criminality script roblox pastebin --crim start local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Context = game:GetService("ScriptContext") for _, Connection in next, getconnections(Context.Error) do Connection:Disable() end local function Create(Object, Properties, Parent) local Obj = criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin for i,v in pairs (Properties) do Obj[i] = v end if Parent ~= nil then Obj.Parent = Parent end return Obj end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin local function Assert(Bool, Text) if not Bool then rconsoleprint(Text.."\n") rconsoleprint("Please wait for a update.") wait(9e9) end end local Map = workspace:FindFirstChild("Map") Assert(Map, "Unable to find Map") criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Dealers = Map:FindFirstChild("Shopz") Assert(Dealers, "Unable to find Dealers [Shopz]") local Atms = Map:FindFirstChild("ATMz") Assert(Atms, "Unable to find Dealers [ATMz]") local Safes = Map:FindFirstChild("BredMakurz") Assert(Safes, "Unable to find Safes [BredMakurz]") local Filter = workspace:FindFirstChild("Filter") criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin Assert(Filter, "Unable to find Filter") local DroppedMoney = Filter:FindFirstChild("SpawnedBread") Assert(DroppedMoney, "Unable to find DroppedMoney [SpawnedBread]") local Piles = Filter:FindFirstChild("SpawnedPiles") Assert(Piles, "Unable to find Piles [SpawnedPiles]") local PilePickup = ReplicatedStorage.Events.PIC_PU local CashPickup = ReplicatedStorage.Events.CZDPZUS criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local HeadSize =, 1, 1) local RayCheck for i,v in next, getgc(true) do if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "ONRH_S4") and type(rawget(v, "ONRH_S4")) == "function" then RayCheck = v break end end criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin Assert(RayCheck, "Unable to find RayCheck") for i,v in next, getconstants(RayCheck.ONRH_S4) do if v == 10 or v == 1.5 then setconstant(RayCheck.ONRH_S4, i, math.huge) end end local ChatFrame = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Chat.Frame local function ShowChat(Active) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin Active = type(Active) == "table" and Active.Toggle or Active == true ChatFrame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Visible = Active ChatFrame.ChatBarParentFrame.Position = ChatFrame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Position +, ChatFrame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Size.Y) end local Skyboxes = { ["none"] = { SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://252760980", SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://252760981", criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://252763035", SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://252761439", SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://252760980", SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://252760986", SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://252762652", }, ["nebula"] = { SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://159454286", SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://159454299", SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://159454296", criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://159454293", SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://159454286", SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://159454300", SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://159454288", }, ["vaporwave"] = { SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://1417494402", SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://1417494030", SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://1417494146", SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://1417494253", criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://1417494402", SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://1417494499", SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://1417494643", }, ["clouds"] = { SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://570557620", SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://570557514", SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://570557775", SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://570557559", SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://570557620", criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://570557672", SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://570557727", }, ["twilight"] = { SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://264909758", SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://264908339", SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://264907909", SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://264909420", SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://264909758", SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://264908886", criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://264907379", }, } local ClientWarnRemote = ReplicatedStorage.Events2.ClientWarn local function ClientWarn(Settings) ClientWarnRemote:Fire({Settings.Text or "No Message", Settings.Length or 1, Settings.Color or Color3.fromRGB(255, 121, 121), Settings.OutlineColor or, 0, 0)}) end local Debris = workspace:FindFirstChild("Debris") criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local menu do local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() menu =[[ELITE v3 ]], "nemv2\\") local tabs = { menu.new_tab(""), menu.new_tab(""), criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin menu.new_tab(""), menu.new_tab(""), menu.new_tab(""), } do local _menu = tabs[5].new_section("menu") local all_cfgs criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local configs = _menu.new_sector("configs") local text local list = configs.element("Scroll", "config list", {options = {"none"}}, function(State) text:set_value({Text = State.Scroll}) end) text = configs.element("TextBox", "config name") configs.element("Button", "save", nil, function() if menu.values[5].menu.configs["config name"].Text ~= "none" then menu.save_cfg(menu.values[5].menu.configs["config name"].Text) end criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin end) configs.element("Button", "load", nil, function() if menu.values[5].menu.configs["config name"].Text ~= "none" then menu.load_cfg(menu.values[5].menu.configs["config name"].Text) end end) local function update_cfgs() all_cfgs = listfiles("nemv2\\") for _,cfg in next, all_cfgs do criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin all_cfgs[_] = string.gsub(string.gsub(cfg, "nemv2\\", ""), ".txt", "") list:add_value(all_cfgs[_]) end end update_cfgs() task.spawn(function() while true do wait(1) update_cfgs() end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin end) local playercheck = _menu.new_sector("player check") playercheck.element("Toggle", "friends are friendly") playercheck.element("Toggle", "forcefield check") local Positions = { ["tower"] =, 105, -850), ["vibe check"] =, -200, -875), ["subway"] =, -31, -814), criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin ["sewers"] =, -91, -704), ["junkyard"] =, 5, -595), ["gas station"] =, 7, 215), ["motel"] =, 6, -983), ["grey wall"] =, 189, -779), } local LastTP = tick() local teleports = _menu.new_sector("teleports", "Right") criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local locations = teleports.element("Scroll", "locations", {options = {"tower", "vibe check", "subway", "sewers", "junkyard", "gas station", "motel", "grey wall"}}) teleports.element("Button", "teleport", nil, function(State) local SelfCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character local SelfRootPart, SelfHumanoid = SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not SelfCharacter or not SelfRootPart or not SelfHumanoid then return end local Time = tick() - LastTP if Time < 10 then local TimeLeft = math.floor(10 - Time) ClientWarn{Text = "Teleport Delay: "..TimeLeft} criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin return end LastTP = tick() local Position if Positions[menu.values[5].menu.teleports.locations.Scroll] ~= nil then Position = Positions[menu.values[5].menu.teleports.locations.Scroll] criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin else end if not Position then return end SelfRootPart.Position =, -1e9, 0) wait(1) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin SelfRootPart.Position = Position end) end do local Circle ="Circle") do Circle.