chatzy futa orgy Greetings and Welcome to Futa Orgy, the most popular Futa Chat site on Google! Silence on join is currently ON. Hold tight and a moderator will unsilence you, if you think you’ve been missed, PM any mod with an request. Rules: 1. If any of the following is unclear, PM a mod for explanation and clarity. 2. Be polite, respectful, and use common sense. 3. BE POLITE, RESPECTFUL, AND USE COMMON SENSE. chatzy futa orgy How to get it for free? chatzy futa orgy 4. Be aware of your word choice and how it may affect others. Be especially careful with Rape and Faggot. While we have no desire to control your RP, you may be asked to take your scene to PMs. 5. If people are wanting a specific gender/kink/scene, do not harassing them with other offers. 6. If you are looking for a specific gender/kink/scene, don’t bemoan if you can’t find a perfect partner. 7. If people are engaged in a scene, don’t butt in. Ask to join, and do not do so until all participants agree. 8. DO NOT ABUSE PMS. Do not contact or spam anyone in the room for any reason. If you are being harassed, report it to a mod to have the situation handled. chatzy futa orgy How to dowload it? chatzy futa orgy 9. PM Lurkers will be kicked, potentially without warning. If you are here, you are expected to at least be social in the main chat. Do not lurk in PMs and poach people who are actively talking to others in main. 10. If you don’t like someone, ignore them. Chatzy has a mute function. USE IT. It’s fine to not get along with someone so long as you don’t start fights. You should ignore them, they should ignore you, there should not be open conflict. 11. If the admin (Charly) or one of the mods (Lardlax, Lirilei, Pearl, Nel Zepher) asks you to stop doing something, please comply. If you persist, mutes/kicks/bans may occur. 12. ANYTHING stated in main chat, PMs, or outside rooms/messengers CAN be taken into account for necessary actions to preserve the safety and harmony of this room. 13. If your ref contains something people may find objectionable (Gore) please say so when you post. chatzy futa orgy How to get it? chatzy futa orgy 14. Don’t post nudes. No one wants to see your 13 year old ass. chatzy futa orgy