forced unbirth >"Come out, come out, wherever you are~" >You're currently playing "hide and seek" with your manticore gf, with a twist >Using the medallion she got from her witch friend, she has shrunken you down to about two inches tall >You're hiding behind a shelf, trying to keep as quiet as possible so that her sensitive ears don't detect you >When she starts to walk away from you, you feel like you've managed to avoid discovery >That is until she quickly spins around and her tail launches behind the shelf, quickly forcing you into the corner >"Got you~" >Oh fuck >The past "hide and seek" sessions usually ended with her bullying you with her paws, or sticking you between her tits, or at worst popping you into her mouth to suck on you for a bit >When you see that moist "flower" open up and press against your body, you know that she has much lewder plans for you this time >Her tailpussy's well-developed muscles easily drag you into its wet, quivering insides and close up around you, completely sealing you within forced unbirth How to get it for free? forced unbirth >She takes a few moments to admonish you for being "easy prey" as her pussy "chews" on you, then, it gulps you down >You're forced through the first cervix, into the muscular tube inside of her tail >Even at your small size, it's a tight squeeze as the contractions pull you ever deeper >She curls up on the bed, tracing her fingertips over the almost imperceptibly small bump snaking it's way through her tail >"You know you belong inside of me~" >After the long journey, you reach the point where her tail connects to her lower back, and you're forced through another cervix >The tunnel on the other side is almost impossibly narrow >It's so tight that at more than one point you were afraid that you were going to get stuck and she was going to have to go to her witch friend to get you teleported out >Finally, though, you're forced through the final cervix and into a more roomy organ inside of her >There's another cervix below you, on the "floor", and two much smaller openings to each side forced unbirth How to use it? forced unbirth >It clicks as you realize where you are >"How do you like it in your new home? Are you comfy in there? I- ah, hey! That hurt!" >You sharply kick the wall to get her attention >This is her uterus! >Like, the same one connected to her vagina! >She told you that her tailpussy was connected to a special stomach designed to digest semen! >That's how she was able to convince you to let her use her tail on you without a condom! >She's flustered after getting found out this way, and you can feel her body heating up >"I-I wasn't lying exactly! My uterus DOES digest semen that I don't use for impregnation!" >You can't risk pregnancy! forced unbirth How to dowload it? forced unbirth >You can't afford to start a family yet! >"I keep track of my ovulation cycle! I'm being careful!" >After another minute or so of lecturing, she just closes the mental connection between you, leaving herself in blissful silence and you with nothing but her heartbeat and the sounds of her organs working around you >She winces at the jolt of another kick, but does her best to ignore it as she pulls her panties up >There's a sense of satisfaction as the fabric pulls tight over the entrance to her vagina >That may not have been the pathway you took in, but it's your only reasonable escape route >Kick >Kick >She rolls her eyes as she puts on her tightest pair of skinny jeans >You may be able to wriggle your way out of the thin fabric of a pair of panties, but there's no way you're getting out of there forced unbirth PasteShr forced unbirth >Kick >You'll get tired eventually >She was planning to enjoy this for the rest of the day, and that's what she's going to do, damnit forced unbirth