jennaloveu Jenna Pic - First day of School. FML Vincent: Hey Jenna: Hey...srry i went to sleep last night before u msgd Vincent: That’s ok. How’d you sleep Jenna: Ok… it was a tuff day but friday was better Vincent: How old are you? Jenna: 12 u? Vincent: 19 Vincent: What grade you in Jenna: 7th Vincent: Cool jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: Could I see a pic of you Jenna: Thats me in the whisper but ill send another one *Decoy Pic* Vincent: You are cute Jenna: Ty u got a pic? *Vincent Pic* Vincent: You like older guys? Jenna: I love hanging out with my dads friends! Whats ur name Vincent: Vincent Vincent: Lol only child? jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Jenna: Older bro and sis but htey dont live here Vincent: Oh. I am an only child. I always hung out with the adults Jenna: So where u from Vincent: Ny Hbu Jenna: CT Vincent: Cool Vincent: Could I see another pic of you *Decoy Pic* Vincent: I meant a naughty pic Vincent: Not full naked jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Jenna: Im srry i cant Vincent: Ok. But why not? Jenna: My mom is a super bitch but she just had one rule about the phone when i got it for my bday… i cant take pix like that. I cant lose my phone Jenna: I try not to make her mad so she doesnt take it from me Vincent: Aww Why dont you just delete them after You send them Vincent: Wanna see me? Jenna: Ok Vincent: Ok to which txt? Jenna: Im scared she’ll still find out Jenna: Ok to seeing u jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu *Vincent Dick Pic* Vincent: I’m not that big. I bet I could fit inside you Vincent: Have you ever played with yourself? Jenna: Oh i wasnt expecting that. I thought u were sending another regular pic Jenna: No Vincent: Oh sorry Jenna: Its ok. I just wasnt expecting it. It kinda shocked me. Never seen one before Vincent: Oh. Well I guess now you have. Sorry Jenna: You dont have to say srry Vincent: I bet you are really sexy jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Jenna: Lol...i dont think so. Vincent: Why not? Jenna: I just dont Vincent: You should. You are beautiful. Dont be down on yourself Jenna: Ty… thats very sweet of u to say Vincent: :) Jenna: So do u go to school still? Vincent: Btw it doesnt look like the pic saves to your phone if you take it on this app Vincent: Yea I’m a senior in high school Jenna: O cool… whats it like being a senior? jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: Boring. Cause you gotta get ready for college and a job lol Jenna: So ur not ready huh? Jenna: Lol Vincent: Not 100% lol Vincent: I like talking to you wish you weren’t so young. We could hang out Jenna: Lol I wish I was older sometimes too Vincent: :( Vincent: I really like you you are so nice Jenna: Ty. Ur nice too Vincent: Thanks! jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: So what are you doing Jenna: Was just playing candy crush now talking to u Vincent: You in bed? Jenna: No in our family room Vincent: Oh. Why you up so late Jenna: Lol its 830 thats not late. And its Sat night. Not like its school tmrw Vincent: Oh yea it’s sat lol Vincent: I wish I could see you cute little body Jenna: I have a picture of me sitting at the park that my friend too Vincent: Sure jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu *Decoy Pic* Vincent: Wow. I can’t believe you are only 12 Vincent: You’re gorgeous Jenna: Rlly? Im shorter than everyone. Jenna: Im the smallest in my class Vincent: I like short girls. It’s cute Jenna: Lol Vincent: Have you ever put anything inside of you? Jenna: Huh? Vincent: Inside your vagina? jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Jenna: Ew no. Why would i do that? Vincent: That’s how girls play with themselves. It feels good Jenna: I never did that…. Vincent: Ever rub yourself down there? Jenna: No just takin a bath Vincent: You should it feels good. That’s how you practice for sex Jenna: I didnt know u were supposed to practice for it Vincent: Well you can. But some people do it for fun cause it feels go to touch yourself Jenna: Ok...just seems weird Vincent: Lol it is at first. jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: Hey my batteries dead. Wanna chat later? Jenna: Yeah.. so you have kik or text? I dont like this app for chat Vincent: Vincenzo33 Vincent: That’s