hypnosis lewd “...Thanks again for agreeing to this, Anon.” “It’s really nothing. You’ve helped me out by letting me borrow all those books; I feel like I’m finally starting to catch up to the rest of the club when it comes to actual ‘literature’.” “Still...asking to hypnotize you has to seem pretty strange...” She wasn’t wrong, exactly, but when it comes down to it, Yuri’s a bit of a strange girl. I can’t even imagine how awkward it must have been for her to ask someone to do this; I feel like the least I can do is give it a shot. “It’s research for that short story Monika wants each of us to write, yeah? It’s not like I don’t understand where you’re coming from.” “Yes, that’s true, but...well, thank you anyway.” While we’ve been talking, Yuri has carefully lit small tealights around the room and begun readying her oil diffuser. I take a deep breath, briefly savoring the heady floral scent that’s already reaching my nose. “I’m going to dim the lights now...shall we begin?” hypnosis lewd How to dowload it? hypnosis lewd I nod in affirmation, taking a seat on the floor as Yuri gracefully lowers herself to her knees opposite me and begins rummaging through her bag, eventually producing an old-looking coin on a string. She blushes slightly. “I know it’s a little cliché, but I thought I should stick to the basics. Are you ready?” “Go ahead.” Yuri gives the coin an experimental swing, taking a moment to let it settle into a proper rhythm. “Alright...I want you to follow the pendant...” I follow it with my eyes, back and forth, back and forth. “I’ll also need you to take some deep breaths...in and out...” hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd I steady my breathing, keeping it slow and even. “Keep following the pendant with your eyes, but let the rest of your body relax...” I match the coin’s rhythm, and do my best to let the tension out of my muscles. Yuri continues with her instructions, but a nagging feeling that we’re not really accomplishing anything starts to form in the back of my mind. I’m nearly ready to voice my concerns, when her next words tug me back to reality. “Focus, Anon. I need you to focus on the coin. Let yourself fall into the rhythm...” Yuri’s voice is taking on a different quality; stronger, forceful, more insistent. Just like when we do poetry readings, it’s as if some sort of smoldering fire has been lit inside her. Her mounting confidence makes it easier to follow her guidance, and I find myself getting carried away by the pendulum’s swing. Between the dim lighting and the aromatics, I’m starting to feel drowsy; it takes some effort to follow both the coin and her instructions. The former draws more and more of my focus, and soon I’m picking up more on Yuri’s tone than on the words themselves. Her intensity gives them an almost tangible weight, to the point that I can feel myself being pressed down, down, deep under the surface...everything is so heavy now, especially my eyes; it takes everything I have just to keep them open to watch the pendulum. It slows to a stop, and I’m vaguely aware of Yuri telling me that I can just let my eyes close if they’re too heavy. I happily oblige. hypnosis lewd How to dowload it? hypnosis lewd Everything is dark and still, empty outside of Yuri’s words. “Now, you’re going to raise your right hand.” My arm raises without any conscious effort on my part, as if it’s floating underwater. “Now, raise your left.” My other arm follows suit. Yuri’s voice is the string, and I’m the puppet... “Lower them. Now...” Yuri pauses, clearly not having thought this far ahead. “Um...bark like a dog.” hypnosis lewd How to dowload it? hypnosis lewd I feel like this should be embarrassing, but can’t really see why. I set my “paws” in front of me and lean forward. “Woof! Woof!” Yuri chuckles. “That’s...good, Anon. But I don’t think impressions are really your strong suit.” There’s another pause. “Can you tell me how you feel?” “Heavy, but good. And...warm. Very warm...” I shift a bit in discomfort. I’m still wearing my school blazer. “You can take your shirt off, then.” “Okay.” Hands moving almost on their own, I set to work sliding off my blazer, then unbuttoning and removing my dress shirt. I take a moment to consider my undershirt. It seems a little strange to take it off, but...I am still pretty warm, and Yuri said to. I’ve barely finished thinking it over before I’m pulling it up and over my head. hypnosis lewd How to use it? hypnosis lewd “A-Anon! I misspoke, I only meant your jacket...” She doesn’t tell me to put it back on, though. “I had no idea this would be so effective. You didn’t hesitate at all.” There’s a long silence. “...Wow.” I sit perfectly still, awaiting her next instructions, which finally come after another lengthy pause. hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd “Anon...I want you to imagine a woodland spring, high in the mountains. It’s midnight, and a low mist hangs over the surface. The water is your thoughts, and the mist is the trance, blanketing everything in a soft, gentle fog...” She lowers her voice as the metaphor grows more complex, drawing me further and further into her world. “Feel the water bubbling up, rising until it starts to spill over...flowing down the rocks in streams and waterfalls. Can you do that for