dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1. In order to stop experimental subjects from trying to confirm the scientist's hypothesis, psychologist sometimes _____." obtain written promises from participants to be honest maintain subject confidentiality ------> deceive participants about the true purpose of the experiment allow people to chose when they want to leave the study 3 2. Which of the following statements concerning using animals in research is correct? There are no ethical guidelines when it comes to animals. There are rules that prevent the killing of animals. ------> Pain and suffering of animals are allowed but only when necessary. New ethical guidelines prevent the use of primates in psychological research. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 3. A correlation coefficient represents two things: _____ and _____. a representative sample; strength ------> strength; direction of the relationship the experimental group; control group direction of the relationship; expectant functionality 2 4. A correlation coefficient shows that smoking and life expectancy are indeed related. As a result, a researcher could predict _____ if the direction of the relationship is known. if a person smokes a lot of cigarettes, he or she will have less money monthly to buy gas ------> the person's life expectancy will go up or down based on the number of cigarettes the person smokes daily dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist if a person smokes cigarettes, he or she will eventually develop lung cancer a person's lungs will repair themselves and he or she will live a longer life 2 5. The word correlation is often used as a synonym for _____. validity reliability variable ------> relationship 4 6. A psychologist uses the correlational method to _____. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist explain the effects of one variable on another ------> identify relationships between variables determine what causes a variable to change compare two groups of subjects 2 7. A correlation is a numerical measure of the _____. unintended changes in participants' behavior due to cues from the experimenter ------> strength of the relationship between two variables behaviors of participants of different ages compared at a given time behaviors of participants followed and periodically assessed over time dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 8. If psychologists find that rich people are less satisfied with their jobs compared to poor people, this would mean that wealth and job satisfaction are _____. causally related ------> negatively correlated independent variables positively correlated 2 9. Dr. Wiseman wants to know about the alcohol consumption patterns among college juniors in the United States. He should _____. give the survey to every college junior in the country remember that sample size is the most critical factor in survey research dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist require students' names on each survey to avoid the tendency to lie ------> draw a representative sample among college juniors 4 10. A psychologist evaluated Tameka, an eight-year-old child who has experienced difficulty in school. The psychologist sent questionnaires to 100 teachers to determine if they had ever seen similar cases. Based on the teachers' responses, the psychologist hypothesized that a particular diet might cause the learning problem. Following her tabulation of the responses, she designed a study that would tell her if diet were the actual cause. Which of the following lists, in order from first to last, the research methods this psychologist used? experiment, case study, survey ------> case study, survey, experiment correlation, case study, experiment naturalistic observation, survey, experiment 2 11. In a group of five people, two report annual incomes of $25,000 and the other three report incomes of $34,000, $46,000, and $105,000, respectively. The mode of this group's distribution of incomes is _____. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> $25,000 $34,000 $46,000 $47,000 1 12. The editors of Scientific American are able to obtain a representative sample of their readers in order to assess their attitudes toward preservation of the rain forests in Costa Rica. When interpreting the results of their survey, the editors will be able to _____. apply the results to the entire U.S. population apply the results to Costa Rica ------> apply the results to subscribers of Scientific American apply the result to scientists dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 13. A case study would be the most appropriate method to investigate which of these topics? The ways in which the games of boys differ from the games of girls. ------> The development of a male baby raised as a female after a surgical error destroyed his penis. The math skills of students in Japan as compared to those of U.S. students. Physiological changes that occur when people watch violent movies. 2 14. Jane Goodall's research with chimpanzees and gorillas can best be described as _____. experimentation a case study dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> naturalistic observation participant observation 3 15. In an experiment to test the effects of anxiety on performance, the dependent variable is the _____. amount of anxiety age of the person ------> person's performance cause of the anxiety 3 16. In a laboratory, smokers are asked to "drive" using a computerized driving simulator equipped with a stick shift and a gas pedal. The object is to maximize the distance covered by driving as fast as possible on a winding road while avoiding rear-end collisions. Some of the participants smoke a real cigarette immediately before climbing into the driver's seat. Others smoke a fake cigarette without nicotine. You are interested in comparing how many collisions the two groups have. In this study, the independent variable is _____. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> the use of nicotine the use of a driving simulator the number of collisions the driving skills of each driver 1 17. "If children watch violent cartoons then they will become more aggressive." According to the scientific method, this statement is most likely a _____. conclusion result ------> hypothesis fact dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 18. _____ is a system used for reducing bias and error in the measurement of data. Statistics ------> The scientific method Checks and balances The double-blind method 2 19. After reading about the possible causes of schizophrenia, a scientist thinks that a virus is the most likely cause. What term most accurately describes the scientist's idea? ------> hypothesis dependent variable dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist extraneous variable experimental estimate 1 20. Sherri believes that she plays better soccer when she wears her lucky socks. Sherri is falling into a statistical trap called _____. statistical significance overconfidence ------> illusory correlation hindsight bias 3 21. In a controlled experiment, the group subjected to a change in the independent variable is called the _____ group. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist independent ------> experimental dependent control 2 22. Ideally, everything in the experimental situation except the _____ is held constant. inferential statistics placebos ------> independent variables hypotheses dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 23. A psychologist wanted to see if people are more prone to seek the company of others when anxious than when calm. He randomly assigned half of his subjects to an anxiety group and then told then that as part of the study, they would receive electric shocks. He did not frighten the other group of subjects. Finally, he recorded how many subjects in each group chose to be "tested" in a group setting and how many chose to be "tested" alone. In this study, the group that was NOT frightened would be called the _____ group. experimental ------> control placebo test 2 24. Sandy Sue was participating in an experiment in which she was given a pill that was supposed to cause her to get drowsy. Five minutes after taking the pill, Sandy Sue reported that she felt drowsy and wanted to lie down. The pill was actually made of sugar and had no ingredients to cause drowsiness. How do you explain Sandy Sue's drowsy feeling? experimenter effect ------> placebo effect dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist subject bias treatment effect 2 25. You are at a basketball game and the arena is packed; the crowd is evenly split between fans of the two teams. At one point, the referee makes a call. Half of the fans yell insults; the other half of the fans shout their approval. The event reminds you of the topic of today's lecture in psychology class. What was the likely topic of the lecture? ------> bias experiments psychoanalysis extraneous variables 1 26. If you are interested in how patterns, beliefs, and customs influence behavior, you are interested in the _____ perspective. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist behavioral ------> sociocultural psychodynamic cognitive 2 27. Samantha just had her purse stolen while walking down Fifth Avenue in New York City which is a very busy part of Manhattan. She screamed loudly, and several people looked in her direction, but nobody stopped walking or made an attempt to help. She immediately broke down in tears and trembled for 10 minutes until she could walk to her car. This is an example of _____. democracy ------> bystander effect diffusion of effects flaws in the judicial system dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 28. In 1879, in Leipzig, Germany, the first psychological laboratory was developed by _____. William James William Tell ------> Wilhelm Wundt Sigmund Freud 3 29. Jeff's car broke down and smoke started rising from the engine. He felt lucky to have broken down while parked in the center of town during lunch when many people were outside and could help. However, 30 minutes has passed and despite the heavily populated area, nobody has offered assistance. This is an example of the _____. zeitgeist behaviorist effect dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> bystander effect self-serving prophecy 3 30. Which perspective assumes that human behavior may have developed in certain directions because it served a useful function in preserving the species? Psychoanalysis behaviorism cognitive psychology ------> evolutionary psychology 4 31. Why was the perspective followed by Wilhelm Wundt and his followers called structuralism? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist They wanted to identify the major brain structures. Their primary goal was to understand the physiology of the mind. They focused their efforts on analyzing the elements of the nervous system. ------> Their primary focus was on describing the structure of conscious experience. 4 32. The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. "I'll take Pioneers in Psychology for $50." The revealed answer is "Focused on unconscious factors and relied on the case study method." Just before the buzzer sounds, what will you say? "Who is B. F. Skinner?" "Who are the humanists?" ------> "Who is Sigmund Freud?" "Who are the behaviorists?" dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 33. Darley and Latan� (1968) believe that the presence of other people in a distressing situation decreased the likelihood that they would receive help due to _____. diffusion of anonymity ------> diffusion of responsibility flaws in laws protecting Good Samaritans timeliness of onset 2 34. What did Sigmund Freud consider as the key to understanding the nervous disorders he observed? free will brain physiology dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> unconscious mind external consequences 3 35. Self-actualization was part of which of the following perspectives? Behaviorism Cognitive perspective Functionalism ------> Humanism 4 36. The school of psychology called structuralism used a technique called _____, which involved reporting the contents of consciousness to study a person's experiences. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist intervention ------> introspection insight inventory induction 2 37. Suppose you were a graduate student studying for a Ph.D. in psychology in the 1920s. Your advisor was strongly influenced by John B. Watson. Which of the following might your advisor consider an acceptable choice for your research? A survey of daydreams ------> An analysis of how specific behaviors are acquired A survey of sexual imagery in dreams of men and women An analysis of the thought processes students report while answering test items dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 38. Participants in research early in psychology's history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, and texture and other aspects of their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called _____. hypnosis ------> introspection psychosurgery psychoanalysis 2 39. Professor Wenches approaches questions about human behavior from a perspective that emphasizes unconscious dynamics within the individual, such as inner forces or conflicts. It is most likely that she accepts which of the following psychological approaches? social-cognitive learning learning dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist cognitive approach ------> psychodynamic approach 4 40. Who was an early proponent of functionalism? Ivan Pavlov ------> William James Wilhelm Wundt Max Wertheimer 2 41. The process of hearing sounds takes place in the: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist limbic system sensory cortex reticular formation association areas ------> auditory cortex 5 42. Which of the following body parts is associated with the greatest amount of brain tissue in the sensory cortex? arms fingers ------> face dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist trunk knees 3 43. Cortical areas not primarily concerned with sensory, language, or motor functions are: called projection areas called emotional areas ------> called association areas located in the temporal lobe located in the occipital lobe 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 44. Luke is recovering from damage in his left frontal lobe. He is having trouble speaking. Luke's problem is: split-brain spatial neglect myopia ------> Broca's aphasia Wernicke's aphasia 4 45. The cell body of a neuron is also called the: axon dendrite dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist nucleas ------> soma myelin sheath 4 46. Which of the following is NOT a part of a neuron? ------> neurotransmitter myelin sheath soma axon axon terminal dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 47. The speed at which an action potential travels is increased when the axon is encased by a(n): association area ------> myelin sheath endocrine gland glial cell synapse 2 48. Which of the following structures is considered to be the fundamental building block of the nervous system? soma dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> neuron axon terminals dendrites neurotransmitter 2 49. Branching extensions of the neuron are: neurotransmitters glial cells ------> dendrites axons dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist glands 3 50. The fatty tissue that protects the axon and gives nerves their whitish color is called: neuropeptides axon terminals ------> myelin receptor sites endorphins 3 51. The central nervous system consists of: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist sensory and motor neurons somatic and autonomic subsystems ------> the brain and the spinal cord sympathetic and parasympathetic branches afferent and efferent neurons 3 52. The role of the parasympathetic nervous system is to: prepare the body for flight-or-flight response ------> establish homeostasis after the fight-or-flight response prompt the body to use its resources in responding to an emergency dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist prepare the body to cope with stress communicate between the afferent and efferent neurons 2 53. The two major divisions of the nervous system are the central and the ________nervous systems: autonomic sympathetic parasympathetic ------> peripheral somatic 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 54. Motor neurons transmit signals to: ------> muscles and glands interneurons efferent neurons afferent neurons sensory neurons 1 55. Information is carried from the central nervous system to the body's tissues by: interneurons sensory neurons dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> motor neurons afferent neurons the glial cells 3 56. Following a head injury, a person has difficulty staying awake. Most likely, the damage occurred to the: thalamus corpus callosum ------> reticular formation angular gyrus cerebellum dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 57. The benefits of brain plasticity are most clearly demonstrated in: ------> children who have had a cerebral hemisphere surgically removed individuals with Alzheimer's disease adults with aphasia elderly stroke patients people free of any disease or brain damage 1 58. A bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two brain hemispheres is known as the: fissure dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist limbic system ------> corpus callosum association areas angular gyrus 3 59. Damage to the left cerebral hemisphere is most likely to reduce a person's ability to: ------> solve arithmetic problems copy drawings recognize faces recognize familiar melodies dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist process whole patterns 1 60. A drug that mimics the effects of a particular neurotransmitter or blocks its reuptake is called a(n): glutamate steroid antagonist ------> agonist opiate 4 61. Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the neurotransmitter: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> dopamine epinephrine acetylcholine serotonin GABA 1 62. A synaptic gap is a(n): chemical messenger that triggers muscle contractions automatic response to sensory input neural network dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> junction between a sending neuron and a receiving neuron neural cable containing many axons 4 63. Opiate drugs act as agonist and occupy the same receptor sites as: acetylcholine serotonin ------> endorphins dopamine epinephrine 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 64. Endorphins are considered: ------> neurotransmitters sex hormones hormones endocrine glands morphine agonists 1 65. Evidence indicates that Alzheimer's disease is most closely linked to the loss of neurons that produce: dopamine ------> acetylcholine dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist serotonin epinephrine endorphins 2 66. Communication within a neuron is ________________. Communication between neurons is ______________________. electrical; electrical ------> electrical; chemical chemical; chemical chemical; electrical chemical; electrochemical dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 67. The brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the: synapse agonist ------> action potential myelin sheath refractory period 3 68. Increasing excitatory signals above threshold levels for neural activation will not affect the intensity of an action potential. This indicates that the reaction of a neuron is: inhibited by the myelin sheath dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist delayed by the refractory period ------> an all-or-none response independent of the repolarization dependent on neurotransmitter molecules 3 69. The depolarization of a neural membrane creates a(n): ------> action potential myelin sheath lesion neural network dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist interneuron 1 70. An action potential is generated by the movement of: glial cells hormones vesicles neuropeptides ------> ions 5 71. The 'all-or-none' principal refers to the fact that: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist all neurons in the brain either fire or none of them fire neurotransmitters are released into the synapse or not ------> action potentials occur completely or they do not occur at all an electrical current crosses the synapse or not at all nerve cells are active in a lobe or not 3 72. A technique psychologists use to measure electrical activity in the brain is: ------> EEG lesion fMRI dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist CAT scan PET scan 1 73. To identify which specific brain areas are most active during a particular mental task, researchers would be most likely to make use of a(n): ------> PET scan hemispherectomy CT scan lobotomy brain lesions 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 74. Computer-generated color images of the brain that provide information about brain activity and glucose metabolism are produced by which brain imaging technique? CAT scan ------> PET scan EEG MRI lesioning 2 75. Which of the following techniques would researchers inject a harmless, radioactive substance into a brain to examine activity? EEG CAT scan dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> PET scan MRI lesioning 3 76. To measure electrical activity in the brain, one should conduct a(n): MRI ------> EEG PET scan CT scan split-brain procedure dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 77. A person who sustains major injuries to the medulla will: be paralyzed fall into a coma suffer from aphasia experience a loss of vision ------> die 5 78. The structure of the brain considered most important to our feeding behaviors is the: hippocampus dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist medulla thalamus ------> hypothalamus amygdala 4 79. Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex? ------> thalamus amygdala medulla hippocampus dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist cerebellum 1 80. The section of the brainstem responsible for controlling heartbeat and breathing is called the: cerebellum ------> medulla reticular formation thalamus 2 81. Which of the following brain structures has been linked with the regulation of hunger, thirst, and body temperature? hippocampus dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist thalamus ------> hypothalamus amygdala pons 3 82. Carolina was always hungry. After visiting the doctor, she was told that her _________was producing too much insulin, causing low blood sugar. pituitary gland adrenal gland gonads thyroid gland dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> pancreas 5 83. In response to high blood sugar levels, the pancreas releases which hormone? endorphins acetylcholine serotonin epinephrine ------> insulin 5 84. The master gland of the endocrine system is the: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist thyroid gland hypothalamus adrenal gland ------> pituitary gland pancreas 4 85. The endocrine system consists of: glial cells neural networks interneurons dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> glands fissures 4 86. The process by which physical sensations are converted into neural messages consecutively to be sent to the brain for perception is known as: transfusion just noticeable difference ------> transduction transensation subliminal perception 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 87. The smallest difference between two stimuli that can be detected 50% of the time it is present is called: absolute threshold ------> difference threshold sensory adaptation subliminal perception sensory perception 2 88. The reality that stress increases your sensitivity to faint pain stimuli is important to a student's understanding of: ------> signal detection theory place theory dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist frequency theory opponent process theory placebo theory 1 89. Weber's law would be applicable in a student's understanding of: absolute threshold subliminal threshold ------> difference threshold sensory adaptation sensory interaction dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 90. Men tend to have more _____ in their dreams than do women. cars females ------> physical aggression physical activity happiness 3 91. A revised version of the activation-synthesis explanation of dreams in which information that is accessed during waking hours can have an influence on the synthesis of dreams is known as: activation-synthesis hypothesis dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> activation-information model activation-synthesis medium activation-synthesis theory activation-information dreams 2 92. The "hidden observer" theory of hypnosis emphasizes the role of _____ in hypnosis. social role-playing habituation suggestion effect ------> dissociation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist age regression 4 93. Marcia, a senior in college, has a 4.0 GPA. She wakes up the morning before her Developmental Psychology final and remembered her dream where she failed the exam with a 38%. Using the Freudian perspective of dreams, the 38% on the exam represents the _____ content of her dream. ------> manifest latent symbolic hidden activation synthesis 1 94. During the process of sleep, the pineal gland received instructions from the suprachiasmatic nucleus on when to release _____. The suprachiasmatic nucleus is trigger by sunlight and knows when to signal the pineal gland. That way you know to wake up! dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist serotonin cortisol ------> melatonin dopamine endorphins 3 95. Randall, a sophomore in college, sporadically stops breathing while sleeping. He wakes up to gasping for air and then falls back to sleep very quickly. Larry's college roommate complains that Larry loudly snores every night. Larry may be suffering from: narcolepsy night terrors insomnia dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist sleep snoring ------> sleep apnea 5 96. What is the theory of sleep proposing that animals and humans evolved sleep patterns to avoid predators by sleeping when predators are most active? ------> adaptive sleep theory restorative sleep theory safety sleep theory protective sleep theory internal sleep theory 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 97. The increased amounts of REM sleep after being deprived of REM sleep on earlier nights is known as: REM paralysis REM sleep ------> REM rebound REM reduction REM behavior disorder 3 98. The long, slow waves that indicate the deepest stage of sleep are known as: alpha beta dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> delta gamma chi 3 99. Pain Sensations in the skin, muscles, tendons, and joints that are carried on large nerve fibers are called: visceral pain ------> somatic pain referred pain phantom pain indigenous pain dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 100. The sense of the location of body parts in relation to the ground and each other is called: vestibular Sense ------> kinesthetic sense habituation olfaction gustation 2 101. Which sensory receptors would play biggest part in alerting you when you have forgotten to wash your gym socks for 3 weeks? feature receptors dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist somesthetic sense vestibular sense ------> olfactory receptors smell detectors 4 102. Lindemann suggested to the world in 1966 that there was fifth primary taste called: ------> brothy spicy peppery minty dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist cool 1 103. The sense of taste is also known as: olfaction habituation sensation kinethesis ------> gustation 5 104. This is the short tunnel that runs from the pinna to the eardrum. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist cochlea oval window ossicles ------> auditory canal hammer 4 105. Jose believes that humans are able to hear because the hair cells in the ear's cochlea respond to different frequencies of sound based on where the hair cells are located. Which theory of pitch does Jose hold to? hair cell theory frequency theory cochlear theory dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> place theory tympanic theory 4 106. Which of the following would be the most effective treatment for someone suffering from nerve hearing impairment? TAD ------> cochlear implant hearing aid OBI there is no way to help them 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 107. Dr. Harshbarger works with Cochlear Implants. What type of patients would she be working with? loss of position loss of movement ------> nerve hearing loss conduction hearing loss loss of balance 3 108. Vivian suffered from very serious ear infections as a young child. As a result, she has suffered hearing loss. What type of hearing impairment does Vivian suffer with? Nerve ------> conduction dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist infection volley pitch 2 109. After drinking 6 bottles of beer, William feels a lower sense of shame about the way he acted toward his co-workers. Lewis' reduced remorse levels most likely are because of the fact that alcohol is a: stimulant ------> depressant hallucinogen aggitator aggressor dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 110. The physical symptoms that can include nausea, pain, tremors, crankiness, and high blood pressure, resulting from a lack of an addictive drug in the body systems is called: physical dependence psychological dependence tolerance ------> withdrawal psychoactive 4 111. A distorted state of awareness in which a person sees amazing images and often feels like they are floating "above their body"� can be linked with what hallucinogenic drug? caffeine dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist cocaine ------> LSD aspirin morphine 3 112. Which of the drugs listed below would be identified as a stimulant? LSD alcohol ------> nicotine morphine dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist benzodiazepines 3 113. When you receive information from your senses that seem to conflict with each other, which sense is the dominate sense over the other senses? ------> seeing smelling hearing touching kinesthesis 1 114. When a baby is born, a baby does not possess the ability to perceive the world in three dimensions. This develops early in infancy. The newborn baby is lacking: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist height perception ------> depth perception dimension perception pictorial depth monocular cue 2 115. The fast movement of briefly flashed images in an animated motion picture produces what effect? subliminal messaging convergence autokinetic effect dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> stroboscopic movement Phi phenomenon 4 116. The method by which the sensations experienced at any given moment are interpreted and organized in some meaningful fashion is called: ------> perception sensation detection priming generalization 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 117. The perception that occurs when objects that a person expects to be of a certain size appear to be small and are, therefore, assumed to be much farther away is called: interposition aerial perspective linear perspective overlap ------> relative size 5 118. What is the purity of the color people perceive? ------> saturation visible spectrum dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist wavelength hue radial kerototomy 1 119. What is the function of the lens in the eye? it sends visual information to the brain it changes size depending on the amount of light in the environment it is the central area of the retina it controls the size of the pupil ------> it changes shape to bring objects into focus dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 5 120. The recovery of the eye's sensitivity to visual stimuli in darkness after exposure to bright lights is known as: light recovery ------> dark recovery visual capture visual accommodation blindness 2 121. The opponent-process theory believes that the sense receptors are organized in the retina in pairs. Red is paired with _________________ and yellow is paired with _____________. blue; black dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist yellow; black green; black ------> green; blue blue; black 4 122. Mary Ainsworth observed that securely attached infants __________. do not seem to care when the mother leaves the room and do not seek her out on her return protest loudly when the mother leaves but resist contact with her when she returns ------> cry if the mother leaves the room, are easily soothed, and welcome her back when she returns are not concerned upon separation but cry to be picked up and held on her return dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist are not concerned upon separation and do not respond to her return 3 123. Shelby is very adaptable to change. She is on a regular sleeping, eating, and waking schedule. Thomas and Chess would describe Shelby as being a(n) _________ child. ------> easy difficult slow-to-warm-up undemanding avoidant 1 124. Chester is irritable, loud, and negative most of the time. He does not like it when new people pick him up, and he has irregular sleeping, eating, and waking schedules. According to Thomas and Chess, what temperament does Chester exhibit? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist active slow-to-warm-up ------> difficult easy unconventional 3 125. Between the ages of 5 and 12, children strive to develop a sense of competence arising from their work and effort. Erikson refers to this stage of life as ___________. trust versus mistrust autonomy versus shame and doubt ------> industry versus inferiority dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist initiative versus guilt intimacy versus isolation 3 126. Erikson's theory of social development viewed the period from ages 3 to 6, his third stage, as characterized by the major challenge of ______. identity versus role diffusion industry versus inferiority ------> initiative versus guilt autonomy versus shame and doubt intimacy versus isolation 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 127. Mothers who were unresponsive, insensitive, and coldly rejecting were associated with ___________ attached infants. securely ------> avoidant ambivalent disorganized/disoriented slow-to-warm-up 2 128. Brad is 18 and is looking into career options. He is currently deciding whether he wants to become a gourmet chef or a race car driver. Brad is at what stage of Erik Erikson's psychosocial development? integrity versus despair intimacy versus isolation dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist generativity versus stagnation industry versus inferiority ------> identity versus role confusion 5 129. On big moral issues, parents and teens tend to __________. completely disagree ------> be in agreement are not familiar with each other's position have intense arguments have mild to moderate arguments dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 130. The development of formal operations in adolescence leads to ______. extroverted behavior a lessening of self-analysis compared to preoperational thought ------> introspection and egocentrism thinking in terms of concrete things thinking more about others than themselves 3 131. Obedience to rules because of the fear of punishment is a characteristic of __________. conventional morality dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> preconventional morality principled morality postconventional morality committed morality 2 132. Brad is in an electronics store with his parents. He looks at the CDs and thinks for a moment that he could grab one and put it beneath his coat. As he considers this possibility, he decides not to do it because he might get caught and his parents would punish him. What stage of moral development does Brad's decision represent? preoperational ------> preconventional autonomous moral principles conventional role conformity dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist committed morality 2 133. Which of the following is NOT evidence of puberty in boys? the growth of the testes and penis the appearance of pubic hair the appearance of underarm hair ------> higher pitch of the voice the appearance of a beard 4 134. Mary is an adolescent who currently has a small pimple on her cheek that is causing her to be overly self-conscious. She is convinced that everyone she meets stares at and talks about her pimple. Mary's behavior exhibits ____________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist a sense of idealism ------> imaginary audience personal fable puberty internalization 2 135. Mary and Juan are twins who developed from two separate fertilized ova that were fertilized by two different sperm. What type of twins are they? monozygotic twins maternal twins ------> dizygotic twins dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist womb mates semi-identical 3 136. Diseases carried by recessive genes are inherited when ____________. ------> a child inherits two recessive genes, one from each parent a child inherits two dominant genes, one from each parent a child inherits a dominant gene from one parent and a recessive gene from the other parent a child inherits two messenger genes, one from each parent when the child does not inherit any genes from one parent 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 137. Juan and Carlos are identical twins. Juan was raised by his father and mother, and Carlos was accidentally placed with another family after a "mix up" at the hospital. At the age of 15, both boys "ran into each other" at a football game and noticed how they appeared to be "mirror images of each other." After proving they were twins by genetic testing, the families discussed some of the differences between the boys. Juan is very athletic and intelligent and excels in basketball but does not take school seriously and has F's in all subjects. Carlos is also athletic and intelligent, and excels in baseball and makes straight A's as a result of his strict home life and study routine. Although they are identical twins, what do you think accounts for the differences in their academic performance based on the research? ------> nurture nature school district superintendent teacher appraisals of performance cognitive restructuring 1 138. Sheila was born a female with only one X chromosome on the 23rd pair. As a result, she is infertile, has difficulty learning, and did not develop breast tissue and rounded hips as her female peers did. Which disorder is likely to be diagnosed? PKU Down dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Klinefelter's ------> Turner's triple X 4 139. The study of heredity is called _________. human development ------> genetics physiology gerontology anatomy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 140. At fertilization, the chromosomes from the father's sperm unite with the chromosomes from the mother's egg, creating a new cell called a(n) _______________. embryo ------> zygote genome blastocyst fetus 2 141. Fraternal twins are ______ similar genetically than are other brothers and sisters. much more dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist slightly more much less slightly less ------> no more 5 142. What is the cause of Down syndrome? ------> an extra chromosome on the 21st pair an extra X chromosome on the 23rd pair neurotransmitter excesses neurotransmitter deficiencies dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist messenger gene deficiencies 1 143. Professor Sanchez is interested in studying development of motor skills. She collects data from 200 one-year-olds and follows and assesses them for a period of five years. What type of research design is Professor Sanchez using? cohort design ------> longitudinal design behavior genetics design cross-sectional design cross-sequential design 2 144. The local health department of a small town has hired a research firm to study the development of cancer in residents in the town due to a suspected cancer-causing agent and environmental pollution. The researcher will compare data on participants at age 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 to see if there are increasing rates of cancer in the town. This type of research study is called a __________________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist cross-sequential design ------> longitudinal design behavior genetics design cross-sectional design applied behavior analysis design 2 145. Unlike other types of research, a cross-sequential design allows researchers to _________. ------> combine longitudinal and cross-sectional research strategies look for gender differences reduce experimenter bias dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist only include cross-sectional strategies within the design reduce the volunteer effect 1 146. In a __________ design, one group of participants is followed and assessed as the group ages. cohort behavior genetics cross-sectional cross-sequential ------> longitudinal 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 147. Professor Rashad is interested in studying cognitive development. He collects and compares data from a group of 6-year-olds and a group of 10-year-olds. Five years later, he compares these two groups to each other again as well as to their own performance in the study five years ago. What type of research design is Professor Rashad using? ------> cross-sequential design longitudinal design behavior genetics design cross-sectional design applied behavior analysis design 1 148. The scientific study of the changes that occur in people as they age from conception to death is called _________. abnormal psychology gerontology dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> human development maturational studies a longitudinal study 3 149. Older adults who look back on their lives with regret, wishing they could relive their lives, have not successfully resolved Erikson's psychosocial crisis of ______________. ------> integrity versus despair intimacy versus isolation generativity versus stagnation identity versus role confusion industry versus inferiority dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 150. Leticia has just learned that she is terminally ill. She is now always irritable, often throws things on the floor, and yells at members of her family and the nurses who care for her. According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Leticia is most likely in the _________ stage of dying. ------> anger bargaining denial reactive acceptance 1 151. According to Erikson, an emotional and psychological closeness that is based on the ability to trust, share, and care, while still maintaining one's sense of self, is called ________. bonding dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> intimacy attachment attraction affiliation 2 152. The theory in which aging is attributed to our bodies' organs and cell tissues simply wearing out with repeated use and abuse is called _________. activity theory ------> wear-and-tear theory disengagement theory cellular clock theory dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist senescence theory 2 153. Hector is 70 years old and has just retired from a career as a lawyer. He is now spending time looking back on his life and is recognizing, as well as coming to terms with, mistakes, regrets, and unfinished business. Hector is engaging in a process called ___________. despair sense of identity ego integrity ------> life review generativity 4 154. Erik Erikson saw the major challenge of middle adulthood as that of ______. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist intimacy versus isolation industry versus inferiority identity versus role diffusion integrity versus despair ------> generativity versus stagnation 5 155. Aaron is a middle-aged physician. He gives back to the community by acting as a mentor to teenagers interested in entering the medical profession. Erikson would say that Aaron is experiencing _________. intimacy identity ------> generativity dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist integrity industry 3 156. Which of the following describes the embryonic period? the period during which the zygote moves down to the uterus and begins to implant in the lining ------> the period during which the major organs and structures of the organism first develop the period during which the umbilical cord develops the period during which the placenta begins to function the period during which tremendous growth occurs and the organs continue to develop and become functional 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 157. Emily and her husband are thrilled as they peer into Emily's uterus by means of an ultrasound. The physician reports that the pregnancy appears normal, and that their baby's fingers, toes, heart, and circulatory system are developing as expected. The couple learns that the baby is only three-quarters of an inch long. Given this information, the current stage of prenatal development is the _________. ------> embryonic period germinal period zygotic period fetal stage placenta 1 158. Which of the following describes the fetal period? the period during which the zygote moves down to the uterus and begins to implant in the lining the period during which the major organs and structures of the organism first develop dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist the period during which the umbilical cord develops the period during which the placenta begins to function ------> the period during which tremendous growth occurs and the organs continue to develop and become functional . 5 159. Tameeka is at a point in her pregnancy during which the major organs and structures of her baby are first developing. Which period of prenatal development is Tameeka currently experiencing? fetal ------> embryonic placental germinal umbilical dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 160. The most likely cause for miscarriage during the first three months of pregnancy is _______. ------> a genetic defect alcohol use not taking prenatal vitamins lack of exercise smoking 1 161. What are some of the common consequences to a child whose mother smoked while pregnant? increased birth weight and lethargy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> lower birth weight and short stature severe hearing loss and heart defects severely deformed limbs and muscle spasms heart defects and poor reflexes 2 162. Your little sister picks up objects, feels every part of them, and then puts them in her mouth. What stage of Jean Piaget's model of cognitive development does this behavior suggest she is in? concrete operations ------> sensorimotor preoperational formal operations dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist schematic stage 2 163. By what age do infants develop a preference for salty tastes? at birth within a few days after birth at one month ------> by four months within a year after birth 4 164. According to Piaget, the ability to understand that simply changing the appearance of an object does not change the object's nature is known as ___________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist object permanence ------> conservation centration reversibility assimilation 2 165. Which is the correct order of development of Six Motor Milestones, according to research? sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking, raising head and chest, rolling over crawling, walking, raising head and chest, rolling over, sitting up with support, sitting up without support ------> raising head and chest, rolling over, sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist rolling over, sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking, raising head and chest rolling over, raising head and chest, sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking 3 166. Which sense is the LEAST functional at birth? touch taste smell hearing ------> vision 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 167. At birth, newborns seem most responsive to ________. ------> high pitches and low pitches hip-hop music moderate voice pitches rock and roll music classical music 1 168. According to Piaget, the stage of cognitive development between 2 and 7 years of age, in which the child learns to use language as a means of exploring the world, is the ______ stage. concrete operations sensorimotor dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> preoperational formal operations schematic 3 169. What term is used to describe a child's inability to see the world through anyone else's eyes except his or her own? disparity narcissism ------> egocentrism autonomy accommodation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 170. The area at the back of the temporal lobe that is crucial in the ability to listen, process, and understand what others are saying is __________ area. Broca's Gall's ------> Wernicke's Korsakoff's Cajal's 3 171. If Darren's brain is like that of most people, then language will be handled by his __________. corpus callosum dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist occipital lobe right hemisphere ------> left hemisphere cerebellum 4 172. The area of the frontal lobe that is devoted to the production of fluent speech is ______ area. ------> Broca's Gall's Wernicke's Korsakoff's dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Cajal's 1 173. The part of the brain located just behind the temples, containing neurons responsible for the sense of hearing and meaningful speech, is called the __________. association areas parietal lobes frontal lobes occipital lobes ------> temporal lobes 5 174. Which of the following lobes are involved in planning, memory, and personality? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist temporal lobes parietal lobes ------> frontal lobes occipital lobes association areas 3 175. Robert's mother is usually meticulous in her presentation. When picking her up for a family dinner, he noticed that her make-up was only applied to the right side of her face. Her hair was also brushed on the right side, but on the left it was matted and uncombed. He immediately took her to the hospital after she was unaware of any problems. She was diagnosed with __________, which is evidenced by damage to the association areas of the right hemisphere. Wernicke's aphasia Broca's aphasia ------> spatial neglect dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist split-brain temporal lobe damage 3 176. The hormone released by the pineal gland that reduces body temperature and prepares you for sleep is __________. ------> melatonin DHEA parathormone thyroxin insulin 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 177. Your teacher asks you to describe the sequence of parts of a neuron that the impulse travels during neural conduction. Which of the following sequences will you offer? dendrites, axon, soma, synaptic knob terminal buttons, axon, soma, dendrites axon, soma, dendrites, synaptic knob dendrites, synaptic knob, axon, soma ------> dendrites, soma, axon, synaptic knob 5 178. A culture's expectation of masculine and feminine behaviors can be defined as _____________________. homosexual heterosexual dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> gender roles gender typing gender specificity 3 179. Traditional views of gender roles are more likely found in ____________. ------> collectivist cultures individualistic cultures countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and England all of these none of these dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 180. ________ is the process by which people learn their culture's preferences and expectations for proper "masculine" and "feminine" behaviors. Gender role Gender identity ------> Gender typing Gender stereotyping Gender specification 3 181. Research on differences in male and female brain activity has found that ________________, when doing language tasks, women's brains tend to be more active in the right hemisphere than men. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist men use the right side of the brain for emotional expression, whereas women use both sides. men use the left side of the brain for visual/spatial expression, whereas women use both sides. ------> all of the above none of the above 4 182. According to research, infant girls who were exposed to androgens were found to be more likely to ____________. have a very "feminine" childhood and prefer to play with dolls. ------> be "tomboys" during their childhood but grew up to be more "typically female" in adulthood and had a desire for marriage and motherhood. be "feminine" during their childhood but grew up to be more "typically male" in adulthood and less emotional than other women. be treated differently by teachers and friends as adolescents. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist have a very "masculine" attitude in adulthood despite their sex. 2 183. Which is NOT a potential cause of ADHD according to the research? teratogens prematurity high level of lead in the body prefrontal brain damage ------> restlessness 5 184. Medication for ADHD for children can also be effective for adult symptoms. Which of the following are types of medications that are used to treat this condition? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist antipsychotics and stimulants ------> stimulants and antidepressants antidepressants and antipsychotics antianxiety and antidepressants stimulants and antianxiety 2 185. You overhear psychology students preparing for a test. They note that one of the research methods often "fails to generalize." Which method is the MOST likely topic of their discussion? correlation ------> case study experiment dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist surveys anonymous questionnaire 2 186. Which of the following items is a gauge of the degree of disparity among a set of events? mean correlation coefficient z-score ------> standard deviation t-score 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 187. A(n)_________ is a measure of how strongly two variables are related to one another. independent variable dependent variable experimental effect control variable ------> correlation 5 188. When school psychologist observes a kindergarten classsroom, the psychologist is engaging in a form of ______. case study research ------> naturalistic observation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist survey research experimentation psychometric study 2 189. ______________________ is an experiment in which participants do not know if they are in the experimental or the control group but the experimenters do know which participants are part of which group. the double-blind study field research the triple-blind study ------> the single-blind study correlational research dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 190. A correlation is a numerical measure of the __________________. unintended changes in participants' behavior due to cues from the experimenter. ------> strength of the relationship between two variables. behaviors of participants of different ages compared at a given time. behaviors of participants followed and periodically assessed over time. behaviors of participants of all ages compared at a given time. 2 191. A psychologist wanted to see if people are more prone to seek the company of others when anxious than when calm. He randomly assigned half of his subjects to an anxiety group and then told then that as part of the study, they would receive electric shocks. He did not frighten the other group of subjects. Finally, he recorded how many subjects in each group chose to be "tested" in a group setting and how many chose to be "tested" alone. In this study, the group that was NOT frightened would be called the ______________ group. experimental dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> control placebo graded test 2 192. In order to stop experimental subjects from trying to confirm the scientist's hypothesis, psychologist sometimes ___________. obtain written promises from participants to be honest maintain subject confidentiality maintain participant confidentiality ------> deceive participants about the true purpose of the experiment dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist allow people to chose when they want to leave the study 4 193. Which sub-field of psychology would center on the degree to which diverse parenting styles are supported among different cultural communities? evolutionary psychodynamic ------> sociocultural neuroscience humanism 3 194. To obtain objective information, researchers sometimes must deceive their subjects. Ethically, research involving deception must always ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist pay participants maintain subject anonymity ------> explain the deception to the subjects after the data is collected and obtain their informed consent to use the information obtained use a survey method use double-blind control 3 195. In an experiment to test the effects of anxiety on performance, the dependent variable is the __________________. amount of anxiety age of the person age of the parents dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> person's performance cause of the anxiety 4 196. Jody is creating on documentary of fast food eating behaviors in America. Jody and her crew went to McDonald's to observe people eating in fast-food restaurants. She brought a camera crew and bright lights, microphones, and they talked very loudly while taping the behaviors. Jody said she wanted to do a naturalistic observation but may have had some problems because of the ____________. room crowding effect ------> observer effect participant observation principle food embarrassment principle Thorndike law 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 197. The greatest disadvantage of correlational research is __________________. it has limited range of values, being only -1 to +1 ------> it does not enable cause-and-effect conclusion its value can be negative its value can be zero its value can be positive 2 198. Dr. Hogberg has diagnosed a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He choses to give a prescription for Aderall. Given this information, it is most likely that Dr. Hogberg is a _________________. ------> psychiatrist psychologist dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist humanistic psychologist IO Psychologist school psychologist 1 199. Which of the following statements concerning using animals in research is correct? There are no ethical guidelines when it comes to animals. There are rules that prevent the killing of animals. There are guidelines for the slight discomfort of animals. ------> Pain and suffering of animals are allowed but only when necessary. New ethical guidelines prevent the use of primates in psychological research. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 200. "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" is a statement associated with the perspective of ______________ . introspection functionalism psychoanalysis structuralism ------> gestaltism 5 201. Which perspective assumes that human behavior may have developed in certain directions because it served a useful function in preserving the species? psychoanalysis dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist behaviorism cognitive psychology humanistic psychology ------> evolutionary psychology 5 202. A person who has suffered a major stroke and is now experiencing severe personality problems because of the damage would BEST be advised to see a _____________. ------> psychiatrist cognitive psychologist physician psychiatric social worker dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist psychologist 1 203. While on a visit to a large city, you observe several billboards in which a series of lights seems to move. Which perspective in psychology would be most likely to study this phenomenon? ------> gestalt behavioral humanistic developmental psychodynamic 1 204. Medication for ADHD for children can also be effective for adult symptoms. Which of the following are types of medications that are used to treat this condition? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist antipsychotics and stimulants ------> stimulants and antidepressants antidepressants and antipsychotics antianxiety and antidepressants stimulants and antianxiety 2 205. Based on the studies of infant girls who were exposed to androgens before birth, which of the following statements is true? ------> In these studies, the girls were found to be tomboys during early childhood. In these studies, the girls were found to prefer feminine activities during early childhood. In these studies, the majority of the girls grew up to be lesbians. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist In these studies, there were no noticeable effects due to these treatments. The girls were treated differently by teachers and friends as adolescents. 1 206. Dr. Bartholomew believes people who are very hostile have become so because of their environment. Dr. Tiburon believes people's level of hostility is from birth because of genetic factors. Which of the following terms best describes an issue in human development that is highlighted by their disagreement? cognition versus emotion classical versus operant conditioning genetics versus socialization cross-sectional studies versus longitudinal studies ------> nature versus nurture 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 207. Which of the following is the MOST common cause of death in middle adulthood? suicide homicide ------> heart disease stroke cancer 3 208. What was Mary Ainsworth trying to determine when she devised an experimental method called the Strange Situation? the nature of gestural communication between mothers and babies aspects of purposeful exploration as the baby investigates a strange environment dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist parental discipline styles in the first year of life the distinction between separation and stranger anxiety ------> the nature of attachment between caretakers and babies 5 209. Mary Ainsworth observed that securely attached infants __________. do not seem to care when the mother leaves the room and do not seek her out on her return protest loudly when the mother leaves but resist contact with her when she returns ------> cry if the mother leaves the room, are easily soothed, and welcome her back when she returns are not concerned upon separation but cry to be picked up and held on her return are not concerned upon separation and do not respond to her return dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 210. Aaron is a middle-aged physician. He gives back to the community by acting as a mentor to teenagers interested in entering the medical profession. Erikson would say that Aaron is experiencing _________. intimacy identity ------> generativity integrity industry 3 211. According to research conducted by Ridley (1999), how could individuals like Adolf Hitler, serial killer Ted Bundy, and Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh commit such acts according to the "nature versus nurture" debate? These individuals were born (nature) to commit such horrendous acts. It was in their genetic makeup. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Their behaviors are the result of the interaction of nature and nurture. These individual's behaviors were attributed to "nurture" and influences of their parents. These individuals learned to commit these behaviors after staying in long periods of isolation, according to Ridley. These individuals learned to commit these behaviors due to negative experiences in school, according to Ridley. 2 212. At what point during infancy can babies tell the difference between their own mother's milk scent and another woman's milk scent? at birth ------> within a few days after birth within a few weeks after birth within a few months after birth dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist within a year after birth 2 213. Which is the correct order of development of Six Motor Milestones, according to research? sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking, raising head and chest, rolling over crawling, walking, raising head and chest, rolling over, sitting up with support, sitting up without support ------> raising head and chest, rolling over, sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking rolling over, sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking, raising head and chest rolling over, raising head and chest, sitting up with support, sitting up without support, crawling, walking 3 214. Jean Piaget is noted for his theory of ______, and Lawrence Kohlberg is known for his theory ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> cognitive development; moral development perceptual development; moral development language development; cognitive development cognitive development; motor development reflex development; motor development 1 215. Professor Grant is interested in studying the development of a sense of humor. She collects data from groups of 6-year-olds, 16-year-olds, 26-year-olds, and 46-year-olds. What type of research design is Professor Grant using? cohort design longitudinal design behavior genetics design dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> cross-sectional design cross-sequential design 4 216. All of the following are reasons that middle-aged adults experience changes in memory EXCEPT _______. stress having more information to remember having more difficulty retrieving information having more information stored in memory ------> hardening of the arteries 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 217. The period of life from about age 13 to the early twenties, during which a young person is no longer physically a child but is not yet an independent, self-supporting adult, is called ________. ------> adolescence tweens young adulthood early adulthood puberty 1 218. In a __________ design, one group of participants is followed and assessed as the group ages. cohort behavior genetics dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist cross-sectional cross-sequential ------> longitudinal 5 219. Shandreka is at a place in her pregnancy during which she is experiencing muscle contractions and movement and kicks. the major organs of her child are developing. Which prenatal development stage is Shandreka in? ------> fetal embryonic placental fertilization umbilical dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 220. What relatively new field investigates the influence of genes and heredity on a person's actions? psychobiology neuropsychology psychoanalysis physiology ------> behavioral genetics 5 221. Your feeling of being male or female is known as your: gender role dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist gender sex gender schema theory ------> gender identity 5 222. The gradual decline in the sexual reproductive system of males is called ____________. menopause perimenopause male menopause change of life dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> andropause 5 223. Kinds of neurons are connected to receptor cells in the skin, muscles, and joints? motor neurons ------> sensory neurons interneurons peripheral neurons afferent neurons 2 224. For a person to feel the pain of a broken toe, _________ must first send information from the toe to the central nervous system. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist interneurons efferent neurons motor neurons glial cells ------> sensory neurons 5 225. Despite its dangers, a young man continues to take cocaine because of the feeling of euphoria it produces for him. This powerful arousal of his nervous system is probably due to cocaine's ability to ------> prevent neurotransmitters from being reabsorbed into the synaptic vesicles block the receptor sites for neurotransmitters dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist inhibit enzymes that break down neurotransmitters increase the release of neurotransmitters increase endorphin production 1 226. Sophia is always hungry. After visiting the pediatrician, her mother was told that her _________ was producing too much insulin, causing low blood sugar. pituitary gland adrenal gland ovaries thyroid gland ------> pancreas dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 5 227. Javier is confused on the difference between MRI and fMRI imaging techniques. How would you explain the difference? MRI is less harmful. MRI carries less risk to the patient. fMRI provides gives more detail. ------> fMRI allows for real-time observations of changes in brain activity. Neither shows soft tissue structures of the brain. 4 228. The brain's "relay station" is the ________. medulla dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist hypothalamus pons hippocampus ------> thalamus 5 229. A young woman recovering from a blow to her head finds she has great difficulty maintaining her balance and coordinating her movements. Injury to which part of her brain is likely to be causing her difficulties? thalamus ------> cerebellum medulla cerebral cortex dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist corpus callosum 2 230. The process of digesting your last snack or meal or the unconscious regulation of your breathing are all primarily rooted in the ________ nervous system. secondary somatic ------> autonomic limbic primary 3 231. The branch of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for quick action in an emergency is the ________ division. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist encased by a myelin sheath ------> sympathetic secondary primary central 2 232. Dr. Susa flashed a picture of a cat in the right visual field of a split-brain patient. The patient could most likely: ------> verbally report that a cat was seen write the word cat using their left hand draw a picture of the cat using their left hand dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist do all of the above do none of the above 1 233. Lila sustained injuries to the medulla. What is most likely the result of this injury?: paralysis coma aphasia loss of vision ------> death 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 234. The part of the brain which interprets visual information is the ________. ------> occipital lobe parietal lobe CNS system peripheral system frontal lobe 1 235. Which part of the brain can be thought of as a major switching station that directs incoming information to the correct brain structure? ------> thalamus cerebellum dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist reticular activating system midbrain hindbrain 1 236. The chemical messengers that move in the synaptic gap between neurons are called: hormones ------> neurotransmitters ganglia afferent neurons glial cells dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 237. A victim of a car wreck with head injuries, whose involuntary bodily processes (breathing, heartbeat, etc.) have been disturbed, probably has had damage done to the ________. forebrain hindbrain ------> medulla pons amygdala 3 238. Of the following structures listed below which is considered to be the basic building block of the nervous system? dendrite dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> neuron axon terminals cell body neurotransmission 2 239. When the sympathetic nervous system assumes control of the involuntary bodily processes during a stressful situation, which of the following changes is likely to occur? sweat glands are less active ------> digestion stops less blood is pumped to muscles air passages become smaller dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist eyes dialate 2 240. Dr. Chapin has just finished a delicate brain operation. He turns to a group of interns and says, "She probably lost about 1000 ________, but since she still has over 100 billion left, she should recover nicely." Dr. Chapin was most likely referring to pituitary glands ------> neurons speech and language areas nerves parts of the brain 2 241. A client tells his therapist about a dream of riding on a train with his boss. At the end of the journey, the boss gets off the train at a terminal. The therapist suggests that the "terminal" in the dream indicates an unconscious desire by the client to "terminate" his boss. This desire to terminate the boss, if it exists, would reflect what Freud called the ________ content of the dream. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist secondary primary manifest manifestation ------> latent 5 242. The tendency to perceive objects, or figures, on some background is known as ________. accommodation ------> figure-ground proximity dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist continuity closeness 2 243. The Muller-Lyer illusion exists in cultures in which there are ________. more men than women lots of telephone poles ------> buildings with lots of corners more women than men more men than women 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 244. It is difficult to distinguish between colors at night because ________. we are used to seeing mostly with the fovea we are seeing primarily with the cones ------> we are seeing primarily with the rods rods do not adapt to the dark rods take the responsibility of the cones. 3 245. What is the basic function of the outer ear? to filter out high-intensity sound waves that can be harmful to amplify low-intensity sounds to detectable levels dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist to protect the hair cells ------> to concentrate and funnel sound waves to the eardrum to filter out low-intensity sound waves that can be harmful 4 246. The best explanation of the moon illusion is ________. ------> the apparent distance hypothesis the cultural bias hypothesis the top-down processing hypothesis the angle world hypothesis hypothesis of illusion management dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 247. Your brain waves are being monitored in a sleep laboratory. If you are in deep sleep less than an hour after falling asleep, what brain waves will be detected? ------> delta alpha beta theta sigma 1 248. Which of the following conditions would you LEAST like the pilot flying your airplane to have? daytime insomnia dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist sleep terror enuresis sleepwalking ------> narcolepsy 5 249. Sleepwalking occurs ________. equally as often in REM and NREM sleep primarily during REM sleep ------> primarily during NREM Stage 4 sleep only in REM sleep dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist in stage 1 3 250. Why do you see a lemon as yellow? Opposing processing between the visual cortex and auditory cortex. The lemon absorbs red and blue wavelengths. ------> The lemon might reflect only yellow wavelengths in the yellow region of the spectrum. The lemon absorbs yellow wavelengths in the yellow region of the spectrum. The lemon distracts all of the other colors in the spectrum. 3 251. Each olfactory receptor cell has a half dozen to a dozen little hairs that project out. These are called ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> cilia olfactory cones olfactory rods olfactory buds olfactory cells 1 252. When Bill looks at his lamp alternately with his left eye and right eye, the image seems to jump from one position to another. This phenomenon illustrates ________. ------> binocular disparity interposition dimension perception dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist the Gestalt principle of proximity the Gestalt principle of similarity 1 253. Chemicals that can alter consciousness, perception, mood, and behavior are called ________. ------> psychoactive drugs legal drugs illegal drugs hallucinogens stimulants 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 254. Which of the following describes what happens if you trace an auditory stimulus from the time it first reaches the ear until it arrives at the brain? ------> The outer ear (pinna) gathers sound waves and funnels them down the auditory canal striking the eardrum. The auditory cones respond to the various tonal frequencies, which lead the auditory nerve to send a message to the brain. The basilar membrane causes the hammer, anvil, and stirrup to vibrate striking the oval window. The auditory nerve joins with the nasal nerve to produce an input to the olfactory lobe. The auditory nerve separates with basilar membrane to produce sound waves. 1 255. ________ are the raw data of experience, based on the activation of certain receptors located in the various sensory organs. Perceptions Emotions dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Sensations Cognitions Sublimations 3 256. People's tendency to perceive a thing a certain way because their previous experiences or expectations influence them is called ________. bottom-up processing ------> perceptual expectancy telepathy top-down processing perceptual constancy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 257. Which of the following pairs belong together? MDMA; acetylcholine marijuana; psilocybin alcohol; nicotine ------> marijuana; tetrahydrocannabinol LSD; tetrahydrocannabinol 4 258. A sound mixer is impressed by the new equipment that was just installed in his recording studio. He says that now he will be able to help singers and musicians produce better CDs because he can eliminate unneeded and undesired wavelengths. What term describes the characteristic of sounds waves that the sound mixer is now able to alter? amplitude dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist volleying ------> frequency saturation wavelength 3 259. Joachim and Maricella are going for a romantic walk in the park after an afternoon storm. Maricella looks up in the sky and sees a rainbow. She exclaims, "How beautiful!" Joachim, being something of a geek, might correctly say ________. "That's because you are seeing all the wavelengths of light we can see from short to long." "You are just seeing the visible spectrum." "That's because different wavelengths lead to the perception of different colors." ------> All of these things would be true if Joachim said them. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Some of these things would be true if Joachim said them 4 260. When Ann went to her doctor, he gave her a hearing test. During the test, the doctor presented tones to Ann through earphones. The tones started at a low intensity and then became louder. The doctor asked Ann to raise her hand whenever she started to hear a sound. The doctor was testing Ann's ________. refractory threshold ------> absolute threshold auditory convergence difference threshold subliminal sensors 2 261. The abbreviation UCS stands for ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist uniformed conditioned subject unconditional statement conditioned stimulus unconditional sensation ------> unconditioned stimulus 5 262. In the process of shaping, behaviors are ordered in terms of increasing similarity to the desired response. These behaviors are called ________. unconditioned stimuli ------> successive approximations primary reinforcers dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist secondary reinforcers punishment 2 263. The abbreviation UCR stands for ________. uniform conditioned rule unconditional reinforcement unconditional retention ------> unconditioned response conditioned response 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 264. Al must build 25 radios before he receives $20. What schedule of reinforcement is being used? a variable-ratio schedule a continuous schedule ------> a fixed-ratio schedule a fixed-interval schedule a partial-interval schedule 3 265. After Pavlov's dogs became conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell, he experimented with ringing the bell and then failing to present the dogs with any food right away. Soon they stopped salivating to the sound of the bell. This represents the process called: spontaneous recovery ------> extinction dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist acquisition testing discrimination 2 266. Normally, when food is placed in the mouth of any animal, the salivary glands start releasing saliva to help with chewing and digestion. In terms of Pavlov's analysis of learning, salivation would be referred to as: ------> an unconditioned response a voluntary response a digestive reflux a conditioned response a unconditioned stimulus dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 267. When the CS is repeatedly presented in the absence of the UCS (food, in this case), the CR will "die out"in a process called: ------> extinction CR fading habituation generalization fading discrimination 1 268. Which of the following statements regarding Pavlov is accurate? ------> Pavlov was studying salivation in dogs as part of a research program on digestion. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Pavlov continued his Nobel Prize-winning research on digestion after documenting conditioning. Pavlov was elated when his student first noticed that the dogs were salivating before tasting the food. Pavlov stressed the importance of speculating about the dog's feelings toward the food. Pavlov stressed the importance of testing the dog's thoughts toward the food. 1 269. What would you predict about Little Albert based on the principle of spontaneous recovery? His fear of rats would disappear if he saw a rat without hearing a loud noise. After his fear of loud noises was extinguished, the fear could come back. ------> Even after his fear of a rat was extinguished, the fear could come back. His fear of loud noises would disappear if he heard a loud noise without a rat present. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Even after his fear of a rabbit was extinguished, the fear never came back. 3 270. Professor Rochelle told her students that if her door was closed it meant that she was unavailable to them and would be angry if they knocked on her door. But if her door was open, it meant that she was in a rare good mood and would answer questions at that time. Professor Rochelle's door being open was a ________ for ________. ------> discriminative stimulus; asking questions discriminative response; not asking questions discriminative response; asking questions discriminative stimulus; not asking questions extinction stimulus; asking questions 1 271. Which type of learning occurs when we observe how other people act? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist insight learning learned helplessness ------> observational learning classical conditioning operant conditioning 3 272. The reappearance of a learned response after extinction has occurred is called: ------> spontaneous recovery instinctive drift counterconditioning dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist stimulus discrimination spontaneous extinction 1 273. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has been used with autistic children. The basic principle of this form of behavior modification is: ------> shaping negative punishment partial reinforcement classical conditioning aversive conditioning 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 274. The tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus is called: ------> stimulus generalization response generalization stimulus adaptation transfer of habit strength stimulus disrimination 1 275. Pavlov's model of classical conditioning was based on the idea that the conditioned stimulus, through its association close in time with the unconditioned stimulus, came to activate the same place in the animal's brain that was originally activated by the unconditioned stimulus. This was known as: higher-order conditioning the cognitive perspective dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist the Skinner model ------> stimulus substitution stimulus discrimination 4 276. ________ is any relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice. Aadaptation ------> Learning Memory enhancement Muscle memory Habituation dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 277. Which of the following statements is true regarding punishment? Severe punishment creates fear and anxiety. The effect of punishment is often temporary. Punishment is the opposite of reinforcement. ------> All of these statements are true. Some of these statements are true. 4 278. In Bandura's study of observational learning, the abbreviation AMIM stands for: alertness, motivation, intent, monetary reward dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist achievement, momentum, initiative, memory achievement, motivation, intellectual capacity, memory achievement, motivation, memory, imitation. ------> attention, memory, imitation, motivation 5 279. Pavlov placed meat powder in the mouths of dogs, and they began to salivate. The food acted as a (an):________. UCR CS CR ------> UCS dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist NS 4 280. As an infant, Stephanie received many penicillin injections from the doctor. When she later saw a photographer in a white coat that was similar to the doctor's coat, she started to cry. This is an example of: instrumental learning ------> classical conditioning habituation observational learning operant conditioning 2 281. The communication between honeybees would not be classified as language because ____________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist bees are not animals ------> bee communication seems to be instinctual bees do not use a spoken or auditory communication system all of these none of these 2 282. At the current time, which statement is true about our knowledge of whether animals can use humanlike language? It has been clearly shown that animals cannot use humanlike language. All animal communication is instinctual and, thus, is not language. Only primates, like monkeys and chimps, show any sign of language-like behavior. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Only mammals have the potential to develop language that will be recognizable as humanlike. ------> It is still unclear if animals can show humanlike language at any level of development. 5 283. The system of rules that governs how we combine words to form grammatical sentences is called ______. ------> syntax semantics morphology phonology grammar 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 284. Dolphins, according to TV and movies, are very intelligent and have strong language abilities. They might even be able to talk! However, which statement is true from the research? Dolphins have been shown to be able to master syntax. Dolphins have the language abilities of a 3-year-old child. Dolphin communication with parrots has been firmly established. all of these ------> none of these 5 285. What are the smallest units of meaning in a language? words syntax dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist syllables phonemes ------> morphemes 5 286. You are worried that your aging father might develop senile dementia. What advice might you want to give to him? "Stop reading, as it will tire out your brain." "Start a program of extreme physical exercise to push more blood through your brain." ------> "Start reading more, doing puzzles, getting involved in a hobby to exercise your brain." Each of these activities has the potential to help slow the development of dementia. Nothing will help, so don't bother to suggest anything. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 287. Pragmatics are defined as _____________. ------> the practical aspects of communicating with others, or the social "niceties" of language the system of rules that governs how we combine words to form grammatical sentences the language rules that determine how sounds and words can be combined and used to communicate meaning within a language the language rules used to solve problems between people the system of rules that governs the structure and use of a language 1 288. Which developmental psychologist theorized that concepts preceded and aided the development of language? Vygotsky dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Piaget Sapir Whorf Chomsky 2 289. A famous lecturer argues that because the Hopi Indians have only two nouns for things that fly, one for birds and another for nonbirds, the Hopi MUST interpret all flying things in terms of these two nouns. This argument is based on ______. the idealized prototype construct bottom-up processing top-down processing deep structure elaboration dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> the linguistic relativity hypothesis 5 290. Let's say we could teach a dolphin to understand the difference between the sentences "The parrot kissed the dolphin" and "The dolphin kissed the parrot." If this were demonstrated, it might mean the dolphin had an understanding of ____________. phonemes morphemes ------> syntax all of these none of these 3 291. The greatest threat to the credibility of children's recollections of sexual abuse is posed by dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist proactive interference the spacing effect ------> the misinformation effect long-term potentiation retroactive interference 3 292. Speed-reading complex information produces little long-term retention because it inhibits the next-in-line effect the serial position effect retroactive interference dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist proactive interference ------> rehearsal 5 293. Sophia remembered the order of the lobes in the brain from the front by recalling the sentence, "Furry Platypus Often Tremble." For Sophia, this is a chunking strategy ------> mnemonic device peg-word system conditioned stimulus effortful processor 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 294. The temporary release of stress hormones into the bloodstream facilitates memory reconstruction repression retrograde amnesia retroactive interference. ------> long-term potentiation 5 295. The ability to perform more than one complex encoding tasks simultaneously demonstrates the importance of effortful processing ------> automatic processing dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist mood congruent memory flashbulb memory working memory 2 296. The conscious repetition of information in order to maintain it in long-term memory is called automatic processing ------> rehearsal spacing chunking mnemonic dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 297. Our inability to remember information presented in the seconds we either first wake up or just before we fall is most likely due to motivated forgetting retrieval failure retroactive interference ------> encoding failure proactive interference 4 298. After hearing his puppy yelp, for a moment after, Mr. Wright has a vivid auditory memory of the puppy's high pitch bark. Mr. Wright's experience clearly demonstrates ____________ memory. long-term dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist short-term iconic implicit ------> echoic 5 299. David read a list of 40 vocabulary words only once. When recalling the words, David shows the serial position effect. We expect that the words David remembers three days later are ------> at the beginning of the list in the middle of the list distributed throughout the list the easiest words dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist unpredictable 1 300. In order to remember to buy sausage, ham, onions, and parsley for his pasta sauce, Enzo forms the word "shop" with the first letter of each item. Enzo is using a memory aide known as the method of loci the next-in-line effect the serial position effect ------> chunking imagery 4 301. The process of getting information out of memory storage is called dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist priming encoding relearning ------> retrieval rehearsal 4 302. A telephone number for a new upscale restaurant flashes on the movie screen, but the image disappears before Aaron has the opportunity to write it down. To his surprise, Aaron retains a momentary mental image of the last four digits of the number. Aaron's experience demonstrates __________ memory. echoic ------> iconic implicit dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist explicit short-term 2 303. Which test of memory typically provides the fewest retrieval cues? rehearsal aptitude recognition ------> recall repression 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 304. Remembering how to solve a problem without any conscious recollection best illustrates _________ memory. short-term flashbulb iconic sensory ------> implicit 5 305. When 90-year-old Grace looked at her old wedding pictures, she was flooded with vivid memories of her husband, and the early years of her marriage. The pictures served as powerful encoding devices iconic memories dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist memory devices automatic processing devices ------> retrieval cues 5 306. A mnemonic device is a mental picture measure of memory technique used for encoding language sounds ------> memory aid word, event, or place that triggers a memory of the past dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 307. Sally is enrolled in a high school geometry course, which she describes as "drawing figures and figuring drawings." In a typical class, students draw geometric figures and use a formula to calculate an aspect of the figure, such as its area. Each time Sally uses a formula, she is making use of what psychologists call ___________. heuristics logarithms ------> algorithms convergence chunking 3 308. A seemingly arbitrary flash "out of the blue," through which the solution to a problem suddenly becomes apparent to you, but you do not consciously know how you "figured it out," is called ______. brainstorming dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist priming transformation a mental set ------> insight 5 309. PET scans have demonstrated that when you are creating a visual image, ____________. the image is generated by the retinal ganglion cells and sent to the cortex the image is generated by the thalamus and sent to the brain the image is generated by the hypothalamus and sent to the brain there is no locus in the brain that can be determined for the generation of visual images dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> the visual cortex is activated during the formation of an image 5 310. In problem solving, the term rule of thumb refers to ______________. ------> heuristics algorithms mnemonic devices cognitive shortcuts means-end solutions 1 311. Kohler demonstrated "Aha!" or insight behavior with ______________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist birds dogs cats ------> chimps rats 4 312. Seventy percent of the students in a classroom are women and 30 percent are men. One student is described as ambitious, athletic, and assertive. Why are most people likely to think this description refers to a male student? They are using the availability heuristic. ------> They are using the representativeness heuristic. People seek only confirming information. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist People tend to make relative comparisons. People usually have clear insights into the behavior of others. 2 313. ___________ thinking works pretty well for routine problem solving, but may be of little use when a more creative solution is needed. Heuristic Divergent Insightful Latent ------> Convergent 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 314. The divergent thinking technique of writing down everything that comes to mind about a topic without revising or proofreading until all of the information is recorded and then organizing it later is known as _____________. brainstorming keeping a journal ------> freewriting mind or subject mapping ideating 3 315. What term do psychologists use to describe our tendency to search for evidence that supports our belief and to ignore evidence that might disprove it? convergent thinking attribution bias dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist availability heuristic representativeness heuristic ------> confirmation bias 5 316. The ability to produce solutions to problems that are unusual, inventive, novel, and appropriate is called ____________. ------> creativity insight heuristics latent learning convergent thinking dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 317. According to Robert Sternberg, which type of intelligence is least likely to predict success in an academic environment? analytical intelligence creative intelligence ------> practical intelligence general intelligence none of these 3 318. Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of ____________. verbal and mathematical abilities dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist crystallized and visual-motor abilities ------> general intelligence and specific abilities analytical, creative, and practical intelligence crystallized and fluid abilities 3 319. According to Robert Sternberg, _______________ is best described as "street smarts," or the ability to use information to get along in life. People who have it know how to be tactful, how to manipulate situations to their advantage, and how to use inside information to increase their odds of success. analytical intelligence creative intelligence ------> practical intelligence general intelligence dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist none of these 3 320. Which of these is one of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences? poetic digital creative ------> naturalist historical 4 321. Alfred Binet designed the first ______ test. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist aptitude performance-based perception vocational ------> intelligence 5 322. What two categories of subtests make up the Wechsler intelligence tests? ------> performance and verbal objective and subjective analytical and visual-motor dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist crystallized and visualization fluid and visualization 1 323. When we consider intelligence, it is important to remember that although _______ sets limits on a child's potential, it is the _______ that permits that potential to be actualized. learning; opportunity opportunity; learning ------> heredity; environment environment; heredity opportunity; heredity 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 324. Which of these is an element of the formal definition of mental retardation? ------> IQ below 70 evidence of brain damage slower than normal reflexes onset of deficits prior to age 6 evidence of serious childhood illness 1 325. People are termed gifted in terms of intelligence if their IQ is above _______. 115 120 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> 130 140 150 3 326. Which of these is an element of the formal definition of mental retardation? ------> adaptive behavior severely below a level appropriate for the person's age evidence of brain damage slower than normal reflexes onset of deficits prior to age 6 evidence of serious childhood illness dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 327. A test is said to be reliable if _________________. ------> a person's score on a test is pretty much the same every time he or she takes it it contains an adequate sample of the skills it is supposed to measure its results agree with a more direct measure of what the test is designed to predict it is culture-fair it permits a person to project unconscious wishes based on the test stimuli 1 328. Psychological tests that yield relatively consistent results are said to be __________. valid dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist normed ------> reliable standardized projective 3 329. Extrinsic motivation is defined as ________. the pursuit of an activity for its own sake the pursuit of an activity in order to increase one's competence and skills ------> the pursuit of an activity for external reward the pursuit of an activity to relieve the state of tension caused by deprivation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 330. What do we call biologically determined, innate patterns of behavior? ------> instincts drives releasing behaviors universal behaviors 1 331. The tendency of the body to maintain a steady state of functioning is called ________. stability equilibrium dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> homeostasis physiological balance 3 332. The process by which activities are started, directed, and continued so that physical or psychological needs or wants are met is called ________. emotion ------> motivation achievement synergy 2 333. Lester has high test anxiety, which tends to affect his test performance even though he studies a lot. According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, which of the following activities will help Lester improve his performance? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Study harder. Study less since his performance won't be that good anyway. Get a tutor. ------> Use relaxation exercises before each test. 4 334. Which of the following factors is most likely to have an effect on predictions made by the Yerkes-Dodson Law? gender of person doing the task age of person doing the task task instructions ------> difficulty of task dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 335. The need for ________ involves a strong desire to succeed in attaining goals. emotion power motivation ------> achievement 4 336. Luc said, "I don't care what I do as long as I am the best at it!" What need is this? need for power ------> need for achievement dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist need for sex need for affiliation 2 337. Which of the following behaviors is NOT an example of drive-reduction theory? going to sleep when you are tired getting some food when you are hungry getting something to drink when you are thirsty ------> going jogging when you are bored 4 338. Salmon swimming upstream to spawn is an example of animals behaving according to ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist motives incentives needs ------> instinct 4 339. Which of the following shows a focus on the lowest of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Frank feels that he is a good salesman because he likes what he does and knows how to do it well. Barbara knows that as a teacher she is a good person because she realizes the importance of imparting knowledge to society. Joan wants to live in a house with all the modern conveniences so that she may have more time to seek fulfillment from her career and family. ------> Mark works hard as an attorney only so that he can attract more clients, more money, and be secure in the knowledge that his family can survive. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 340. Jill is motivated by money and the things money will bring her. Jack is motivated by a belief in the importance of doing good things, and his incentives are based on that belief. Which theory incorporates both these types of motivational causes? increment theory sensation-seeking theory entity theory ------> expectancy-value theory 4 341. Michael has trained very long hours in order to qualify for the Olympics in diving. He has sacrificed a great deal as he put his education on hold and spent a lot of time away from his 2 small children and wife. To Michael, qualifying for the Olympics is a(n) ________. stimuli optimum level dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> incentive Drive reduction 3 342. Self-determination theory (SDT) best fits which type of motivation? a mastery goal the need for affiliation extrinsic motivation ------> intrinsic motivation 4 343. According to Maslow, the motive of self-actualization makes one want ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> to fulfill one's inborn potential to convince others of one's true worth to have frequent contact with others to possess as many material goods as possible 1 344. Obesity is defined as the condition of being at least ________ percent over the ideal body weight. 10 40 30 ------> 20 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 345. Intrinsic motivation is one that propels a person to pursue an activity ________. ------> for its own sake to relieve the state of tension caused by deprivation for external rewards in order to be judged favorably by others 1 346. People who are attempting to become extremely thin by refusing to eat suffer from ________. obesity phobia ------> anorexia nervosa dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist dissociation bulimia nervosa 2 347. Although Kim just ate a huge meal and feels "stuffed," the idea of a chocolate sundae is too good to pass up, so she orders one. Which motivational term explains the appeal of the sundae? stimuli optimum level ------> incentive Drive reduction 3 348. The highest rate of obesity in the world is found in ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist Germany France Sweden ------> the United States 4 349. ________ can vary from culture to culture and are socially acceptable ways of showing emotion in public settings. ------> Display rules Expressional norms Facial grids Phenomes dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 350. Which division of the nervous system is working when we experience emotions? parasympathetic division of the somatic nervous system nonsympathetic division of the nervous system central nervous system ------> sympathetic division of the nervous system 4 351. Seeing a snake, and then simultaneously running away from it and becoming frightened, is the sequence of events postulated by ________ theory. Plutchik's James-Lange dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Cannon-Bard theory Schachter and Singer's 3 352. Seeing a snake, running away from it, and then becoming frightened is the sequence of events postulated by the ________ theory. Yerkes-Dodson ------> James-Lange Plutchik Cannon-Bard 2 353. What is the correct sequence of events in emotional response according to the Cannon-Bard theory? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> stimulus THEN emotion AND physiological changes (simultaneous) stimulus THEN physiological changes THEN emotion stimulus THEN emotion THEN physiological changes You experience physiological changes followed by fear. 1 354. Which theory of emotion emphasizes the role of the thalamus? Plutchik's James-Lange ------> Cannon-Bard theory Schachter and Singer's dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 355. One of the problems associated with asthma is that once patients experience difficulty breathing, they often make their symptoms worse by concentrating on them and/or worrying about them. Consequently, many doctors include relaxation exercises as part of a treatment program to prevent patients from making their asthmatic reactions worse. This example of how our awareness of physiological changes can influence or even cause subsequent emotions is most supportive of which of the following theories of emotion? Yerkes-Dodson ------> James-Lange Plutchik Cannon-Bard 2 356. According to cognitive-mediational theories, appraisal of the situation would come ________ the physical arousal and ________ the experience of emotion. ------> before; before after; after dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist after; before before; after 1 357. According to Ekman, which of the following is NOT one of the universal facial expressions? fear ------> shame disgust sadness 2 358. The process by which the facial muscles send messages to the brain about the basic emotion being expressed is called ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist internal emotion work body language primary emotional processing ------> facial feedback 4 359. Those who view their work as a necessary but personally unfulfilling way to make money are said to view work as a: flow contract ------> job calling dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist career 3 360. In Myer's book, The Pursuit of Happiness, all of the following are suggestions for living a happier life EXCEPT ________. focus beyond yourself ------> follow the "Eye for an Eye" philosophy when seeking revenge act happy take control of your time think happy 2 361. Ainsley is more fearful of loneliness than of remaining in a physically abusive relationship with her husband. This best illustrates the potentially harmful impact of _________ needs. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist self-actualization achievement ------> belongingness sexual safety 3 362. Jean Piaget is noted for his theory of ______. ------> cognitive development perceptual development language development dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist motor development reflex development 1 363. According to Myer and colleagues, in happiness is the key to many things EXCEPT ________. a healthier and more satisfying life ------> changing others who are unhappy perception of the world as a safer place ability to make decisions more easily ability to feel safe and secure 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 364. Dr. Lighthead works with her patients to draw from many of their strengths and successes in her therapy sessions. She often stresses the importance of achievements, strengths, and well-being while not dwelling on past issues of abuse, depression, and unmet goals. Based on the description of her work, Dr. Lighthead is likely to utilize ________ in her sessions. transient psychology structural psychology optimist psychology performance psychology ------> positive psychology 5 365. In the definition of psychology, what does the term mental processes refer to? ------> internal, covert processes outward behavior dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist inward feelings overt actions and reactions only animal behavior 1 366. The central nervous system consists of sensory and motor neurons somatic and autonomic subsystems ------> the brain and the spinal cord sympathetic and parasympathetic branches afferent and efferent neurons dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 367. In a complete sexual response cycle the excitement phase immediately precedes orgasm orgasm immediately precedes the excitement phase ------> the plateau phase immediately precedes orgasm the excitement phase immediately precedes the resolution phase the plateau phase immediately precedes the excitement phase 3 368. As part of an application for a job, Dan is asked to complete some psychological tests, including one in which he responds true or false to items such as "I feel sad most of the time," or "I had a good childhood." What type of psychological test is Dan taking? a behavioral log dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist the TAT a projective test ------> an inventory a direct observation 4 369. Interviews in which the interviewer asks questions about any material that comes up and asks follow-up questions whenever appropriate are known as ______ interviews. structured global wide-focus closed-end dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> unstructured 5 370. When Anna looks at some modern artwork at the museum, she often thinks she sees human figures or faces and likes to make up stories about them. When she tells the stories to her friend, her friend says that the stories reflect Anna's unconscious thoughts. In psychological terms, what Anna does is most similar to ______. classical conditioning ------> a projective test behavior sampling an objective test social cognition 2 371. The ________ classifies people's personality according to Carl Jung's personality types. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Myers-Briggs Type Indicator TAT MMPI Locus of Control Scale Kagan Temperament Scale 1 372. The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) is an example of a _________ personality test. projective ------> objective subjective dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist creative strategic 2 373. Which of the following statements is a claim often made by critics of projective testing? ------> The interpretation of projective tests is too subjective. These tests are effective in predicting job performance. People try to answer questions in ways that make them look better than they are. These tests create anxiety in those being tested. The results of projective tests reflect situational behavior. 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 374. An assessment in which a numerical value is assigned to specific behavior(s) that is/are listed on the assessment is called a ____________. ------> rating scale frequency count projective test interview count 1 375. The most commonly used personality assessments are: projective tests observations dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist structured interviews ------> self-report inventories behavior assessments 4 376. In 1921, Hermann Rorschach introduced a personality assessment that has become one of the most widely used ________ test. factor analysis ------> projective thematic apperception empirically derived personality inventory dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 377. The main advantage of personality inventories over projective tests and interviews is _____________. ------> inventories are standardized. interviews are more reliable. interviews have higher validity. interviews are more indirect. there are no major differences. 1 378. Personality assessments conducted by behaviorists rely primarily on ____________. projective tests dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> direct observation detailed analysis of dreams interviews hypothetical situations 2 379. Personality assessments conducted by behaviorists sometimes make use of _______. projective tests introjective tests reports by friends responses to hypothetical situations dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> rating scales and frequency counts 5 380. Mr. Kocin was asked by this psychotherapist to look at a few ambiguous pictures and make up a story about each. Mr. Kocin was most likely taking the: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. MMPI. Rorschach test. ------> TAT. Personality Inventory. 4 381. In studying personality, Mr. Palinato, a trait theorist, would most likely: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist use a projective test. observe a person in a variety of life situations. use free association. use factor analysis. ------> use a personality inventory. 5 382. Which personality test relies on the interpretation of inkblots to understand personality? MMPI 16PF TAT dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist NEO-PI ------> Rorschach 5 383. The Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI) is an example of which type of personality test? ------> objective subjective strategic projective deviant 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 384. A "lie scale" or validity scale that assesses the extent in which a person is faking to make a good impression is included in the: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Rorschach inkblot test TAT ------> MMPI Locus of Control Scale 4 385. What is the MMPI? a self-report personality inventory a test designed for people with a psychological disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist an objective personality test ------> all of the above none of the above 4 386. What is one criticism of projective tests? They are inappropriate for use with children. They are too simple in their administration and scoring. ------> They have low validity and reliability. They fail to take into account differences in the testing environments. They have interpretive categories that are too narrow. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 387. While taking the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Vince notices that it contains certain questions that are asked several times in different ways. He asks his daughter, who is a graduate student in psychology, why that is. What is his daughter likely to say? Truly psychotic individuals expect to find "strange" items on tests. Those items contain hidden content that is not apparent to normal people. ------> Some items are used to determine if test takers are trying to "fake" the test by not reading. The MMPI contains a number of experimental items that are used in developing future versions of the test. These items correspond to items on other tests so that scores on different tests can be compared. 3 388. The technique of assessing personality by asking a person to make up a story based on a picture presented by the researcher is an example of which of the following types of tests? personality inventory dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> projective sublimation individualism trait/type 2 389. One major reason for the unreliability of the Rorschach inkblot test or other projective tests is the fact that: the test can only be used effectively with severely maladjusted individuals. the test cannot discriminate between those who may have suicidal and those who just suffer depression. the test does not allow for a truthful conversation between patient and therapist. ------> psychologists often do not agree on how to score the results of the test. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist the test does not take perceptions of patients into account. 4 390. Frank and Gina are looking at an abstract painting in a museum. Gina describes objects and people she thinks she sees in the painting. Frank says, "It's a bunch of paint thrown on a canvas." Gina responds, "No, there is so much here that you just don't see." During lunch they agree that their experience reminds them of what concept they learned in introductory psychology? social cognition trait theory ------> projective testing the Big Five objective testing 3 391. Teresa is taking a personality test that involves her describing random patterns of dots. Teresa is taking which type of personality test? dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist the MMPI the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ------> a projective test Factor analysis a personality inventory 3 392. Ethan is usually talkative and animated when hanging out with his girlfriend, but reserved at home. He actively participates in many classroom discussions in Social Studies but frequently seems to talk with friends at the gym. Ethan's behavior should lead us to question the importance of: self-esteem reciprocal determinism defense mechanisms dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> personality traits unconditional positive regard 4 393. Which of the following concepts did Carl Jung originate? id superego castration anxiety ------> introversion-extraversion inferiority complex 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 394. Self-esteem would be most associated with which of the following perspectives? Psychodynamic Trait Social-cognitive ------> Humanistic Behavioral 4 395. Although David seems bright and capable to his parents and friends, he has been failing in school. David agrees to speak with a psychologist, who after taking a personality inventory, suggests that his problems stem from internal processes such as unrealistic expectations and negative thinking. The psychologist's view is typical of which of the following models of personality? Psychoanalytic Humanistic dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Social-cognitive Behavioral Trait 3 396. For her class presentation, Amanda intends to discuss the Big Five personality factors used by people throughout the world to describe themselves. Which of the following factors will Amanda not discuss in her presentation? openness conscientiousness ------> independence extraversion agreeableness dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 397. What must a person have in order to overcome a sense of helplessness that is associated with the repeated occurrence of negative events? ------> personal control learned helplessness introspection reciprocal determinism external locus of control 1 398. A psychologist at a community college administered an empirically derived personality test to diagnose an emotionally troubled student. Which test did the psychologist most likely administer? the Rorschach dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist the TAT the DMVD ------> the MMPI the locus of control life test 4 399. Recent research on the Big Five personality factors provides evidence that: some traits on describe personality in Western cultures. ------> some tendencies decrease during adulthood, while others increase. the heritability of these traits runs less than 25 percent. all of the above are true. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist none of the above are true. 2 400. Having an attitude of learned helplessness is most likely to promote: an internal locus of control unconditional positive regard ------> pessimism optimism self-actualization 3 401. Andrew's grandfather, who has lived a rich and productive life, is a spontaneous, loving, and self-accepting person. Maslow may say that Andrew's grandfather: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist has an internal locus of control. is an extravert. has resolved all the conflicts of the psychosexual stages. ------> is a self-actualized person. all of the above. 4 402. Jacob had the desire and potential to be a pianist but became, instead, a trader in commodities. He decided never to touch the piano again. According to Maslow, what is going on with Jacob? He suffers from incontinence. He suffers from Womb Envy. He has an inferiority complex. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist He has an internal locus of control. ------> He has not achieved self-actualization. 5 403. Bandura believes that the most well-adjusted people have a strong sense of _________, a sense of competence in managing one's life, and mastery in achieving pone's personal goals. self-esteem ------> self-efficacy self-loathing self-importance external locus of control 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 404. Individuals with a high self-esteem are more likely to ___________ than those with a low self-esteem. associate with people who share the same attitudes as them question their beliefs dismiss positive and flattering descriptions of themselves experience an external locus of control ------> have a strong ego 5 405. Maslow proposed that people who are self-actualized have exceptionally healthy personalities. Which of the following, according to Maslow, are NOT representative of self-actualized people? spontaneous ------> extreme in personality (e.g., either conforming or rebellious) dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist thrive on their work not dependant on others for approval comfortable being alone 2 406. Aiden's substandard academic performance is both a cause and result of his feelings of academic inferiority. Aiden's situation best illustrates the importance of: ------> reciprocal determinism internal locus of control defense mechanisms self-serving bias the spotlight effect dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 407. The Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a(n): personality test used to assess locus of control. personality test used to assess the Big 5. ------> empirically derived and objective personality test. personality test developed to assess job applicants. projective personality test. 3 408. In which projective testing method does a subject reveal inner feelings and interests through stories he or she creates about pictures of ambiguous scenes? MMPI dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Standord-Binet Myers-Briggs ------> TAT None of the above 4 409. Bristol believes that the questions on her college exams are unrelated to the course work so therefore, studying is useless. Bristol's belief most clearly illustrates: displacement reaction formation sublimation reciprocal determinism dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> an external locus of control 5 410. Carl Rogers emphasized accepting people for what they are, not for what you would like them to be. This acceptance is termed ___________. unconditional self-worth unconditional esteem conditional positive regard ------> unconditional positive regard conditional self-worth 4 411. According to Carl Rogers, anxiety and neurotic behaviors occur when _______. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist a person has low self-esteem there is matching between the real self and ideal self ------> there is a discrepancy between the real self and ideal self the individual receives too much unconditional positive regard has a poor sense of self-efficacy 3 412. Carl Rogers believed our perception of our abilities, behaviors, and characteristics are known as: self-regard. personality. ------> self-concept. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist self-efficacy. internal locus of control. 3 413. Humanistic psychologists would most likely be criticized for underestimating the value of: the spotlight effect. individualism. locus of control. self-serving bias. ------> social influence. 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 414. Because Mrs. Johnston trusts her employees, she treats them very kindly. Her kindness leads them to work diligently on her behalf, which in turn increases her trust in them. According to Bandura, this pattern of trust, kindness, and increasing trust illustrates: internal locus of control external locus of control the spot light effect learned helplessness ------> reciprocal determinism 5 415. One of the main differences between the psychoanalytic view and the social cognitive view is ________________. ------> the social cognitive view allows for testing, whereas the psychoanalytic view does not that the mind is more important to the psychoanalyst than the cognitivist dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist the psychoanalytic view requires feedback from clients and the social cognitive view does not the social cognitive view is more abstract than the psychoanalytic view the social cognitive view relies more on unconscious processes than the psychoanalytic view 1 416. Albert Bandura's notion that people are affected by their environment but can also influence that environment is known as __________. self-efficacy locus of control phenomenology self-actualization ------> reciprocal determinism dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 5 417. According to Rogers, which of the following people is MOST likely to become a fully functioning person? someone with a strongly developed superego someone with an extraverted personality someone brought up with conditional positive regard ------> someone brought up with unconditional positive regard someone with a strong sense of self-efficacy 4 418. A baseball player's son is quite talented; he has received lots of awards over the years. When he gets up to bat, he expects to get a hit, and when he is in the field, he expects to make every catch. According to Bandura, what characteristic does this young man seem to have? self-regard dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist self-centeredness ------> self-efficacy self-actualization self-worth 3 419. Which of the following concepts is NOT found in the humanistic perspective of personality? self-actualization each person is unique personal freedom of choice subjective motivation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> self-efficacy 5 420. Gracie believes that she will be highly successful in college if she works hard and carefully manages her time in her senior year of high school. Her belief best illustrates: personal freedom self-actualization reaction formation reciprocal determinism ------> internal locus of control 5 421. A famous psychologist argues that there are three factors that influence personality: environment, person, and behavior. This psychologist is most likely a ______ psychologist. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist psychodynamic ------> social cognitive psychoanalytic trait humanistic 2 422. What do Abraham Maslow's and Carl Rogers's theories have in common? They are both stage theories. They focus on unconscious motivation. ------> They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist They both fit in the learning/cognitive perspective. They both emphasize the role of inherited behaviors throughout history. 3 423. The humanistic perspective has been criticized for : ------> underestimating the inherent human capacity for evil behaviors. overestimating the effect of an external locus of control. overestimating the degree of similarity among the human race. underestimating the inconsistency of human behavior from one situation to another. overestimating the impact of childhood experiences on personality. 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 424. According to Freud, the id derives pleasure from distinct ___________ during the early psychosexual stages of development. defense mechanisms ------> erogenous zones identifications self concepts identities 2 425. Erica is unconsciously fearful she did not get accepted into the college of her dreams. Recently when asked, she refused to say she wanted to go there because, she said, "I would much rather stay closer to home and go to the community college." Erica's comment best illustrates: regression repression dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> rationalization displacement projection 3 426. According to Freud, the unconscious is: ------> the thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories, of which we are unaware. part of personality that does not affect behavior. a set of universal concepts acquired by humans from our past. a center of deeply repressed memories that has no impact on behavior. all of the above dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 427. Jill is an 8-year-old girl who is having a birthday party. According to Freud, since Jill is in the latency period, whom would you expect to be at her party? ------> mostly girls mostly boys mostly male parents who look like her father mostly female parents who look like her mother mostly parents 1 428. In Freud's personality theory, the ________ are in conflict and the _______ must mediate between them. ego and superego; id dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist id and ego; superego ego and superego; conscience id and conscience; superego ------> id and superego; ego 5 429. According to the psychoanalytical perspective of personality, the ______ is responsible for acting on the "reality principle." superego id ------> ego subconscious dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist preconscious 3 430. The ______ controls the satisfaction of the id's drives in the external world. personal unconscious collective unconscious superego persona ------> ego 5 431. Which of the following statements describes the relationship between temperament and personality? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Temperament and personality are the exact same thing. Personality, which we are born with, is the basis upon which one's temperament is built. ------> Temperament, which we are born with, is the basis upon which one's personality is built. Temperament refers to negative personal characteristics, while personality refers to positive personal characteristics. Personality refers to negative personal characteristics, while temperament refers to positive personal characteristics. 3 432. The unique and relatively stable ways in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels is called __________. ------> personality nurture a trait dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist nature character 1 433. The neo-Freudian, Carl Jung, suggested the existence of a collective unconscious that contains images shared by all people called ______. schemas paradigms prototypes instincts ------> archetypes 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 434. Freud became interested in the unconscious when he noticed that certain symptoms in his patients: could not be removed by the means of medication. could not be removed by the means of hypnosis. ------> could not be explained in terms of neurological impairments. resulted from a loss of internal locus of control. resulted from learned helplessness. 3 435. In Sigmund Freud's theory, the _______ operates according to the pleasure principle. ------> id ego dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist thanatos superego ego ideal 1 436. According to Karen Horney, men had __________. penis envy breast envy ------> womb envy birthing envy estrogen envy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 437. According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used by the: id, ego, and superego to solve conflicts. superego to prevent aggressive drives and impulses. ------> ego to prevent threatening impulses and drives from being consciously recognized. id to defend against guilty feelings produced by the superego. ego to defend against guilty feelings produced by the superego and id. 3 438. Carl Jung's term for the part of our personality that Freud referred to as the unconscious was the _____________. ------> personal unconscious dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist archetype collective unconscious animus animas 1 439. Freud's theory of personality has been criticized because it: ------> offers few testable predictions that allow one to determine its validity. is reliant upon observations derived from Freud's use of projective tests. is contradicted by research demonstrating the human's ability for destruction. underestimates the importance of biological influences in personality development. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist none of the above. 1 440. Which of Freud's levels of consciousness consists of thoughts and feelings that can be easily brought into immediate awareness? conscious level unconscious level ------> preconscious level postconscious level manifest level 3 441. Jessie becomes furious when her favorite hockey player is intentionally hurt by an opponent. According to Freud's model of the mind, her id would unconsciously say _________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist "Thou shalt not kill." "I'm going to create an action plan!" "What, me angry? I never get angry!" "I'm going to leave this game right now!" ------> "I'm so angry I could kill that player!" 5 442. When two-year old Lily was told she would not get ice-cream until she finished her dinner, she threw her plate onto the floor while having a temper tantrum. Freud would have suggested that Lily was unable to resist the demands of her: ego. ------> id. superego. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist collective unconscious. self-concept. 2 443. When eighteen year old Aaron received a large inheritance from his grandfather, he was tempted to purchase a sports car. Aaron decided, instead, to deposit his inheritance into an investment account for his college education. Aaron demonstrates a: weak id. strong id. ------> strong ego. strong external locus of control. weak internal locus of control. 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 444. Many have compared Freud's idea of the mind to an iceberg. If that were the case and you were standing on the deck of a ship in Alaska, what part of the mind would you see above the water? ------> ego superego id preconscious anteroconscious 1 445. Addison is extremely gullible and accepts just about anything she is told as the truth. According to the psychoanalytic perspective, Addison is most likely fixated in the ___________ stage. genital latency dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist phallic anal ------> oral 5 446. While Dr. Mitchell was going through a painful divorce, she tended to create unnecessarily difficult exams and gave students low grades. A psychoanalyst would be most likely to view the professor's treatment of students as an example of: regression. repression. projection. ------> displacement. reaction formation. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 447. According to Freud, the stage in which children develop a marked attachment to the parent of the opposite sex and become jealous of the same-sex parent is the ______. anal stage genital stage oral stage latency stage ------> phallic stage 5 448. A psychoanalyst would say that parents who disguise hostility toward their children by being overly protective are most likely using the defense mechanism of: projection dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist regression ------> reaction formation repression displacement 3 449. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, rationality as well as logical thinking and reasoning are controlled by our ______. pleasure principle superego id ------> ego dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist preconscious 4 450. Reaction formation refers to the process by which people: offer self-justifying explanations in place of the real but unacceptable unconscious reasons for action. retreat to behavior patterns characteristic in early stages of development. ------> consciously express feelings that are the opposite of unacceptable unconscious thoughts. disguise unacceptable unconscious desires and impulses by attributing them to others. express and treat others with anger and hostility because of unconscious conflicts. 3 451. According to the Big Five trait dimensions, _____________ is most closely related to one's level of creativity. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> openness conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism 1 452. Sasha is quiet, anxious, pessimistic, and moody. In terms of the Eysenck's basic personality dimensions, Sasha would be described as: passive-aggressive external-dependent internal-dependent dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist internal-impulsive ------> unstable-introverted 5 453. Cattell believed there were underlying traits that direct surface traits. He called these traits: ------> source traits secondary traits subordinate traits background traits primary traits 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 454. An individual who is disorganized and careless would most likely score low on the Big Five trait dimension known as: extraversion. openness. agreeableness. ------> conscientiousness. emotional stability. 4 455. Paul is considered to be warm, friendly, and considerate. He loves to tell jokes at soccer practice and is always a team player. On which of the two Big Five traits, would Paul be expected to obtain a high scores? conscientiousness and extraversion openness and neuroticism dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist extraversion and neuroticism openness and conscientiousness ------> agreeableness and extraversion 5 456. Travis is a participant in the x-games every year, which features events that are high flying and exhilarating to watch or participate in, but also very dangerous to the competitors. Because Travis is willing to take chances with his health to get the adrenaline rush from these sorts of events, Cost and McCrae would argue that he ranks high on which of the five factors? ------> openness neuroticism conscientiousness extraversion agreeableness dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 457. Which one of the goals of psychology would be most relevant in the trait perspective? ------> description explanation maintenance control changing 1 458. Trait theorists are more focused on _______ personality rather than ______ it. interpreting; observing dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist interpreting; analyzing ------> describing; explaining predicting; assessing predicting; changing 3 459. What did Gordon Allport think about traits? He thought they were like stages. ------> He thought they were wired into the nervous system. He thought they were learned. He thought they were the result of cognitive modeling. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist He thought they were the result of observation and imitation. 2 460. Which neurotransmitter is not implicated in the development of mood disorders? serotonin dopamine ------> endorphins norepinephrine estrogen 3 461. According to family, twin, and adoption studies, a person is at greatest risk for developing schizophrenia ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist if he or she has a nonidentical twin diagnosed with the disorder ------> if he or she has an identical twin diagnosed with the disorder if he or she has a biological parent diagnosed with the disorder if he or she has an adoptive parent diagnosed with the disorder if he or she has 2 adoptive grandparents with the disorder 2 462. In which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body? depersonalization the fugue schizophrenia dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist panic disorder ------> dissociative identity disorder 5 463. Marty is moody, manipulative, unstable, lacks a clear sense of identity, and often clings to others. He wants to have close relationships but is unable to do so because he is untrusting of others. Marty is suffering from ________ personality disorder. antisocial ------> borderline avoidant dependent paranoid 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 464. Which of the following is the biological explanation for mood disorders? They are a result of distortions in thinking. They are a result of learned helplessness. They are a result of anger turned inward on oneself. They are a result of overbearing parents. ------> They are a result of an imbalance of brain chemicals. 5 465. A dissociative disorder characterized by a partial or complete loss of memory for personal information that is usually associated with a stressful or emotionally traumatic experience is known as ________. dissociative fugue dissociative identity disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist depersonalization disorder ------> dissociative amnesia dissociation hypertension 4 466. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the causes of antisocial personality disorder? Close biological relatives of people with this disorder are more likely to be diagnosed than those who are not related. ------> There is a greater risk of antisocial personality disorder in relatives of people with schizotypal personality disorder. People with antisocial personality disorder are more likely to have experienced disturbances in family relationships and communication. Lower than normal levels of stress hormones are linked to emotional unresponsiveness to stressful or threatening situations. Higher than normal levels of stress neurotransmitters are linked to over active responsiveness to emotional situations. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 467. ________ is used to help psychological professionals diagnose psychological disorders. ------> The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) The Textbook of Psychological Disorders The Physician's Desk Reference The Textbook of Physiological Disorders The Physiatrist's Diagnostic Science Manual (PDSM) 1 468. Mary is an adolescent who currently has a small pimple on her cheek that is causing her to be overly self-conscious. She is convinced that everyone she meets stares at and talks about her pimple. Mary's behavior exhibits ________. a sense of idealism dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist personal fable puberty menarche ------> imaginary audience 5 469. Which of the following is defined as a gene that controls the appearance of a certain trait? recessive recombinant mutated tardive dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> dominant 5 470. Which of the following statements about learning is NOT true? ------> Learning is another word for "maturation." Learning is relatively permanent. Learning involves experiences. Learning involves practice Learning involves changes in behavior. 1 471. While taking the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Vince notices that it contains certain questions that are asked several times in different ways. He asks his daughter, who is a graduate student in psychology, why that is. What is his daughter likely to say? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist The MMPI contains a number of experimental items that are used in developing future versions of the test. Truly psychotic individuals expect to find "strange" items on tests. ------> Some items are used to determine if test takers are trying to "fake" the test by not reading. Those items contain hidden content that is not apparent to normal people. Those items contain subliminal information that they do not see. 3 472. A psychologist evaluated Tameka, an eight-year-old child who has experienced difficulty in school. The psychologist sent questionnaires to 100 teachers to determine if they had ever seen similar cases. Based on the teachers' responses, the psychologist hypothesized that a particular diet might cause the learning problem. Following her tabulation of the responses, she designed a study that would tell her if diet were the actual cause. Which of the following lists, in order from first to last, the research methods this psychologist used? naturalistic observation, survey, experiment experiment, correlation, bias experiment, case study, survey dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> case study, survey, experiment correlation, case study, experiment 4 473. You train your dog, Milo, to salivate at the sound of a bell. Then you ring the bell every five minutes and don't follow the ringing with food for Milo. He salivates less and less and finally stops salivating at all when the bell rings. But the next morning, when you ring the bell, Milo salivates! What term is used to explain the reappearance of this response? stimulus discrimination ------> spontaneous recovery instinctive drift counterconditioning extinction 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 474. Laurie, a 30-year-old homemaker, has delusions and hallucinations, often acts silly, giggles loudly and inappropriately, makes odd gestures, and does not bathe or change her clothes regularly. Her symptoms indicate she is suffering from ________ schizophrenia. paranoid undifferentiated catatonic residual ------> disorganized 5 475. Darcy is sitting at her desk in her office one day when, without warning, her heart begins racing rapidly, she has a sensation of being "out of her body," and she experiences dulled vision and hearing, rapid breathing, and sweating. She thinks she is having a heart attack. Nothing she is doing seems to have caused such an episode. Her symptoms MOST resemble ________. a compulsion ------> a panic attack dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist a phobia affective disorder a ritual 2 476. Which of the following is a condition in which a person shows little or no emotion? hallucinations delusions ------> flat affect appropriate affect inappropriate affect dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 477. Luke is diagnosed with a somatoform disorder. His therapist believes that his disorder is reinforced by his family, his doctors, and by his ability to avoid stressful situations that are associated with his disorder. Luke's therapist is probably a ________. ------> behaviorist psychoanalyst cognitive psychologist biological psychologist neuropsychologist 1 478. The treatment recommended for a patient at the mental health clinic is phototherapy. What is the likely diagnosis? dysthymic disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist panic disorder ------> seasonal affective disorder bipolar disorder anxiety disorder 3 479. Dr. Nwoambi is a psychologist who is currently evaluating a new client. Dr. Nwoambi would most likely refer to the ________ to assist her in diagnosing her client's psychological disorder. ------> The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) The Textbook of Psychological Disorders The Physician's Desk Reference The Textbook of Physiological Disorders dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist The Psychiatrist's Diagnostic Science Manual (PDSM) 1 480. Which of the following is the term used to describe a sudden onset of extreme panic with various symptoms including racing heart, rapid breathing, and sweating? compulsion ------> panic attack phobia affective disorder ritual 2 481. When Bob noticed a pain in his thigh, he was convinced it was a sign of bone cancer. Although x-rays revealed no sign of cancer, Bob sought the opinions of a dozen other physicians who agreed with the original opinion. What psychological disorder might Bob's behavior indicate? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist conversion disorder mood disorder catatonic schizophrenia ------> hypochondriasis depersonalization disorder 4 482. A person who suffers from bipolar disorder alternates between ________. anxiety and mania ------> depression and manic episodes depression and schizophrenia dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist mania and schizophrenia anxiety and schizophrenia 2 483. People who have a(n) ________ are afraid of being evaluated in some negative way by others, so they tend to avoid situations that can be embarrassing. specific phobia interactive phobia agoraphobia ------> social phobia generalized phobia 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 484. Which of the following best describes dysthymia? a form of depression that affects biological functions such as appetite a severe, intermittent form of depression a form of depression that is very responsive to electroconvulsive therapy ------> a mild, chronic form of depression a mild, consistent form of mania 4 485. Intruding thoughts that occur again and again are called ________. Repetitive, ritualistic behaviors are called ________. impulses; intrusions compulsions; obsessions dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist instincts; drives ------> obsessions; compulsions intrusions; impulses 4 486. A person who is suffering from disordered thinking, bizarre behavior, and hallucinations and who is unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality is likely suffering from _______. a dissociative disorder passive-aggressive personality ------> schizophrenia bipolar disorder anxiety disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 487. While doing volunteer work at a mental hospital, Mary is put on a ward for adults with severe mental disorders. One patient remains in the same position for hours at a time and never talks. The doctors tell Mary this patient suffers from ________. disorganized schizophrenia depersonalization disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder ------> catatonic schizophrenia residual schizophrenia 4 488. Joey experienced a great amount of anger throughout his childhood and adolescence that he turned inward rather than expressing to others. As a result of not expressing his anger, which of the following disorders is Joey at risk of developing? fugue dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist amnesia anxiety schizophrenia ------> depression 5 489. A patient in a psychiatric hospital exhibits disordered thinking, bizarre behavior, and hallucinations. This person is probably suffering from ________. passive-aggressive personality ------> schizophrenia a dissociative disorder bipolar disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist anxiety disorder 2 490. A hospital patient was diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia because she was having both delusions and hallucinations. What type of symptoms are these? a mix of positive and negative ------> positive negative indifferent atypical 2 491. A therapist is interested in helping his client change his disordered behavior. This therapist is most likely to be a/an ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist insight therapist biomedical therapist ------> action therapist relationship therapist physical therapist 3 492. Lulu sees a professional once a month to manage the medication she is taking to help alleviate the symptoms of her anxiety disorder. The type of therapy Lulu is undergoing is called ________. ------> biomedical therapy physical therapy psychotherapy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist electroconvulsive shock therapy lobotomy 1 493. ________ therapies have had considerable success in treating bedwetting, overeating, drug addictions, and phobic reactions. ------> Behavior Biomedical Humanistic Psychoanalytic REBT 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 494. Dr. Nevolia has a client diagnosed with a somatoform disorder. She believes her client's disorder is due to a tendency to magnify her symptoms and allow false beliefs to dominate her thinking. Dr. Nevolia is probably a ________. behaviorist biological psychologist ------> cognitive psychologist psychoanalyst group psychologist 3 495. Which of the following is an advantage of cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies? ------> They are less expensive and short term than typical insight therapies. Clients do not need to be verbal. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist The therapist decides which of the client's beliefs are rational and which are irrational. They treat the underlying cause of the problem. Treats patients with dementia. 1 496. In which form of therapy does the therapist take a directive role, challenging clients when they make "my way or nothing" statements? psychoanalysis behavior therapy ------> rational-emotive behavior therapy person-centered therapy family therapy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 497. Therapies that focus on the present and assume that people observe the world and the people around them, make assumptions and inferences based on these observations, and then decide how to respond is called ________. person-centered therapy ------> cognitive-behavioral therapy behavior therapy psychoanalysis Gestalt therapy 2 498. An advantage of group therapy is that it ________. can only be used alone and not in combination with any other form of therapy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist can be helpful to those who have difficulty speaking in public can be helpful to individuals who are uncomfortable in social situations can be helpful to people who are afraid of going outside ------> can provide help to individuals who may be unable to afford individual psychotherapy 5 499. Family counseling is a form of ________ therapy. organic informal self-help dynamic dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> group 5 500. Eye-movement desensitization reprocessing is primarily used for treatment of ________. depression ------> post-traumatic stress disorder schizophrenia DID GAD 2 501. Which of the following is an advantage of self-help groups? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> They are free. They are facilitated by an experienced therapist who is familiar with the group members' problems. They are facilitated by a person who is not familiar with the members' problems. They provide access to needed medications. They help individuals one at a time. 1 502. An advantage to group therapy is that groups ________. allow countertransference to occur bestow unconditional approval on group members ------> are a source of social support dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist allow an extremely shy person to feel more comfortable speaking up stop schizophrenic behaviors 3 503. Which approach assumes that disorders come from illogical, irrational cognitions and that changing the thinking patterns to more rational, logical ones will relieve the symptoms of the disorder? Gestalt psychodynamic person-centered psychoanalytic ------> cognitive-behavioral 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 504. Electroconvulsive therapy has been used successfully to treat ________ that has not responded to other treatments. obsessive-compulsive disorder schizophrenia ------> severe depression bipolar disorder depersonalization disorder 3 505. A therapist challenges what she sees as her client's irrational and self-defeating thoughts. Her goal is to help her client change these thoughts into more rational, helpful, positive thoughts. In addition, she wants to help her client develop strategies that can be used to cope with future problems. She is probably a ________ therapist. Gestalt psychodynamic dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist person-centered psychoanalytic ------> cognitive-behavioral 5 506. Which of the following is a disadvantage of group therapy? It allows the therapist to see how the client interacts with others. It often allows group members to help one another learn new social skills. ------> The client must share the therapist's time. The therapist is the only person to whom secrets are revealed. The client feels supported by others in the group. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 507. Bilateral cingulotomy has been performed in cases of ________ that have not responded to other therapy techniques. schizophrenia antisocial personality disorder ------> major depression panic disorder histrionic personality disorder 3 508. The therapist's feeling of respect and affection for the client that exists without any strings attached, no matter what the client may say or do, is called ________. ------> unconditional positive regard dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist empathy catharsis conditions of worth free association 1 509. Which of the following individuals would be considered a good candidate for humanistic therapy? Pasha, who is unable to verbally express her thoughts and feelings ------> Lou, who is seeking a career change Kaleem, who suffers from a severe psychotic disorder Anna, who suffers from schizophrenia dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Mary, who is extremely withdrawn 2 510. Gestalt therapy is an outgrowth of the work of ________. Lazarus Rogers ------> Perls Wolpe Freud 3 511. Dr. Garcia is treating a patient who has a fear of knives. He believes his patient's fear is a kind of displacement, in which the phobic object is a symbol of whatever his patient has buried deep inside her unconscious mind. Dr. Garcia's view is consistent with that of ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist the biological perspective cognitive psychologists ------> the psychodynamic model behaviorists the imagery model 3 512. Every time Alice cleans her room properly and makes the bed she receives a marble. When she accumulates 100 marbles, she can get the new video game she wants. What type of behavioral program are Alice's parents using? extinction ------> token economy participant modeling dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist systematic desensitization schedules of reinforcement 2 513. According to Freud, the ________ of the dream refers to the client's memory of the things, people, and events in the dream. ------> manifest content free association latent content resistance story content 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 514. Which of the following is a key component of Rogers's person-centered therapy? ------> unconditional positive regard cognition resistance dream interpretation empty chair technique 1 515. What is a major goal of the Gestalt therapist? to eliminate the client's undesirable behaviors ------> to help clients become more aware of their own feelings dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist to facilitate transference to provide unconditional positive regard to facilitate free association 2 516. Steve is 21 years old and has never gone on a date. His parents are concerned and take him to see a therapist. The therapist tells Steve to lie down on the couch and relax. The therapist sits behind Steve and asks him to say whatever comes into his head. Steve eventually talks about his fear of women, which leads him to think about his early experiences with women: his mother, her friends, his teachers, and so on. Steve is using ________. the empty chair technique ------> free association pole-shifting counterconditioning token economy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 517. Hiram has learned to seek attention by engaging in inappropriate behaviors by watching his brother receive attention for hitting and biting and then imitating his behavior. Hiram has learned to seek attention by engaging in inappropriate behaviors by using which of the following techniques? ------> modeling flooding paradoxical intent aversion therapy systematic desensitization 1 518. Your friend tells you that his therapist is a Gestalt therapist. You ask him to describe what might happen in one of his therapy sessions. Which of the following is his most likely answer? "I am asked by the therapist to relax and meditate." dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> "During the session I sometimes talk to an empty chair." "The therapist evaluates the factual basis of my statements to identify logical inconsistencies." "The therapist asks me to describe the details of the dreams I have had recently." "The therapist asks me to explain in depth all of the dreams I have had multiple times." 2 519. Psychoanalysis was a therapy technique designed by ________. Carl Rogers Fritz Perls ------> Sigmund Freud Alfred Adler dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Albert Ellis 3 520. Dr. Graham listens to Maria's statements and then restates what he feels is Maria's message and describes her emotions. What type of therapy is Dr. Graham practicing? psychoanalytic cognitive ------> person-centered behavior biomedical 3 521. Which of the following techniques would be most appropriate for treating overeating or smoking? dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist flooding systematic desensitization fixed ratio reinforcement scheduled ------> aversion therapy token economy 4 522. Gestalt therapy is considered ________ because the therapist leads the client through a number of planned exercises as well as confronts the client's statements. behavioral ------> directive cognitive dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist nondirective biomedical 2 523. Which of the following is a limitation of humanistic therapy? Clients do not need to be verbal. The therapist runs the risk of having his or her words misinterpreted by the client. It cannot be used in a variety of contexts. It cannot be used in a variety of cultures ------> There is not enough empirical research to support its basic ideas. 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 524. What do behavior therapists see as the cause of abnormal or undesirable behaviors? unconscious conflicts distortions in thinking discrepancy between the real self and ideal self delusional behaviors ------> learning 5 525. Joanna is experiencing severe anxiety. Her psychiatrist attributes her disorder to a chemical imbalance. Her psychiatrist is using the ________ of abnormality. behavioral model ------> biological model dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist psychoanalytic model intrapersonal model insight model 2 526. Which model of abnormality holds that physical, mental, and cultural factors are intertwined and that they must all be considered when dealing with psychology disorders? the psychophysiological model ------> the biopsychosocial model the Gestalt model the eclectic model the universal model dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 527. Which axis of the DSM-IV-TR contains an overall judgment made by the psychological professional of the person's mental health and adjustment based on a scale from 0 to 100? Axis I Axis III Axis IV Axis II ------> Axis V 5 528. You are a psychologist who is evaluating the behavior of a new client. The client tells you that he does not like to wear clothing and that he walks around nude most of the time. In addition, he tells you that he lives in a society in which clothing is required and nudity is seen as abnormal. Which of the following is NOT a criterion by which you evaluate your client's behavior as abnormal? statistical definition dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> subjective discomfort social norm deviance maladaptive hygienic 2 529. Which of the following is one definition of abnormal behavior? ------> behavior that is rare behavior that is adaptive behavior that does not create distress behavior that is consistent with the norms of society dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist behavior that is acceptable 1 530. A cognitive therapist is working with a depressed client. Which of the following causes is the likely focus of this therapist's intervention? learned behaviors of depression ------> negative interpretations of life events positive interpretations of dreams a superego that is too harsh and strict unusual levels of neurotransmitters 2 531. The primary purpose of the DSM-IV-TR is to ________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist describe the causes of common physiological disorders help psychologists assess only normal behavior ------> help psychological professionals diagnose psychological disorders list disorders in alphabetical order keep the number of diagnostic categories of mental disorders to a minimum 3 532. The biological model views psychological disorders as resulting from ________. repressed memories unconscious behaviors distorted thought patterns dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist underlying behavioral issues ------> physiological causes 5 533. What is the branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of abnormal behavior? developmental psychology psychobiology ------> psychopathology pathology health psychology 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 534. Which of the following statements is true about the DSM-IV-TR? It is used to diagnose medical conditions that may have an impact on mental health. It is used to diagnose imaginative conditions of patients with schizophrenia It is used to diagnose all kinds of medical conditions. ------> It describes symptoms and includes a checklist of specific criteria for diagnosis. It lists information regarding symptoms but does not include a checklist of criteria that must be met for diagnosis. 4 535. Which model of abnormality explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses? cognitive biological dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> behavioral psychosexual psychoanalytic 3 536. The Type C behavior pattern is a significant predictor of ________. mental illness ------> cancer respiratory illnesses coronary heart disease acne dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 537. The Type A behavior pattern is a significant predictor of ________. cancer pneumonia mental illness respiratory illnesses ------> coronary heart disease 5 538. Jacob's father has always wanted him to be a lawyer. He has encouraged him to get good grades, graduate college earlier than his peers, and work as hard as he can. Jacob does not care about going to law school, but he does so to please his father. Jacob is responding to ________. anxiety dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> pressure cognitive dissonance overload hassle 2 539. Levon has a Type B personality. Which of the following is most likely? Levon gets easily upset. Levon is competitive. ------> Levon is slow to anger. Levon is determined to achieve. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist Levon is happy. 3 540. Which of the following is the term used to describe unpredictable, large-scale events that create a great deal of stress and feelings of threat? eustress hassles major life events ------> catastrophes frustration 4 541. ________ occurs when a person is blocked or prevented from achieving a desired goal or fulfilling a perceived need. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist pressure hassles major life events catastrophes ------> frustration 5 542. A disorder resulting from exposure to a major stressor, with symptoms of anxiety, nightmares, poor sleep, reliving the event, and concentration problems, lasting for more than one month is called ________. ------> post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) catastrophic stress acute stress disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist external locus of control stress disorder 1 543. Which of the following are the three terms used to describe the way in which hardy people differ from many other Type A people and others who suffer more ill effects due to stress? commitment, control, competitiveness competitiveness, control, compassion compassion, challenge, commitment compassion, challenge, character ------> commitment, control, challenge 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 544. Stress has been shown to put people at a higher risk for ________. ------> heart attack and stroke unplanned pregnancy schizophrenia promotions at work personality disorders 1 545. The practice of behaviors and lifestyle choices that promote both physical and mental health is called ________. religious beliefs health dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist coping ------> wellness meditation 4 546. ________ occurs when people experience unpleasant stressors. Catastrophic stress ------> Distress Acute stress Frustration Eustress dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 547. Eating a healthy breakfast ________. has been shown to decrease the ability to concentrate has been shown to increase the need for a morning nap has been shown to increase for heart disease has been shown to increase the risk of obesity ------> has been shown to decrease the risk of obesity 5 548. ________ psychology is the field of study devoted to understanding the relationship between physical activities, psychological traits, and social relationships and overall health and rates of illness. Medicinal dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Developmental ------> Health Physiological Biomedical 3 549. For the past six months, Dahlia's job has been extremely stressful, but she doesn't feel that she can quit because she needs the money for tuition. Dahlia has been having chronic headaches and is behind in all of her classes. According to Hans Selye, Dahlia is in the ________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. alarm phase resistance phase gathering phase ------> exhaustion phase dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist hoarding phase 4 550. Desiring to purchase a book and finding it is out of stock is an example of a(n)________. internal conflict ------> external frustration internal frustration indifferent frustration external conflict 2 551. Which of the following traits is associated with people who live to be very old? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist aggressiveness indifferent ------> being easygoing inflexibility tenseness 3 552. Tad seems to thrive when faced with difficult challenges and usually feels in control of his life. He would probably be labeled a ________ personality. Type B Type C ------> hardy dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist stressed Type S 3 553. Which of the following is a mental series of exercises meant to refocus attention and achieve a trance-like state of consciousness? biofeedback ------> meditation relaxation response progressive relaxation breathing methods 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 554. A person who thrives on stress but lacks the anger and hostility typical of some others who have the Type A personality is said to have a ________ personality. ------> hardy optimistic Type B Type C happy 1 555. Which psychologist is credited with proposing the general adaptation syndrome? ------> Hans Selye Lazarus dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Berkowitz Holmes and Rahe Beck 1 556. When subjects in an experimental group put a puzzle piece in the wrong place, the experimenter unconsciously tapped his feet. The experimenter did not tap his feet when subjects in the control group placed a puzzle piece in the wrong place. One method to eliminate the tapping of the experimenter is by instituting: the single-blind procedure ------> the double-blind procedure the placebo effect the subject bias effect the independent variable dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 557. In an experiment conducted to determine whether playing violent video games increases aggressive behavior in adolescents, one group of subjects played nonviolent video games and the other group played violent video games. In the play period that followed the video game exercise, researchers observed the two groups of adolescents together and counted the number of aggressive acts. The dependent variable in the experiment is the: nonviolent video game violent video game group playing nonviolent video games amount of time spent playing video games ------> amount of aggressive behavior exhibited by the children 5 558. Ethan wants to study the effects of alcohol on the behavior of college females. For his study, Ethan spends 6 hours every night for 4 weeks at a campus bar watching how the females act before and after consuming alcoholic beverages. The research method Ethan is conducting is a case study dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist controlled experiment survey quasi-experiment ------> naturalistic observation 5 559. Mary Ainsworth's Stranger Situation is typically tested on young children to demonstrate: intelligence reaction time depth perception ------> attachment dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist object permanence 4 560. According to the research on attraction, individuals are most likely to be attracted to others who are: less physically attractive than they are more physically attractive than they are complete strangers ------> similar to themselves total opposites from themselves 4 561. When asked what they would do if they could be totally invisible and there would be no recrimination, most people answered they would commit an antisocial act. Which of the following social phenomena might best be able to explain this response? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist group polarization social loafing ------> deindividuation self-fullfilling prophecy groupthink 3 562. Which of the following psychotropic drugs will NOT increase behavioral and mental activity? cocaine caffeine benzedrine dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist amphetamines ------> barbiturates 5 563. In small quantities, alcohol can be mistaken for a stimulant because it: stimulates the sympathetic nervous system speeds up the respiration and heart rate ------> inhibits control of emotions induces sleep affects the cerebellum 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 564. During a debate for Senate, both the Republican and Democratic candidates argued the findings of a recent opinion poll supported their platform in regards to taxes. Because both Senate candidates viewed the information as only supporting their personal belief, they were both guilty of: belief bias ingroup bias ------> confirmation bias functional fixedness prejudice 3 565. The rules of language that direct a person to derive meaning from words and sentences are the rules of: grammar ------> semantics dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist syntax phonemes morphemes 2 566. Which area of the brain is important in processing implicit memories such as ice-skating? hippocampus association areas limbic system ------> cerebellum amygdala dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 567. A loose screw on the door hinge keeps causing the door to squeak whenever anyone opens it. When he notices the door squeak the next day, Hunter reaches into his pocket for a dime to tighten the screw holding the hinge. What problem-solving difficulty did Huner overcome? retroactive interference ------> functional fixedness poor problem representation proactive interferece the representative heuristic 2 568. Behaviorists such as Skinner have argued that language development is the result of: reinforcement dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist association imitation ------> all of the above none of the above 4 569. When Tyrek broke his cell phone and had to purchase a new phone, he also got a new phone number. Every time he is asked for his new number, Tyrek first thinks of his old number. Tyrek is experiencing the effects of: ------> proactive interference retroactive interference mental set encoding failure dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist storage failure 1 570. On the 72nd hole of the U.S. Open golf tournament, Phil Mickelson misses a one-foot putt that would have won the championship. During an interview afterward, he stated, "I've made that putt a thousand times on the practice green. I can't believe that I missed it!" Based on your knowledge of social psychology, which phenomenon may have contributed to the errant putt? social loafing social facilitation diffusion of ability social compliance ------> social impairment 5 571. The tendency of people to comply with a second, larger request after complying with a small request is called the ______ technique. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist lowball door-in-the-face ------> foot-in-the-door response cue that's-not-all technique 3 572. You get a free sample of a new cereal in the mail. The company hopes you will try the cereal and then feel obligated to buy it. What term do psychologists use to describe this phenomenon? indebtedness augmented return social facilitation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist obedience ------> norm of reciprocity 5 573. A consultant was telling newly-hired salespeople about techniques they can use to increase sales. At one point he was talking about increasing compliance by creating a sense of obligation. Because one of the last classes you took before you graduated was Social Psychology, you recognize the concept as ________________. ------> the norm of reciprocity indebtedness foot-in-the-door effect returning a favor the lowball technique 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 574. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy," your young son asks frantically. "Can we please buy a new PlayStation�3 console with all of the games and the wireless controllers so that we don't have to sit near the television?" "No," you reply, "we can't afford to buy all of that!" Seemingly unperturbed by your rejection, your son comes back with, "Then can we just buy one new game for our PlayStation�2?" "Okay, I guess so," you answer, not realizing that your very advanced son has taken a social psychology class and has just used the _____________ technique to get what he wanted. ------> door-in-the-face foot-in-the-door that's-not-all lowball reciprocity 1 575. After a group of gang members learned that their friend had died in a seemingly random accident, several of the friends started blaming a rival gang for the death. Even though there was no evidence whatsoever that the death had been intentional, the more the friends talked, the more passionate they became in their belief that an act of revenge was necessary. What concept from social psychology may contribute to an act of violent revenge in this case? social influence prosocial behavior dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist altruism self-serving bias ------> groupthink 5 576. Research has found support for Asch's findings in countries including Hong Kong, Japan, and Zimbabwe. In fact, in these locations the conformity effect was even higher than Asch reported. What might explain this increase in conformity? These three countries are all located in warmer climates, which Asch found leads to more conformity. ------> These three countries have generally collectivist cultures. These three countries have generally individualistic cultures. These three countries did not have access to Asch's work, so their findings were not influenced by the original study. These three countries all have uniformly low socioeconomic status. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 577. Carlos and his work associates form a close, friendly group, and they usually work well together. However, they may face a problem involving an extreme form of conformity called ______________. fundamental attribution error generational identity ------> groupthink self-serving bias stereotyping 3 578. In what way is compliance different from conformity? ------> Compliance is a response to a direct request, whereas conformity is a response to indirect social pressure. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Conformity and compliance are very similar; the distinction depends on whether one is a male or female. Conformity involves direct group pressure for change, whereas compliance involves orders or commands. Compliance involves eliciting reaction on the part of group members, whereas conformity involves subliminal persuasion. Compliance involves soliciting the reactions of individuals, whereas conformity involves direct group pressure. 1 579. A teacher decides against assigning group projects in which all group members get the same grade. What social psychological phenomenon might the teacher be concerned about? conformity ------> social loafing social influence social facilitation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist social idleness 2 580. Recent research using the Asch paradigm has found less conformity in the United States than the original study found in the 1950s. The reason for this decrease in conformity may be that _____. ------> the nature of the people in the 1950s seemed to be more conforming people today are more obedient people in the 1950s had less money people today watch more television people today are less likely to make attributions 1 581. What is a difference between obedience and conformity? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> In obedience, there is a difference in status between the one who obeys and the one who makes the request. Conformity requires strict adherence to the rules, whereas obedience does not. Obedience is an indirect request, whereas conformity is a direct request. In conformity, there is a perceived difference in status between the one who conforms and the group. Conformity involves agreeing to change in response to a request, whereas obedience involves an indirect request for agreement. 1 582. A social psychologist has been invited to give a community lecture on the importance of Milgram's research. He asks a social psychology class for suggested titles. Which of the following titles might they suggest as the most appropriate? "Obedience and Aggression Are Inborn" ------> "Do Not Underestimate the Power of Perceived Authority" "Training in Ethics Can Overcome the Pull of Obedience" dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist "Make a Small Request First and the World Can Be Yours" "Informed Consent as an Integral Component of Obedience Research" 2 583. The tendency of people to comply with a second, lesser request after refusing a larger one is called the ______ technique. lowball norm of reciprocity foot-in-the-door bait-and-switch ------> door-in-the-face 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 584. In Solomon Asch's study, which factor increased the rate of conformity? the task difficulty was increased the confederates were all adults ------> the number of confederates increased the participants were given two chances at responding the respondents were polled individually 3 585. An individual who exerts less effort when working on a group task if individual contributions will not be evaluated is engaging in what is called _____. ------> social loafing social idleness dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist social facilitation the goof-off phenomenon malingering 1 586. Imagine that 100 individuals are asked to take part in a replication of Milgram's famous study on obedience. How are these 100 people likely to respond? ------> The majority would administer 450 volts as instructed. The majority would immediately realize the use of deception and leave. Most of the women would refuse to obey, whereas almost all of the men would obey. Most of the participants would work together to force the experimenter to end the experiment. Most of the participants would demand to speak to the "subject" to see if the pain was becoming too severe. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 587. Vince has always believed children deserve the best prenatal care available. During a class discussion, he hears the first of several speakers express very negative attitudes toward spending tax money on prenatal care for the poor. When it is his turn to speak, he voices an opinion more in keeping with the previous speakers. Vince's behavior is an example of _______________________. compliance persuasion obedience altruism ------> conformity 5 588. Which statement best describes an important finding of Milgram's classic research? Individuals easily conform to group norms. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist The presence of other people makes aggression more likely. ------> People will easily obey an authority figure and do harm to others. Agreeing to a small request makes it more likely you will agree to a big request.[SMJ1][KH2] Agreeing to a big request makes it more likely you will agree to a small request. 3 589. While walking through an airport, a well-dressed lady walks up to you and pins a flower on your shirt, saying "I'd like you to have this flower on behalf of the Brotherhood of Friends. Would you like to make a donation to our cause?" This lady is attempting to use the _____________ to get your money. foot-in-the-door technique that's-not-all technique ------> norm of reciprocity lowball technique dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist door-in-the-face 3 590. Which of the following sets of numbers has the largest standard deviation? 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 5, 5.5, 5.56, 5.6, 5.65 ------> 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 1.00, 1.10, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 -1.5, -1.0, 0, 1.0, 1.5 3 591. If the variance of a set of scores on a standardized test is 100, the standard deviation will be: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> 10 15 25 50 100 1 592. If Mr. Nelson compared the scores of students on the even-numbered questions on the test with their scores for the odd-numbered questions, he would be trying to determine if the test had: predictive validity content validity test-retest validity dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> split-half validity face validity 4 593. Heather is 26 years old. For her new job, she needs to take an intelligence test. Which of the following would be the most appropriate test for her age group? ------> WAIS-III WPPSI-R WISC-III DAT DSM-IVR 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 594. Louisa, an 85 year-old, takes longer to solve problems that require abstract thinking than she did when she as 40. This tendency indicates: a decrease in her concrete operations a decrease in her crystallized intelligence ------> a decrease in her fluid intelligence an increase in her fluid intelligence a decrease in her intelligence level 3 595. Which schedule of reinforcement is followed by Suri, who answers every text message and email message her boyfriend sends? fixed ratio fixed interval dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist variable interval ------> continuous variable ratio 4 596. When a pair of lights flashing in quick succession seems to be one light moving from place to place, the effect is referred to as: binocular cues ------> the phi phenomenon stroboscopic movement divergence spontaneous recovery dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 597. Students in Mrs. Evan's first grade class are given tokens for positive behavior. At the end of the school week, students are able to put the tokens in vending machines to get prizes. The tokens act as: primary reinforcers classical conditioners ------> secondary reinforcers unconditioned reinforcers negative reinforcers 3 598. Which of the following reinforcement schedules results in maintenance of behavior that is MOST resistant to extinction? continuous dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist fixed ratio fixed interval variable interval ------> variable ratio 5 599. The Robber's Cave experiment showed that _____________. playing athletic games, such as football and baseball, reduces us-them hostility watching movies together, and similar quiet interactions, reduces us-them hostility engaging in mutually exciting activities, such as tug-of-war, reduces us-them hostility participating in educational activities like group spelling contests reduces us-them hostility dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> interdependence in solving crises together reduces us-them hostility 5 600. Which of the following individuals is the most likely candidate to join a cult? Dan, who just got a job, has a great marriage but is unhappy with his religion Jane, who is a straight A student and has a great relationship with her parents, but just broke up with her boyfriend ------> Glenn, who lives with his strict parents, never fights back when people call him names, and builds Star Trek symbols out of wood Brenda, who is disappointed with the president, lives with her sister, and has a great job Bill, who plays two sports, but who will miss both seasons due to a knee injury 3 601. A car crash woke John from his afternoon nap. When he looked out his apartment window, he saw several people milling around two smashed cars. He decided not to dial 911 because he assumed someone had already called. John's reaction is an example of ______. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> the bystander effect pluralistic compliance obedience to authority conformity to social norms dispositional attribution 1 602. According to the research of Latan� and Darley, which of the following situations would be the most likely in which someone would offer to help? person on the side of the road with a flat tire during rush hour person asking for help in a crowded stadium parking lot ------> person falling down coming out of an elevator with only one other person in it dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist a student falling off a ladder outside a full classroom person choking in a crowded restaurant 3 603. According to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, the first reaction of a person faced with a terminal illness such as cancer is: depression anger bargaining ------> denial acceptance 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 604. According to the social learning theory, gender identity results from: labeling a child as a girl or boy ------> observation and imitation of significant role models reinforcement of gender-appropriate behaviors and punishment of gender-inappropriate behaviors chromosomal and hormonal differences during prenatal development cognitively labeling of oneself 2 605. Which of the following psychological approaches is most concerned with the importance of how humans encode, store, and retrieve information? behavioral approach psychodynamic approach dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> cognitive approach biopsychosocial approach biological approach 3 606. Alyssa eats sparingly and with anguish and disgust, although she has an intense interest in food. Alyssa fears of becoming obese, and even though she looks emaciated, she still claims she "feels fat" and refuses to eat enough to maintain even a minimal normal body weight for her frame. Alyssa is most likely suffering from ________. obesity phobia set-point nervosa ------> anorexia nervosa repression bulimia nervosa dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 607. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, striving for personal fulfillment and living up to one's potential are examples of: physiological needs biological needs belonging needs secondary needs ------> self-actualization needs 5 608. The ________ theory used to describe motivation suggests a connection between internal physical states and outward behavior. motives dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist motivation-reduction ------> drive-reduction need-reduction incentive-drive 3 609. According to Maslow, the motive of self-actualization makes one want ________. to protect themselves and family members ------> to fulfill one's fullest potential to have contact with others and be accepted to convince others of one's true worth dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist to possess as many material goods as possible 2 610. The saying, "Out of sight, out of mind," can easily summarize which of the following social psychological phenomenon in regards to attraction? ------> proximity reciprocal liking similarity physical attractiveness closeness 1 611. "Birds of a feather" is a phrase that refers to __________. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> similarity reinforcement self-disclosure emotional expression identification 1 612. Which of the following illustrates the power of complementary traits? ------> An outgoing woman marries a shy man. A girl marries the boy next door. Two tennis players become good friends. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist A girl and a boy who both like jogging fall in love. A girl who learns that a boy likes her begins to like the boy. 1 613. Receptors for kinesthesis are located in the: ------> semicircular canals olfactory epithelium retinal cochlea basilar ganglia 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 614. A painting that shows sailboats on a lake in the foreground and mountains further away would NOT use which cue to contribute to your perception that the mountains are further away than the boats in the picture? linear perspective ------> retinal disparity interposition relative height texture gradient 2 615. The most common form of color blindness is related to the deficiencies in the: bipolar cells blue-yellow system dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist blue-red system ------> red-green system black-white system 4 616. Anthony is dishonest, has been in repeated trouble with authority figures, and lacks remorse for his actions. Anthony's behavior is characteristic of which of the following personality disorders? ------> antisocial borderline narcissistic histrionic schizoid dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 617. One suspected biological cause of schizophrenia is the abnormal increase of which of the following neurotransmitters? acetylcholine glutamate ------> dopamine norepinephrine serotonin 3 618. Jarren is feeling down, does not want to do anything but sleep and is reacting to low levels of light present in the winter months. Jarren is most likely suffering from: bipolar disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> seasonal affective disorder major depressive disorder anxiety disorder dissociative disorder 2 619. Psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia often involve perceptions of nonexistent sensory stimulation, such as voices. These symptoms are known as: delusions ------> hallucinations paranormal images gestalt figures dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist d�j� vu 2 620. Tanner, a college freshman, experiences a loss of sensation in his right arm before exams. Doctors cannot find any physical basis for his condition. Tanner most likely is experiencing which of the following? sublimation ------> somatoform disorder anxiety disorder dissociative disorder delusion 2 621. For several weeks, Cassie has lacked energy, motivation, has been unable to go to school, and has expected bad things to happen every day, ever since she broke up with her boyfriend. Of the following, Cassie is most likely experiencing: dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist mania hypochondria ------> depression stress posttraumatic stress 3 622. After witnessing an accident that killed her best friend, Shante reports she is blind. Although she bumps into objects at home and elsewhere, specialists have found nothing wrong with the structure or function of her eyes or evidence of brain damage. Shante should be evaluated for ________. bipolar disorder dissociative identity disorder ------> conversion disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist hypochondriasis panic disorder 3 623. Alex is standing in line at Wal-Mart waiting to pay for his purchases. A man cuts in front of the line and drops his items on the counter. Alex says to his friend, "That man is incredibly rude." A social psychologist who is within earshot jots down a note so she can use the example in class. What does she write concerning Alex? he made a situational attribution ------> he made a dispositional attribution his remark is based on a stereotype his remark is considered a collectivistic remark his remark is based a social comparison 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 624. Attributions are __________________. ------> explanations that account for one's own behaviors and/or the behaviors of others. innate personality traits genetic predispositions to behave a certain way physical qualities people have, such as attractiveness personal predispositions like introversion-extraversion 1 625. Roberta is trying to decide whether to vote for a political candidate. Based on what she has read about him, she has concluded that he is not qualified for the position, but she agrees with his political positions. Also, she trusts him and likes his decisive personality. In fact, she likes him so much that she sent a small donation to his campaign. Her opinion that the candidate is not qualified represents the ______ component of her attitude toward him. ------> cognitive feeling dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist intuition behavioral situational 1 626. A local car insurance company advertises their products with television commercials. During those spots, there are flashy lights, attractive dancers wearing skin-tight outfits, and local celebrities talking about how they have that company's insurance. The advertisement does not, however, mention any of the features or costs associated with the product. This company is attempting to earn customers through which path of processing? central-route tertiary-route secondary-route elaboration-route ------> peripheral-route dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 5 627. What is the relationship between expertise and persuasion? Expertise has no effect on persuasion. Nonexperts tend to be the most persuasive. ------> Greater expertise leads to greater persuasion. Communicators with moderate expertise are the most persuasive. Communicators with approximately the same expertise as the audience are the most persuasive. 3 628. Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of attitudes? thoughts dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist feelings ------> goals behaviors All of the above are major components of attitudes. 3 629. You want to visit Argentina but your attitude about Argentina is changing as you read the news about the kidnappings that have occurred there. Which component of attitude is being affected? affective ------> cognitive behavioral situational dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist intuitive 2 630. Luis picks up a pack of cigarettes and reads, "Cigarette smoking is harmful to your health." Which one of the following statements leads one to believe Luis is actually having cognitive dissonance? "I've been smoking my whole life and I don't have health problems." "No one I know who smokes is sick." ------> "I know these cigarettes are killing me but I just can't stop." "That is not true. Cigarettes are not that harmful." "The arguments that cigarettes are harmful is being used by a few people to win lawsuits against cigarette manufacturers. 3 631. When we make situational attributions, we are identifying the cause of an action as something _____. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> in the environment in the person's disposition that is a biological trait with an unconscious motivation that has been classically conditioned 1 632. The study of the judgments people make as to whether someone else's behavior is due to something about that person or due to the person's situation is called ______. the primacy effect cognitive dissonance stereotyping dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist social categorization ------> attribution theory 5 633. Which of the following is an example of cognitive dissonance? You are a lousy cook but you keep trying different recipes. You dislike doing exercise but do it anyway to improve your health. You are polite and civil to people you dislike. You stop eating your favorite dessert to reduce fat in your diet. ------> You believe that reality TV is for morons but are addicted to American Idol and watch every episode. 5 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 634. Which communicator would likely be the most persuasive? ------> an attractive person who is an expert a moderately attractive person who is an expert an attractive person who has moderate expertise a moderately attractive person who has moderate expertise a less attractive person who has great expertise 1 635. Kerry's positive attitude toward China, even though she has never been there, seems to be related to the fact that her mother is Chinese and talks about China all the time with Kerry. Which method of attitude formation is involved in this example? direct contact direct instruction dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> interaction with others classical conditioning vicarious conditioning 3 636. Which of the following was a finding in the classic study by Festinger and Carlsmith (1959)? ------> Those who got $1 to perform a boring task said the task was more interesting than did those who got $20. Those who got $20 to perform a boring task said the task was more interesting than did those who got $1. Paid groups said the task was less boring than did nonpaid groups. Women performed the tasks for less money than men. Men performed the tasks for less money than women. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 637. Which part of the brain has been identified as being particularly active when people experience cognitive dissonance? ------> the left frontal cortex the anterior amygdala the ascending pyramidal tracks the dorsolateral hypothalamus the corpus callosum 1 638. A state of tension that occurs when a person's attitudes do not match the person's actions is called __________. ------> cognitive dissonance dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist the validity effect the fundamental attribution error routinization attitudinal dysfunction 1 639. Dr. Schrotter conducted experiments in which she electrically stimulated parts of a cat's brain. A cat that became terrified in the presence of a mouse was most likely stimulated in the: thalamus ------> limbic system medulla cerebellum dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist frontal lobe 2 640. Which of the following types of neurons stimulate a muscle to contract? interneurons afferent neurons ------> efferent neurons glial cells receptor cells 3 641. Lucy suffered a stroke last week and cannot remember her children or grandchildren by looking at them or their pictures. Of the following structures, her brain lesion is most likely in the: dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist cerebellum ------> hippocampus amygdala hypothalamus left frontal lobe 2 642. Activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system after a heated argument results in an increase in hunger a decrease in heart rate ------> an increase in respiratory rate dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist an increase in salivation an increase in digestion 3 643. Ralph, a white student who grew up in Maine, is about to enter the University of Southern California on an athletic scholarship. He is aware that many of his teammates will be black and assumes that they will dislike him and ostracize him. Ralph's attitude is BEST described as an example of ______. ------> prejudice ambiguity nonconformity discrimination impression formation 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 644. The issue of racial profiling has been a controversial topic in the United States for many years, and it was particularly widespread after the events of September 11, 2001. When an individual engages in profiling and assumes that one person must possess certain qualities because of their race or ethnicity, (s)he is engaging in _____________. attribution discrimination ------> stereotyping social loafing categorizing 3 645. "We" have all different types of personalities and lots of endearing little quirks, whereas "they" all think and act alike. This assumption would be an example of the cognitive schema called ______________. mindlessness ------> a stereotype dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist a fundamental attribution error mental set dispositional cause 2 646. Luther operates a small nightclub that specializes in soul music and features up-and-coming African American singing groups. He actively discourages white couples from coming in and always gives them the worst seats if they insist on being admitted. Luther's behavior is BEST described as an example of ______. prejudice ambiguity ------> discrimination oppression bias dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 647. What is the term for the process of developing our first knowledge about another person? social interaction stereotyping ------> impression formation interpersonal judgment social cognition 3 648. Prejudice is a(n) _________, whereas discrimination is a(n) ________. dislike; hatred dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist hatred; dislike response; cognition behavior; attitude ------> attitude; behavior 5 649. The part of a person's self-concept that is based on his or her identification with a nation, culture, or ethnic group or with gender or other roles in society is called _____________. the fundamental attribution error self-serving bias self-fulfilling prophecy ethnocentrism dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> social identity 5 650. Which of the following reflects the inborn and stable dimensions of personality, such as calmness? nucleus gender adaptation maturation ------> temperament 5 651. Which perspective uses the Thematic Apperception Test as a way to evaluate the test taker's projection of unconscious feelings onto the stimuli? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist trait ------> psychodynamic humanistic cognitive behavioral 2 652. In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic view, the role of the ego is to: serve the demands of the id serve the demands of the superego allow the individual to act in any way they seem fit dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> mediate between the id, superego, and reality suppress all demands of the id 4 653. An individual who accepts personal responsibility for her life experiences may be characterized has having: ------> an internal locus of control an external locus of control an extroverted personality an introverted personality a conventional morality 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 654. Hans feels uneasy whenever he sees a man wearing a gray coat. He tells a friend that he is worried the man in the gray coat is going to hurt him. If Hans is suffering from an anxiety disorder, how would the nurture theory view this disorder? ------> The experiences in Hans's life have caused him to develop this irrational fear. Hans inherited this anxiety disorder from a parent who also fears men in gray coats. According to his doctor, Hans's disorder is hereditary and is caused by his genes. Hans is trapped between reality and illusion. Hans is trapped between unconscious and conscious 1 655. From a biological perspective, a low level of the neurotransmitter serotonin is associated with depression. Repetitive physical exercise can increase a person's level of serotonin. What conclusion can be drawn from this information? ------> Exercise is a healthy addition to treatment for depression. Unconscious drives influence neurotransmitter levels. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist If an athlete feels depressed, he isn't practicing enough. Physically fit people are not at risk for depression. People can treat depression themselves and never need professional help. 1 656. Which therapeutic approach emphasizes that people are often troubled because of their irrational thoughts about the explanation of events? psychoanalytic behavioral ------> cognitive humanistic group dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 657. Thomas reported on Tuesday, he felt like he could run a marathon and he was up all night cleaning and organizing his closet. On Friday, he said he was so sad that he stayed in bed all day rather than going to school. Which disorder is Thomas most likely experiencing? ------> bipolar disorder generalized anxiety disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder major depressive disorder dysthymia 1 658. A man firmly believes that he is smarter than all his co-workers and tells everyone in the office that the company would be lost without him. He often fantasizes about being promoted and ensuring success for the company. He flies into a rage whenever anyone questions or contradicts him. Which personality disorder does he most likely suffer from? schizoid dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> narcissistic histrionic schizotypal avoidant 2 659. Ron reports he felt like he had a heart attack. He states he was sweating, unable to breathe, and his heart was palpitating so fast he felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. Which disorder is Ron most likely experiencing? obsessive-compulsive disorder specific phobia disorder bipolar disorder ------> panic disorder dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist acute stress disorder 4 660. The field of psychology that studies abnormal behavior is: developmental psychology psychobiology ------> psychopathology pathology health psychology 3 661. Which option best describes the humanistic therapy developed by Carl Rogers called client-centered therapy. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist The therapist explores the client's childhood background to determine the issues and conflicts of interpersonal relationships. It analyzes conflicts between id and superego. ------> It uses techniques such as active listening within a genuine, accepting, and empathetic environment to encourage the client to talk openly. The client's words and behaviors are interpreted by the therapist, who brings the client's unconscious feelings into conscious awareness. It exposes the patient to what he usually avoids so that he will be less responsive to things that once scared him. 3 662. There are two main types of coping strategies to deal with stress in our lives can be either ________ -focused or ________ -focused. ------> problem; emotion social; spiritual internally; externally dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist distress; easy nature; nurture 1 663. Someone with paranoid personality disorder is most likely to exhibit behavior marked by: ------> a pattern of distrust and suspicion of others actions that seem "over the top" from what society views as the norm a desire for social acceptance social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation a desire to be the center of attention and difficulty making real connections with others 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 664. Nelly reports her family often refers to her as "Worry Nelly." She explains she worries from the time she gets up in the morning until the time she goes to bed. She reports she worries about what the weather will be like tomorrow and how her favorite football team will do on Sunday. Which disorder is Nelly most likely experiencing? bipolar disorder ------> generalized anxiety disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder panic disorder major depressive disorder 2 665. A teenager can effectively cope with stress and anxiety by: leaving the house only when necessary. waiting until the last minute to study for a test. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> using meditation. withdrawing from friends and family. experiencing the stress fully. 3 666. Which option best defines a delusion? hearing voices that don't exist ------> firmly held beliefs without factual basis false sensory perceptions seeing things that have no sensory stimuli experiences that never really happened dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 667. David reports that he feels fine while on medication, but he loves the happy and elated feeling he experiences when he stops taking the medication. That feeling makes up for the really low feelings he experiences at other times when he's not taking his medication. Which disorder is David most likely experiencing? ------> bipolar disorder generalized anxiety disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder schizophrenia major depressive disorder 1 668. The narcotic, prescribed by physicians, that is used to treat pain, and often abused is known as: ------> Morphine dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist Heroin Cocaine Sedatives LSD 1 669. Which of the following is true about rods and cones? Both rods and cones are located in the blind spot. Rods and cones are distributed evenly in the cornea. Rods are responsible for perception in daylight, where cones are particularly useful at night. Cones are concentrated in the edges of the retina, rods are more concentrated in the fovea. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Cones facilitate color vision and are located in the fovea and rods facilitate black-and-white vision. 5 670. _____ are photoreceptor cells responsible for color and other facets of daytime vision. Bipolar cells Ganglion cells ------> Cones Rods All of the above 3 671. REM sleep is highly correlated with which of the following? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Tense muscles Sleep walking Sleep apnea ------> Dreaming Insomnia 4 672. Ashley finds herself having difficulty falling asleep at night. When she does fall asleep, she wakens several times each night and has trouble falling back asleep. Ashley may be experiencing: sleep apnea narcolepsy somnambulism dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist night terrors ------> insomnia 5 673. Which of the following is characterized by a periodic appearance of sleep spindles? REM Stage 4 sleep Stage 3 sleep ------> Stage 2 sleep Stage 1 sleep 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 674. ______ is the idea that the change in stimulus strength needed for a detection of the change is proportional to the strength of the ongoing stimulus. Visual capture ------> Weber's Law Subliminal perception Sensory adaptation Transduction 2 675. David, a junior in college, sporadically stops breathing while sleeping. He wakes up gasping for air and then falls back to sleep very quickly. David's college roommate complains that David loudly snores every night. David may be suffering from: Narcolepsy Night Terrors dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Insomnia Sleep Snoring ------> Sleep Apnea 5 676. According to the Activation-Synthesis theory, dreams: ------> have no hidden meaning and are just the result of random nerve firings are a replay of the day's events reveal important unconscious conflicts and desires represent fears reflect problems we are having difficulty solving dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 1 677. During the finals of the National Basketball Association (NBA) Kobe Bryant misses a foul shot to give his team the lead with 10 seconds left in the game. Even though Kobe usually makes those shots during practice, he missed it at a crucial time. Why do you think this might have happened? social loafing social facilitation ------> social impairment diffusion of responsibility group think 3 678. The phenomenon that causes people to perform better on tasks when in the presence of others can be explained by: social expectation dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> social facilitation social image normative social influence social loafing 2 679. The saying, "Out of sight, out of mind," can easily summarize the social psychological phenomenon known as the ________ rule of interpersonal attraction. ------> proximity reciprocal liking similarity physical attractiveness dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist closeness 1 680. According to the scapegoat theory, prejudice is likely to result from: ------> frustration the self-fulfilling prophecy the just-world phenomenon mood linkage overjustification 1 681. You get a free appetizer at a new local restaurant in your email. The new restaurant owner hopes you will come to the restaurant for the free appetizer but then feel obligated to buy a meal. What term do psychologists use to describe this phenomenon? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist augmented return social facilitation indebtedness norm of indebtedness ------> norm of reciprocity 5 682. Who is credited with coining the term cognitive dissonance? Solomon Asch ------> Leon Festinger Stanley Milgram dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist B.F. Skinner David Myers 2 683. The school of psychology focused primarily with the processes of perception is: psychodynamic behavioral functionalism ------> gestalt structuralism 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 684. In a study testing the effects of a particular sports drink on performance of ice skaters, which of the following would be the independent variable? performance of ice skaters ------> sports drink water time of day none of the above 2 685. In order to measure a variable in a research study, we must first develop _______ for it. an independent definition a descriptive definition dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> an operational definition a hypothetical definition a conclusive definition 3 686. Your older brother is conducting a survey to learn how many hours the typical college student studies each day. He tells you he plans to pass out his survey to the members of his bio-chem. class. You point out that his findings will be flawed due to: he has not specified his dependent variable he has not specified his experimental group he has not specified his control group ------> his sample will not be representative of the entire population all of the above dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 687. In a research studying the effect of sugar intake on concentration, the researcher randomly assigns student participants to either a group that receives water before taking a test or juice and candy before taking a test. The independent variable in the study is the: ------> sugar consumption water test scores control group the difference between test scores 1 688. Illusory correlation refers to: a correlation that equals 1.0 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist a correlation that equals -0.9 an insignificant correlation the perception that a negatively correlated variable is positively correlated ------> the perception of a correlation where there is none 5 689. To prevent the possibility that a placebo effect will influence a study's results, a researcher will employ: random assignment representative sampling control groups experimental groups dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> the double-blind procedure 5 690. Which of the following would be used to measure the relationship between age and reaction time while driving at night? Standard deviation Central tendency ------> Correlation Histogram Range 3 691. The _____ perspective is concerned with how behavior changes across broader cultural and societal contexts. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist humanistic cognitive behavioral biological ------> sociocultural 5 692. In a study testing the effects of a particular sports drink on performance of ice skaters, which of the following would be the dependent variable? sports drink ------> performance of ice skaters time of day dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist difficulty of routine all of the above 2 693. In which form of learning is behavior said to be influenced by its consequences? Classical conditioning Observational learning ------> Operant conditioning Latent learning Modeling 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 694. Abbie, a three year old notices whenever she throws a tantrum, her grandparents walk away into the other room and ignore her. Abbie's grandparents are using what technique to control her behavior? Positive punishment ------> Negative punishment Positive reinforcement Shaping Stimulus generalization 2 695. Jackson's two-year old sister, Claire, watches him whenever he brushes his teeth. One night, Jackson gives Claire a toothbrush, and she imitates Jackson's actions. Claire now goes to brush her teeth before going to bed, and she sometimes she even leads Jackson to the bathroom sink to brush their teeth together. Which theory supports the idea that Claire learned behaviors from observing how Jackson behaves? Classical conditioning Operant conditioning dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Social learning theory Latent learning Shaping 3 696. Garcia's taste aversion experiments demonstrated that taste aversion is a type of learning most closely associated with: latent learning social learning modeling ------> classical conditioning operant conditioning dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 697. A chef makes a particular dish the same way every day. He always chops carrots just before he chops the onions. Initially, the onions make his eyes tear up, and the carrots do not. After making the dish several times, however, the chef notices that his eyes begin to tear up when hi is chopping the carrots. The unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is the ___ and the conditioned stimulus (CS) is the ____. carrots; dish chef is preparing onions; dish chef is preparing carrots; onions ------> onions; carrots dish chef is preparing; onions 4 698. On the first day of class, Professor Everitt tells her psychology students that pop quizzes will be given at unpredictable times throughout the semester. Studying for Professor Everitt's surprise quizzes will be reinforced which type of schedule? Fixed-ratio dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Fixed-interval Variable-ratio ------> Variable-interval Partial 4 699. Every time Brayden behaves in Miss A's first grade class, Brayden receives a star on his behavior chart. As Brayden acquires stars, he can exchange them for other things he wants such as candy. Miss A uses: counterconditioning systematic desensitization ------> token economy partial reinforcement dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist shaping 3 700. Taking car privileges away from a teenager who comes home past curfew is an example of: positive reinforcement ------> negative punishment positive punishment negative reinforcement conditioned response 2 701. Every Saturday morning Abram quickly rushes outside to wash the family car so that his father will allow him to take the car out at night. In this example, taking the car out is a(n): dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist negative reinforcer ------> positive reinforcer unconditioned stimulus unconditioned response conditioned response 2 702. Lisa fails to recognize the connection between her unsafe drug use and the likelihood of being arrested. Lisa's lack of perceptiveness best illustrates the dangers of: the spotlight effect ------> an external locus of control unconditioned positive regard dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist displacement rationalization 2 703. When Anna looks at some modern artwork at the museum, she often thinks she sees human figures or faces and likes to make up stories about them. When she tells the stories to her friend, her friend says that the stories reflect Anna's unconscious thoughts. In psychological terms, what Anna does is most similar to ______. classical conditioning ------> a projective test behavior sampling an objective test social cognition 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 704. Which defense mechanism was a prominent part in both Adler's and Horney's theories? ------> compensation rationalization suppression intellectualization repression 1 705. The Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI) is an example of which type of personality test? ------> objective subjective dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist strategic projective deviant 1 706. Self-esteem would be most associated with which of the following perspectives? Psychodynamic Trait Social-cognitive ------> Humanistic Behavioral dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 4 707. In studying personality, Mr. Palinato, a trait theorist, would most likely: use a projective test observe a person in a variety of life situations use free association use factor analysis ------> use a personality inventory 5 708. According to Freud, what is the relationship between unconsciousness and one's feelings and thoughts? ------> Unconsciousness contains feelings and thoughts to which a person doesn't have access. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Unconsciousness reveals feelings and thoughts of which a person is already aware. Unconsciousness interprets feelings into actions for the individual. Unconsciousness screens a person's recently acquired feelings and thoughts. Unconsciousness removes a person's useless or undesirable feelings and thoughts. 1 709. What must a person have in order to overcome a sense of helplessness that is associated with the repeated occurrence of negative events? ------> personal control learned helplessness introspection reciprocal determinism dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist external locus of control 1 710. Computer-generated images of the brain that provide information about glucose metabolism are produced by: EKG EEG (Electroencephalography) CAT (Computerized axial tomography) MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) ------> PET (Positron-emission tomography) 5 711. The ______ prevents some toxins and poisonous substances from being transmitted into the brain. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist corpus callosum pituitary gland basal ganglia ------> blood-brain barrier central nervous system 4 712. The region of the brain most associated with the formation of new declarative memories is the: cerebellum amygdala hypothalamus dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist thalamus ------> hippocampus 5 713. The structure of the brainstem that is responsible for basic autonomic functions such as breathing and circulation is the: pons reticular activating system ------> medulla cerebellum none of the above 3 dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist 714. Which of the following is a neurotransmitter that is most directly associated with movement, cognition, and oversupply can cause hallucinations such as those found in schizophrenia? Acetylcholine ------> Dopamine GABA Endophins Serotonin 2 715. A substance or drug that mimics the effects of a particular neurotransmitter or blocks the reuptake process is called a(n): steroid ------> agonist dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist antagonist polypeptide opiate 2 716. Which gland controls the activity of all the other glands in the endocrine system? Pineal ------> Pituitary Pancreas Adrenal Parathyroid dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 2 717. The ____ neurons of the peripheral nervous system carry information from the brain to the muscles and joints. afferent ------> efferent autonomic glial sensory 2 718. The section of the limbic system most vital to feeding behavior is the: amygdala dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist hippocampus ------> hypothalamus suprachiasmatic nucleus thalamus 3 719. Which of the following is a neurotransmitter that is most directly associated with large muscle function and memory? ------> Acetylcholine Dopamine GABA Serotonin dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Norepinephrine 1 720. The process of encoding refers to: learning over time the processing of information previously learned ------> getting information into memory processing information from our senses a clear memory of an emotionally significant event 3 721. Saeed easily retains information through the use of acronyms. Which option would be the best way for Saeed to remember that his friend Joe lives on Rainbow Avenue? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist by reciting "I'm visiting Joe; he lives at the Rainbow" by recalling when he and Joe got stuck in the rain and saw a rainbow by repeating "Rainbow" aloud over and over again by renaming the letters in the sentence ------> by recalling "JAR: Joe's Avenue is Rainbow" 5 722. Which of the following situations is an example of interference? ------> Your friend has a new e-mail address, but when you send her an e-mail, you accidentally use her old e-mail address instead. Listing the first ten presidents of the United States with no difficulty. While watching a TV game show, you identified "bald eagle" as the answer when the host asked which among the gray hawk, bald eagle, and rock pigeon is the national bird of the United States. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist An hour after a lecture on Earth's structure, you wrote down "crust, mantle, inner core, outer core" when the teacher asked you to list the layers of Earth on the board. Before going to school, you listed "Ten Things to Do" for the day but almost forgot about it until a friend asked if you'd heard the countdown of top 10 hits on the radio. 1 723. Agatha Harkness-Smythe is determined to ban guns in the United States. This is a controversial topic and social scientists have debated whether the ownership of guns by citizens increases or decreases crime. Agatha could go to the library and look up studies on the linkage between guns and crime rates. Instead, Agatha just reads the local newspaper and only cuts out articles about robberies in which the "bad guy" used a firearm. Agatha is demonstrating a ____________. mental set ------> confirmation bias stereotype threat mindlessness convergent thinking 2 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 724. The tendency to immediately recall the first and last items in a list better than the middle items is referred to as the ________ effect. ------> serial position misinformation next-in-line priming spacing 1 725. In order to remember information presented in her psychology text, Mallory relates her own life experiences to the new concepts. Mallory's strategy is an effective memory aid because it makes use of mnemonic devices ------> semantic encoding dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist automatic processing rehearsal overlearning 2 726. Psychological tests that yield relatively consistent results are said to be __________. valid normed ------> reliable standardized projective dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 727. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences divides intelligence into ______ independent abilities. three five seven ------> nine eleven 4 728. Acoustic encoding is the encoding of: images dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> sounds meanings acronyms movements of body 2 729. The linguistic relativity hypothesis suggests that ______. ------> one's language determines the pattern of one's thinking and view of the world one's thinking and view of the world determines the structure of one's language we decide which objects belong to a concept according to what is most probable or sensible, given the facts at hand perception of surface structure precedes deep structure in understanding a sentence dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist perception of concepts precedes understanding of the members the group that comprise the concept 1 730. The three stages of memory information processing are: input, processing, outputinput, save, ouput processing, store, retrieve encode, decode, fincode encode, processing, retrieval ------> encode, storage, retrieval 5 731. According to Erik Erikson, adolescents face which psychosocial crisis? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist Integrity vs. despair Intimacy vs. isolation Industry vs. inferiority ------> Identity vs. role confusion Autonomy vs. shame 4 732. Craig, a 75 year old retired PE teacher, feels his life has not been of any real value or significance. According to Erikson, Craig has failed to achieve: ------> integrity intimacy competence dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist autonomy trust 1 733. Sander believes that people should always be punished for breaking rules set by authority figures. According to Kohlberg, Sander is operating at the _____ stage of morality. Postconventional Conventional Preoperational ------> Preconventional Survival 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 734. Which of the following is used to describe any substance, such as a drug, chemical, or virus, that can bring about birth defects? carcinogen ------> teratogen mutation critical period biohazard 2 735. Adam's parents tend to be highly controlling. They tend to show little affection or warmth and demand things from Adam. Adam's parents would be classified as: permissive authoritative dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> authoritarian neglectful playful 3 736. If her parents encourage young Sophie to ask questions, to use her imagination, and give her the freedom to choose some activities, according to Erikson, they are encouraging: identity generativity integrity trust ------> initiative dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 5 737. Evan was born 3 days ago. His parents have noticed that whenever they touch his cheek, Evan opens his mouth to suck. Which of the following reflex is Evan exhibiting? Moro reflex ------> rooting reflex walking reflex stepping reflex palmer reflex 2 738. Infant girls exposed to trucks, cars, and other androgens are more likely to: have a very "masculine" attitude in adulthood despite their sex. dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> be "tomboys" during their childhood but grew up to be more "typically female" in adulthood. be "feminine" during their childhood but grew up to be more "typically male" in adulthood have a very "feminine" childhood and prefer to play with dolls. be treated differently by teachers and friends as adolescents. 2 739. Which of the following is an example of imprinting? A mother grizzly bear teaches her cubs how to hunt for fish. An infant, left by its caregivers for significant periods of time, develops an indifference to their presence. A hawk will fly with her young while they are learning to fly. ------> A newborn duckling will "attach" itself to the first moving object is sees, which is usually its mother. dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist A premature infant who is constantly held and massaged by its primary caregiver will grow rapidly. 4 740. The neurotransmitter associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia is ________. ------> serotonin dopamine insulin endorphin acetylcholine 1 741. The frequent finding that asthmatics often experience shortness of breath concurrently with tremendous anxiety is an example of how emotions and physiological symptoms often occur simultaneously. As such, it supports which of the following theories of emotion? dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to use it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist ------> Cannon-Bard theory Schachter and Singer's Plutchik's James-Lange Thorndike 1 742. Instinct approaches to motivation have faded because they lacked the goal of ________ of psychology. ------> explanation change prediction dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist description correlation 1 743. BMR stands for ________. basal management regulation bowel movement regulation basel metabolic regulation ------> basal metabolic rate buttocks management reduction 4 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 744. According to cognitive-mediational theory, what is likely to influence an individual's emotional experience? the intensity of the situation ------> the interpretation of the environment the feedback of others the type of physiological reaction that takes place the feedback of children 2 745. Which two different terms best describe Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion? ------> arousal and context arousal and physiology dr nwoambi is a psychologist PasteShr dr nwoambi is a psychologist genetics and nature nature and nurture behavior and genetics 1 746. Which option is not a theory of emotion? James-Lange theory Cannon-Bard theory ------> Maslow needs theory Schachter two-factor theory Cognitive Mediational theory dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to get it for free? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 3 747. You overhear a psychologist presenting a lecture to an introductory psychology class. The teacher mentions "purposeful or goal-directed behavior that may vary in intensity from one occasion to another." You recognize that he is talking about which type of behavior? emotional frustrated ------> motivated unconscious preconscious 3 748. Early in the twentieth century William McDougall proposed that there were ________ human instincts. ------> 18 dr nwoambi is a psychologist How to dowload it? dr nwoambi is a psychologist 5 19 7 12 1 dr nwoambi is a psychologist