ff14 macros funny /// FFXIV FUNNY MACROS /// HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT: COPY THE MACRO YOU WANT BETWEEN THE * * "MACRO" * INTO FFXIV MACRO TEXT WINDOW. ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny They have funny spacing because FFXIV uses a certain type of spacing so if looks odd here is normal but on the ffxiv client will show up fine. Enjoy. Cheers Mooga Roham Omega Credit goes to who ever did these in first place. Impossible to know everybody so if you know just comment or PM me. ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////         ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny      //===> // All Special Characters //=================================================== * ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny _ _ _,,..,,,,  (:(    )   |:| ・ω・ | We're toast...   |:|      | `''ー---‐´ * //===> // TOASTED //=================================================== * ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny     /⌒\     /\    ./'⌒'ヽ \  /\  |    (●.●) )/  |: |    >冊/  ./    l: /   /⌒   ミミ \   |/   /   / |::|λ|   |√7ミ   |::|  ト、   |:/    V_.ハ /| i         |   и .i      N ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny    λヘ、| i .NV     V\W Rest in Spaghetti... Never forgetti * //===> // Never forget //=================================================== *   _ ∧_∧_____ ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny / =(o- o)= /\ /|  ̄∪ ̄∪ ̄|\/ |___________ |/ * //===> // Look what I found in the chest! CAT //=================================================== * ● \ ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny /\__\__/\ / \ (ミ ⌒ ● ⌒ ミ) \ / _ / | ( , \ - / /`\ \ ,' ( ( \ \ / `-, { ) } ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny : .- ,-` \ | |   * //===> // Good Job //=================================================== * O \,› _...._ ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny )°¨ ¨-. /_  ----  DID YOU PEE ON IT?! * //===> // piss //=================================================== * ARE YOU READY ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny .>----->o ....\O/ .......| .......| ...../ \ TO GET CARRIED * //===> // Get Carried ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny //=================================================== * _ /(| ( : ___\ \ _____ (____) `| (____)| | (____).__| (___)__.|_____ ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny * //===> // Tumbs up //=================================================== *    ____________  ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny __________________ ______ ______ __________ __________________ YESNO  * //===> // POP QUIZ DID YOU READ DESCRIPTION?? ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny //=================================================== * r⌒丶/7 ,/フ ノ)⌒フ \ゝ | / ノ / `/ ヽ ヽ / ノ / / \ `ヽ I ̄ ̄ ̄I ゝ _ノ I ⌒`) I  ̄I ̄ | ( ノ フ `\ ⌒ゝI___Iノ⌒ ノ 丶_ ノ _ 人_ ノ `ヽ `ヽ☆ノ I/ ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny \ ー_人`ー ノ 丶  ̄ _人'彡ノ ノ r'十ヽ/ IT IS TIME FOR A JOLLY CO-OPERATION * //===> // PRAISE THE SUN! //=================================================== * ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny     _____ ∧_∧  ||....___ | ( ´・ω・)   || └ヾ::::| | ┌/   l   ||__/._/_| | | |  | ┌━━ー┷┷┐          * //===> // FOR REAL?! ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny //=================================================== * ___________ / , \ / \ I (●) (●) I I , ノ(`º)し I I , . /,,,\ I \ \""/, / / \ _w \ _w / \/ \/ ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny Y U DO DIS I!! * //===> // Y U DO DIS I //=================================================== *     ∧_∧    ( ・ω〔::二二〔o〕      ...:;:"´''::;:,,,    ノ つ〔三三三:〔[二二二二[〔O〕   ,,;;;;´."'''  ⊂⌒__⊂ソ /A\ /A     '' '''''::;;::''"´ ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny ―――――――――――――――――――――― ★ BAM! ONESHOT! ★ * //===> // ONESHOT //=================================================== * __________________ | MADA MADA | | I need healing | ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny ∧_∧  ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ (´・ω・) ┌ (_つ/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_ 旦 \:/  / * //===> // MADAMADA //==================================================== * . M M M ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny . <' \__/ `> <@ \___/| . \_ _/ \____/ . ][ >< . TECHNO CHICKEN PERFECT 5/7! * //===> // TECHNO CHICKEN //==================================================== * /ヽ____/ヽ ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny / \ / __ノ ヽ__ ヽ | ● ● | | (__人__) / \ / OH OKAY... * //===> // Okay... //==================================================== ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny * ∧ \ ∧   ( ・∀・) _____,,ゝ┼─┼===┐ | □|   .| |:|ヾ8========D I__ _|__,|_;||___,| |:|ノ- └┼-┴┴──┴──┐~~'''''- (◎ ~~O~~O~~ (◎))三)──)三) (◎) (◎) (◎) (◎)ノ三ノ──ノ三ノ --> READY TO TANK!<--- ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny * //===> // TANK //==================================================== * ● /\__\__/\ / \ \( ミ ⌒ ● ⌒ ミ)/    ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny     ! * //===> // Great Googly Moogly it's all gone to shit //==================================================== * (You) ( Comet ) / / (Grraaaarrghhh!) / / _,,,, ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny / / / > 。。> / __ \ ,',' \o/ / ... \ c=/ \=э || | ...... | __ | ) ) / \ \___/ {/~ \_э\_э * //===> // METEOR STrat //==================================================== * ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny ★   ★ (_人 ) ,. _ _/| |\_ , ィ ァ (_人 ) (_人 )" | ヽ ヽ (( )) ,イ ,' | " (_人 ) | " | | ヽ \ 〈\/{}\/〉 / / | | " | | | i \ \ \{ =ω= }/ / / | | | i i | γ " ⌒ "  ̄ `Y" ̄`⌒ヽ⌒ " , | i i | |-ュ_| /´i  、   ¥  ノ  ヽ. "ヽ| | | | | }⌒ / '' 人` -‐´;`ー イ` 、 ヽ \ ェ-| | ,-ュ_|ー' ⌒ ノ i彡 i ミ /   ` ',  ̄`ー ,| ェ- 、 「 }_ -‐-‐フ. .} 彡 i ミ{  !、__,{ | ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny `ー' ★  ★ `ー' ★    ★ * //===> // DICKS MUST BE PURGED //==================================================== * /l (゚、 。 7 l、 ~ヽ ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny じしf_, )ノ Woof! Woof! oh... * //===> // Kitten //==================================================== * BRING THE TOILET ROLL! (l---------l) (l______l) ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny \ * * \ ) * ) / * * / ( * * * ( \ * * \ ) * * * ) l----------l * //===> // Toilet Paper ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny //==================================================== *      /| _____r"⌒  Z__ \ 〈/ヘVヽ〉/   <d ゚ ー゚ノ <^、∀i>   (/7===i、)   〈 / j    i_/゙t_i ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny Not even the Dragonballs can help us now. * //===> // Goku //==================================================== * . !! . .       ∧_∧   __ ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny .      ( ´Д`) |~~| .    /.    ⌒\ |~~~"| .    / /|    /~\ |  | .    | | .|     |   └- -┘ * //===> // HEY //==================================================== *     ∧∧  ∧∧ ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny   キタ━(,,゚∀゚) ( ∀゚,,)━!!!!!     ⊂   つ⊂  つ ミ  (( ⊂、 /   \ @つ ))   ミ  ∪  ≡ U′彡 DONT STOP THAT TUTURU!!! * //===> // DONT DROP THAT TUTURU //==================================================== * ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny .    ∩____∩ .     /        ヽ .   / ●    ●  | .   | ///( _●_ )/// ミ .  彡、,,  |∪|   / . /__ ヽノ || ̄ ̄|| . (___u)  ||'゚。 o ||ヽ .  |     ||_。_0_;||__) .        |___.|   ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny   * //===> // Cool Beans DPS is shit! //==================================================== * .――――――――――――――――――――― . .     / ̄ ̄\  | WELCOME TO DPS .      | ○ ○ | | SCHOOL! ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny .     ヽ_皿__ノ | .    /|\./|\/7 .   /   ̄V ̄ 、__/   AND YOU FAIL! ._. | |     |   _________ * //===> // Welcome to DPS School and you failed //==================================================== * .━━━━━━━━━━━━ ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny .  , ,― 、 ♪DONT! . //-― ヽ ♪ DROP! . ヽ' ノノ、ノヽ) ♪THAT! . | ( | * ヮ*ノlつ TUTURU! * //===> // DONT DROP THAT TUTURU //==================================================== *     ∧_∧  ∩ ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny     <#・Д>彡      --==≡≡卍    / 三三つ三つ  -==≡卍      /    /ミヽ  -==卍   / /~> > ∪           * //===> // Ninja //==================================================== * ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny -= ○ -= \ -=  ∧⌒ヽフ =≡ (\( ミ ^●^) -= \( つ┯つ = (◎) ̄(◎) ̄) "Mechanics are for cars... ... and this aint Pixar baby!" * //===> ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny // Moogle Kart //==================================================== *   ,.-''"¨ ̄¨`' ‐ 、  (,,(,,i,,,i,,,,,,,,i,,,,i,,),,)     )  (     ( * ------- *)     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄           ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny * //===> // WTF BOOOM //==================================================== *        Λ_Λ .        /:彡ミ゛ヽ;)ー、 .     / /:: ヽ、ヽ、 i    / /;;:   ヽ ヽ l  ̄ ̄ ̄ (_,ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ ̄ ̄ ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny GOD WHY? * //===> // Oh God why? //==================================================== *  !   (__(A))_  ┐ ( ・∀・), ヽl ( つ/"'ヽ_ヽ ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny  └◎'===-O=-‐" * //===> // Lets Pretendo, Mario Kart //==================================================== * /丶 /丶 ':' ゛"´ `':, ミ ・ ω ・ ;, :; . つ ,つ ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny `:; ,;' `( /'゛ `U Somebody left me in the dryer! * //===> // Somebody left me //==================================================== *  (●)---(●) ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny  /   ,___, "ヘ  |    ヽ _ン  ノ  >,、 _____, , イ  ? * //===> //Oh Realhy? //==================================================== * ┳┻| _ ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny ┻┳| •.•) pssst... ┳┻|⊂ノ ┻┳| u lil bich! IM LOOOKING AT YOU! * //===> //Wall creep //==================================================== *   ∧_∧ WAKE ME UP. ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny ( ・ω・) WAKE ME UP INSIDE.   _| ⊃/(___ / └-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   <⌒/ヽ-、___ I CAN'T WAKE UP. /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ∧_∧ WAKE ME UP INSIDE. ( oωo) SAVE ME.   _| ⊃/(___ ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny / └-(____/  ̄ * //===> //Wake me up, wake me up inside //==================================================== * | ---------------------- | | / ̄ ̄ \ | |   | ○ ○ |  | ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny |   ヽ_皿__ノ | |  /|\./|\/7 | | /   ̄V ̄ 、__/  | | | |     | | | ---------------------- | | | ---------------------- | HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN! * ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny //===> //Wanted Post //==================================================== * ∧∧      (・ω・` )   /⌒'☆  ~ `)   (  く ノ | イ Get on my back,   ヽ,_'ァ , .| I'll carry you     ノヽ ._λ_ ) ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny    /   ノ| ノ    ( -く |ー( * //===> //Pigs back //==================================================== * >->0 >->0 >->0 <--- >->0 >->0 ム_O_ノ ff14 macros funny How to get it for free? ff14 macros funny /_ _/ | just got  * //===> //Carried! //==================================================== *        ヘ⌒ヽフ        (・ω・` ) ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny         ( つとヽ   Didnt think of that! * //===> //little pig //==================================================== * /|/| _r" Z_ ' ノ</ Vヽ〉 !!! ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny   ノ<d ° ヮ °ノ  ノ <^ v i>つ '  (/7 | | i      /=----=j  ! i_/゙`t_i * //===> //Ignis new recipe! //==================================================== * ff14 macros funny How to get it? ff14 macros funny づ∧_∧づダラララ づ`・ω・)づ∴“ づづづづづ∴≒ づづづづづづ∵ (_/⌒ヽ_)∴ ORA ORA ORA ORA !!! * //===> // STARDUSTO ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny //================================================== * ┏━━━━━┓ ┃  ┃ ┃  ┃ ┃  ┃ ┃  ┃ ┃  ┃ ┗∩━━━∩┛ \( ` ・ω・´)/ ff14 macros funny How to dowload it? ff14 macros funny * //===> //Blow load for goad //==================================================== *     | \  __  / _ ( m) _    |ミ| /   `´  \ ff14 macros funny PasteShr ff14 macros funny WELL! THATS AN IDEIA! * //===> // IDEAA //==================================================== * /I / I——————————————I { To Be Continued I ff14 macros funny How to use it? ff14 macros funny \ I——————————————I \I * //===> //To be continued //==================================================== ff14 macros funny