julli4n github // upd. code -> https://gist.github.com/Julli4n/13016b11e80109ba643ab9e90b431e02#file-ok-js-L7 // this is an example i use for my avi. $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "https://avatar.roblox.com/v1/avatar/thumbnail-customization", contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify({ "camera": { // Ranges are inclusive. "distanceScale": 0.7, // 0.5 to 4 (Closeup) 1 (FullBody) - Camera distance scale from the avatar julli4n github PasteShr julli4n github "fieldOfViewDeg": 15, // 15 to 45 - Camera Field Of View (FOV) in degrees, slight effect // xRotDeg used to exist here. "yRotDeg": 0 // -60 to 60 - Camera Y rotation in degrees }, "emoteAssetId": 10147919199, /* The assetId of an emote you own. 0 for no emote. * example: 3696763549 in https://www.roblox.com/catalog/3696763549/Heisman-Pose */ // idleAnimationAssetId used to exist here, it has since been removed. "thumbnailType": 1 /* The thumbnailType * 1 = Closeup (headshot) julli4n github How to get it for free? julli4n github * 2 = FullBody (bodyshot) Closeup and Fullbody can have separate configurations. */ }) }) // Logs `{success:true}` if success or text if failed .then(data => console.log(data)).fail(error => console.log(error.responseText)); julli4n github