gay diaper hypno '''Diaper Brainwash Hypnosis''' >>43015 already linked to this. This is the file I stumbled over back in October that fucked my world. I'd always thought I had to be dead quiet and motionless during hypno, so finding something where the hook was to make you cum while listening to instructions and watching guys wet/mess themselves with hot captions flashing by made it a fun diversion from my typical fantasies and stories. Then I tried it with weed and poppers. Holy shit. Tbh this video is addicting in the first place, because the hook is pleasure and it's hard for people to turn down pleasure, but I had a good month and a half where I'd spend an hour or two a night listening to this while woozy on that drug combo and the brainwashing did as advertised. Began wetting my diapers as soon as the urge would hit, no matter where I was or what I was doing. Wetting, something that had long been 'just a thing I did' started becoming slightly pleasurable again. Messing was fucking orgasmic. Started regularly taking fiber supplements at this point so that I could regularly enjoy and get more practice with messing. I started to let myself indulge in my more childlike feelings a little more and letting them out a bit around my partner (who had always encouraged me to be babyish around him, but I'd always been too scared). And, naturally, I wanted to feed my diapers as many stickies as I could to increase my dependence on them. All in all, the video works and I'd recommend it to practically every guy looking to get into diapertraining w/hypno. The genius sits in it is how vague it is. There aren't many hardset rules or anything, just suggestions for you to wet your diapers, mess your diapers, cum in your diapers, and to enjoy it all as a baby. You could use this to make the jump from occasionally diapered to full-time, to help you relax more when wetting/messing, being incontinent only while diapered, to create a dependency on your diapers emotionally for pleasure and/or comfort, or just to fap tbh. It's multi-purpose as fuck. As others have mentioned, there's a gay overtone in the visuals of the video (literally dildos and dicks fucking guys in diapers lol), but the audio has no such connotations. It's obviously aimed towards guys because of the mentions of 'your little peepee/weewee/etc', so it's not gender neutral, but the suggestions don't imply anything about liking guys, wanting cock, or submitting to men or anything like that. You could literally just download the video, download the hypno machine program, create your own visuals, and then run the video and machine at the same time. To be fair, I prefer male voices in hypno, so if that's not your thing then ignore the last two paragraphs lol. I will say, however, that if you don't mind the thought of taking a dick up the ass, the visuals are fucking great. The creator has a good grasp on the hypno machine and how to pace visual suggestions and pictures within a session. As a sidenote, my babysitter (dom friend who keeps an online eye on me on days I'm home, but daddy isn't) recently put me back on this as the only way I'm allowed to get off, using it as a training tool to enforce the infancy I've developed. It combines extremely well with Mindmaster's stuff up to Baby Behaviors and I'd strongly recommend the two together if you're interested in diaper/baby training. '''Mindmaster's Baby Training Series''' This shit is scary effective and it keeps you coming back somehow. Literally every file after Bladder Retraining, there's been a suggestion that I've been like, 'ehhhh, nah' about, but which I've eventually come around on. I got into this series when I felt like I'd taken Brainwash Hypnosis as far as I could and was looking for something more serious. A friend gave me the sleep training combination of Bladder Retraining/Baby Acceptance, which hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew this series was for me at that point. The great thing about these files is that they progressively build on themselves and each file pretty much includes a condensed version of each previous file. For example, Baby Behaviors runs through the suggestions in Bladder Retraining and Baby Acceptance, etc. This means once you feel like you've gotten a file down, you can safely move on and not need to worry much about going back to touch up on the suggestions. Sidenote: kudos to whoever maintains the mega archive of ABDL hypno for giving me somewhere to grab all of these files. gay diaper hypno How to dowload it? gay diaper hypno '''Bladder Retraining''' It does exactly what it says on the label: makes you pee in your diapers uncontrollably. I made an edited version in audacity containing only the incontinence suggestions in order to keep training the way I did in Brainwash Hypnosis (no induction, just getting blasted with suggestions and visuals until I got off). I feel like I needed it given how addicted I was to Brainwash Hypnosis, but I also feel like I never really got the full impact of Bladder Retraining because of it. Still, after three weeks I was wetting myself more regularly and with less time between feeling the need to go and release. Started being able to wet in any position and began to make headway in wetting while talking with people, walking, and just doing stuff in general. In a word, it normalized wetting for me, not to mention making it feel genuinely good again (improving on Brainwash Hypnosis). It was at this point any thoughts of getting out of diapers left my head and have stayed gone since. To summarize, listen to this if you want to wet yourself, enjoy doing it, and are committed to