eating simulator script ----------------------------------------------------------local burger handler (local script) local module = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("ModuleScript")) local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local mouse = lp:GetMouse() script.Parent.Activated:Connect(function() module.lift() end) eating simulator script How to use it? eating simulator script ----------------------------------------------------------burger module script (module script) local module = {} local replicatedstorage = game.ReplicatedStorage function module.lift() replicatedstorage.lift:FireServer() end eating simulator script How to dowload it? eating simulator script return module ----------------------------------------------------------burger script (put burger near mouth) (server script) local Tool = script.Parent local enabled = true eating simulator script PasteShr eating simulator script function onActivated() if not enabled then return end enabled = false Tool.GripForward =, .196, 0) Tool.GripPos =, -0.6, -1.5) eating simulator script How to use it? eating simulator script Tool.GripRight =, -0, -1) Tool.GripUp =, .981, 0) Tool.Handle.DrinkSound:Play() wait(.8) Tool.GripForward =, 0, 0) eating simulator script How to dowload it? eating simulator script Tool.GripPos =, -.1, 0) Tool.GripRight =, 0, 1) Tool.GripUp =,1,0) enabled = true end function onEquipped() eating simulator script How to dowload it? eating simulator script Tool.Handle.OpenSound:play() end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) ----------------------------------------------------------lift handler (server script) local replicatedstorage = game.ReplicatedStorage eating simulator script How to dowload it? eating simulator script local remotedata = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteData") local starterRebirthAmount = 1000 local cooldown = 0.8; eating simulator script PasteShr eating simulator script replicatedstorage.lift.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) if not remotedata:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then return "NoFolder" end local debounce = remotedata[player.Name].Debounce eating simulator script PasteShr eating simulator script if debounce.Value == false then debounce.Value = true player.leaderstats.strength.Value = player.leaderstats.strength.Value + 1 * (player.leaderstats.rebirths.Value + 1) wait(cooldown) eating simulator script How to get it? eating simulator script debounce.Value = false else end end) replicatedstorage.rebirth.OnServerInvoke = function(player) eating simulator script How to get it? eating simulator script if not remotedata:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then return "NoFolder" end local rebirths = player.leaderstats.rebirths if player.leaderstats.strength.Value >= math.floor(starterRebirthAmount + ((rebirths.Value) * (starterRebirthAmount*rebirths.Value))) then eating simulator script How to use it? eating simulator script rebirths.Value = rebirths.Value + 1 player.leaderstats.strength.Value = 0 player:LoadCharacter() return true else eating simulator script How to get it? eating simulator script return "NotEnoughStrength" end end ---------------------------------------------------------- stats handler (size and stuff) (server script) eating simulator script PasteShr eating simulator script local serverstorage = game.ServerStorage local remotedata = serverstorage:WaitForChild("RemoteData") local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("-data") game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) local leaderstats ="Folder") leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats" leaderstats.Parent = player eating simulator script How to dowload it? eating simulator script local strength ="NumberValue") strength.Name = "strength" strength.Parent = leaderstats local rebirths ="IntValue") rebirths.Name = "rebirths" rebirths.Parent = leaderstats local datafolder ="Folder") eating simulator script How to get it for free? eating simulator script datafolder.Name = player.Name datafolder.Parent = remotedata local debounce ="BoolValue") debounce.Name = "Debounce" debounce.Parent = datafolder local strengthData, rebirthsData local success,errormessage = pcall(function() eating simulator script How to dowload it? eating simulator script strengthData = DataStore:GetAsync("strength-"..player.UserId) rebirthsData = DataStore:GetAsync("rebirths-"..player.UserId) end) if success then if strengthData then strength.Value = strengthData; eating simulator script How to get it for free? eating simulator script rebirths.Value = rebirthsData; end print("Data received successfully") else print("There was an error getting data: "..errormessage) end eating simulator script How to get it? eating simulator script player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Connect(function(character) local humanoid = character.Humanoid humanoid:WaitForChild("BodyDepthScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid:WaitForChild("BodyHeightScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid:WaitForChild("BodyWidthScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid:WaitForChild("HeadScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 * (strength.Value/50); eating simulator script How to use it? eating simulator script if humanoid.WalkSpeed < 16 then humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 end strength:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function() eating simulator script How to get it? eating simulator script humanoid:WaitForChild("BodyDepthScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid:WaitForChild("BodyHeightScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid:WaitForChild("BodyWidthScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid:WaitForChild("HeadScale").Value = 1 + (strength.Value/50); humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 * (strength.Value/50); if humanoid.WalkSpeed < 16 then humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 end eating simulator script How to get it? eating simulator script end) end) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) local success,errormessage = pcall(function() eating simulator script How to dowload it? eating simulator script DataStore:SetAsync("strength-"..player.UserId,player.leaderstats.strength.Value) DataStore:SetAsync("rebirths-"..player.UserId,player.leaderstats.rebirths.Value) end) if success then print("Data saved successfully") else print("There was an error saving data: "..errormessage) end eating simulator script How to use it? eating simulator script end) eating simulator script