my kik Vincent: Text me there now so I can reply Jenna: ************ is mine. Add me Jenna: Umm idk how to searxh there *Moves from Whisper to Kik jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: Hey cutie Jenna: Hey u found me! :) Vincent: Yup :-* Jenna: Talk laterz night! Vincent: Night. You going to bed? Jenna: I gotta take a bath and then go to bed. U said ur battrry was dying Vincent: Ok talk to you later then Vincent: Do you take a bath by yourself? Jenna: Lol yeah! Im not a baby Vincent: You should sneak a pic for me. I’d love to see it jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Jenna: Ur gonna get me in trouble Vincent: Not if you delete the pic after. She will never know Jenna: Im srry I cant. My phone is the only way i can still talk to my dad Vincent: Aww. It works. Thou I have tried. Before Vincent: I will talk to you tomorrow then :( Good night cutie :’* Jenna: Gnight Vincent: Hey you still up.. Vincent: Morning cutie Vincent: How did you sleep? Vincent: Hey jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: Hey I miss talking to you Vincent: Hey Jenna: Hey u there? Im so srry! Mom didnt pay my cell bill. Just got turned on again yesterday. How r u Vincent: that’s ok. I’m ok. Hbu Jenna: I’m good. School doesnt suck as bad Vincent: Lol. What grade? Jenna: 7th Vincent: Wow Vincent: Cool Jenna: Hey y u change ur name to bye and a gun? jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: I thought it said my name and a beer glass Jenna: No.. it says bye and a frowny face and a gun Vincent: So how have you been? Jenna: Pretty good cept rlly bored with no phone Vincent: Lol Vincent: I still really wanna see your body Jenna: Hang on i got a pic my friend took *Decoy Pic* Vincent: Your so tiny. Is so cute Vincent: I remember going on the see saw. Ah memories jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Jenna: Lol yahh we had lots of fun. Vincent: The playground was the best Vincent: Being grown up sucks lol Vincent: So did you ever try playing with yourself? Jenna: Was I sposed to? Vincent: Idk. You said you never did so. I was jw if you tried and felt how amazing it is Jenna: I didnt. Srry… Vincent: Why are you sorry. Vincent: It’s ok lol Vincent: Just miss out lol jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Jenna: Lol srry bc u sound disapointd that I didnt do it Vincent: No. It’s ok. Lol Vincent: Have you had your period yet? Jenna: No my mom says prlly wont happen for a long time. Vincent: Oh. Idk if you will feel pleasure then. And your 13 right? Vincent: My cousin is 12 and she has had hers Jenna: Im 12 Vincent: Ok Jenna: My mom says that everyone in our family started around 16 or 17 so I prolly will too Vincent: Oh wow. jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: Late bloomers Jenna: All my friends have started...i feel like a baby Vincent: That’s ok not everyone starts at the same time Vincent: Some start early some start late Vincent: Just the way our bodies work. Vincent: And what I hear it feels like. Sounds like you aren’t missing anything Jenna: Lol it just sux bc all my friends talk about it and im got nuthin to say Vincent: So. Jenna: So? Vincent: Yea so who cares jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Jenna: Lol well i do Vincent: So what you doing? Jenna: Shhh. Back in class. Do u text? My # is *********** i hate kik Vincent: No I don’t txt I have a flip phone. Jenna: Whats a flip phone? *Vincent Pic of phone* Vincent: lol. That’s a flip phone Jenna: thats so wired Vincent: Lol. I only use it to call people lol Vincent: I have an iPod so I don’t need a fancy phone jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Jenna: Seems like it would be easier to just have a smart phone. Jenna: I gtg… dont wanna get my phone taken ***Chat with Vincent, Jenna, Hannah*** Vincent: Hey guys Jenna: Hey Hannah: Hey Vincent: Hannah tell you what you would actually come with me if she is left home alone Vincent: Tell jenna* Hannah: Ya I would jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Hannah: I’m a little shy tho lol Jenna: I am too its ok Hannah: That’s cool, ur really pretty by the way Jenna: u have a pic? Hannah: Ya I’ll send one Vincent: Yea my two fav girls are getting alone Vincent: Along* *Hannah picture* Hannah: *Blush emoji* Jenna: Ur old r u? Im 