staying in diapers. This shit works. Unlike the rest of the series, this file and Baby Acceptance don't have any background audio. I'd strongly recommend finding some soft lullabies to play in the background, as it really takes the edge off of what were fairly rough files otherwise. I'd recommend Brahms' Lullaby( is the one I enjoyed most), as that's what the rest of the series uses. '''Baby Acceptance''' I made another audacity edit for this one, but it didn't see a ton of use. I transitioned from brainwashing/fapping over to normal listening with this file and the suggestions were noticeably more effective because of it. The trigger for dropping into trance worked fairly well for me after a month or so. Anyway, this one focuses on helping you to believe that you're actually a baby and that you enjoy actively being a baby. That there's no actual age or size limit on being baby, only one simple "truth" that distinguishes babies from adults: only babies wear diapers and wet in their diapers. This was REALLY hard for me to grasp at first. It's just so blatantly incorrect that it's hard to parse and accept. Adults wear diapers too. What about incontinent non-ABDLs? What about DLs in general? Bedwetters? Adult kids who wear diapers? So much evidence to the contrary, but the more I listened, the easier it was to accept and rewire that bit of my brain, probably due to the desire I had to make it work. I just decided that all those people were really babies and that I simply wouldn't ever say so to their faces. It would be my secret. There was a post on the WMM forums that made it way easier though, which essentially said that people with incontinence issues wear "briefs", not diapers, which is a convenient disconnect. It was about when it became instinctive for me to think, "I wet my diapers because I'm a baby, and I'm a baby because I wet my diapers" that I finally started to unlock the ability to be little. Maybe three weeks into listening? Up until that point I'd always been the 'adult forced to live/act like an infant' type, never the actually regressing type. Then, as I started to think of myself as a toddler more and more often, it just kinda became easier to let go of my adult thoughts and enjoy simpler things like kid's shows or playing with toys. It's crazy how easy it becomes when you stop getting caught up on shit like shame and pride. Overall, this file is fucking outstanding if you have trouble showing your little side or think that it'd be hot to inherently consider yourself an infant, rather than internally labeling yourself as a grownup. You don't really NEED Bladder Retraining experience to listen, but it does help quite a bit if you're wetting without much control. Redefining yourself as an infant isn't easy at all, but if you can get through this one, it spreads the rest of the series wide open for you. Oh and, fair warning, there's a suggestion in here that implores you to tell anyone who asks why you wear diapers to tell them it's because you wet your diapers like a baby. I was really ehhh about this for a long time, but it's settled in. It's easier to accept when you realize that practically nobody would ever ask why you wear them, rather than assuming they're for medical need. Still, I can imagine it'd throw off a ton of people, so it seemed worth a mention. '''Baby Behaviors''' This fucking infantalized me. Seriously. I listened for a couple weeks, went on to Baby Train 2, then came back to this and have been on it for going on another month now. It's my bread and butter for hypno currently. The effects all came on gradually, but inevitably they've all been cemented so it's probably easier just to list them. I made the switch entirely over to bottles instead of glasses, my binky is my mouth 75% of the time at home and I get fussy as fuck without it sometimes, I keep my entire body smooth-shaven from the neck-down (file only requires diaper-area, but encourages 'looking as much like a baby as possible), wear baby clothes (also a result of wanting to look like a baby), go hard on baby powder and use baby-scented laundry detergent for my clothes, sleep with a teddy bear and binky (I actually just recently started waking up with my binky still in my mouth :3), get emotional MUCH more easily than before, and have a much more limited vocabulary when speaking. Those last two aren't quite full-fledged in me, but they present themselves more strongly every day. If all of this seems like a lot for a file, that's because it fucking is lol. It was essentially a total lifestyle shift when at home, but it seemed like I barely had to put any thought into doing it. The behaviors make me happier when I do them, which makes feel genuinely small, which in turn makes me even more carefree and happy, and that cycle just perpetuates itself. The smaller I get, the more I enjoy infant/toddler activities too. I can literally spend a day watching Daniel Tiger and Pocoyo, playing with blocks and trains, and actually enjoy myself the whole time. Blows my fucking mind, considering I couldn't get through a single episode or color a single picture without being bored out of my gourd previously. gay diaper hypno How to get it? gay diaper hypno On that note, my daddy had been on-board from the start, but Behaviors is when he really began to encourage me. I'd always been an extremely stoic person that bottled up his emotions and would never let those walls down (repressed, he would probably say), even around him, so when I finally started to let that adult mindset go and express myself, it was like he was finally getting to see and take care of the little me he'd always seen