gambling bot #9551 Freya #3243 application-log Search LOAD MORE MESSAGES nysm10/19/2018 - STAFF NOTE - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 If accepting an app type - accept @name default to accept the applicant If denying an app type -deny @name reason Then tag the role you would like to assign them by doing @role(edited) Application BotBOT10/19/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - steam://openurl/ Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust - 3802 What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp farm and build gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - aus nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - alpha, Knight, Tc, HD, TLC, WOG, gamma Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - midnight, delacey gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - everyday. week days from 3pm - 8pm and fri,sat,sun all day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-19 Name of Applicant: Rexes#2999 October 20, 2018 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT10/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 3610 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer/pvp/base bitch What is your country/state? - Qld australia gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - from most recent sulfur clan - left becuase moved to different server Ne (nigels group) - left becuase inactive on bp wipe (playing different games and such) emd - wanted a change in gameplay (left of good terms) Fort - got to salty and left out of rage (i am known for that) Star - disabanded probs other clans i cant remember gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - mr andy What is your weekly availability? - i will be on for atleast 6 hours when wipe happens on thursday/ for force wipe i will be up at 5am east normaly unless otherwized known Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-10-19 Name of Applicant: lolbirdy#1539 Application BotBOT10/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust - 1232 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia/Qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, Dirty Blue Bandits, server we played on closed down and renamed to MemeSquad Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - I work typicall from 5pm-12 or 1am Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No, never. Date of Application: 2018-10-19 Name of Applicant: Zomg#3903 Application BotBOT10/20/2018 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - %help Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - %apply State your hours played on Rust - 3619 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/builder and farmer if in need, im good at everything but not excelent What is your country/state? - Romania, this is why you'll refuse me gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I played in CLOT( leaved couse it got deleted), TvP(same thing), rB. (that was my clan, i had to delete it couse i didnt have enough time), GNS(i leaved becouse of not enough activity from other members). I've been playing in other big teams that were not asembled as clans too Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - 76 hours past two weeks but i played a lot on someone else account because he had bps on EU 1 and i needed that. i can stay up to 50 hours per week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 No Date of Application: 2018-10-19 Name of Applicant: Cosmo#5150 Application BotBOT10/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust - 1838 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all What is your country/state? - United States Of America, Kailua Kona Hawaii Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i have experience in 3 clans i left all of them for the same reason, the leaders were not capeable of leading Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 no. What is your weekly availability? - monday -sunday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-20 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Kris#9275 Application BotBOT10/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - ~RV~ turtlelover2003 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Snackey gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust - 380 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - what ever you need help with im a good pvper but in happy just to farm What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 australia vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - RV the team work wasnt all there Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - cordial but the he left What is your weekly availability? - every day gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no never Date of Application: 2018-10-20 Name of Applicant: TurtleLover2004#5074 Application BotBOT10/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust - 1685 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - perth Wa Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes, i have run multiple for fun and recently been in ODST but was kicked due to telling a squeker to sh whilst in PVP so its a blessing in disguise gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - im getting to know realadge What is your weekly availability? - thurs-thurs Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - nope gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-10-20 Name of Applicant: Prince#7357 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust - 2124 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - builder and farmer gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia NSW but i get no lag Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i had my own clan it grew quite abit then when time past it slowly deteriorated Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not anymore but awhile back What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-20 Name of Applicant: gLoCK#7640 October 21, 2018 Application BotBOT10/21/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust - 1911 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 32 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all 3 but my pvp needs work as i have been playing EFT so im a little rusty What is your country/state? - australia victoria gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no just groups of friends largest group was 22 going back a few yrs now Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no but i know an ex player of yours karmapolice What is your weekly availability? - mostly weekends during week while im at work mon-fri 7pm-can push to 12pm with every two weeks i have rdo and can be on almost all day fridays are usally my rdo Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 no Date of Application: 2018-10-21 Name of Applicant: Gladrah#1925 Application BotBOT10/21/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - only 1 account State your hours played on Rust - 3676 What is your age? - 17 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all What is your country/state? - us Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - small clans, they either suck or disbanned Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 yes What is your weekly availability? - every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-21 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Ir1sh™#1658 October 22, 2018 Application BotBOT10/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no i do not gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust - 1284 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - QLD brisbane Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes tk, hd, bkb, kyp, emd and many untagged groups Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - midnight What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 i can be on all weekend unless i have something planned Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-21 Name of Applicant: kypah#3268 Application BotBOT10/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - nope, this is my only account State your hours played on Rust - 4,383 hrs on record gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/Farmer but i can build if needed What is your country/state? - VIC, aus Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 FEAR, IB, æ, HD, bM, cortex, i left them to try some new things Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - heaps, general, jamie, adroit, lyphon, aidz, spibs, tai etc What is your weekly availability? - im at school during week days but over the weekend im always around Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - nope gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-10-21 Name of Applicant: Solitude#4663 Application BotBOT10/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust - Around 1600 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Usa Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes around 14 clans and I left all of them because I did most of the work and was better suited solo Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 3 days atm but up to 6 in a month Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes on csgo for “cheating” but I was falsely banned cuz I was too good..:/ Date of Application: 2018-10-21 Name of Applicant: 𝓡𝓮𝓮𝓯#7227 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Tai10/22/2018 When you get banned because you are “too good”........ From Kypah Application 3 up from this message Tai10/22/2018 Nah that reef dude said he got false banned from csgo because he is too good October 23, 2018 Application BotBOT10/23/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust - 2400 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 26 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - support with bolt during pvp (fairly good with or without scope). good farmbot usually play all night wipe night (ask baldy) What is your country/state? - qld aus Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 FiSH, was kicked after exposing leaders 2 faced shit talking. VRX/fort, moved house and couldnt play for 6 months. LK, disbanded. 〶, disbanded. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Blady, and Tai What is your weekly availability? - usually anytime Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-10-22 Name of Applicant: Th0rn#4192 October 24, 2018 Application BotBOT10/24/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 637 What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Nysm What is your weekly availability? - After my last exam on November the 9th ill be free 24/7 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-24 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: unna#7878 October 25, 2018 Application BotBOT10/25/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 3.3k What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farm gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - SA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Tempered, clan disbanded. Gr1mbles clan, left due to toxicity. OG, left due to them being unorganised and all over the shop. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Baldy, Th0rn and Solitude What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Currently it is all over the shop due to my casual job, if im working ill still be able to play before and after work. but if im not working then i could easily put in atleast 6+ hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Only for CSGO Date of Application: 2018-10-24 Name of Applicant: Az#0820 October 26, 2018 Application BotBOT10/26/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1197 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - USA North Carolina gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes Iron clan on a modded server a while back and it disbanded other then that just playing with my friends or solo Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - some during the week normally all weekend Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 No Date of Application: 2018-10-25 Name of Applicant: GreaseMonkey#0417 Application BotBOT10/26/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - I have not State your hours played on Rust. - 5 hours a day due to me being homeschooled What is your age? - 14 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - Texas Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I was in a clan called PG we were a fairly small clan. We mostly raided vanilla servers but stopped due to our owner getting killed from leukemia Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - I can be on all 7 days a week. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-10-26 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: 𝓕𝓾𝔃3_𝓓0𝓴𝓽0𝓻..#1620 Application BotBOT10/26/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 313 What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP (sniper) farmer What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 australia wa Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - only the one i tryed to start up didn't work only got 4 people Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - after school exept thursday and weekends gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-26 Name of Applicant: DefconV (SKY) (WEEB TRASH)#0306 Application BotBOT10/26/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 4,763 hrs on record What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 33 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - melb vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no rust clans gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yes What is your weekly availability? - week ends and most week nights. 9-5 job Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-10-26 Name of Applicant: LARKHAM#1094 October 27, 2018 Application BotBOT10/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No i havent State your hours played on Rust. - 723 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 farmer/ base bitch / pvp What is your country/state? - Aussie/ vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yeah i played with one a around 2017 june can see the base and screenshot on my rust screenshots. at the moment im trialing Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yeah met tesla before but he wouldn't remember me. would be happy to chat with some members im always done to meet new people gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - everyday basically. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-26 Name of Applicant: Mr.Tasty#9307 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT10/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 1500 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Mainly i am a pvp guy good with first tear weapons - late game weapons. I like to farm also, for me its also like roaming. Building is not my strongest place but i can do bunker bases or something simple. What is your country/state? - Utena/Lithuania gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes i was in france clan called [XM] (12 people) I just got bored of rust in those days nothing special or something bad Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No, but i am friendly guy and i can make friends fast What is your weekly availability? - 40-70 if really needed even to 80-100 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-26 Name of Applicant: l0gic#1240 Application BotBOT10/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 650 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - Uk Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Ye a lot basically my whole rust experience on rusty New York (War) (yiffme) and a couple rustafied Eu clans left as I had to do a lot of school work gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Unfortunately not What is your weekly availability? - 1-2 hours and from Friday thorough weekends 5+ Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-10-27 Name of Applicant: Whelan#4093 Application BotBOT10/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - errorsans14791 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 8 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pbp/Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - USA/California Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - TRN and I left because they where extremely racist and dealt with drugs Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - personally no but I know the leader by video What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Mondays-Thursdays 4pm-9pm Friday4pm-3am weekends 10am-2am Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-27 Name of Applicant: Errorsans [PC]#5853 October 28, 2018 Application BotBOT10/28/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1,100 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 almost 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP is my best but I do the rest just as much What is your country/state? - NA Nevada gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No clans really Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Nope What is your weekly availability? - I play usually 4-8 hours a day during the week and all day really on the weekend (no life) Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No i havnt Date of Application: 2018-10-27 Name of Applicant: Vegas#8419 Application BotBOT10/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1k What is your age? - 15 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - All What is your country/state? - NZ Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Spade (left because of comms), ODST (Cancer in every way), TRUE (Disband) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 no What is your weekly availability? - everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-28 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Grizzlyy#2301 Application BotBOT10/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 954 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all rounder What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 AU/SA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - ;yung HECU ORBIT left them all because members started to become inactive/go to other clans. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Weekdays usually after 1pm (SA time) Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-10-28 Name of Applicant: macro#1545 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 October 30, 2018 Application BotBOT10/30/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - On both accounts around 1800 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Usa texas Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No pervious experience your my frost if i join ehich i doubt i will Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Everday gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-10-30 Name of Applicant: Zeahan#9238 October 31, 2018 Application BotBOT10/31/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 2,449 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer What is your country/state? - Florida USA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 15+ clan, and i left because they were not very organized. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no, I do know people in small 5-8 man groups What is your weekly availability? - everyday for about 5-10 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - never been EAC or VAC ban, very clean record gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-10-31 Name of Applicant: JustTh4tGamer#8217 November 1, 2018 Application BotBOT11/01/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - only this State your hours played on Rust. - 400 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Dont mind doing any of these What is your country/state? - israel Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - nope Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 nope, What is your weekly availability? - i can be on 7 hr school day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - nope Date of Application: 2018-10-31 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: KingBorger#8321 Application BotBOT11/01/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 771 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 United States, WA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - all week about 10-22 PST gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-01 Name of Applicant: derpyParticle311#9485 Application BotBOT11/01/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 2200 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer, but I'm decent at pvp too What is your country/state? - Queensland, Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Infinity, Fort, Tempered, Uprising. A few disbanded and the others were too inactive. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I know th0rn a little bit from tempered What is your weekly availability? - nearly all of the time, I work 2 days a week Tues/Wednesday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-01 Name of Applicant: Dindoo Boi#8514 November 2, 2018 Application BotBOT11/02/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 760 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 I can do all of the styles, I like building compounds and great at pvp What is your country/state? - USA, NJ Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, XiTe and AOS. I left because lack of communication and authority Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - I can play after school Friday until like 12 and I can mostly play all day every weekend Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-02 Name of Applicant: XitE | mynamedandaniel#4206 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 November 3, 2018 Application BotBOT11/03/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 765 around their alot of that is leagcy doe What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 australia/vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - 69 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - nope not anymore What is your weekly availability? - 3-4 da ys gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - never been VAC or EAC Date of Application: 2018-11-03 Name of Applicant: A-cookie#8638 November 4, 2018 Application BotBOT11/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1212 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Morocco Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Yes NKV/RTS/Z1 the first 2 i left them because i didn’t like the organisation but z1 wich is a big clan i left them because i took a break from rust then i came back Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - I play everyday on the night minimum 5/6 hours and the weekend maybe more Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Never gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-04 Name of Applicant: kaneki ken#0281 Application BotBOT11/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1900 What is your age? - 31 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 A bit of all, i enjoy base organisation, crafting for the team and delegation. What is your country/state? - Aus/Vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No previous experience in clans, do have some exp in big groups. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 40-50 hours a week, Monday-Thurs 2pm-10pm (can be later) Fri 2pm till Sunday 10pm Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Never and never will. Date of Application: 2018-11-04 Name of Applicant: TitMaster#6706 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 1 Application BotBOT11/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - almost 1.1k What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp,Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Romania Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i have been in NOR(i left cuz is a shitty not organized clan) ,DI-i got banned from their comunity bcs i stop playing for one week and in that week the leader of my group insided us and they thought i was with him(FALSE), OGz i played with them 6 wipes (i left bcs they were acused me of stealing loot(False) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - i know only leader from YTB What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 40h per week is if in an active clan,i can play everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-04 Name of Applicant: TheWhiteMan#7987 November 5, 2018 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1607 hours gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 26 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - more farmer/builder but okay at pvp aswel What is your country/state? - uk gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - played in like a group of 8 but not really a clan just friends Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - nope What is your weekly availability? - 6.30pm til like 1am uk time monday to friday. nearly all day saturday and sunday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 nope Date of Application: 2018-11-04 Name of Applicant: Mr AJC#1559 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - how do I? gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 3300 What is your age? - 33 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all What is your country/state? - USA/MA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Not really a "Clan" but a few years ago I was a base bitch for a 12ish man "House" as we liked to call it. different groups, coming to live together, under one roof. Good times, RIP Chris. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Personaly, irl. Negative. What is your weekly availability? - I ahve a part time job, co-owner to a bakery, and other, but I manage 40 hours or so a week. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Cheating is for cunts. Date of Application: 2018-11-04 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Singedisbest#4339 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 900+ What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 uk Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes ; slurpe, became inactive. DeD, not enough players, werent very serious Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not personally What is your weekly availability? - everyday gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-04 Name of Applicant: PuRe#0351 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - i have not played on any other accounts. State your hours played on Rust. - I currently have 792 hours on Rust. What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 I am 14 years old, but i can be very serious What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - I am more of a farmer/builder but i'm trying to learn how to pvp better. What is your country/state? - I am from Victoria, Australia. Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I have joined minor team but left because i felt they didnt listen or accept me gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I do not, but I'd like to know them! What is your weekly availability? - i am available atleast 2 hours everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - I have never been EAC or VAC baned. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-05 Name of Applicant: Chrome!#0055 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - / gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 4k for the whole hours ı played but then my brother got hacks on ıt whıle ı was gone now 275 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 i can do all What is your country/state? - turkey Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes ccl i did not like how they played the comms and stuff Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 40 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-05 Name of Applicant: CCL LUCKYPICKLE#2031 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 1,262 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - UK gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No previous experience Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - 28-35 hours a week gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No EAC or VAC banned before Date of Application: 2018-11-05 Name of Applicant: Grim'#4342 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 2488 What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - I love to pvp and farm What is your country/state? - Europe, Finland Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I was couple days in BC but bc disbanded gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - 7days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-05 Name of Applicant: mats#6622 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 4050 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp and Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia and NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - .av, fort, fear, small pvp groups. I left them because i took a break from rust when i left each clan. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No but ive seen them all around What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Daily in afternoons for weekdays and pretty much all weekend Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-05 Name of Applicant: Tommy#8746 Application BotBOT11/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 2000 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Lebanon Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - 7 days Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-05 Name of Applicant: Zeahan#9238 November 6, 2018 Application BotBOT11/06/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 3.5k hours What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp and farmer What is your country/state? - South Africa Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No i usually would play duo with mates or solo Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - 2-3 days a week mostly morning hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes in csgo for using a skin changer about 6 months ago Date of Application: 2018-11-05 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: VeT_KoeK#7472 Application BotBOT11/06/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 812 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Minnesota Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Every day 4-9 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-06 Name of Applicant: Squingus#2698 Application BotBOT11/06/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 4.5k What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer What is your country/state? - sweden(eu) Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes i wwas in ae but i left tgb on top gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - general What is your weekly availability? - 70h Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-06 Name of Applicant: BIG DICK FAKER#7663 Application BotBOT11/06/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 No State your hours played on Rust. - 891 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pop/farmer/builder gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia/Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, i have been in several large groups (8-10) man groups I left my main group because it disbanded and although a group wanted to stay together I didn't enjoy playing with them Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Burrito_ was in the clan gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-06 Name of Applicant: Volley#3029 November 7, 2018 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/07/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 893 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - Pennsylvania, United States gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, I have been in NOR but have left because they are to bad and I did not like there playstyle to much Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No, but I'm looking to farm for a clan and hopefully be a successful rust player again What is your weekly availability? - I'm grounded quite a bit but once I get my PC back around 4 hours a day during the week and 20+ hours every weekend gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes 400 days ago from CSGO Date of Application: 2018-11-06 Name of Applicant: TallestMan(Synthium)#4932 Application BotBOT11/07/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No. State your hours played on Rust. - 1,570 What is your age? - 15 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvper/Farmer What is your country/state? - Victoria, Australia. Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Ive been in around 3 small clans with mates that we just made up. The reason I left is because the coms were bad in raids and everyone was just screaming gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Not personally, but yes i know a few. What is your weekly availability? - I can play every day except 1 hour on saturday and wednesday because of basketball. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-06 Name of Applicant: Fatalz#6002 Application BotBOT11/07/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - no What is your age? - age 16 i have 1,082 hours on rust What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP and farmer i do also like building gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 age 16 What is your country/state? - uk Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes i used to be in lord clan but then they were never online so i left I live in the United kingdom UK gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - used to know them but they never play anymore What is your weekly availability? - i can be on anytime only when its urgent i can play on any day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no i have not gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-06 Name of Applicant: EzDerp#9594 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - age 16 i have 1,082 hours on rust What is your age? - PVP and farmer i do also like building age 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - uk gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - yes i used to be in lord clan but then they were never online so i left I live in the United kingdom UK Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - used to know them but they never play anymore Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 i can be on anytime only when its urgent i can play on any day What is your weekly availability? - no i have not Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - thank you Date of Application: 2018-11-06 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: EzDerp#9594 Application BotBOT11/07/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1500 hours What is your age? - 21 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 NZ Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - AuP Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Freya/ Karma What is your weekly availability? - Weekends. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-07 Name of Applicant: wee4pee#2568 November 8, 2018 Application BotBOT11/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 343 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all What is your country/state? - aussie Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 yes, i had experience in FALCON which was a min 1000 hour to join clan, i left because i didnt have enough time to play with them, im also in a clan that was just formed with no official name with about 10 active members i will leave because of bad organisation and people dont listen much Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not personally What is your weekly availability? - friday and saturday (during school holidays everyday except sunday) (school holidays in next 5 weeks) Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - nope gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-07 Name of Applicant: Micheal Corleone#5326 Application BotBOT11/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Now that’s epic gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - All banned State your hours played on Rust. - 1111119 hours ya very much What is your age? - 98 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Roleplaying What is your country/state? - North America Tokyo Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - nM it was too ez and I’ve been in IB it was too ezpz Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes me gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 273784 weeks Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope only game bans Date of Application: 2018-11-07 Name of Applicant: S̶t̶e̶v̶e̶N̶N̶#8902 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 341 What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - builder or pvp What is your country/state? - united kingdom gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no just small groups Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - all week gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-07 Name of Applicant: Teasingmender45#0282 Application BotBOT11/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 33 hours but i have the basic down and i am a active player look to play with a clan What is your age? - 30 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - australia qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - not with rust but im apart of untiy which we are a competitive squad clan gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - every day 3-5 hours longer on weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-07 Name of Applicant: ^U^ Rabs #8138 Application BotBOT11/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 2,355 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/PvPr gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - US/VA but I can be active during AU hours Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, I have been in CML, RGN, Nor, and Dot, and DT I left CML after becoming leader because I was incharge of their PvP side for Rust in early 2018 after they decided to come back to rust but they decided to mass recruit and get people with low hours making the PvP side crumble, however I left on good terms and still help them from time to time. I was kicked from RGN when they were mass kicking everyone except their core members and I had only been recruited 2 weeks prior. I left Nor because it wasn't the playstyle that I liked, they dominated but could never win a fight relying only on numbers and not on skill, I didn't find it fun so I left but as well as CML I left on good terms. I joined dot after CML because I wanted a permanent group but Dot wasn't the answer as it was generally just too toxic for me. After Dot I decided to create my own clan called DT and as a catch 22 I had to work alot of hours for a week which gave me an opportunity for my leaders to prove themselves but my leaders decided to go and solo or just fade away until I got back so ultimately I made the decision to disband it and join this group as I'm looking for something stable and TGB seems like the answer. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no W hat is your weekly availability? - everyday for more than 5 hours a day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-07 Name of Applicant: Whatever Forever#8033 NOTE: This applciation has been split into multiple messages due to Discord's message character limit. Application BotBOT11/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 2914 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp What is your country/state? - qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes fv sna emd bkb wog snx and more most of them disbanded Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 not personally What is your weekly availability? - weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-08 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Kangaroo#9348 Application BotBOT11/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - All around with ither accounts I dont have anymore about 850 hours What is your age? - 14 but I am mature for my age What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - I like to PVP And Farm What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 New Zealand Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I do not, but I have played in other game teams/clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes, Tit Master What is your weekly availability? - Can play anytime gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - VACed Because My Brother Downloaded Cheats Whilst Playing On Our Shared Account. 