fnaf fleshlight >Tonight was bad. Real fuckin' bad. >It had started off fine, better than most nights actually. None of the usual bots had activated. >You made it to 2am without a single sighting of any of the Toy trio, Balloon Boy or the old bots. >Just had to wind the music box, and keep an ear out for any noises. Easy. >Until 3am that is. >*CLUNK CLunk clunk* >The telltale sound of something metal clattering around in the right vent echoed through the cramped office. >Sighing, you flick through the cameras, looking for the culprit. >Music box still wound, Toy bots still on stage, old bots still... old. >Balloon Boy still being creepy in the play area. >*ZZzzzt* fnaf fleshlight How to get it for free? fnaf fleshlight >You hurriedly lower the monitor and train your flashlight on the vent, not wanting to chance the light switch. >The white face of the Mangle stares back at you, eye twitching slightly as it slowly opens and closes its jaw. >Calmly keeping your eyes locked on the spaghetti-bot, you try to think ahead. >Think, Jeremy, think! How do you get rid of the Mangle? >You don't, that's the answer. That was the one thing you had learned. >If the Mangle enters the office, you just have to keep staring and hope it hits 6am before something else jumps you. >And... it's only just hit 4am. Shit. >The Mangle was still staring, second head now joining the first in staring deep into your soul. >Then the flashlight turns off. >You panic, pulling open the drawer and ripping the battery compartment open. fnaf fleshlight How to get it? fnaf fleshlight >Change the batteries at the speed of 50 sanics. >But the Mangle is already gone when you aim it back at the vent. >Panic creeps up your spine, and you listen carefully. >*Clang...Tzzt...Clang..." >You can hear Mangle, but you can't see Mangle. >The sounds are echoing around the roomy office, making it almost impossible to get a fix on their direction. >Maybe... >"*TzztT* J-Jeremy-ZZt*" >Too late. You try to leap forward out of the chair, but metal tentacles wrap themselves tightly around you. >You are bound to the chair. fnaf fleshlight How to get it for free? fnaf fleshlight >The Mangle's face appears from behind the chair, a metallic grin fixated on her face. >"_-TZt- B-bad J-J-Jeremy!*Zzt* Trying to EZZcape?" >"Ezzcape! Ezzcape!" said the second head, parroting the Mangle's speech. >"Nnnow... Whatz shall we doZzzt with you?" >You start to open your mouth to scream, but a tentacle wraps around your face, acting as a gag. "MmMPH!" >Something pulls at your zip. >"My..M-Mm-my! Zzzt*W-What do we Zzt have here?" >"Zzzomething tasty?" said the second head, eye fixated on your crotch. >A single hand on the end of a tentacle reachs into your open zip, pulling out your member. fnaf fleshlight How to dowload it? fnaf fleshlight >"Holdzing back on uzzz, Jeremy?" >"He izzz!" >Welp, you're fucked. Literally. And this was actually starting to feel good. >The Mangle was pumping it's hand up and down your shaft, grinning at you as it did. >You can't resist it, growing harder under it's touch. >"My turnzzt!" >The second head leans in, mouth opening slightly. A long metallic tongue flicks out, wrapping around your cock. >It's slightly warm, despite being metal. >It slowly starts to slide up and down, tasting you with each movement. >"Don'tzt* Keep it ztall to yourself!" fnaf fleshlight How to get it? fnaf fleshlight >Withdrawing it's tongue, the other head moved away, grinning at you. >"Itzt time!" >Something slid down in front of you. Cylindrical in shape, attached to a thick metal tentacle. >"Curiousz?" >Sensing your confusion, the cylinder moves up to your face. >It's pink and fleshy, almost like... like... >A fleshlight. >"Ding ding!" >And then it slides onto your cock in one smooth motion, taking the whole thing in. >Mangle moans into your ear, a throaty metallic sound. The second head seems pretty into it as well. fnaf fleshlight PasteShr fnaf fleshlight >"Been a longzt time*Zzt!" >"Too long!*zzt" >It's warm and wet, constricting around your length in just the right way, softly pulsing... >Shit, this is too good. >Slowly, the Mangle begins pumping it's, vagina? Sex module?, Up and down your whole length. >The soft velvet walls constrict as it pulls you in, a fair amount of lubricant drooling into your lap. >"*ZzZT* I-It's ToO GoOD!" "YeeSSZZZ!" >It speeds up, moving up and down at a frightening pace, lube squishing as it pistons itself down on you. >You feel the familiar tightening at the base of your penis. You can't.. >"ClozE? *ZZT*" "DO ITzzt!" fnaf fleshlight How to dowload it? fnaf fleshlight >You go over the edge. >The Mangle forces it's pussy module down as far as it can, tightening around you. >You pulse inside it, dick shooting out ribbons of cum as you unload a weeks worth of tension. >"Yesszzss...*ZzzT* >Fuck. You just got raped by a robot mascot. >It was good though, you had to admit. >Still panting, the Mangle slid itself off of you, turning it's pussy upside down. >"Don't WAnTz to WasTe any of thisz!" >"Yepzt!" >The tentacles slip away from your body, freeing you. fnaf fleshlight How to get it? fnaf fleshlight >Before you can register your freedom, the Mangle slithers off through the vent, module still held up. >What the fuck, man. fnaf fleshlight