funky friday script pastebin -- updated 5/12/21 -- should choke less -- updated 5/16/21 -- should ignore invisible notes -- added hit chances and a toggle -- hit chances are a bit rough but should work good enough -- only tested on Synapse X -- moved ui to github & removed the kick funky friday script pastebin PasteShr funky friday script pastebin -- for "free exploit" developers -- you need the following functions -- loadstring, HttpGet, getgc, getloadedmodules, getconnections, and set_thread_identity or whatever you call it local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local framework, scrollHandler while true do for _, obj in next, getgc(true) do if type(obj) == 'table' and rawget(obj, 'GameUI') then funky friday script pastebin How to dowload it? funky friday script pastebin framework = obj; break end end for _, module in next, getloadedmodules() do if module.Name == 'ScrollHandler' then scrollHandler = module; break; end funky friday script pastebin How to use it? funky friday script pastebin end if (type(framework) == 'table') and (typeof(scrollHandler) == 'Instance') then break end wait(1) end local runService = game:GetService('RunService') funky friday script pastebin How to use it? funky friday script pastebin local userInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService') local client = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer; local random = local fastWait, fastSpawn, fireSignal, rollChance do -- -- bla bla spawn and wait are bad -- can also use bindables for the fastspawn idc function fastWait(t) funky friday script pastebin How to dowload it? funky friday script pastebin local d = 0; while d < t do d += runService.RenderStepped:wait() end end function fastSpawn(f) coroutine.wrap(f)() end funky friday script pastebin How to use it? funky friday script pastebin -- updated for script-ware or whatever -- attempted to update for krnl local set_identity = (type(syn) == 'table' and syn.set_thread_identity) or setidentity or setthreadcontext function fireSignal(target, signal, ...) -- getconnections with InputBegan / InputEnded does not work without setting Synapse to the game's context level set_identity(2) for _, signal in next, getconnections(signal) do if type(signal.Function) == 'function' and islclosure(signal.Function) then local scr = rawget(getfenv(signal.Function), 'script') if scr == target then funky friday script pastebin How to use it? funky friday script pastebin pcall(signal.Function, ...) end end end set_identity(7) end -- uses a weighted random system -- its a bit scuffed rn but it works good enough funky friday script pastebin PasteShr funky friday script pastebin function rollChance() local chances = { { type = 'Sick', value = library.flags.sickChance }, { type = 'Good', value = library.flags.goodChance }, { type = 'Ok', value = library.flags.okChance }, { type = 'Bad', value = library.flags.badChance }, } table.sort(chances, function(a, b) return a.value > b.value funky friday script pastebin How to use it? funky friday script pastebin end) local sum = 0; for i = 1, #chances do sum += chances[i].value end if sum == 0 then -- forgot to change this before? -- fixed 6/5/21 funky friday script pastebin How to get it for free? funky friday script pastebin return chances[random:NextInteger(1, 4)].type end local initialWeight = random:NextInteger(0, sum) local weight = 0; for i = 1, #chances do weight = weight + chances[i].value if weight > initialWeight then funky friday script pastebin How to use it? funky friday script pastebin return chances[i].type end end return 'Sick' -- just incase it fails? end end local map = { [0] = 'Left', [1] = 'Down', [2] = 'Up', [3] = 'Right', } local keys = { Up = Enum.KeyCode.Up; Down = Enum.KeyCode.Down; Left = Enum.KeyCode.Left; Right = Enum.KeyCode.Right; } funky friday script pastebin How to dowload it? funky friday script pastebin -- they are "weird" because they are in the middle of their Upper & Lower ranges -- should hopefully make them more precise! local chanceValues = { Sick = 96, Good = 92, Ok = 87, Bad = 77, } funky friday script pastebin How to get it? funky friday script pastebin local marked = {} local hitChances = {} if shared._id then pcall(runService.UnbindFromRenderStep, runService, shared._id) end shared._id = game:GetService('HttpService'):GenerateGUID(false) runService:BindToRenderStep(shared._id, 1, function() if (not library.flags.autoPlayer) then return end funky friday script pastebin PasteShr funky friday script pastebin for i, arrow in next, framework.UI.ActiveSections do if (arrow.Side == framework.UI.CurrentSide) and (not marked[arrow]) then local indice = (arrow.Data.Position % 4) -- mod 4 because 5%4 -> 0, 6%4 = 1, etc local position = map[indice] if (position) then local currentTime = framework.SongPlayer.CurrentlyPlaying.TimePosition local distance = (1 - math.abs(arrow.Data.Time - currentTime)) * 100 funky friday script pastebin How to get it? funky friday script pastebin if (arrow.Data.Time == 0) then -- print('invisible', tableToString(arrow.Data), i, distance) continue end local hitChance = hitChances[arrow] or rollChance() hitChances[arrow] = hitChance -- if (not chanceValues[hitChance]) then warn('invalid chance', hitChance) end if distance >= chanceValues[hitChance] then funky friday script pastebin How to get it? funky friday script pastebin marked[arrow] = true; fireSignal(scrollHandler, userInputService.InputBegan, { KeyCode = keys[position], UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard }, false) -- wait depending on the arrows length so the animation can play if arrow.Data.Length > 0 then fastWait(arrow.Data.Length) else fastWait(0.075) -- 0.1 seems to make it miss more, this should be fine enough? end funky friday script pastebin PasteShr funky friday script pastebin fireSignal(scrollHandler, userInputService.InputEnded, { KeyCode = keys[position], UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard }, false) marked[arrow] = false; end end end end end) local window = library:CreateWindow('Funky Friday') do local folder = window:AddFolder('Main') do funky friday script pastebin How to use it? funky friday script pastebin folder:AddToggle({ text = 'Autoplayer', flag = 'autoPlayer' }) folder:AddSlider({ text = 'Sick %', flag = 'sickChance', min = 0, max = 100, value = 100 }) folder:AddSlider({ text = 'Good %', flag = 'goodChance', min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 }) folder:AddSlider({ text = 'Ok %', flag = 'okChance', min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 }) folder:AddSlider({ text = 'Bad %', flag = 'badChance', min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 }) end local folder = window:AddFolder('Credits') do folder:AddLabel({ text = 'Credits' }) funky friday script pastebin PasteShr funky friday script pastebin folder:AddLabel({ text = 'Jan - UI library' }) folder:AddLabel({ text = 'wally - Script' }) end end library:Init() funky friday script pastebin