12yo jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: I know isn’t she beautiful Hannah: I’m 18 Hannah: That’s cute that ur 12, I wish I was 12 again Jenna: Lol no u dont. It sux Hannah: Haha aw, well its better than being a grown up :S grown up life sux Jenna: Do u live near Vincent? Vincent: Yes grown up life sucks Hannah: Ya I do Hannah: Do u? Jenna: I’m in fairfield ct jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: Wish we could all meet up Jenna: Im still trying to find out if my mom is going out of town. Sounds like they wanna go next wkend Jenna: Still havent talked to her and they havent talke to me either Vincent: Ok. Hope she leaves you alone Jenna: Did you tell Hannah about how you wanted to cuddle and stuff? Vincent: I think so Vincent: Did I tell you Hun? Hannah: It’d be fun to do all that Hannah: And ya u told me Vincent: About the big girl stuff too? ;) jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Hannah: Yup Vincent: Ok good :-* Jenna: Im nervous tho Jenna: Its alittle scary mtg 2 new ppl and not just 1 Hannah: There’s nothing to be nervous about :D Vincent: We are actually like the same person Vincent: Lol Hannah: Ya lol Vincent: We are like copies Jenna: What do u mean? I thouht u hadnt met jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: We haven’t. We have all the same likes. And stuff Hannah: Ya we both like a lot of the same things. Its weird n cool lol Hannah: So what kinda things r u into? Vincent: Lol I love it :-* Jenna: I rlly like animals and penguins espcilly Vincent: Birds in tuxes lol Hannah: I love animals too Jenna: Their 2 cute! Hannah: Penguins r adorable Vincent: Lol they are jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Hannah: Baby seals r cute too Jenna: I like them to Hannah: Do u play club penguin? I used to play that game Hannah: It was fun Vincent: Hannah tell Jenna how good it feels to play with her vagina. She is worried it will hurt Hannah: Lol ya its cool Jenna: I dont Vincent: You should try it in the shower again tonight Jen Jenna: Idk… i never did it Hannah: Its best to start slow and just have fun with it. Its really fun once u get the hang of it jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Jenna: I dont even know what to do. I fell so dumb Jenna: I fell like you guy r gonna laugh at me Hannah: U just rub it until it feels good Hannah: No we’d never laugh at u Hannah: Ur really cool, we could never make fun of u :) Jenna: This is a little weird Hannah: What is? Jenna: Talking to 2 ppl Hannah: Oh sorry :| Jenna: Its ok...just weird jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: Don’t feel embarrassed we wouldn’t make fun of you and. Don’t feel dumb. Sorry had to bring out the garbage Jenna: Brb moms callin me Jenna: Dont go away… she says were bout to talk about her trip Vincent: Ok good Jenna: U there? Vincent: Yup Hannah: Hi :) Jenna: I gtg help with dinner and were gonna talk more. I THINK i may get to stay… Vincent: That would be awesome Jenna: Im rlly nervous. Before u can come i want to know that Vincent has talked to us both so that u dont get mad at me if u decide to cime jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Jenna: I gtg eat but i can chat more after dinner Vincent: Ok. Cutie. Ttyl Hannah: Okie Jenna: U there? **Vincent has left the chat** Vincent: : *bunch of kiss emojis* Vincent: :( Jenna: U liked it? Vincent: Loved it <3 jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: You were great Jenna: Rlly? Vincent: Yes. Why would I lie Jenna: Bc my singings not all that good Vincent: It was good. Vincent: Stop it Jenna: Ok… Vincent: I mean it Vincent: I can’t wait till next week :-* Jenna: Me too!! I’m so excited !!! jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: :) Jenna: Can i ask u something Vincent: What Jenna: Did u talk to hannah more? Is she mad at me? Vincent: She is busy she is at work Vincent: She doesn’t mind. Jenna: But is she mad bc i got freaked out Vincent: I didn’t tell her. Vincent: I just haven’t mentioned you to her Vincent: She hasn’t said anything jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Jenna: Did i ruin ur chances with her? Vincent: No Vincent: I don’t think so. She still loves me Jenna: Ok Vincent: So did you try putting a finger in? Jenna: No i was so angry bc i couldnt send