fattening up stories The Fattening Cruise (Weight Gain Story) by bobiscool18 >2 recently graduated friends decide to go on a long cruise. These two girls worked so hard throughout college so they definitely deserve a big break. Still, the endless buffets and open bars may lead to some weight gain. Hopefully, they don't gain that much weight.... This story contains weight gain and stuffing. Enjoy! "I am kinda nervous about this cruise. I am already so not fit." Victoria looked at her best friend Morgan disappointingly. They had been planning their month long cruise for years. Morgan and Victoria had known each other since the 9th grade when they both made the school dance team. The were supposed to go on this long cruise after they both got their Bachelor's degrees. They had this idea since the first day of college. It took 4 long years for the young ladies to finally earn their Bachelor's degrees in Marketing. Victoria soon responded to her best friend calmly, fattening up stories PasteShr fattening up stories "You are still super hot. I bet the guys are going to droll over your breasts. Now shut up, and let's get packing." Morgan sighed. It was true that her bosoms were big. They had always been big compared to the rest of her. Her boobs used to fit into most C cup bras. However, her breasts now needed D cup bras to be contained. This was due to her slow but gradual weight gain throughout college. While both of the girls stood at the same height at 5'6; they did not weight the same. In high school, they were both were around 120 pounds of perfection. College proved to be very stressful for Morgan. Morgan seemed to turn to eating, drinking, and snacking for stress relief. The blonde slowly packed out weight throughout her four long years in college. Victoria usually exercised for stress relief which allowed her to maintain her perfect 120 pound figure. Morgan did not maintain her 120 pound figure. She had gained weight after every year of college. At 150 pounds, she was by no means a fatty. Sure, she had a slight beer belly due to her constant eating, drinking, and lack of exercise. Her thighs and butt were quite curvy as they had went from fitting into size 4 to size 8's. Luckily, her face and arms remained fairly thin. The blonde would most likely be considered chubby which was certainly better when compared to some girls who legitimately became obese in college. The two girls tirelessly packed until they passed out. They woke up at around 6 am as their cruise left very early. They soon called a Uber and started talking during their Uber ride. Morgan was amazed at Victoria's perfect figure. She definitely envied her friend for not gaining a single pound throughout college. Morgan wondered if the cruise may finally lead to Victoria putting on some weight. "It's amazing that you are so fit Victoria! I bet you are not even gonna a single pound on this cruise." Victoria smiled at her friend. She knew that her friend was right. She was currently wearing a pair of jean shorts and a tank top that exposed her flat stomach. She looked like a model with her long brown hair and her large brown eyes. fattening up stories How to use it? fattening up stories "I still wish my breasts were big like yours!" Morgan giggled. Victoria was always so nice to everybody unlike some other skinny girls who might berate their friends for getting chubby. Morgan currently was wearing a low cut top that exposed a large amount of cleavage. She was also wearing a skirt which hid her belly pooch nicely. Still, people could see her bigger thighs that now touched each other. The girls eventually reached the harbor after a long Uber drive. Some of the staff carried their luggage to their decently sized room. Soon, they left the dock and starting sailing. The girls both decided to eat breakfast as it was still 9 am. The girls both were impressed by buffet that was provided to them. The cruise promised their guests unlimited food and drinks ,and the two were not going to waste their hard earned money by eating small portions. They both loaded their plates with buttery pancakes, large hash-browns, and even some cookies. The girls greedily devoured their meals and both felt stuffed after nearly eating 1,000 calories in less than 30 minutes. Both of the girls were fairly decent eaters. It was just that Victoria exercised for 2 hours everyday to maintain her figure. Morgan looked down at her belly which was less hidden by her skirt and slowly rubbed it, "I really can't keep eating like this. I am going to blow up like a balloon." Victoria could only giggle and soon replied after laughing, "Girl, we spent so much on this cruise. You are going to eat. Just come with me to the gym and you won't end up gaining a single pound!" fattening up stories How to get it? fattening up stories Victoria looked down at her stomach and noticed that her stomach was slightly stuffed which was rare. Morgan seemed to agree with her friend, "Yeah, you are right. Let's skip the gym today and relax!" "Agreed! Today is our day to relax and enjoy!" The girls went to their rooms to take a shower and change in to bikinis and decided to lounge by the pool which was close to one of the many bars on the cruise. The girls both ordered sweet cocktails that were loaded with hard liquor and sugar. They causally sipped on their high calorie drinks while tanning their fairly pale bodies. The girls managed to consume a few drinks before lunch. The bar next to the pool luckily even had food at it. This allowed the two to not move. They were both buzzed and giggling while ordering their rich meals. They both ordered a regular burgers with fries. A waiter gladly served them two massive burgers on a plate that simply filled to the brim with french fries. "Oh my God! This burger is simply massive! There is no way that I can finish this!" Victoria loudly proclaimed while staring at the massive burger and the plate full of french fries. She noticed that Morgan was already digging into the fattening meal. She stopped to reply, fattening up stories How to use it? fattening up stories "You were the one who said that we need enjoy ourselves. We did pay for an endless amount of food and drinks. Trust me, this burger is amazing. You are gonna love it." Victoria nervously looked at Morgan's already round stomach. She was sitting down and fat oozed out of many places in her unfit body. She truly hoped that she would never look like Morgan. She lifted the giant burger with her bony hands and took a deep breath. She had never eaten something so huge. She took a big bite into her burger and was amazed at the taste of the beefy concoction. It had two large beefy patties, two slices of cheese, some mayo and ketchup sauce, and some lettuce. It truly was divine. It was cooked perfectly and was probably the best burger she had ever eaten. The fries were also immaculate, they were loaded with salt and some fresh spices. Before, she knew it, her burger and most of her french fries were completely devoured. Victoria looked at down at her belly. She now looked pregnant as her belly was severally stuffed with her massive breakfast, lunch, and a few drinks. "I look pregnant right now! I have never been so stuffed!" She stated while rubbing her hard belly. Morgan looked at her and couldn't stop herself from chuckling. It was true that Victoria had quite the food baby due to her massive indulgence. Morgan couldn't help but to picture Victoria as fat. Maybe Victoria would end up getting a little chubby after this cruise after all. She did manage to devour her burger even after she stuffed herself during breakfast. "Hey, at least looking pregnant is better than looking fat like me!" fattening up stories How to get it for free? fattening up stories The girls both giggled and some got lost in conversations while finishing another order of fries and ordering more drinks. Morgan could not get the picture of a fat Victoria out of her head. She really wanted to see her friend get fat, it would mean that she wouldn't be the fat one out of the two. Also, it could also lead to she would spend more time with her instead of trying to find dumb guys to buy her drinks every Saturday. The day soon passed at the girls were fairly drunk from about 7 sugary cocktails that they consumed throughout the day. The girls changed to their dresses as they decided to eat dinner at the buffet. Morgan and Victoria both couldn't believe how Victoria's belly strained her violet, size 4 dress. Morgan's dress also looked quite tight but her belly was hidden better as she had a size 8 dress. Soon, Victoria spoke up while rubbing her bloated belly. "Tomorrow, this will be gone. I can't believe that I am still hungry though!" Morgan thought to herself that maybe her belly might not go away as fast as she believed. Especially, if she kept stuffing herself like she was. All the alcohol that she drank only seemed to make her hungrier which should completely destroy her figure. Still, she would work out everyday which should prevent her from gaining too much weight.... The girls stuffed themselves with 8 oz steaks, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, and even some nachos. They both even had a few beers and slice of cake with their dinner. By the end of the meal, they both slowly walked to their room while massaging their now massive food bellies. They were both looked like they were at least 4 months pregnant with their stuffed stomachs bulging out of their tight dresses. fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories "Urp, I have never had a belly so big before." Victoria stated while slowly rubbing her round belly. Morgan responded by touching Victoria's bloated gut. It was hard. "Yeah, that is quite the belly Victoria. You still look so hic hot." Victoria laughed and stuck up her belly further, "Thanks! I guess I do look like a pregnant model. Those exist right?"The two drunk ladies laughed until they got to their room. They both simply passed out in their bras and panties as they were so bloated and tired from their long day. Little did they know that they had both consumed over 5,000 calories in one day. This was more than they were supposed to eat in 2 days! The girls woke up hungover and in no mood to exercise. Morgan realized that even after they had both showered that Victoria still had a cute little belly that visible in her bikini. It was not even close to the size of Morgan's growing gut but it was a start. They started their day out by drinking and eating chicken wings as they had woke up quite late. Victoria soon discussed working out, fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories "Yeah, today can be off too. It's still the weekend and we did go on this cruise to relax, but tomorrow is Monday and we need to spend at least a few hours at the gym. Or else..." Morgan secretly hoped that Victoria didn't work out tomorrow as she wanted her bigger. It would be nice to finally be the smaller friend. The best way for this to happen would be if Victoria was hungover again. This meant that Morgan decided to start having drinking games with her friend. This lead to girls getting drunk quite quickly and again eating lavish meals from the bars. Today, they devoured an entire pizza for lunch. Victoria and Morgan loved their pepperoni pizza that was filled with cheese and marina sauce. They even decided to switch to beer as it was something different. The beer did lead to them to get even more bloated than yesterday. They again ate a massive dinner at the buffet and soon retreated to their rooms with bellies filled to the brim with cheesy pasta and buttery garlic bread. Morgan and Victoria again could not stop staring at each other tummies. They both were just in awe with how big they had gotten after only two days on binging. Victoria promised herself that she would work out on Monday. She would not let herself get fat. "Wake up chubby!" Morgan awoke to the sound of Victoria yelling at her. Morgan quickly noticed that Victoria was wearing her workout gear. A pair of gym shorts and a white crop top. She noticed that Victoria's usual flat abdomen was nowhere to be found. Her belly was still quite small, but it still looked soft and bloated. It seemed as if a few pounds had already found their way onto Victoria's previously perfect figure. "Isn't your head killing you from all the booze? Maybe some breakfast would be good before a workout?" fattening up stories PasteShr fattening up stories Victoria sighed and soon replied, "You are technically right, but it's not a good idea to work out stuffed like we have been all day! So let's go girl. We can get breakfast after our workout." Morgan groggily got from her bed and went to the restroom to brush her teeth. She then put on her shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt. It seemed that her belly was getting rounder too. "Come on. I really need to lose this gut!" Victoria yelped as Morgan was brushing her long blonde hair. fattening up stories PasteShr fattening up stories They soon made their way to the gym which was completely empty except for one other girl. A girl that both Morgan and Victoria knew. It was Hansel. Victoria and Morgan had definitely lost touch with her as they went to different colleges. Hansel was dressed in gym shorts and much too short top that couldn't contain her round belly and love handles. Both of them knew Hansel in High School as the pretty blonde haired cheerleader. She was always super thin and kinda of a bitch to the fat and ugly girls. But here she was covered in sweat with her bloated gut exposed to the world. Her butt also seemed bigger and the two quickly noted that her thighs were littered with cellulite. Her arms looked quite thick too as they jiggled as she ran on the treadmill. Not only that but her breasts looked bigger than her b cups in high school. She soon noticed her two old high school friends. She slowed the speed on the treadmill and soon stepped off it to talk to her old friends. Hansel was breathing very heavy after her workout. Her face definitely was fatter with a double chin and two chubby cheeks. She had really let herself go. "Oh my GOD! It's so nice to see you guys here!" Hansel was quite embarrassed by her bigger figure, but was somewhat happy to see that both of her old friends looked bigger too. Especially, Morgan who looked to also have quite the massive breasts and thighs. Even, Victoria had a belly pouch. The girls hugged and talked about college and graduating. Soon, Hansel discussed her fiance and how they decided to take a cruise before their wedding. "The only thing that sucks is that George absolutely does not want me to gain any more weight. It was a long argument but he eventually said yes to this cruise as long as I exercised daily. He does have a point! I really have let myself go." fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories Morgan decided to speak up, "Girl, I think you are still smoking hot. You probably haven't gained that much. My fat-ass on the other hand, has gained nearly gained 30 pounds since high school!" Hansel looked somewhat distressed but softly replied, "I gained 60. It also shows more on me because I am only 5'2. That means that I am currently 175 pounds of fat. It's this damn job that I got at the bakery. Free cakes, cookies, and danishes really did turn me fat. Still, I need the money." Hansel stomach growled at the mention of food. "Do you guys want to join me for breakfast after your workout?" fattening up stories How to get it for free? fattening up stories Morgan quickly responded, "We would love to now! We can always work out later." Victoria softly sighed and decided to tag along. One more day without the gym wouldn't destroy her figure right? The three feasted on pastries, freshly baked banana bread, bacon, and even buttery waffles. The breakfast soon lead to morning drinks which lead to a heavy lunch of subs that were loaded with cheese and meats. This turned to even more drinks and soon the girls were eating a massive dinner with George. Hansel's fiance was fairly attractive with his light blonde hair and muscular body. He only took a small portion of the grilled chicken and sweet potatoes. He disapproved of his fiance eating a plate loaded with fried shrimp, fried mozzarella sticks, and chicken wings. He was even angrier as she returned after devouring her first plate with another plate full of cookies, cupcakes, and even a bowl of ice cream. He didn't want to belittle her in front of her old friends ,but she really did need to getting her eating under control. His face turned red at the sight of not only Hansel but her two other friends pigging out. All three of the young ladies had visibly stuffed; he also smelt alcohol in all of their breathes. The four eventually said their goodbyes and soon Victoria spoke up, "Tomorrow, we are 100% working out! No more excuses. We don't want to be as big as Hansel!" "Yeah, I can't believe that she got so huge. I thought that I was big." fattening up stories PasteShr fattening up stories "I can definitely see how she got so big. She ate like a pig today. I never seen someone eat as much food as she did today." Victoria stated while not realizing that she had eaten almost as much as Hansel. "What do mean the gym is closed?" "We are so sorry! It's just that some completely ruined the room. It was probably a drunk person. We have no proof as we don't have a camera in the gym. All, we know is that puke, broken machinery, and glass is all around the gym. All of the machines are smashed, but we do have two pools which can be used for exercise. I don't think the gym will be fixed during this trip, but we can deduct a total of $100 from your total cost for the inconvenience if you don't tell any of the other guests. I think that most of them could care less about our broken gym." The three girls looked at each other in disbelief. It seemed that they could not work out at the gym. Morgan suggested breakfast by the pool which they could swim at for a workout after breakfast. They all agreed but ate and drank far too much to work out. Morgan ordered a few drinks which turned them giggly and tipsy. Before, they knew it the entire day passed and the three of them did not work out. They actually did the opposite. They binged on both alcohol and food. "OK! Tomorrow, we really need to either slow down with the eating and drinking. We also need to actually exercise, or we are going to end up bigger than Hansel" fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories Victoria stated while staring at her growing belly as the two got ready to sleep. "Deal, but you have to admit this is fun!" "Yes, drinking is very fun, but maybe we can stop drinking beer. Beer is too fattening!" For the first ten days of the cruise, the girls only drank, ate, drank, and ate some more. This lead to all three of the girls growing immensely. The girls had easily put on over a pound per day. Victoria was definitely the lightest but she had actually gained the most weight out of the three. Most of her 14 extra pounds found their way into her now proper beer belly and love handles. It also seemed as if her thighs and butt were getting slightly bigger. Still, she looked fairly attractive except for her growing belly. Victoria was in denial about her due her constant drunkenness. Morgan always made sure to bring Victoria a few cocktails in the morning to keep her constantly drunk from the previous night. Drunk Victoria did not have a care in the world except for eating and drinking more. Morgan seemed to gain even more weight into her already big breasts. Significant amounts of cleavage were visible with her big d cup bras and her size 8 bikinis. Her belly was looked fuller with every day. Her face was started to getting rounder. Plus her arms were accumulating quite some fat too. She gained 12 pounds which put her at a hefty 162 pounds of blubber. Their friend Hansel had put on 10 pounds that found their way in her belly, love handles, thighs, and butt. Her bikinis were getting tighter and tighter ,and her fiance spent less time with her after every passing day on the cruise. The girls were lounging and drinking their 5th fruity margarita at only 12:30 pm. They seemed to turn into drunks with all the free booze. It was rare to see them not drinking copious amounts of alcohol. They were constantly drunk. "We really need to stop pigging out. George already yelled at me for my belly getting even bigger. I really am getting massive." fattening up stories How to use it? fattening up stories Victoria only laughed, it was obvious that she drunk. She seemed to have replaced her daily workout routine with alcohol and food. The lack of dopamine from no exercising was replaced by even more dopamine and pleasure from her new habits. Victoria was kept constantly drunk and stuffed by Morgan which made her seemingly unaware of her growing figure. All, she seemed to care about was drinking now. Drinking made her feel good. Drinking also made her more hungry. She seemed to only care about eating and drinking as much as she could. "Who cares girl. More drinks!" Morgan smiled at her friend's suggestion even though she was already quite tipsy, "I agree. Fuck that asshole. We are here to drink and eat. We will do that!" Victoria yelled out, fattening up stories How to get it for free? fattening up stories "HELL YEAH! ONE MORE ROUND OF MARGARITAS!" The girls spent another day on the cruise stuffed and drunk. Morgan and Victoria both retreated to their room while giggling. They were both very stuffed after consuming an entire cake for dessert. They had also managed each eat three of the massive burgers that they eaten on the first day of the cruise. They even managed to snack on an entire dozen of freshly baked donuts. They had also drank more than 10 sugary drinks. Hansel had managed to keep up with the two, but she had gone to her room. "God, Megan. I really ate too much today! My tummy hurts." Victoria stated while removing her top. She was wearing a top that she had borrowed from Morgan. Her old tops had apparently been shrunk in the wash. She groaned and slowly removed Morgan's jeans. Morgan had easily convinced her that her jeans that shrunk too. "I feel like a beached whale." Victoria said while slowly rubbing her massive belly. Her belly had gotten so round that it now looked to be the same size as Morgan's gut. Morgan simply smiled, "You did eat quite a bit today. I ate too much too. At least you have clothes that fit you. Nothing fits me except this bikini." fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories Victoria laughed cruelly and soon moved her body towards Morgan. She pressed her belly outward right onto to Morgan's own massive gut. Both of their bellies touched and two busted out in laughter. "You ate a lot too. Both of our bellies are so big." Victoria said while touching her belly with one of her hands and Morgan's belly with the other hand. "They are both so full with food." Morgan smirked, "Good observation Sherlock." Victoria continued to laugh, "I am Sherlock belly. The pregnant detective. At least my belly will go away after this cruise. I might miss it a little though." Victoria was so drunk that she did not even realize that her belly fat was permanent. She actually believed that after the cruise that it would magically shrink down to it's previous size. Morgan laughed loudly. She loved that her friend was getting fat. The best part was that she still believed that she was thin. fattening up stories PasteShr fattening up stories Ten more days lead to the girls honestly ballooning in size. They were currently sat at dinner in their now skin tight clothing. Victoria was now dressed in Morgan's old size 8 jeans and one of her medium sized blouses. The brunette now was officially as heavy as Morgan when they first entered the ship. That meant that she gained an simply ridiculous 16 pounds in the last 10 days. She had gained a total of 30 pounds in only 20 days. She had truly turned chubby but hardly noticed as she was kept drunk 24/7 by Morgan. Victoria's stomach was now a sight to behold as it was round and extended almost 10 inches past her body when stuffed. Her thighs and butt and grown and now only fit Morgan's old clothes. Her face was still thin but her arms were already starting to jiggle as stuffed her face with her second plate of rich Lasagna. She only stopped to take big gulps from her pitcher that was full of beer. She soon finished it and stood up and requested for more. Her top did not fully cover her growing stomach and love handles, "Waiter more. urp. beer." "I need a refill on my soda too!" Hansel loudly stated currently in her skin tight an extremely tight dress. "NO Soda for you. You are such a pig that you are going to destroy your dress!" Her finance loudly stated. fattening up stories PasteShr fattening up stories She looked angry which lead to her taking a large amount of pasta from her plate in her hands. She shoveled the pasta in her fatter face and annoyingly stated, "Shut up! I will not rip this dress. Now, let's get's some cake girls." Her fiance seemed even more angry but decided to calm down as people were starting to look. The three walked and all carried an entire cheesecake to their table. They greedily gobbled on the cake until disaster struck. A loud rip and pop were heard once they had only finished half of the cake. Hansel's belly had gotten too big and had actually tore a massive hole in the middle of dress. At the same time, the button on Victoria jeans popped as she had forgotten to unzip and unbutton them in her drunkenness. She been down to reach for the button and heard a loud rip. She had split her, no Morgan's jeans. All of the guests erupted in laughter. Morgan couldn't help but to laugh at her two friends. Morgan was currently wearing the only thing that fit her growing figure. A bigger bikini that she borrowed from heavier server. She soon stopped and followed her embarrassed friends out of the dining hall and into the Morgan and Victoria's room. They both soon started to bawl loudly. Morgan did not know what to say so she see decided to open a bottle of Vodka which the girls quickly drank while crying about their bigger figures, "Do you guys know that George might not want to get married anymore. All because I could not control my stupid appetite!" fattening up stories PasteShr fattening up stories "Who needs urp. guys anyway. We got alcohol!" Morgan added while looking at her own massive gut. The girls eventually drank until they passed out and woke up hungry and hungover. Morgan suggested they eat and drink, but it seemed that Hansel and Victoria had finally came to their senses. "Morgan, we can't keep eating like we have been. I been drunk 24/7 that I didn't even realize how massive I am getting. I bet I am over 150 pounds of fat." Victoria sadly stated while staring at her massive belly. She hated the fact that her belly now jiggled. She wanted her flat tummy back. "Victoria is right! We are turning into fat blobs. You can go eat and drink, but me and Victoria are going to try to swim and eat right." fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories Morgan scoffed at them and simply took a shower and decided to treat herself to a big breakfast and some drinks. She knew deep down that her two friends would soon come to their senses. They had been far too gluttonous to simply give up on food that easily. Plus, the bodies must be craving alcohol as they had been drinking nonstop for 20 whole days. Morgan decided to go to the pool by the bar and noticed Hansel and Victoria stuffing themselves with a giant plate loaded with chicken fingers. They also had a few empty beer bottles on the table. Morgan couldn't help but to laugh at her friends growing bellies, "You guys tell me that you want to diet..." Victoria looked at her friend. Morgan looked even bigger then she had before. Her massive breasts simply were struggling to fit in her new bigger bikini. They looked like two ripe watermelons. Plus her face was now fully spherical, not to mention her growing double chin. "We are going to start tomorrow. Now, come and join us for today. Today is the last day of indulgence." The girls spent the last 10 days of cruise simply eating and drinking like they had before. Victoria attempted to exercise but failed miserably due to her growing bellies that did not even allow to complete 10 sit-ups. She was even disgusted with the sight of her round gut while attempting sit ups. She had gotten far too lazy. George had completely cut Hansel out after she ripped her dress during dinner. She now stayed with Morgan and Victoria would lead to more pounds finding their way into her figure. All of the girls had simply turned into porkers after 30 days at sea. The unlimited food and booze had turned then into fat, drunkards that only cared about stuffing their faces with the most fattening food possible and drinking as much as they could. Their flesh was oozing out of their tight bikinis as they exited the cruise ship. They noticed that some of the guests looked rounder too. They saw a thin black girl with a proper beer belly. They had spoken to her before. The lady spoke up as they were leaving the cruise, fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories "I thought that I got fat after gaining 15 pounds on this cruise, but you guys all look so much bigger than you did on day 1! You guys look like whales. No offense!" The trios faces turned red as they hastily walked away from that girl. "What a stupid bimbo. She looks like a hippo." Morgan stated while Victoria ordered an Uber. "She does have a point. We really look massive." Victoria said nervously. The girls first ran to the scales to see how big they had gotten. The trio had directly stopped at Victoria's and Morgan place. They decided to set on the scale in their bathroom. Victoria seemed to finally get into her senses after not drinking for a day. She seemed disgusted by her bigger body. She nervously stepped on the scale and had to suck in her bloated gut to see the number. She was literally flabbergasted by the number. fattening up stories How to get it? fattening up stories 169. That meant that she had managed to put on 46 pounds of fat into her body. Most of which went into her belly and love handles. Still, she already had a double chin and her arms were thicker. Even her thighs and butt had seemed to grow quite a bit. She angrily squeezed her soft belly fat and love handles. She had a few red stretch marks around her belly. She started to cry and the other two girls tried to comfort her. "I can't believe I turned into such a pig!" "Don't worry. I still bet that you are the lightest out of all three of us." "Yeah and you didn't lose your fiance for turning into a pig. Let me go next!" Hansel stated while simply stepping on the scale. She sucked in her gut and could hardly see the number. 214. That meant that she gained 39 pounds of fat. She was 5'2 so she honestly looked much bigger then her weight suggested. Her breasts looked quite massive compared to Victoria's still small b cup breasts. They were probably around E cups. Her arms and face had turned into jello-like flesh with how much they jiggled. Her belly had grown significantly. It was full of multiple rolls of fat. Her thighs and butt had also grown much wider. She probably needed to move 6 to 8 sizes up, as only Morgan's old bikini hardly covered her butt. She was officially obese. fattening up stories How to dowload it? fattening up stories "Well, I guess it's my turn!" Morgan nervously said while she slowly made her way to the scale. She had truly been trying to eat a little less on the last few days on the cruise. Still, she ate quite piggishly just not as much as her two friends. She stepped on the scale and audibly gasped at the number. 184, this meant that she had managed to gain 34 pounds of fat. She truly felt massive especially with her butt which would not fit into anything except for a tight bikini that she borrowed. She did feel like a whale but was quite happy that Victoria gained more weight than her. She secretly hoped that she could fatten Victoria up more. It would be easy to do, as they would start working their new office jobs in only a month. Victoria was only 15 pounds away from 184 pounds. Morgan knew that Victoria would easily pass 184. She would finally be the thinner friend. Unless she gained weight too... fattening up stories