mind, complete fear, he was very vulnerable to Kaa’s hypnosis. It only took a few moments before Mowgli’s eyes began to spin with the same colors, the panicked expression slowly slipping away. “I have no reason to be afraid…” he mumbled, echoing Kaa’s words. “Good boy, now just relax… Fall deeper… Feel aroused… You’ll enjoy thisss… I promissse…” the snake said softly as his tail wound faster down Mowgli. It quickly wrapped its way around and around the boy’s torso until it reached his waist. Upon hearing Kaa’s hypnotic suggestion, Mowgli’s manhood instantly stood at attention in his boxers. Hearing Kaa’s kind promise the boy’s mind finally gave in completely. A soft ping sounded somewhere in his brain and his once fearful expression turned to a dopey smile. kaa x mowgli lemon How to dowload it? kaa x mowgli lemon Kaa chuckled as his eyes returned to their normal golden color. Mowgli was his now and he planned to milk him for all he was worth. The snake used the cocoon around the teen’s upper body to lift Mowgli off the bed and high into the air. Mowgli’s erect cock was sticking out of the opening in his boxers, just begging to be touched. And so Kaa obliged. He brought the boy closer and stroked the thick meat. As he bobbed up and down the length Mowgli began to moan softly “Oh… Kaa…So good…” Mowgli continued to moan. Kaa simply chuckled around Mowgli’s dick, which only made the stimulation stronger. This caused the teen to moan even louder. But the snake wasn’t worried. Mowgli was now sweating profusely. His face was flushed and shimmered with moisture. As he continued to receive Kaa’s expert handjob his legs, which dangle in the air, twitched with each new stimulation. Mowgli’s toes curled and uncurled in time with his breathy whimpers. The boy had never had a sexual experience like this. It was mind blowing. And it would soon get better. Kaa began to move his tailtip on the head of the boy's cock, and began to softly squeeze it. Upon first touch, Mowgli’s eyes widened and a high pitched moan, almost a squeak, was released from his smile. Wanting to prolong the experience, Kaa circled his tail around the opening, stroking the sensitive spot. Mowgli’s whole body went rigid at the intrusion. His mouth opened wide but no sound came out of it except for the hiss of air escaping. Again Kaa chuckled around Mowgli’s dick as he began to slowly pump it. Mowgli had never felt anything like it, nor had he dreamed of it. It was the most intense feeling he’d ever had, something moving inside his ass. His body slowly relaxed and went back to panting heavily as Kaa’s tail picked up its pace. The teen would let out a soft “Oh!” or “Uh!” with each thrust. Kaa could soon tell that Mowgli was nearing release. His Oh’s and Uh’s were growing louder with each one. The boy’s cock was also beginning to pulse in Kaa’s coils which was another indicator that Kaa would soon be feeding. With one final thrust of his tail, Kaa squeezed Mowgli's penis. It was the final push the teen’s body needed. Mowgli’s body went rigid for a second time as orgasm coursed through him. His member shot out copious amounts of seed. kaa x mowgli lemon How to use it? kaa x mowgli lemon Mowgli blinked his eyes a few times, the spirals fading away. His powerful orgasm, and proceeding afterglow, had awoken him from Kaa’s trance. He looked around trying to collect his thoughts. He was hovering in the air in the middle of his room. He looked down and found his arms and chest bound in scaly coils. Part of the boy wanted to be afraid, to kick and scream. To yell at the snake for doing whatever he did to get him in this position. How had Kaa gotten Mowgli into this position? The last thing he remembered was Kaa wrapping a coil around his neck and then everything went blank. Whatever had happened, Kaa wasn’t hurting him. The coils around his chest were snug, but not too tight. They actually felt really could against his skin. Kaa’s coilson his now soft member was amazing. The snake was doing his best to clean off Mowgli’s member. The teen had to appreciate that. kaa x mowgli lemon