me?” “Yes...” “Good. Now I’m going to ask you a question, and you’re going to answer openly and honestly, as naturally as water flowing down a hill. Do you understand?” “Yes.” “Okay. Do you...er...do you have romantic feelings for anyone in club?” hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd I’m vaguely aware of how forward she’s being, but don’t have the time to dwell on it before an answer springs to my lips. “When I was little I always said I would marry Sayori one day...” Yuri’s response rings pleasant, but hollow. “That’s...that’s very sweet, Anon.” “...but lately, I can’t stop thinking...about you...” “W-what?” hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd “I really like talking about books with you, and you have this...hidden side, that’s...passionate...and sexy...” “Anon, that's..." There’s a heavy pause. “You really think I’m...sexy...?” “Yes...” The words come so easily now, more easily than they ever could have if I was fully conscious. “Sometimes, before bed, I’ll even fantasize about you while I...” “Anon!” There’s another long wait. hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd “M-me too...I've thought about you while...” I realize she's moving towards me. "Anon..." Her voice is low and husky, barely a whisper. "Right now, you'll do...anything for me, won't you?" "...Yes." Something about the way she says it makes it sound...exhilarating. Yes. I'd do anything for her. Absolutely anything. She leans in closer; I can feel the heat radiating off her. "Even something like...this?” hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd Soft lips press gently against my own, followed by hesitant aa hesitant advance from her tongue. Tenderness gives way to mounting desire, and with no volition left in my body, we tumble to the floor. Yuri breaks away, and I lie still, eyes open but locked into trance. "Anon, I-I'm sorry, maybe we shouldn't be doing this. When I get excited, I always...end up doing things I regret later...” I struggle to interrupt. It’s...difficult, without her asking me to. “Yuri...I want this.” “Do you really mean that?” hypnosis lewd PasteShr hypnosis lewd “Open...honest...remember? Don’t think I can lie...” Yuri looms over me, wrestling with some internal struggle for what feels like an eternity. Gradually, her breathing deepens, and I see her eyes widen as she lowers herself to whisper in my ear. “Anon...I want you to imagine the mountain spring again...” “Mmm...” “Instead of water, I want you to fill the spring with wine...warm, spiced wine, can you do that?” hypnosis lewd PasteShr hypnosis lewd “Y-Yes...” “Good. The wine is...your lust, your desire, every...” I can feel her heartbeat racing. “...every erotic feeling...” In my mind, the spring muddies itself with clouds of purple and red. Even without a shirt, I can feel my body growing warmer. The water was...my thoughts, but now, there’s only... “And again, I want you to let the spring spill over, flowing down the mountain and staining everything, absolutely everything that it touches...” The wine bubbles over and runs through me, until each and every cell in my body is flooded. Intoxicated. Yuri’s straddling me now, and I look up at her. My mistress. My goddess. hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd “Anon...” She cups my head in her hands. “Let’s get me drunk...” She pulls me into another kiss, bolder and more insistent than the last; when that’s not enough, we begin exploring each other’s bodies, pulling off layers of clothing wherever they get in the way. Soon she’s fully mounted me, warm and gloriously wet as I thrust inside her. Thinking is too much now; I’m guided entirely by the commands I desperately crave. “Lower...” “H-Harder...” hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd “Yes, Anon, more, right there...” I’m nothing more than her mindless doll—and I...I’ve never felt this good my entire life... I’m already starting to ache for her next order when her rhythm changes and I feel her thighs press into my sides. “A-anon, do...do it now! I-I’M...!!” Her breathing is ragged, her body glistening with sweat. “I’M...NNNGH!” She lets out a low moan, and something surges within me, drowning out my senses and washing away everything, everything except Yuri’s satisfied sigh... *** *Snap* hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd I jolt awake, and my head spins as the past several hours slide into place. “Sorry, Anon. I would have woken you up sooner but...well, you were still in your trance, and you just looked so peaceful...” We’re sitting on my bed, half-dressed. “Ah, thanks.” There’s a lot of things I feel like I should ask her, but for some reason, our club assignment is the first to cross my mind. “Um, so...what kind of story are you writing?” Yuri flushes, and begins fidgeting with her hair. “Well, um, it’s...it’s about a girl who develops psychic powers...she wants to use them for good, but...has to fight the temptation to use them to control other people...” hypnosis lewd How to get it for free? hypnosis lewd “Well, I hope I was a good research subject.” She meets my gaze, and smiles. “You were, Anon. After all...” She draws closer, and lowers her voice to a whisper. “Today I think we both learned how good it can feel to...give in...” *fin* hypnosis lewd