235 Days Ago (On CSGO) Date of Application: 2018-11-08 Name of Applicant: sP TwinE็็็#7035 November 9, 2018 Application BotBOT11/09/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Nope State your hours played on Rust. - 1123 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP and farmer for the boys What is your country/state? - Australia QLD Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Nope Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - pos What is your weekly availability? - Everyday after school 5 in the arvo to 1 in the morning all day weekends if im not working Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yeah got a VAC for CSGO 236 days ago gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-08 Name of Applicant: Void#6252 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 3.500 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp , farmer gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Indonesia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I dont have experience in clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - TGB general gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 9 hours/ day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes i have , i got the vac ban from csgo cause someone overwatch me and idk why i got ban i play csgo so bad but i got ban , it was 190+ days ago Date of Application: 2018-11-08 Name of Applicant: A.#2208 Application BotBOT11/09/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1,631 hours gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvper and builder, i farm when needed What is your country/state? - USA gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes i have been in NA clans such as ₳ τɢ GT (leader) Flower TRAPS Spade Trident NeX I left all of them because of disbands. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no. What is your weekly availability? - Im always on Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no. gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-08 Name of Applicant: ForlorN#4582 Application BotBOT11/09/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 9 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 10 hours a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes for csgo skin chetas Date of Application: 2018-11-09 Name of Applicant: Jake#9671 Application BotBOT11/09/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 2,029 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 26 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - New York, USA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Monday to Friday from 7pm to 11 pm. Saturdays and sundays all day at home !! can play the hole weekend Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No never gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-09 Name of Applicant: sr.secret23#1920 November 11, 2018 Application BotBOT11/11/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - NO' State your hours played on Rust. - 1,762 What is your age? - 17 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Norway (EU) Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I have been in several like small unknown clans with friends and others. (TBE,Rt,FN,Qz) <------- All of them has disbanded. The only "real" clan that i have been in was dot. The reason i got kicked is not clear, i got online one day and i were banned for some reason. Still waiting for one.... Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - 30 hrs ~~ Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-10 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Zix#8704 Application BotBOT11/11/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 2700 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 new zealand Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - toxic .rev wpb rebel PM i left most of them because the clan died Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - can play 1 hour of wipe day as i have training i can play most of the week end gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-10 Name of Applicant: pinga slinga#9062 November 12, 2018 Application BotBOT11/12/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 700+ gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp, Farmer What is your country/state? - Australia, Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Emd ages ago Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I know of them but not personally What is your weekly availability? - All day everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nup gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-11 Name of Applicant: HomeWrecker#6606 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 No State your hours played on Rust. - 2408 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer/Builder gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I've previously been in around 35 clans. I was with !dominos and coles; however I do not remember the rest. I didn't really leave clans as I am really loyal, they were disbanded. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Tai's head, met it 4 times in todays 2v2 with Dindoo gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No, I despise cheating; it ruins the game. Date of Application: 2018-11-11 Name of Applicant: Loadinng#4220 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Nope State your hours played on Rust. - 2790 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - Australia, WA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 emd. , .com , Uprising (Dindoo said put latest 3) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Tais head met it four times today, Dindoo for half a wipe What is your weekly availability? - 100+ hours in last two weeks Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-11 Name of Applicant: Tizzy#2045 Tai11/12/2018 P.s @[TGB] General i told them to say they met my head, dont hate them for that Application BotBOT11/12/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 RECRUIT ME Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Yes State your hours played on Rust. - 2700 What is your age? - 21 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Mad zing What is your country/state? - SA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - UPRISING #1 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - My boi mr Andy What is your weekly availability? - All day every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-11 Name of Applicant: Westy#6538 Application BotBOT11/12/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 400 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Denmark (EU) Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Not clans but small teams Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Online 5 days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes for aim hack but that was in csgo and it was 1 year ago Date of Application: 2018-11-11 Name of Applicant: kill me plz#7074 Application BotBOT11/12/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - I do have another account but i cant remember the details. I can try and find it later, also you already know about the other accounts State your hours played on Rust. - 2312 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 27 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Yep, genny knows me. Also 10fps and a bunch of other little clans. too many to count. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Genny, jamie, alkdad, psycho. Probs more but brains not working this early. What is your weekly availability? - monday to thursday about 6pm to 10pm. Friday saturday about 6pm to whenever i pass out like 6am ish. sunday is all day till about 10pm Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yep. Cheating on rust, couple years ago now, regret it ever since. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-11 Name of Applicant: Silence#4189 Application BotBOT11/12/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1271 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Farmer builder pvper What is your country/state? - California Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I was part of dot and i left cause it was cancer Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I know general because of his videos gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes i have a vac ban and i got it from csgo about a year ago Date of Application: 2018-11-12 Name of Applicant: YoungDraco#1348 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/12/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - yes State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 7k What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/builder What is your country/state? - United states/ state Michigan gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes and i left because they were not organized at alll Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - Every day gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - i was VAC banned on my account with 7k hours and EAC would not tell me why Date of Application: 2018-11-12 Name of Applicant: Ducky The Duck#5701 November 13, 2018 Application BotBOT11/13/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 30 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer and pvp What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - Monday to Sunday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-12 Name of Applicant: WO_REAPER#0505 Application BotBOT11/13/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - Around 2600hrs What is your age? - 22 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - 5k rustified main US clan, Sulfur Crew Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Tai gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Friday and all weekend Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-12 Name of Applicant: Chris_#8344 Application BotBOT11/13/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 3627 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp assistant chad What is your country/state? - QLD gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - TGB because they were to good for me, iO. because they're shit, og because devil gave me to many skins, 5k because they were dumb fat americans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - General, Jamie, Tai, Alkchad, Adroit, Dynamix, Baldy, Ishy, Spibs, Indigo What is your weekly availability? - 24/6 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 No previous EAC/VAC bans Date of Application: 2018-11-12 Name of Applicant: Cran#6046 Application BotBOT11/13/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 4000 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - best farmer au What is your country/state? - nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - TGB, Lk, 5k (us clan) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 no What is your weekly availability? - all day everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-12 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: burrito_#6337 Application BotBOT11/13/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 4,963 What is your age? - 21 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp, farmer What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yes What is your weekly availability? - all the time bb gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-12 Name of Applicant: Trikz#2081 Application BotBOT11/13/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - hi Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - im gay State your hours played on Rust. - 7 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 43 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - being shit What is your country/state? - NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - just TGB but they were bots gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - ADroit What is your weekly availability? - 45mins saturday arvo Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Not on this account gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-13 Name of Applicant: Alkdad#6164 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 648 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer/ im decent at pvp gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - America Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no but i saw some videos from rizza and it looked pretty cool What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 i got school but from like 5:00 p.m-12:00 on week days (during school) over summer im pretty open then on weekends im avalible Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no i have never cheated Date of Application: 2018-11-13 Name of Applicant: jacob57_#1265 Application BotBOT11/13/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - -next State your hours played on Rust. - 730 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - California Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Yes, I've been in many different clans with my friends or just me simply creating a group with me and a few friends. I am recently not in a vanilla clan but I am in a modded clan called WuTang. Otherwise I have been in clans/ groups in rust and i have experience Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - In tgb? one of my friends named Mr irish lad or something like that said he was in the clan, otherwise I do not What is your weekly availability? - I am usually avaible afterschool for an hour or so. during weekends is where I do get a good amount of free time, that is if I do not have finals or a big test Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - I have never been VAC or EAC banned gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-13 Name of Applicant: StereotypicalAsian#2131 November 14, 2018 Application BotBOT11/14/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 3203 What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer, getting back into pvp alot, took a break from rust and lost my skill but ive been back about a month now learning this ak What is your country/state? - USA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I was in King, left bc the leader was an idiot . (rust medium 2 clan) and also in vK Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 no What is your weekly availability? - very late at night which is mid-day for AU . everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-13 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Commander#5146 Application BotBOT11/14/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1,294 hours played What is your age? - 14 but i'm very mature for my age What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Mostly pvp but i can also farm not very good at building What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Lithuania Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i didn't get any good experience in big clans like TGB i was in badly organized 5 man's but mostly played in trios or duos Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Since i gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - On Rust no but i have been banned on CS:GO multiple times now 1 was almost 1000 days ago the reason was cheating i was very dumb at the time and me and my friends just found some cheats and used them without even thinking about it the other times and actually not that old they were in May of 2018 i did it because it was like the Cheating era of CS:GO everyone was cheating for fun because VAC system was very out of hands and at the time there was nothing to do in CS:GO besides cheating Date of Application: 2018-11-13 Name of Applicant: Phoenix Connexion#9878 Application BotBOT11/14/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 2000 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP What is your country/state? - Lithuania Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes. vC, BULLY. Becouse they were toxic. gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - General What is your weekly availability? - All day all night Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No, never gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-13 Name of Applicant: iSraxy#0619 Application BotBOT11/14/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1801 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - I'm an experienced PvPer, I don't mind farming, I find it relaxing at times. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - United States/Indiana Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - .ttap Disbanded. VII never launched. wR Disbanded Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Anytime after 4:30pm EST Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - I was VAC banned 701 days ago from CS:GO on my alt account. Date of Application: 2018-11-14 Name of Applicant: Hidden#4996 November 15, 2018 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/15/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 1706 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/farmer/builder What is your country/state? - australia tasmania gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - only small groups of about 5, no big ones Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - everyday (holidays) gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-15 Name of Applicant: nastie#6103 November 16, 2018 Application BotBOT11/16/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 900 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 22 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - UK Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - every night for around 4-6 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-15 Name of Applicant: louis#3706 Application BotBOT11/16/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust. - 641 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Builder gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Estonia/harjumaa Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - atleast 5-9h a day weekends 24h if neaded Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-15 Name of Applicant: RsBy_EsT#9866 Application BotBOT11/16/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 1.7k gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 nearly 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - god pvper but also heaps good at every other component in the game What is your country/state? - Australia NSW gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - uprising, st, RENNS group , Ç ,oats group , and a few other vanilla untags and some randy clans (ION, DT, PM) so ye a shit tonne of experience in clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - nah not Rn knew curse and lurk but Ye they left What is your weekly availability? - everyday for a few hours , heaps on weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 nah Date of Application: 2018-11-15 Name of Applicant: WEZ#1452 Application BotBOT11/16/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1441 What is your age? - 14 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - California Us Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - DML, Self-explanatory they didn't do much besides farm n shit. Also a few other smaller clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Nope What is your weekly availability? - Any day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope Date of Application: 2018-11-16 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Lxfts#4228 November 18, 2018 Application BotBOT11/18/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 4,588 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - TGB - Due to not getting along with a previous officer of the clan. .UP^ - Disbanded FORT - Left due to playing with personal friends. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Ishy gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Every day after work. All weekends. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - VAC Banned for cheating on CS:GO Date of Application: 2018-11-17 Name of Applicant: CHRIS#0001 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/18/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no just the one i linked State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 20 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - builder What is your country/state? - usa/arizona gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - 7 days gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-17 Name of Applicant: gtabeast23197#5904 November 19, 2018 Application BotBOT11/19/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1,600 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - United states , California Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes 57 caln left becuase they were inactive gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - monday thru friday and weekends inclueded 3pm- 12Am Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-18 Name of Applicant: Links#7039 Application BotBOT11/19/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust. - 715 What is your age? - 21 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - aus/vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no just friends Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-18 Name of Applicant: Edward#6537 Application BotBOT11/19/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 1.6k gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP, farmer, a bit of building What is your country/state? - NZ gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Spade (Bad comms), TRUE clan(Disband), BKB (shit comms and 10 year olds) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Mr.andy talked to him abit just in game and on steam What is your weekly availability? - everyday for atleast 5-6 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Nope Date of Application: 2018-11-18 Name of Applicant: Grizzlyy#1495 November 21, 2018 Application BotBOT11/21/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 1060 What is your age? - 14 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - California Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes I was recently in 2 other clans one called RoyalRaids I left because they were all inactive, and most of the players were beginners. The other clan was called dz I am still a partial member of the dz we have 8 members and play on Ice Fuse 5x. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no, but I've watched a lot of TGB Generals videos What is your weekly availability? - almost every day of the week I can get on for and hour or two. A lot more time on the weekends though. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes I used to hack a lot in csgo getting me 2 vac bans. I've also made the big mistake of using AHK (autohotkey) to script in rust. I've never hacked again after I got banned on my old main account for rust. gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-20 Name of Applicant: Spencer#0581 Application BotBOT11/21/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1280 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/builder gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - QLD Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i have but to be honest with you cant remember the names... and would have been just because the clan stoped playing Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - ive seen all u guys around since 2014 What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 depends if i have work or not but atm its all day every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes and for csgo about 2 1/2 yrs ago Date of Application: 2018-11-20 Name of Applicant: Lynx#5496 Application BotBOT11/21/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Nope. State your hours played on Rust. - 1,040. gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 14, yes i'm young, and im sure youve been given all the excuses before but all i'm asking for is a chance. No, i'm not squeaky. No i'm not an annoying brat. What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - South Australia, Australia. Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 EOD/BKB, GT, .reV, RaIN, Infinity and other large untagged groups. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Talked to some of them previously in chat but not on a higher level. What is your weekly availability? - Everyday. Of course excluding school I am available almost all the time. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-21 Name of Applicant: Jaggo#0146 November 22, 2018 Application BotBOT11/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1300 What is your age? - 15 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/Pvp What is your country/state? - Australia, WA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - bi weekly because of my housing situation Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-21 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: smelly sneff#7170 Application BotBOT11/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1772 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer and pvp ( not amazingly good) What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, Played with nbd before they disbanded, and a few small clans with friends Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - A few people that have come and gone, not sure if they are still with you guys but ik contact, Lurk ( Bandage man ) and curse What is your weekly availability? - Averages never sure how much im going to play rust for the week gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Vac'd 4 accounts all for CSGO Wall Cheats Date of Application: 2018-11-22 Name of Applicant: [❖] Cydea [❖]#0001 November 23, 2018 Application BotBOT11/23/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1,076 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - 20 hours a week sometimes much more Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-23 Name of Applicant: didgi123#4376 November 24, 2018 Application BotBOT11/24/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 3,316 What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp and farming What is your country/state? - Australia Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - N44 Disbanded Uprising Disbanded Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Synless What is your weekly availability? - Everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-23 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Bow#4191 Application BotBOT11/24/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Https:// Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 974 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 U.S.A NE Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Not personally What is your weekly availability? - 80 hours per week gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-23 Name of Applicant: [TGB] m249boi#0739 Application BotBOT11/24/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 2000 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 27 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - united kingdom Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-23 Name of Applicant: '๖ۣۜζ͜͡𝔸𝕥𝕠𝕞.𝕚𝕔'#9739 November 25, 2018 Application BotBOT11/25/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 2127 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Farmer/pvp What is your country/state? - Nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Ying yang, it was too unorganized. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - At least 3-4 hours during the week and atleast 7 on friday and 10 on the weekend Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-24 Name of Applicant: DotBoogie#6093 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/25/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Yes I have State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 900-1000 What is your age? - 14 but im mature for my age. Im not a squeeker What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP/Builder but i do farm What is your country/state? - Puerto Rico gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I used to be in NOR but I didnt like the experience so i left. I also had my own clan called Karma but we split up due to inactivity Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Weekends due to school gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes I have. I was VAC banned on CSGO for family sharing with someone with a VAC ban a few months ago Date of Application: 2018-11-24 Name of Applicant: Sassie#6484 November 27, 2018 Application BotBOT11/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 500 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer pvp What is your country/state? - Denmark Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - 21 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-26 Name of Applicant: smallgangg#2946 Application BotBOT11/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust. - 1114 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia, South Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I've had experience in big groups 8-14 people, the reason im not playing with them anymore is because alot of our members quit to go play fallout and half of the remaining members joined other groups Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - i know a new member call skizzy, hes the reason i am sending in a application as i saw he was in the clan and asked why he was in it and he told me that you guys need members so i thought i would apply as i need a new group or clan to join gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - im free the whole week i normally pull all nighters as well gotta getr that wipe day grind Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no i have never been banned Date of Application: 2018-11-26 Name of Applicant: Bepso#7286 Application BotBOT11/27/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1760 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Australia NSW gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes FTP the clan leader turned on all of us so we fell apart EVA clan leader stopped playing and was just playing with a group but not the best communication Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not personally What is your weekly availability? - 10 hours a day most days Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 game ban on black ops 2 Date of Application: 2018-11-26 Name of Applicant: R y a n#3442 Application BotBOT11/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - never played but i am getting the game on christmas What is your age? - 14 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - builder What is your country/state? - georgia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 no What is your weekly availability? - ever day until 4:00 to 8:00 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-26 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Doot doot (TheMutantKid05)#2797 Application BotBOT11/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 917 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 auckland nz Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes PK, FALLEN they were trash Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - 10 hours a day gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-27 Name of Applicant: otta#2746 Application BotBOT11/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 466 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - Australia/Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, PK, sorta just fell apart gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - almost every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-27 Name of Applicant: King #9551 November 28, 2018 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 98 hours What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 PVP What is your country/state? - Sweden Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I haven't played in any formal clans just with friends Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 4pm - 10pm weekdays 10am - 11pm weekends and holidays Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-27 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: MΞMΣ#9213 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 2600 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Australia / QLD Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Plenty of experience, been playing since browser legacy. Used to help run .187 with godwyn and capone during late 2015-2016 and Leader of .meme (Both huge rustralasia main/fortnightly groups) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Ive known General for years, any original members that are still in I would know of What is your weekly availability? - Available for all day / all night the entire wipe gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - VAC banned on my old steam account for a KZ / bhop script in CS:GO (was on a community server with friends, didnt know u could get banned) Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: Infamy#1193 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 2,973 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer and builder What is your country/state? - tasmania Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - i have spoken to general a few times before What is your weekly availability? - i can play pretty much anyday of the week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes for counterstrike global and it was 313 days ago gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: brown_dog#9255 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 7.453 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp farmer builder gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - FEAR and left because it got extremely toxic and ive been other smaller clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ITS HOLIDAYS SO ANY DAY Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: UrAssLookinLikeAcupcake#2461 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1693 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp can and williing to farm What is your country/state? - maryland Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - just small groups with friends gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not really What is your weekly availability? - 3 to 4 days or more Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes and for cs cheating almost a year ago gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: angry boy#1855 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 3236 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp,farmer and builder gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia, gold coast Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - 哈 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yes What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: 哈bob#3402 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 505 hours gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 22 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP/farmer/ average builder What is your country/state? - Australia, nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Never been in a clan just a trio Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Only heard of some people from videos What is your weekly availability? - I work 7-4 mon-fri, play about 1-3 hours a day if I can fit it in. Play some sport on the weekends but I’m for 4-6 hours on the weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: keinan/noddy/Kyrstan69#6876 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. -’d/BaconBobbyB/ gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1600 What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Farmer What is your country/state? - Canada Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I do not gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - One hour during week days due to homework and 2 hours on the weekend. Note: my availability fluctuates according to my homework and different events. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: BaconBobbyB#8192 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 860 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - I am a great pvper and have almost perfect as recoil. I’ll farm as much as needed. I also have some great base designs that I will gladly share. Even though I only have 860 I am better than most 3k plus people. If you are willing to interview I can show that What is your country/state? - United States, New Jersey( I can play any server with a decent ping) gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes XiTE I’ll leave if I get recruited Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes What is your weekly availability? - I am available all night Friday and all day Saturday. I can play some Sunday but I usually have some hw Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 No never Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: XitE | .daniel®#4206 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1299 What is your age? - old What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 pvp/farm What is your country/state? - nz Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - often Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: Ben G#7410 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Nope State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 1204 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp,Farmer What is your country/state? - QLD Australia gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No i do not Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - everyday if im not at work gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - VAC on csgo 256 days ago Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: Atom#6252 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1048 What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Everything, i'm usually the main farmer/builder What is your country/state? - Australia, Vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I did play in a clan i co founded called Sk which lasted 4 weeks on rustralasia main. We disbanded with the start of the 2018 school year. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Every day, work is my current only activity. Will start university so hours will change in 2019 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - My old account was VAC banned in 2014 for a mod menu i used in Black ops 2 zombies. I do not own rust on that account: gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: AussieBandit#8169 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1586 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - .snK and i stopped playing for a while about 2 months ago so i stopped talking with them but i currently play with a pvp team on rustralasia main Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 anytime of the week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - CSGO 2 years ago because my account was stolen from a gambling site and hacked Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: Curtis351#9084 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Yes I have State your hours played on Rust. - 1900 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - Australia NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 I have played in a couple of US servers and in TO who play on upsurge with method and bronson/lamelo Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Im on holidays so everyday except for christmas and first half of january Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-28 Name of Applicant: JynXs.