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Circle.Thickness = 1 Circle.Transparency = 1 Circle.Radius = 100 Circle.Visible = false criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() Circle.Position = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() end) end local aimbot = tabs[2].new_section("aimbot") local assist = aimbot.new_sector("assist") assist.element("Toggle", "enabled"):add_keybind() criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin assist.element("Dropdown", "hitbox", {options = {"closest", "head", "torso"}}) assist.element("Slider", "smoothing", {default = {min = 1, max = 50, default = 1}}) assist.element("Toggle", "snap") local silent = aimbot.new_sector("silent aim") silent.element("Toggle", "enabled"):add_keybind() silent.element("Dropdown", "hitbox", {options = {"head", "torso"}}) silent.element("Slider", "hitchance", {default = {min = 1, max = 100, default = 100}}) silent.element("Toggle", "visualize silent lock") silent.element("Combo", "bullet redirection", {options = {"enabled", "wallbang"}}) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local targeting = aimbot.new_sector("targeting", "Right") targeting.element("Dropdown", "prioritize", {options = {"crosshair", "distance", "lowest hp"}}) targeting.element("Toggle", "visible check") targeting.element("Slider", "max distance", {default = {min = 250, max = 15000, default = 15000}}) local fov = aimbot.new_sector("fov", "Right") fov.element("Slider", "fov size", {default = {min = 30, max = 600, default = 100}}, function(State) Circle.Radius = State.Slider end) fov.element("Toggle", "draw fov", nil, function(State) Circle.Visible = State.Toggle end):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(84, 101, 255)}, nil, function(State) Circle.Color = State.Color end) fov.element("Slider", "sides", {default = {min = 15, max = 100, default = 100}}, function(State) Circle.NumSides = State.Slider end) criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin fov.element("Slider", "thickness", {default = {min = 1, max = 4, default = 1}}, function(State) Circle.Thickness = State.Slider end) local triggerbot = aimbot.new_sector("triggerbot", "Right") triggerbot.element("Toggle", "enabled"):add_keybind() triggerbot.element("Slider", "reaction time (ms)", {default = {min = 0, max = 500, default = 150}}) end do local players = tabs[3].new_section("players") local esp = players.new_sector("esp") criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin esp.element("Toggle", "enabled"):add_keybind() esp.element("Slider", "max distance", {default = {min = 250, max = 15000, default = 15000}}) local enemies = players.new_sector("enemies") enemies.element("Toggle", "box"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}) enemies.element("Toggle", "name"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}) enemies.element("Toggle", "health"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)}) enemies.element("Toggle", "indicators"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}) enemies.element("Combo", "types", {options = {"tool", "distance"}}) criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local friendlies = players.new_sector("friendlies") friendlies.element("Toggle", "box"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}) friendlies.element("Toggle", "name"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}) friendlies.element("Toggle", "health"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)}) friendlies.element("Toggle", "indicators"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}) friendlies.element("Combo", "types", {options = {"tool", "distance"}}) local oof = players.new_sector("out of fov", "Right") oof.element("Toggle", "enemies"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(84, 101, 255)}) oof.element("Toggle", "friendlies"):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(84, 101, 255)}) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin oof.element("Slider", "size", {default = {min = 10, max = 15, default = 15}}) oof.element("Slider", "offset", {default = {min = 100, max = 700, default = 400}}) oof.element("Combo", "settings", {options = {"outline", "blinking"}}) local function UpdateChams() for _,Player in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if Player ~= LocalPlayer then ApplyChams(Player) end end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin end local chams = players.new_sector("chams", "Right") chams.element("Toggle", "enemies", nil, UpdateChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(141, 115, 245)}, false, UpdateChams) chams.element("Toggle", "friendlies", nil, UpdateChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(102, 255, 102)}, false, UpdateChams) chams.element("Toggle", "through walls", nil, UpdateChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(170, 170, 170)}, false, UpdateChams) local drawings = players.new_sector("drawings", "Right") drawings.element("Dropdown", "font", {options = {"Plex", "Monospace", "System", "UI"}}) drawings.element("Dropdown", "surround", {options = {"none", "[]", "--", "<>"}}) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local world = tabs[3].new_section("world") local worldesp = world.new_sector("world esp") local function UpdateSafeChams() for _,Safe in next, Safes:GetChildren() do local Handle = Safe.MainPart:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") if not Handle then continue end local Visible = string.find(Safe.Name, "Small") and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safe classes"].Combo, "small") or string.find(Safe.Name, "Medium") and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safe classes"].Combo, "medium") or string.find(Safe.Name, "Register") and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safe classes"].Combo, "register") criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin Handle.Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safes"].Toggle and Visible and true or false Handle.Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$safes"].Color end end worldesp.element("Toggle", "safes", nil, UpdateSafeChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 115, 115)}, nil, UpdateSafeChams) worldesp.element("Combo", "safe classes", {options = {"small", "medium", "register"}, default = {Combo = {"small", "medium", "register"}}}, UpdateSafeChams) local function UpdatePilesChams() for _,Pile in next, Piles:GetChildren() do local Handle = Pile.MeshPart:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin if not Handle then continue end Handle.Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["piles"].Toggle Handle.Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$piles"].Color end end worldesp.element("Toggle", "piles", nil, UpdatePilesChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 115)}, nil, UpdatePilesChams) local function UpdateDealerChams() for _,Dealer in next, Dealers:GetChildren() do criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Handle = Dealer.MainPart:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") if not Handle then continue end local Visible = Dealer.Name == "Dealer" and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dealer classes"].Combo, "standard") or Dealer.Name == "ArmoryDealer" and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dealer classes"].Combo, "armoury") Handle.Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$dealers"].Color Handle.Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dealers"].Toggle and Visible or false end end worldesp.element("Toggle", "dealers", nil, UpdateDealerChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 115, 255)}, nil, UpdateDealerChams) worldesp.element("Combo", "dealer classes", {options = {"standard", "armoury"}, default = {Combo = {"standard", "armoury"}}}, UpdateDealerChams) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin local function UpdateAtmChams() for _,Atm in next, Atms:GetChildren() do local Handle = Atm.MainPart:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") if not Handle then continue end Handle.Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$atms"].Color Handle.Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["atms"].Toggle end end criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin worldesp.element("Toggle", "atms", nil, UpdateAtmChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(115, 115, 255)}, nil, UpdateAtmChams) local function UpdateCashChams() for _,Money in next, DroppedMoney:GetChildren() do local Handle = Money:FindFirstChild("BoxHandleAdornment") if not Handle then continue end local Visible = Money:WaitForChild("Value", 5).Value >= menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["minimum cash amount"].Slider Handle.Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dropped cash"].Toggle and Visible or false Handle.Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$dropped cash"].Color criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin end end worldesp.element("Toggle", "dropped cash", nil, UpdateCashChams):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(115, 255, 115)}, nil, UpdateCashChams) worldesp.element("Slider", "minimum cash amount", {default = {min = 1, max = 100, default = 1}}, UpdateCashChams) local self = world.new_sector("self") self.element("Toggle", "fov changer"):add_keybind() self.element("Slider", "field of view", {default = {min = 30, max = 120, default = 80}}) local ColorCorrection = Create("ColorCorrectionEffect", { criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin Enabled = false, Name = "CustomColorCorrection", }, Camera) local worldsettings = world.new_sector("world settings", "Right") worldsettings.element("Toggle", "color correction", nil, function(State) ColorCorrection.Enabled = State.Toggle end):add_color({Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}, nil, function(State) ColorCorrection.TintColor = State.Color end) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin worldsettings.element("Slider", "saturation", {default = {min = 0, max = 100, default = 0}}, function(State) ColorCorrection.Saturation = State.Slider/50 end) worldsettings.element("Toggle", "fullbright") worldsettings.element("Dropdown", "skybox", {options = {"none", "nebula", "vaporwave", "clouds", "twilight"}}, function(State) local Sky = Lighting:FindFirstChildOfClass("Sky") if not Sky then return end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin local Skybox = Skyboxes[State.Dropdown] for i,v in next, Skybox do Sky[i] = v end end) worldsettings.element("Toggle", "disable clouds", nil, function(State) workspace.Terrain.Clouds.Enabled = not State.Toggle end) worldsettings.element("Toggle", "force time of day") criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin worldsettings.element("Slider", "time of day", {default = {min = 0, max = 24, default = 12}}) worldsettings.element("Combo", "removals", {options = {"smoke", "smoke vignette", "blind", "bullet holes", "atm blur", "blood vignette"}}, function(State) local Combo = State.Combo if (table.find(Combo, "atm blur")) then Camera.ATMBlur.Enabled = false else Camera.ATMBlur.Enabled = true end end) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin Debris.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child) if table.find(menu.values[3].world["world settings"].removals.Combo, "smoke") and Child.Name == "SmokeExplosion" then Child:Destroy() return end if table.find(menu.values[3].world["world settings"].removals.Combo, "bullet holes") and Child.Name == "BulletHole" then Child:Destroy() criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin return end end) Camera.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child) if table.find(menu.values[3].world["world settings"].removals.Combo, "blind") and Child.Name == "BlindEffect" then Child.Enabled = false return end end) criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child) if Child.Name == "SmokeScreenGUI" and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world settings"].removals.Combo, "smoke vignette") then for i,v in next, Child:GetChildren() do v.ImageTransparency = 1 end end end) end do local misc = tabs[4].new_section("misc") criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local character = misc.new_sector("character") character.element("Toggle", "walkspeed"):add_keybind() character.element("Slider", "speed", {default = {min = 20, max = 35, default = 35}}) character.element("Toggle", "noclip"):add_keybind() character.element("Toggle", "infinite stamina"):add_keybind() character.element("Combo", "disablers", {options = {"fall damage", "down", "ragdoll", "zawarudo", "jailed", "handcuffed"}}) local autopickup = misc.new_sector("auto pickup") autopickup.element("Toggle", "enabled") criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin autopickup.element("Combo", "items", {options = {"cash", "piles"}}) local hbe = misc.new_sector("hitbox expander", "Right") hbe.element("Toggle", "enabled"):add_keybind() hbe.element("Slider", "multiplier", {default = {min = 100, max = 400, default = 400}}) local viewoffset = misc.new_sector("viewmodel offset", "Right") viewoffset.element("Toggle", "enabled") viewoffset.element("Slider", "x offset", {default = {min = -10, max = 10, default = 0}}) viewoffset.element("Slider", "y offset", {default = {min = -10, max = 10, default = 0}}) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin viewoffset.element("Slider", "z offset", {default = {min = -10, max = 10, default = 0}}) local other = misc.new_sector("other", "Left") other.element("Toggle", "show chat", nil, ShowChat) other.element("Toggle", "lockpick hbe") other.element("Toggle", "extended zoom", nil, function(State) if (State.Toggle) then LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 50 else LocalPlayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 8 criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin end end) other.element("Toggle", "no jump cooldown") local gunmods = misc.new_sector("gun mods", "Right") gunmods.element("Toggle", "enabled") gunmods.element("Slider", "recoil modifier", {default = {min = 0, max = 100, default = 100}}) gunmods.element("Slider", "firerate modifier", {default = {min = 1, max = 3, default = 1}}) gunmods.element("Combo", "other", {options = {"fast equip", "no spread"}}) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin PlayerGui.