that video Vincent: Why were you angry? Vincent: I really wish I could see you down there Vincent: I wanna see if I will hurt you or not Jenna: Bc the video wouldnt send in kik jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Jenna: U know i cant… Jenna: I g2g eat and do more chores. Talk later? Vincent: Ok ****Decoy picture*** Jenna: Hope u like it <3 Jenna: U there? Vincent: Thanks I’m so sorry I ran out. I forgot to tell you. I’m sorry :( Jenna: Its ok. Was just worried. So tmrw? Vincent: Nice cutie Vincent: Hey jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Jenna: Hey..wyd Vincent: Running errands. Won’t be home. Txt you later. Sorry :-* Jenna: Np be careful <3 Vincent: Thanks <3 Vincent: I’m home safe and sound :-* Jenna: :) Jenna: How was ur day? Vincent: Not bad. Hbu Jenna: Meh it was school. Came home, did my homewrk n chores Vincent: Good girl? jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: ! Jenna: I’m trying… I dont wanna screw this up Vincent: Don’t worry Vincent: Hey. So did you ever try doing what I said? Jenna: What? Vincent: Touching yourself Jenna: it doesnt feel right Jenna: U ok? Vincent: Sorry went out. And want do you mean. How did it feel Jenna: No it feels weird touching myself jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: How did you do it? Jenna: Idk. I just put my hand down there and moved it but it felt wierd Vincent: How long? Vincent: Did you try putting one inside of you Jenna: I dont want to do that. Not to myself Vincent: Well I’m going to do it to you Vincent: I’m also going to put my penis in there Jenna: But ur going to be gentle right? Vincent: Of course princess :-* Vincent: I want you to get a ruler and measure how long the slit is jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Jenna: Huh? Vincent: Your vagina Vincent: I wanna see how small it is Jenna: I am NOT doing that Vincent: Why. Vincent: Just tell me Vincent: I don’t mean put it in you Jenna: No that’s … im not doing that Vincent: Why. I wanna know how small it is. I might not fit if it is to small Vincent: I don’t mean inside of you. On the out side jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Jenna: Im srry.. Im not gonna do that Jenna: Im happy to learn stuff but not by myself Vincent: That isn’t part of the learning. I wanna make sure you aren’t to small Jenna: So ur not coming if im too small? Vincent: No. I am. But it just means I will need to buy lube if you are to small Jenna: Then u just buy it b/c im not doin that with the ruler *Vincent Dick Pic with toothbrush* Vincent: Ok well you tell me Vincent: Is it going to be to big Vincent: Hello? jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: :-/ Jenna: Im here Vincent: Well? Jenna: Idk what to say Jenna: Im afraid its gonna hurt Vincent: It will a little Vincent: But only for a short time Jenna: I’m scared Vincent: Aww :-* I’m going to be slow and gentle. If it hurts too much I stop Jenna: Do u promise? jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: Of course Vincent: I just wish you would put your finger in it in the shower. It will break the hymen and it wont hurt so much Vincent: There might be a little blood if you do it yourself so don’t freak out Vincent: It is normal don’t worry Jenna: As long as ur gentle then Im ok Vincent: Happens to most girls the first time inside Vincent: You want me to do it :) Jenna: I do Vincent: Aww :-* That is the most important thing to a girl. And you want me to take your virginity <3 Jenna: I do… if you want it jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Vincent: Aww :-* Jenna: Igtg to bed now sweet Vincent Vincent: Night :-* Jenna: Night baby Vincent: Baby? Jenna: Is that wrong? Vincent: No. Just you never said that before. I miss Hannah. She hasn’t messaged me all day Jenna: Oh. Srry Vincent: She barely messages me Vincent: I hope she is real :( jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Jenna: Oh. Vincent: Yeah. I was hoping to marry her Vincent: Idk if I should take your virginity. Maybe I can just come to hangout Jenna: Whatever. Vincent: You are so young Vincent: Plz don’t start I’m just talking Jenna: Then maybe you should talk to HANNAH Vincent: I really need someone today. She hasn’t talked to me Vincent: My friend died Vincent: I found out I have been overdosing on