femboy compilation COMPILATION DOC -take a multivitamin and fish oil -drink lots of water -exfoliate & moisturize -Lots of cardio, some weights workout in the legs and butt might be nice -unless you're still in puberty taking estrogen won't help you unless you want to eventually have small boobs and be sterile. -Your body type is all dependent on puberty and your genes so know that you can't expect drastic changes >Do I need more estrogen? How do I boost my estrogen production? It doesn't work that way. If you have the body of a cis male, then the amount of estrogen in your body won't make a difference as long as you are not on antiandrogens or have had an orchidectomy. You can, however, lower the amount of testosterone in your body. You can do this mostly by avoiding meat and exercise, among many other things that have already been mentioned. I honestly can't say. I'm not a pharmacist. You just have to realize that these things are very serious medications and that they are going to have a lot of (potentially permanent) side effects if you choose to take them. You have to be aware of the risks and inform yourself of what they are capable of doing before taking that route. Hormones or hormone blockers are not something that you take lightly or in moderation. They change how your body works in a fundamental way. It's not something that people participate in for a sexual kink. femboy compilation How to use it? femboy compilation become a grazer rather than a binger. Eat at least 5 small meals a day (small as in super small- like an apple counting as a 'meal' [or more of a snack]). 3 main meals (serving of protein the size of your closed fist and vegetables no more than an open palm) and then snacks after each one. Try to eat something every three hours. Eat things you can constantly pick at; nuts or berries or fruit pieces are good. Take the term grazing almost as literally as possible; eat almost minute amounts over a 24 hour period. To be honest, this is how I live and I am one of those 'naturally skinny' people. People complain when I eat large triple cheeseburger meals that it's 'unfair'; but it's all about proportions. Eating only 3 meals and making them all supersized meals isn't going to make anyone skinny. If you wanna get thinner quicker, chuck in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day at any intensity; cycling, jogging- even walking (choosing cardio is probably good if you want that femme, petite figure). Doesn't really matter what it is; just exercise and aim for at /least/ 30 minutes. If you stick to the grazing long enough and make it more of a lifestyle change rather than a diet, though, you mightn't need to worry about the exercise. But it can't hurt to extend you overall longevity. Very relevant because starving yourself may make you thin, but can actually cause your total body fat index to rise- eating away and deteriorating muscle and going into (shock and horror) 'starvation' mode; where the body creates as many fat reserves as possible to live off of (like an animal in hibernation). So starving can work, yeah, but you might just end up skinny fat or disgusting. And lets be real, you probably want to be skinny with a nice bum and etc. So graze, try 30 minutes of exercise and chuck in some lunges/squats/etc. go to a salon instead of a barber, make an appointment and be up front about wanting to look qt and have at least a general idea of what you want. let them do their thing. femboy compilation How to get it for free? femboy compilation Use sunscreen ALL THE TIME Don’t masturbate as often because it increases T levels People tell me I have really great soft hair. The only different I've noticed about how I take care of my hair vs how other people take care of theirs is that I don't use shampoo. I just lather body wash on my head and then use the sudsy soap on my head to clean the rest of my body. > shampoo is a scam Christ, if you think those are unhealthy you need to take another look at yourself. When people say unhealthy they mean deep fried foods, fast foods, crisps, sweets, ready meals, stuff which has no nutrients and pure calories. But you know what, what you're eating is more unhealthy than the meals I mentioned because you get shit all from them. Your body needs a balance of carbs, fats and proteins which things like bolognese will get you. Eating fucking celery and mushrooms is not going to be anywhere near healthy. I'd highly reccomend you at least get an estimate for the calories you are eating. Weight loss is mostly a matter of how many calories you eat and how many you burn during they day, which is why calorie counting is very useful and effective. You also need to eat foods that have nutrients and a proper balance of carbs, proteins and fats. Just go to /fit/ and look at the sticky and search for the list of foods that are good for. Eggs are great, so are beans, veggies and yogurt. Also don't limit your diet to a few specific foods. Get a range of healthy foods so you get all the nutrients you need. Finally, you should take a multivitamin (and I also recommend taking fish oil capsules). Since you'll be eating less you might have some deficiencies in vitamins or minerals, and supplements help you get them so your body can function properly and feel and look better. FISH OIL I think it's shown to have effects on brain function , heart function, and mood. It's not gonna make you look prettier but it's pretty healthy femboy compilation How to dowload it? femboy compilation eat 60% carbs, 20 fat 20 protein if you're working out. Remove carbab if you arent, to 40 c 30 p 10 f You piss it all out anyway, right? It just makes you heavier on the scale, not actually fat. Drink a shit ton of water. It's good for you. Yeah they work upper thighs more and basically rock. If you really wanna punish yourself and your gym has it, use an infinite staircase. Shit burns so good. > I personally ate barely anything just to lose weight quickly Don't do this. Really. Starving yourself reduces your metabolism and slows your progress over time + makes it easier to balloon back up to fatass mode again. Your body will also eat its own muscles for fuel, including dat qt ass which you'll be wanting to attract the D. SUGARING I do! I usually go for enough for a full body sugaring + some extra. femboy compilation How to dowload it? femboy compilation To make the sugaring paste/gel (It's the same thing, paste is when it's more solidified/room temperature and gel is when it's heated up) I do the following: First I mix 4 cups (960 mL) of sugar, 1/2 cup (120 mL) of water and 1/2 cup of filtered out lemon juice. (about 4 lemons are needed for this in my experience) After stirring it together I put it on medium to high heat in a sauce pan with a heavy bottom (the wider the better so it doesn't boil over). After it comes to a slow boil (~10 minutes) I put it on the lowest flame I have and let it simmer for another 25-30 mins. The mixture should have a red/brownish (more brown than red, so amber) color. After that it's pretty much done, just let it cool in the pan for no more than 10 minutes before transferring it to a closed container. Oh, it takes a really long time to cool down though so be sure to make it well in advance of when you scheduled to use it. Small tip for the simmering part: If you're not sure about the timing of when to stop don't be afraid of stopping it too early. If you stop too late it'll be too hard to use and when your timing is too early it'll be too sticky/fluid. Thing is, when it's like that you can just heat it in the microwave and put it back in a pan and continue where you left off. So rather undercook it than overcook it. As for the applying part.. Well I'm sure there's lots of guides out there already but here's what I usually do. I make sure I'm cleaned properly for it by taking a quick shower, making sure to rinse all soap. After that, I make sure to be completely dried off, because the mixture won't attach when your skin is wet. (this is important, because it means that if you wash your hands in between you gotta dry them off every time, or you'll risk making the mixture wet and ruin it..) I prep my skin for the paste by dusting some baby powder on it. All this does is increase the surface area of the hairs a bit so that the paste will stick to them better. Try to get rid of it on your hand or you risk it getting stuck on your hand before you want it to! To apply against the skin, I usually roll a small scoop (you really don't need much of this stuff whether you apply it thickly or thinly, both works great) into a ball and choose a point to start. Usually a bit below the point I want to use it on since you don't want it to be presse don, but smeared against. You want to then apply the paste by pressing it closely against your skin against(!) the direction of hair growth. If you're doing it correctly you'll already feel some tugging on your hairs. When you feel like you've covered a good amount (don't worry about how large an area you use, just make sure not to press against it too many times or it will heat up and turn more into a gel, becoming impossible to get off without water!) you want to remove it be using one hand to hold your skin stretched (this part is important because if you're like me your skin will have all kinds of weird bruises for a couple of days if you don't do this) and just pull the paste off in a quick motion, going with the direction of growth. So don't pull your hand straight up! Think of it as turning a page, you pull it off against the direction you pasted it on. The paste will usually stick to the hand a bit after that, but it's still possible to use the same bit of paste. Just make sure to apply it firmly in the right direction and remove it with quick motions. After a while it won't stick as much anymore and you're better of grabbing some fresh paste. That's pretty much all there is to it! Realize that some areas are naturally harder to sugar because of the tightness of the skin. Just be sure to keep your skin stretched tight and it'll work! Vaseline Total Moisture Aloe. It isn't greasy or oil, dries quickly, and isn't really strong smelling. Works great too. femboy compilation How to get it for free? femboy compilation Well what I think it means is that it doesn't look good to have skinny stick arms with zero tonage and hips like BA-ZOW. The point of those exercises isn't for the arms to get built, it's just to keep a healthy looking tone on them. THE ANTIOX SHAKE I'm gonna get this rolling a bit. May I suggest, consuming more anti oxidants. So supplements or foods rich in vitamin C, selenium etc would be good to include in your diet. A nice recipe I use. You can make enough for 8 pints of these for about £10 here in UK and have a fair amount of some of the ingredients left over due to the size of some of the portions. Carrots, spinach, kale usually. 2 Handfuls Spinach 1 Handful Kale 1/2-3/4 cup(s) Orange Juice femboy compilation How to dowload it? femboy compilation 10-12 Baby Carrots 1 Ripe Banana 1/2 cup(s) Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt 1 cup(s) Frozen Mixed Berries This should give you most of your 5-a-day which is nice, but more importantly it's packed chock full of Vit C, A, K, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, magnesium and fibre to name a few . Greek yogurt is also 30% protein so its a good source of energy and satiety. The health benefits of these ingredients are well known but above all else these will do wonders for your skin. Further, the recipe itself is low in calories and will keep you full longer so you can better stick to your diet. Don't be put off by all the veggies, its actually unassumingly sweet and tasty. The ingredients seem to balance it all out UBER IMPORTANT: femboy compilation PasteShr femboy compilation Drink at least 2 litres (8 glasses, 4 pints) of water per day. We are made mostly of water, so we need it for maintaining our bodily systems to the adequate levels. Benefits for skin: The water absorbed will help flush toxins out of your system which stops them from accumulating. The accumulation can cause them to leave the body pores and cause bad skin and acne. Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin moisturized and looking healthy. This is the solution to dry skin if you happen to have it, not moisturizers. The moisturizers should still be used to supplement this though and keep it well hydrated. And finally of course, it will keep you feeling less hungry throughout the day. Sometimes dehydration is confused for food cravings. As for your diet, in my opinion there is no strict diet you should follow per se. You can pretty much eat as much vegetables are you like as they are very low in calories and extremely micronutrient dense. Again, they keep you full so this is greatly encouraged! If you don't like them, try to accommodate to them. There seems to be a growing body of evidence that suggests that we start to crave what we eat in large quantities. With your meals try and eat a fist sized portion of lean protein. Ideally fish, and white meat. Chicken is good, turkey is even leaner and usually cheaper though some may find it a little dry. Avoid sugary drinks like the plague, they are nutritionally void of anything good. femboy compilation How to use it? femboy compilation Another point to add is to eat smaller meals and more regularly, this will keep you for snacking less and your body will cope with digestion much more readily. Things that you eat that are more calorie dense and fatty, try consume them towards the start of the day. The size of your meals, if they vary, should become smaller as your day goes on with the biggest being your breakfast (OH! and always eat breakfast :P) So summary: As much veg as you can eat Lean meats - white meat, fish etc Lots of water, no sugary drinks Smaller portions more regularly Bigger heavier meals in morning tending towards smaller as day goes on. Oh I forgot to add for the anti-oxidant part - dark chocolate in small amounts is a good snack in the respect. I should add that maintaining an ideal diet like this will improve your aesthetics to no end along with all the usual health benefits. femboy compilation PasteShr femboy compilation If you are wondering about fruit? Go ahead, just consume in moderation unlike vegetables as they contain sugar. How much of this should you be eating? Work out your (T)otal (D)aily (E)nergy (E)xpenditure with this calculator here. http://thefastdiet.co.uk/how-many-calories-on-a-non-fast-day/ This is how many calories you eat in a day. Consume about 65-80% of this number I'd say (TDEE * 0.65 or 0.80) Combine this with regular light cardio and some strength exercises... bodyweight perhaps... to lose weight without becoming skeletor or a skinnyfat blob. The point I'm making here is to lose weight and become slender the correct way. More on what actual exercise regime to use in another post, though my personal opinion is that the current broscience trap mode infographic isn't too bad in this respect, could do with being tweaked with the collaboration of some /fit/izens Most of this was all off the top of my own head, I'm not an expert, I just have a keen interest in this, read about it and lurk in /fit/ on occasion... so I'd appreciate if anyone more relevant could provide any criticism if I'm far off the mark on any of this. femboy compilation How to get it? femboy compilation For the yoga stuff, I recommend looking at iphone yoga apps. There's a few free ones that show people doing poses and explain them really well. I use one call Daily Yoga, which has a list of a few free sequences (like a sequence of moves specifically for butt, legs, back, breathing, relaxing, etc.) and you can pay $4 a month for a subscription which lets you use other sequences. What's really good though is that the free app lists all the poses and has videos that show people doing the poses while someone describes how to do them. Nose Hair - something like this : http://www.amazon.com/Philips-Norelco-NT9130-D-Finer-Precision/dp/B0075X0Z46/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1382327940&sr=8-2&keywords=nose+ear+trimmer I found something similar at walmart for $10. It's actually really nifty because you can use it to get rid of hairs anywhere. I use it in my nose and I also use it on my arms and hands in case I missed a few hairs from shaving. SKINCARE I guess we need a section for skincare, so I can try and give some tips on what i've learned over the years. femboy compilation PasteShr femboy compilation First, most importantly, you need to get sunscreen or a moisturizer with sunscreen. Most of aging that happens in our skin is due to sun damage, and the best course of skincare is preventing more damage and wrinkles. Get sunscreen that's at least SPF 30, and make sure that it says "broad sprectum protection" on the bottle. Most sunscreen lotions only block UVB rays, so you gotta make sure that they also block UVA rays, which cause skin aging. The sun is really strong between 10am and 4pm, so if you're going to be outside during these hours definitely apply sunscreen and re-apply it every two hours. That may be a little bit tedious but it's they key to aging well. This is a good facial moisturizer and sunscreen combo : http://www.amazon.com/Elta-MD-Facial-SPF-oz/dp/B00396OTJ0 Apart from sunscreen, you should exfoliate and moisturize everyday. You can get an exfoliating facial wash for your face, a loofah for your body, and body lotion to use every time you shower. Moisturizers absorb water into the skin, so they are best used right after a shower or after you've washed your face. You can get these at any drugstore/supermarket. Toner is also an optional thing you can use, it's more useful if you use makeup or have oily skin or problems with your pores being too big. Toner really helps close up your pores and restore the natural balance of your skin. You'd use it on your face with a cotton ball after washing it with a facial cleanser. Something else that I really really recommend is getting a nightcream. These creams are designed to help repair and restore your skin, to prevent aging and to make it look really nice and soft. I use this one :http://www.amazon.com/LOreal-Paris-Perfect-Night-Cream/dp/B000KPO99I/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1382330872&sr=8-2&keywords=loreal+age+perfect All of these products should hopefully help you guys in your endeavors. :) milk has added vitamin D if you're worried about that. femboy compilation How to get it? femboy compilation But for most people SPF 10 or 15 is good enough. The actual timelength is determined by a complex double integral that's actually impossible to solve since you'll never see a sunscreen without photostabilizers. Also UVB is responsible for vitamin D production and cholesterol absorbs the majority of it and thus it's cancer risk is quite low. UVA has always been the majority of the risk since UVB cannot penetrate the skin and at worst has been linked to skin cancer, but the statistics are iffy since any time there's UVB there's also UVA. Truth http://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282%2809%2900966-2/abstract http://www.clinsci.org/cs/100/0613/cs1000613.htm http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19524224 http://www.food.gov.uk/science/research/foodcomponentsresearch/phytoestrogensresearch/t05-t06programme/t05t06projectlist/t05002project/ femboy compilation How to dowload it? femboy compilation Just reminding you that phytoestrogens such as soy, and even your beloved placebo pueraria mirifica do shit all in terms of feminizing effects and hormone levels. So please stop falling for these sensationalized fads. nutella is calorie dense and terrible for you. Bread isn't great for you either. Stick to whole wheat and whole grain breads and don't eat too much of it. Get more protein. You should be getting as much grams of protein as you weight in pounds. For fucks sake, stop starving yourself. Your body is in food-shortage mode and thinks it needs to conserve every fucking calorie and starts storing it as fat. Eat about 80% your suggested caloric intake. PERFECT SHAVE Do this Spend a fair amount of time in the shower with hot water to soften hairs and/or use a hot wash cloth and apply to face to soften and open pores femboy compilation PasteShr femboy compilation Exfoliate (scrub the dead skin off your face) Use a razor with fresh sharp blades Fill up sink with hot water, apply shaving foam and leave it on a bit. Shave SLOWLY with the grain and do it meticulously so you minimise the chance of dragging the blade over the same area twice (hello irritation) Now reapply foam when your done and repeat process but WITH the grain. In an ideal world you only will have gone over the same place twice. Its important to rinse the blade after every stroke. Now rinse your face with the coldest water you can get and apply some sort of gentle lotion. Pat dry with a clean towel. et voila , this is the perfect shave... as close as you'll get and minimum irritation. femboy compilation PasteShr femboy compilation Point in cold water is it closes up your pores since hot water opens them. GROOMING On the grooming front I have something I've just thought of that I'd like to share and maybe consider for the infographic. I honestly think everyone should consider following this. Throw out all shower/bath gels/things that isn't classic soap. They're just artificial smelling crap and don't even clean you that well. When you are fresh and amazing, consider moisturising since soap can dry you out easily if used too often. Now invest in some proper talcum powder and apply over your whole body. You are now a fresh avatar of clean. Optionally, add perfume or aftershave/cologne after. Apply modestly in these places: femboy compilation How to use it? femboy compilation Inside of wrists Inside of elbows Behind each ear Neck Naval (just above belly button) Small of back Behind each ankle Again *modestly* proper fragrance is strong and can drown people which is disgusting. Finally don't ever fucking use aerosol deodorants, they are disgusting cheap gaseous smelling shite aaannnnd... You are now instantly more appealing, will benefit from the most physical attraction you could ever hope to get from a washing routine and are now lvl 100 clean! :D femboy compilation PasteShr femboy compilation ON TALCUM POWDER Its a fresh natural product. It makes you feel amazing, silky smooth and smell naturally clean. It absorbs moisture which is good for perspiration. In the end of the day if you don't like it don't have to use it but it does compliment the soap fantastically and keeps you smelling cleaner and fresh for longer. I use Imperial Leather soap and talc I tried some own brand talc from a drug store and it smelt really weird and off. The soap brand's talc smells how you'd expect it to smell I guess. MORE SHAVING To people who were asking earlier about shaving: get an old fashioned bristle shaving brush and some nice shaving soap. It makes a giant difference because the brush helps pull the hairs up so you have better access to them, and they also help the lather really get in your skin. You should be able to find old fashioned shaving equipment at a pharmacy, the brush only cost me $10 and the fancy shaving soap cost me $5. It's also efficient because the shaving soap really lasts you a while. It's really worth it IMO. If you want to go the whole nine yards you can also get a safety razor but you'd probably have to buy it online and it costs like $100 (but you only have to buy it once instead of replacing your razor every few weeks) femboy compilation How to use it? femboy compilation Shampoo is very basic and takes moisture out of your scalp, can lead to early baldness if baldness is in your genes. Otherwise you just get very dry hair. Some people use special products and serums, etc. after pooin' to keep their hair healthy but all the grills I know say they don't wash their hair everyday because it's not very healthy for it. I have slightly curly, sometimes frizzy hair. I have to do no poo just to keep it smooth-looking and manageable. I'll use a small amount of conditioner every other day though just to keep it fresh. DIET AND EXERCISE go to /fit/ if you need more instruction but realistically, you should be eating 1500 calories a day AT LEAST. This changes based on your build and stuff of course. 80% of the calories you use is what you should ideally take in to lose weight, like the other anon said. If you arent in good enough shape to jog/run, then jog/run as fast as you can without hurting yourself. If you need to stop, take a break and walk. You want to push yourself though, so don't be a little bitch. Plan a 2 mile route to run around your neighborhood, and throw yourself at it as hard as you can without killing yourself. You will see that in time you get much better at running, and you will lose a lot of weight. Like I said, if you need to take breaks do so, but make sure to try and do as well as you can. After the first couple weeks, if you are running that route at least once every other day or once every 3 days, you should be able to run it at a moderate pace without stopping. After that, increase distance or speed. Your ability to get better will decrease as you plateau, but you will still improve gradually if you stick with it and continue pushing yourself. 800 calories a day though is fucking horrible and your body knows this so its hanging on to all of the fat it can, and also eating away any muscle you might have. So stop doing that. Plan your meals or at least be aware of the approx. amount of calories you eat. Naturally you want to eat less on days you dont exercise, and more on the days you do. femboy compilation How to get it for free? femboy compilation Losing weight is all about metabolism, and unless you starve yourself almost completely, its hard to lose weight be eating so little, as your body does what it can to prevent itself from losing fat, since its starving. Sort of rambling at this point, but anyway good luck! No, if you don't want to go to the gym do bodyweight excercises. Make some time. http://lifehacker.com/these-12-videos-show-the-proper-form-for-a-7-minute-ful-499199366 It's gonna suck at first and you're gonna be in all kinds of pain but do it. I'd recommend not doing all at first though. I personally started out doing pushups/bicycle crunches on one day, squats and planks on the other. Just do it. Even if you only do 5 off form pushups a day just do them with the intent and drive to improve. femboy compilation PasteShr femboy compilation Tips: -Don't wash it every day unless you have particularly oily/greasy hair. Give it a few days between washes or even wash it weekly. -Only wash your hair with cold water and remember to completely wash your hair. -Use a non-sulfate shampoo, read the label on your bottle. My favorite is Agadir Argon Oil Shampoo (available at most CVS/Walgreens) -Put leave in conditioner after washing your hair to get rid of frizz. -Try using hairspray (one with a hard hold such as got2b) on damp hair and style it backwards. Then when it dries, comb out the hairspray and your hair should be straighter and less frizzy. If your hair is long enough, you can use this method as well as letting your hair dry in a ponytail. -If you have the money, it might be worth getting in a Brazilian Blow Out or Japanese ionic straightening. Do not attempt to chemically straighten your hair at home, let a professional do it. -Invest in a good flat iron and blow dryer (check out reviews before purchasing). -Browse YouTube for a little while and learn how to use hair styling tools or how to achieve certain looks. -When using heat stylers, use a protective serum or hair spray (make sure it’s specifically for heat use) femboy compilation How to dowload it? femboy compilation -Don't go overboard on heating stylers as they damage your hair after prolonged/extensive use. -To reduce the effects of these, use a deep conditioner (homemade or store bought) once a week to repair and restore your hair's health. -After straightening hair, put a beanie or skully on to reduce fly aways. -Getting your hair wet could ruin your desired look. Use a good hairspray when going out. Products I recommend: -Got2b glued blasting freeze spray -Any of the Gatsby wax line -Agadir Argon oil shampoo (lovely smell too) -It’s a Miracle 10 leave in spray -Chi Silk Infusion (don’t overload on it, very greasy) femboy compilation How to get it for free? femboy compilation -Moroccanoil Restorative Hair Mask -A flat iron tension comb (for best results with your flat iron) I hope I did okay; these are just from my personal experience. femboy compilation