i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility (upbeat techno music) - I recently visited Kennedy's Orbital Processing Facility to find out how a highly skilled team of shuttle technicians spent the past few months preparing endeavor for STS-126. I'm here inside the Orbiter Processing Facility with Ken Tenbusch, NASA Flow Director here at the Kennedy Space Center. - Hi, Damon. i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility How to use it? i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility - Ken, Nice to see you today. - Nice to meet you. - Ken, can you tell us what exactly is "Shuttle Flow"? - ^ Shuttle flow is taking that vehicle from the ^ time that it has landed. It's rolled over here ^ to the Orbiter Processing Facility i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility How to get it for free? i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility and all the processing here, along with the external tank processing that's happening at the same time over in the Vehicle Assembly Building. Then, the solid rocket booster processing that's going on, as well the stacking, and getting that all ready and checked out and then bringing all of those components together in one overall integrated shuttle vehicle. Then, once you're at that point you do a checkout in the Vehicle Assembly Building. Roll that out to the pad. i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility How to dowload it? i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility Do all the checkout there. Load the vehicle. Get it ready for flight. And then you basically a processing flow, from start to finish from that landing all the way on through to launch. NOTE: I spent a lot of time on this. If this helped you, please consider following me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_phani.reddy_/ i recently visited kennedy's orbiter processing facility