hellbents auto clicker #SingleInstance, Force CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; Global Variables ;---------------------------------------- Global Temp_Control_ID := Global The_Control_ID_For_Clicker1 := Null Global Size_Of_X1 := 40 Global Size_Of_Y1 := 40 Global X_Pos1 := Global Y_Pos1 := Global Temp_X_Pos := hellbents auto clicker How to get it for free? hellbents auto clicker Global Temp_Y_Pos := Global Clicker_1_On Global Shift1_Yes Global Speed1_Slow Global Speed1_Med Global Speed1_Fast Global Use_ID_1_Yes Global Stop_Clicking1 := 0 ;---------------------------------------------------- hellbents auto clicker How to dowload it? hellbents auto clicker ; Gui Layout ;------------------ ;------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------ Gui, Font, cAqua hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x10 y10, Auto Start/Stop Auto Clicker #1 Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+80 vClicker_1_On,On / Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+10 vClicker_1_Off,Off Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+40 w20 h15 gHint1, ? ;-------------------------------------------------------- Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x10 y+10, Use Control ID? Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+20 vUse_ID_1_Yes, Yes / Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+10 vUse_ID_1_No, No Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+10 w150 h15 gGet_ID_For_Clicker1,Get Control ID Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+14 w20 h15 gHint2, ? hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker ;------------------------------------------------------------- Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x10 y+10, Control ID: Gui, Add, Edit,cBlack x+20 w270 h15 vThe_Control_ID_For_Clicker1, %The_Control_ID_For_Clicker1% Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+23 w20 h15 gHint3, ? ;---------------------------------------------------------------- Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x10 y+10, Auto Restart Zone Size: X = Gui, Add, Edit,cBlack x+10 w50 h15 vSize_Of_X1, %Size_Of_X1% Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x+20, Y = Gui, Add, Edit,cBlack x+10 w50 h15 vSize_Of_Y1, %Size_Of_Y1% Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+45 w20 h15 gHint4, ? hellbents auto clicker How to get it? hellbents auto clicker ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x10 y+10, Click Location: Gui, Add, Edit,cBlack x+15 w150 h15 vThe_Click_Coords1, X = %X_Pos1% Y = %Y_Pos1% Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+15 w100 h15 gGet_X_And_Y_Clicker1, Get X And Y Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+13 w20 h15 gHint5, ? ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x10 y+10, Click Speed: Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+30 vSpeed1_Slow, Slow Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+30 vSpeed1_Med, Med Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+30 vSpeed1_Fast, Fast hellbents auto clicker How to dowload it? hellbents auto clicker Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+83 w20 h15 gHint6, ? ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x10 y+10, Shift Click? Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+30 vShift1_Yes, Yes Gui, Add, Radio,cAqua x+30 vShift1_No, No Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+174 w20 h15 gHint7, ? ;------------------------------------------------------------------ Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x10 y+10 w100 h20 gUpdate1, Update Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+20 w100 h20 gStart_Clicker1, Start Auto Clicker hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+20 w100 h20 gStop_Auto_Clicker1, Stop Auto Clicker Gui, Add, Button,cAqua x+23 w20 h15 gHint8, ? Gui, Add, Text,cAqua x5 y+10,************************************************************************************************* Gui, Color, Black Gui, Show, w400 , Hellbents Auto Start/Stop Clicker return ; Controls hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker ;--------------------------------------- Get_ID_For_Clicker1: Gui, +AlwaysOnTop Get_control_ID() The_Control_ID_For_Clicker1 := Temp_Control_ID GuiControl,, The_Control_ID_For_Clicker1, % The_Control_ID_For_Clicker1 Gui, -AlwaysOnTop return hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker Get_X_And_Y_Clicker1: Gui, +AlwaysOnTop Get_Click_Location() X_Pos1 := Temp_X_Pos Y_Pos1 := Temp_Y_Pos GuiControl,, The_Click_Coords1, X = %X_Pos1% Y = %Y_Pos1% Sleep, 100 Gui, -AlwaysOnTop return hellbents auto clicker How to dowload it? hellbents auto clicker UpDate1: Gui, Submit, NoHide return Start_Clicker1: Run_Auto_Clicker1() return hellbents auto clicker How to get it? hellbents auto clicker Stop_Auto_Clicker1: Stop_Clicking1 := 1 return Hint1: msgbox,,Hint 1, Select Yes to turn the auto clicker on`n ,`nTurning the auto clicker on does not make the clicker start clicking,`nbut this allows that to be a option`n ,`nThis was added because there is/was plans to add more features to this auto clicker at a later date return Hint2: hellbents auto clicker How to get it? hellbents auto clicker msgbox,,Hint 2, Most windows, tabs, etc have a hidden ID. ,`n`nBy turning this on you are making it so that the auto clicker ,`nwill only click the page you want it to so you don't have to worry that the ,`nclicker clicks something you don't want it to .`n`n To use this, Click the "Get Control ID" Button .