how to access sad panda How to Get Past the Panda: a guide for idiots This guide assumes you're using google chrome or firefox or some other non-shit browser. PREP STAGE: make an account with if you don't already have one, it's required to access sad panda. Use a throwaway email account if you want, you probably won't ever have to use it again. After you do that then start at STEP 1. STEP 1: close ALL TABS for or that you have currently open STEP 2: delete all cookies in your browser for and* STEP 3: go to and log into your account how to access sad panda How to get it? how to access sad panda STEP 4: navigate to You should now have access to the panda. If you don't then god help whoever does PC maintenance for you because they have their work cut out for them. *in chrome you can find this option in your browser settings: content settings > cookies > see all cookies and site data. Then search for "" and delete everything** that comes up. IDK what firefox does anymore I haven't used that shit in years, but it's not rocket science, figure it out, son. **you don't actually have to delete everything, only a couple cookies, but there is less chances you will fuck up these basic ass steps if you take a shotgun approach so I'm not gonna give you any rope to hang yourself with how to access sad panda