cuphead coffee autofill meter LocalizationAsset Root Confounded Circus Professional_Tooltip_SuperEquip: My dear friends, you just earned a great bonus. Check out yer option menu for a new visual mode! Canteen_Tooltip_ShmupWeapons: Your aeroplanes are now equipped with mini;bombs. Switch your weapon anytime during battle! KingDice_Tooltip_RegularSoulContracts: Remember. Only a regular battle will let you collect a debtor's soul contract... now scram. FlyingBlimpSelection RetroArcade: Lunar Williams AirshipCrab Funhouse Frazzles AndWaiting: AND WAITING: AND WAITING cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter ArcadeWorldMap: ARCADE BackButtonGlyph: BACK DeleteButtonGlyph: DELETE level_weapon_arc_name: ARC level_weapon_homing_name: CHASER level_weapon_exploder_name: RANGER level_weapon_charge_name: CHARGE level_weapon_boomerang_name: ROUNDABOUT level_weapon_bouncer_name: LOBBER Baroness: Baroness Von Bon Bon cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter BaronessWorldMap: Baroness Von Bon Bon Bee: Rumor Honeybottoms BeeWorldMap: Rumor Honeybottoms BirdhouseWorldMap: Wally Warbles BlimpWorldMap: Hilda Berg BossBattleWorldMap: BOSS BATTLE Charm: Charm CharmBackTitle: CHARM CheckListContractHeader CheckListFinale: FINALE: FINALE cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter CheckListNoContractHeader CheckListTitle: CHECKLIST CHECKLIST: CHECKLIST: CHECKLIST CheckListWorld1: WORLD 1 CheckListWorld2: WORLD 2 CheckListWorld3: WORLD 3 Clown: Beppi The Clown ClownWorldMap: Beppi The Clown ConfirmButtonGlyph: CONFIRM ConfirmMenuCancel: cancel cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter ConfirmMenuEnter: enter HOLD TO REDUCE SIZE & INCREASE ConfirmMenuTex: PRESS TO CONTINUE Contracts: Contracts NO CONTRACTS CupHouseWorldMap: HOME SWEET HOME CupHouseWorldMap_ITA: CupHouseWorldMapSubText: DEMO TUTORIAL Devil: The Devil cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter DevilWorldMap: The Devil DicePalaceBooze: Tipsy Troop DicePalaceChips: Chips Bettigan DicePalaceCigar: Mr. Wheezy DicePalaceDomino: Pip and Dot DicePalaceEightBall: Mangosteen DicePalaceFlyingHorse: Phear Lap DicePalaceFlyingMemory: Mr. Chimes DicePalaceMain: King Dice DicePalacePachinko: Pachi-Pachi cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter DicePalaceRabbit: Hopus Pocus DicePalaceRoulette: Pirouletta DicePalaceWorldMap: Dice Palace DifficultyMenuEasy: easy$ DifficultyMenuHard: hard$ DifficultyMenuNormal: REGULAR DifficultyMenuText: PRESS TO CONTINUE Dragon: Grim Matchstick DragonWorldMap: Grim Matchstick EquipBackgroundCuphead: cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter EquipBackgroundMugman: EquipGlyph: Flower: Cagney Carnation FlowerWorldMap: Cagney Carnation FlyingBird: Wally Warbles FlyingBlimp: Hilda Berg FlyingGenie: Djimmi The Great FlyingMermaid: Cala Maria Frogs: Ribby and Croaks FrogWorldMap: Ribby and Croaks cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter GenieWorldMap: Djimmi The Great Grade: Grade: GRADE HellGateWorldMap: TO HELL InteractionDialogueEnter: ENTER JoinPrompt: PRESS ANY BUTTON TO JOIN charm_pit_saver_subtext: Defensive Bonus charm_parry_attack_subtext: Parry Attack charm_turret_subtext: level_weapon_arc_description: level_weapon_homing_description: Long range with below-average damage. No aiming required. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter level_weapon_exploder_description: Damage increases with range. Keep your distance for maximum power. level_weapon_charge_description: Hold attack to increase damage. No rapid fire, so precision is key. level_weapon_boomerang_description: Great coverage with average damage. Aim backward for maximum range. level_weapon_bouncer_description: Medium range and good damage with a slower rate of fire. level_weapon_wide_shot_description: Lock in place to focus the attack. Long range with piercing ability. plane_weapon_peashot_description: Simple rapid fire weapon. It's tried and true, and something something. plane_weapon_laser_description: plane_weapon_bomb_description: Bombs away, matey! arcade_weapon_peashot_description: level_super_beam_description: A devastating attack spills from your head. Horizontal only (ground or air). cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter level_super_ghost_description: Maneuver your spirit and body simultaneously for maximum damage. level_super_invincible_description: Cross the astral plane to become invulnerable for a short time. plane_super_bomb_description: charm_health_up_1_description: Adds an additional hit point but lightly weakens your attack power. charm_health_up_2_description: Adds two additional hit points but weakens your attack power. charm_super_builder_description: Super meter continuously fills — in addition to what you earn. charm_smoke_dash_description: You will not take damage during a dash. A great defense maneuver. charm_parry_plus_description: The first parry move is automatic — all you need to do is jump. charm_pit_saver_description: Increases super meter and extends hit invulnerablity after taking damage. charm_parry_attack_description: Your first parry move doubles as a damaging axe attack. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter charm_turret_description: None_description: Error_description: out_of_stock_name: OUT OF STOCK out_of_stock_subtext: You've purchased everything! out_of_stock_description: item_purchased_name: PURCHASED item_purchased_subtext: Item no longer available! item_purchased_description: KingDiceToWorld1WorldMap: INKWELL ISLE ONE cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter KingDiceToWorld2WorldMap: INKWELL ISLE TWO KingDiceToWorld3WorldMap: INKWELL ISLE THREE KingDiceWorld1Map: Dice Gate KingDiceWorld2Map: Dice Gate KingDiceWorldMapSubtext: List: List ListBackTitle: LIST Mausoleum: Mausoleum MausoleumWorldMap: Mausoleum MausoleumWorldMapSubtext cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter MermaidWorldMap: Cala Maria Mouse: Werner Werman MouseWorldMap: Werner Werman NewGlyph: NEW OptionMenuAudio: AUDIO OptionMenuBack: BACK QuotePotato: "Buttered, smashed, and mashed. It's over for you." QuoteOnion: "Hey little guy, it's O.K. if you have to cry!" QuoteCarrot: "I’m lean, mean, and full of beta-carotene." QuoteNone: Quote_Error cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter PlayerTwoJoinedWithUser: {USERNAME} has joined QuoteSlimeMain: "With a face like mine is it a crime to be bouncing all the time?" QuoteSlimeBigSlime: "I'm a handsome slime bringing pain -- one bounce at a time!" QuoteSlimeTombstone: "I'm very smashing...even in grave situations!" Platforming_Level_3_2: Rugged\nRidge QuoteRetroArcade: QuotePirateMain: "Yer skills be like me buried treasure...just a myth!" QuotePirateBoat: "HAW-HAW-HAW-HAW-HAW!" QuoteMouseMain: "Zat vas easy as eins, zwei, drei!" QuoteMouseBrokenCan: "Zis tank is ze ultimate veapon. You vill not vin!" cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteMouseCat: "Hiss! Hiss! Me-e-e-e-ow!!" QuoteMausoleumEasy: "Get lost! You hear me? This tomb is only for the eerie!" QuoteMausoleumNormal: "Yet another spooktacular performance from the Spectre Syndicate." QuoteMausoleumHard: "Is success achievable? Not when we are this un-boo-lievable!" QuoteFrogsMain: "We've had fightin' souls since we've been tiny tadpoles." QuoteFrogsRoll: "Crude and bad, 'cause we're from the wrong side of the lily pad." QuoteFrogsMorph: "You went for broke and now you're croaked!" QuoteMermaidMain: "You are a cutie...I am not sure if I should catch and release!" QuoteMermaidMerdusa: "You dare to gaze?! How 'bout stone boots so you can swim with the fishes!" QuoteMermaidHead: "Holy mackerel! Is that your best effort?" cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteGenieMain: "You look the fool, falling for the first trick I learnt at genie school." QuoteGenieDisappear: "You really didn't stack up." QuoteGenieMarionette: "That beating was for free -- no strings attached!" QuoteGenieGiant: "I need a new volunteer...this one collapsed in fear!" QuoteGenieCoffin: "Do you need to borrow my sarcophagus?" QuoteFlyingBlimpMain: "Fitting, isn't it? I'm a blimp -- you're a wimp." QuoteFlowerPhaseTwo: "Extreme pollination and total domination!" QuoteFlyingBlimpMagical: "You won't get too's been foretold in the stars." QuoteFlyingBlimpMoon: "You lost too soon and I was only half moon!" QuoteFlowerMain: "Fools who attempt to fight this will leave with allergic rhinitis!" cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteDragonMain: "Don't m-m-m-misunderstand my flames -- I just meant fun and games." QuoteRobotMain: "OBJECTIVE COMPLETE. TARGET SCRAPPED." QuoteRobotHeliHead: "MALFUNCTION. MALFUNCTION." QuoteRobotInventor: "I have the perfect equation to hinder yer evasion!" QuoteSallyStagePlayMain: "Break a leg...nah, break two!" QuoteSallyStagePlayHouse: "Stay away from center stage or succumb to the power of a starlet's rage!" QuoteSallyStagePlayAngel: "Good riddance -- go away! It is time for my soliloquy." QuoteSallyStagePlayFinal: "Please exit stage left during my standing ovation!" QuoteLevelPlatforming1_1: "Nowhere to run, nowhere to go -- this forest is yer foe!" QuoteLevelPlatforming1_2: "Who invited you into our tree? Only members are welcome, ya see?" cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteLevelPlatforming2_1: "You did look foolish today, but clown tryouts are next week." QuoteAirshipClam: QuoteAirshipCrab: QuoteAirshipJelly: QuoteAirshipStrok: QuoteBaronessChase: "I won't sugarcoat never stood a chance!" QuoteBaronessGumball: "I chew 'em up and spit 'em out." QuoteBaronessWaffle: "Straight off the iron and too hot to handle!" QuoteBaronessCandyCorn: "For me, a sweet tooth is fiendishly uncouth!" QuoteBaronessCupcake: "Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious." cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteBaronessJawbreaker: "How's the jaw, ol' chum?" QuoteBat: QuoteBeeMain: "Hey sugar, this honey is off limits. Now scram." QuoteBeeGuard: "Doggone! We got ourselves a good ol' fashioned honey heist." QuoteBeeAirplane: "Dominate and bombinate -- that's how I bee!" QuoteClownMain: "Why'd the clown drive over the cup? He wanted to crack him up." QuoteClownSwing: "What do you call a cup that falls off a swing? A tumbler!" QuoteClownHeliumTank: "What'd the balloon animals think of the cup? Quite the gob-let-down!" QuoteClownCarouselHorse: "Knock knock. Who's there? Charlie. Charlie who? Charlie horse!" QuoteDevilMain: "You broke our it's my turn to break you!!!" cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteDevilPhaseTwo: "Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed!" QuoteDevilPhaseThree: "Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed!" QuoteDiceGate: QuoteDiceBooze: "Go sleep *hic* it look a little *hic* rough!" QuoteDiceCard: QuoteDiceChips: "Hey short stack! This ain't a place you wanna be hanging 'round." QuoteDiceCigar: "Looks like you could use some fresh air." QuoteDiceDomino: "You set them up, I'll knock them down." QuoteDiceEightBall: "Fault, scratch and choke -- are you trying to hustle me?" QuoteDiceFlyingHorse: "This derby is over and thee results are in. Last place...YOU!" cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteDiceFlyingMemory: "Monkey see, monkey doom." : "You are not a warrior, you're a beginner" QuoteDiceLight: QuoteDiceMain: "So clever, so dapper, ya betta' believe this dice is loaded. Hi-de-ho!" QuoteFlyingBirdMain: "I own the air -- I fly where eagles dare!" QuoteFlyingBirdHouseDeath: "My dad's the brawn and I'm all brains! Together, we bring the pain." QuoteFlyingBirdBirdRevival: "Even without my feathers, you're in for stormy weather!" QuoteDicePachinko: "Cling-cling, clang-clang, your bell has rang!" QuoteDiceRabbit: "...and PRESTO!! The cup has completely disappeared." QuoteDiceRoulette: "Ah-ha! You've noticed that my style is very Russian!" cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter QuoteLevelPlatforming2_2: "We ain't toyin' around with you, now scram!" QuoteLevelPlatforming3_1: "The Fish Federation and the Crustacean Nation are victorious once again!" QuoteLevelPlatforming3_2: "You'll never best a bluff, persevere a peak, or curb a cliff -- just give up now!" QuoteTrainSpecter: "I can...see...into the future. You...will be...counting worms." QuoteTrainSkeleton: "All aboard!! Next stop -- your funeral." QuoteTrainLollipop: "Sorry! This train is only for the dead...but we can help you with that." QuoteTrainEngine: "What a glorious night for me to bring the fright!" Robot: Dr. Kahl's Robot AirShipCrabWorldMap Funhouse Frazzles cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter AirShipWorldMap Confounded Circus OptionMenuBrightness: BRIGHTNESS: OptionMenuColorBleed: COLOR BLEED: OptionMenuControls: CONTROLS OptionMenuDisplay: DISPLAY: OptionMenuDisplayFullscree: FULLSCREEN OptionMenuDisplayWindowed: WINDOWED OptionMenuExitDesktop: QUIT GAME OptionMenuExitTitle: EXIT TO TITLE cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter OptionMenuExitWorldMap: EXIT TO MAP OptionMenuFilter: FILTER: OptionMenuFilter2Strip: 2-STRIP OptionMenuFilterBlackWhite: BLACK & WHITE OptionMenuFilterNone: NONE OptionMenuMasterVolume: MASTER VOLUME: OptionMenuMusic: MUSIC VOLUME: OptionMenuOff: OFF OptionMenuOn: ON OptionMenuOptions: OPTIONS cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter OPTIONS OptionMenuOverscan: OVERSCAN: OptionMenuPromptSwitchPlayers: SWITCH OptionMenuRemovePlayer2: REMOVE PLAYER 2 OptionMenuResolution: RESOLUTION: OptionMenuResume: RESUME OptionMenuRetry: RETRY OptionMenuSfx: SFX VOLUME: OptionMenuVintage: VINTAGE MODE: OptionMenuVisual: VISUAL cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter OptionMenuVsync: VSYNC: level_weapon_peashot_description: Standard issue weapon. Long range with average damage. level_weapon_spreadshot_description: Short range with great damage — if you can keep close to your target. level_weapon_peashot_subtext: EX: Mega Blast level_weapon_peashot_name: PEASHOOTER level_weapon_spreadshot_name: SPREAD Pirate: Captain Brineybeard PirateWorldMap: Captain Brineybeard Platform 1-1 WorldMap: Forest Follies Platform 1-2 WorldMap: Treetop Trouble cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter Platform 2-1 WorldMap: Funfair Fever Platform 2-2 WorldMap: Funhouse Frazzle Platform 3-1 WorldMap: Perilous Piers Platform 3-2 WorldMap: Rugged Ridge Platforming_Level_1_1: Forest\nFollies Platforming_Level_1_2: Treetop\nTrouble Platforming_Level_2_1: Funfair\nFever READY Platforming_Level_2_2: Funhouse\nFrazzle READY cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter Platforming_Level_3_1: Perilous\nPiers ResultsMenuGrade: GRADE ResultsMenuTopGrade: TOP-GRADE: ResultsNewRecord: A BRAND NEW RECORD NOUVEAU RECORD: NOUVEAU RECORD ResultsTryExpert: TRY EXPERT MODE TO WIN A CONTRACT ResultsTryRegular: TRY REGULAR MODE TO WIN A CONTRACT RobotWorldMap: Dr. Kahl's Robot AirshipClam Confounded Circus cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter SallyStageplayWorldMap: Sally Stageplay SallyStagePlay: Sally Stageplay ShopWorldMap: PORK RIND'S ONE STOP SHOP ShopWorldMapSubtext: SPEND YOUR RICHES HERE! ShotABackTitle: SHOT-A ShotBBackTitle: SHOT-B Slime: Goopy Le Grande SlimeWorldMap: Goopy Le Grande Super: Super SuperBackTitle: SUPER cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Time: Time: TIME Train: Phantom Express TrainWorldMap: Phantom Express UnlockContract: You got the {CONTRACT} soul contract! UnlockSuper: You unlocked a new super! Veggies: The Root Pack BaronessSelection BeeSelection FlyingBirdSelection ClownSelection cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter DevilSelection DragonSelection FlowerSelection FrogsSelection FlyingGenieSelection DicePalaceMainSelection EquipHUD: EQUIP: EQUIP FlyingMermaidSelection MouseSelection PirateSelection cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter RobotSelection SallyStagePlaySelection SlimeSelection TrainSelection VeggiesSelection VeggiesWorldMap: The Root Pack WeaponA: Shot-A WeaponB: Shot-B XBOX_A: A XBOX_NONE: NOT DEFINED cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter XBOX_RB: RB XBOX_LB: LB XBOX_B: B XBOX_X: X XBOX_Y: Y XboxDisconnectInstructions: Please connect a controller and press any button to continue. XboxDisconnectNotification: CONTROLLER DISCONNECTED Quint_WAny_S2_CoinsCollected_Line1_B: I gather you gathered up all my hidden coins, eh? XboxPlayer1: Player 1 XboxPlayer2: Player 2 cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter ResultsMenuTitle: LES RESULTATS ResultsMenuSkill: SKILL LEVEL ResultsMenuSpirit: SUPER METER ResultsMenuCoins: GOLD COINS ResultsMenuParry: PARRY ResultsMenuHpBonus: HP BONUS ResultsMenuTime: TIME" ContinueGlyph: CONTINUE ResultsGolly: GOLLY! A PERFECT SCORE! level_weapon_wide_shot_name: TRIPLE LASER cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter plane_weapon_peashot_name: PEASHOT plane_weapon_laser_name: LASER plane_weapon_bomb_name: BOMB arcade_weapon_peashot_name: arcade_weapon_peashot level_super_beam_name: SUPER ART level_super_ghost_name: SUPER ART III level_super_invincible_name: SUPER ART II plane_super_bomb_name: BOMB charm_health_up_1_name: HEART charm_health_up_2_name: TWIN HEART cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter charm_super_builder_name: COFFEE charm_smoke_dash_name: SMOKE BOMB charm_parry_plus_name: P. SUGAR charm_pit_saver_name: SHIELD charm_parry_attack_name: WHETSTONE charm_turret_name: TURRET None_name: EMPTY level_weapon_spreadshot_subtext: EX: Eight Way level_weapon_arc_subtext: level_weapon_homing_subtext: EX: Chaos Orbit cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter level_weapon_exploder_subtext: EX: Risky Burst level_weapon_charge_subtext: EX: Radial Barrage level_weapon_boomerang_subtext: EX: Jumbo Rebound Quartet_W2_S1_MemberLost_Line3_B: Be a pal and let us know if you spot him, won't you? level_weapon_bouncer_subtext: EX: Kablooey level_weapon_wide_shot_subtext: EX: Beam Flash plane_weapon_peashot_subtext: Multishot plane_weapon_laser_subtext: plane_weapon_bomb_subtext: Bombs arcade_weapon_peashot_subtext cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter None_subtext: Error_subtext: level_super_beam_subtext: Energy Beam Energy Beam: Energy Beam level_super_ghost_subtext: Giant Ghost level_super_invincible_subtext: Invincibility plane_super_bomb_subtext: charm_health_up_1_subtext: Extra Hit Point charm_health_up_2_subtext: Extra Hit Points charm_super_builder_subtext: Autofill Meter cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter charm_smoke_dash_subtext: Invisible Dash charm_parry_plus_subtext: Automatic Parry StartButton: Press Any Button TitleScreenStart: START list_name: CONTRACT LIST level_weapon_none_name: EMPTY TitleScreenOptions: OPTIONS level_super_none_name: EMPTY TitleScreenExit: EXIT charm_none_name: EMPTY cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Arcade_W2_S1_NoHiScore_Line5_B: TitleScreenLoading: LOADING... TitleScreenYes: YES TitleScreenNo: NO CreditsThanks: Our sincere appreciation to the members of our team whose loyalty and creative endeavor made possible this production. TitleScreenConfirmDelete: ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE: TitleScreenNew: NEW TitleScreenSlot1: CUPHEAD A TitleScreenSlot2: CUPHEAD B TitleScreenSlot3: CUPHEAD C cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter TitleScreenWorld1: Inkwell Isle One TitleScreenWorld2: Inkwell Isle Two TitleScreenWorld3: Inkwell Isle Three TitleScreenWorld4: Inkwell Hell ElderKettleExit: Exit ElderKettleTutorial: Tutorial PlayerTwoJoined: PLAYER TWO has joined Axeman: Axeman Chip_W1_S1_Standard_Line1_B: What're you lookin' at? My chip? Ha! Chip_W1_S1_Standard_Line2_B: It's not my fault! I been busy fightin' off those casino debtors! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Chip_W1_S1_Standard_Line3_B: Now I gotta save up to have my blade fixed! Chip_W1_S1_Standard_Line4_B: So help me, I wish someone would bust that King Dice one! Chip: Talk to CHIP Quint_W1_S1_Standard_Line1_B: Harumph!! I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm putting my moolah in the bank! Angel_W1_S1_PreMauso_Line1_B: Begone, spirits! Oh, wait... you're real. Canteen_W1_S1_PreShmup_Line1_B: What's that? You two want to fly in a plane like I do? Ha!! Canteen_W2_S1_PreSwap_Line1_B: Good timing, fellas! Canteen_W2_S1_PreSwap_Line2_B: I just added an upgrade on your aeroplanes! Canteen_W2_S1_PreSwap_Line3_B: Now you can wallop your foes with bombs! Canteen_W2_S1_PreSwap_Line4_B: Just switch your weapon whenever it strikes your fancy! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Canteen_W2_S1_PreSwap_Line5_B: Try it out!! Gingerbread_W2_S1_PathSecret_Line1_B: You can't catch me... unless you take a shortcut! Gingerbread_W2_S1_PathSecret_Line2_B: That's what some punk kids did last week! Gingerbread_W2_S1_PathSecret_Line3_B: It's the only way they could've beaten me to the rides! Gingerbread_W2_S1_PathSecret_Line4_B: Say, maybe you could show me where the shortcut is around here...? Gingerbread: Talk to Gingerbread Juggler_W2_S1_NoParryLimit_Line1_B: Well, hey there, fellas! Come to watch my little show, have you? Juggler: Talk to Juggler TutorialTitle: THE TUTORIAL TutorialDuckInstructions: HOLD DOWN TO CROUCH. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter TutorialDuck: DUCK TutorialShootInstructions: HOLD FOR RAPID FIRE. TutorialResurrectInstructions: REVIVE YOUR DEAD PAL WITH\nA WELL TIMED PARRY ON THE\nGHOST -- 2P MODE ONLY. TutorialParrySlapInstructions: PRESS JUMP WHILE AIRBORNE TO\nNULLIFY OR INTERACT WITH PINK OBJECTS.\nTHIS ALSO BUILDS YOUR SUPER METER. TutorialLockInstructions: HOLD TO STAY IN PLACE\n(8-WAY AIMING) TutorialJumpInstructions: TAP FOR SHORT--\nHOLD FOR HIGH JUMP. TutorialJump: JUMP TutorialDash: DASH TutorialDashInstructions: QUICK EVADE ON\nGROUND OR AIR. TutorialShoot: SHOOT cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter TutorialLock: LOCK TutorialParrySlap: PARRY SLAP TutorialResurrect: RESURRECT TutorialExShot: EX MOVE TutorialExShotInstructions: AN UPGRADED ATTACK THAT\nREQUIRES ONE SUPER METER CARD. TutorialCoin: COIN TutorialCoinInstructions: COLLECT COINS TO PURCHASE\nITEMS FROM THE SHOP. Juggler_W2_S1_NoParryLimit_Line2_B: They say juggling is a bit like parrying. Juggler_W2_S1_NoParryLimit_Line3_B: Tough at first, but soon you can string them together swimmingly! Juggler_W2_S1_NoParryLimit_Line4_B: I'm hoping to get to four someday. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter Juggler_W2_S1_NoParryLimit_Line5_B: Four in a row... yeah, that would be something, wouldn't it? Canteen_W1_S1_PreShmup_Line2_B: You're not sitting in any cockpit 'til you study those blueprints! Canteen: Talk to CANTEEN Mac_W1_S1_NoCoin_Line1_B: Hey, fellas! Looks like you're in for it now, eh? Mac_W1_S1_NoCoin_Line2_B: Well, I used to be the same way. Always gettin' into trouble... Mac_W1_S1_NoCoin_Line3_B: ... runnin', jumpin', shootin'... Mac_W1_S1_NoCoin_Line4_B: ... but now I prefer just strollin' around and goin' to the pictures! Mac_W1_S1_NoCoin_Line5_B: But hey, lemme give ya a hand! Take this! Mac_W1_S2_GotCoin_Line1_B: Hey, guys! Good to see ya again! Mac_W1_S2_GotCoin_Line2_B: Hope those coins helped out a bit! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter Mac_W1_S2_GotCoin_Line3_B: Maybe check with other folks around here. They might help ya too! Mac_W1_S2_GotCoin_Line4_B: The ones not tryin' to kill ya, I mean. Mac: Talk to MAC Angel_W1_S1_PreMauso_Line2_B: I was about to hit you with the ol' parry move! Angel_W1_S1_PreMauso_Line3_B: That's how you deal with ghosts 'round here. Angel_W1_S1_PreMauso_Line4_B: Only a nitwit tries shootin' someone who ain't really there. Angel_W1_S1_PreMauso_Line5_B: Speakin' of not bein' places... would you fellas mind movin' on? Angel_W1_S1_PreMauso_Line6_B: You're spookin' the fish. Angel_W1_S2_PostMauso_Line1_B: So I hear you fellas gave some of them ghosts what-for. Angel_W1_S2_PostMauso_Line2_B: Glad someone finally sorted 'em out! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Angel_W1_S2_PostMauso_Line3_B: Might make the fishin' even better here. Angel_W1_S2_PostMauso_Line4_B: Then again... might not. ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line1_B: What a fine pickle you boys have gotten yourselves into! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line2_B: I know you don't want to be pawns of the Devil! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line3_B: But if you refuse... I can't bear to imagine your fates! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line4_B: You must play along for now. Collect those contracts! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line5_B: And you'd best be ready for some nasty business...! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line6_B: Your debtor 'friends' won't be very friendly once you confront them! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line7_B: In fact, I expect they'll transform into terrible beasts! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line8_B: Take this potion so they won't hang you out to dry. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line9_B: It will give you the most remarkable magical abilities! ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line10_B: Now go to my writing desk and use the mystical inkwell there. ElderKettle_W0_S1_Initial_Line11_B: You need to prepare yourselves for a scrap!! You need to prepare yourself for a scrap!! You need to prepare yourself for a scrap!! ElderKettle_W0_S2_PostTutorial_Line1_B: Well, what are you rascals waiting for? Off you go! Well, what are you waiting for? Off you go! Well, what are you waiting for? Off you go! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter ElderKettle_W0_S2_PostTutorial_Line2_B: Meanwhile, I shall try to figure some way out of this mess! ElderKettle_W0_S2_PostTutorial_Line3_B: Good luck, you troublesome little mugs!! Good luck, you troublesome little cup!! Good luck, you troublesome little mug!! ElderKettle_W1_S3_W1NoProgress_Line1_B: You'll have to lay out all those debtors to move on! ElderKettle_W1_S3_W1NoProgress_Line2_B: Now shake a leg! ElderKettle_W1_S4_W1SomeProgress_Line1_B: Why, you're making fine progress, boys! Why, you're making fine progress, Cuphead! Why, you're making fine progress, Mugman! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter ElderKettle_W1_S4_W1SomeProgress_Line2_B: But that crumb King Dice won't let you move on just yet! ElderKettle_W1_S4_W1SomeProgress_Line3_B: You have to defeat all this isle's debtors first! ElderKettle_W1_S4_W1SomeProgress_Line4_B: 'Til then, that double-crosser will keep giving you the high hat! Canteen_W1_S2_PostShmup_Line1_B: I guess you two mugs are ready for the wild blue yonder. Canteen_W1_S2_PostShmup_Line2_B: Just remember, those birds you're flying have their own tricks. Canteen_W1_S2_PostShmup_Line3_B: Your fancy fighting moves on the ground don't apply up there! Canteen_W1_S2_PostShmup_Line4_B: Although, you can still parry like the dickens! Canteen_W1_S2_PostShmup_Line5_B: Be sure to shrink yourself when the need arises! Canteen_W1_S2_PostShmup_Line6_B: But remember, when you're short, so's your range, see? cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Canteen_W1_S2_PostShmup_Line7_B: Well, good luck, I suppose. Chip_W1_S2_World1Done_Line1_B: Say, fellas, thanks for settling things down around here. Chip_W1_S2_World1Done_Line2_B: Maybe now I can collect enough dough to pay for my chipped blade. Chip_W1_S2_World1Done_Line3_B: Speakin' of which... I should get back to work. Chip_W1_S2_World1Done_Line4_B: Gotta make hay while the sun shines! Chalice_WAny_S1_FirstTime_Line1_B: Gosh, I don't know how to thank you boys for saving me! Chalice_WAny_S1_FirstTime_Line2_B: Where are my manners? I didn't even introduce myself! Chalice_WAny_S1_FirstTime_Line3_B: I am known as the Legendary Chalice, pleased to meet you. Chalice_WAny_S1_FirstTime_Line4_B: I was searching for magic and got trapped by those ghosts! Chalice_WAny_S1_FirstTime_Line5_B: Speaking of magic... please accept this gift, it should help! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Chalice_WAny_S1a_PostSuper1_Line1_B: That should help! But maybe I can do even more! Chalice_WAny_S1a_PostSuper1_Line2_B: There are other mausoleums around Inkwell Isle. I just wonder... KingDice_W1_S1_Incomplete1st_Line1_B: Well, look what the cat dragged in. KingDice_W1_S1_Incomplete1st_Line2_B: You think you're just gonna ankle on over to the next isle? KingDice_W1_S1_Incomplete1st_Line3_B: Well that ain't how it works, geniuses. Well that ain't how it works, genius. Well that ain't how it works, genius. KingDice_W1_S1_Incomplete1st_Line4_B: You mugs ain't goin' nowhere 'til you finish up here! You ain't goin' nowhere 'til you finish up here! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter You ain't goin' nowhere 'til you finish up here! KingDice_W1_S1_Incomplete1st_Line5_B: That means givin' them debtors their medicine. All of 'em! KingDice_W1_S1_Incomplete1st_Line6_B: Now scram! KingDice_W1_S2_IncompleteReturn_Line1_B: What're you doin' back here, wheats? What're you doin' back here, wheat? What're you doin' back here, wheat? KingDice_W1_S2_IncompleteReturn_Line2_B: I told ya, take care of them debtors. KingDice_W1_S2_IncompleteReturn_Line3_B: If you got what it takes, that is. Ha! KingDice_W1_S2_IncompleteReturn_Line4_B: Awright, enough bumpin' gums. Take a powder. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter KingDice_W1_S3_World1Done_Line1_B: Well, ain't that a pip! KingDice_W1_S3_World1Done_Line2_B: Looks like you boys really put the kibosh on them debtors. Looks like you really put the kibosh on them debtors. Looks like you really put the kibosh on them debtors. KingDice_W1_S3_World1Done_Line3_B: You can head on over to the next isle. KingDice_W1_S3_World1Done_Line4_B: Plenty more marks for you to lean on there! Canteen_W2_S2_PostSwap_Line1_B: Well? Whaddaya think? Canteen_W2_S2_PostSwap_Line2_B: Are those new bombs the cat's pajamas or what? Canteen_W2_S2_PostSwap_Line3_B: Aah, you can thank me later. cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter Canteen_W2_S2_PostSwap_Line4_B: I'm just in it for the kicks! Arcade_W2_S2_GotHiScore_Line1_B: Arcade_W2_S2_GotHiScore_Line2_B: Arcade_W2_S2_GotHiScore_Line3_B: Arcade_W2_S3_GotArcadeCoin_Line1_B: Arcade_W2_S3_GotArcadeCoin_Line2_B: Juggler_W2_S2_HitParryLimit_Line1_B: Hey, I heard you managed to parry four times in a row! Juggler_W2_S2_HitParryLimit_Line2_B: I'll bet you're so proud you could bust! Juggler_W2_S2_HitParryLimit_Line3_B: Here's a coin to reward your persistence, boys! Juggler_W2_S2_HitParryLimit_Line4_B: Don't spend it all in one place, now! cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter Juggler_W2_S3_GotJugglerCoin_Line1_B: You fellas really inspired me! Juggler_W2_S3_GotJugglerCoin_Line2_B: So help me, I'm gonna get to four in a row if it takes me all year! Gingerbread_W2_S2_PathFound_Line1_B: Thanks, fellas! I knew there was a faster way across the island! Gingerbread_W2_S2_PathFound_Line2_B: Now I'll be first on all the rides again! Gingerbread_W2_S2_PathFound_Line3_B: Here, take this coin as my way of saying thanks. Quadratus_W2_S1_NotSquare_Line1_B: Through all your battles, and all my rhymes... Quadratus_W2_S1_NotSquare_Line2_B: have failed and perished{DEATHS}times. Quadratus_W2_S2_SquareNoReward_Line1_B: Quadratus_W2_S2_SquareNoReward_Line2_B: Quadratus_W2_S3_SquareGotReward_Line1_B: cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter Quadratus_W2_S3_SquareGotReward_Line2_B: Chalice_WAny_S2_SecondTime_Line1_B: I knew if I rooted around here I could find something special for you! Chalice_WAny_S2_SecondTime_Line2_B: But I didn't know I'd get trapped again! Chalice_WAny_S2_SecondTime_Line3_B: Thanks for saving me a second time. Chalice_WAny_S2_SecondTime_Line4_B: Take this magical super art and I'll see if I can find you another! ElderKettle_W2_S1_Standard_Line1_B: Remember to collect all of those soul contracts, boys! Remember to collect all of those soul contracts, Cuphead! Remember to collect all of those soul contracts, Mugman! ElderKettle_W2_S1_Standard_Line2_B: It's your only way out of servitude to the Dark One! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter KingDice_W2_S1_Initial_Line1_B: Hold it right there, wheats! Hold it right there, wheat! Hold it right there, wheat! KingDice_W2_S1_Initial_Line2_B: You ain't leaving 'til you put the screws to them debtors... all of 'em! KingDice_W2_S1_Initial_Line3_B: Ya get me? Good. KingDice_W2_S1_Initial_Line4_B: Now scram! KingDice_W2_S2_World2Done_Line1_B: Looks like I mighta underestimated you bums. Looks like I mighta underestimated ya, Cupface. Looks like I mighta underestimated ya, Mug-Muffin. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter KingDice_W2_S2_World2Done_Line2_B: You gave it to them debtors but good! KingDice_W2_S2_World2Done_Line3_B: Go on over to the next island. KingDice_W2_S2_World2Done_Line4_B: Lotsa fun times waitin' for you there! Ha ha ha! Pacifist: Talk to Pacifist Professional: Talk to Professional Ludwig: Talk to Ludwig Wolfgang: Talk to Wolfgang Pirategirl: Talk to PIRATE Mausoleum_1: Mausoleum\nI. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Mausoleum_3: Mausoleum\nIII. Inkwell: Inkwell\nHell MapWorld_1: INKWELL ISLE ONE MapWorld_4: TO HELL MapWorld_2: INKWELL ISLE TWO MapWorld_3: INKWELL ISLE THREE Chalice: Talk to Chalice ElderKettle: Talk to Elder Kettle ElderKettleLevel: The Elder\nKettle Shop: Porkrind;s\nEmporium cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Mausoleum_2: Mausoleum\nII. DiceGate: To Previous World KingDice: The Die\nHouse Aeroplane: Aeroplane\nBlueprint Angel: Talk to ANGEL Quint_W1_S1_Standard_Line2_B: For all I know, the Devil probably controls the place too! Quint_W1_S1_Standard_Line3_B: They'll never get ahold of my gold if I spread it all around. Quint_W1_S1_Standard_Line4_B: And if some Joe happens to find a coin or two... good for him! Quint_W1_S1_Standard_Line5_B: That's what I say. Harumph!! Quint: Talk to QUINT cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter TutorialSwapWeaponsInstructions: FLIPS BETWEEN YOUR TWO\nEQUIPPED WEAPONS. TutorialSwapWeapons: SWITCH WEAPON: SWITCH WEAPON Arcade: Talk to ARCADE Arcade_W2_S1_NoHiScore_Line1_B: Arcade_W2_S1_NoHiScore_Line2_B: Arcade_W2_S1_NoHiScore_Line3_B: Arcade_W2_S1_NoHiScore_Line4_B: RemapMoveHorizontal: Move Horizontal RemapMoveVertical: Move Vertical RemapJump: Jump cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter RemapShoot: Shoot RemapSuper: Ex Shoot RemapSwitchWeapon: Switch Weapon RemapLock: Lock RemapDash: Dash RemapPause: Pause RemapNextPage: Next Page RemapPreviousPage: Previous Page RemapAccept: Accept RemapCancel: Cancel cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter RemapEquipMenu: Equip Menu RemapMenuUp: Menu Up RemapMenuLeft: Menu Left RemapMenuDown: Menu Down RemapMenuRight: Menu Right RemapMoveRight: Move Right RemapMoveLeft: Move Left LostBarbershop: Talk to lost QUARTET Barbershop: Talk to QUARTET Quartet_W2_S1_MemberLost_Line1_B: Whoever heard of a barbershop trio? cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Quartet_W2_S1_MemberLost_Line2_B: If we can't find our fourth member, we'll never sound right again! LostBarber_W2_S1_MemberLost_Line1_B: At last! I thought I'd never see another living soul again! LostBarber_W2_S1_MemberLost_Line2_B: I lost my way while searching for coins. LostBarber_W2_S1_MemberLost_Line3_B: No one has money for haircuts these days, thanks to that blasted casino! LostBarber_W2_S1_MemberLost_Line4_B: Well, I'd better get back to my pals in the quartet! Quartet_W2_S2_MemberFound_Line1_B: Oh boy, you did it! We're a quartet once more! Quartet_W2_S2_MemberFound_Line2_B: Gee, you must have run yourself ragged tracking him down! Quartet_W2_S2_MemberFound_Line3_B: We can't thank you enough! Let's celebrate with a song! Quartet_W2_S2_MemberFound_Line4_B: Ready, boys? Key of B flat... Quartet_W2_S3_SongRepeat_Line1_B: Can't get enough of that diddy, eh? cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter Quartet_W2_S3_SongRepeat_Line2_B: Okay, boys, one more time! With feeling! Scholar: Talk to SCHOLAR Scholar_W2_S1_BlackjackIntro_Line1_B: Scholar_W2_S1_BlackjackIntro_Line2_B: Scholar_W2_S1_BlackjackIntro_Line3_B: Scholar_W2_S2_BlackjackBeaten_Line1_B: Scholar_W2_S2_BlackjackBeaten_Line2_B: Scholar_W2_S2_BlackjackBeaten_Line3_B: Scholar_W2_S2_BlackjackBeaten_Line4_B: Scholar_W2_S3_PondIntro_Line1_B: Have you heard of Quadratus, the watery being on this isle? cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Scholar_W2_S3_PondIntro_Line2_B: His obsession with death and numbers is legendary! Scholar_W2_S3_PondIntro_Line3_B: And somewhat disturbing, if one thinks about it for too long... ElderKettle_W1_S5_InitialStateNG+_Line1_B: I'm so proud that you boys helped save everyone from evil! I'm so proud that you helped save everyone from evil, Cuphead! I'm so proud that you helped save everyone from evil, Mugman! ElderKettle_W1_S5_InitialStateNG+_Line2_B: If I didn't know better, though, I'd say you're still looking for another scrap! ElderKettle_W1_S5_InitialStateNG+_Line3_B: Well, who am I to stop you from becoming a true expert? ElderKettle_W1_S5_InitialStateNG+_Line4_B: It would be quite an achievement to repeat your triumph over the Devil! ElderKettle_W1_S6_FinalStateNG+_Line1_B: On your way to becoming experts, eh, boys? On your way to becoming an expert, eh, Cuphead? cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter On your way to becoming an expert, eh, Mugman? ElderKettle_W1_S6_FinalStateNG+_Line2_B: Good luck, you brave mugs!! Good luck, you brave little cup!! Good luck, you brave mug!! ElderKettle_W1_S7_ExpertComplete_Line1_A: I hope you got that out of your system! Goodness gracious! I need a nap. Scholar_W2_S3_PondInteracted_Line1_B: So you have spoken with Quadratus, the watery being across the isle? Scholar_W2_S3_PondInteracted_Line2_B: That is something few others can claim. Scholar_W2_S3_PondInteracted_Line3_B: cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter Scholar_W2_S3_PondInteracted_Line4_B: Pacifist_W3_S1_Initial_Line1_B: You boys think your situation is a multicolor mess, don't you? Pacifist_W3_S1_Initial_Line2_B: But what if I told you there was a way to see it in shades of gray? Pacifist_W3_S1_Initial_Line3_B: A way that only a pacifist platformer would be able to perceive? Pacifist_W3_S1_Initial_Line4_B: Would you violent little mugs believe me if I told you that? Pacifist_W3_S1_Initial_Line5_B: I wonder. Pacifist_W3_S2_SomePacifist_Line1_B: Why, I see you've managed to restrain yourselves here and there. Pacifist_W3_S2_SomePacifist_Line2_B: I'm pleased as punch! But you can't see shades of gray yet, can you? Pacifist_W3_S2_SomePacifist_Line3_B: Not until you prove you can get by without resorting to violence. Pacifist_W3_S3_PacifistComplete_Line1_B: Ah, you found the path of pacifism! I am quite impressed. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Pacifist_W3_S3_PacifistComplete_Line2_B: You shall now be able to see the world in a new light. Pacifist_W3_S3_PacifistComplete_Line3_B: Go in peace! Professional_W3_S1_LessThan5As_Line1_B: Let's be honest, fellows, shall we? Professional_W3_S1_LessThan5As_Line2_B: There is a class of Grade A people, and then there is... well... Professional_W3_S1_LessThan5As_Line3_B: ...everyone else. Professional_W3_S1_LessThan5As_Line4_B: At the moment, you seem like... everyone else. Professional_W3_S1_LessThan5As_Line5_B: And that means you cannot experience the world in the special way I do. Professional_W3_S2_LessThan10As_Line1_B: Not everyone earns a 'Grade A' rating, if you know what I mean. Professional_W3_S2_LessThan10As_Line2_B: And not everyone can maintain that level of quality over time. Professional_W3_S2_LessThan10As_Line3_B: Consistency, my dear friends. That is what it's all about! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it for free? cuphead coffee autofill meter Professional_W3_S2_LessThan10As_Line4_B: Then you will experience the scintillating sensations that I do! Professional_W3_S3_LessThan15As_Line1_B: I would so love to count you among my Grade A friends! Professional_W3_S3_LessThan15As_Line2_B: You are almost there, it is true. Professional_W3_S3_LessThan15As_Line3_B: But there is no 'almost' when it comes to seeing and hearing the way I do. Professional_W3_S3_LessThan15As_Line4_B: You either can... or you cannot. Professional_W3_S4_RetrocolorUnlock_Line1_B: My stars, you did it! You are truly Grade A in my book! Professional_W3_S4_RetrocolorUnlock_Line2_B: Now you can experience the world as I do! Pirate_W3_S1_Initial_Line1_B: Arrr, yer gonna need some tips if ye want to keelhaul these deadbeats! Pirate_W3_S1_Initial_Line2_B: Start by mixin' up yer weaponry! Pirate_W3_S1_Initial_Line3_B: Can't expect all yer arms to work the same on every foe! cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter Pirate_W3_S1_Initial_Line4_B: Mix and match, landlubbers! That's what I say! Pirate_W3_S2_UsedAllOnBruno_Line1_B: Pirate_W3_S2_UsedAllOnBruno_Line2_B: Pirate_W3_S2_UsedAllOnBruno_Line3_B: Pirate_W3_S2_UsedAllOnBruno_Line4_B: ElderKettle_W3_S1_Standard_Line1_B: You're doing just swell, boys! But you can't slack off now! You're doing just swell, Cuphead! But you can't slack off now! You're doing just swell, Mugman! But you can't slack off now! Quint_WAny_S2_CoinsCollected_Line3_B: Now run along, little mugs, before I change my mind! ElderKettle_W3_S1_Standard_Line2_B: You've only got 'til midnight tonight! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to use it? cuphead coffee autofill meter ElderKettle_W3_S1_Standard_Line3_B: Stay set to this task, and I'm sure you shan't fail! ElderKettle_W3_S1_Standard_Line4_B: Wolfgang_W3_S1_Chain1_Line1_B: I am so steamed! I never want to hear Ludwig say 'less is more' again! Wolfgang_W3_S1_Chain1_Line2_B: It's common sense that 'more is more' Wolfgang_W3_S1_Chain1_Line3_B: Achh! He doesn't know the first thing about fine music! Wolfgang_W3_S1_Chain1_Line4_B: And if you waste your time talking to him, neither will you! Ludwig_W3_S1_Chain2_Line1_B: Achh, that Wolfgang! Ludwig_W3_S1_Chain2_Line2_B: Always taking ten notes to express two notes' worth of music! Ludwig_W3_S1_Chain2_Line3_B: He has no conception of what I mean by 'less is more' Ludwig_W3_S1_Chain2_Line4_B: I know you agree with me. Go convince that tin-eared clock! cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Ludwig_W3_S1_Chain2_Line5_B: He won't listen to me anymore! Wolfgang_W3_S2_Chain3_Line1_B: So, Ludwig's been filling your mugs with his 'less is more' drivel, eh? Wolfgang_W3_S2_Chain3_Line2_B: Keep talking to that fool and soon nothing will sound right to you! Wolfgang_W3_S2_Chain3_Line3_B: Don't say I didn't warn you! Ludwig_W3_S2_Chain4_Line1_B: My 'friend' Wolfgang warned you about me, didn't he? Ludwig_W3_S2_Chain4_Line2_B: I thought he might. And he was right to do so! Ludwig_W3_S2_Chain4_Line3_B: Not everyone prefers to hear what I have to share... Wolfgang_W3_S3_Chain5_Line1_B: What did I tell you about talking with that minimalist buffoon?! Wolfgang_W3_S3_Chain5_Line2_B: 'Less is more'... bah! Ludwig_W3_S3_Chain6_Line1_B: You came back! I suspected you might. cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter Ludwig_W3_S3_Chain6_Line2_B: I can tell you have an appreciation for true art. Ludwig_W3_S3_Chain6_Line3_B: Behold my minimalist masterpiece! Wolfgang_W3_S4_MinimalistUnlocked_Line1_B: Well, I warned you! Awful, isn't it? Wolfgang_W3_S4_MinimalistUnlocked_Line2_B: Let us change the music back before our ears turn to jelly! Chalice_W3_S1_Standard_Line1_B: Thank goodness you came by! Chalice_W3_S1_Standard_Line2_B: Those lousy ghosts had me but good that time! Chalice_W3_S1_Standard_Line3_B: Here's the last magical super art I was able to find for you! Chalice_W3_S1_Standard_Line4_B: Well, time for me to take a powder. Good luck! TutorialDescend: DROP DOWN FROM \nCERTAIN PLATFORMS. TutorialDescendTitle: DESCEND: DESCEND cuphead coffee autofill meter How to dowload it? cuphead coffee autofill meter RemapMoveUp: Move Up RemapMoveDown: Move Down Quint_WAny_S2_CoinsCollected_Line2_B: Well, finders keepers, that's my motto. GotACoin: You recieved a gold coin! GotThreeCoins: You recieved three gold coins! TutorialSpecial: SPECIAL TutorialParry: PARRY TutorialShrink: SHRINK TutorialSpecialInstructions: ONE METER: EX ATTACK.\nFULL METER: SUPER BOMB MORPH. TutorialParryInstructions: PRESS AT ANY TIME TO NULLIFY\nOR INTERACT WITH PINK OBJECTS.: PRESS AT ANY TIME TO NULLIFY cuphead coffee autofill meter How to get it? cuphead coffee autofill meter TutorialShrinkInstructions: HOLD TO REDUCE SIZE & INCREASE SPEED -- EQUIPPED WITH MINI-BULLETS.: HOLD TO REDUCE SIZE & INCREASE TutorialExit ShmupTutorial: AEROPLANE\nBLUEPRINT QuoteDragonFireMarchers: "Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in the h-h-h-hot seat..." QuoteDragonThreeHeads: "One..two..three! You'd b-b-b-etter flee !" QuoteLevelPlatforming3_2Giant: "Fee fi fo fum, I'm the guardian of this ruined land." Pacifist_Tooltip_NewAudioVisMode: BRAVO! You just earned a few bonuses. Look at your option menu for new visual and audio modes! Shopkeeper_Tooltip_NewPurchase: You gots to equip those new purchases if you want to use them. Look at your equip card, ya bums! Chalice_Tooltip_NewSuperEquip: Dear me! You musn't forget that magical super arts have to be equipped in the menu before use! DieHouse: THE DIE\nHOUSE cuphead coffee autofill meter PasteShr cuphead coffee autofill meter cuphead coffee autofill meter