cpuforcesyncenabled [Cinematics.1] ShowIntro = "0" [GPU.5] GPUDeviceID = "4761" GPUName = "NVIDIA GeForce 920M" GPUScaler = "51.000000" GPUVenderID = "4318" cpuforcesyncenabled How to get it? cpuforcesyncenabled [GPU.6] GPUDeviceID = "5058" GPUName = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970" GPUScaler = "51.000000" GPUVenderID = "4318" [network.2] ShowNetQualityIcons = "0" cpuforcesyncenabled How to get it? cpuforcesyncenabled [Render.13] AADetail = "0" AnisotropicFiltering = "0" ComputeFogEnabled = "0" CpuForceSyncEnabled = "1" DirectionalShadowDetail = "1" DynamicAmbient = "0" EffectsQuality = "1" FogEnabled = "1" FogMax = "1" cpuforcesyncenabled How to get it? cpuforcesyncenabled FogMin = "1" FrameRateCap = "299" FullScreenRefresh = "75" FullScreenWidth = "1024" FullscreenWindow = "1" FullscreenWindowEnabled = "1" GFXPresetLevel = "1" HorizontalFOV = "100.000000" LastTDR = "1486853797" LightQuality = "0" cpuforcesyncenabled How to get it? cpuforcesyncenabled LimitTo30 = "0" LimitToRefresh = "0" LocalFogDetail = "1" LocalReflections = "0" MaxAnisotropy = "1" MaxEffectsAnisotropy = "1" MaxExtraQualityAnisotropy = "1" MaxFrameLatency = "1" MaxPermanentEffectsArea = "10.000000" ModelLODPush = "1" cpuforcesyncenabled How to get it for free? cpuforcesyncenabled ModelQuality = "1" occlusionEnable = "0" OcclusionEnable = "0" occlusionQueryMinDist = "1" OcclusionQueryMinDist = "1" OutlineDetail = "1" RefractionDetail = "0" RenderScale = "-5" ShadowMaxDynamicDist = "1.000000" ShadowMaxStaticDist = "1.000000" cpuforcesyncenabled How to get it? cpuforcesyncenabled ShowFPS = "1" ShowFPSCounter = "1" ShowPing = "0" SimpleDirectionalShadows = "1" SinglePointAmbient = "1" SoundQuality = "1" SSAOEnabled = "0" SSLRDetailLevel = "0" TextureDetail = "1" TranslucentShadowDetail = "0" cpuforcesyncenabled How to dowload it? cpuforcesyncenabled TripleBufferingEnabled = "0" UseGPUScale = "0" VerticalSyncEnabled = "0" WindowedFullscreen = "0" WindowedHeight = "713" WindowedPosX = "0" WindowedPosY = "0" WindowedWidth = "1352" WindowMode = "0" cpuforcesyncenabled How to get it for free? cpuforcesyncenabled [Sound.3] LocalMicVolume = "0.000000" MasterVolume = "0.000000" MusicVolume = "0.000000" SFXVolume = "0.000000" VoiceChatVolume = "0.000000" VoiceVolume = "0.000000" cpuforcesyncenabled