my pills jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: This is just a really shitty day Vincent: Really wanna just kill myself :( Vincent: Ok bye :( Guess it is prob best to kill myself. I hurt everyone Jenna: Rlly? RLLY????????????? Vincent: Just go to sleep I don’t wanna keep you up. Message me tomorrow Jenna: What if ur dead? Vincent: I won’t do it probably I’m a whip. Vincent: Goodnight Jenna: Ok goodnight. Hope ur not dead tmrw Vincent: Hi jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Jenna: U alive? Vincent: Yes Jenna: O thank god Vincent: :( Jenna: Y frowny? Vincent: Cause I made you worried Jenna: Its ok… r u bttr today? Vincent: yea Vincent: Can I text you later. Im tired Jenna: Yea jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: Thanks cutie :-* Jenna: Hope u feel better Vincent: My baby is back on the road :D Jenna: Huh? U got kids? Vincent: No lol my car Jenna: Oh!!!! Vincent: Haha **Vincent car pic*** Jenna: O cool!... what was wrong with it Vincent: No plate jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: I feel like shit Jenna: I’m sorry...y? Vincent: Well for one Hannah hasn’t talked to me in like three days Vincent: I’m having a withdrawal from pills Jenna: What pills? Vincent: For my depression Jenna: Oohhhh. Why arent u taking them Vincent: I’m just going to go to bed. Do you mind or do you wanna talk? Vincent: Don’t have any left Jenna: Im ok i guess. Id rather know you were ok so go rest if u need to jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: I just hate feeling like this Jenna: U cant u get more? Vincent: I wish I would die so I don’t have to go thru this anymore Vincent: Not till I see doc again Jenna: When can u see him Vincent: Mon but he might cancel Vincent: Then. I dont when I will see him again Vincent: Wish I could just die. It would be easier that way Vincent: Goodnight :( Jenna: Goodnight…. :( jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: I’m sorry Jenna: Its ok. Go rest. Rlly Vincent: Ok. I’m still sorry Jenna: <3 Vincent: :( Vincent: Hey Vincent: Hey Vincent: Hey Jenna: Hey how r u feeling today Vincent: A little better jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Jenna: Good :) Vincent: How are you Jenna: Im sleepy… i think im getting a cold Vincent: Aww :-* Jenna: R u gonna be up later? Vincent: Yea Vincent: Hey you sleeping? Jenna: I just got up…. Vincent: Sorry. I went to sleep Vincent: Hey cutie jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: Hey Vincent: Hi :/ Jenna: Hey… how was ur day? Jenna: Guess what!! I got done with almost all my chores today so mom will let me stay alone. Vincent: Oh cool. That’s great Jenna: Yep yep… im so excited to see u Jenna: Vincent? U ok? Jenna: Ur scaring me a little Vincent: Sorry went in shower Jenna: Oh thank goodness…. I thought u were feeling bad again jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: No I’m ok :) Vincent: I can’t wait to see you. Vincent: It is this Saturday right? Jenna: It IS!! R u still able to come? Vincent: Should be! :D Jenna: What time will u be here? Jenna: Do u like cupcakes? Vincent: Sunday I’m going to a nascar race. This is going to be the best weekend ever Vincent: Love cupcakes Vincent: Can you plz give me the address so I can give you a accurate Tim jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: Time* Jenna: Wheres the race at? Vincent: Dover Delaware Jenna: Is that a long way? Vincent: Three hours. Going to leave sunday morning Vincent: Four hours. Vincent: Oops lol Jenna: Will u have to be up early to leave? Vincent: Yup Jenna: Awww. We wont have a lot of time jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Jenna: But Im happy ur coming so its cool Vincent: Why. We have all Saturday Vincent: Can I have your address Jenna: Can i give it to u friday night? Im scared if you come early then we’ll get in trouble Vincent: I won’t come early. I swear :| Jenna: I live really close to ludlowe high school.. You can use that addy Vincent: Ok Vincent: Do you have an insta gram Jenna: Yah do u? Jenna: Mine is ******* jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: OMG yes! :-* I’m going to follow you Jenna: K can i follow u back? Vincent: I’m an hour and a half away Vincent: Yes. Vincent: Just don’t post or commont on any of my stuff Vincent: You can