#2558 Application BotBOT11/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No other alt accounts that I have State your hours played on Rust. - 2.4k What is your age? - Rather would not state my age but I am happy to discretly talk to Genny about it What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Decent builder, always pull my weight in farm and have mixed pvp skill What is your country/state? - Aus, Vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - ITS (In the shadows) - clan disbanded but went on to rename and reform, a. (alpha, disbanded) - the prodigy of ITS with a more structured and sweat based play style, was leader of it for a few months and clan was mostly successful, Bishop (small clan which disbanded) - didnt last long but impacted Rustralasia for the wipes it was present, Played with westy untagged (left wipe prior to the tag up, left for a variety of reasons; main being mistreatment and having no respect within the clan, ultimately came down to member toxicity and the way the group was run) - built up the group from scratch and was very successful, Fort (Disbanded) - played with fort for a couple of wipes before the disband which was due to a fail raid on .com and members cracking the shits, Tempered (Disbanded) - played with Steely and Shadow's group for 5 wipes until the clan disbanded for Shadow's personal reasons, group was efficient, organised and structed in a way which provided me with excellent raiding skills and gave me a true sense of how a clan should work, Fort again (clan reformed and was one of the first members to rejoi n, currently in it but looking for a change) - fort is a fun group but the way the clan isnt run doesnt suit my playstyle and a small amount of members are extremely toxic making for an enviroment which isnt fun to play in. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Synless is a good mate of mine, recongise a few members regardless if they know me or not. What is your weekly availability? - 125h in the past 2 weeks with 2 months of free time inhead of me, can utilise this time to provide for the group and further the group during any given wipe Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Never cheated, never been EAC'd or VAC banned. Date of Application: 2018-11-28 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: SaltyM8#7570 NOTE: This applciation has been split into multiple messages due to Discord's message character limit. November 29, 2018 Application BotBOT11/29/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 No State your hours played on Rust. - 4500 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - All gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - QLD, Brisbane Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I have tons of experience with clans but i dont usually join them. I stick to my own little group ive had for years. But I would like to change it up Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Targeter and past experiences with some members. gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - This is quite my issue at the moment. I have priorities so i wouldnt be able to give a correct hour limit but I should be good to go. I use to play 140 hours a week but you have to grow up some day. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes VAC on CSGO. Date of Application: 2018-11-29 Name of Applicant: Fizzid#9421 Application BotBOT11/29/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1282 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp, farmer, and builder What is your country/state? - aus/nsw gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - bkb-disbanded Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - had a break last week but right now it is 50 fortnightly Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 no Date of Application: 2018-11-29 Name of Applicant: fried deer#4384 Application BotBOT11/29/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No, i'm a solo player and have 1 or 2 mates that play at random times State your hours played on Rust. - 556 hours What is your age? - 38 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - All rounder being a solo player What is your country/state? - South Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 yes (TGB) Cruelveins What is your weekly availability? - i work away on a 1 week on 1 week off roster that starts thursday to thursday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-29 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: kozza#4503 November 30, 2018 Application BotBOT11/30/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 3300 What is your age? - 25 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 24/7 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-11-30 Name of Applicant: Nick1#8189 Application BotBOT11/30/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1965 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Australia/NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 FEAR/8-1/.aV all of them fell apart Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Infamy What is your weekly availability? - every weekday is 5:00pm-10:00pm weekends anytime Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-30 Name of Applicant: Static#9016 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 No State your hours played on Rust. - 1,439 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp and farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Legion X.I.V I left because they don't take the game seriously enough Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 24/7 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-11-30 Name of Applicant: West Phil-Adelphia#4451 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 624 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp, farmer, and builder What is your country/state? - Australia NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Yes, LEGION X.I.V, got bored Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - every weekday for 3:30PM to 10:00pm, and some weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-11-30 Name of Applicant: Kyro (KYTHRUL'S Bully)#9783 December 1, 2018 Application BotBOT12/01/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - About 910 hours What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp farmer What is your country/state? - Michigan Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - It was a small clan named DGI I left them because a lot of them quite rust Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - I play about 10 hours a day and I can be available 24/7 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - I was vac ban on csgo for cheat even though I never had csgo cheats Date of Application: 2018-12-01 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: loganhockey25#9789 Application BotBOT12/01/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 800 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer and i can build semi good What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Australia/Queensland Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes, soda, rush n die clan and smaller groups Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - infamy What is your weekly availability? - on school holidays so every day gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-12-01 Name of Applicant: BrianツzzZ#3179 December 2, 2018 Application BotBOT12/02/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 15,000 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 30 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - painter What is your country/state? - tasmania gamer Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 clan Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - the anchor known as jamie What is your weekly availability? - centrelink so 24/7 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-02 Name of Applicant: tacularr#1337 Application BotBOT12/02/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1800 What is your age? - 22 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 PvP/Farm What is your country/state? - Australia/Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Just a few medium size Hapis/Lowpop groups in 2016/2017 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-02 Name of Applicant: Jack#4947 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 December 3, 2018 Application BotBOT12/03/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - django0183 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 506 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/ builder What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - All week gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-02 Name of Applicant: Django#7824 Application BotBOT12/03/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 3,513 hrs on record Currently In-Game Rust gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - Queensland, Austrlia gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yess i have and i have moved on to better things. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Genny What is your weekly availability? - all week unless working Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 never Date of Application: 2018-12-03 Name of Applicant: ! HAPPY#0175 December 4, 2018 Application BotBOT12/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1,750 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP/builder I don’t mind farming What is your country/state? - Denmark Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I played a bit with Hax and another small one called mxm but it didn’t work out because I always had soccer practice when ever it wiped and three other times a week so I never got into playing that serious but I’ve stopped now and I’m ready to get serious about rust. gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - I play basically everyday for around 5 hours in the week and on weekends I play around 10 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-03 Name of Applicant: Shark#1831 Application BotBOT12/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1,423 hours What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - United States of America Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-03 Name of Applicant: RuRuu#3655 Application BotBOT12/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1936 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer or Builder What is your country/state? - Sweden Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 I have played with my friends alot we was 7 players but i had very much in school for 1 month ago but now its chill and they dont play more right now Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Nah not really i dont know anyone lika a friend What is your weekly availability? - 40+ hours if i have much in school its around 40 but if i have it chill its more Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yeah i got VAC banned on csgo when my friend had my account to boost me but he had a hack on his computer so i got banned gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-03 Name of Applicant: strumpano#4676 Application BotBOT12/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 218 hours What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 PvP and Builder What is your country/state? - America, Michigan Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No but I have played in groups with a few friends Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - The weekends for sure and a little in weekdays a little bit because of school Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-04 Name of Applicant: GOA2005#6271 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/04/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 2560 hours played What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - mainly pvp but i due tend to go korean on the farm What is your country/state? - ontario, canada gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - (IRS) i owned the clan, we played on official facepunch servers, we broke up because we all started playing new servers Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no, like i said no one plays under the (IRS) clan tag anymore What is your weekly availability? - 3pm to 10:30pm eastern time gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - never had a EAC or VAC ban in my lifetime of rust/ steam Date of Application: 2018-12-04 Name of Applicant: UXknownX#1503 December 5, 2018 Application BotBOT12/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 496 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer and pvp What is your country/state? - United States, NY Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - (IRS) and i left the clan because The clan members started playing new games gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no everyone left that clan What is your weekly availability? - On week days 3:00pm to 11:00pm Eastern Time And weekends i usually can play as long as i want Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-04 Name of Applicant: LidsxBeast#6946 Application BotBOT12/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust. - 359 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer/builder gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - US/Maryland Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes but not big ones i left because the leader was to controlling Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - every day of the week from 2:30-11:30 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-12-04 Name of Applicant: 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒩𝓊𝑔𝑔𝑒𝓉#2471 Application BotBOT12/05/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - 2.3k gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp mainly but of course willing to farm What is your country/state? - AUS Nsw gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Fort, still in it, but not as keen on it anymore because they are moving to US and also losing players quickly. Maze, disbanded BKB, disbanded Obey, I was leader and it was to much stress Uprising, not enough pvp, more farming than anything else Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I get along with Tai, but don’t know anyone really gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - I don’t go to school so very often during the day, on at all wipe times no matter the server Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes on my alt, CSGO 2 years ago Date of Application: 2018-12-05 Name of Applicant: Coltyy#3556 Application BotBOT12/05/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - 76561198317865822 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 246 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - USA/Virginia gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, LEGX and its my clan but after a while many members switched to Ark SE Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - 20-30 hours a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 no Date of Application: 2018-12-05 Name of Applicant: Ceivez#2000 Application BotBOT12/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1,244 What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP/Farmer What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, a clan called AAA which after spending 2 years in i began to own. I left this clan due to the previous owner having a mental breakdown and ruining the clan Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - minimum 35-40 a week\ Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-05 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: ★$plice★#3557 Application BotBOT12/05/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1549 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer/builder What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - maze uprising my own group Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - synless What is your weekly availability? - almost every day from 1pm to 12pm gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - nO Date of Application: 2018-12-05 Name of Applicant: Nessy#6799 December 6, 2018 Application BotBOT12/06/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 776 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Prefer Pvp, but can farm when I need to What is your country/state? - Sweden Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No, not any known clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Atleast 4 hours a day from Monday to Friday, on the weekends I can play almost all the time. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-05 Name of Applicant: Eric Aspestrand#4892 December 8, 2018 Application BotBOT12/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - yes account got hacked State your hours played on Rust. - around 500 What is your age? - 17 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - canada/ontario Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 no What is your weekly availability? - everyday can play up to 12 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-12-08 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Waden#2686 Application BotBOT12/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 2456 What is your age? - 17 but im very mature What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvper/Farmer What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 NewZealand Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Fv 10fps uprising NL Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Synless What is your weekly availability? - Monday to sunday gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes for csgo 387 days ago Date of Application: 2018-12-08 Name of Applicant: Travis#3547 Application BotBOT12/08/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - N/A State your hours played on Rust. - 2,200 Hours What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Builder mainly though im good at pvp (ak mainly) and ill farm alot aswell. What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - FL, TGL, soda, grub, sus, alot of other small clans none really fit my playstyle as most were on upsurge, though i will still play upsurge if you guys are still playing that. gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - all days most hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - N/A gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-08 Name of Applicant: Chazz#1044 December 9, 2018 Application BotBOT12/09/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - nah State your hours played on Rust. - 4245 hours What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 pvp, can farm if i need to, and i somewhat know how to build What is your country/state? - melbourne Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - tgb, ewok, eac, .org, lgk, and more just cant remember and cause ewok eac and .org i didnt really love playing with them at that time and i lost interest in running a clan (lgk) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yes gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - wipe days and most days Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - csgo and for cheating Date of Application: 2018-12-08 Name of Applicant: Perzz#8557 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/09/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 1,296 hrs on record What is your age? - 23 years old What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer/Builder What is your country/state? - New Zealand, Waikato gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Work full time and have family. Most nights I can play. Will try and commit min 10 hours/week. gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-08 Name of Applicant: Yogi#6328 December 10, 2018 Application BotBOT12/10/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1150 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer but can pvp okay not the best tho What is your country/state? - nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - id say i have decent experience and the clans arnt really known mainly with my mates gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not personally What is your weekly availability? - 4-5 days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes and it was cheating on cs and about 70 days ago gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-10 Name of Applicant: Eshayy#6499 December 11, 2018 Application BotBOT12/11/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 850 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Pvp What is your country/state? - Netherlands Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - The plague doctos, Rising legions and many more which I lost the name of. Clans dead out Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 25 hours a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-10 Name of Applicant: Featruz#0941 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/11/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Yes i Have, State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Im not 2 sure, seeing i have alot of accounts, but probs like 3k What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - im a general pvper, but legit can do anything but build... What is your country/state? - Australia Adelaide gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes i do, Dont remeber the names, but like Toxic, And 2 others but i dont remember the names. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not really ...... just felt like playing in a group and seeing how it felt What is your weekly availability? - im on holidays for 1 - 2 monthsa gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes i have, on all of the other accounts i listed, except hyper and my new main account Kazzzzz, I got banned cause i hacked on all of them. Thought i was done with rust before moving to Melbourne due to family issues, but i came back cause it sucked where i lived. Also, i have talked to seifer about all my bans and shit, he has left me off. Feel free to ask him urself Date of Application: 2018-12-10 Name of Applicant: Kazzzzz#2791 Application BotBOT12/11/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 2,171 What is your age? - 17 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Australia Vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Somewhat, I have played in Fizzids TSU clan and played with Fizzids old TSU clan/group gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes What is your weekly availability? - weekends allday and weekdays is every night and maybe soemtimes during the day. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No I have not. gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-11 Name of Applicant: TSU | MiniAERO™#0323 December 13, 2018 Application BotBOT12/13/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 No State your hours played on Rust. - 1.039 What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia/ Queensland Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I have been in many clans do not remember most names, i left these clans because of inactivity and stupidity but most recent was Frostbite because we decided to disband the clan Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Tit Master gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - near to 7 times a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope Date of Application: 2018-12-13 Name of Applicant: ❆ Genji ❆#8338 December 14, 2018 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/14/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 2700 - 3000 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP and Farmer What is your country/state? - Australia, NSW gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I have been in many different clans/groups so yes I have experience and the reason I leave them so constantly is due to school or work. I usually play with different groups of friends and help build them up for a couple wipes and they have all found me as a trustworthy person. The most heard of group I have been apart of a long time ago was emd (Every Mothers Dream) and I remember TGB actually onlining us at one point haha.. I left because 1) They kinda stopped playing and 2) I stopped playing rust for half a year Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Nope not yet at least but I am happy to meet new people and create new friendships What is your weekly availability? - All day approximately (8:30am - 5:15pm) then (6:30pm - 8:00pm)....... THIS DOES NOT COUNT FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK AS I WILL BE ON A FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yes I have had a VAC ban on my old account (SaltyFrag) as my friend told me I should install free csgo cheats/hacks and I was banned within 5 minutes of use.. I did not like the look of the VAC so I created this account and have not been associating with cheats or hacks so I can have a nice clean profile... as you can also tell I have not used the other account in 600+ days Date of Application: 2018-12-13 Name of Applicant: AdoptedApe#0001 NOTE: This applciation has been split into multiple messages due to Discord's message character limit. Application BotBOT12/14/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Nope State your hours played on Rust. - 3825 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - All What is your country/state? - Land down under qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Bkb, fort, tbw, leader of bkb, leader in fort for a short time before going back off to make bkb, tbw first clan left due to disbanding Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Dont think so What is your weekly availability? - Whenever I have free time, active at night Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-14 Name of Applicant: Joker#0452 Application BotBOT12/14/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 93.8 hours What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Mostly building and farming, I'm good with a scoped weapons (Semi with scope, bolty, L98 etc) , but in close quarters generally cant win What is your country/state? - Australia, Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I do not have experience with large clans, I have experience in duos etc, I have worked with large groups before but not on the clan scale as said before. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Not that I am aware of gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Pretty open schedule really, Mondays (6-10 hours) Tuesday (Cant do it), Wednesday (4-5 Hours), Thursday (6-10 hours), Fridays (Depends on whats going on in my Personal life), Saturdays and Sundays you can bet I could and possibly would consider doing all nighters if needed. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - I have no EAC or VAC bans on record on any game or platform Date of Application: 2018-12-14 Name of Applicant: CajernSpice#9106 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 December 15, 2018 Application BotBOT12/15/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Nope gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1,165 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 United States, Connecticut Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes I was previously in a smaller 12 man clan names Np, I left because most of them were not good and I wanted to be around better pvpers Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Nope What is your weekly availability? - I can play from 3:00 to 9:00 Eastern Time on week days and on weekends 11:00 to maybe 1:00 or even 4:00 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No, hate cheaters Date of Application: 2018-12-14 Name of Applicant: Ritelly#6717 Application BotBOT12/15/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 886 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 13 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - australia/nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - 5 to 7 days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-14 Name of Applicant: skullboy#2602 Application BotBOT12/15/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust. - 197 What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - New Zealand Hamiltion Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 5/7 days Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-12-14 Name of Applicant: Nek-minnit-man#7231 Application BotBOT12/15/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 500 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - Melbourne gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes it was on rustafied we didnt have a name though lol Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Rayze What is your weekly availability? - All week except not through the mornings on mon,wed and friday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 No Date of Application: 2018-12-15 Name of Applicant: Nick#0820 December 16, 2018 Application BotBOT12/16/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 749 What is your age? - 23 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Builder What is your country/state? - Australia/WA Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - 30 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-15 Name of Applicant: Aquin#2687 December 17, 2018 Application BotBOT12/17/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 No State your hours played on Rust. - 3,600 What is your age? - about to be 16 in 1 week What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PVP and Farming injoy both gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - NA .D.C Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I have been in .k,Traps and a lot of friend groups I got kicked from .k for give codes away on the last day of wipe after we quit. Traps i don't remember Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Not sure what the line up is gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Everday of the week 5 hours on week days and as long as i want on the weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-17 Name of Applicant: Fatness EZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ LOOOOt#4491 December 18, 2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/18/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no ive never played on any other accounts State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ive played ca 2.3k and i have m What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp What is your country/state? - norway gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i was in a clan whit me and my friends we quit cus many of the guys went to diffrent groups Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no i dont What is your weekly availability? - every day gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no ive never been banned in any game Date of Application: 2018-12-17 Name of Applicant: Fussy#2245 Application BotBOT12/18/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 873 What is your age? - - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - queensland Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - INF-disbanded/The Village-disbanded/The Grub-disbanded gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yes-Tit Master What is your weekly availability? - from now until late jan/early feb available nearly every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-18 Name of Applicant: Maudsley#2950 December 19, 2018 Application BotBOT12/19/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust. - 1,314 hours What is your age? - 15 but don't reject my application just because of a number I can't control, get to know me before saying I'm too immature or something on those lines What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvper/farmer. don't ever give me a building plan ill just fuck up, it's like watching a monkey trying to become an architect gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No, apart from small clans made by friends that disbanded before the wipe even finished such as FBI Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - during a school week its normally 4 hours or more(4pm to 9pm) however during the weekends I play for most of the day, so 12ish hours but since its, the holidays ill be playing a lot, normally 12ish hours a day. normally on steam fortnight hours, I have around 120ish. I end up playing a lot more than I say I do Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-12-18 Name of Applicant: Weshy#7053 Application BotBOT12/19/2018 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No i have not State your hours played on Rust. - 503 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 14 , about to be 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Im fine with all three tbh What is your country/state? - Canada, Ontario gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - F1K and i quit them because we all disbanded and i also stop playing for a bit around that time Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - All week, weekedays about 4 - 6hours - weekends about 12 - 16 (when im home which is often) Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No Date of Application: 2018-12-19 Name of Applicant: NSnipi#4986 Application BotBOT12/19/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no this is the only account i have ever made. State your hours played on Rust. - 3,258 hrs on record What is your age? - 17 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - QLD Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes i have played in spade .com cW aV and LK Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 i know people but they wont know me, seen them online etc What is your weekly availability? - anytime i am a nerd and play alot Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - never Date of Application: 2018-12-19 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: BRÀNDO 儀#9666 Application BotBOT12/19/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - i have played on another account but i lost the mobile auth cause my mum broke her phone and i also lost the email due to my family disconnecting services with telstra gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - on the account i lost i had some thing around 1000 on this account i have about 312 so all up it would be 1.7k What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - i can both pvp and farm What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 aus nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i do the clans are eva ftba and mog Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - i dont What is your weekly availability? - all day everyday gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-12-19 Name of Applicant: jordibosnjak<3#1812 December 20, 2018 Application BotBOT12/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 534 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Yes I have previous experience in other clans. Ive played for B3TA, TMC, Fallen, TGL, nF. I have also played with some small groups, the majority of the time the clans i were in would fall apart, I was admin for the fallen and nF clan. The most reason clan i left was because of school at the time, had to get my grades up because i was falling behind. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Monday to Friday 12-12, Weekend all day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-19 Name of Applicant: Angelo#9514 Application BotBOT12/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - like 400 hours on ARK What is your age? - I'm 12 if you are, elsewise I'm 46 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 I really don't appreciate being forced into societal roles What is your country/state? - classified Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I was in BKB but got kicked due to lack of hands. I simply have no hands and can't use a computer Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I was hoping to make friends in this lovely community gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - I'm free sunday nights, find me on the corner Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - I'm banned from most schools and my ex wife's house Date of Application: 2018-12-20 Name of Applicant: Baldy#7470 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 2 Application BotBOT12/20/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 4,983 What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvper and farming gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia Vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - join one clan but they didnt play so i left Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Fizzid Brando What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 can play 4pmto10pm everyday and can play all day on sat&sun Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - none Date of Application: 2018-12-20 Name of Applicant: Vonminitorxi.#5638 1 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 [TGB] Synless12/20/2018 Woah [TGB] Freya12/20/2018 ^ December 21, 2018 Application BotBOT12/21/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - About 2300 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP mostly, willing to farm if needed. What is your country/state? - US, New York Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, I was in NOR as well as dot, I left dot due to toxicity and lack of activity. NOR I left due to poor pvpers, inactive leaders, and the fact that ever felt there were better then everyone else. The constant shut the fuck up im better then you ruins the game for me, especially when I know that I would more than likely beat them in a 1v1. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Negative What is your weekly availability? - 17+ hours a day on weekends, mon-fri about 5 hours at least Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - EAC, 190 days ago, got bored and downloaded a free hack, injected it, it did nothing, then I we t to bed and when I woke up I had gotten EAC banned. I've learned my lesson though, I lost 300 dollars worth of skins on the account. Date of Application: 2018-12-20 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: dylan#8821 [TGB] Freya12/21/2018 -help Application BotBOT12/21/2018 Help More detailed documentation can be found at: "-help" - Opens this menu. "-information" - Gives you information about the bot. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 "-invite" - Gives you the bots invite link. "-premium" - shows you information about an Application Bot Premium Subscription. Admin Only "-prefix " - Changes the bots prefix to the desired prefix. "-channel new" - Allows the bot to automatically create a new logs channel. "-channel here" - Sets the log channel to the current channel. "-blacklist" - Blacklists or un-blacklists current channel. "-setup" - Allows you to set the application questions. gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 "-accept/reject <@user> " - Accepts / Rejects mentioned user with a custom reason. "-accept/reject <@user> default" - Accepts / Rejects mentioned user with a default, built-in reason "-multiple" - Allows users to apply multiple times to the same application. "-close" - Allows you to close current applications. Permission Only "-clear - Clears the logs channel. Everyone "-apply" - Opens an application in a DM for an applicant to fill out. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 "-questions" - Shows a list of the set questions. More details on the comamnds above can be found on the website: If you have anymore questions or require any more support, please join the support server here: ** December 22, 2018 Application BotBOT12/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1.5k What is your age? - 13 nearly 14 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - close range pvp with ak long range with bolt and l96 not best at mid range but still on and really good at farming on the side What is your country/state? - South aus Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - well i joined a clan but they played a server that i had high ping on so i left Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 no one What is your weekly availability? - every day arfter school and soccer training so do not know what days my soccer is on yet tho Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - never in any game Date of Application: 2018-12-21 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: SP4LDING#7440 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no i have not State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 4400 What is your age? - 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farming and i can pvp What is your country/state? - south australia gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no i dont Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - brando from ctags but not to well What is your weekly availability? - most of the time apart from school and footy gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2018-12-21 Name of Applicant: lucas101#2027 Application BotBOT12/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1611 Hours What is your age? - 17 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - Australia/Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes I was in 69. They moved to monthly and I wanted to stay on weekly gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No. However I know lots of people who used to be in TGB What is your weekly availability? - 23/7 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-21 Name of Applicant: Flintydog#6005 Application BotBOT12/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 41 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - England, London Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - They didn’t have a name, left because got bored we were top and didn’t have anything to do Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 School: Monday to Friday 4 hours a day, at weekends 5 hours a day. Home: 10+ a day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-22 Name of Applicant: Mikey Mouse#1225 Application BotBOT12/22/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no i haven't State your hours played on Rust. - 1000 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 in 3months but i odnt sound it What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp What is your country/state? - Australia/NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 it wasn't offical clan but it was 10-15 people it was called STK/ Shoot,too,kill and i left because it got disbanded Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - i know TGB Freya What is your weekly availability? - i can play after school at 2:30pm week days and i can play nearly every weekend unless i have togo some where IRl Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no i Haven't gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-22 Name of Applicant: Keanoss#5772 December 23, 2018 [TGB] Freya12/23/2018 ^ never heard of him i know him, hes abit of a clown and doesnt take much seriously so don't think he would get along with others cause he prob wouldnt even listen to em December 24, 2018 Application BotBOT12/24/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1933 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - Lithuania gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Never been in a clan, mostly just played solo and with a group of 2-3 friends Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Able to play rust everyday for at least 5 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Been VAC banned as of now 1798 days ago, using aimbot and Wallhack in TF2 Date of Application: 2018-12-23 Name of Applicant: Justfrost#0395 December 25, 2018 [TGB] Freya12/25/2018 -multiple Application BotBOT12/25/2018 Users can now apply multiple times to the same application. gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 [TGB] Freya pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.12/25/2018 [TGB] Freya12/25/2018 @[TGB] Synless i made the bot so people can apply more than once.(edited) [TGB] Synless12/25/2018 Nice work December 27, 2018 Application BotBOT12/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - mo State your hours played on Rust. - 1,273 Hours What is your age? - 15 turning 16 in march gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp And Farmer: I like the ak and i dont have a problem farming when needed What is your country/state? - Australia/ N.s.w Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I have been in a few communities/clans before and evenn made my own clan with 10 people once But i left because of the lack of peoples contribution to th clan, lack of respect for the game and other people in it and Toxic players within my community/clan gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I have to say no on that one but a mate of mine Turtle Lover has been talking to a few members about joining your clan. What is your weekly availability? - Every day after school 4-10pm every afternoon and most of the weekend Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-26 Name of Applicant: Turtle.exe#7580 [TGB] Synless12/27/2018 Haven’t got to many apps Recently Well good ones at least [TGB] General12/27/2018 [TGB] Freya12/27/2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/27/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 650 What is your age? - 28 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - All of the above What is your country/state? - England, UK gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Daily gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-27 Name of Applicant: Coolsecretspy#9769 December 28, 2018 Application BotBOT12/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - ALT that i sold State your hours played on Rust. - 4.7k What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Chad What is your country/state? - wa Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - tgb because sailor moon is a beta cuck gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - my best friends jamie and adroit What is your weekly availability? - everyday after i finish working as a chad Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - vac on csgo gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-27 Name of Applicant: CHRIS#0001 Application BotBOT12/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No I have not State your hours played on Rust. - I have played 1,553 hours What is your age? - Right now I am 17 but I will be 18 on the 13th of February What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - My play style is First to do farming then go out and pvp and also most of the time pvping to farm too gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Connecticut, U.S.A Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, In TMM and CIG I left TMM because we all disbanded because most of people stoped playing, and I left CIG because most of my friends left that were in the clan and later on it also disbanded Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No but I do know a few people that used to be in the clan and I would like to get to know the current members and become friends gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Weekends I am free and everyday of the week but thursdays I can't get on because I have Tennis Practicw Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No I have not Date of Application: 2018-12-27 Name of Applicant: ivanovv3#5013 Application BotBOT12/28/2018 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 197 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp and farmer What is your country/state? - America Texas gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - everyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 no Date of Application: 2018-12-28 Name of Applicant: bloodseeker#3754 [TGB] Synless12/28/2018 SO MANY AMERICANS !! Application BotBOT12/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 5400 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp farmer What is your country/state? - qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 yes alot of clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yes What is your weekly availability? - all day (irl is getting busier tho) Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-28 Name of Applicant: ishy#1767 Application BotBOT12/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - you wish gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - you wish State your hours played on Rust. - you wish What is your age? - you wish What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 you wish What is your country/state? - you wish Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - you wish Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - you wish gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - you wish Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - you wish Date of Application: 2018-12-28 Name of Applicant: Baldy#7470 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/28/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 236 hours What is your age? - 19 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer and Builder, I can pvp in long range scenarios but at short range I suck What is your country/state? - Australia, Victoria gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No I do not have experience with clans Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Currently no What is your weekly availability? - Pretty open schedule really, Mondays (6-10 hours) Tuesday (Cant do it), Wednesday (4-5 Hours), Thursday (6-10 hours), Fridays (Depends on whats going on in my Personal life), Saturdays and Sundays you can bet I could and possibly would consider doing all nighters if needed. gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope never had one, hopefully never will Date of Application: 2018-12-28 Name of Applicant: CajernSpice#9106 December 29, 2018 Application BotBOT12/29/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 974 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 13 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - australia/nsw Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no just groups gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - 7days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-28 Name of Applicant: skullboy#2602 Application BotBOT12/29/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 whats that State your hours played on Rust. - 100,000 What is your age? - 39 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - clan leader gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Nha Trang, Vietnam Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i am the leader of nM Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Adroit is my younger sibling gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - all day every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - never heard of it Date of Application: 2018-12-29 Name of Applicant: CHRIS#0001 December 31, 2018 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT12/31/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 4.3k What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - little bit of everything What is your country/state? - Melbourne gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Sna,fear,siN,T$G,Diamond,.K,NE shit was bad Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - probs not What is your weekly availability? - yea can played when asked gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yea modding csgo skins Date of Application: 2018-12-30 Name of Applicant: BlacKMagiK#1402 Application BotBOT12/31/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1,314 hours What is your age? - 15 but don't reject my application just because of a number I can't control, get to know me before saying I'm too immature or something on those lines gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvper/farmer. don't ever give me a building plan ill just fuck up What is your country/state? - Western Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - If so, which clans and why did you leave them: No, apart from small clans made by friends that disbanded before the wipe even finished such as FBI gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not rlly What is your weekly availability? - during a school week its normally 4 hours or more however during the weekends I play for most of the day, so 12ish hours but since its, the holidays ill be playing a lot. normally on the steam fortnight hours, I have around 120ish. I end up playing a lot more than I say I do Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-31 Name of Applicant: Weshy#7053 Application BotBOT12/31/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 250 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp and will Farm for supplies when need be gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - US, Kansas Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I do but nothing major sized, mostly friend made clans on small servers Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 I do goto school currently and play sports, however I can be counted to play roughly 3-4 hours a day and grindy on weekends. Somedays during the week I will grind late late hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-31 Name of Applicant: SwaK#3476 Application BotBOT12/31/2018 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Nope State your hours played on Rust. - 1420 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp What is your country/state? - QLD Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Nope Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Nope What is your weekly availability? - Anytime apart from days i get work Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Yep csgo 289 days ago gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2018-12-31 Name of Applicant: Atom#6252 January 1, 2019 Application BotBOT01/01/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 796 What is your age? - 13 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp and farm What is your country/state? - England Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - DEEP, It got disbanded and KDS because the clan isn't active anymore. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - Right now because its the holiday everyday all day and when its school i am on 4:00 - 10.00 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2018-12-31 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: SODA#6435 January 3, 2019 Application BotBOT01/03/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 2,240 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - sorta Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - fizzid What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 whenever Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - negative Date of Application: 2019-01-03 Name of Applicant: | MiniAERO™#0323 Application BotBOT01/03/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 4.7k gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - all What is your country/state? - melbourne staya Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 yes ri b and other strong small groups Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - nope What is your weekly availability? - 5 to 6 times a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-03 Name of Applicant: Velocity#3336 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 nope State your hours played on Rust. - 1835 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp, builder gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia/ Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - yes gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 5 days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - nope Date of Application: 2019-01-03 Name of Applicant: SouthwardHawk2#0627 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 200 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer What is your country/state? - perth Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 no not really i just farm for people Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no not really but i like generals vids What is your weekly availability? - all the time Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - vac on cs long time ago gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-03 Name of Applicant: ♛Sleezy♡#0666 [TGB] General01/03/2019 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - (csgo account played rust 500ish hours on there) State your hours played on Rust. - 1.700 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp farming, a little bit of building What is your country/state? - NZ Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - TO (currently in it but not really enjoying it) Spade clan (left because of comms) gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - nope, have talked to some in game and on au clans tho What is your weekly availability? - everyday for at least 4 hours available on wipeday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - nope Steam Community :: someth1ngtv gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 The original Twitch January 4, 2019 Application BotBOT01/04/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 no State your hours played on Rust. - 2,248 hrs on record What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp or farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Adelaide, South Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes, emd, sIN, WOG. Reasoning: Disbanded or change of leaders Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - met in-game but not spoken to personally through interviews/discord gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - around 4-5 days currently as im on holidays, and atleast 5/6 hours a day. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Never Date of Application: 2019-01-03 Name of Applicant: BayonetAU#6213 Application BotBOT01/04/2019 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1000 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 13 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer boss What is your country/state? - au nsw boos mab gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no m8 boss man Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no bra What is your weekly availability? - 7days a week boi Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 na bra Date of Application: 2019-01-03 Name of Applicant: skullboy#2602 Application BotBOT01/04/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 358 What is your age? - 14 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - Australia, NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 no What is your weekly availability? - everyday between 3:10 to 10:00 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2019-01-04 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: AbTrax#6969 January 5, 2019 Application BotBOT01/05/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 2731 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp / farming when needed gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Melbourne, vic Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - A1, thegrub, IM, and they all disbanded. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Not really What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 40+ on school weeks, 60-100+ on holidays Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Nope, Date of Application: 2019-01-04 Name of Applicant: Examplizer#5708 January 7, 2019 Application BotBOT01/07/2019 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 905 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 20 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Builder(+Base Designer)/Farmer/Reasonable PVP What is your country/state? - NZ - Canterbury (have played on rustralasia servers for years with no ping issues) gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Member and primary base designer and builder for Nr. (previously Ewok). Clan Disbanded. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - All of fresh wipe days (Thursday night - Sunday) and reasonable through the rest of the wipe. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Never Date of Application: 2019-01-07 Name of Applicant: Zach#5174 January 9, 2019 Application BotBOT01/09/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 134 hrs What is your age? - 24 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farmer What is your country/state? - qld australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - few days a week, fluctuate as I am a shift worker Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-08 Name of Applicant: Salokin#3212 January 10, 2019 [TGB] Synless01/10/2019 -mulitple -questions Application BotBOT01/10/2019 Here are your set questions (You can change these in '-setup'): 1: Please link your steam profile. 2: Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 3: State your hours played on Rust. 4: What is your age? 5: What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) 6: What is your country/state? 7: Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. 8: Do you know anyone currently in the clan? 9: What is your weekly availability? 10: Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? Application BotBOT01/10/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1841 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Mainly farmer however im average at PVP and Building What is your country/state? - QLD, Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Yes ( I havent left it, but im willing to if i make it into your clan ) Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - ALL week for the next two weeks. after that is school (weekends only) but in holidays i can play all day every day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-09 Name of Applicant: Masto#3225 Application BotBOT01/10/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. -' State your hours played on Rust. - Over all accounts nearing 1500 What is your age? - 14 turning 15 - relatively mature What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 I like somewhat aggressive pvp that uses game knowledge to outplay the opponent instead of just "rushing". I am a good player if you need a grinder, as I can spend many hours farming and pvping. I am a very experienced builder, having spent a good sum of my hours on build servers learning new metas and making the best bases possible for the circumstance. What is your country/state? - I live in Canada, but I get good ping to Eu and Oceana servers (around 70-100) Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I played in FI and Ink in the past, an FI leader who was the only tolerable one left so I stopped playing aswell. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I saw a video of the clan and was interested, but I only know of members gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - I am often on, school in the week, but still play a few hours everynight, and play more than 8 usually on weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - I was banned of CS for using a VAC banned phone number for Prime - was my friends number before I got my phone Date of Application: 2019-01-09 Name of Applicant: Miksmo#4786 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Application BotBOT01/10/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 2,552 What is your age? - 15 turning 16 in feb What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP, Farming What is your country/state? - Australia, NSW gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - FBO, KIX, FBO - because one of the members hated me so they kicked me and KIX i disbanded the clan because I was owner Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Fizzid What is your weekly availability? - Everyday - most likely 10+ hours a day gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2019-01-10 Name of Applicant: Cotties#6781 January 11, 2019 Application BotBOT01/11/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1,558 hrs on record What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Mainly pvp but happy to farm What is your country/state? - Queensland Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Ct and .com gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Bayonet/ use to be in his old clan What is your weekly availability? - Work is random as many days as i can Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Got a ban for black ops 2 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-10 Name of Applicant: skitz#9994 January 13, 2019 Application BotBOT01/13/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 4000+ What is your age? - i will be 16 in june What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 pvp/builder What is your country/state? - AUS/QLD Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - BKB/SNA/emd/zr/69 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - i know tit master gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 7 days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - i am clean Date of Application: 2019-01-13 Name of Applicant: Royal#6796 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 January 14, 2019 Application BotBOT01/14/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no\ gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 4.2k What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/farm What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 US Texas Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - WC inactive Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - not personaly but ive playd with adroit a couple times What is your weekly availability? - everyday, i will let u know if not availible\ gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2019-01-13 Name of Applicant: Ir1sh™#1658 January 15, 2019 Application BotBOT01/15/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - State your hours played on Rust. - no gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - qld Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - BayonetAU What is your weekly availability? - i have school then i come home at 3pm aest and play till about 12am on weekends i play for 21hrs and i am a big farm bot Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Vac on csgo like 5 mounths ago and got eac on old acc for no reason gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-14 Name of Applicant: John-117#2963 January 17, 2019 Application BotBOT01/17/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 550 What is your age? - 15 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP What is your country/state? - New Zealand Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes I have been in many clans on pvp servers but I haven’t been in a clan on any other server Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Well sorta What is your weekly availability? - I play all the time. Because it the holidays I’m doing 200hrs+ every 2 weeks on rust Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2019-01-16 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Pxnther#9680 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 550 What is your age? - 15 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvP What is your country/state? - New Zealand gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes I have been in many clans on pvp servers but I haven’t been in a clan on any other server Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Well sorta What is your weekly availability? - I play all the time. Because it the holidays I’m doing 200hrs+ every 2 weeks on rust gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2019-01-16 Name of Applicant: Pxnther#9680 Application BotBOT01/17/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1002 What is your age? - 18 gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp + Farmer What is your country/state? - Australia Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes. ᵗᴬ - Disbanded gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ᵉᵏ - Went Cold Previous AU Long Zerg - Leader's last wipe (Servers Kings!) Currently waiting for next wipe with them if application is denied. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes, [TGB] Fizzid What is your weekly availability? - On Holidays, Every day from whenever I wake up (6-7am) to 11pm if I do not have work. gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Work is usually 5-8:30pm. On rust for almost 10-11 hours a day during holiday. During education, in the early morning and afternoon. Whenever I get the chance to no life rust basically Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Never, not even previous accounts Date of Application: 2019-01-17 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Sycron#9718 January 21, 2019 Application BotBOT01/21/2019 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 1402 Hours. What is your age? - 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - As a mainly solo player, I have great previous experience in the farming scene but have converted for to PvP whilst having experience in building. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Australia, South Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - co-lead a clan back in December 2017 (GSG). Left due to lack of cooperation from clan mates and disbandment's. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - I do not. What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Currently very available. Australia long weekend is booked and I will be enduring a casual job within the next unless otherwise told. Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No. Date of Application: 2019-01-21 Name of Applicant: Alrekr#2449 January 25, 2019 Application BotBOTLast Friday at 10:22 AM gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Andersens6 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 126 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer What is your country/state? - America gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Yes What is your weekly availability? - 3 hours a day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 No Date of Application: 2019-01-24 Name of Applicant: redpandalover#4851 Application BotBOTLast Friday at 11:45 AM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - view-source: gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 1131 hours What is your age? - 19 gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp and farmer What is your country/state? - sweden Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - i have not, i have always been solo Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 no What is your weekly availability? - 5 days a week Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2019-01-24 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: FREDRIK#3307 Application BotBOTLast Friday at 12:04 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 627 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp/ farmer What is your country/state? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Norway/ Hammerfest Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - after school and in the weekend gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2019-01-24 Name of Applicant: Hansen rede#9012 Application BotBOTLast Friday at 1:02 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - can i joinb tgb Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no i have not State your hours played on Rust. - 2500 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 14 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - agresive What is your country/state? - australia tamworth Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - no gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - tgb genral What is your weekly availability? - evereyday Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no i have not gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-25 Name of Applicant: blake#5924 Application BotBOTLast Friday at 2:40 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 No State your hours played on Rust. - 762 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Victoria Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Spade, disbanded Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Surge gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - Depends on work Sunday mornings I can’t because I got CFA Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2019-01-25 Name of Applicant: Mr.Tasty#9307 Application BotBOTLast Friday at 10:49 PM gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - Yes, however account was hijacked and I was forced to delete it, had roughly 1100 hours. State your hours played on Rust. - 520 on current + 1100 so 1600 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Mixture of farming and pvp, whatever the group needs. What is your country/state? - New Zealand, East Coast. gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - TLL and SPECED which were both randy Official groups. Left as they fell apart due to lack of leadership and internal personality problems. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - Can play 1PM AU through to 10PM AU weekdays depending on work and play majority of weekends (again depending on work) Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 I was manually banned my an admin on rusty servers a while back due to "Global stats to hours discrepancy" which basically meant i was doing too well for my hours. I have since been unbanned. Date of Application: 2019-01-25 Name of Applicant: -juke#0704 January 26, 2019 Application BotBOTLast Saturday at 10:20 AM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 808 What is your age? - 15 gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer, builder and pvp What is your country/state? - Sweden Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes my clan was but down of the leader gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - All day Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-25 Name of Applicant: Hs#3424 Application BotBOTLast Saturday at 10:14 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - I have no other accounts. gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 987 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - farmer/builder gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Queensland Australia Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - I played in AuP for about 9 months. I left because there were to many young children joining the clan and making coms earrape. Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - Freya What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 after school hours and most weekends Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - no Date of Application: 2019-01-26 Name of Applicant: Braydeboss#3474 Application BotBOTLast Saturday at 11:06 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - No State your hours played on Rust. - 1.543 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - All of the above i mainly like to grind farm in the mroing then pvp/raid at night unless i am needed to farm What is your country/state? - NSW Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 KYP, Heartless, AuP Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - No What is your weekly availability? - All day but saturdays through summer and during school days but i can play after Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - None, i have no intentions gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-26 Name of Applicant: Murphy77#3799 January 29, 2019 Application BotBOTYesterday at 1:23 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 495 What is your age? - 16 gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - pvp farmer What is your country/state? - New zealand Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - No Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 No What is your weekly availability? - 7 days Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - No Date of Application: 2019-01-29 gambling bot #9551 PasteShr gambling bot #9551 Name of Applicant: Lazy#6312 January 30, 2019 Application BotBOTToday at 3:33 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - yes gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 State your hours played on Rust. - 5364 What is your age? - 17 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - PvPer and farmer gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Vic AUs Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes Fort, St, Heartless, CE and like 2 more but cant remember Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 most of the week im available Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - yes Vacced for csgo coz i hacked on it considering it is now a free game it is no longer fun coz everyone hacks Date of Application: 2019-01-30 Name of Applicant: Gampy#4688 ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 Please link your steam profile. - Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - no State your hours played on Rust. - 2166 What is your age? - gambling bot #9551 How to dowload it? gambling bot #9551 18 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Pvp/Farmer What is your country/state? - new zealand Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - yes, alot of random clans in the au. I left because toxicity. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - no What is your weekly availability? - 50 hours Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - Vac ban on csgo, 521 days ago gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Date of Application: 2019-01-30 Name of Applicant: AllenHD#6963 Application BotBOTToday at 5:58 PM ----------NEW-TGB Rust clan application---------- Please link your steam profile. - (Most recent account) Do you, or have you ever played on any other accounts for Rust? If Yes, please provide the steam profile URL's. - gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 Yes, and and State your hours played on Rust. - 2,300 ish What is your age? - 16 What is your play style? (Pvp/Farmer/Builder) - Farmer and Pvp. Just be whatever anyone needs me to be gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 What is your country/state? - Singapore, singapore Do you have previous experience in clans? If so, which clans and why did you leave them. - Yes, exc clan on rustafied au long, FBO on Fp2, SPECED and some minor aussie clans. Left them because the leaders were shit, no team organisation and the teammates were toxic Do you know anyone currently in the clan? - only by videos, dont know anyone personally gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 What is your weekly availability? - 8 hours after school, normally come back at around 3 or 5 pm singapore time and play until 12-1am Have you ever been EAC or VAC banned in the past? If so, what was it for, and when? - VACCED. Twice i bought an account which had a vac but contained rust so it was dirt cheap. THe other time i got vacced was for csgo cheats Date of Application: 2019-01-30 Name of Applicant: Leonidas☼#2280 NEW MESSAGES gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 [TGB] SynlessToday at 6:34 PM -help Application BotBOTToday at 6:34 PM Help More detailed documentation can be found at: "-help" - Opens this menu. "-information" - Gives you information about the bot. "-invite" - Gives you the bots invite link. gambling bot #9551 How to get it for free? gambling bot #9551 "-premium" - shows you information about an Application Bot Premium Subscription. Admin Only "-prefix " - Changes the bots prefix to the desired prefix. "-channel new" - Allows the bot to automatically create a new logs channel. "-channel here" - Sets the log channel to the current channel. "-blacklist" - Blacklists or un-blacklists current channel. "-setup" - Allows you to set the application questions. "-accept/reject <@user> " - Accepts / Rejects mentioned user with a custom reason. gambling bot #9551 How to get it? gambling bot #9551 "-accept/reject <@user> default" - Accepts / Rejects mentioned user with a default, built-in reason "-multiple" - Allows users to apply multiple times to the same application. "-close" - Allows you to close current applications. Permission Only "-clear - Clears the logs channel. Everyone "-apply" - Opens an application in a DM for an applicant to fill out. "-questions" - Shows a list of the set questions. gambling bot #9551 How to use it? gambling bot #9551 More details on the comamnds above can be found on the website: If you have anymore questions or require any more support, please join the support server here: gambling bot #9551