flag wars script pastebin local Abstract = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AbstractPoo/Main/AbstractUI/AbstractUI"))() local UI = Abstract:Create("Flag Wars", UDim2.new(0, 420, 0, 450)) UI:Button("Silent Aim", "Click Once only !", function() local currPlayer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer local servPlayer = game:GetService('Players') local RunService = game:GetService('RunService') local servTeams = game:GetService("Teams") local currMouse = currPlayer:GetMouse() flag wars script pastebin How to get it for free? flag wars script pastebin local currCamera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera getgenv().GameSettings = { SilentAim = { ["active"] = true, ["fov"] = 100, ["hitpart"] = "Head", ["circlevis"] = true, ["wallbang"] = false, flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin ["circcolor"] = Color3.fromRGB(228, 9, 191) } } local CircleInline = Drawing.new("Circle") local CircleOutline = Drawing.new("Circle") CircleInline.Radius = getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.fov CircleInline.Thickness = 2 CircleInline.Position = Vector2.new(currCamera.ViewportSize.X / 2, currCamera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin CircleInline.Transparency = 1 CircleInline.Color = getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.circcolor CircleInline.Visible = getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.circlevis CircleInline.ZIndex = 2 CircleOutline.Radius = getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.fov CircleOutline.Thickness = 4 CircleOutline.Position = Vector2.new(currCamera.ViewportSize.X / 2, currCamera.ViewportSize.Y / 2) CircleOutline.Transparency = 1 CircleOutline.Color = Color3.new() CircleOutline.Visible = getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.circlevis flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin CircleOutline.ZIndex = 1 function isSameTeam(player) if player.team ~= currPlayer.team and player.team ~= servTeams["Neutral"] then return false else return true end end flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin function isDead(player) if player == nil or player.Character == nil or player.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") == nil or player.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then return true else return false end flag wars script pastebin PasteShr flag wars script pastebin end local function isClosestPlayer() local target local dist = math.huge for _, v in next, servPlayer:GetPlayers() do if not isDead(v) and v ~= currPlayer and not isSameTeam(v) and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.active flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin then local pos, visible = currCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position) local magnitude = (Vector2.new(currMouse.X, currMouse.Y) - Vector2.new(pos.X, pos.Y)).magnitude if magnitude < (getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.fov) then if magnitude < dist then if getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.wallbang then target = v dist = magnitude else if visible then flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin target = v dist = magnitude end end end end end end flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin return target end local target local gmt = getrawmetatable(game) setreadonly(gmt, false) local oldNamecall = gmt.__namecall gmt.__namecall = flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin newcclosure( function(self, ...) local Args = {...} local method = getnamecallmethod() if tostring(self) == "WeaponHit" and tostring(method) == "FireServer" then target = isClosestPlayer() if target then Args[2]["part"] = target.Character[getgenv().GameSettings.SilentAim.hitpart] return self.FireServer(self, unpack(Args)) end flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin end return oldNamecall(self, ...) end ) end) UI:Button("Trigger Bot", "Click Once only !", function() local currPlayer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer local servPlayer = game:GetService('Players') local currPlayerCharacter = currPlayer.Character or currPlayer.CharacterAdded:wait() flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin local currMouse = currPlayer:GetMouse() local currCamera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") function trigBot() local ScreenPoint = currCamera:ScreenPointToRay(currMouse.X, currMouse.Y) local Ray = Ray.new(ScreenPoint.Origin, ScreenPoint.Direction * 9999) local Target, Position = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(Ray, {currPlayerCharacter,workspace.CurrentCamera}) flag wars script pastebin PasteShr flag wars script pastebin if Target and Position and servPlayer:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target.Parent) and Target.Parent.Humanoid.Health > 0 or Target and Position and servPlayer:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target.Parent.Parent) and Target.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local currTarget = servPlayer:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target.Parent) or servPlayer:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target.Parent.Parent) if currTarget.Team ~= currPlayer.Team and currTarget ~= currPlayer then mouse1click() end end end RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() trigBot() flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin end) end) UI:Toggle("Kill All ( Sniper )", "Click Once only !", false, function(state) local servPlayer = game:GetService("Players") local currPlayer = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer function getEquippedWeapon(player) local char = player.Character local weapon = char and char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") flag wars script pastebin How to get it for free? flag wars script pastebin if weapon ~= nil then return weapon.Name else return "Holstered" end end local currWeapon = getEquippedWeapon(currPlayer) flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin for _, v in pairs(servPlayer:GetPlayers()) do if v.Name ~= currPlayer.Name then task.wait(1) local args = { [1] = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character[currWeapon], [2] = { ["p"] = Vector3.new(127.24491882324219, 16.624034881591797, -84.08683776855469), ["pid"] = 1, ["part"] = v.Character.Head, ["d"] = 80.71643829345703, flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin ["maxDist"] = 