cronusmax fortnite //Posted by ConsoleModZ, a member of the community in the CronusMAX Forums - //Posted : Friday 20th of April, 2018 15:23 UTC //FORTNITE - BATTLE ROYAL SCRIPT int Aimbot = TRUE; int AimSpeed = 85; /* Scope_BTN + Reload_BTN - Toggle On/Off */int RapidFire = FALSE; int rapidfire= 30 ; /* Scope_BTN + Jump_BTN - Toggle On/Off cronusmax fortnite PasteShr cronusmax fortnite */int AutoRun = FALSE; //---------------> // COMING SOON! int AntiRecoil= TRUE; int antirecoil= 20 ;/* Scope_BTN + D-PAD UP - Toggle On/Off */int delay = 34; int AimAssist = FALSE; int valueX=25; /* Scope_BTN + D-PAD RIGHT- Toggle On/Off */int valueY=26; int delayA=40; cronusmax fortnite How to get it for free? cronusmax fortnite int AutoBuild = FALSE; /*----------> */int AutomaticBuild = FALSE; int ManualBuild = TRUE; /* Scope_BTN + TOUCH PAD - Toggle On/Off */int Jitter = FALSE; /*----------->*//* Scope_BTN + D-PAD LEFT - Toggle On/Off ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////$ // $ COPYRIGHT! DON'T SHARE/SELL OR PUBLISH THIS SCRIPT/CODES OR ANY VALUE! $ // $ ELSE YOU WILL GET A COMPLAINT $ cronusmax fortnite How to get it for free? cronusmax fortnite // $ $ // $ CREDITS GO TO " RAFAEL War_Machine_PR12 " $ | // $ $ | // $ VERSION: V12 $ // $ $ // $ NOTICE: Don't use "Aimbot" and "AimAssist" at the same time! $ // $ For Jitter you need 2 shotguns! $ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////$ // //--------------------------------------------| INT cronusmax fortnite How to dowload it? cronusmax fortnite */int Scope_BTN;int Shoot_BTN;int LY;int Run_BTN;int Reload_BTN;int Jump_BTN;int UP;int RY;int RIGHT;int RX;int Crouch_BTN;int RightBumber;int LeftBumber;int Left;int Down; int a; int b; //--------------------------------------------| INITALIZATION init { //-BUTTON LAYOUT-\\ if(get_console() == PIO_PS4){ Scope_BTN = PS4_L2; Shoot_BTN = PS4_R2; LY = PS4_LY; Run_BTN = PS4_L3; Reload_BTN = PS4_SQUARE; cronusmax fortnite How to get it for free? cronusmax fortnite Jump_BTN = PS4_CROSS; UP = PS4_UP; RY = PS4_RY; RIGHT = PS4_RIGHT; RX = PS4_RX; RY = PS4_RY; Crouch_BTN = PS4_CIRCLE; Left = PS4_LEFT; Down = PS4_DOWN; RightBumber = PS4_R1; cronusmax fortnite How to dowload it? cronusmax fortnite LeftBumber = PS4_L1; }else{ RightBumber = XB1_RB; Scope_BTN = XB1_LT; Shoot_BTN = XB1_RT; LY = XB1_LY; Run_BTN = XB1_LS; Reload_BTN = XB1_X; Jump_BTN = XB1_A; UP = XB1_UP; cronusmax fortnite PasteShr cronusmax fortnite RY = XB1_RY; RIGHT = XB1_RIGHT; RX = XB1_RX; RY = XB1_RY; Crouch_BTN = XB1_B; Left = XB1_LEFT; Down = XB1_DOWN; LeftBumber = XB1_LB; } } cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite //--------------------------------------------| MAIN main { if(get_val(Scope_BTN) && event_press(RIGHT)){ AimAssist =! AimAssist; if(AimAssist == TRUE){combo_run(Notify);a=0;b=2;} if(AimAssist == FALSE){combo_run(Notify);a=2;b=0;} cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite } if(AimAssist){ if(get_val(Scope_BTN)){ combo_run(AssY); combo_run(AssX); } if((get_val(RY)) > valueY || (get_val(RY)) < valueY*(-1)){ combo_stop(AssY); } if((get_val(RX)) > valueX || (get_val(RX)) < valueX*(-1)){ cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite combo_stop(AssX); } } if(get_val(Scope_BTN) && event_press(Jump_BTN)){ RapidFire = ! RapidFire; if(RapidFire == TRUE){combo_run(Notify);a=0;b=2;} if(RapidFire == FALSE){combo_run(Notify);a=2;b=0;} } cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite if(RapidFire){ if(get_val(Shoot_BTN)){ combo_run(Rapidfire); } } if(get_val(Scope_BTN) && event_press(Reload_BTN)){ Aimbot =! Aimbot; if(Aimbot == TRUE){combo_run(Notify);a=0;b=2;} if(Aimbot == FALSE){combo_run(Notify);a=2;b=0;} cronusmax fortnite How to dowload it? cronusmax fortnite } if(Aimbot){ if(get_val(Scope_BTN)&&get_ptime(Scope_BTN)>= 200){ combo_run(AutoAim);} if(event_release(Scope_BTN)){ combo_stop(AutoAim);} } if(AutoRun){if(get_val(LY) <= -20){set_val(Run_BTN, 100);}} cronusmax fortnite How to dowload it? cronusmax fortnite if(get_val(Scope_BTN)&&event_press(PS4_TOUCH)){ AutoBuild=!AutoBuild; if(AutoBuild == TRUE){combo_run(Notify);a=0;b=2;} if(AutoBuild == FALSE){combo_run(Notify);a=2;b=0;} } if(AutoBuild){ if(AutomaticBuild){if((get_rumble(RUMBLE_A)||get_rumble(RUMBLE_B))&&get_val(Shoot_BTN)<=19){combo_run(AutoBuild);}} if(ManualBuild){if(get_val(Down)){set_val(Down,0);combo_run(AutoBuild);}} } cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite if(get_val(Scope_BTN)&&event_press(PS4_LEFT)){ Jitter=!Jitter; if(Jitter == TRUE){combo_run(Notify);a=0;b=2;} if(Jitter == FALSE){combo_run(Notify);a=2;b=0;} } if(Jitter){ if(get_val(Shoot_BTN)){combo_run(Jitter);combo_stop(Rapidfire);} if(event_release(Shoot_BTN)){combo_stop(Jitter);} } cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite if(get_val(Scope_BTN) && event_press(UP)){ AntiRecoil =! AntiRecoil; if(AntiRecoil == TRUE){combo_run(Notify);a=0;b=2;} if(AntiRecoil == FALSE){combo_run(Notify);a=2;b=0;} } if(AntiRecoil){ if(get_val(Shoot_BTN)){combo_run(Antirecoil);} if(abs(get_val(RY)) >= antirecoil+ 10){combo_stop(Antirecoil);} } cronusmax fortnite How to dowload it? cronusmax fortnite } //---------------------------------------------| COMBO's combo Notify { set_led(LED_1,0); set_led(LED_2,a); set_led(LED_3,b); set_led(LED_4,0); cronusmax fortnite How to get it? cronusmax fortnite wait(550); set_led(LED_1,0); set_led(LED_2,0); set_led(LED_3,0); set_led(LED_4,0); wait(250); set_led(LED_1,0); set_led(LED_2,a); set_led(LED_3,b); set_led(LED_4,0); cronusmax fortnite How to get it? cronusmax fortnite wait(250); set_led(LED_1,0); set_led(LED_2,0); set_led(LED_3,0); set_led(LED_4,0); wait(250); set_led(LED_1,0); set_led(LED_2,a); set_led(LED_3,b); set_led(LED_4,0); cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite wait(250); reset_leds(); } combo Jitter{ set_val(RightBumber,100); set_val(Shoot_BTN,100); wait(240);//currently minimum! set_val(LeftBumber,100); cronusmax fortnite How to get it for free? cronusmax fortnite set_val(Shoot_BTN,100); wait(240);//currently minimum! } combo AutoBuild{ set_val(Crouch_BTN,100); wait(175); wait(25); set_val(Shoot_BTN,100); cronusmax fortnite How to use it? cronusmax fortnite set_val(RX,100); wait(455); wait(25); set_val(Shoot_BTN,100); set_val(RX,100); wait(455); wait(25); set_val(Shoot_BTN,100); set_val(RX,100); wait(455); cronusmax fortnite PasteShr cronusmax fortnite wait(25); set_val(Shoot_BTN,100); set_val(RX,100); wait(455); wait(25); } combo AssY { set_val(RY, valueY); cronusmax fortnite How to dowload it? cronusmax fortnite wait(delayA); set_val(RY, valueY*(-1)); wait(delayA); } combo AssX { wait(2); set_val(RX, valueX); wait(delayA/1.5); cronusmax fortnite PasteShr cronusmax fortnite set_val(RX, valueX*(-1)); wait(delayA/1.5); } combo Rapidfire { set_val(Shoot_BTN, 100); wait(rapidfire); set_val(Shoot_BTN, 0); } cronusmax fortnite How to get it? cronusmax fortnite combo AutoAim{ set_val(Scope_BTN,100); wait(AimSpeed); set_val(Scope_BTN,0); wait(35); } cronusmax fortnite How to get it? cronusmax fortnite combo Antirecoil { set_val(RY, antirecoil); wait(delay); set_val(RY, antirecoil); wait(delay); } cronusmax fortnite