getaisignals // 8888888888 8888888b. 8888888888 8888888888 d8888 888 .d8888b. .d88888b. 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(close >= ma ? green : red) : na // Plots k1 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC1, 50), "", na, editable=false) k2 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC2, 50), "", na, editable=false) k3 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC3, 50), "", na, editable=false) k4 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC4, 50), "", na, editable=false) k5 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC4, 50), "", na, editable=false) k6 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC3, 50), "", na, editable=false) getaisignals PasteShr getaisignals k7 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC2, 50), "", na, editable=false) k8 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC1, 50), "", na, editable=false) fill(k1, k2, channelBal ?, 40) : na, editable=false) fill(k2, k3, channelBal ?, 65) : na, editable=false) fill(k3, k4, channelBal ?, 90) : na, editable=false) fill(k5, k6, channelBal ?, 90) : na, editable=false) fill(k6, k7, channelBal ?, 65) : na, editable=false) fill(k7, k8, channelBal ?, 40) : na, editable=false) plot(sma1, "", emaEnergyColor(sma1), editable=false) plot(sma2, "", emaEnergyColor(sma2), editable=false) getaisignals How to use it? getaisignals plot(sma3, "", emaEnergyColor(sma3), editable=false) plot(sma4, "", emaEnergyColor(sma4), editable=false) plot(sma5, "", emaEnergyColor(sma5), editable=false) plot(sma6, "", emaEnergyColor(sma6), editable=false) plot(sma7, "", emaEnergyColor(sma7), editable=false) plot(sma8, "", emaEnergyColor(sma8), editable=false) plot(sma9, "", emaEnergyColor(sma9), editable=false) plot(sma10, "", emaEnergyColor(sma10), editable=false) plot(sma11, "", emaEnergyColor(sma11), editable=false) plot(sma12, "", emaEnergyColor(sma12), editable=false) getaisignals How to get it for free? getaisignals plot(sma13, "", emaEnergyColor(sma13), editable=false) plot(sma14, "", emaEnergyColor(sma14), editable=false) plot(sma15, "", emaEnergyColor(sma15), editable=false) plot(sma16, "", emaEnergyColor(sma16), editable=false) barcolor(close > supertrend ? #2BE300 : red2) p3 = plot(ocAvg, "", na, editable=false) p4 = plot(psar, "PSAR", usePsar ? (close > psar ? green : red) : na, 1, plot.style_circles, editable=false) fill(p3, p4, usePsar ? (close > psar ?, 90) :, 90)) : na, editable=false) y1 = low - (ta.atr(30) * 2), y1B = low - ta.atr(30) y2 = high + (ta.atr(30) * 2), y2B = high + ta.atr(30) getaisignals How to dowload it? getaisignals bull = ta.crossover(close, supertrend) and close >= sma9 bear = ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) and close <= sma9 buy = bull ?, y1, "BUY", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, #2BE300, label.style_label_up, color.white) : na sell = bear ?, y2, "SELL", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, red2, label.style_label_down, color.white) : na plot(pivotHigh, "Resistance", not suppRes or ta.change(pivotHigh) ? na : red, 2, offset=-(barsR + 1), editable=false) plot(pivotLow, "Support", not suppRes or ta.change(pivotLow) ? na : green, 2, offset=-(barsR + 1), editable=false) upB = breaks and ta.crossover(close, pivotHigh) ?, y1B, "B", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, green, label.style_label_up, color.white, size.small) : na dnB = breaks and ta.crossunder(close, pivotLow) ?, y2B, "B", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, red, label.style_label_down, color.white, size.small) : na x1 = bar_index - period + 1, _y1 = i + s * (period - 1), x2 = bar_index, _y2 = i upperTL = autoTL ?, _y1 + upDev, x2, _y2 + upDev, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, red) : na getaisignals How to use it? getaisignals line.delete(upperTL[1]) middleTL = autoTL ?, _y1, x2, _y2, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color.white) : na line.delete(middleTL[1]) lowerTL = autoTL ?, _y1 - dnDev, x2, _y2 - dnDev, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, green) : na line.delete(lowerTL[1]) // Alerts // alertcondition(bull or bear or ta.crossover(close, pivotHigh) or ta.crossunder(close, pivotLow), "Alert Any", "AI Signals Platinum\nAlert Triggered on {{ticker}} @ {{close}}") // alertcondition(bull, "Alert Buy", "AI Signals Platinum\nBuy {{ticker}} @ {{close}}") // alertcondition(bear, "Alert Sell", "AI Signals Platinum\nSell {{ticker}} @ {{close}}") // alertcondition(ta.crossover(close, pivotHigh), "Broke Resistance", "AI Signals Platinum\nBroke Resistance on {{ticker}} @ {{close}}") getaisignals How to get it? getaisignals // alertcondition(ta.crossunder(close, pivotLow), "Broke Support", "AI Signals Platinum\nBroke Support on {{ticker}} @ {{close}}") getaisignals