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child) if Child.Name ~= "LockpickGUI" then return end local Location = Child.MF.LP_Frame.Frames for i = 1, 3 do local Bar = Location["B"..i].Bar if menu.values[4].misc["other"]["lockpick hbe"].Toggle then Bar.Size =, 35, 0, 500) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin else Bar.Size =, 35, 0, 30) end end end) local FakeConfig = {} function FakeConfig.GetConfig(NIL, Tool) local GunSettings = {} criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin for Setting, Value in next, require(Tool:WaitForChild("Config")) do if menu.values[4].misc["gun mods"].enabled.Toggle then if Setting == "Recoil" then local RecoilModifier = menu.values[4].misc["gun mods"]["recoil modifier"].Slider / 100 Value = Value * RecoilModifier end if Setting == "FireRate" then local FireRateModifier = menu.values[4].misc["gun mods"]["firerate modifier"].Slider Value = Value * FireRateModifier end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin if Setting == "EquipTime" and table.find(menu.values[4].misc["gun mods"]["other"].Combo, "fast equip") then Value = 0.1 end if Setting == "Spread" and table.find(menu.values[4].misc["gun mods"]["other"].Combo, "no spread") then Value = 0 end end GunSettings[Setting] = Value; end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin return GunSettings end local RealConfig = ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Config local OldRequire; OldRequire = hookfunction(getrenv().require, function(self, ...) local args = {...} if self == RealConfig then return FakeConfig criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin end return OldRequire(self, unpack(args)) end) local LastPickup = tick() RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() local SelfCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character local SelfRootPart, SelfHumanoid = SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not SelfCharacter or not SelfRootPart or not SelfHumanoid then return end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin if tick() - LastPickup < 5.1 then return end if not menu.values[4].misc["auto pickup"].enabled.Toggle then return end local Found = false if table.find(menu.values[4].misc["auto pickup"].items.Combo, "piles") then for _,Pile in pairs (Piles:GetChildren()) do local MainPart = Pile:FindFirstChild("MeshPart") if not MainPart then continue end local Magnitude = (LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - MainPart.Position).Magnitude criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin if Magnitude < 7 then PilePickup:FireServer(MainPart) Found = true end end end if table.find(menu.values[4].misc["auto pickup"].items.Combo, "cash") then for _,Cash in pairs (DroppedMoney:GetChildren()) do local Magnitude = (LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Cash.Position).Magnitude criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin if Magnitude < 7 then CashPickup:FireServer(Cash) Found = true end end end if Found then LastPickup = tick() end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin end) local function OnLocalCharacterAdded(Character) if not Character then return end repeat wait() until Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local StaminaTbl = {} for i,v in pairs (getgc(true)) do if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "S") then criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin table.insert(StaminaTbl, v) end end local Loop; Loop = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if LocalPlayer.Character ~= Character then Loop:Disconnect() Loop = nil end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin if menu.values[4].misc.character["infinite stamina"].Toggle and menu.values[4].misc.character["$infinite stamina"].Active then for _,Stamina in next, StaminaTbl do Stamina.S = 100 end end end) end OnLocalCharacterAdded(LocalPlayer.Character) LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(OnLocalCharacterAdded) criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local NoclipLoop = RunService.Stepped:Connect(function() if not LocalPlayer.Character then return end if not menu.values[4].misc.character.noclip.Toggle or not menu.values[4].misc.character["$noclip"].Active then return end for _,part in pairs (LocalPlayer.Character:GetDescendants()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") and part.CanCollide == true then part.CanCollide = false end end end) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin end end local function Ragdoll() getrenv()._G.RagdollChar(1) end local Friends = {} local function IsEnemy(Player) if menu.values[5].menu["player check"]["friends are friendly"].Toggle and Friends[Player] ~= nil then criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin return false end return true end task.spawn(function() while true do wait(10) Friends = {} for _,Player in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if LocalPlayer:IsFriendsWith(Player.UserId) then criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin Friends[Player] = true end end end end) function ApplyChams(Player) if Player.Character == nil then return end local BodyParts = criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin { "Torso", "UpperTorso", "LowerTorso", "Left Arm", "LeftUpperArm","LeftLowerArm", "LeftHand", "Right Arm", "RightUpperArm", "RightLowerArm", "RightHand", "Left Leg", "LeftUpperLeg", "LeftLowerLeg", "LeftFoot", "Right Leg", "RightUpperLeg", "RightLowerLeg", "RightFoot" } local Enabled, Color if IsEnemy(Player) then criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin Enabled = menu.values[3].players.chams["enemies"].Toggle Color = menu.values[3].players.chams["$enemies"].Color else Enabled = menu.values[3].players.chams["friendlies"].Toggle Color = menu.values[3].players.chams["$friendlies"].Color end local Enabled2, Color2 = menu.values[3].players.chams["through walls"].Toggle, menu.values[3].players.chams["$through walls"].Color local function ApplyHandle(Part, Handle) local Inline, Outline = Part:FindFirstChild("Inline"), Part:FindFirstChild("Outline") criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin if not Inline then Inline = Create(Handle, { Name = "Inline", Color3 = Color2, Transparency = 0.75, ZIndex = 2, AlwaysOnTop = true, AdornCullingMode = "Never", Visible = Enabled and Enabled2 or false, Adornee = Part, criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin }) if Handle == "BoxHandleAdornment" then Inline.Size = Part.Size +, 0.05, 0.05) else Inline.Radius = Part.Size.X / 2 + 0.15 Inline.Height = Part.Size.Y + 0.3 Inline.CFrame =,,1,0)) end end if not Outline then criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin Outline = Create(Handle, { Name = "Outline", Color3 = Color, Transparency = 0.55, Transparency = 0.55, ZIndex = 2, AlwaysOnTop = false, AdornCullingMode = "Never", Visible = Enabled, Adornee = Part, criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin }) if Handle == "BoxHandleAdornment" then Outline.Size = Part.Size +, 0.1, 0.1) else Outline.Radius = Part.Size.X / 2 + 0.2 Outline.Height = Part.Size.Y + 0.35 Outline.CFrame =,,1,0)) end end Inline.Color3 = Color2 criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin Inline.Visible = Enabled and Enabled2 or false Outline.Color3 = Color Outline.Visible = Enabled Inline.Parent = Part Outline.Parent = Part return Inline, Outline end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin for _,Part in next, Player.Character:GetChildren() do if Part.Name == "Head" and not Part:IsA("LocalScript") and not Part:IsA("Accessory") then ApplyHandle(Part, "CylinderHandleAdornment") elseif table.find(BodyParts, Part.Name) and not Part:IsA("LocalScript") and not Part:IsA("Accessory") then ApplyHandle(Part, "BoxHandleAdornment") end end Player.Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child) if Child.Name == "Head" and not Child:IsA("LocalScript") and not Child:IsA("Accessory") then criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin ApplyHandle(Child, "CylinderHandleAdornment") elseif table.find(BodyParts, Child.Name) and not Child:IsA("LocalScript") and not Child:IsA("Accessory") then ApplyHandle(Child, "BoxHandleAdornment") end end) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player) Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin ApplyChams(Player) end) Player:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Team"):Connect(function() ApplyChams(Player) end) end) for _,Player in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if Player ~= LocalPlayer then ApplyChams(Player) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function() RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() ApplyChams(Player) end) Player:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Team"):Connect(function() ApplyChams(Player) end) end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin end LocalPlayer:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Team"):Connect(function() for _,Player in next, Players:GetPlayers() do ApplyChams(Player) end end) RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() for _,Player in next, Players:GetPlayers() do local Character = Player.Character criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local RootPart, Humanoid = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), Character and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not Character or not RootPart or not Humanoid then continue end if not Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then continue end if menu.values[5].menu["player check"]["forcefield check"].Toggle and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("ForceField") then continue end if not IsEnemy(Player) then continue end if Player == LocalPlayer then continue end local Head = Character:FindFirstChild("Head") if not Head then continue end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin if menu.values[4].misc["hitbox expander"].enabled.Toggle and menu.values[4].misc["hitbox expander"]["$enabled"].Active then Head.Size = HeadSize * menu.values[4].misc["hitbox expander"].multiplier.Slider / 100 Head.Transparency = 0.8 Head.CanCollide = false else Head.Size = HeadSize Head.Transparency = 0 end end end) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local TriggerbotDebounce = false local TriggerbotLoop = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() if not menu.values[2].aimbot.triggerbot.enabled.Toggle or not menu.values[2].aimbot.triggerbot["$enabled"].Active then return end if then return end if TriggerbotDebounce then return end local SelfCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character local SelfRootPart, SelfHumanoid = SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not SelfCharacter or not SelfRootPart or not SelfHumanoid then return end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin local Target = Mouse.Target local Player if Target and Target.Parent and Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target.Parent) then Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Target.Parent) end if not Target or not Player then return end local Character = Player.Character local RootPart, Humanoid = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), Character and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin if not Character or not RootPart or not Humanoid then return end if not Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then return end if menu.values[5].menu["player check"]["forcefield check"].Toggle and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("ForceField") then return end if not IsEnemy(Player) then return end TriggerbotDebounce = true task.spawn(function() if menu.values[2].aimbot.triggerbot["reaction time (ms)"].Slider/1000 > 1/60 then wait(menu.values[2].aimbot.triggerbot["reaction time (ms)"].Slider/1000) end mouse1press() criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin repeat RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() until not Mouse.Target or not Mouse.Target.Parent or Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Mouse.Target.Parent) ~= Player mouse1release() TriggerbotDebounce = false end) end) local ValidTargets = {} local AimbotLoop = RunService:BindToRenderStep("updateAimbot", 1, function() criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin ValidTargets = {} if menu.values[2].aimbot.assist.enabled.Toggle or menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"].enabled.Toggle then else return end local SelfCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character local SelfRootPart, SelfHumanoid = SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not SelfCharacter or not SelfRootPart or not SelfHumanoid then return end if then return end local Params = Params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin Params.IgnoreWater = true Params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Camera, SelfCharacter, Filter, Debris} local Closest = 999999 local CameraPosition = Camera.CFrame.Position local MousePosition =, Mouse.Y) for _,Player in pairs (Players:GetPlayers()) do local Character = Player.Character local RootPart, Humanoid = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), Character and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin if not Character or not RootPart or not Humanoid then continue end if not Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then continue end if menu.values[5].menu["player check"]["forcefield check"].Toggle and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("ForceField") then continue end if not IsEnemy(Player) then continue end if Player == LocalPlayer then continue end local Head = Character:FindFirstChild("Head") if not Head then continue end local DistanceFromCharacter = (Camera.CFrame.Position - RootPart.Position).Magnitude criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin if menu.values[2].aimbot.targeting["max distance"].Slider < DistanceFromCharacter then continue end local Pos, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(RootPart.Position) if not OnScreen then continue end local Magnitude = (, Pos.Y) - MousePosition).Magnitude if not (Magnitude < menu.values[2].aimbot.fov["fov size"].Slider) then continue end local Hitbox = menu.values[2].aimbot.assist.hitbox.Dropdown == "head" and Head or RootPart if menu.values[2].aimbot.assist.hitbox.Dropdown == "closest" then local HeadPos = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(Head.Position) criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local TorsoPos = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(RootPart.Position) local HeadDistance = (, HeadPos.Y) - MousePosition).Magnitude local TorsoDistance = (, TorsoPos.Y) - MousePosition).Magnitude Hitbox = HeadDistance < TorsoDistance and Head or RootPart end if menu.values[2].aimbot.targeting["visible check"].Toggle then local Direction = Hitbox.Position - CameraPosition criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Result = workspace:Raycast(CameraPosition, Direction.Unit * Direction.Magnitude, Params) if not Result then continue end local Hit, Pos = Result.Instance, Result.Position if not Hit:FindFirstAncestor(Player.Name) then continue end table.insert(ValidTargets, {Player, Hitbox, Magnitude, DistanceFromCharacter, Humanoid.Health}) else table.insert(ValidTargets, {Player, Hitbox, Magnitude, DistanceFromCharacter, Humanoid.Health}) end criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin end if menu.values[2].aimbot.targeting.prioritize.Dropdown == "crosshair" then table.sort(ValidTargets, function(a, b) return a[3] < b[3] end) elseif menu.values[2].aimbot.targeting.prioritize.Dropdown == "distance" then table.sort(ValidTargets, function(a, b) return a[4] < b[4] end) elseif menu.values[2].aimbot.targeting.prioritize.Dropdown == "lowest hp" then table.sort(ValidTargets, function(a, b) return a[5] < b[5] end) end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin if menu.values[2].aimbot.assist.enabled.Toggle and menu.values[2].aimbot.assist["$enabled"].Active then if #ValidTargets ~= 0 then local Target = ValidTargets[1] local Hitbox = Target[2] if menu.values[2].aimbot.assist.snap.Toggle and (Camera.Focus.