`nAfter you have clicked the button a tooltip will show up .`nNow click on the surface you want to get the id from ,`nThe next time you press the left mouse button after selecting the Get Control ID it will store that value into the edit field below .`n`n`n`n*Note, After you select the get "Get Control ID" Button ,`nthe very next time you press the left mouse button hellbents auto clicker How to get it for free? hellbents auto clicker ,`n you will be setting your Control ID. return Hint3: msgbox,,Hint 3, This is the Control ID that you get from pressing the "Get Control ID" `n one line above this one .`n`n Note that you can set a default by changing the Control ID Global variable in the script return Hint4: msgbox,,Hint 4, This sets the size of an imaginary box that surrounds the place you select to click .`n`n By moving your mouse in or out of this box will start or stop the auto clicker hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker .`n`nThis only comes into effect once you have started the auto clicker and then moved your mouse for the first time .`n`n`nNote that the larger the box you set, the faster you will have to move your mouse to get the clicker to pause .`n`nA somewhat small box is suggested (20 x 20 y) but a larger box is fine. return Hint5: msgbox,,Hint 5, This sets where you want the auto clicker to click .`n`n`nTo set this point, press the "Get X And Y" Button .`n`n`nNext, move your mouse to where you want the auto clicker to click .`n`nNext, Click the left mouse button to lock that position .`n`nThe value of the x and y will show up in the edit field hellbents auto clicker How to get it for free? hellbents auto clicker .`n`n`nYou can set a default location by changing the X1_Pos and Y1_Pos variables in the script .`n`n`n`n*Note, After you select the get x and y button ,`nthe very next time you press the left mouse button ,`n you will be setting your x and y. return Hint6: msgbox,,Hint 6, This is how you select how fast you want your auto clicker to click .`n`n The values are .`nSlow is a 10 second delay between clicks .`nMed is a 1 second delay between clicks hellbents auto clicker How to get it for free? hellbents auto clicker .`nFast is a 30 ms delay between clicks .`n`nYou can change the delay for each by finding the "Clicker1_Delay()" `nFunction at the bottom of the script. return Hint7: msgbox,,Hint 7, This allows you to set the auto clicker to "Shift Click" .`n`nEach time the auto clicker clicks, it will hold down the shift button .`n`n*Note, the first click after you start the auto clicker may not act as a shift click* return Hint8: msgbox,,Hint 8, Here are three Buttons hellbents auto clicker How to get it? hellbents auto clicker .`n`nThe update button, updates the values you have set in the gui .`nFor most of the values, you must press the update button for them to take effect .`n`nThe Start button starts the script for the first time .`n`nThe Stop button stops the auto clicker from clicking. return Get_control_ID() { isPressed := 0 ;Sleep, 1000 Loop hellbents auto clicker How to get it for free? hellbents auto clicker { MouseGetPos,,,,The_ID tooltip,%The_ID% GetKeyState, Mouse_State, LButton Mouse_State := GetKeyState("LButton") ;tooltip,%Mouse_State% if(Mouse_State==0) { isPressed := 1 } hellbents auto clicker How to get it? hellbents auto clicker if(isPressed==1) { if(Mouse_State==1) { Temp_Control_ID := The_ID isPressed := 0 ToolTip break } } hellbents auto clicker How to get it? hellbents auto clicker } } Get_Click_Location() { isPressed := 0 ;Sleep, 1000 Loop { MouseGetPos,The_X_Pos,The_Y_Pos hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker tooltip,%The_X_Pos% %The_Y_Pos% GetKeyState, Mouse_State, LButton Mouse_State := GetKeyState("LButton") ;tooltip,%Mouse_State% if(Mouse_State==0) { isPressed := 1 } if(isPressed==1) { hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker if(Mouse_State==1) { Temp_X_Pos := The_X_Pos Temp_Y_Pos := The_Y_Pos isPressed := 0 ToolTip break } } } hellbents auto clicker PasteShr hellbents auto clicker } Run_Auto_Clicker1() { zone1_x_size := Size_Of_X1//2 zone1_y_size := Size_Of_Y1//2 isPaused1 := 0 if(Clicker_1_On==True) { hellbents auto clicker PasteShr hellbents auto clicker Loop { if(isPaused1==0) { if(Stop_Clicking1==1) { break } if(Shift1_Yes==True) { hellbents auto clicker How to get it for free? hellbents auto clicker send, {shift down} } Click, %X_Pos1% %Y_Pos1% if(Shift1_Yes==True) { send, {shift up} } ;i++ ;tooltip, %i% MouseGetPos,X1, Y1 hellbents auto clicker How to get it? hellbents auto clicker if(X1!=X_Pos1||Y1!=Y_Pos1) { isPaused1:=1 ;Sleep, 500 } Clicker1_Delay() } if(isPaused1==1) { if(Use_ID_1_Yes==True) hellbents auto clicker PasteShr hellbents auto clicker { MouseGetPos, X1, Y1,,ctrl if(ctrl=The_Control_ID_For_Clicker1&&X1<=(X_Pos1+zone1_x_size)&&X1>=(X_Pos1-zone1_x_size)&&Y1<=(Y_Pos1+zone1_y_size)&&Y1>=(Y_Pos1-zone1_y_size)) { isPaused1 := 0 } if(Stop_Clicking1==1) { break } hellbents auto clicker PasteShr hellbents auto clicker } else { MouseGetPos, X1, Y1 if(X1<=(X_Pos1+zone1_x_size)&&X1>=(X_Pos1-zone1_x_size)&&Y1<=(Y_Pos1+zone1_y_size)&&Y1>=(Y_Pos1-zone1_y_size)) { isPaused1 := 0 } if(Stop_Clicking1==1) { hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker break } } } } } Stop_Clicking1 := 0 } Clicker1_Delay() hellbents auto clicker How to use it? hellbents auto clicker { if(Speed1_Slow==True) Sleep, 10000 if(Speed1_Med==True) Sleep, 1000 if(Speed1_Fast==True) Sleep, 30 } ^z::Pause ^x::ExitApp hellbents auto clicker How to get it for free? hellbents auto clicker hellbents auto clicker