like stuff Jenna: K. U can comment on mine if u want. No one rlly knows i have one Vincent: Ok Vincent: Do you live off of post road? Vincent: So who are those other guys that are following you jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Jenna: Idk just ppl that liked my stuff Vincent: Lol I wanted to see more pics of you. You are so fucking cute Jenna: Post road is close...idk the area very well Vincent: Ok Jenna: Ty :) Vincent: I can’t wait to have sex Vincent: You know I am fat right? Jenna: Dont be mean to urself like that Jenna: Please Vincent: <3 :) jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: I love you. I really wish we could date Jenna: It makes me sad when ur mean to urself Vincent: :-* Vincent: Does your phone take pics Vincent: ? Jenna: Its old and messed up. Remember i had to take that selfie u wanted in my moms phone n text it to myself. Vincent: Oh yea Vincent: Sorry Jenna: its ok. Vincent: I want to make myself cum to a bunch of pictures of you jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: Sorry :( I’m really horny Jenna: I have some saved on my phone Vincent: Can you send me all of them?!?!?!?! :) Jenna: Lol!! I will send u some of them i gtg to bed in 7 min Vincent: Aww ok sweetie :-* Vincent: I wish we could be together like a regular couple **Decoy Picture** Jenna: This was my kitty i had to leave in VA Jenna: Because of society? Vincent: Awww :( jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Vincent: Yeah :( Vincent: Your lips look so soft :-* Jenna: But how old would i have to be before we could be together? Jenna: Ty :) Vincent: 18 :( Vincent: I would love to kiss them softly Jenna: Would u want to be friends til then? Vincent: I bet they would also feel good wrapped around my cock Vincent: And YES! <3 Vincent: 6 yrs. I can be done with college. I will prob have a house. You could live with me jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Jenna: So im 12 ½ now so in…. 5 ½ yrs Jenna: Haha we were thinking the same thing Vincent: Lol :-* Vincent: Can I see more pics. I really wanna see more of your skin Jenna: Lemme see… Jenna: is locking up… still trying Vincent: Lol *Decoy picture* Vincent: I love your freckles. And your smile :-* **Decoy picture** jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Jenna: Thiswas me n my best friend in VA Jenna: Awww ty. Everyone makes fun of my freckles Vincent: Well I love then Vincent: Them* Vincent: :-* Vincent: I wanna cuddle with you Vincent: <3 Jenna: <3 <3 Jenna: And what else? Vincent: Would you be made if we dont have sex? Just asking don’t freak jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Vincent: Mad* Jenna: Not mad… :( Vincent: You really wanna do it huh? Jenna: I want to make u happy and I don’t want to be treated like a baby anymore Vincent: I don’t want you doing it. Then later regretting and tell someone and I get in trouble Vincent: I don’t want you doing just to make me happy Jenna: Its not just to make u happy. I think im ready and u said u would be gentle. Vincent: <3 Of course I will Vincent: I just really don’t want anyone to find out Vincent: I don’t wanna go to jail jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Jenna: I don’t want anything to bad to happen to u. I care about u Vincent: :) Vincent: I love you Vincent: I’m going to make love to you. And I can’t wait Vincent: :-* Jenna: I love you 2 Vincent: I really wish I could see you naked now :( Vincent: Got any bikini pics? Jenna: Lemme look i think so Vincent: :) jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: Do you have any pets? **Decoy Bikini Pic* Vincent: I love your body!!!! :O Jenna: Not anymore. I had to leave my kitty and bunny. Mom wont let me have any pets right now Vincent: Do you have more bathing suit pics??!?!?! Vincent: aww I’m sorry. That really sucks Jenna: It does… it makes me so sad and I took care of them all by myself Vincent: You are a great kid Vincent: :-* Jenna: Ty sweet Vincent jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Vincent: I love you Jenna: I love you more Jenna: Omg im up too late. I cant get in trouble Vincent: Good night. I love you. Can’t wait to make love :) Vincent: :-* Jenna: Gnight...sleep sweet. I cant wait either Jenna: Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxo Vincent: <3 <3 <3 :-* :-* Vincent: I want you so bad. Lova ya Jenna: Love u 2!! Do u want me to call u tmrw? jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: No. I don’t like talking on the phone :/ Jenna: Ok <3 I just thought I would offer in case u wanted to Vincent: You are so sweet <3 Jenna: Ok gnight for reals!! Vincent: :-* Jenna: But omg...NOT much longer til i get to see you!!! Jenna: Okie...xoxo muah! Vincent: :-* Vincent: i know Jenna: Sleep sweet jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: <3 Vincent: Oh. i’m prob going ot be driving a beetle btw Jenna: Those r so cute!! What color? Vincent: Light blue Jenna: So cool! Ok.. u go to bed and so will i. Xoxo Vincent: :-* Vincent: Hey <3 Vincent: Hi :-* Jenna: Hey there wyd Vincent: Hey princess jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Jenna: Hey!! How was ur day? Jenna: Im doing homework brb Vincent: Ok <3 Vincent: Did you even wanna go out Saturday? It is supposed to rain all day Vincent: Hey :/ Jenna: srry. I was laying down… i gotta bad headache. We can stay in and just watch movies if u want Vincent: That sounds perfect :-* Vincent: I just feel bad we won’t get to explore Vincent: Are you up? Vincent: Hey jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: What’s your cell phone number and your address Vincent: Hey Vincent: :( Jenna: Hey baby...just got home from school Vincent: I missed you :-* Jenna: I had such a bad headache last night… i just went to bed Vincent: Aww <3 Jenna: Me cell is **************** Vincent: Ok Vincent: Address jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Vincent: And there aren’t security cameras in your house are there? Jenna: My signal is bad today bc of the rain i guess. When my mom called i couldnt hear her and she couldnt hear me Vincent: Ok Jenna: My address is ***************** fairfield Vincent: Ok Vincent: 1 hr 30 mins Vincent: So any camera? Jenna: No not any cameras y? Vincent: Then I would be on camera Jenna: Oh… ok jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: Sorry was in the bathroom. Idk if I will def be able to come. My stomach is bothering me Jenna: R u ok? Vincent: That’s why I said that. If I dont feel better by the morning. I wont come. I don’t wanna get you sick Jenna: Aww…. pls come… i’ll take care of u Vincent: :) Vincent: You’re so cute Jenna: <3 Jenna: So what made u sick? Vincent: Idk. Might of been something I ate Jenna: Awwww poor baby jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Vincent: Idk what to say Jenna: What u mean? Vincent: Idk Vincent: Just feeling like crap Vincent: My stomach is killing me. My meds are here yet. Hannah still hasnt talked to me. She said she was getting phone back today. I guess she lied about it. Prob doesn’t wanna be with me Jenna: Do u rlly like me Vincent: And if I am sick cant see you Vincent: What Vincent: ? Jenna: U always talk about hannah like i dont matter jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: I never said that Vincent: Are you and now? Vincent: Mad** Jenna: Im not mad. Im just worried that ur not coming Vincent: I really want to Vincent: It is just if I am sick I don’t wanna get you sick. And I am also still really nervous about seeing you. Jenna: U should rest then so u can come Vincent: I am really on edge about coming still Jenna: Vincent Vincent: What jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Jenna: I dont want to be hurt again Vincent: Will you be mad if we dont have sex Vincent: That is what is making me nervous Vincent: Answer Vincent: :| Vincent: Guess I lost both my girls Vincent: :( Vincent: Ok bye Jenna: Im thinking Vincent: About what jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Jenna: Its ok if we dont Jenna: I promise Vincent: Ok Vincent: Maybe after being there I might change my mind Jenna: That makes me happy Vincent: Why do you wanna have sex so bad Jenna: Um.. we’ve been talking about it so much.. Vincent: So Jenna: I just wanna see u Jenna: I dont care about the sex jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: Ok Jenna: Ive been looking fwd to this for so long Vincent: :) Jenna: I love u Jenna: Do u feel better? Vincent: Emotions. Yes. Stomach not really Jenna: Im so sorry… Vincent: :) Thanks cutie Vincent: We prob will have sex. Lol I’m really horny. I want your young pussy