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude <= 1 then Camera.CFrame =, Hitbox.Position) else local Pos = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Hitbox.Position) local Magnitude = - Mouse.X, Pos.Y - Mouse.Y) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin mousemoverel(Magnitude.X/(menu.values[2].aimbot.assist.smoothing.Slider + 1), Magnitude.Y/(menu.values[2].aimbot.assist.smoothing.Slider + 1)) end end end end) local CharStats = ReplicatedStorage.CharStats local function GetCharStats(Player) return CharStats:FindFirstChild(Player or LocalPlayer.Name) end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local OriginalWalkspeed = LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid").WalkSpeed or 16 local FOV = Camera.FieldOfView RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() local SelfCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character local SelfRootPart, SelfHumanoid = SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), SelfCharacter and SelfCharacter:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not SelfCharacter or not SelfRootPart or not SelfHumanoid then return end if menu.values[4].misc.character.walkspeed.Toggle and menu.values[4].misc.character["$walkspeed"].Active then SelfHumanoid.WalkSpeed = menu.values[4].misc.character.speed.Slider criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin else SelfHumanoid.WalkSpeed = OriginalWalkspeed end if menu.values[3].world.self["fov changer"].Toggle and menu.values[3].world.self["$fov changer"].Active then Camera.FieldOfView = menu.values[3].world.self["field of view"].Slider else Camera.FieldOfView = FOV end if menu.values[4].misc["other"]["no jump cooldown"].Toggle then criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin SelfHumanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, true) end local Stats = GetCharStats() if Stats then if table.find(menu.values[4].misc.character.disablers.Combo, "down") then Stats:FindFirstChild("Downed").Value = false end end end) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local OldNewIndex; OldNewIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", function(self, key, value) local SelfName = tostring(self) if not checkcaller() then if key == "FieldOfView" then if value == 40 then value = FOV end FOV = value criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin if menu.values[3].world.self["fov changer"].Toggle and menu.values[3].world.self["$fov changer"].Active then value = menu.values[3].world.self["field of view"].Slider end return OldNewIndex(self, key, value) end if SelfName == "BloodShot" and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world settings"].removals.Combo, "blood vignette") and key == "ImageTransparency" then value = 0 end criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin if key == "WalkSpeed" then OriginalWalkspeed = value if menu.values[4].misc.character.walkspeed.Toggle and menu.values[4].misc.character["$walkspeed"].Active then value = menu.values[4].misc.character.speed.Slider end return OldNewIndex(self, key, value) end if key == "Ambient" and menu.values[3].world["world settings"].fullbright.Toggle then value = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin return OldNewIndex(self, key, value) end if key == "ClockTime" and menu.values[3].world["world settings"]["force time of day"].Toggle then value = menu.values[3].world["world settings"]["time of day"].Slider return OldNewIndex(self, key, value) end return OldNewIndex(self, key, value) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin end return OldNewIndex(self, key, value) end) local _Humanoid do RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() _Humanoid = nil if LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then _Humanoid = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin end) end local OldIndex; OldIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(self, key) local SelfName = tostring(self) local caller = getcallingscript() if not checkcaller() then if _Humanoid and self == _Humanoid then if key == "WalkSpeed" then return OriginalWalkspeed criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin end end if key == "FieldOfView" then if menu.values[3].world.self["fov changer"].Toggle and menu.values[3].world.self["$fov changer"].Active then --return menu.values[3].world.self["field of view"].Slider end end if table.find(menu.values[4].misc.character.disablers.Combo, "ragdoll") then if key == "Value" then if Name == "RagdollTime" or Name == "RagdollTime2" then criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin return 0 elseif Name == "RagdollSwitch" or Name == "RagdollSwitch2" or Name == "SRagdolled" then return false end end if key == "PlatformStand" then return false end end if table.find(menu.values[4].misc.character.disablers.Combo, "zawarudo") then criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin if key == "Value" then if Name == "ZaWarudo" then return false end end end if table.find(menu.values[4].misc.character.disablers.Combo, "handcuffed") then if key == "Value" then if Name == "Handcuffed" then return false criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin end end end if table.find(menu.values[4].misc.character.disablers.Combo, "jailed") then if key == "Value" then if Name == "Jailed" then return false end end end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin if SelfName == "Head" and key == "Size" then return HeadSize end if self == Mouse and (key == "X" or key == "Y") then if #ValidTargets ~= 0 then local Target = ValidTargets[1] local Hitbox = Target[2] if menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"].hitbox.Dropdown == "head" then Hitbox = Target[1].Character.Head criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin else Hitbox = Target[1].Character.HumanoidRootPart end if Hitbox ~= nil then if caller and caller.Name == "MouseScript" then if menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"]["visualize silent lock"].Toggle then local ScreenPos, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Hitbox.Position) return ScreenPos[key] else criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin return OldIndex(self, key) end end if not (math.random(1, 100) <= menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"].hitchance.Slider) then return OldIndex(self, key) end local ScreenPos, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Hitbox.Position) return ScreenPos[key] end end end criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin if SelfName == "FP_Offset" and key == "Value" then if menu.values[4].misc["viewmodel offset"].enabled.Toggle then return[4].misc["viewmodel offset"]["x offset"].Slider/7, menu.values[4].misc["viewmodel offset"]["y offset"].Slider/7, menu.values[4].misc["viewmodel offset"]["z offset"].Slider/7) end end end return OldIndex(self, key) end) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Shot = {Last = tick(), Count = 0} local OldNamecall; OldNamecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...) local args = {...