grow up simulator script -----------------------UPDATE-LOGS----------------------------------------------------- -- added punch -- added remove punch -- added infinite yield --------------------------VERSIONS----------------------------------------------------- -- version 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script -- grow up simulator script PasteShr grow up simulator script getgenv().teleportcommon = false getgenv().teleportuncommon = false getgenv().teleportrare = false getgenv().teleportlegendary = false getgenv().teleportingredient = false getgenv().teleportcoin = false getgenv().autogrow = false getgenv().autogrowfaster = false getgenv().autorebirth = false getgenv().autoultrarebirth = false grow up simulator script How to dowload it? grow up simulator script local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))() local w = library:CreateWindow("grow simulator") local b = w:CreateFolder("boxes") local a = w:CreateFolder("growth") local c = w:CreateFolder("misc") b:Toggle("teleport common",function(bool) getgenv().teleportcommon = bool grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script print(toggled) if bool then commontp() end end) b:Toggle("teleport uncommon",function(bool) getgenv().teleportuncommon = bool print(toggled) if bool then grow up simulator script PasteShr grow up simulator script uncommontp() end end) b:Toggle("teleport rare",function(bool) getgenv().teleportrare = bool print(toggled) if bool then raretp() end grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script end) b:Toggle("teleport legendary",function(bool) getgenv().teleportlegendary = bool print(toggled) if bool then legendarytp() end end) grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script b:Toggle("teleport ingredient",function(bool) getgenv().teleportingredient = bool print(toggled) if bool then ingredienttp() end end) b:Toggle("teleport coin",function(bool) getgenv().teleportcoin = bool grow up simulator script How to get it? grow up simulator script print(toggled) if bool then cointp() end end) function commontp() spawn(function() while getgenv().teleportcommon == true do game.Workspace.Boxes.CommonBox.CFrame = grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script game.Workspace.Boxes.CommonBox.CanCollide = false wait(.1) end end) end function uncommontp() spawn(function() while getgenv().teleportuncommon == true do game.Workspace.Boxes.UncommonBox.CFrame = grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script game.Workspace.Boxes.UncommonBox.CanCollide = false wait(.1) end end) end function raretp() spawn(function() while getgenv().teleportrare == true do game.Workspace.Boxes.RareBox.CFrame = grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script game.Workspace.Boxes.RareBox.CanCollide = false wait(.1) end end) end function legendarytp() spawn(function() while getgenv().teleportlegendary == true do game.Workspace.Boxes.LegendaryBox.CFrame = grow up simulator script How to get it? grow up simulator script game.Workspace.Boxes.LegendaryBox.CanCollide = false wait(.1) end end) end function ingredienttp() spawn(function() while getgenv().teleportingredient == true do game.Workspace.Boxes.IngredientBox.CFrame = grow up simulator script PasteShr grow up simulator script game.Workspace.Boxes.IngredientBox.CanCollide = false wait(.1) end end) end function cointp() spawn(function() while getgenv().teleportcoin == true do game.Workspace.Boxes.CoinBox.CFrame = grow up simulator script PasteShr grow up simulator script game.Workspace.Boxes.CoinBox.CanCollide = false wait(.1) end end) end a:Toggle("auto grow",function(bool) getgenv().autogrow = bool print(toggled) if bool then grow up simulator script How to get it? grow up simulator script grow() end end) a:Toggle("auto grow faster",function(bool) getgenv().autogrowfaster = bool print(toggled) if bool then growfaster() end grow up simulator script How to get it? grow up simulator script end) a:Toggle("auto rebirth",function(bool) getgenv().autorebirth = bool print(toggled) if bool then rebirth() end end) grow up simulator script How to get it? grow up simulator script a:Toggle("auto ultra rebirth",function(bool) getgenv().autoultrarebirth = bool print(toggled) if bool then ultrarebirth() end end) function grow() spawn(function() grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script while getgenv().autogrow == true do local Grow = "ormormormormx" local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BuyIngredient Event:FireServer(Grow) wait() end end) end function growfaster() grow up simulator script How to get it for free? grow up simulator script spawn(function() while getgenv().autogrowfaster == true do local Grow = "ormormormormx" local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BuyIngredient Event:FireServer(Grow) wait(0.0001) end end) end grow up simulator script How to use it? grow up simulator script function rebirth() spawn(function() while getgenv().autorebirth == true do local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Rebirth Event:FireServer() wait(5) -- dont put lower or the anti exploit will detect end end) end grow up simulator script How to get it? grow up simulator script function ultrarebirth() spawn(function() while getgenv().autoultrarebirth == true do local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").UltraRebirth Event:FireServer() wait(5) -- dont put lower or the anti exploit will detect end end) end grow up simulator script How to get it? grow up simulator script c:Button("get punch",function() local A_1 = true local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GiveMePunch Event:FireServer(A_1) end) c:Button("remove punch",function() local A_1 = false local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GiveMePunch Event:FireServer(A_1) grow up simulator script How to dowload it? grow up simulator script end) c:Button("infinite yield",function() loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() end) grow up simulator script