friday night bloxxin script if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local InputManager = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") local InputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local Client = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = Client:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") friday night bloxxin script How to use it? friday night bloxxin script local InputFolder = Client:WaitForChild("Input") local Keybinds = InputFolder:WaitForChild("Keybinds") local Marked = {} local KeysTable = { ["4"] = {"Up", "Down", "Left", "Right"}, ["6"] = {S = "L3", D = "L2", F = "L1", J = "R1", K = "R2", L = "R3"}, ["7"] = {S = "L3", D = "L2", F = "L1", Space = "Space", J = "R1", K = "R2", L = "R3"}, friday night bloxxin script How to dowload it? friday night bloxxin script ["9"] = {A = "L4", S = "L3", D = "L2", F = "L1", Space = "Space", H = "R1", J = "R2", K = "R3", L = "R4"} } RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() if not Library.flags.AutoPlayer then return end if not Menu or not Menu.Parent then return end if Menu.Config.TimePast.Value <= 0 then return end local SideMenu = Menu.Game:FindFirstChild(Menu.PlayerSide.Value) local IncomingArrows = SideMenu.Arrows.IncomingNotes friday night bloxxin script How to get it for free? friday night bloxxin script local Keys = KeysTable[tostring(#IncomingArrows:GetChildren())] or IncomingArrows:GetChildren() for Key, Direction in pairs(Keys) do Direction = tostring(Direction) local ArrowsHolder = IncomingArrows:FindFirstChild(Direction) or IncomingArrows:FindFirstChild(Key) if not ArrowsHolder then continue end for _, Object in ipairs(ArrowsHolder:GetChildren()) do friday night bloxxin script How to get it for free? friday night bloxxin script if table.find(Marked, Object) then continue end local Keybind = Keybinds:FindFirstChild(Direction) and Keybinds[Direction].Value local Start = SideMenu.Arrows:FindFirstChild(Direction) and SideMenu.Arrows[Direction].AbsolutePosition.Y or SideMenu.Arrows[Key].AbsolutePosition.Y local Current = Object.AbsolutePosition.Y local Difference = not InputFolder.Downscroll.Value and (Current - Start) or (Start - Current) local IsHell = Object:FindFirstChild("HellNote") and Object:FindFirstChild("HellNote").Value if Difference <= 0.35 and not IsHell then friday night bloxxin script How to get it for free? friday night bloxxin script Marked[#Marked + 1] = Object InputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, Enum.KeyCode[Keybind], false, nil) repeat task.wait() until not Object or not Object:FindFirstChild("Frame") or Object.Frame.Bar.Size.Y.Scale <= 0 InputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, Enum.KeyCode[Keybind], false, nil) end end end end) friday night bloxxin script How to get it? friday night bloxxin script PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Object) if Object:IsA("ScreenGui") and Object:FindFirstChild("Game") then table.clear(Marked) getgenv().Menu = Object end end) for _, ScreenGui in ipairs(PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do if not ScreenGui:FindFirstChild("Game") then continue end getgenv().Menu = ScreenGui friday night bloxxin script PasteShr friday night bloxxin script end do local Window = Library:CreateWindow("Friday Night Bloxxin'") do local Folder = Window:AddFolder("Autoplayer") do local Toggle = Folder:AddToggle({text = "AutoPlayer", flag = "AutoPlayer" }) end Folder:AddLabel({text = "Bug fixes!"}) Folder:AddLabel({text = "Multi-key support!"}) friday night bloxxin script How to dowload it? friday night bloxxin script Window:AddBind({text = "Menu toggle", key = Enum.KeyCode.Delete, callback = function() Library:Close() end }) Window:AddButton({text = "Instant Solo", callback = function() pcall(function() PlayerGui.SingleplayerUI.ButtonPressed:FireServer() end) end}) end Library:Init() end friday night bloxxin script How to get it? friday night bloxxin script local Old; Old = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", newcclosure(function(self, ...) local Args = {...} local Property = Args[1] if not Client.Character then return end local Humanoid = Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not Humanoid then return end if self == Humanoid and Property == "Health" and not checkcaller() then return end friday night bloxxin script How to dowload it? friday night bloxxin script return Old(self, ...) end)) warn("Loaded script!") friday night bloxxin script