chess roblox script pastebin import chess.pgn import chess import chess.svg import imageio import chess.engine import os from matplotlib import pyplot from cairosvg import svg2png class analyse_multi_games: chess roblox script pastebin How to dowload it? chess roblox script pastebin def __init__(self, file_name, player=""): self.game_file = open(file_name, "r") self.player = player self.engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("/home/destroyer5237/Documentos/Projetos_Python/PythonChess/stockfish-10-linux/Linux/stockfish_10_x64") self.board = chess.Board() self.depth = 36 self.analyses_games = [] self.games_instances = [] if "MovesPng" not in os.listdir() and "MovesPng" not in os.listdir(): chess roblox script pastebin How to get it for free? chess roblox script pastebin os.mkdir("MovesPng") os.mkdir("GraphicsGame") def start_games(self, number_of_games=True): pgn_game = False if number_of_games == True: while not pgn_game is None: pgn_game = chess.pgn.read_game(self.game_file) chess roblox script pastebin How to get it for free? chess roblox script pastebin self.games_instances.append(pgn_game) else: for num in range(number_of_games): pgn_game = chess.pgn.read_game(self.game_file) if pgn_game is None: return True else: self.games_instances.append(pgn_game) chess roblox script pastebin How to use it? chess roblox script pastebin def analyse_pgn(self, games_number, time_analyse=1): for game in range(games_number): pgn_game = self.games_instances[game] player_with = True list_pontuation = [] self.board = chess.Board() if self.player != "": chess roblox script pastebin How to dowload it? chess roblox script pastebin if pgn_game.headers["White"] == self.player: player_with = True else: player_with = False for move in pgn_game.mainline_moves(): score = self.engine.analyse(board=self.board, limit=chess.engine.Limit(time=time_analyse, depth=self.depth))["score"] pontuation = chess.engine.PovScore(score, self.board.turn) if not pontuation.is_mate(): chess roblox script pastebin How to use it? chess roblox script pastebin if self.board.turn == player_with: list_pontuation.append(int(str(pontuation))/100) else: list_pontuation.append(-int(str(pontuation))/100) else: list_pontuation.append(str(pontuation)) self.board.push(move) self.analyses_games.append(list_pontuation) chess roblox script pastebin How to use it? chess roblox script pastebin def get_gif_game(self, game_number=1, speed=2): game_gif = self.games_instances[game_number - 1] board_gif = chess.Board() count = 0 images_files = [] for move in game_gif.mainline_moves(): generated_svg = chess.svg.board(board=board_gif) chess roblox script pastebin How to get it? chess roblox script pastebin svg2png(bytestring=generated_svg, parent_width=500, parent_height=500, write_to=f"MovesPng/move_{count}.png") images_files.append(f"MovesPng/move_{count}.png") count += 1 board_gif.push(move) images = [] for filename in images_files: images.append(imageio.imread(filename)) imageio.mimsave(f'game_{game_number}.gif', images, fps=speed) chess roblox script pastebin How to get it? chess roblox script pastebin for i in range(count): os.remove(f"MovesPng/move_{i}.png") def generate_game_graphics(self, game=1): if len(self.analyses_games) < game: return "Jogo ainda não foi analisado!" game_to_graphic = self.analyses_games[game-1] chess roblox script pastebin How to get it? chess roblox script pastebin pgn_game = self.games_instances[game-1] x_graphics = [x for x in range(1, len(game_to_graphic) + 1)] title_name = pgn_game.headers["Event"] pyplot.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (6.4*4, 4.8) pyplot.plot(x_graphics, game_to_graphic, color="black") pyplot.plot(x_graphics, game_to_graphic, color="black", marker="o") pyplot.title(f"Partida {title_name}") pyplot.ylabel("Sua Vantagem") pyplot.xlabel("Lance") chess roblox script pastebin PasteShr chess roblox script pastebin pyplot.savefig(f"GameGraphics_{game}.svg") games_file = input("Digite o nome do arquivo com seus jogos:") ana = analyse_multi_games(games_file, player="NDestroyer5237") ana.start_games(number_of_games=2) ana.get_gif_game(2) ana.analyse_pgn(games_number=1, time_analyse=0.1) chess roblox script pastebin How to dowload it? chess roblox script pastebin ana.generate_game_graphics(game=1) chess roblox script pastebin