how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 --[[/////////////////////////////////////////Item Spawner by: Alasdair//////////////////////////////////////////// Instructions: 1.) Type item name or command (You don't have to type whole item name.) 2.) Press enter or "Spawn" 3.) Try to pick up the spawned item through the inventory gui. By right clicking it and clicking "Pick up" 4.) Another item will spawn on the ground for the server. This is the item you can pick up. If an item doesn't spawn, drop any item on the ground first. how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it for free? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 Settings: ]] local kits = { ["RSG"] = {"AK-47", "Shirt_Windbreaker_04", "Pants_Track_04", "Rifle Scope", "Osprey Suppressor", "Military Ammo Vest Black", "Duffel Bag Red", "HatRedBeret", "Foregrip", "7.62x39mm AK 75rd Drum Magazine", "Uzi", "9x19mm 20rd Magazine Uzi", "Auto Injector", "Adrenaline", "Military Painkiller", "ACOG"}; } --///////////////////////////////////////DONT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS//////////////////////////////////////////// how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 local spawner = ("ScreenGui") local searchScrollFrame = ("ScrollingFrame") local textBox = ("TextBox") local textLabel ="TextLabel") local spawnButton = ("TextButton") local client = game.Players.LocalPlayer local itemToSpawn = nil how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to use it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 local kitToSpawn = nil spawner.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui searchScrollFrame.Size = (0, 250, 0, 100) searchScrollFrame.Position = (0.02, 0, 0.9, -105) searchScrollFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 searchScrollFrame.Parent = spawner textBox.Size = (0, 250, 0, 25) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 textBox.Position = (.02, 0, .9, 0) textBox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(120,120,120) textBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) textBox.BorderSizePixel = 0 textBox.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 textBox.Text = "Put Item Name" textBox.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left textBox.Parent = spawner textLabel.Size = (1, 0, 1, 0) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 textLabel.Position = (0, 0, 0, 0) textLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 textLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200) textLabel.Text = "Put Item Name" textLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left textLabel.Parent = textBox spawnButton.Size = (0, 250, 0, 20) spawnButton.Position = (.02, 0, .9, 25) spawnButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(97, 189, 22) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to use it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 spawnButton.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) spawnButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 spawnButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0 spawnButton.Text = ("Spawn") spawnButton.Parent = spawner allLoot = {"delete_gui"} for _, item in pairs (game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Loot:GetDescendants()) do if item:IsA("Model") then how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to dowload it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 print (item) table.insert(allLoot, item.Name) end end local search = function(text) local itemSearch = {} for i, v in pairs (allLoot) do if text:upper() == v:sub(1, string.len(text)):upper() then how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 table.insert(itemSearch, v) end end for i, v in pairs (kits) do print (i) if text:upper() == i:sub(1, string.len(text)):upper() then table.insert(itemSearch, i) end how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to dowload it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 end itemToSpawn = itemSearch[1] return itemSearch end local getChunk = function() local lootFolder = game.Workspace.Loot.Nodes for _, v in pairs (lootFolder:GetDescendants()) do how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it for free? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 if v:IsA("Model") then return v.Parent.Parent end end end local spawnItem = function(name, chunk) local item = ("CFrameValue") item.Name = name item.Value = game.Workspace.Characters[client.Name].Head.CFrame * (math.random(0,3), math.random(0,3), math.random(0,3)) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to dowload it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 item.Parent = chunk end spawnKit = function(name, chunk) print ('spawn kit function running') for _, v in pairs (kits[name]) do spawnItem(v, chunk) end end how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it for free? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 runCommand = function(name, chunk) if kits[name] ~= nil then spawnKit(name, chunk) elseif name == "delete_gui" then spawner:Destroy() script:Destroy() else spawnItem(name, chunk) end how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it for free? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 end textBox.Changed:connect(function(Text) local itemsSearch = search(textBox.Text) if textBox.Text == "" or textBox.Text == " " or textBox.Text == "Put Item Name" or itemsSearch[1] == nil then return end searchScrollFrame:ClearAllChildren() for i, v in pairs (itemsSearch) do print (v) local yPos = ((20 * i) - 20) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it for free? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 local s ='TextLabel', searchScrollFrame) s.BorderSizePixel = 0 s.TextScaled = true s.Text = v s.Name = v s.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(120,120,120) s.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 s.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) s.Size =, 0, 0, 20) s.Position =, 0, 0, yPos) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 PasteShr how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 searchScrollFrame.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 20 * i) end textBox.Text = textBox.Text:upper() textLabel.Text = itemsSearch[1]:upper() end) spawnButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if textBox.Text ~= "" or textBox.Text ~= " " and itemToSpawn ~= nil then local chunk = getChunk() runCommand(itemToSpawn, chunk) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to get it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 itemToSpawn = nil end end) textBox.FocusLost:connect(function(enter) if enter then if textBox.Text ~= "" or textBox.Text ~= " " then local chunk = getChunk() runCommand(itemToSpawn, chunk) itemToSpawn = nil how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to use it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 end else searchScrollFrame:ClearAllChildren() searchScrollFrame.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0) textLabel.Text = "Put Item Name" textBox.Text = "Put Item Name" end searchScrollFrame:ClearAllChildren() searchScrollFrame.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0) textLabel.Text = "Put Item Name" how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 How to use it? how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2 textBox.Text = "Put Item Name" end) how to get the ghillie suit in apocalypse rising 2