da hood mimic script pastebin --[[ YOU NEED BOOMBOX FOR THE SOUNDS TO WORK AND YOU NEED GODV3 FOR THE SOUNDS TO BE FE GET IT AT #>godv3 AT DISCORD.GG/NOVAGUI Controls: X - Go invis B - Jumpscare H - Jumpscare Mouse C - Play humming sound V - Play footsteps sound Z - Play Scary Music da hood mimic script pastebin PasteShr da hood mimic script pastebin T - Walk Thingy (TURNED OFF ATM WILL UPDATE IN FUTURE) J - Attacks While In Mimic Q - Scary Laugh Do "/e mimic" to wear a mask use mimic anims and go titan mode (must be fat to use titan mode) Give suggestions on what to add at discord.gg/novagui Made by Icxy#0001 ]] da hood mimic script pastebin How to get it? da hood mimic script pastebin -- this picks a random jumpscare sound when u Jumpscare Someone -- get some jumpscares here: https://www.roblox.com/develop/library?CatalogContext=2&Keyword=jumpscare&SortAggregation=5&LegendExpanded=true&Category=9 getgenv().JumpscareSound = { "8280196339", -- put audios in like this for a random jumpscare sound "7588947168" -- make sure to not put a "," on the last id } getgenv().Settings = { ['HoverAnims'] = 'On', --[On / Off] ['DaMimicSpeed'] = '100', -- MUST BE A NUMBER da hood mimic script pastebin How to get it for free? da hood mimic script pastebin } loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://icxy.xyz/NovaGui/NovaMimic", true))() da hood mimic script pastebin