80.71429443359375, ["h"] = v.Character.Humanoid, ["m"] = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic, ["sid"] = 1, ["t"] = 0.8510603182300679, ["n"] = Vector3.new(-0.20354677736759186, -0.016248714178800583, 0.9789304733276367) } } if state == true then flag wars script pastebin How to get it for free? flag wars script pastebin game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").WeaponsSystem.Network.WeaponHit:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end end end) UI:Button("Hitbox Expander", "Click Once only !", function() local currPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local servPlayer = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin local currTeams = game:GetService("Teams") getgenv().Hitbox = { Settings = { ['hitpart'] = 'Head', ['hitsize'] = 5, ['transparency'] = 0.60, ['color'] = BrickColor.new("Really blue") } } flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin function isSameTeam(currTarget) if currTarget.team ~= currPlayer.team and currTarget.team ~= currTeams["Neutral"] then return false else return true end end function isDead(currTarget) flag wars script pastebin How to use it? flag wars script pastebin if currTarget == nil or currTarget.Character == nil or currTarget.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") == nil or currTarget.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then return true else return false end end flag wars script pastebin PasteShr flag wars script pastebin RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() for _, v in next, servPlayer:GetPlayers() do if v ~= currPlayer and not isSameTeam(v) and not isDead(v) then v.Character[getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitpart].Size = Vector3.new(getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitsize, getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitsize, getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitsize) v.Character[getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitpart].Transparency = getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.transparency v.Character[getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitpart].BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really blue") flag wars script pastebin How to get it for free? flag wars script pastebin v.Character[getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitpart].Material = "Neon" v.Character[getgenv().Hitbox.Settings.hitpart].CanCollide = false end end end) end) UI:Button("ESP", "Click Once only !", function() local currPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local servPlayer = game:GetService("Players") flag wars script pastebin How to get it for free? flag wars script pastebin local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local teams = game:GetService("Teams") local function numberRound(n) return math.floor(tonumber(n) + 0.5) end function isSameTeam(player) if player.team ~= currPlayer.team and player.team ~= teams["Neutral"] then flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin return false else return true end end function isDead(player) if player == nil or player.Character == nil or player.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") == nil or player.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 flag wars script pastebin How to get it for free? flag wars script pastebin then return true else return false end end function getEquippedWeapon(player) local char = player.Character local weapon = char and char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") flag wars script pastebin PasteShr flag wars script pastebin if weapon ~= nil then return weapon.Name else return "Holstered" end end function doESP() for _, v in next, servPlayer:GetPlayers() do flag wars script pastebin How to use it? flag wars script pastebin if v ~= currPlayer and not isSameTeam(v) and not isDead(v) then for _, k in next, v.Character:GetChildren() do if not isSameTeam(v) and not isDead(v) and k:IsA("BasePart") and not k:FindFirstChild("dohmESP") then local dohmESP = Instance.new("BoxHandleAdornment", k) dohmESP.Name = "dohmESP" dohmESP.AlwaysOnTop = true dohmESP.ZIndex = 10 dohmESP.Size = k.Size dohmESP.Adornee = k dohmESP.Transparency = 0.7 flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin dohmESP.Color3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0) end if not isDead(v) and not v.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("dohmESPTag") then local dohmESPTag = Instance.new("BillboardGui", v.Character.Head) dohmESPTag.Name = "dohmESPTag" dohmESPTag.Size = UDim2.new(1, 200, 1, 30) dohmESPTag.Adornee = v.Character.Head dohmESPTag.AlwaysOnTop = true local topTag = Instance.new("TextLabel", dohmESPTag) flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin topTag.TextWrapped = true topTag.Text = (v.Name .. " | " .. numberRound((currPlayer.Character.Head.Position - v.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude / 3) .. "m" .. " | " .. getEquippedWeapon(v)) topTag.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) topTag.TextYAlignment = "Top" topTag.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) topTag.BackgroundTransparency = 1 flag wars script pastebin How to dowload it? flag wars script pastebin else v.Character.Head.dohmESPTag.TextLabel.Text = (v.Name .. " | " .. numberRound((currPlayer.Character.Head.Position - v.Character.Head.Position).Magnitude / 3) .. "m" .. " | " .. getEquippedWeapon(v)) end end end end flag wars script pastebin PasteShr flag wars script pastebin end RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() doESP() end ) end) UI:Button("Bring All ( Client Sided )", "Click Once only !", function() local currPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer flag wars script pastebin How to use it? flag wars script pastebin local servPlayer = game:GetService("Players") local teams = game:GetService("Teams") function isSameTeam(player) if player.team ~= currPlayer.team and player.team ~= teams["Neutral"] then return false else return true end flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin end while task.wait() do for _, v in next, servPlayer:GetPlayers() do if v ~= currPlayer and not isSameTeam(v) then print(v) v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = currPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(2.2,0.5,-6) end end end flag wars script pastebin How to get it? flag wars script pastebin end) flag wars script pastebin