peeking out from underneath. If you have a partner to do shit like this with, do it. The acceptance from mine, along with all of the encouragement, reminders, changes, and enforcement, all combined to help me accept my place as a baby and enjoy it. It's a massively humbling, yet incredibly rewarding experience having someone expect you to act like a toddler or patiently deal with you when you start getting fussy and whiny after not getting your way. We're kind of getting into the territory where I wouldn't recommend these to the general ABDL public. As noted, the lifestyle changes needed to follow through on this file are dramatic and not very conducive to situations like living with roommates, parents, unknowing/nonparticipating partners, or dating if you live alone (although that's arguable, depending on your date :p). Diapers honestly aren't that difficult of a change to handle for most people in day-to-day life, but changing how you act...If you want something that will turn you into a complete toddler when you're home and you can handle everything that comes with that? Do it. You won't regret it. This file essentially turned me from a stone-faced adult into a happy, bubbly baby and the resulting happiness has had nothing but positive effects in my life. The suggestion that made me go 'eh' in this one is meant for enforcing the need to suckle. Basically when you see a naked female nipple, you start drooling and get an intense urge to suck on something. The nipple is top priority, but binkies or thumb work as alternatives if that's not possible. As you can probably tell from the rest of this I like guys lol, so breasts don't do shit for me. Was eventually able to get past it because wanting to suckle is basically universal when it comes to babies and I'm a baby, soooo... Of note, this is the file that I began to wet in my sleep with. I don't necessarily think it was due to this file in particular, but the culmination of all the bladder incontinence training I'd done up to that point, along with setting myself up to succeed (water before bed, diapered thick enough to feel safe, etc.). To be fair, the safety that sleeping with a plushy and binky suddenly began to bring probably helped quite a bit too. '''Baby Train 2''' No fucking clue what's up with the title on this one since there's no Baby Train 1 that I can find. Maybe it's referring to Baby Behaviors? Idk. This file is basically Baby Behaviors, except it removes some suggestions (getting emotional and toddler vocabulary) and adds in the whopper of becoming permanently flaccid and impotent, only getting your visceral pleasure from wetting your diapers helplessly and sucking on your binky/thumb/bottles. Oh and it shrinks your dick, supposedly (as at least one person in this thread can attest). I listened to this for about two weeks before deciding, as much as I enjoyed how much better the quality and script was, I had blazed past Baby Behaviors too quickly. Mostly I just wanted to get the emotional/vocabulary suggestions cemented into my mind before progressing. I still listen to the sleep training file for this though, because Baby Behaviors doesn't have one. I haven't noticed any shrinkage yet, but I haven't exactly been measuring either. I definitely went flaccid for the duration I was on the file though. The instructions to feel uncomfortable and unhappy when getting hard were on-point. To be honest, the only issue I take with this file is the suggestions of impotence and nonsexuality. As much as I'd like to be a complete baby, I'm not sure I'll ever come back to this file because of that, as it would essentially invalidate Brainwash Hypnosis and all the good it's doing with reinforcing my infancy. I may eventually look into other limp/shrinking files though, if they exist. Happily taking suggestions there :3 I will say that listening to this file amped up the amount of pleasure I got out of wetting my diapers to 11 and it feels better every day. gay diaper hypno How to use it? gay diaper hypno I'd only recommend this file only if you've already listened to the rest. It'll work on its own, but you should really be introducing this stuff in as small of bites as you can in order to normalize it. Good reasons to train up to this level would be feeling uncomfortable with sexual feelings and reactions while little, which I imagine this would solve quite neatly, or you really just want to complete the transformation of this series, which to be fair the rest of the files implant that desire to be a total baby quite deeply. ...or if you're being made to listen as part of a training regimen, I suppose, in which case poor you. Say bye-bye to your stiffies, lil guy :p The sleep trainer is a great reinforcer for Baby Behaviors though, plus is quite a bit better quality-wise than the Bladder/Acceptance trainer, so I'd recommend making that switch. And that's it. I've listened to Baby Life and it's a better sleep trainer than Baby Train 2 is, but the permanence of some suggestions when not at home isn't for me. Poopy Diapers is on my list to get to eventually. I'd already be using it tbh, but I'd only want it for nights/weekends. Despite going in with the best of intentions, my brain, without fail, chooses to mess all the time when prompted by the file. I'll get to it when I'm ready for that bit of diaper training. I've got some experience with other files, but none have grabbed me like these ones. That said, I'm definitely open for suggestions if anyone thinks they have others that would add to the experience. Also up for questions about these files, my regression, or whatever else if anyone has them. gay diaper hypno