} local method = tostring(getnamecallmethod()) if method == "BulkMoveTo" then return wait(9e9) elseif method == "FireServer" then if table.find(menu.values[4].misc.character.disablers.Combo, "fall damage") and self.Name == "__DFfDD" then return wait(9e9) criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin end if self.Name == "0924023902330" then return wait(9e9) end elseif method == "Kick" then return wait(9e9) end if menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"].enabled.Toggle and menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"]["$enabled"].Active then if not (math.random(1, 100) <= menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"].hitchance.Slider) then return OldNamecall(self, unpack(args)) end if method == "WorldToScreenPoint" then criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin if #ValidTargets ~= 0 then local Target = ValidTargets[1] local Hitbox = Target[2] if menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"].hitbox.Dropdown == "head" then Hitbox = Target[1].Character.Head else Hitbox = Target[1].Character.HumanoidRootPart end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin if Hitbox ~= nil then args[1] = Hitbox.Position return OldNamecall(self, unpack(args)) end end elseif method == "Raycast" and table.find(menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"]["bullet redirection"].Combo, "enabled") then if #ValidTargets ~= 0 then local Target = ValidTargets[1] local Hitbox = Target[2] criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin if menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"].hitbox.Dropdown == "head" then Hitbox = Target[1].Character.Head else Hitbox = Target[1].Character.HumanoidRootPart end if Hitbox ~= nil and table.find(args[3].FilterDescendantsInstances, LocalPlayer.Character) ~= 1 and table.find(args[3].FilterDescendantsInstances, Camera) ~= 2 and table.find(args[3].FilterDescendantsInstances, LocalPlayer.Character) ~= nil then args[2] = (Hitbox.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Unit * (Hitbox.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position).Magnitude if table.find(menu.values[2].aimbot["silent aim"]["bullet redirection"].Combo, "wallbang") then criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Time = tick() - Shot.Last if Time > 0.03 then Shot.Count = 0 Shot.Last = tick() end if Shot.Count < 15 and tick() - Shot.Last < 0.05 then Shot.Count = Shot.Count + 1 args[3].FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin args[3].FilterDescendantsInstances = {Target[1].Character} end end end end end end return OldNamecall(self, unpack(args)) end) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local PlayerDrawings = {} local Utility = {} Utility.Settings = { Line = { Thickness = 1, Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) }, Text = { criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin Size = 13, Center = true, Outline = true, Font = Drawing.Fonts.Plex, Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }, Square = { Thickness = 1, Color = menu.values[3].players.enemies["$box"].Color, Filled = false, criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin }, Triangle = { Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Filled = true, Visible = false, Thickness = 1, } } function Utility.New(Type, Outline, Name) local drawing = criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin for i, v in pairs(Utility.Settings[Type]) do drawing[i] = v end if Outline then drawing.Color =,0,0) drawing.Thickness = 3 end return drawing end function Utility.Add(Player) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin if not PlayerDrawings[Player] then PlayerDrawings[Player] = { Offscreen = Utility.New("Triangle", nil, "Offscreen"), Name = Utility.New("Text", nil, "Name"), Tool = Utility.New("Text", nil, "Tool"), Distance = Utility.New("Text", nil, "Distance"), BoxOutline = Utility.New("Square", true, "BoxOutline"), Box = Utility.New("Square", nil, "Box"), HealthOutline = Utility.New("Line", true, "HealthOutline"), Health = Utility.New("Line", nil, "Health") criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin } end end for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player ~= LocalPlayer then Utility.Add(Player) end end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(Utility.Add) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) if PlayerDrawings[Player] then for i,v in pairs(PlayerDrawings[Player]) do if v then v:Remove() end end PlayerDrawings[Player] = nil end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin end) local ESPLoop = RunService:BindToRenderStep("updateESP", 205, function() for _,Player in pairs (Players:GetPlayers()) do local PlayerDrawing = PlayerDrawings[Player] if not PlayerDrawing then continue end for _,Drawing in pairs (PlayerDrawing) do Drawing.Visible = false end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin if not menu.values[3].players.esp.enabled.Toggle or not menu.values[3].players.esp["$enabled"].Active then continue end local Character = Player.Character local RootPart, Humanoid = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"), Character and Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not Character or not RootPart or not Humanoid then continue end local DistanceFromCharacter = (Camera.CFrame.Position - RootPart.Position).Magnitude if menu.values[3].players.esp["max distance"].Slider < DistanceFromCharacter then continue end criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Pos, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(RootPart.Position) if not OnScreen then local VisualTable = menu.values[3].players["out of fov"] local Enemy = IsEnemy(Player) if Enemy and not VisualTable.enemies.Toggle then continue end if not Enemy and not VisualTable.friendlies.Toggle then continue end local RootPos = RootPart.Position local CameraVector = Camera.CFrame.Position local LookVector = Camera.CFrame.LookVector criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Dot = LookVector:Dot(RootPart.Position - Camera.CFrame.Position) if Dot <= 0 then RootPos = (CameraVector + ((RootPos - CameraVector) - ((LookVector * Dot) * 1.01))) end local ScreenPos, OnScreen = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(RootPos) if not OnScreen then local Drawing = PlayerDrawing.Offscreen local FOV = 800 - menu.values[3].players["out of fov"].offset.Slider criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local Size = menu.values[3].players["out of fov"].size.Slider local Center = (Camera.ViewportSize / 2) local Direction = (, ScreenPos.Y) - Center).Unit local Radian = math.atan2(Direction.X, Direction.Y) local Angle = (((math.pi * 2) / FOV) * Radian) local ClampedPosition = (Center + (Direction * math.min(math.abs(((Center.Y - FOV) / math.sin(Angle)) * FOV), math.abs((Center.X - FOV) / (math.cos(Angle)) / 2)))) local Point = - (Size / 2)), math.floor((ClampedPosition.Y - (Size / 2) - 15))) local function Rotate(point, center, angle) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin angle = math.rad(angle) local rotatedX = math.cos(angle) * (point.X - center.X) - math.sin(angle) * (point.Y - center.Y) + center.X local rotatedY = math.sin(angle) * (point.X - center.X) + math.cos(angle) * (point.Y - center.Y) + center.Y return, math.floor(rotatedY)) end local Rotation = math.floor(-math.deg(Radian)) - 47 Drawing.PointA = Rotate(Point +, Size), Point, Rotation) Drawing.PointB = Rotate(Point +, -Size), Point, Rotation) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin Drawing.PointC = Rotate(Point +, Size), Point, Rotation) Drawing.Color = IsEnemy(Player) and VisualTable["$enemies"].Color or VisualTable["$friendlies"].Color Drawing.Filled = not table.find(menu.values[3].players["out of fov"].settings.Combo, "outline") and true or false if table.find(menu.values[3].players["out of fov"].settings.Combo, "blinking") then Drawing.Transparency = (math.sin(tick() * 5) + 1) / 2 else Drawing.Transparency = 1 end criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin Drawing.Visible = true end else local VisualTable = IsEnemy(Player) and menu.values[3].players.enemies or menu.values[3].players.friendlies local Size = (Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(RootPart.Position -, 3, 0)).Y - Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(RootPart.Position +, 2.6, 0)).Y) / 2 local BoxSize = * 1.5), math.floor(Size * 1.9)) local BoxPos = - Size * 1.5 / 2), math.floor(Pos.Y - Size * 1.6 / 2)) local Name = PlayerDrawing.Name criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Tool = PlayerDrawing.Tool local Distance = PlayerDrawing.Distance local Box = PlayerDrawing.Box local BoxOutline = PlayerDrawing.BoxOutline local Health = PlayerDrawing.Health local HealthOutline = PlayerDrawing.HealthOutline if then Box.Size = BoxSize Box.Position = BoxPos criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin Box.Visible = true Box.Color = VisualTable["$box"].Color BoxOutline.Size = BoxSize BoxOutline.Position = BoxPos BoxOutline.Visible = true end if then Health.From = - 5), BoxPos.Y + BoxSize.Y) Health.To =, Health.From.Y - (Humanoid.Health / Humanoid.MaxHealth) * BoxSize.Y) criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin Health.Color = VisualTable["$health"].Color Health.Visible = true HealthOutline.From =, BoxPos.Y + BoxSize.Y + 1) HealthOutline.To =, (Health.From.Y - 1 * BoxSize.Y) -1) HealthOutline.Visible = true end local function SurroundString(String, Add) local Left = "" criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin local Right = "" local Remove = false if Add == "[]" then String = string.gsub(String, "%[", "") String = string.gsub(String, "%[", "") Left = "[" Right = "]" elseif Add == "--" then criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin Left = "-" Right = "-" Remove = true elseif Add == "<>" then Left = "<" Right = ">" Remove = true end if Remove then String = string.gsub(String, Left, "") criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin String = string.gsub(String, Right, "") end return Left..String..Right end if then Name.Text = SurroundString(Player.Name, menu.values[3].players.drawings.surround.Dropdown) Name.Position = / 2 + BoxPos.X, BoxPos.Y - 16) Name.Color = VisualTable["$name"].Color criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin Name.Font = Drawing.Fonts[menu.values[3].players.drawings.font.Dropdown] Name.Visible = true end if VisualTable.indicators.Toggle then local BottomOffset = BoxSize.Y + BoxPos.Y + 1 if table.find(VisualTable.types.Combo, "tool") then local Equipped = Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool") and Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Tool").Name or "None" Equipped = SurroundString(Equipped, menu.values[3].players.drawings.surround.Dropdown) Tool.Text = Equipped criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin Tool.Position = + BoxPos.X, BottomOffset) Tool.Color = VisualTable["$indicators"].Color Tool.Font = Drawing.Fonts[menu.values[3].players.drawings.font.Dropdown] Tool.Visible = true BottomOffset = BottomOffset + 15 end if table.find(VisualTable.types.Combo, "distance") then Distance.Text = SurroundString(math.floor(DistanceFromCharacter).."m", menu.values[3].players.drawings.surround.Dropdown) Distance.Position = + BoxPos.X, BottomOffset) Distance.Color = VisualTable["$indicators"].Color criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin Distance.Font = Drawing.Fonts[menu.values[3].players.drawings.font.Dropdown] Distance.Visible = true BottomOffset = BottomOffset + 15 end end end end end) criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin local function AddObjectListener(Object, _Function) for _,Thing in next, Object:GetChildren() do _Function(Thing) end Object.ChildAdded:Connect(_Function) end AddObjectListener(Dealers, function(Dealer) local MainPart = Dealer:FindFirstChild("MainPart") local Visible = Dealer.Name == "Dealer" and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dealer classes"].Combo, "standard") or Dealer.Name == "ArmoryDealer" and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dealer classes"].Combo, "armoury") criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin local Handle = Create("BoxHandleAdornment", { Size = MainPart.Size, AlwaysOnTop = true, Adornee = MainPart, Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$dealers"].Color, Transparency = 0.5, ZIndex = 0, Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dealers"].Toggle and Visible or false, }, MainPart) end) criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin AddObjectListener(Atms, function(Atm) local MainPart = Atm:WaitForChild("MainPart", 10) local Handle = Create("BoxHandleAdornment", { Size = MainPart.Size, AlwaysOnTop = true, Adornee = MainPart, Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$atms"].Color, Transparency = 0.5, ZIndex = 0, criminality script roblox pastebin How to use it? criminality script roblox pastebin Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["atms"].Toggle, }, MainPart) end) AddObjectListener(Safes, function(Safe) local MainPart = Safe:WaitForChild("MainPart", 10) local Visible = string.find(Safe.Name, "Small") and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safe classes"].Combo, "small") or string.find(Safe.Name, "Medium") and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safe classes"].Combo, "medium") or string.find(Safe.Name, "Register") and table.find(menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safe classes"].Combo, "register") local Handle = Create("BoxHandleAdornment", { Size = MainPart.Size, AlwaysOnTop = true, criminality script roblox pastebin How to dowload it? criminality script roblox pastebin Adornee = MainPart, Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$safes"].Color, Transparency = 0.5, ZIndex = 0, Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["safes"].Toggle and Visible and true or false, }, MainPart) end) AddObjectListener(DroppedMoney, function(Money) local MainPart = Money criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it? criminality script roblox pastebin local Visible = Money:WaitForChild("Value", 5).Value >= menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["minimum cash amount"].Slider local Handle = Create("BoxHandleAdornment", { Size = MainPart.Size, AlwaysOnTop = true, Adornee = MainPart, Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$dropped cash"].Color, Transparency = 0.5, ZIndex = 0, Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["dropped cash"].Toggle and Visible or false, }, MainPart) criminality script roblox pastebin How to get it for free? criminality script roblox pastebin end) AddObjectListener(Piles, function(Pile) local MainPart = Pile:WaitForChild("MeshPart", 5) local Handle = Create("BoxHandleAdornment", { Size = MainPart.Size, AlwaysOnTop = true, Adornee = MainPart, Color3 = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["$piles"].Color, Transparency = 0.5, criminality script roblox pastebin PasteShr criminality script roblox pastebin ZIndex = 0, Visible = menu.values[3].world["world esp"]["piles"].Toggle, }, MainPart) end) criminality script roblox pastebin