so bad Jenna: <3 <3 <3 <3 jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: Omg I can’t believe I just said that. I’m a perv wtf is wrong with me :x Jenna: :( Jenna: Im srry...ill stop talking to u Vincent: Stop Vincent: It’s ok Jenna: I dont want u to feel bad Vincent: It’s ok Vincent: You there Jenna: I am.. I gotta go get some food… k? Vincent: K jennaloveu How to dowload it? jennaloveu Vincent: Hi Jenna: Hey <3 srry i fell asleep on the couch.. How u feeling Vincent: Better :) Vincent: What time are they leaving Vincent: Hey Vincent: ? Vincent: Hello?? Vincent: ????????? :/ Vincent: I wanna talk before bed Jenna: I think theyre leaving around 6am i can text u when they leave jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: Ok Vincent: Might come over early then Vincent: You ready? :-* Vincent: So they are really leaving you alone? Vincent: No one is going to check on you? Jenna: Oohhhhh thats so early… ill still be sleeping Vincent: Ok Jenna: Yeah.. my mom hasnt been making good decisions lately but im not arguing with her on this one lol Vincent: Lol Vincent: Have you tried touching yourself at all jennaloveu How to use it? jennaloveu Vincent: I really wanna see you naked before I come over Jenna: I didnt it makes me feel weird Jenna: Vincent… u know how i feel abuot that Vincent: I know but I really wanted to Vincent: So you staying up all night? Jenna: No im going to bed Vincent: Goodnight. Tell me when they leave :-* Jenna: I will….gnight <3 Vincent: :-* Jenna: Hey!!! R u awake????????? jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Jenna: I got it wrong time… my parents are leaving at 11AM!!! Please please please let me know that you get this msg...DONT come early!!!! Jenna: Please please please tell me you see this!! Jenna: You shouldnt come before 1230 JUST to make sure…. I’ll text you when they leave Jenna: Vincent……… Vincent: Yes Jenna: U got my msgs? Vincent: Yes Jenna: Othank god… im so sorry i got their notes wrong on the fridge and i got confused. U havent left yet have u? Vincent: No Jenna: Ok!!!! Ill let you know when they leave… omg omg omg that was scary jennaloveu PasteShr jennaloveu Vincent: Lol Jenna: How long does it take for you to get here Vincent: Hour and a half Jenna: Ok.. your still coming right? Im so sorry… i was afraid last night my mistake would make you more emotional and you wouldnt come… please be ok pls pls pls Vincent: i’m fine Vincent: Once they leave I want you to send me a naked picture. Then I will head over Jenna: I told you i dont take pix like that and it hurts my feelings that you keep asking me to do it. I couldn’t sleep last night bc i was soooo worried that you wouldnt get my msgs!!!!! Vincent: I’m sorry. But I just have to make sure that you are real. I am taking a really big chance by doing this Jenna: Just whatever. Just FCKN whatever Vincent: I just don’t want to go to jail jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: I don’t understand why you get so mad Jenna: DAMMIT… i coulda been sleepin if i wasnt worried about keeping u outta trouble!!!!! Vincent: Ok. Fine. Don’t. I will come Vincent: I’m sorry it is just this is a big risk Jenna: Look...if u dont wanna come… then dont. Whatever. I get it. Vincent: I want to Vincent: I’m just worried Jenna: Well i worriesld all night Vincent: I don’t know why you can’t just do that for me. Can you send me a bunch of pics then when they leave. And maybe some in your underwear Jenna: Im not like that…. Vincent…. I cant have my phone taken from me. I have to be able to talk to my dad jennaloveu How to get it? jennaloveu Vincent: They won’t know if you do it after they are gone Vincent: Then I can show you how to delete them so they never know. I wish you trusted me :( Jenna: I trust u. I KNOW my mom. She does everything in her power to keep me from talking to my dad. Im FCKN scared!!! Jenna: My hands are shaking and I just wanna cry Vincent: Then maybe this isn’t a good idea. I don’t want you to stop talking to your dad Jenna: I just cant lose my phone for taking pics like that… Vincent: I think having sex and meeting an older guy will have the same effect Jenna: :( Vincent: I dont wanna get in trouble and neither do you. Jenna: K jennaloveu How to get it for free? jennaloveu Vincent: I really wanted to see you Vincent: :( Jenna: