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exgon cursordance "RestartKey": "`", "SmokeKey": "C", "MouseButtonsDisabled": true, "MouseHighPrecision": false, "MouseSensitivity": 1 }, "Gameplay": { "HitErrorMeter": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "Opacity": 1, "ShowUnstableRate": true, "UnstableRateDecimals": 0, "UnstableRateScale": 1 }, "Score": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, "Opacity": 1, "ProgressBar": "Pie", exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "ShowGradeAlways": false }, "HpBar": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, "Opacity": 1 }, "ComboCounter": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "Opacity": 1 }, "PPCounter": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, "Opacity": 1, "Color": { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 0, "Value": 1 exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance }, "XPosition": 5, "YPosition": 150, "Decimals": 0, "Align": "CentreLeft", "ShowInResults": true }, "HitCounter": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance "Opacity": 1, "Color": [ { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 0, "Value": 1 } ], "XPosition": 5, "YPosition": 190, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "Spacing": 48, "FontScale": 1, "Align": "Left", "ValueAlign": "Left", "Vertical": false, "Show300": false }, "KeyOverlay": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "Opacity": 1 }, "ScoreBoard": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, "Opacity": 1, "HideOthers": false, "ShowAvatars": false, "YOffset": 0 }, exgon cursordance How to get it for free? exgon cursordance "Mods": { "Show": true, "Scale": 1, "Opacity": 1, "HideInReplays": false, "FoldInReplays": false }, "Boundaries": { "Enabled": true, "BorderThickness": 1, exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance "BorderFill": 1, "BorderColor": { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 0, "Value": 1 }, "BorderOpacity": 1, "BackgroundColor": { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 1, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "Value": 0 }, "BackgroundOpacity": 0.5 }, "ShowResultsScreen": true, "ResultsScreenTime": 5, "ResultsUseLocalTimeZone": false, "ShowWarningArrows": true, "FlashlightDim": 1, "PlayUsername": "Guest" exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance }, "Skin": { "CurrentSkin": "default", "UseColorsFromSkin": false, "UseBeatmapColors": false, "Cursor": { "UseSkinCursor": false, "Scale": 1, "ForceLongTrail": false, "LongTrailLength": 2048, exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "LongTrailDensity": 1 } }, "Cursor": { "TrailStyle": 1, "Style23Speed": 0.18, "Style4Shift": 0.5, "Colors": { "EnableRainbow": true, "RainbowSpeed": 8, exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance "BaseColor": { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 1, "Value": 1 }, "EnableCustomHueOffset": false, "HueOffset": 0, "FlashToTheBeat": false, "FlashAmplitude": 0 }, exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance "EnableCustomTagColorOffset": true, "TagColorOffset": -36, "EnableTrailGlow": true, "EnableCustomTrailGlowOffset": true, "TrailGlowOffset": -36, "ScaleToCS": false, "CursorSize": 18, "CursorExpand": false, "ScaleToTheBeat": false, "ShowCursorsOnBreaks": true, exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance "BounceOnEdges": false, "TrailScale": 1, "TrailEndScale": 0.4, "TrailDensity": 0.5, "TrailMaxLength": 2000, "TrailRemoveSpeed": 1, "GlowEndScale": 0.4, "InnerLengthMult": 0.9, "AdditiveBlending": true, "CursorRipples": true, exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "SmokeEnabled": true }, "Objects": { "DrawApproachCircles": true, "DrawComboNumbers": true, "DrawFollowPoints": true, "LoadSpinners": true, "ScaleToTheBeat": false, "StackEnabled": true, "Sliders": { exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance "ForceSliderBallTexture": true, "DrawEndCircles": true, "DrawSliderFollowCircle": true, "DrawScorePoints": true, "SliderMerge": false, "SliderDistortions": true, "BorderWidth": 1, "Quality": { "CircleLevelOfDetail": 50, "PathLevelOfDetail": 50 exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance }, "Snaking": { "In": true, "Out": true, "OutFadeInstant": true, "DurationMultiplier": 0, "FadeMultiplier": 0 } }, "Colors": { exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance "MandalaTexturesTrigger": 5, "MandalaTexturesAlpha": 0.3, "Color": { "EnableRainbow": true, "RainbowSpeed": 8, "BaseColor": { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 1, "Value": 1 }, exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "EnableCustomHueOffset": false, "HueOffset": 0, "FlashToTheBeat": false, "FlashAmplitude": 100 }, "UseComboColors": false, "ComboColors": [ { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 1, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "Value": 1 } ], "UseSkinComboColors": false, "UseBeatmapComboColors": false, "Sliders": { "WhiteScorePoints": true, "ScorePointColorOffset": 0, "SliderBallTint": false, "Border": { exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance "UseHitCircleColor": false, "Color": { "EnableRainbow": false, "RainbowSpeed": 8, "BaseColor": { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 0, "Value": 1 }, "EnableCustomHueOffset": false, exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "HueOffset": 0, "FlashToTheBeat": false, "FlashAmplitude": 100 }, "EnableCustomGradientOffset": true, "CustomGradientOffset": 0 }, "Body": { "UseHitCircleColor": true, "Color": { exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance "EnableRainbow": false, "RainbowSpeed": 8, "BaseColor": { "Hue": 0, "Saturation": 1, "Value": 0 }, "EnableCustomHueOffset": false, "HueOffset": 0, "FlashToTheBeat": true, exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance "FlashAmplitude": 100 }, "InnerOffset": -0.5, "OuterOffset": -0.05, "InnerAlpha": 0.8, "OuterAlpha": 0.8 } } } }, exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "Playfield": { "DrawObjects": true, "DrawCursors": true, "Scale": 1, "OsuShift": false, "ShiftY": 0, "ShiftX": 0, "ScaleStoryboardWithPlayfield": false, "LeadInTime": 5, "LeadInHold": 2, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "FadeOutTime": 5, "SeizureWarning": { "Enabled": true, "Duration": 5 }, "Background": { "LoadStoryboards": true, "LoadVideos": false, "FlashToTheBeat": false, "Dim": { exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance "Intro": 0, "Normal": 0.95, "Breaks": 0.5 }, "Parallax": { "Amount": 0.1, "Speed": 0.5 }, "Blur": { "Enabled": false, exgon cursordance How to get it for free? exgon cursordance "Values": { "Intro": 0, "Normal": 0.6, "Breaks": 0.3 } }, "Triangles": { "Enabled": false, "Shadowed": true, "DrawOverBlur": true, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "ParallaxMultiplier": 0.5, "Density": 1, "Scale": 1, "Speed": 1 } }, "Logo": { "DrawSpectrum": false, "Dim": { "Intro": 0, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "Normal": 1, "Breaks": 1 } }, "Bloom": { "Enabled": false, "BloomToTheBeat": true, "BloomBeatAddition": 0.3, "Threshold": 0, "Blur": 0.6, exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance "Power": 0.7 } }, "CursorDance": { "Movers": [ { "Mover": "spline", "SliderDance": false, "RandomSliderDance": false } exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance ], "Spinners": [ { "Mover": "circle", "Radius": 100 } ], "ComboTag": false, "Battle": false, "DoSpinnersTogether": true, exgon cursordance How to get it for free? exgon cursordance "TAGSliderDance": false, "MoverSettings": { "Bezier": [ { "Aggressiveness": 60, "SliderAggressiveness": 3 } ], "Flower": [ { exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance "AngleOffset": 90, "DistanceMult": 0.666, "StreamAngleOffset": 90, "LongJump": -1, "LongJumpMult": 0.7, "LongJumpOnEqualPos": false } ], "HalfCircle": [ { exgon cursordance PasteShr exgon cursordance "RadiusMultiplier": 1, "StreamTrigger": 130 } ], "Spline": [ { "RotationalForce": false, "StreamHalfCircle": true, "StreamWobble": true, "WobbleScale": 0.67 exgon cursordance How to get it? exgon cursordance } ], "Momentum": [ { "SkipStackAngles": false, "StreamRestrict": true, "DurationMult": 2, "DurationTrigger": 500, "StreamMult": 0.7, "RestrictAngle": 90, exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "RestrictArea": 40, "RestrictInvert": true, "DistanceMult": 0.6, "DistanceMultOut": 0.45 } ], "ExGon": [ { "Delay": 50 } exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance ], "Linear": [ { "WaitForPreempt": true, "ReactionTime": 100, "ChoppyLongObjects": false } ], "Pippi": [ { exgon cursordance How to get it for free? exgon cursordance "RotationSpeed": 1.6, "RadiusMultiplier": 0.98, "SpinnerRadius": 100 } ] } }, "Knockout": { "Mode": 0, "ExcludeMods": "EZHT", exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "HideMods": "", "MaxPlayers": 50, "BubbleMinimumCombo": 200, "RevivePlayersAtEnd": false, "LiveSort": true, "SortBy": "Score", "HideOverlayOnBreaks": false, "MinCursorSize": 3, "MaxCursorSize": 7, "AddDanser": false, exgon cursordance How to get it for free? exgon cursordance "DanserName": "danser" }, "Recording": { "FrameWidth": 1920, "FrameHeight": 1080, "FPS": 60, "EncodingFPSCap": 0, "Encoder": "libx264", "EncoderOptions": "-crf 14", "Profile": "high", exgon cursordance How to dowload it? exgon cursordance "Preset": "faster", "PixelFormat": "yuv420p", "Filters": "", "AudioCodec": "aac", "AudioBitrate": "320k", "AudioFilters": "", "OutputDir": "videos", "Container": "mp4", "MotionBlur": { "Enabled": false, exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance "OversampleMultiplier": 3, "BlendFrames": 5, "BlendWeights": { "UseManualWeights": false, "ManualWeights": "1 1.7 2.1 4.1 5", "AutoWeightsID": 1, "GaussWeightsMult": 1.5 } } } exgon cursordance How to use it? exgon cursordance } exgon cursordance